5"""This module provides shared functionality for systems to generate
6Dart APIs from the IDL database."""
13from functools
import cmp_to_key
14from itertools
import zip_longest
15from htmlrenamer
import custom_html_constructors, html_interface_renames, \
18_pure_interfaces =
'generator._pure_interfaces', [
23 'DocumentFontFaceSet',
25 'DocumentXPathEvaluator',
29 'GlobalEventHandlers',
30 'ImageBitmapFactories',
31 'MediaQueryListListener',
32 'MouseEventHitRegion',
41 'SVGExternalResourcesRequired',
42 'SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes',
50 'WebGLRenderingContextBase',
52 'WindowEventHandlers',
53 'WindowImageBitmapFactories',
59 'generator._safe_interfaces',
78 'WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES',
95 'SpeechRecognitionResultList',
96 'SQLResultSetRowList',
102_safe_interfaces_legacy =
'generator._safe_interfaces_legacy', [
103 'ANGLEInstancedArrays',
106 'NonDocumentTypeChildNode',
107 'CHROMIUMSubscribeUniform',
108 'CHROMIUMValuebuffer',
116 'DeprecatedStorageInfo',
117 'DeprecatedStorageQuota',
118 'DeviceAcceleration',
119 'DeviceRotationRate',
122 'DirectoryEntrySync',
123 'DirectoryReaderSync',
124 'NonElementParentNode',
127 'EXTShaderTextureLOD',
128 'EXTTextureFilterAnisotropic',
135 'FontFaceSetLoadEvent',
140 'MediaStreamTrackEvent',
142 'NavigatorStorageUtils',
144 'NavigatorUserMediaError',
145 'OESElementIndexUint',
146 'OESStandardDerivatives',
148 'OESTextureFloatLinear',
149 'OESTextureHalfFloat',
150 'OESTextureHalfFloatLinear',
151 'OESVertexArrayObject',
152 'PagePopupController',
153 'PluginPlaceholderElement',
157 'RTCDataChannelEvent',
160 'ReadableByteStreamReader',
161 'ReadableStreamReader',
162 'ResourceProgressEvent',
168 'SpeechRecognitionAlternative',
169 'SpeechRecognitionResult',
171 'SpeechSynthesisVoice',
174 'WebGL2RenderingContextBase',
175 'WebGLCompressedTextureATC',
176 'WebGLCompressedTextureETC1',
177 'WebGLCompressedTexturePVRTC',
178 'WebGLCompressedTextureS3TC',
179 'WebGLDebugRendererInfo',
193def IsPureInterface(interface_name, database):
194 if (interface_name
in _pure_interfaces):
196 if (interface_name
in _safe_interfaces
197 interface_name
in _safe_interfaces_legacy
198 database.HasInterface(interface_name)):
201 interface = database.GetInterface(interface_name)
203 if 'Constructor' in interface.ext_attrs:
206 return interface.is_no_interface_object
214 'generator._suppressed_native_constructors', [
221 list(typed_array_renames.keys()))
224def IsCustomType(interface_name):
225 return interface_name
in _custom_types
229 'generator._methods_with_named_formals', [
230 'DirectoryEntry.getDirectory',
231 'DirectoryEntry.getFile',
234 'HTMLInputElement.setRangeText',
235 'HTMLTextAreaElement.setRangeText',
236 'XMLHttpRequest.open',
240def hasNamedFormals(full_name):
241 return full_name
in _methods_with_named_formals
244def ReturnValueConversionHack(idl_type, value, interface_name):
245 if idl_type ==
246 return '%sTearOff::create(%s)' % (idl_type, value)
247 elif ((idl_type ==
'SVGAngle' and interface_name !=
248 (idl_type ==
'SVGTransform' and interface_name ==
251 return 'SVGPropertyTearOff<%s>::create(%s)' % (idl_type, value)
259_dart_attribute_renames =
'generator._dart_attribute_renames', {
260 'default':
267interface_factories =
'generator.interface_factories', {})
273 'generator._dart2js_dom_custom_native_specs',
280 'AnalyserNode,RealtimeAnalyserNode',
282 'AudioContext,webkitAudioContext',
284 'ChannelMergerNode,AudioChannelMerger',
285 'ChannelSplitterNode':
286 'ChannelSplitterNode,AudioChannelSplitter',
288 'ClientRect,DOMRect',
290 'ClientRectList,DOMRectList',
291 'CSSStyleDeclaration':
293 'CSSStyleDeclaration,MSStyleCSSProperties,CSS2Properties',
295 'ApplicationCache,DOMApplicationCache,OfflineResourceList',
298 'DirectoryEntry,webkitFileSystemDirectoryEntry,FileSystemDirectoryEntry',
301 'DirectoryReader,WebKitDirectoryReader,webkitFileSystemDirectoryReader,FileSystemDirectoryReader',
304 'DOMFileSystem,WebKitFileSystem,webkitFileSystem,FileSystem',
307 'Entry,webkitFileSystemEntry,FileSystemEntry',
309 'Event,InputEvent,SubmitEvent',
312 'FileEntry,webkitFileSystemFileEntry,FileSystemFileEntry',
313 'HTMLTableCellElement':
314 'HTMLTableCellElement,HTMLTableDataCellElement,HTMLTableHeaderCellElement',
316 'GainNode,AudioGainNode',
318 'IDBOpenDBRequest,IDBVersionChangeRequest',
320 'MouseEvent,DragEvent',
322 'MutationObserver,WebKitMutationObserver',
324 'NamedNodeMap,MozNamedAttrMap',
326 'NodeList,RadioNodeList',
328 'OscillatorNode,Oscillator',
330 'PannerNode,AudioPannerNode,webkitAudioPannerNode',
332 'Position,GeolocationPosition',
334 'PositionError,GeolocationPositionError',
336 'RTCPeerConnection,webkitRTCPeerConnection,mozRTCPeerConnection',
338 'RTCIceCandidate,mozRTCIceCandidate',
339 'RTCSessionDescription':
340 'RTCSessionDescription,mozRTCSessionDescription',
342 'RTCDataChannel,DataChannel',
343 'ScriptProcessorNode':
344 'ScriptProcessorNode,JavaScriptAudioNode',
346 'SpeechRecognition,webkitSpeechRecognition',
348 'TransitionEvent,WebKitTransitionEvent',
350 'CSSKeyframeRule,MozCSSKeyframeRule,WebKitCSSKeyframeRule',
352 'CSSKeyframesRule,MozCSSKeyframesRule,WebKitCSSKeyframesRule',
356 'ANGLEInstancedArrays':
357 'ANGLEInstancedArrays,ANGLE_instanced_arrays',
361 'EXTBlendMinMax,EXT_blend_minmax',
363 'EXTFragDepth,EXT_frag_depth',
364 'EXTShaderTextureLOD':
365 'EXTShaderTextureLOD,EXT_shader_texture_lod',
366 'EXTTextureFilterAnisotropic':
367 'EXTTextureFilterAnisotropic,EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic',
368 'OESElementIndexUint':
369 'OESElementIndexUint,OES_element_index_uint',
370 'OESStandardDerivatives':
371 'OESStandardDerivatives,OES_standard_derivatives',
373 'OESTextureFloat,OES_texture_float',
374 'OESTextureFloatLinear':
375 'OESTextureFloatLinear,OES_texture_float_linear',
376 'OESTextureHalfFloat':
377 'OESTextureHalfFloat,OES_texture_half_float',
378 'OESTextureHalfFloatLinear':
379 'OESTextureHalfFloatLinear,OES_texture_half_float_linear',
380 'OESVertexArrayObject':
381 'OESVertexArrayObject,OES_vertex_array_object',
382 'WebGLCompressedTextureATC':
383 'WebGLCompressedTextureATC,WEBGL_compressed_texture_atc',
384 'WebGLCompressedTextureETC1':
385 'WebGLCompressedTextureETC1,WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc1',
386 'WebGLCompressedTexturePVRTC':
387 'WebGLCompressedTexturePVRTC,WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc',
388 'WebGLCompressedTextureS3TC':
389 'WebGLCompressedTextureS3TC,WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc',
390 'WebGLDebugRendererInfo':
391 'WebGLDebugRendererInfo,WEBGL_debug_renderer_info',
393 'WebGLDebugShaders,WEBGL_debug_shaders',
395 'WebGLDepthTexture,WEBGL_depth_texture',
397 'WebGLDrawBuffers,WEBGL_draw_buffers',
399 'WebGLLoseContext,WebGLExtensionLoseContext,WEBGL_lose_context',
404def IsRegisteredType(type_name):
405 return type_name
in _idl_type_registry
408def MakeNativeSpec(javascript_binding_name):
409 if javascript_binding_name
in _dart2js_dom_custom_native_specs:
410 return _dart2js_dom_custom_native_specs[javascript_binding_name]
414 return javascript_binding_name
417def MatchSourceFilter(thing):
418 return 'WebKit' in thing.annotations
or 'Dart' in thing.annotations
422class MultitypeSortKey:
424 def __init__(self, value):
427 def __lt__(self, other):
429 return self.value < other.value
431 return str(
type(self)) < str(
434class ParamInfo(object):
435 """Holder for various information about a parameter of a Dart operation.
