Flutter Engine
The Flutter Engine
The Engine Tool

Open `e: engine-tool` issues

This is a command line Dart program that automates workflows in the flutter/engine repository.

‍[!NOTE] This tool is under development and is not yet ready for general use. Consider filing a feature request.


The tool requires an initial gclient sync -D as described in the repo setup steps before it will work.


The tool has the following commands.

  • help - Prints helpful information about commands and usage.
  • build - Builds the Flutter engine.
  • fetch - Downloads Flutter engine dependencies.
  • format - Formats files in the engine tree using various off-the-shelf formatters.
  • run - Runs a flutter application with a local build of the engine.
  • query builds - Lists the CI builds described under ci/builders that the host platform is capable of executing.

Missing features

There are currently many missing features. Some overall goals are listed in the GitHub issue here. Some desirable new features would do the following:

  • Add a doctor command.
  • Update the engine checkout so that engine developers no longer have to remember to run gclient sync -D.
  • Build and test the engine using CI configurations locally, with the possibility to override or add new build options and targets.
  • Build engines using options coming only from the command line.
  • List tests and run them locally, automatically building their dependencies first. Automatically start emulators or simulators if they're needed to run a test.
  • Spawn individual builders remotely using led from depot_tools.
  • Encapsulate all code formatters, checkers, linters, etc. for all languages.
  • Find a compatible version of the flutter/flutter repo, check it out, and spawn tests from that repo with a locally built engine to run on an emulator, simulator or device.
  • Use a real logging package for prettier terminal output.
  • Wire the tool up to a package providing autocomplete like cli_completion.

The way the current tooling in the engine repo works may need to be rewritten, especially tests spawned by run_tests.py, in order to provide this interface.


  • Follow the Flutter style guide for Dart code that are relevant outside of the framework repo. It contains conventions that go beyond code formatting, which we'll follow even if using dart format in the future.
  • Do not call directly into dart:io except from main.dart. Instead access the system only through the Enviroment object.
  • All commands must have unit tests. If some functionality needs a fake implementation, then write a fake implementation.
  • When adding or changing functionality, update this README.md file.
  • Begin with the end in mind - Start working from what the interface provided by this tool should be, then modify underlying scripts and tools to provide APIs to support that.

Run tests using //flutter/testing/run_tests.py:

testing/run_tests.py --type dart-host --dart-host-filter flutter/tools/engine_tool