Flutter Engine
The Flutter Engine
This is the complete list of members for GrVkCommandBuffer, including all inherited members.
addGrBuffer(sk_sp< const GrBuffer > buffer) | GrVkCommandBuffer | inline |
addGrSurface(sk_sp< const GrSurface > surface) | GrVkCommandBuffer | inline |
addingWork(const GrVkGpu *gpu) | GrVkCommandBuffer | protected |
addRecycledResource(gr_rp< const GrRecycledResource > resource) | GrVkCommandBuffer | inline |
addRecycledResource(const GrRecycledResource *resource) | GrVkCommandBuffer | inline |
addResource(sk_sp< const GrManagedResource > resource) | GrVkCommandBuffer | inline |
addResource(const GrManagedResource *resource) | GrVkCommandBuffer | inline |
BarrierType enum name | GrVkCommandBuffer | |
bindDescriptorSets(const GrVkGpu *gpu, VkPipelineLayout layout, uint32_t firstSet, uint32_t setCount, const VkDescriptorSet *descriptorSets, uint32_t dynamicOffsetCount, const uint32_t *dynamicOffsets) | GrVkCommandBuffer | |
bindIndexBuffer(GrVkGpu *gpu, sk_sp< const GrBuffer > buffer) | GrVkCommandBuffer | |
bindInputBuffer(GrVkGpu *gpu, uint32_t binding, sk_sp< const GrBuffer > buffer) | GrVkCommandBuffer | |
bindPipeline(const GrVkGpu *gpu, sk_sp< const GrVkPipeline > pipeline) | GrVkCommandBuffer | |
clearAttachments(const GrVkGpu *gpu, int numAttachments, const VkClearAttachment *attachments, int numRects, const VkClearRect *clearRects) | GrVkCommandBuffer | |
draw(const GrVkGpu *gpu, uint32_t vertexCount, uint32_t instanceCount, uint32_t firstVertex, uint32_t firstInstance) | GrVkCommandBuffer | |
drawIndexed(const GrVkGpu *gpu, uint32_t indexCount, uint32_t instanceCount, uint32_t firstIndex, int32_t vertexOffset, uint32_t firstInstance) | GrVkCommandBuffer | |
drawIndexedIndirect(const GrVkGpu *gpu, sk_sp< const GrBuffer > indirectBuffer, VkDeviceSize offset, uint32_t drawCount, uint32_t stride) | GrVkCommandBuffer | |
drawIndirect(const GrVkGpu *gpu, sk_sp< const GrBuffer > indirectBuffer, VkDeviceSize offset, uint32_t drawCount, uint32_t stride) | GrVkCommandBuffer | |
fActiveRenderPass | GrVkCommandBuffer | protected |
fBarriersByRegion | GrVkCommandBuffer | protected |
fBoundIndexBuffer | GrVkCommandBuffer | protected |
fBoundInputBuffers | GrVkCommandBuffer | protected |
fBufferBarriers | GrVkCommandBuffer | protected |
fCachedBlendConstant | GrVkCommandBuffer | protected |
fCachedScissor | GrVkCommandBuffer | protected |
fCachedViewport | GrVkCommandBuffer | protected |
fCmdBuffer | GrVkCommandBuffer | protected |
fDstStageMask | GrVkCommandBuffer | protected |
fHasWork | GrVkCommandBuffer | protected |
fImageBarriers | GrVkCommandBuffer | protected |
fIsActive | GrVkCommandBuffer | protected |
fIsWrapped | GrVkCommandBuffer | protected |
freeGPUData(const GrGpu *gpu, VkCommandPool pool) const | GrVkCommandBuffer | |
fSrcStageMask | GrVkCommandBuffer | protected |
fTrackedGpuBuffers | GrVkCommandBuffer | protected |
fTrackedGpuSurfaces | GrVkCommandBuffer | protected |
fTrackedRecycledResources | GrVkCommandBuffer | protected |
fTrackedResources | GrVkCommandBuffer | protected |
GrVkCommandBuffer(VkCommandBuffer cmdBuffer, bool isWrapped=false) | GrVkCommandBuffer | inlineprotected |
hasWork() const | GrVkCommandBuffer | inline |
invalidateState() | GrVkCommandBuffer | |
isWrapped() const | GrVkCommandBuffer | inlineprotected |
kBufferMemory_BarrierType enum value | GrVkCommandBuffer | |
kImageMemory_BarrierType enum value | GrVkCommandBuffer | |
kMaxInputBuffers | GrVkCommandBuffer | protectedstatic |
onFreeGPUData(const GrVkGpu *gpu) const =0 | GrVkCommandBuffer | protectedpure virtual |
onReleaseResources() | GrVkCommandBuffer | inlineprotectedvirtual |
pipelineBarrier(const GrVkGpu *gpu, const GrManagedResource *resource, VkPipelineStageFlags srcStageMask, VkPipelineStageFlags dstStageMask, bool byRegion, BarrierType barrierType, void *barrier) | GrVkCommandBuffer | |
pushConstants(const GrVkGpu *gpu, VkPipelineLayout layout, VkShaderStageFlags stageFlags, uint32_t offset, uint32_t size, const void *values) | GrVkCommandBuffer | |
releaseResources() | GrVkCommandBuffer | |
setBlendConstants(const GrVkGpu *gpu, const float blendConstants[4]) | GrVkCommandBuffer | |
setScissor(const GrVkGpu *gpu, uint32_t firstScissor, uint32_t scissorCount, const VkRect2D *scissors) | GrVkCommandBuffer | |
setViewport(const GrVkGpu *gpu, uint32_t firstViewport, uint32_t viewportCount, const VkViewport *viewports) | GrVkCommandBuffer | |
submitPipelineBarriers(const GrVkGpu *gpu, bool forSelfDependency=false) | GrVkCommandBuffer | protected |
TrackedResourceArray typedef | GrVkCommandBuffer | protected |
~GrVkCommandBuffer() | GrVkCommandBuffer | inlinevirtual |