►Nab | |
CThreadRunner | |
CThreadWithException | |
Nactivate_emsdk | |
Nadmonitions | |
►Nandroid | |
►Nskia | |
CBitmapRegionDecoder | |
CBRDAllocator | |
CFrontBufferedStream | |
Nandroid_artifacts | |
Nandroid_finder | |
Nandroid_illegal_imports | |
►Nandroid_sdk_linux | |
Ncreate | |
Ncreate_and_upload | |
►Nandroid_skp_capture | |
CApp | |
CDragAction | |
CPressAction | |
Nandroid_systrace_test | |
Nassert_git_cipd | |
Nasset_package | |
►Nax | |
Nmojom | |
►Nbase | |
►Ninternal | |
CArithmeticOrUnderlyingEnum | |
CArithmeticOrUnderlyingEnum< T, false > | |
CArithmeticOrUnderlyingEnum< T, true > | |
CBigEnoughPromotion | |
CBigEnoughPromotion< Lhs, Rhs, false, false > | |
CBigEnoughPromotion< Lhs, Rhs, is_intmax_type, true > | |
CBigEnoughPromotion< Lhs, Rhs, true, false > | |
CCheckedAddFastOp | |
CCheckedAddOp | |
CCheckedAddOp< T, U, typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< T >::value &&std::is_integral< U >::value >::type > | |
CCheckedAndOp | |
CCheckedAndOp< T, U, typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< T >::value &&std::is_integral< U >::value >::type > | |
CCheckedDivOp | |
CCheckedDivOp< T, U, typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< T >::value &&std::is_integral< U >::value >::type > | |
CCheckedLshOp | |
CCheckedLshOp< T, U, typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< T >::value &&std::is_integral< U >::value >::type > | |
CCheckedMaxOp | |
CCheckedMaxOp< T, U, typename std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< T >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< U >::value >::type > | |
CCheckedMinOp | |
CCheckedMinOp< T, U, typename std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< T >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< U >::value >::type > | |
CCheckedModOp | |
CCheckedModOp< T, U, typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< T >::value &&std::is_integral< U >::value >::type > | |
CCheckedMulFastAsmOp | |
CCheckedMulFastOp | |
CCheckedMulOp | |
CCheckedMulOp< T, U, typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< T >::value &&std::is_integral< U >::value >::type > | |
CCheckedNumeric | |
CCheckedNumericState | |
CCheckedNumericState< T, NUMERIC_FLOATING > | |
CCheckedNumericState< T, NUMERIC_INTEGER > | |
CCheckedOrOp | |
CCheckedOrOp< T, U, typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< T >::value &&std::is_integral< U >::value >::type > | |
CCheckedRshOp | |
CCheckedRshOp< T, U, typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< T >::value &&std::is_integral< U >::value >::type > | |
CCheckedSubFastOp | |
CCheckedSubOp | |
CCheckedSubOp< T, U, typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< T >::value &&std::is_integral< U >::value >::type > | |
CCheckedXorOp | |
CCheckedXorOp< T, U, typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< T >::value &&std::is_integral< U >::value >::type > | |
CCheckOnFailure | |
CClampedAddFastAsmOp | |
CClampedAddFastOp | |
CClampedAddOp | |
CClampedAddOp< T, U, typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< T >::value &&std::is_integral< U >::value >::type > | |
CClampedAndOp | |
CClampedAndOp< T, U, typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< T >::value &&std::is_integral< U >::value >::type > | |
CClampedDivOp | |
CClampedDivOp< T, U, typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< T >::value &&std::is_integral< U >::value >::type > | |
CClampedLshOp | |
