Flutter Engine
The Flutter Engine
Development for package:dds

One way to get stdout from files in DDS while debugging is to log messages to a file. You can add a method such as:

void _fileLog(String message) {
final file = File('/tmp/dds.log');
if (!file.existsSync()) {
mode: FileMode.append,
flush: true,

Then you can call ‘_fileLog('some print debugging message’)`, and the log message will be written to a temp file.

To get logging output in real time, run tail -f /tmp/dds.log.

Making changes to <tt>package:dds</tt> and <tt>package:devtools_shared</tt>

If you do not need to build the Dart SDK to test your changes, you can add a dependency_overrides for devtools_shared that points to your local devtools_shared directory from path:

path: ../../relative_path_to/devtools/packages/devtools_shared

If you do need to build the Dart SDK to test your changes, in addition to adding the dependency override above, you will need to add a symbolic link to your local devtools_shared directory:

From the sdk/ directory, run:

rm -rf third_party/devtools/devtools_shared;
ln -s /absolute_path_to/devtools/packages/devtools_shared third_party/devtools/devtools_shared

WARNING: do not run gclient sync -D while the symbolic link is present, as this could cause issues with your local devtools_shared code.

To delete the symbolic link after you are done with development, run:

rm -rf third_party/devtools/devtools_shared