438 name: Name of parameter.
439 type_id: Original type id. None for merged types.
440 is_optional: Parameter optionality.
443 def __init__(self, name, type_id, is_optional, is_nullable, default_value,
444 default_value_is_null):
446 self.type_id = type_id
447 self.is_optional = is_optional
448 self.is_nullable = is_nullable
449 self.default_value = default_value
450 self.default_value_is_null = default_value_is_null
453 return ParamInfo(self.name, self.type_id, self.is_optional,
454 self.is_nullable, self.default_value,
455 self.default_value_is_null)
458 content = (
'name = %s, type_id = %s, is_optional = %s, '
459 'is_nullable = %s, default_value = %s, '
460 'default_value_is_null %s') % (
461 self.name, self.type_id, self.is_optional,
462 self.is_nullable, self.default_value,
463 self.default_value_is_null)
464 return '<ParamInfo(%s)>' % content
467def GetCallbackHandlers(interface):
468 callback_handlers = []
469 callback_handlers = [
470 operation
for operation
in interface.operations
471 if operation.id ==
'handleEvent' or operation.id ==
473 if callback_handlers == []:
474 callback_handlers = [
475 operation
for operation
in interface.operations
476 if operation.id ==
478 return callback_handlers
481def GetCallbackInfo(interface):
482 """For the given interface, find operations that take callbacks (for use in
483 auto-transforming callbacks into futures)."""
484 callback_handlers = GetCallbackHandlers(interface)
485 return AnalyzeOperation(interface, callback_handlers)
489def _BuildArguments(args, interface, constructor=False):
494 def IsOptional(argument):
495 if 'Callback' in argument.ext_attrs:
498 return argument.optional
502 return argument.optional
503 if 'DartForceOptional' in argument.ext_attrs:
508 def OverloadedName(args):
509 return '_OR_'.
for arg
in args)))
511 def DartType(idl_type_name):
512 if idl_type_name
in _idl_type_registry:
513 return _idl_type_registry[idl_type_name].dart_type
or idl_type_name
517 def OverloadedType(args):
518 type_ids = sorted(
for arg
in args))
519 if len(
for arg
in args)) == 1:
524 nullable = nullable
or getattr(arg.type,
or \
525 'TreatNullAs' in arg.ext_attrs
526 return (type_ids[0], nullable)
531 def OverloadedDefault(args):
532 defaults = sorted(
for arg
in args),
533 key=MultitypeSortKey)
534 if len(
for arg
in args)) == 1:
537 null_default = null_default
or arg.default_value_is_null
538 return (defaults[0], null_default)
547 for arg_tuple
in list(zip_longest(*args)):
548 is_optional = is_optional
or any(
549 arg
is None or IsOptional(arg)
for arg
in arg_tuple)
550 filtered = list(filter(
None, arg_tuple))
551 (type_id, is_nullable) = OverloadedType(filtered)
552 name = OverloadedName(filtered)
553 (default_value, default_value_is_null) = OverloadedDefault(filtered)
557 optional_argument =
is None or arg.optional
558 'DartForceOptional' in arg.ext_attrs
for arg
in arg_tuple)
560 if optional_argument
and (default_value ==
'Undefined' or
561 default_value ==
None or default_value_is_null):
565 ParamInfo(name, type_id, is_optional, is_nullable, default_value,
566 default_value_is_null))
575def HasSuppressedOptionalDefault(argument):
577 argument.default_value ==
or argument.default_value_is_null
580def IsOptional(argument):
581 return argument.optional
and (not(HasSuppressedOptionalDefault(argument))) \
582 or 'DartForceOptional' in argument.ext_attrs
584def OperationTypeIsNullable(operation):
585 if hasattr(operation.type,
586 if operation.type.nullable:
588 if operation.type.id ==
594def AnalyzeOperation(interface, operations):
595 """Makes operation calling convention decision for a set of overloads.
597 Returns: An OperationInfo object.
600 split_operations = []
601 for operation
in operations:
602 for i
in range(0,
603 if IsOptional(operation.arguments[i]):
604 new_operation = copy.deepcopy(operation)
605 new_operation.arguments = new_operation.arguments[:i]
606 split_operations.append(new_operation)
607 split_operations.append(operation)
610 info = OperationInfo()
611 info.operations = operations
612 info.overloads = split_operations
613 info.declared_name = operations[0].id
614 info.name = operations[0].ext_attrs.get(
'DartName', info.declared_name)
615 info.constructor_name =
616 info.js_name = info.declared_name
617 info.type_name = operations[0].type.id
618 info.type_nullable = OperationTypeIsNullable(operations[0])
619 info.param_infos = _BuildArguments(
620 [op.arguments
for op
in split_operations], interface)
621 full_name =
'%s.%s' % (interface.id, info.declared_name)
622 info.requires_named_arguments = full_name
in _methods_with_named_formals
625 info.callback_args = []
629def ConvertToFuture(info):
630 """Given an OperationInfo object, convert the operation's signature so that it
631 instead uses futures instead of callbacks."""