CClampedLshOp< T, U, typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< T >::value &&std::is_integral< U >::value >::type > | |
CClampedMaxOp | |
CClampedMaxOp< T, U, typename std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< T >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< U >::value >::type > | |
CClampedMinOp | |
CClampedMinOp< T, U, typename std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< T >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< U >::value >::type > | |
CClampedModOp | |
CClampedModOp< T, U, typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< T >::value &&std::is_integral< U >::value >::type > | |
CClampedMulFastAsmOp | |
CClampedMulFastOp | |
CClampedMulOp | |
CClampedMulOp< T, U, typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< T >::value &&std::is_integral< U >::value >::type > | |
CClampedNegFastOp | |
CClampedNumeric | |
CClampedOrOp | |
CClampedOrOp< T, U, typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< T >::value &&std::is_integral< U >::value >::type > | |
CClampedRshOp | |
CClampedRshOp< T, U, typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< T >::value &&std::is_integral< U >::value >::type > | |
CClampedSubFastAsmOp | |
CClampedSubFastOp | |
CClampedSubOp | |
CClampedSubOp< T, U, typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< T >::value &&std::is_integral< U >::value >::type > | |
CClampedXorOp | |
CClampedXorOp< T, U, typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< T >::value &&std::is_integral< U >::value >::type > | |
CDstRangeRelationToSrcRangeImpl | |
CDstRangeRelationToSrcRangeImpl< Dst, Src, Bounds, DstSign, SrcSign, NUMERIC_RANGE_CONTAINED > | |
CFastIntegerArithmeticPromotion | |
CFastIntegerArithmeticPromotion< Lhs, Rhs, false > | |
CFastIntegerArithmeticPromotion< Lhs, Rhs, true > | |
CGetNumericRepresentation | |
CIntegerBitsPlusSign | |
CIntegerForDigitsAndSign | |
CIsCheckedOp | |
CIsClampedOp | |
CIsEqual | |
CIsGreater | |
CIsGreaterOrEqual | |
CIsIntegerArithmeticSafe | |
CIsLess | |
CIsLessOrEqual | |
CIsNotEqual | |
CIsNumericRangeContained | |
CIsNumericRangeContained< Dst, Src, typename std::enable_if< ArithmeticOrUnderlyingEnum< Dst >::value &&ArithmeticOrUnderlyingEnum< Src >::value >::type > | |
CIsStrictOp | |
CIsTypeInRangeForNumericType | |
CIsValueInRangeFastOp | |
CIsValueInRangeFastOp< Dst, Src, typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< Dst >::value &&std::is_integral< Src >::value &&!std::is_signed< Dst >::value &&std::is_signed< Src >::value &&!IsTypeInRangeForNumericType< Dst, Src >::value >::type > | |
CIsValueInRangeFastOp< Dst, Src, typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< Dst >::value &&std::is_integral< Src >::value &&std::is_signed< Dst >::value &&std::is_signed< Src >::value &&!IsTypeInRangeForNumericType< Dst, Src >::value >::type > | |
CLowestValuePromotion | |
CLowestValuePromotion< Lhs, Rhs, LEFT_PROMOTION > | |
CLowestValuePromotion< Lhs, Rhs, RIGHT_PROMOTION > | |
CMathWrapper | |
CMaxExponent | |
CMaxExponentPromotion | |
CMaxExponentPromotion< Lhs, Rhs, LEFT_PROMOTION > | |
CMaxExponentPromotion< Lhs, Rhs, RIGHT_PROMOTION > | |
CNarrowingRange | |
CPositionOfSignBit | |
CRangeCheck | |
CResultType | |
CResultType< M, L, R > | |
CSaturateFastAsmOp | |
CSaturateFastOp | |
CSaturateFastOp< Dst, Src, typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< Src >::value &&std::is_integral< Dst >::value &&!SaturateFastAsmOp< Dst, Src >::is_supported >::type > | |
