Flutter Engine
The Flutter Engine
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SkMaskCache Member List

This is the complete list of members for SkMaskCache, including all inherited members.

Add(SkScalar sigma, SkBlurStyle style, const SkRRect &rrect, const SkMask &mask, SkCachedData *data, SkResourceCache *localCache=nullptr)SkMaskCachestatic
Add(SkScalar sigma, SkBlurStyle style, const SkRect rects[], int count, const SkMask &mask, SkCachedData *data, SkResourceCache *localCache=nullptr)SkMaskCachestatic
FindAndRef(SkScalar sigma, SkBlurStyle style, const SkRRect &rrect, SkTLazy< SkMask > *mask, SkResourceCache *localCache=nullptr)SkMaskCachestatic
FindAndRef(SkScalar sigma, SkBlurStyle style, const SkRect rects[], int count, SkTLazy< SkMask > *mask, SkResourceCache *localCache=nullptr)SkMaskCachestatic