Flutter Engine
The Flutter Engine
Scenario App: Android Tests and Test Runner

End-to-end tests and test infrastructure for the Flutter engine on Android.

‍[!IMPORTANT] There are several known issues with this test suite:

  • #144407: "Newer Android" tests are missing expected cropping and rotation.
  • #144365: Tests that use ExternalTextureFlutterActivity sometimes do not render.
  • #144232: Impeller Vulkan sometimes hangs on emulators.
  • #144352: Skia Gold sometimes is missing expected diffs.


Top topics covered in this document include (but are not limited to):

  • Running the Tests
  • Contributing
  • Project History
  • Troubleshooting
  • Getting Help


This package simulates a Flutter app that uses the engine (dart:ui) only, in conjunction with Android-specific embedding code that simulates the use of the engine in a real app (such as plugins and platform views).

A custom test runner, run_android_tests.dart, is used to run the tests on a connected device or emulator, and report the results, including screenshots (golden files) and logs from adb logcat.

In the following architecture diagram:

Anatomy of a Flutter app

  • The Dart app is represented by lib/main.dart.
  • There is no framework code.
  • dart:ui and the engine are the same as in a real app.
  • Android-specific application code is in this directory (android/).
  • The runner is a custom test runner, run_android_tests.dart.

Scope of Testing

The tests in this package are end-to-end tests that specifically exercise the engine and Android-specific embedding code. They are not unit tests for the engine or the framework, and are not designed to test the behavior of the framework or specific plugins, but rather to simulate the use of a framework or plugins downstream of the engine.

In other words, we test "does the engine work on Android?" without a dependency on either the Flutter framework, Flutter tooling, or any specific plugins.

Golden Comparisons

Many of the Android-specific interactions with the engine are visual, such as external textures or platform views, and as such, the tests in this package use golden screenshot file comparisons to verify the correctness of the engine's output.

For example, in ExternalTextureTests_testMediaSurface, a video is converted to an external texture and displayed in a Flutter app. The test takes a screenshot of the app and compares it to a golden file:

Two pictures, the top one Flutter and the bottom Android

The top picture is the Flutter app, and the bottom picture is just Android.

See also:


If you've never worked in the flutter/engine repository before, you will need to setup a development environment that is quite different from a typical Flutter app or even working on the Flutter framework. It will take roughly 30 minutes to an hour to setup an environment, depending on your familiarity with the tools and the speed of your internet connection.

See also:

Android SDK

It's highly recommended to use the engine's vendored Android SDK, which once you have the engine set up, you can find at $ENGINE/src/flutter/third_party/android_tools/sdk. Testing or running with other versions of the SDK may work, but it's not guaranteed, and might have different results.

Consider also placing this directory in the ANDROID_HOME environment variable:

export ANDROID_HOME=$ENGINE/src/flutter/third_party/android_tools/sdk

Device or Emulator

The tests in this package require a connected device or emulator to run. The device or emulator should be running the same version of Android as the CI configuration (there are issues with crashes and other problems on older emulators in particular).


#144561: The emulator vendored in the engine checkout is old and has a known issue with Vulkan.

If you're working locally, you can update your copy by running:

$ANDROID_HOME/cmdline-tools/latest/bin/sdkmanager --install emulator

Additional Dependencies

While not required, it is strongly recommended to use an IDE such as Android Studio when contributing to the Android side of the test suite, as it will provide a better development experience such as code completion, debugging, and more:

Screenshot of Android Studio with Autocompletion


Android Studio is expected to work out of the box in this directory.

If you encounter any issues, please file a bug.

Running the Tests

The test runner is a Dart script that installs the test app and test suite on a connected device or emulator, runs the tests, and reports the results including screenshots (golden files) and logs from adb logcat.

From the $ENGINE/src/flutter directory, run:

dart ./testing/scenario_app/bin/run_android_tests.dart

By default when run locally, the test runner:

  • Uses the engine-wide default graphics backend for Android.
  • Uses the last built Android-specific engine artifacts (i.e. $ENGINE/src/out/android_*/).
  • Will not diff screenshots, but does save them to a logs directory.

Rebuilding the Tests

If you've made changes to any file in scenario_app, incluing the Dart code in lib/ or the Android code in android/, you will need to rebuild the tests before running them.