CSaturateFastOp< Dst, Src, typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< Src >::value &&std::is_integral< Dst >::value &&SaturateFastAsmOp< Dst, Src >::is_supported >::type > | |
CSaturationDefaultLimits | |
CStaticDstRangeRelationToSrcRange | |
CStaticDstRangeRelationToSrcRange< Dst, Src, Sign, Sign > | |
CStrictNumeric | |
CTwiceWiderInteger | |
CUnderlyingType | |
CUnderlyingType< CheckedNumeric< T > > | |
CUnderlyingType< ClampedNumeric< T > > | |
CUnderlyingType< StrictNumeric< T > > | |
CUnsignedOrFloatForSize | |
CUnsignedOrFloatForSize< Numeric, false, true > | |
CUnsignedOrFloatForSize< Numeric, true, false > | |
Ntesting | |
►Nwin | |
►Ninternal | |
CVariantUtil | |
CVartypeToNativeType | |
CVartypeToNativeType< VT_BOOL > | |
CVartypeToNativeType< VT_BSTR > | |
CVartypeToNativeType< VT_DATE > | |
CVartypeToNativeType< VT_DISPATCH > | |
CVartypeToNativeType< VT_I1 > | |
CVartypeToNativeType< VT_I2 > | |
CVartypeToNativeType< VT_I4 > | |
CVartypeToNativeType< VT_I8 > | |
CVartypeToNativeType< VT_R4 > | |
CVartypeToNativeType< VT_R8 > | |
CVartypeToNativeType< VT_UI1 > | |
CVartypeToNativeType< VT_UI2 > | |
CVartypeToNativeType< VT_UI4 > | |
CVartypeToNativeType< VT_UI8 > | |
CVartypeToNativeType< VT_UNKNOWN > | |
►Ntest | |
CDispatchStub | |
CEnumVariant | |
CScopedBstr | |
►CScopedSafearray | |
CLockScope | |
CScopedVariant | |
CVariantVector | |
CAutoReset | |
CDefaultSingletonTraits | |
CLogMessage | |
CLogMessageVoidify | |
CNoDestructor | |
Cscoped_nsobject | |
Cscoped_nsobject< id > | |
Cscoped_nsobject< NSAutoreleasePool > | |
Cscoped_nsprotocol | |
CSimpleToken | |
Nbenchmark | |
►Nbenchmarking | |
CScopedPauseTiming | |
NBenchUtils | |
►Nbentleyottmann | |
CCross | |
CCrossing | |
CEvent | |
CEventQueue | |
CEventQueueInterface | |
CEventQueueTestingPeer | |
CInt96 | |
CLower | |
COrderBySlope | |
CPoint | |
CSegment | |
CSweepLine | |
CSweepLineInterface | |
CSweepLineTestingPeer | |
CUpper | |
CVisitor | |
Nbin_to_assembly | |
Nbin_to_coff | |
Nbinary_size_utils | |
►Nbitmap | |
CAlphaType | |
CColorType | |
Csk_bitmap | |
►Nbots | |
►Nbot_utils | |
CGSUtil | |
Npub_integration_test | |
►Nbuild | |
Nandroid | |
►Napi | |
CBuildApi | |
Ncanvaskit | |
Nchromebook | |
Ncmake | |
Ndefault | |
Ndocker | |
Npathkit | |
Nutil | |
CArtifact | |
CArtifactEventHandler | |
CPage | |
CStyle | |
Nbuild_fuchsia_artifacts | |
►Nbuild_fuchsia_artifacts_test | |
CBuildFuchsiaArtifactsTest | |
Nbuildapp | |
►Nbuilder_name_schema | |
►Napi | |
CBuilderNameSchemaApi | |
Nbuilder_name_schema | |
Nbuildstats_cpp | |
Nbuildstats_flutter | |
Nbuildstats_wasm | |
Nbuildstats_web | |
Ncacheimages | |
Ncalmbench | |
►Nchange_mach_o_flags | |
CMachOError | |
Ncheck_deps | |
►Ncheckout | |
►Napi | |
CCheckoutApi | |
►Nchromebook_arm_gles | |
Ncreate | |
Ncreate_and_upload | |
►Nchromebook_x86_64_gles | |
Ncreate | |
Ncreate_and_upload | |
Ncleanup_win_processes | |
►Ncode_generator_dart | |
CCodeGeneratorDart | |
NCodecUtils | |
Ncollect_data | |
Ncommon | |
NCommonFlags | |
Ncompatibility_helper | |
Ncompile | |
►Ncompiler | |
CIdlCompilerDart | |
►Ncompiler_layering_check | |
CLayeringChecker | |
Ncompute_buildstats | |
►Ncontour | |
CContour | |
CContours | |
CPoint | |
Nconvert_manifest_to_json | |
NConvexLineOnlyData | |
Ncopy | |
Ncopy_build_products | |
Ncopy_build_products_no_delete | |
►Ncopy_dart | |
CLibrary | |
Ncopy_debug_symbols | |
Ncopy_info_plist | |
Ncopy_path | |
Ncopy_tree | |
Ncopytree | |
►Ncpp_indexer | |
C_ClassInfo | |
C_Indexer | |
CLocation | |
CSymbolsIndex | |
