34 : fVertexPool(gpu, cpuBufferCache)
35 , fIndexPool(gpu, cpuBufferCache)
36 , fDrawIndirectPool(gpu,
38 , fResourceProvider(resourceProvider)
39 , fTokenTracker(tokenTracker) {}
54 while (fCurrDraw != fDraws.
end() && fCurrDraw->fOp == op) {
56 while (fCurrUpload != fInlineUploads.
end() &&
57 fCurrUpload->fUploadBeforeToken == drawToken) {
67 fCurrDraw->fGeometryProcessor,
68 fCurrDraw->fPrimitiveType,
69 this->renderPassBarriers(),
75 for (
int i = 0;
i < fCurrDraw->fMeshCnt; ++
i) {
79 fTokenTracker->issueFlushToken();
87 fDrawIndirectPool.
88 for (
upload : fASAPUploads) {
92 fCurrDraw = fDraws.
93 fCurrUpload = fInlineUploads.
102 fDrawIndirectPool.
104 fASAPUploads.
105 fInlineUploads.
111 bool shouldPrepareSurfaceForSampling) {
126 std::unique_ptr<char[]> tmpPixels;
129 tmpPixels.reset(
new char[
147 shouldPrepareSurfaceForSampling);
170 bool firstDraw = fDraws.
begin() == fDraws.
174 SkASSERT(geomProcProxies && geomProcProxies[
175 geomProcProxies[
177 draw.fGeometryProcessor = geomProc;
178 draw.fGeomProcProxies = geomProcProxies;
179 draw.fMeshes = meshes;
180 draw.fMeshCnt = meshCnt;
182 draw.fPrimitiveType = primitiveType;
184 fBaseDrawToken = token;
190 return fVertexPool.
makeSpace(vertexSize, vertexCount,
buffer, startVertex);
195 return reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*
buffer, startIndex));
200 int* startVertex,
int* actualVertexCount) {
202 startVertex, actualVertexCount);
207 int* actualIndexCount) {
209 minIndexCount, fallbackIndexCount,
buffer, startIndex, actualIndexCount));
213 fIndexPool.
putBack(indexCount *
217 fVertexPool.
putBack(vertices * vertexStride);
232#if !defined(SK_ENABLE_OPTIMIZE_SIZE)
240 if (!
mesh.fIndexBuffer) {
245 if (0 ==
mesh.fPatternRepeatCount) {
247 mesh.fMaxIndexValue,
250 mesh.fMaxPatternRepetitionsInIndexBuffer,
258GrOpFlushState::Draw::~Draw() {
260 SkASSERT(fGeomProcProxies && fGeomProcProxies[
261 fGeomProcProxies[
bool GrConvertPixels(const GrPixmap &dst, const GrCPixmap &src, bool flipY)
std::function< void(GrDeferredTextureUploadWritePixelsFn &)> GrDeferredTextureUploadFn
std::function< bool(GrTextureProxy *, SkIRect, GrColorType srcColorType, const void *, size_t rowBytes)> GrDeferredTextureUploadWritePixelsFn
static constexpr size_t GrColorTypeBytesPerPixel(GrColorType ct)
@ kUnknown_SkAlphaType
static SkColorType colorType(AImageDecoder *decoder, const AImageDecoderHeaderInfo *headerInfo)
GrGeometryProcessor * fGeometryProcessor
static sk_sp< SkImage > upload(const sk_sp< SkSurface > &surf, SkColor color)
static GrAppliedClip Disabled()
void putBack(size_t bytes)
virtual SupportedWrite supportedWritePixelsColorType(GrColorType surfaceColorType, const GrBackendFormat &surfaceFormat, GrColorType srcColorType) const =0
bool surfaceSupportsWritePixels(const GrSurface *) const
bool writePixelsRowBytesSupport() const
skgpu::ganesh::SmallPathAtlasMgr * getSmallPathAtlasMgr()
GrAtlasManager * getAtlasManager()
sktext::gpu::StrikeCache * getStrikeCache()
GrDirectContextPriv priv()
int numTextureSamplers() const
bool writePixels(GrSurface *surface, SkIRect rect, GrColorType surfaceColorType, GrColorType srcColorType, const GrMipLevel texels[], int mipLevelCount, bool prepForTexSampling=false)
const GrCaps * caps() const
GrDirectContext * getContext()
virtual void willExecute()
void * makeSpace(int indexCount, sk_sp< const GrBuffer > *buffer, int *startIndex)
void * makeSpaceAtLeast(int minIndexCount, int fallbackIndexCount, sk_sp< const GrBuffer > *buffer, int *startIndex, int *actualIndexCount)
sktext::gpu::StrikeCache * strikeCache() const final
skgpu::ganesh::SmallPathAtlasMgr * smallPathAtlasManager() const final
void drawMesh(const GrSimpleMesh &mesh)
uint16_t * makeIndexSpace(int indexCount, sk_sp< const GrBuffer > *, int *startIndex) final
void bindPipelineAndScissorClip(const GrProgramInfo &programInfo, const SkRect &drawBounds)
GrThreadSafeCache * threadSafeCache() const final
