Flutter Engine
The Flutter Engine
This is the complete list of members for GrD3DCommandList, including all inherited members.
addFinishedCallback(sk_sp< skgpu::RefCntedCallback > callback) | GrD3DCommandList | |
addGrBuffer(sk_sp< const GrBuffer > buffer) | GrD3DCommandList | inline |
addingWork() | GrD3DCommandList | protected |
addRecycledResource(sk_sp< GrRecycledResource > resource) | GrD3DCommandList | inline |
addResource(sk_sp< GrManagedResource > resource) | GrD3DCommandList | inlineprotected |
aliasingBarrier(sk_sp< GrManagedResource > beforeManagedResource, ID3D12Resource *beforeResource, sk_sp< GrManagedResource > afterManagedResource, ID3D12Resource *afterResource) | GrD3DCommandList | |
close() | GrD3DCommandList | |
copyBufferToBuffer(sk_sp< GrD3DBuffer > dstBuffer, uint64_t dstOffset, ID3D12Resource *srcBuffer, uint64_t srcOffset, uint64_t numBytes) | GrD3DCommandList | |
copyBufferToTexture(ID3D12Resource *srcBuffer, const GrD3DTextureResource *dstTexture, uint32_t subresourceCount, D3D12_PLACED_SUBRESOURCE_FOOTPRINT *bufferFootprints, int left, int top) | GrD3DCommandList | |
copyTextureRegionToBuffer(sk_sp< const GrBuffer > dst, const D3D12_TEXTURE_COPY_LOCATION *dstLocation, UINT dstX, UINT dstY, sk_sp< GrManagedResource > src, const D3D12_TEXTURE_COPY_LOCATION *srcLocation, const D3D12_BOX *srcBox) | GrD3DCommandList | |
copyTextureRegionToTexture(sk_sp< GrManagedResource > dst, const D3D12_TEXTURE_COPY_LOCATION *dstLocation, UINT dstX, UINT dstY, sk_sp< GrManagedResource > src, const D3D12_TEXTURE_COPY_LOCATION *srcLocation, const D3D12_BOX *srcBox) | GrD3DCommandList | |
copyTextureToTexture(const GrD3DTexture *dst, const GrD3DTexture *src, UINT subresourceIndex=-1) | GrD3DCommandList | |
fCommandList | GrD3DCommandList | protected |
fTrackedGpuBuffers | GrD3DCommandList | protected |
fTrackedRecycledResources | GrD3DCommandList | protected |
fTrackedResources | GrD3DCommandList | protected |
GrD3DCommandList(gr_cp< ID3D12CommandAllocator > allocator, gr_cp< ID3D12GraphicsCommandList > commandList) | GrD3DCommandList | protected |
hasWork() const | GrD3DCommandList | inline |
onReset() | GrD3DCommandList | inlineprotectedvirtual |
releaseResources() | GrD3DCommandList | |
reset() | GrD3DCommandList | |
resourceBarrier(sk_sp< GrManagedResource > managedResource, int numBarriers, const D3D12_RESOURCE_TRANSITION_BARRIER *barriers) | GrD3DCommandList | |
SkDEBUGCODE(bool fIsActive=true;) bool fHasWork | GrD3DCommandList | protected |
submit(ID3D12CommandQueue *queue) | GrD3DCommandList | |
submitResourceBarriers() | GrD3DCommandList | protected |
SubmitResult enum name | GrD3DCommandList | |
TrackedResourceArray typedef | GrD3DCommandList | protected |
uavBarrier(sk_sp< GrManagedResource > managedResource, ID3D12Resource *uavResource) | GrD3DCommandList | |
~GrD3DCommandList() | GrD3DCommandList | inlinevirtual |