Ncreate | |
Ncreate_and_upload | |
►Ncreate_apk | |
CChDir | |
CRemoveFiles | |
CSkQP_Build_Options | |
Ncreate_archive | |
Ncreate_debian_packages | |
Ncreate_embedder_framework | |
Ncreate_full_ios_framework | |
Ncreate_ios_framework | |
Ncreate_macos_framework | |
Ncreate_macos_gen_snapshots | |
►Ncreate_pkg_manifest | |
CVarImpl | |
Ncreate_snapshot_bin | |
Ncreate_snapshot_file | |
Ncreate_string_literal | |
Ncreate_tarball | |
Ncreate_xcframework | |
►Ndart | |
►Nbin | |
►Nelf | |
CFileMappable | |
CLoadedElf | |
CMappable | |
CMemoryMappable | |
Ntest | |
CAddressList | |
CAppSnapshot | |
CAsyncDirectoryListing | |
►CBufferListBase | |
CBufferListNode | |
CBuiltin | |
CCallbackOptionProcessor | |
CCircularLinkedList | |
CClientSocket | |
CCObject | |
CCObjectArray | |
CCObjectBool | |
CCObjectDouble | |
CCObjectExternalUint8Array | |
CCObjectInt32 | |
CCObjectInt64 | |
CCObjectIntptr | |
CCObjectNativePointer | |
CCObjectSendPort | |
CCObjectString | |
CCObjectTypedData | |
CCObjectUint8Array | |
CCommandLineOptions | |
CConsole | |
CCrypto | |
►CDartDevIsolate | |
CDartDevRunner | |
CDartUtils | |
CDatagramSocket | |
CDescriptorInfo | |
CDescriptorInfoBase | |
CDescriptorInfoMultiple | |
CDescriptorInfoMultipleMixin | |
CDescriptorInfoSingle | |
CDescriptorInfoSingleMixin | |
CDFE | |
CDirectory | |
CDirectoryListing | |
CDirectoryListingEntry | |
CDirectoryWatchHandle | |
CDummySnapshot | |
CEventHandler | |
CEventHandlerImplementation | |
CEXEUtils | |
CFDUtils | |
CFile | |
CFileHandle | |
►CFileSystemWatcher | |
CEvent | |
CFilter | |
CHandle | |
CInterfaceSocketAddress | |
CInterruptMessage | |
CIOBuffer | |
CIOHandle | |
CIOService | |
CIsolateData | |
CIsolateGroupData | |
CKernelBlob | |
CKernelIRNode | |
CListeningSocketRegistry | |
CListenSocket | |
CLoader | |
CMagicNumberData | |
CMappedAppSnapshot | |
CMappedMemory | |
CMonitor | |
CMonitorData | |
CMonitorLocker | |
CMutex | |
CMutexData | |
CMutexLocker | |
CNamespace | |
CNamespaceImpl | |
CNamespaceScope | |
CNativeAssets | |
CNativeEntries | |
COptionProcessor | |
COptions | |
COSError | |
COverlappedBuffer | |
CPathBuffer | |
CPathSanitizer | |
CPlatform | |
CProcess | |
CProcessResult | |
CRawAddr | |
CRefCntReleaseScope | |
CReferenceCounted | |
CRetainedPointer | |
CScopedBlockingCall | |
CScopedMemBIO | |
CScopedSSLStackType | |
CScopedSSLType | |
CSecureSocketUtils | |
CServerSocket | |
CShellUtils | |
CSignalInfo | |
CSnapshot | |
CSocket | |
CSocketAddress | |
CSocketBase | |
CSocketControlMessage | |
CSocketHandle | |
CSSLCertContext | |
CSSLFilter | |
CStdHandle | |
CStdin | |
CStdout | |
CStringPointer | |
CStringUtils | |
CStringUtilsWin | |
CSyncDirectoryListing | |
CSynchronousSocket | |
CThread | |
CTimeoutQueue | |
CTimerUtils | |
CTypedDataScope | |
CUriDecoder | |
CVirtualMemory | |
CVmService | |
CVmServiceIONativeEntry | |
CWideToUtf8Scope | |
CX509Helper | |
CX509TrustState | |
CZLibDeflateFilter | |
CZLibInflateFilter | |
►Ncompiler | |
►Nffi | |
CAbiAlignmentDouble | |
CAbiAlignmentUint64 | |
CArgumentAllocator | |
CBaseMarshaller | |
CBothNativeLocations | |
CCallbackArgumentTranslator | |
CCallbackMarshaller | |
CCallMarshaller | |
CFrameRebase | |
CMultipleNativeLocations | |
CNativeArrayType | |
CNativeCallingConvention | |
CNativeCompoundType | |
CNativeFpuRegistersLocation | |
CNativeFunctionType | |
CNativeLocation | |
CNativePrimitiveType | |
CNativeRegistersLocation | |
CNativeStackLocation | |
CNativeStructType | |
CNativeType | |