To rebuild the scenario_app for the android_debug_unopt_arm64 variant:

ninja -C out/android_debug_unopt_arm64 scenario_app

See also:

Common Options

A list of options can be found by running:

dart ./testing/scenario_app/bin/run_android_tests.dart --help

Frequently used options include:

  • --out-dir: Which engine artifacts to use (e.g. --out-dir=../out/android_debug_unopt_arm64).
  • --logs-dir: Where to save full adb logcat logs and screenshots.
  • --[no]-enable-impeller: Enables/disables use of the Impeller graphics backend.
  • --impeller-backend: Use a specific Impeller backend (e.g. --impeller-backend=opengles).
  • --force-surface-producer-surface-texture: Force the use of SurfaceTextures for plugin code that uses SurfaceProducers. This instruments the same code path that is used for Android API versions that are <= 28 without requiring an older emulator or device.
  • --smoke-test=<full.class.Name>: Runs a specific test, instead of all tests.

Advanced Options

When debugging the runner itself, you can use the --verbose flag to see more detailed output, including additional options such as configuring which binary of adb to use:

dart ./testing/scenario_app/bin/run_android_tests.dart --help --verbose

See also:

CI Configuration

See ci/builders and grep for run_android_tests.dart:

grep -r run_android_tests.dart ci/builders

‍[!NOTE] The Impeller OpenGLES backend tests are only run on staging (bringup: true) and as such are non-blocking. We expect to stabilize and run these tests as part of a wider release of the Impeller OpenGLES backend.

Older Android

"Older Android" refers to "code paths to support older Android API levels". Specifically, these configurations use --force-surface-producer-surface-texture (see above for details).

Backend CI Configuration CI History Skia Gold
Skia ci/builders Presubmit, Postsubmit Skia Gold
Impeller OpenGLES ci/builders Staging N/A

Newer Android

Backend CI Configuration CI History Skia Gold
Skia ci/builders Presubmit, Postsubmit Skia Gold
Impeller OpenGLES ci/builders Staging N/A
Impeller Vulkan ci/builders Presubmit, Postsubmit Skia Gold


GitHub Issues or Pull Requests by label

Contributions to this package are welcome, as it is a critical part of the engine's test suite.

Anatomy of a Test

A "test" in practice is a combination of roughly 3 components:

  1. An Android JUnit test that configures and launches an Android activity.
  2. An Android activity, which simulates the Android side of a plugin or platform view.
  3. A Dart scenario, which simulates the Flutter side of an application.

While every test suite has exactly one JUnit-instrumented class, each test can have many activities and scenarios, each with their own configuration, setup, and assertions. Not all of this is desirable, but it is the current state of the test suite.

A test might also take a screenshot. See the Skia Gold links in CI Configuration for examples.

Project History

This test suite was originally written in 2019 with a goal of:

‍[being] suitable for embedders to do integration testing with - it has no dependencies on the flutter_tools or framework, and so will not fail/flake based on variances in those downstream.

Unfortunately, the Android side of the test suite was never fully operational, and the tests, even if failing, were accidentally be reported as passing on CI. In 2024, as the team got closer to shipping our new graphics backend, Impeller on Android, it was clear that we needed a reliable test suite for the engine on Android, particularly for visual tests around external textures and platform views.

So, this package was revived and updated to be a (more) reliable test suite for the engine on Android. It's by no means complete (contributions welcome), but it did successfully catch at least one bug that would not have been detected automatically otherwise.

Go forth and test the engine on Android!


If you encounter any issues, please file a bug.

My test is failing on CI

If a test is failing on CI, it's likely that the test is failing locally as well. Try the steps in running the Tests to reproduce the failure locally, and then debug the failure as you would any other test. If this is your first time working on the engine, you may need to setup a development environment first (see prerequisites).

The test runner makes extensive use of logging and screenshots to help debug failures. If you're not sure where to start, try looking at the logs and screenshots to see if they provide any clues (you'll need them to file a bug anyway).

test: Android Scenario App Integration Tests (Impeller/Vulkan) on LUCI produces these logs:

Screenshot of Logs

The files include a screenshot of each test, and a full logcat log from the device (you might find it easier trying the stdout of the test first, which uses rudimentary log filtering). In the case of multiple runs, the logs are prefixed with the test configuration and run attempt.