632 new_info = copy.deepcopy(info)
634 def IsNotCallbackType(param):
635 type_id = param.type_id
639 return 'Callback' not in type_id
642 new_info.callback_args = list(
643 filter(
lambda x:
not IsNotCallbackType(x), new_info.param_infos))
644 new_info.param_infos = list(filter(IsNotCallbackType, new_info.param_infos))
645 new_info.type_name =
650def AnalyzeConstructor(interface):
651 """Returns an OperationInfo object for the constructor.
653 Returns None if the interface has no Constructor.
655 if interface.id
in _suppressed_native_constructors:
658 if 'Constructor' in interface.ext_attrs:
660 overloads = interface.ext_attrs[
661 idl_args = [[]
if f
is None else f.arguments
for f
in overloads]
662 elif 'NamedConstructor' in interface.ext_attrs:
663 func_value = interface.ext_attrs.get(
664 idl_args = [func_value.arguments]
669 info = OperationInfo()
670 info.overloads =
671 info.idl_args = idl_args
672 info.declared_name = name
674 info.constructor_name = (
'_' if interface.id
in custom_html_constructors
677 info.type_name = interface.id
678 info.param_infos = _BuildArguments(idl_args, interface, constructor=
679 info.requires_named_arguments =
680 info.pure_dart_constructor =
684def IsDartListType(type):
685 return type ==
'List' or type.startswith(
688def IsDartCollectionType(type):
689 return IsDartListType(type)
692def FindMatchingAttribute(interface, attr1):
693 matches = [attr2
for attr2
in interface.attributes
if attr1.id == attr2.id]
695 assert len(matches) == 1
700def DartDomNameOfAttribute(attr):
701 """Returns the Dart name for an IDLAttribute.
703 attr.id is the
'native' or JavaScript name.
705 To ensure uniformity, work
with the true IDL name until
as late a possible,
706 e.g. translate to the Dart name when generating Dart code.
709 name = _dart_attribute_renames.get(name, name)
710 name = attr.ext_attrs.get('DartName',
or name
714def TypeOrNothing(dart_type, comment=None, nullable=False):
715 """Returns string for declaring something with |dart_type| in a context
716 where a type may be omitted.
717 The string is empty
or has a trailing space.
719 nullability_operator = '?' if nullable
else ''
720 if dart_type ==
722 return '/*%s*/ ' % comment
726 return dart_type + nullability_operator +
' '
729def TypeOrVar(dart_type, comment=None):
730 """Returns string for declaring something with |dart_type| in a context
731 where if a type
is omitted,
'var' must be used instead.
732 if dart_type ==
734 return 'var /*%s*/' % comment
741class OperationInfo(object):
742 """Holder for various derived information from a set of overloaded operations.
745 overloads: A list of IDL operation overloads with the same name.
746 name: A string, the simple name of the operation.
747 constructor_name: A string, the name of the constructor iff the constructor
748 is named, e.g.
'fromList' in Int8Array.fromList(list).
749 type_name: A string, the name of the
return type of the operation.
750 type_nullable: Whether
or not the
return type
is nullable.
751 param_infos: A list of ParamInfo.
752 factory_parameters: A list of parameters used
for custom designed Factory
757 self.factory_parameters =
758 self.type_nullable =
760 def ParametersAsDecVarLists(self, rename_type, force_optional=False):
761 """ Returns a tuple (required, optional, named), where:
762 required is a list of parameter declarations corresponding to the
764 optional
is a list of parameter declarations corresponding to the
766 named
is a boolean which
is true
if the optional parameters should
768 A parameter declaration
is a tuple (dec, var) where var
is the
769 variable name,
and dec
is a string suitable
for declaring the
770 variable
in a parameter list. That
is, dec + var
is a valid
771 parameter declaration.
774 def FormatParam(param):
781 '__self__')
and rename_type.__self__._database.HasTypeDef(
783 dart_type =
785 dart_type = rename_type(
786 param.type_id)
if param.type_id
else 'dynamic'
788 if dart_type
is None and param.type_id.endswith(
789 dart_type = param.type_id
790 return (TypeOrNothing(dart_type, param.type_id, param.is_nullable
791 param.is_optional), param.name)
795 for param_info
in self.param_infos:
796 if param_info.is_optional:
797 optional.append(FormatParam(param_info))
801 'Optional parameters cannot precede required ones: ' +
803 required.append(FormatParam(param_info))
804 needs_named = optional
and self.requires_named_arguments
and not force_optional
805 return (required, optional, needs_named)
807 def ParametersAsDecStringList(self, rename_type, force_optional=False):
808 """Returns a list of strings where each string corresponds to a parameter
809 declaration. All of the optional/named parameters if any will appear
810 a single entry at the end of the list.
812 (required, optional, needs_named) = \
813 self.ParametersAsDecVarLists(rename_type, force_optional)
815 def FormatParam(dec):
816 return dec[0] + dec[1]
818 argtexts = list(
map(FormatParam, required))
820 left_bracket, right_bracket =
'{}' if needs_named
else '[]'
821 argtexts.append(left_bracket +
822 ', '.
map(FormatParam, optional)) +
826 def ParametersAsDeclaration(self, rename_type, force_optional=False):
827 p_list = self.ParametersAsDecStringList(rename_type, force_optional)
828 return ', '.
830 def NumberOfRequiredInDart(self):
831 """ Returns a number of required arguments in Dart declaration of
834 return len(list(filter(
lambda i:
not i.is_optional, self.param_infos)))
836 def ParametersAsArgumentList(self,
837 parameter_count=None,
838 ignore_named_parameters=False):
839 """Returns a string of the parameter names suitable for passing the
840 parameters as arguments.
843 def param_name(param_info):
844 if self.requires_named_arguments
and param_info.is_optional
and not ignore_named_parameters:
845 return '%s : %s' % (param_info.name, param_info.name)
847 return param_info.name
849 if parameter_count
is None:
850 parameter_count =
851 return ', '.
map(param_name, self.param_infos[:parameter_count]))
853 """ Check if a parameter to a Future API is a Dictionary argument and if its optional.
854 Used for any Promised based operation to correctly convert
from Map to Dictionary then
855 perform the PromiseToFuture call.
858 def dictionaryArgumentName(self, parameter_count=None):
859 parameter_count =
860 for argument
in self.param_infos[:parameter_count]:
861 if argument.type_id ==
862 return [argument.name, argument.is_optional]
865 def isCallback(self, type_registry, type_id):
866 if type_id
and not type_id.endswith(
867 callback_type = type_registry._database._all_interfaces[type_id]
868 return callback_type.operations[0].id ==
'handleEvent' if len(
869 callback_type.operations) > 0
else False
873 def ParametersAsListOfVariables(self,
874 parameter_count=None,
876 dart_js_interop=False,
878 """Returns a list of the first parameter_count parameter names
881 isRemoveOperation = self.name == 'removeEventListener' or self.name ==
883 if parameter_count
is None:
884 parameter_count =
885 if not type_registry:
886 return [p.name
for p
in self.param_infos[:parameter_count]]
889 for p
in self.param_infos[:parameter_count]:
897 if (wrap_unwrap_type_blink(type_id, type_registry)):
898 type_is_callback = self.isCallback(type_registry, type_id)
899 if (dart_js_interop
and type_id ==
'EventListener' and
901 'addEventListener',
905 parameters.append(
'js.allowInterop(%s)' % p.name)
906 elif dart_js_interop
and type_is_callback
and not (
910 callback_type = type_registry._database._all_interfaces[
912 callback_args_decl = []
913 callback_args_call = []
914 for callback_arg
in callback_type.operations[
919 dart_type = type_registry.DartType(
920 callback_arg.type.id) +
' '
921 callback_args_decl.append(
922 '%s%s' % (dart_type, callback_arg.id))
923 if wrap_unwrap_type_blink(callback_arg.type.id,
925 callback_args_call.append(callback_arg.id)
927 callback_args_call.append(callback_arg.id)
929 '(%s) => %s(%s)' % (
", ".