CNativeUnionType | |
CPointerToMemoryLocation | |
CRange | |
CRawTestCase | |
CTestCaseBase | |
CVeryLargeStruct | |
►Ntarget | |
CAbstractType | |
CApiError | |
CArgumentsDescriptor | |
CArray | |
CBool | |
CCallSiteData | |
CCapability | |
CClass | |
CClassTable | |
CClosure | |
CClosureData | |
CCode | |
CCodeSourceMap | |
CCompressedStackMaps | |
CContext | |
CContextScope | |
CDouble | |
CDynamicLibrary | |
CExceptionHandlers | |
CExternalTypedData | |
CFfiTrampolineData | |
CField | |
CFieldTable | |
CFinalizer | |
CFinalizerBase | |
CFinalizerEntry | |
CFloat32x4 | |
CFloat64x2 | |
►CForwardingCorpse | |
CFakeInstance | |
►CFreeListElement | |
CFakeInstance | |
CFunction | |
CFunctionType | |
CFutureOr | |
CGrowableObjectArray | |
CHeap | |
CICData | |
CImmutableLinkedHashBase | |
CInstance | |
CInstructions | |
CInstructionsSection | |
CInstructionsTable | |
CInt32x4 | |
CInteger | |
CIsolate | |
CIsolateGroup | |
CKernelProgramInfo | |
CLanguageError | |
CLibrary | |
CLibraryPrefix | |
CLinkedHashBase | |
CLoadingUnit | |
CLocalHandle | |
CLocalVarDescriptors | |
CMap | |
CMarkingStackBlock | |
CMegamorphicCache | |
CMint | |
CMirrorReference | |
CMonomorphicSmiableCall | |
CNamespace | |
CNativeArguments | |
CNativeEntry | |
CNativeFinalizer | |
CNullability | |
CNumber | |
CObject | |
CObjectPool | |
CObjectStore | |
COneByteString | |
CPage | |
CPatchClass | |
CPcDescriptors | |
CPersistentHandle | |
CPointer | |
CPointerBase | |
CReceivePort | |
CRecord | |
CRecordShape | |
CRecordType | |
CRegExp | |
CScript | |
CSendPort | |
CSentinel | |
CSet | |
CSingleTargetCache | |
CSmi | |
CStackTrace | |
CStoreBufferBlock | |
CStreamInfo | |
CString | |
CSubtypeTestCache | |
CSuspendState | |
CSymbols | |
CThread | |
CTimelineStream | |
CTransferableTypedData | |
CTsanUtils | |
CTwoByteString | |
CType | |
CTypeArguments | |
CTypedData | |
CTypedDataBase | |
CTypedDataView | |
CTypeParameter | |
CTypeParameters | |
CUnhandledException | |
CUnlinkedCall | |
CUntaggedAbstractType | |
CUntaggedObject | |
CUntaggedType | |
CUntaggedTypeParameter | |
CUnwindError | |
CUserTag | |
CWeakArray | |
CWeakProperty | |
CWeakReference | |
CWeakSerializationReference | |
CAddress | |
CArm64Encode | |
CArmEncode | |
CAsmIntrinsifier | |
CAssembler | |
►CAssemblerBase | |
CCodeComment | |
►CAssemblerBuffer | |
CEnsureCapacity | |
CAssemblerFixup | |
CBlockBuilder | |
CDispatchTableGenerator | |
CExternalLabel | |
CFieldAddress | |
CGraphIntrinsifier | |
CImmediate | |
CIntrinsicDesc | |
CIntrinsifier | |
CInvalidClass | |
CLabel | |
CLeafRuntimeScope | |
CLibraryIntrinsicsDesc | |
CMicroAssembler | |
CObjectPoolBuilder | |
CObjectPoolBuilderEntry | |
CObjIndexPair | |
COperand | |
CPatchCodeWithHandle | |
CRuntimeEntry | |
CSelectorMap | |
CStackRegisterScope | |
CStubCodeCompiler | |
CTableSelector | |
CUnresolvedPcRelativeCall | |
►Nelf | |
CDynamicEntry | |
CElfHeader | |
CNote | |
CProgramHeader | |
CSectionHeader | |
CSymbol | |
►Nembedder | |
CIsolateCreationData | |
CVmServiceConfiguration | |
Ninternal | |
►Nkernel | |
CActiveClass | |
CActiveClassScope | |
CActiveEnclosingFunctionScope | |
CActiveMemberScope | |
CActiveTypeParametersScope | |
CAlternativeReadingScope | |
CAlternativeReadingScopeWithNewData | |
CBaseFlowGraphBuilder | |
CBreakableBlock | |
CBuildingTranslationHelper | |
CCallSiteAttributesMetadata | |
CCallSiteAttributesMetadataHelper | |
CCatchBlock | |
CClassHelper | |
CClassIndex | |
CConstantReader | |
CConstructorHelper | |
CDirectCallMetadata | |