Gradle is failing due to an "not part of the dependency lock state" error

If you update dependencies in the app/build.gradle file, you may encounter an error (probably in CI) that looks like:

FAILED: scenario_app/reports/lint-results.xml
vpython3 ../../flutter/testing/rules/run_gradle.py /b/s/w/ir/cache/builder/src/flutter/testing/scenario_app/android lint --no-daemon -Pflutter_jar=/b/s/w/ir/cache/builder/src/out/android_emulator_skia_debug_x64/flutter.jar -Pout_dir=/b/s/w/ir/cache/builder/src/out/android_emulator_skia_debug_x64/scenario_app --project-cache-dir=/b/s/w/ir/cache/builder/src/out/android_emulator_skia_debug_x64/scenario_app/.gradle --gradle-user-home=/b/s/w/ir/cache/builder/src/out/android_emulator_skia_debug_x64/scenario_app/.gradle
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app:checkDebugAarMetadata'.
> Could not resolve all files for configuration ':app:debugRuntimeClasspath'.
> Resolved 'org.hamcrest:hamcrest-core:1.3' which is not part of the dependency lock state
> Resolved 'com.google.code.findbugs:jsr305:2.0.2' which is not part of the dependency lock state
static bool b
struct MyStruct s
AtkStateType state
def Build(configs, env, options)
Definition: build.py:232
DEF_SWITCHES_START aot vmservice shared library Name of the *so containing AOT compiled Dart assets for launching the service isolate vm snapshot The VM snapshot data that will be memory mapped as read only SnapshotAssetPath must be present isolate snapshot The isolate snapshot data that will be memory mapped as read only SnapshotAssetPath must be present cache dir Path to the cache directory This is different from the persistent_cache_path in embedder which is used for Skia shader cache icu native lib Path to the library file that exports the ICU data vm service The hostname IP address on which the Dart VM Service should be served If not defaults to or::depending on whether ipv6 is specified vm service A custom Dart VM Service port The default is to pick a randomly available open port disable vm Disable the Dart VM Service The Dart VM Service is never available in release mode disable vm service Disable mDNS Dart VM Service publication Bind to the IPv6 localhost address for the Dart VM Service Ignored if vm service host is set endless trace Enable an endless trace buffer The default is a ring buffer This is useful when very old events need to viewed For during application launch Memory usage will continue to grow indefinitely however Start app with an specific route defined on the framework flutter assets Path to the Flutter assets directory enable service port Allow the VM service to fallback to automatic port selection if binding to a specified port fails trace Trace early application lifecycle Automatically switches to an endless trace buffer trace skia Filters out all Skia trace event categories except those that are specified in this comma separated list dump skp on shader Automatically dump the skp that triggers new shader compilations This is useful for writing custom ShaderWarmUp to reduce jank By this is not enabled to reduce the overhead purge persistent cache
Definition: switches.h:191
DEF_SWITCHES_START aot vmservice shared library Name of the *so containing AOT compiled Dart assets for launching the service isolate vm snapshot The VM snapshot data that will be memory mapped as read only SnapshotAssetPath must be present isolate snapshot The isolate snapshot data that will be memory mapped as read only SnapshotAssetPath must be present cache dir Path to the cache directory This is different from the persistent_cache_path in embedder which is used for Skia shader cache icu native lib Path to the library file that exports the ICU data vm service The hostname IP address on which the Dart VM Service should be served If not defaults to or::depending on whether ipv6 is specified vm service A custom Dart VM Service port The default is to pick a randomly available open port disable vm Disable the Dart VM Service The Dart VM Service is never available in release mode disable vm service Disable mDNS Dart VM Service publication Bind to the IPv6 localhost address for the Dart VM Service Ignored if vm service host is set endless trace Enable an endless trace buffer The default is a ring buffer This is useful when very old events need to viewed For during application launch Memory usage will continue to grow indefinitely however Start app with an specific route defined on the framework flutter assets dir
Definition: switches.h:145
SIT bool all(const Vec< 1, T > &x)
Definition: SkVx.h:582
SkScalar w
#define FAILED(hr)

This is because gradle.lockfile is out of date. To update it, run:

cd testing/scenario_app/android
$ENGINE_SRC/flutter/third_party/gradle/bin/gradle app:dependencies --write-locks

Getting Help

To suggest changes, or highlight problems, please file an issue.

If you're not sure where to start, or need help debugging or contributing, you can also reach out to hackers-android on Discord, or the Flutter engine team internally. There is no full-time maintainer of this package, so be prepared to do some of the legwork yourself.