931 ", ".
933 parameters.append(p.name)
936 conversion = backend._InputConversion(
937 p.type_id, self.declared_name)
941 passParam =
942 conversion.function_name, p.name)
945 parameters.append(passParam)
949 def ParametersAsStringOfVariables(self, parameter_count=None):
950 """Returns a string containing the first parameter_count parameter names
951 as raw variables, comma separated.
953 return ', '.
956 is_static = self.overloads[0].is_static
957 assert any([is_static == o.is_static
for o
in self.overloads])
960 def _ConstructorFullName(self, rename_type):
961 if self.constructor_name:
962 return rename_type(self.type_name) +
'.' + self.constructor_name
970 if self.type_name ==
return 'ByteBuffer'
971 return rename_type(self.type_name)
974def _ConstantOutputOrder(a, b):
975 """Canonical output ordering for constants."""
976 return (a.id > b.id) - (a.id < b.id)
979ConstantOutputOrder = cmp_to_key(_ConstantOutputOrder)
982def _FormatNameList(names):
983 """Returns JavaScript array literal expression with one name per line."""
986 expression_string = str(names)
988 expression_string =
',\n '.
989 expression_string = expression_string.replace(
'[\n ')
990 return expression_string
993def IndentText(text, indent):
994 """Format lines of text with indent."""
996 def FormatLine(line):
998 return '%s%s\n' % (indent, line)
1002 return ''.
for line
in text.split(
1007def TypeName(type_ids, interface):
1015class Conversion(object):
1016 """Represents a way of converting between types."""
1018 def __init__(self, name, input_type, output_type, nullable_input=False,
1019 nullable_output=False):
1024 self.function_name = name
1025 self.input_type = input_type
1026 self.output_type = output_type
1027 self.nullable_input = nullable_input
or input_type ==
1028 self.nullable_output = nullable_output
or output_type ==
1042_serialize_SSV = Conversion(
1043 'dynamic',
1046 'generator.dart2js_conversions',
1050 Conversion(
1052 Conversion(
1054 Conversion(
1059 Conversion(
1060 nullable_output=
1062 Conversion(
1063 'EventTarget', nullable_output=
1065 Conversion(
1066 'dynamic', nullable_input=
1067 'WebGLContextAttributes get':
1068 Conversion(
1069 'ContextAttributes'),
1071 Conversion(
1073 Conversion(
1074 nullable_input=
1076 Conversion(
1077 nullable_output=
1079 Conversion(
1080 nullable_input=
1081 'sequence<DOMString> set':
1082 Conversion(
1083 'any set IDBObjectStore.add':
1085 'any set IDBObjectStore.put':
1087 'any set IDBCursor.update':
1089 'any get SQLResultSetRowList.item':
1090 Conversion(
1091 nullable_output=
1094 'SerializedScriptValue set':
1096 'any set CompositorWorkerGlobalScope.postMessage':
1098 'any set DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope.postMessage':
1100 'any set MessagePort.postMessage':
1102 'any set Window.postMessage':
1104 'any set _DOMWindowCrossFrame.postMessage':
1106 'any set Worker.postMessage':
1108 'any set ServiceWorker.postMessage':
1110 '* get CustomEvent.detail':
1111 Conversion(
1115 '* get MessageEvent.data':
1116 Conversion(
1121 'any set History.pushState':
1123 'any set History.replaceState':
1125 '* get History.state':
1126 Conversion(
1128 '* get PopStateEvent.state':
1129 Conversion(
1135 '* get IDBCursorWithValue.value':
1136 Conversion(
1142 '* get IDBRequest.result':
1143 Conversion(
1147 '* get IDBCursor.source':
1151 '* get IDBObjectStore.keyPath':
1153 '* get XMLHttpRequest.response':
1154 Conversion(
1159def FindConversion(idl_type, direction, interface, member):
1160 table = dart2js_conversions
1161 return (table.get(
'%s %s %s.%s' % (idl_type, direction, interface, member))
1162 or table.get(
'* %s %s.%s' % (direction, interface, member))
1163 table.get(
'%s %s %s.*' % (idl_type, direction, interface))
1164 table.get(
'%s %s' % (idl_type, direction)))
1171class IDLTypeInfo(object):
1173 def __init__(self, idl_type, data):
1174 self._idl_type = idl_type
1178 return self._idl_type
1180 def dart_type(self):
1181 return self._data.dart_type
or self._idl_type
1183 def narrow_dart_type(self):
1184 return self.dart_type()
1186 def interface_name(self):
1187 raise NotImplementedError()
1189 def implementation_name(self):
1190 raise NotImplementedError()
1192 def has_generated_interface(self):
1193 raise NotImplementedError()
1195 def list_item_type(self):
1196 raise NotImplementedError()
1198 def merged_interface(self):
1201 def merged_into(self):
1204 def native_type(self):
1205 return self._data.native_type
or self._idl_type
1207 def bindings_class(self):
1208 return 'Dart%s' % self.idl_type()
1210 def vector_to_dart_template_parameter(self):
1211 return self.native_type()
1213 def to_native_info(self, idl_node, interface_name, callback_name):
1214 cls = self.bindings_class()
1216 if 'Callback' in idl_node.ext_attrs:
1217 return '%s.release()',
'OwnPtr<%s>' % self.native_type(
1221 if (self.native_type()
in [
1222 'SVGPropertyTearOff<SVGAngle>',
1224 ]
and (callback_name !=
'createSVGTransformFromMatrixCallback' or
1225 interface_name !=
1226 argument_expression_template =
1227 type =
'%s*' % self.native_type()
1228 elif self.custom_to_native():
1229 type =
'RefPtr<%s>' % self.native_type()
1230 argument_expression_template =
1232 type =
'%s*' % self.native_type()
1233 argument_expression_template =
1234 return argument_expression_template, type, cls,
1236 def pass_native_by_ref(self):
1239 def custom_to_native(self):
1240 return self._data.custom_to_native
1242 def parameter_type(self):
1243 return '%s*' % self.native_type()
1245 def webcore_includes(self):
1255 'Uint8ClampedArray',
1260 if self._idl_type
1261 return [
'<wtf/%s.h>' % self.native_type()]
1264 if self._idl_type ==
1265 return [
1267 if not self._idl_type.startswith(
1268 return [
'"%s.h"' % self.native_type()]
1270 include = self._idl_type
1271 return [
'"%s.h"' % include] + _svg_supplemental_includes
1276 def conversion_includes(self):
1277 includes = [self._idl_type] + (self._data.conversion_includes
or [])