CDirectCallMetadataHelper | |
CFieldHelper | |
►CFlowGraphBuilder | |
CClosureCallInfo | |
CFragment | |
CFunctionNodeHelper | |
CFunctionScope | |
CInferredTypeMetadata | |
CInferredTypeMetadataHelper | |
CKernelFingerprintHelper | |
CKernelLineStartsReader | |
CKernelLoader | |
CKernelReaderHelper | |
CKernelSourceFingerprintHelper | |
CKernelTokenPositionCollector | |
CLibraryDependencyHelper | |
CLibraryHelper | |
CLibraryIndex | |
CLoadingUnitsMetadataHelper | |
CMapping | |
CMetadataEvaluator | |
CMetadataHelper | |
CNameIndex | |
CObfuscationProhibitionsMetadataHelper | |
CParameterDescriptorBuilder | |
CPositionScope | |
CProcedureAttributesMetadata | |
CProcedureAttributesMetadataHelper | |
CProcedureHelper | |
CProgram | |
CProgramState | |
CPrologueBuilder | |
CReader | |
CScopeBuilder | |
CScopeBuildingResult | |
CSimpleExpressionConverter | |
CStreamingFlowGraphBuilder | |
CStringIndex | |
CSwitchBlock | |
CSwitchExpression | |
CSwitchHelper | |
CSwitchRange | |
CTableSelectorInfo | |
CTableSelectorMetadata | |
CTableSelectorMetadataHelper | |
CTestFragment | |
CTranslationHelper | |
CTryCatchBlock | |
CTryFinallyBlock | |
CTypeParameterHelper | |
CTypeTranslator | |
►CUnboxingInfoMetadata | |
CUnboxingType | |
CUnboxingInfoMetadataHelper | |
CUriToSourceTableEntry | |
CUriToSourceTableTrait | |
CVariableDeclarationHelper | |
►Nmach_o | |
Cload_command | |
Cmach_header | |
Cmach_header_64 | |
Cnote_command | |
Nobservatory | |
►Npe | |
Ccoff_file_header | |
Ccoff_optional_header | |
Ccoff_section_header | |
►Nsnapshot_analyzer | |
CDart_SnapshotAnalyzerInformation | |
CFieldVisitor | |
CSnapshotAnalyzer | |
CAborted | |
CAbstractCode | |
CAbstractInstanceDeserializationCluster | |
CAbstractType | |
CAbstractTypeKeyValueTrait | |
CAcqRelAtomic | |
CAcqRelStorageTraits | |
CAcquiredData | |
CActionNode | |
CActivationFrame | |
CActiveIsolateScope | |
CAliasedSet | |
CAliasIdentity | |
CALIGN16 | |
CAllocAndGCTask | |
CAllocateArrayABI | |
CAllocateBoxABI | |
CAllocateClosureABI | |
CAllocateClosureInstr | |
CAllocateContextInstr | |
CAllocateGlobsOfMemoryTask | |
CAllocateMintABI | |
CAllocateObjectABI | |
CAllocateObjectInstr | |
CAllocateRecordABI | |
CAllocateRecordInstr | |
CAllocateSmallRecordABI | |
CAllocateSmallRecordInstr | |
CAllocateTypedDataArrayABI | |
CAllocateTypedDataInstr | |
CAllocateUninitializedContextInstr | |
CAllocationFilter | |
CAllocationFinger | |
CAllocationInstr | |
CAllocationSampleFilter | |
CAllocationSinking | |
CAllocOnlyStackZone | |
CAllStatic | |
CAlternativeGeneration | |
CAlternativeGenerationList | |
CAnalysis | |
CAotCallSpecializer | |
►CApi | |
CScope | |
CApiError | |
CApiGrowableArray | |
CApiLocalScope | |
CApiMessageDeserializer | |
CApiMessageSerializer | |
CApiNativeScope | |
CApiObjectConverter | |
CApiState | |
CApiZone | |
CArgumentsDescriptor | |
CArgumentsInfo | |
►CArray | |
CArrayTraits | |
CArrayAllocationInstr | |
CArrayDeserializationCluster | |
CArrayKeyValueTrait | |
CArrayMessageDeserializationCluster | |
CArrayMessageSerializationCluster | |
►CArrayOfTuplesView | |
CIterator | |
CTupleView | |
CArraySerializationCluster | |
CArrayStorageTraits | |
CAssemblerTest | |
CAssert | |
CAssertAssignableInstr | |
CAssertAssignableStubABI | |
CAssertBooleanABI | |
CAssertBooleanInstr | |
CAssertionNode | |
CAssertNoDeoptIdsAllocatedScope | |
CAssertSubtypeABI | |
CAssertSubtypeInstr | |
CAsThreadStackResource | |
CAsyncExceptionHandlerStubABI | |
CAtomicBitFieldContainer | |
