Flutter Engine
The Flutter Engine
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Classes | Namespaces | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
formats.h File Reference
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include "flutter/fml/hash_combine.h"
#include "flutter/fml/logging.h"
#include "impeller/base/mask.h"
#include "impeller/geometry/color.h"
#include "impeller/geometry/rect.h"
#include "impeller/geometry/scalar.h"

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struct  impeller::DepthRange
struct  impeller::Viewport
struct  impeller::ColorAttachmentDescriptor
 Describe the color attachment that will be used with this pipeline. More...
struct  impeller::DepthAttachmentDescriptor
struct  impeller::StencilAttachmentDescriptor
struct  impeller::Attachment
struct  impeller::ColorAttachment
struct  impeller::DepthAttachment
struct  impeller::StencilAttachment
struct  std::hash< impeller::DepthAttachmentDescriptor >
struct  std::hash< impeller::StencilAttachmentDescriptor >


namespace  impeller
namespace  std


using impeller::TextureUsageMask = Mask< TextureUsage >
using impeller::ColorWriteMask = Mask< ColorWriteMaskBits >


enum class  impeller::WindingOrder { impeller::kClockwise , impeller::kCounterClockwise }
enum class  impeller::StorageMode { impeller::kHostVisible , impeller::kDevicePrivate , impeller::kDeviceTransient }
 Specified where the allocation resides and how it is used. More...
enum class  impeller::PixelFormat : uint8_t {
  impeller::kUnknown , impeller::kA8UNormInt , impeller::kR8UNormInt , impeller::kR8G8UNormInt ,
  impeller::kR8G8B8A8UNormInt , impeller::kR8G8B8A8UNormIntSRGB , impeller::kB8G8R8A8UNormInt , impeller::kB8G8R8A8UNormIntSRGB ,
  impeller::kR32G32B32A32Float , impeller::kR16G16B16A16Float , impeller::kB10G10R10XR , impeller::kB10G10R10XRSRGB ,
  impeller::kB10G10R10A10XR , impeller::kS8UInt , impeller::kD24UnormS8Uint , impeller::kD32FloatS8UInt
 The Pixel formats supported by Impeller. The naming convention denotes the usage of the component, the bit width of that component, and then one or more qualifiers to its interpretation. More...
enum class  impeller::BlendFactor {
  impeller::kZero , impeller::kOne , impeller::kSourceColor , impeller::kOneMinusSourceColor ,
  impeller::kSourceAlpha , impeller::kOneMinusSourceAlpha , impeller::kDestinationColor , impeller::kOneMinusDestinationColor ,
  impeller::kDestinationAlpha , impeller::kOneMinusDestinationAlpha , impeller::kSourceAlphaSaturated , impeller::kBlendColor ,
  impeller::kOneMinusBlendColor , impeller::kBlendAlpha , impeller::kOneMinusBlendAlpha
enum class  impeller::BlendOperation { impeller::kAdd , impeller::kSubtract , impeller::kReverseSubtract }
enum class  impeller::LoadAction { impeller::kDontCare , impeller::kLoad , impeller::kClear }
enum class  impeller::StoreAction { impeller::kDontCare , impeller::kStore , impeller::kMultisampleResolve , impeller::kStoreAndMultisampleResolve }
enum class  impeller::TextureType { impeller::kTexture2D , impeller::kTexture2DMultisample , impeller::kTextureCube , impeller::kTextureExternalOES }
enum class  impeller::SampleCount : uint8_t { impeller::kCount1 = 1 , impeller::kCount4 = 4 }
enum class  impeller::TextureUsage { impeller::kUnknown = 0 , impeller::kShaderRead = 1 << 0 , impeller::kShaderWrite = 1 << 1 , impeller::kRenderTarget = 1 << 2 }
enum class  impeller::TextureCoordinateSystem { impeller::kUploadFromHost , impeller::kRenderToTexture }
enum class  impeller::CullMode { impeller::kNone , impeller::kFrontFace , impeller::kBackFace }
enum class  impeller::IndexType { impeller::kUnknown , impeller::k16bit , impeller::k32bit , impeller::kNone }
enum class  impeller::PrimitiveType : uint8_t {
  impeller::kTriangle , impeller::kTriangleStrip , impeller::kLine , impeller::kLineStrip ,
 Decides how backend draws pixels based on input vertices. More...
enum class  impeller::PolygonMode { impeller::kFill , impeller::kLine }
enum class  impeller::MinMagFilter { impeller::kNearest , impeller::kLinear }
enum class  impeller::MipFilter { impeller::kNearest , impeller::kLinear }
enum class  impeller::SamplerAddressMode { impeller::kClampToEdge , impeller::kRepeat , impeller::kMirror , impeller::kDecal }
enum class  impeller::ColorWriteMaskBits : uint64_t {
  impeller::kNone = 0 , impeller::kRed = 1 << 0 , impeller::kGreen = 1 << 1 , impeller::kBlue = 1 << 2 ,
  impeller::kAlpha = 1 << 3 , impeller::kAll = kRed | kGreen | kBlue | kAlpha
enum class  impeller::CompareFunction : uint8_t {
  impeller::kNever , impeller::kAlways , impeller::kLess , impeller::kEqual ,
  impeller::kLessEqual , impeller::kGreater , impeller::kNotEqual , impeller::kGreaterEqual
enum class  impeller::StencilOperation : uint8_t {
  impeller::kKeep , impeller::kZero , impeller::kSetToReferenceValue , impeller::kIncrementClamp ,
  impeller::kDecrementClamp , impeller::kInvert , impeller::kIncrementWrap , impeller::kDecrementWrap


constexpr const char * impeller::StorageModeToString (StorageMode mode)
constexpr bool impeller::IsDepthWritable (PixelFormat format)
constexpr bool impeller::IsStencilWritable (PixelFormat format)
constexpr const char * impeller::PixelFormatToString (PixelFormat format)
constexpr const char * impeller::LoadActionToString (LoadAction action)
constexpr const char * impeller::StoreActionToString (StoreAction action)
constexpr bool impeller::CanClearAttachment (LoadAction action)
constexpr bool impeller::CanDiscardAttachmentWhenDone (StoreAction action)
constexpr const char * impeller::TextureTypeToString (TextureType type)
constexpr bool impeller::IsMultisampleCapable (TextureType type)
 impeller::IMPELLER_ENUM_IS_MASK (TextureUsage)
constexpr const char * impeller::TextureUsageToString (TextureUsage usage)
std::string impeller::TextureUsageMaskToString (TextureUsageMask mask)
 impeller::IMPELLER_ENUM_IS_MASK (ColorWriteMaskBits)
constexpr size_t impeller::BytesPerPixelForPixelFormat (PixelFormat format)
std::string impeller::AttachmentToString (const Attachment &attachment)
std::string impeller::ColorAttachmentToString (const ColorAttachment &color)
std::string impeller::DepthAttachmentToString (const DepthAttachment &depth)
std::string impeller::StencilAttachmentToString (const StencilAttachment &stencil)