1278 return [
'"Dart%s.h"' % include
for include
in includes]
1280 def to_dart_conversion(self, value, interface_name=None, attributes=None):
1281 return 'Dart%s::toDart(%s)' % (self._idl_type, value)
1283 def return_to_dart_conversion(self,
1285 auto_dart_scope_setup,
1286 interface_name=None,
1288 auto_dart_scope =
'true' if auto_dart_scope_setup
else 'false'
1289 return 'Dart%s::returnToDart(args, %s, %s)' % (
1291 ReturnValueConversionHack(self._idl_type, value,
1292 interface_name), auto_dart_scope)
1294 def custom_to_dart(self):
1295 return self._data.custom_to_dart
1298class InterfaceIDLTypeInfo(IDLTypeInfo):
1300 def __init__(self, idl_type, data, dart_interface_name, type_registry):
1301 super(InterfaceIDLTypeInfo, self).__init__(idl_type, data)
1302 self._dart_interface_name = dart_interface_name
1303 self._type_registry = type_registry
1305 def dart_type(self):
1306 if self._data.dart_type:
1307 return self._data.dart_type
1308 if self.list_item_type()
and not self.has_generated_interface():
1309 item_nullable =
'?' if self._data.item_type_nullable
else ''
1310 return 'List<%s%s>' % (self._type_registry.TypeInfo(
1311 self._data.item_type).dart_type(), item_nullable)
1312 return self._dart_interface_name
1314 def narrow_dart_type(self):
1315 if self.list_item_type():
1316 return self.implementation_name()
1319 if self._data.dart_type !=
1320 return self.dart_type()
1321 if IsPureInterface(self.idl_type(), self._type_registry._database):
1322 return self.idl_type()
1323 return self.interface_name()
1325 def interface_name(self):
1326 return self._dart_interface_name
1328 def implementation_name(self):
1329 implementation_name = self._dart_interface_name
1331 if not self.has_generated_interface():
1332 implementation_name =
'_%s' % implementation_name
1334 return implementation_name
1336 def native_type(self):
1337 database = self._type_registry._database
1339 if database.HasInterface(self.idl_type()):
1340 interface = database.GetInterface(self.idl_type())
1341 if 'ImplementedAs' in interface.ext_attrs:
1342 return interface.ext_attrs[
1343 return super(InterfaceIDLTypeInfo, self).native_type()
1345 def has_generated_interface(self):
1346 return not self._data.suppress_interface
1348 def list_item_type(self):
1349 return self._data.item_type
1351 def list_item_type_nullable(self):
1352 return self._data.item_type_nullable
1354 def merged_interface(self):
1369 return self._data.merged_interface
1371 def merged_into(self):
1372 return self._data.merged_into
1375class CallbackIDLTypeInfo(IDLTypeInfo):
1377 def __init__(self, idl_type, data):
1378 super(CallbackIDLTypeInfo, self).__init__(idl_type, data)
1380 def interface_name(self):
1381 return self.dart_type()
1383 def implementation_name(self):
1384 return self.dart_type()
1386 def list_item_type(self):
1387 return self._data.item_type
1391 matched = re.match(
r'([\w\d_\s]+)\[\]', data_type)
1394 return matched.group(1)
1397class SequenceIDLTypeInfo(IDLTypeInfo):
1399 def __init__(self, idl_type, data, item_info):
1400 super(SequenceIDLTypeInfo, self).__init__(idl_type, data)
1401 self._item_info = item_info
1403 def dart_type(self):
1404 darttype = self._item_info.dart_type()
1405 return 'List' if darttype
is None else 'List<%s>' % darttype
1407 def interface_name(self):
1408 return self.dart_type()
1410 def implementation_name(self):
1411 return self.dart_type()
1413 def vector_to_dart_template_parameter(self):
1414 raise Exception(
'sequences of sequences are not supported yet')
1416 def to_native_info(self, idl_node, interface_name, callback_name):
1417 item_native_type = self._item_info.vector_to_dart_template_parameter()
1418 if isinstance(self._item_info, PrimitiveIDLTypeInfo):
1419 return '%s',
'Vector<%s>' % item_native_type,
'toNativeVector<%s>' % item_native_type
1420 return '%s',
'Vector< RefPtr<%s> >' % item_native_type,
'toNativeVector< RefPtr<%s> >' % item_native_type
1422 def parameter_type(self):
1423 native_type = self.native_type()
1425 return 'const Vector<RefPtr<%s> > &' %
1429 def pass_native_by_ref(self):
1432 def to_dart_conversion(self, value, interface_name=None, attributes=None):
1433 if isinstance(self._item_info, PrimitiveIDLTypeInfo):
1434 return 'DartDOMWrapper::vectorToDart(%s)' % value
1435 return 'DartDOMWrapper::vectorToDart<%s>(%s)' % (
1436 self._item_info.bindings_class(), value)
1438 def return_to_dart_conversion(self,
1440 auto_dart_scope_setup=True,
1441 interface_name=None,
1443 return 'Dart_SetReturnValue(args, %s)' % self.to_dart_conversion(
1444 value, interface_name, attributes)
1446 def conversion_includes(self):
1447 return self._item_info.conversion_includes()
1450class DOMStringArrayTypeInfo(SequenceIDLTypeInfo):
1452 def __init__(self, data, item_info):
1453 super(DOMStringArrayTypeInfo, self).__init__(
'DOMString[]', data,
1456 def to_native_info(self, idl_node, interface_name, callback_name):
1457 return '%s',
1459 def pass_native_by_ref(self):
1462 def implementation_name(self):
1466class PrimitiveIDLTypeInfo(IDLTypeInfo):
1468 def __init__(self, idl_type, data):
1469 super(PrimitiveIDLTypeInfo, self).__init__(idl_type, data)
1471 def vector_to_dart_template_parameter(self):
1474 if self.idl_type() ==
return 'float'
1475 return self.native_type()
1477 def to_native_info(self, idl_node, interface_name, callback_name):
1478 type = self.native_type()
1479 if type ==
1480 type =
'RefPtr<%s>' % type
1481 if type ==
1482 type =
1483 target_type = self._capitalized_native_type()
1484 if self.idl_type() ==
1485 target_type =
1486 return '%s', type,
'dartTo%s' % target_type
1488 def parameter_type(self):
1489 if self.native_type() ==
1490 return 'const String&'
1491 return self.native_type()
1493 def conversion_includes(self):
1496 def to_dart_conversion(self, value, interface_name=None, attributes=None):
1500 if self.idl_type() ==
1501 function_name =
1503 function_name = self._capitalized_native_type()
1504 function_name = function_name[0].