CAtomicBitFieldContainerBase | |
CBackgroundCompilationQueue | |
CBackgroundCompiler | |
CBackgroundCompilerTask | |
CBackgroundGCTask | |
CBackReferenceNode | |
CBacktrackStack | |
CBackwardInstructionIterator | |
CBareSwitchableCallPattern | |
CBase | |
Cbase_ptr_type | |
CBaseCStringIntMap | |
CBaseCStringSet | |
CBaseDeserializer | |
►CBaseDirectChainedHashMap | |
CIterator | |
CBaseGrowableArray | |
CBaseGrowableHandlePtrArray | |
CBaseIsolate | |
CBasePageIterator | |
CBaseSerializer | |
CBaseTextBuffer | |
CBaseThread | |
►CBaseWriteStream | |
CRaw | |
CRaw< 1, T > | |
CRaw< 2, T > | |
CRaw< 4, T > | |
CRaw< 8, T > | |
CBecome | |
CBenchmark | |
CBenchmarkIsolateScope | |
CBequest | |
CBinaryDoubleOpInstr | |
CBinaryFeedback | |
CBinaryInt32OpInstr | |
CBinaryInt64OpInstr | |
CBinaryIntegerOpInstr | |
CBinarySmiOpInstr | |
CBinaryUint32OpInstr | |
CBitCastInstr | |
CBitField | |
CBitField< S, T, position, size, false, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< AtomicBitFieldContainerBase, S >::value, void >::type > | |
CBitField< S, T, position, size, sign_extend, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< AtomicBitFieldContainerBase, S >::value, void >::type > | |
CBitmapBuilder | |
CBitSet | |
►CBitVector | |
CIterator | |
CBlobImageWriter | |
►CBlockEntryInstr | |
CInstructionsIterable | |
CBlockEntryWithInitialDefs | |
CBlockIterator | |
CBlockLabel | Convenience wrapper around a BlockEntryInstr pointer |
CBlockScheduler | |
►CBlockStack | |
CList | |
CBlockTraversalState | |
CBlockWorkList | |
CBool | |
CBoolCallable | |
CBooleanNegateInstr | |
CBoolField | |
CBoolParameter | |
CBoolToIntInstr | |
CBootstrap | |
CBootstrapLibProps | |
CBootstrapNatives | |
CBoundsCheckGeneralizer | |
CBoxAllocationSlowPath | |
CBoxDoubleStubABI | |
CBoxing | |
CBoxInstr | |
CBoxInt32Instr | |
CBoxInt64Instr | |
CBoxInteger32Instr | |
CBoxIntegerInstr | |
CBoxLanesInstr | |
CBoxSmallIntInstr | |
CBoxUint32Instr | |
CBoyerMooreLookahead | |
CBoyerMoorePositionInfo | |
CBranchInstr | |
CBranchLabels | |
CBranchSimplifier | |
CBreakpoint | |
CBreakpointLocation | |
CBSS | |
CBufferFormatter | |
CByteBuffer | |
CBytecodeRegExpMacroAssembler | |
CCachableIdempotentCallInstr | |
CCalculateElementAddressInstr | |
CCall1ArgStubInstr | |
CCallable | |
CCallbackTestData | |
CCalleeGraphValidator | |
CCallingConventions | |
CCAllocUniquePtr | |
CCallPattern | |
CCallSiteData | |
►CCallSiteInliner | |
CInliningDecision | |
CCallSiteResetter | |
►CCallSites | |
CCallInfo | |
►CCallSpecializer | |
CExactnessInfo | |
CCallTargets | |
CCanonicalFfiCallbackFunctionTraits | |
CCanonicalFunctionTypeKey | |
CCanonicalFunctionTypeTraits | |
CCanonicalInstanceKey | |
CCanonicalInstanceTraits | |
CCanonicalRecordTypeKey | |
CCanonicalRecordTypeTraits | |
CCanonicalRegExpTraits | |
CCanonicalSetDeserializationCluster | |
CCanonicalSetSerializationCluster | |
CCanonicalTypeArgumentsKey | |
CCanonicalTypeArgumentsTraits | |
CCanonicalTypeKey | |
CCanonicalTypeParameterKey | |
CCanonicalTypeParameterTraits | |
CCanonicalTypeTraits | |
CCapability | |
CCapabilityMessageDeserializationCluster | |
CCapabilityMessageSerializationCluster | |
CCaseInsensitiveCompareInstr | |
CCaseMapping | |
CCatchBlockEntryInstr | |
CCatchEntryMove | |
CCatchEntryMoves | |
►CCatchEntryMovesMapBuilder | |
CTrieNode | |
CCatchEntryMovesMapReader | |
CCatchEntryMovesRefPtr | |
CCHA | |
CCHACodeArray | |
CChain | |
CCharacterRange | |
CCharacterSet | |
CCharArray | |
CCheckArrayBoundInstr | |
