Flutter Engine
The Flutter Engine
This is the complete list of members for dart::kernel::KernelLoader, including all inherited members.
BuildingTranslationHelper | dart::kernel::KernelLoader | friend |
FindModifiedLibraries(Program *program, IsolateGroup *isolate_group, BitVector *modified_libs, bool force_reload, bool *is_empty_program, intptr_t *p_num_classes, intptr_t *p_num_procedures) | dart::kernel::KernelLoader | static |
FindSourceForScript(const uint8_t *kernel_buffer, intptr_t kernel_buffer_length, const String &url) | dart::kernel::KernelLoader | static |
FinishLoading(const Class &klass) | dart::kernel::KernelLoader | static |
GetClosureFunction(Thread *thread, intptr_t func_decl_offset, const Function &member_function, const Function &parent_function, const Object &closure_owner) | dart::kernel::KernelLoader | static |
index_programs(kernel::Reader *reader, GrowableArray< intptr_t > *subprogram_file_starts) | dart::kernel::KernelLoader | static |
KernelLoader(Program *program, DirectChainedHashMap< UriToSourceTableTrait > *uri_to_source_table) | dart::kernel::KernelLoader | explicit |
LoadEntireProgram(Program *program, bool process_pending_classes=true) | dart::kernel::KernelLoader | static |
LoadExpressionEvaluationFunction(const String &library_url, const String &klass) | dart::kernel::KernelLoader | |
LoadLibrary(const Library &library) | dart::kernel::KernelLoader | |
LoadProgram(bool process_pending_classes=true) | dart::kernel::KernelLoader | |
ReadLoadingUnits() | dart::kernel::KernelLoader | |
ReadObfuscationProhibitions() | dart::kernel::KernelLoader | |
ValueObject() | dart::ValueObject | inline |
~ValueObject() | dart::ValueObject | inline |