void recordDraw(const GrGeometryProcessor *, const GrSimpleMesh[], int meshCnt, const GrSurfaceProxy *const primProcProxies[], GrPrimitiveType) final
void putBackIndices(int indexCount) final
void * makeVertexSpaceAtLeast(size_t vertexSize, int minVertexCount, int fallbackVertexCount, sk_sp< const GrBuffer > *, int *startVertex, int *actualVertexCount) final
void bindBuffers(sk_sp< const GrBuffer > indexBuffer, sk_sp< const GrBuffer > instanceBuffer, sk_sp< const GrBuffer > vertexBuffer, GrPrimitiveRestart primitiveRestart=GrPrimitiveRestart::kNo)
const GrSurfaceProxyView & writeView() const final
GrOpFlushState(GrGpu *, GrResourceProvider *, skgpu::TokenTracker *, sk_sp< GrBufferAllocPool::CpuBufferCache >=nullptr)
GrAppliedClip detachAppliedClip() final
GrAtlasManager * atlasManager() const final
const GrCaps & caps() const final
skgpu::AtlasToken addInlineUpload(GrDeferredTextureUploadFn &&) final
void drawIndexed(int indexCount, int baseIndex, uint16_t minIndexValue, uint16_t maxIndexValue, int baseVertex)
GrOpsRenderPass * opsRenderPass()
void putBackVertices(int vertices, size_t vertexStride) final
void * makeVertexSpace(size_t vertexSize, int vertexCount, sk_sp< const GrBuffer > *, int *startVertex) final
void executeDrawsAndUploadsForMeshDrawOp(const GrOp *op, const SkRect &chainBounds, const GrPipeline *, const GrUserStencilSettings *)
uint16_t * makeIndexSpaceAtLeast(int minIndexCount, int fallbackIndexCount, sk_sp< const GrBuffer > *, int *startIndex, int *actualIndexCount) final
void bindTextures(const GrGeometryProcessor &geomProc, const GrSurfaceProxy &singleGeomProcTexture, const GrPipeline &pipeline)
void doUpload(GrDeferredTextureUploadFn &, bool shouldPrepareSurfaceForSampling=false)
void draw(int vertexCount, int baseVertex)
bool usesMSAASurface() const final
skgpu::AtlasToken addASAPUpload(GrDeferredTextureUploadFn &&) final
void drawIndexPattern(int patternIndexCount, int patternRepeatCount, int maxPatternRepetitionsInIndexBuffer, int patternVertexCount, int baseVertex)
virtual void inlineUpload(GrOpFlushState *, GrDeferredTextureUploadFn &)=0
const GrPipeline & pipeline() const
const GrGeometryProcessor & geomProc() const
GrThreadSafeCache * threadSafeCache()
GrSurface * peekSurface() const
virtual GrBackendFormat backendFormat() const =0
void * makeSpace(size_t vertexSize, int vertexCount, sk_sp< const GrBuffer > *buffer, int *startVertex)
void * makeSpaceAtLeast(size_t vertexSize, int minVertexCount, int fallbackVertexCount, sk_sp< const GrBuffer > *buffer, int *startVertex, int *actualVertexCount)
T & append(SkArenaAlloc *arena, Args... args)
static AtlasToken InvalidToken()
AtlasToken nextFlushToken() const
AtlasToken nextDrawToken() const
sk_sp< SkBlender > blender SkRect rect
DEF_SWITCHES_START aot vmservice shared library Name of the *so containing AOT compiled Dart assets for launching the service isolate vm snapshot The VM snapshot data that will be memory mapped as read only SnapshotAssetPath must be present isolate snapshot The isolate snapshot data that will be memory mapped as read only SnapshotAssetPath must be present cache dir Path to the cache directory This is different from the persistent_cache_path in embedder which is used for Skia shader cache icu native lib Path to the library file that exports the ICU data vm service The hostname IP address on which the Dart VM Service should be served If not defaults to or::depending on whether ipv6 is specified vm service A custom Dart VM Service port The default is to pick a randomly available open port disable vm Disable the Dart VM Service The Dart VM Service is never available in release mode disable vm service Disable mDNS Dart VM Service publication Bind to the IPv6 localhost address for the Dart VM Service Ignored if vm service host is set endless trace buffer
GrAppliedClip * appliedClip()
sk_sp< const GrBuffer > fIndexBuffer
sk_sp< const GrBuffer > fVertexBuffer