lower() + function_name[1:]
1505 function_name =
'DartUtilities::%sToDart' % function_name
1506 if attributes
and 'TreatReturnedNullStringAs' in attributes:
1507 function_name +=
1508 return '%s(%s)' % (function_name, value)
1510 def return_to_dart_conversion(self,
1512 auto_dart_scope_setup=True,
1513 interface_name=None,
1515 return 'Dart_SetReturnValue(args, %s)' % self.to_dart_conversion(
1516 value, interface_name, attributes)
1518 def webcore_getter_name(self):
1519 return self._data.webcore_getter_name
1521 def webcore_setter_name(self):
1522 return self._data.webcore_setter_name
1524 def _capitalized_native_type(self):
1525 return re.sub(
r'(^| )([a-z])',
lambda x: x.group(2).upper(),
1529class SVGTearOffIDLTypeInfo(InterfaceIDLTypeInfo):
1531 def __init__(self, idl_type, data, interface_name, type_registry):
1532 super(SVGTearOffIDLTypeInfo,
1533 self).__init__(idl_type, data, interface_name, type_registry)
1535 def native_type(self):
1536 if self._data.native_type:
1537 return self._data.native_type
1538 tear_off_type =
1539 if self._idl_type.endswith(
1540 tear_off_type =
1541 return '%s<%s>' % (tear_off_type, self._idl_type)
1546 def to_conversion_cast(self, value, interface_name, attributes):
1547 svg_primitive_types = [
1548 'SVGLength',
1554 if self.idl_type() !=
1557 conversion_cast =
1558 conversion_cast = conversion_cast % (self.native_type(), value)
1559 return '%s' % (conversion_cast)
1561 def to_dart_conversion(self, value, interface_name, attributes):
1562 return 'Dart%s::toDart(%s)' % (self._idl_type,
1563 self.to_conversion_cast(
1564 value, interface_name, attributes))
1566 def return_to_dart_conversion(self, value, auto_dart_scope_setup,
1567 interface_name, attr):
1568 auto_dart_scope =
'true' if auto_dart_scope_setup
else 'false'
1569 return 'Dart%s::returnToDart(args, %s, %s)' % (
1571 self.to_conversion_cast(
1572 ReturnValueConversionHack(self._idl_type, value,
1573 interface_name), interface_name,
1574 attr), auto_dart_scope)
1576 def argument_expression(self, name, interface_name):
1580class TypedListIDLTypeInfo(InterfaceIDLTypeInfo):
1582 def __init__(self, idl_type, data, interface_name, type_registry):
1583 super(TypedListIDLTypeInfo,
1584 self).__init__(idl_type, data, interface_name, type_registry)
1586 def conversion_includes(self):
1587 return [
'"wtf/%s.h"' % self._idl_type]
1589 def to_dart_conversion(self, value, interface_name, attributes):
1590 return 'DartUtilities::arrayBufferViewToDart(%s)' % value
1592 def return_to_dart_conversion(self, value, auto_dart_scope_setup,
1593 interface_name, attributes):
1594 return 'Dart_SetReturnValue(args, %s)' % self.to_dart_conversion(
1595 value, interface_name, attributes)
1597 def to_native_info(self, idl_node, interface_name, callback_name):
1598 return '%s.get()',
'RefPtr<%s>' % self._idl_type,
'dartTo%s' % self._idl_type
1601class BasicTypedListIDLTypeInfo(InterfaceIDLTypeInfo):
1603 def __init__(self, idl_type, data, interface_name, type_registry):
1604 super(BasicTypedListIDLTypeInfo,
1605 self).__init__(idl_type, data, interface_name, type_registry)
1607 def conversion_includes(self):
1610 def to_dart_conversion(self, value, interface_name, attributes):
1611 function_name =
'DartUtilities::%sToDart' % self._idl_type
1612 function_name = function_name[0].
lower() + function_name[1:]
1613 return '%s(%s)' % (function_name, value)
1615 def return_to_dart_conversion(self, value, auto_dart_scope_setup,
1616 interface_name, attributes):
1617 return 'Dart_SetReturnValue(args, %s)' % self.to_dart_conversion(
1618 value, interface_name, attributes)
1620 def to_native_info(self, idl_node, interface_name, callback_name):
1621 return '%s.get()',
'RefPtr<%s>' % self._idl_type,
'dartTo%s' % self._idl_type
1624class TypeData(object):
1630 merged_interface=None,
1632 custom_to_dart=False,
1633 custom_to_native=False,
1634 conversion_includes=None,
1635 webcore_getter_name='getAttribute',
1636 webcore_setter_name='setAttribute',
1638 item_type_nullable=False,
1639 suppress_interface=False):
1641 self.dart_type = dart_type
1642 self.native_type = native_type
1643 self.merged_interface = merged_interface
1644 self.merged_into = merged_into
1645 self.custom_to_dart = custom_to_dart
1646 self.custom_to_native = custom_to_native
1647 self.conversion_includes = conversion_includes
1648 self.webcore_getter_name = webcore_getter_name
1649 self.webcore_setter_name = webcore_setter_name
1650 self.item_type = item_type
1651 self.item_type_nullable = item_type_nullable
1652 self.suppress_interface = suppress_interface
1655def TypedListTypeData(item_type):
1656 return TypeData(clazz=
'TypedList', item_type=item_type)
1660 'generator._idl_type_registry',
1667 webcore_getter_name=
1668 webcore_setter_name=
1670 TypeData(clazz=
'Primitive', dart_type=
'int', native_type=
1672 TypeData(clazz=
'Primitive', dart_type=
'int', native_type=
1674 TypeData(clazz=
'Primitive', dart_type=
'int', native_type=
1676 TypeData(clazz=
'Primitive', dart_type=
'int', native_type=
1678 TypeData(clazz=
'Primitive', dart_type=
1684 webcore_getter_name=
1685 webcore_setter_name=
1690 native_type=
1691 webcore_getter_name=
1692 webcore_setter_name=
1694 TypeData(clazz=
'Primitive', dart_type=
1695 'unsigned long long':
1696 TypeData(clazz=
'Primitive', dart_type=
1698 TypeData(clazz=
'Primitive', dart_type=
'num', native_type=
1700 TypeData(clazz=
'Primitive', dart_type=
1703 clazz=
'Primitive', dart_type=
'Object', native_type=
1705 TypeData(clazz=
'Primitive', dart_type=
1707 TypeData(clazz=
'Primitive', dart_type=
1710 clazz=
'Interface', dart_type=
'Rectangle', suppress_interface=
1712 TypeData(clazz=
'Primitive', dart_type=
'DateTime', native_type=
1715 clazz=
'Primitive', dart_type=
'Future', native_type=
1718 clazz=
'Primitive', dart_type=
'Object', native_type=
1720 TypeData(clazz=
'Primitive', dart_type=
'String', native_type=
1722 TypeData(clazz=
'Primitive', dart_type=
'String', native_type=
1726 TypeData(clazz=
'Primitive', dart_type=
1731 native_type=
'unsigned long long'),
1734 clazz=
'Primitive', dart_type=
'Object', native_type=
1736 TypeData(clazz=
'Primitive', dart_type=
1740 'SerializedScriptValue':
