Flutter Engine
The Flutter Engine
Updating malioc

Flutter uses malioc from the Arm Mobile Studio to statically analyze Impeller's shaders. See impeller/tools/malioc_diff.py for more information about that.

The files in this directory are instructions for updating the flutter_internal CIPD package that CI uses to obtain malioc.


  1. Download the Arm Mobile Studio from Arm
  2. Extract the .zip archive into a directory called arm-tools sibling to this file.
  3. Check that the arm-tools directory contains a child directory mali_offline_compiler. If it instead contains a child directory which is something like Arm_Mobile_Studio_2022.4, then copy the contents of that directory to arm-tools instead.
  4. Run the generate.sh script in this directory.
  5. Verify that the file appears here.
  6. Update .ci.yaml to refer to the new version tag echoed by generate.sh.
  7. Delete the arm-tools directory