1741 TypeData(clazz=
'Primitive', dart_type=
1743 TypeData(clazz=
'Primitive', dart_type=
1745 TypeData(clazz=
'Primitive', dart_type=
1747 TypeData(clazz=
'Primitive', dart_type=
1749 TypeData(clazz=
'Interface', conversion_includes=[
1751 TypeData(clazz=
'Interface', dart_type=
'Map<String, String>'),
1753 TypeData(clazz=
'Interface', custom_to_dart=
1757 merged_interface=
1758 custom_to_dart=
1760 TypeData(clazz=
'Interface', custom_to_native=
1762 TypeData(clazz=
'Interface', custom_to_native=
1764 TypeData(clazz=
'Interface', custom_to_native=
1766 TypeData(clazz=
'Interface', merged_into=
'Element', custom_to_dart=
1768 TypeData(clazz=
'Interface', dart_type=
'dynamic', custom_to_native=
1769 'MutationRecordArray':
1772 native_type=
1773 dart_type=
1775 TypeData(clazz=
'Interface', conversion_includes=[
1777 TypeData(clazz=
'Interface', custom_to_dart=
1780 clazz=
'Interface', item_type=
'CSSRule', suppress_interface=
1783 clazz=
'Interface', item_type=
'CSSValue', suppress_interface=
1785 TypeData(clazz=
'Interface', item_type=
1787 TypeData(clazz=
'Interface', item_type=
1791 item_type=
1792 dart_type=
1793 custom_to_native=
1797 item_type=
1798 dart_type=
1799 custom_to_native=
1801 TypeData(clazz=
'Interface', item_type=
'File', dart_type=
1805 'FrozenArray<BackgroundFetchSettledFetch>':
1808 item_type=
1809 dart_type=
1810 'FrozenArray<DOMString>':
1813 item_type=
1814 dart_type=
1815 custom_to_native=
1816 'FrozenArray<double>':
1817 TypeData(clazz=
'Primitive', item_type=
'double', dart_type=
1818 'FrozenArray<Entry>':
1819 TypeData(clazz=
'Primitive', item_type=
'Entry', dart_type=
1820 'FrozenArray<FillLightMode>':
1822 clazz=
'Primitive', item_type=
'FillLightMode', dart_type=
1823 'FrozenArray<FontFace>':
1825 clazz=
'Primitive', item_type=
1826 dart_type=
1827 'FrozenArray<GamepadButton>':
1830 item_type=
1831 dart_type=
1832 'FrozenArray<Landmark>':
1833 TypeData(clazz=
'Primitive', item_type=
'Landmark', dart_type=
1834 'FrozenArray<MediaImage>':
1835 TypeData(clazz=
'Primitive', item_type=
'MediaImage', dart_type=
1836 'FrozenArray<MediaStream>':
1839 item_type=
1840 dart_type=
1841 'FrozenArray<MessagePort>':
1844 item_type=
1845 dart_type=
1846 'FrozenArray<NotificationAction>':
1848 clazz=
'Primitive', item_type=
1850 'FrozenArray<PaymentDetailsModifier>':
1853 item_type=
1855 'FrozenArray<PaymentMethodData>':
1857 clazz=
'Primitive', item_type=
'PaymentMethodData', dart_type=
1858 'FrozenArray<PerformanceServerTiming>':
1861 item_type=
1862 dart_type=
1863 'FrozenArray<Point2D>':
1864 TypeData(clazz=
'Primitive', item_type=
'Point2D', dart_type=
1865 'FrozenArray<PresentationConnection>':
1868 item_type=
1869 dart_type=
1870 'FrozenArray<TaskAttributionTiming>':
1873 item_type=
1874 dart_type=
1875 'FrozenArray<unsigned long>':
1877 clazz=
'Primitive', item_type=
'unsigned long',
1878 dart_type=
1879 'FrozenArray<USBEndpoint>':
1882 item_type=
1883 dart_type=
1884 'FrozenArray<USBInterface>':
1887 item_type=
1888 dart_type=
1889 'FrozenArray<USBConfiguration>':
1892 item_type=
1893 dart_type=
1894 'FrozenArray<USBAlternateInterface>':
1897 item_type=
1898 dart_type=
1899 'FrozenArray<USBIsochronousInTransferPacket>':
1902 item_type=
1903 dart_type=
1904 'FrozenArray<USBIsochronousOutTransferPacket>':
1907 item_type=
1908 dart_type=
1909 'FrozenArray<VRStageBoundsPoint>':
1912 item_type=
1913 dart_type=
1915 TypeData(clazz=
'Interface', dart_type=
1919 item_type=
1920 item_type_nullable=
1921 suppress_interface=
1923 TypeData(clazz=
'Primitive', dart_type=
'int', native_type=
1925 TypeData(clazz=
'Primitive', dart_type=
'bool', native_type=
1927 TypeData(clazz=
'Primitive', dart_type=
'int', native_type=
1929 TypeData(clazz=
'Primitive', dart_type=
'int', native_type=
1931 TypeData(clazz=
'Primitive', dart_type=
'int', native_type=
1933 TypeData(clazz=
'Primitive', dart_type=
'int', native_type=
1935 TypeData(clazz=
'Primitive', dart_type=
1937 TypeData(clazz=
'Primitive', dart_type=
1939 TypeData(clazz=
'Primitive', dart_type=
'int', native_type=
1941 TypeData(clazz=
'Primitive', dart_type=
'int', native_type=
1943 TypeData(clazz=
'Primitive', dart_type=
'num', native_type=
1945 TypeData(clazz=
'Primitive', dart_type=
'num', native_type=
1947 TypeData(clazz=
'Interface', item_type=
'Node', dart_type=
1949 TypeData(clazz=
'Interface', item_type=
1954 suppress_interface=
1955 dart_type=
1956 'NotificationAction':
1957 TypedListTypeData(
1958 'SVGElementInstanceList':
1961 item_type=
1962 suppress_interface=
1964 TypeData(clazz=
'Interface', item_type=
1965 'SpeechGrammarList':
1966 TypeData(clazz=
'Interface', item_type=
1967 'SpeechInputResultList':
1970 item_type=
1971 suppress_interface=
1972 'SpeechRecognitionResultList':
1975 item_type=
1976 suppress_interface=
1977 'SQLResultSetRowList':
1978 TypeData(clazz=
'Interface', item_type=
1981 clazz=
'Interface', item_type=
'StyleSheet', suppress_interface=
1983 TypeData(clazz=
'Interface', item_type=
1985 TypeData(clazz=
'Interface', item_type=
1987 TypeData(clazz=
'Interface', item_type=
1989 TypedListTypeData(
1991 TypedListTypeData(
1993 TypedListTypeData(
1995 TypedListTypeData(
1997 TypedListTypeData(
1999 TypedListTypeData(
2000 'Uint8ClampedArray':
2001 TypedListTypeData(
2003 TypedListTypeData(
2005 TypedListTypeData(
2007 TypeData(clazz=
2009 TypeData(clazz=
2012 clazz=
'SVGTearOff', native_type=
2014 TypeData(clazz=
'SVGTearOff', native_type=
2018 item_type=
2019 native_type=
2021 TypeData(clazz=
'SVGTearOff', native_type=
2023 TypeData(clazz=
'SVGTearOff', native_type=
2027 item_type=
2028 native_type=
2032 item_type=
2033 native_type=
2035 TypeData(clazz=
'SVGTearOff', native_type=
2037 TypeData(clazz=
'SVGTearOff', native_type=
2038 'SVGPreserveAspectRatio':
2040 clazz=
'SVGTearOff', native_type=
2042 TypeData(clazz=
'SVGTearOff', native_type=
2046 item_type=
2047 native_type=
2050 clazz=
'SVGTearOff', native_type=
2054 item_type=
2055 native_type=
2058 'FontFaceSetForEachCallback':
2059 TypeData(clazz=
'Interface', item_type=
2062_svg_supplemental_includes = [
2063 '"core/svg/properties/SVGPropertyTraits.h"',
2067class TypeRegistry(object):
2069 def __init__(self, database, renamer=None):
2070 self._database = database
2071 self._renamer = renamer
2074 def HasInterface(self, type_name):
2075 return self._database.HasInterface(type_name)
2077 def HasTypeDef(self, type_def_name):
2078 return self._database.HasTypeDef(type_def_name)
2080 def TypeInfo(self, type_name):
2081 if not type_name
in self._cache:
2082 self._cache[type_name] = self._TypeInfo(type_name)
2083 return self._cache[type_name]
2085 def DartType(self, type_name):
2086 return self.TypeInfo(type_name).dart_type()
2088 def _TypeInfo(self, type_name):
2089 match = re.match(
r'(?:sequence<([\w ]+)>|(\w+)\[\])$', type_name)
2091 if match
and self._database.HasDictionary(match.group(1)):
2092 interface = self._database.GetDictionary(match.group(1))
2095 if match
and match.group(1) !=
'any' and not (
2096 self._database.HasDictionary(match.group(1))):
2097 type_data = TypeData(
2098 if self.HasTypeDef(match.group(1)
or match.group(2)):
2100 item_info = self.TypeInfo(
2102 item_info = self.TypeInfo(match.group(1)
or match.group(2))
2104 if 'SourceInfo' in type_name:
2105 type_data.native_type =
'const Vector<RefPtr<SourceInfo> >& '
2106 return SequenceIDLTypeInfo(type_name, type_data, item_info)
2108 if not type_name
in _idl_type_registry:
2109 if self._database.HasEnum(type_name):
2110 return PrimitiveIDLTypeInfo(
2115 native_type=
2116 if self._database.HasInterface(type_name):
2117 interface = self._database.GetInterface(type_name)
2118 elif self._database.HasDictionary(type_name):
2119 type_data = _idl_type_registry.get(
2120 class_name =
'%sIDLTypeInfo' % type_data.clazz
2121 return globals()[class_name](type_name, type_data)
2122 elif type_name.startswith(
2123 if type_name.find(
' or ') != -1:
2125 type_data = TypeData(
2126 item_info = self.TypeInfo(
2127 return SequenceIDLTypeInfo(type_name, type_data, item_info)
2128 elif match
and self._database.HasDictionary(match.group(1)):
2129 return SequenceIDLTypeInfo(type_name, TypeData(
2130 self.TypeInfo(match.group(1)))
2131 elif type_name.startswith(
2133 type_data = TypeData(
2134 item_info = self.TypeInfo(
2135 return SequenceIDLTypeInfo(type_name, type_data, item_info)
2136 elif self.HasTypeDef(type_name):
2138 return self.TypeInfo(
2140 print(
"ERROR: Unexpected interface, or type not found. %s" %
2143 if 'Callback' in interface.ext_attrs:
2144 return CallbackIDLTypeInfo(
2146 TypeData(
2147 self._renamer.DartifyTypeName(type_name)))
2148 return InterfaceIDLTypeInfo(
2149 type_name, TypeData(
2150 self._renamer.RenameInterface(interface), self)
2152 if (self._database.HasDictionary(type_name)):
2153 type_data = _idl_type_registry.get(
2155 type_data = _idl_type_registry.get(type_name)
2157 if type_data.clazz ==
2158 if self._database.HasInterface(type_name):
2159 dart_interface_name = self._renamer.RenameInterface(
2160 self._database.GetInterface(type_name))
2162 dart_interface_name = self._renamer.DartifyTypeName(type_name)
2163 return InterfaceIDLTypeInfo(type_name, type_data,
2164 dart_interface_name, self)
2166 if type_data.clazz ==
2167 dart_interface_name = self._renamer.RenameInterface(
2168 self._database.GetInterface(type_name))
2169 return SVGTearOffIDLTypeInfo(type_name, type_data,
2170 dart_interface_name, self)
2172 if type_data.clazz ==
2173 dart_interface_name = self._renamer.RenameInterfaceId(type_name)
2174 return TypedListIDLTypeInfo(type_name, type_data,
2175 dart_interface_name, self)
2177 if type_data.clazz ==
2178 if type_name ==
2179 dart_interface_name =
2181 dart_interface_name = self._renamer.RenameInterfaceId(type_name)
2182 return BasicTypedListIDLTypeInfo(type_name, type_data,
2183 dart_interface_name, self)
2185 class_name =
'%sIDLTypeInfo' % type_data.clazz
2186 return globals()[class_name](type_name, type_data)
2189def isList(return_type):
2190 return return_type.startswith(
if return_type
else False
2193def get_list_type(return_type):
2195 return return_type[5:-1]
if isList(return_type)
else return_type
2200def wrap_unwrap_list_blink(return_type, type_registry):
2201 """Return True if the type is the list type is a blink know
2202 type e.g., List<Node>, List<FontFace>, etc."""
2203 if isList(return_type):
2204 list_type = get_list_type(return_type)
2205 if type_registry.HasInterface(list_type):
2209def wrap_unwrap_type_blink(return_type, type_registry):
2210 """Returns True if the type is a blink type that requires wrap_jso or
2212 if return_type
and return_type.startswith(
2213 return_type = return_type.replace(
'HTML', 1)
2214 return (
not (return_type)
or return_type ==
'Object' or
2215 return_type ==
2218def wrap_type_blink(return_type, type_registry):
2219 """Returns True if the type is a blink type that requires wrap_jso but
2221 return (return_type ==
'Map' or return_type ==
2224def wrap_return_type_blink(return_type, type_name, type_registry):
2225 """Returns True if we should wrap the returned value. This checks
2226 a number of different variations, calling the more basic functions
2228 return (wrap_unwrap_type_blink(return_type, type_registry)
2229 wrap_unwrap_type_blink(type_name, type_registry)
2230 wrap_type_blink(return_type, type_registry)
2231 wrap_unwrap_list_blink(return_type, type_registry))
uint32_t uint32_t * format
DEF_SWITCHES_START aot vmservice shared library Name of the *so containing AOT compiled Dart assets for launching the service isolate vm snapshot The VM snapshot data that will be memory mapped as read only SnapshotAssetPath must be present isolate snapshot The isolate snapshot data that will be memory mapped as read only SnapshotAssetPath must be present cache dir Path to the cache directory This is different from the persistent_cache_path in embedder which is used for Skia shader cache icu native lib Path to the library file that exports the ICU data vm service The hostname IP address on which the Dart VM Service should be served If not set
def print(*args, **kwargs)
def array_type(data_type)
SI auto map(std::index_sequence< I... >, Fn &&fn, const Args &... args) -> skvx::Vec< sizeof...(I), decltype(fn(args[0]...))>
SIT bool any(const Vec< 1, T > &x)
static SkString join(const CommandLineFlags::StringArray &)