CCheckBoundBaseInstr | |
CCheckClassIdInstr | |
CCheckClassInstr | |
CCheckConditionInstr | |
CCheckEitherNonSmiInstr | |
►CCheckinTask | |
CData | |
CCheckNullInstr | |
CCheckSmiInstr | |
CCheckStackOverflowElimination | |
CCheckStackOverflowInstr | |
CCheckStoreBufferEvacuateVisitor | |
CCheckStoreBufferScavengeVisitor | |
CCheckWritableInstr | |
CChoiceNode | |
►CChoiceTable | |
CConfig | |
CEntry | |
CCidCheckerForRanges | |
CCidCount | |
CCidCountingVisitor | |
CCidIndexedTable | |
CCidRange | |
CCidRangeValue | |
CCidRangeVectorUtils | |
CCidRewriteVisitor | |
CCids | |
CCInstr | |
CClass | |
CClassAllocationSampleFilter | |
CClassDeserializationCluster | |
CClassDictionaryIterator | |
CClassFinalizer | |
CClassFunctionsTraits | |
CClassKeyValueTrait | |
CClassMapTraits | |
CClassMessageDeserializationCluster | |
CClassMessageSerializationCluster | |
CClassReasonForCancelling | |
CClassSerializationCluster | |
►CClassTable | |
CArrayTraits | |
CClassTableAllocator | |
CClassVisitor | |
CClearProfileVisitor | |
CClearTypeHashVisitor | |
CCloneContextInstr | |
CCloneSuspendStateStubABI | |
CClosure | |
CClosureCallInstr | |
CClosureData | |
CClosureDataDeserializationCluster | |
CClosureDataSerializationCluster | |
CClosureDeserializationCluster | |
CClosureFunctionsCache | |
CClosureSerializationCluster | |
►CCode | |
CArrayTraits | |
CEntryPointField | |
CKindField | |
COffsetField | |
CCodeBreakpoint | |
CCodeDescriptor | |
CCodeDeserializationCluster | |
CCodeLookupTable | |
CCodeLookupTableBuilder | |
CCodeObserver | |
CCodeObservers | |
CCodePatcher | |
►CCodeSerializationCluster | |
CCodeOrderInfo | |
CCodeSourceMap | |
CCodeSourceMapBuilder | |
CCodeSourceMapDeserializationCluster | |
CCodeSourceMapKeyValueTrait | |
CCodeSourceMapOps | |
CCodeSourceMapReader | |
CCodeSourceMapSerializationCluster | |
CCodeStatistics | |
CCodeTestHelper | |
CCodeTraits | |
CCodeVisitor | |
CCollectStoreBufferEvacuateVisitor | |
CCollectStoreBufferScavengeVisitor | |
CCombinedCodeStatistics | |
CCompactorTask | |
CComparisonInstr | |
CCompilationPipeline | |
CCompileParsedFunctionHelper | |
CCompiler | |
CCompilerDeoptInfo | |
CCompilerDeoptInfoWithStub | |
CCompilerPass | |
CCompilerPassState | |
CCompilerState | |
CCompilerTest | |
►CCompilerTimings | |
CScope | |
CCompileType | |
►CCompressedStackMaps | |
CIterator | |
CRawPayloadHandle | |
CCompressedStackMapsBuilder | |
CCompressedStackMapsDeserializationCluster | |
CCompressedStackMapsSerializationCluster | |
CConcatString | |
CConcurrentForceGrowthScopeTask | |
CConcurrentMarkTask | |
CConcurrentSweeperTask | |
CCons | |
CConstantAndRepresentation | |
CConstantInstr | |
CConstantPoolTrait | |
CConstantPropagator | |
CConstantTemporaryAllocator | |
CConstClassFieldRemoved | |
CConstMap | |
CConstraintInstr | |
CConstSet | |
CConstToNonConstClass | |
►CContext | |
CArrayTraits | |
CContextDeserializationCluster | |
►CContextScope | |
CArrayTraits | |
CContextScopeDeserializationCluster | |
CContextScopeSerializationCluster | |
CContextSerializationCluster | |
CCounterVisitor | |
CCPU | |
CCpuId | |
CCpuInfo | |
CCreateArrayInstr | |
CCSEInstructionSet | |
CCStringIntMap | |
►CCStringIntMapKeyValueTrait | |
CPair | |
CCStringSetKeyValueTrait | |
CDart | |
CDart_CodeLocation | |
CDartCallingConvention | |
CDartCompilationPipeline | |
CDartEntry | |
CDartEntryScope | |
CDartFrameIterator | |
CDartInitializationState | |
CDartLibraryCalls | |
CDartListParameter | |
CDartReturnInstr | |
CDartStringParameter | |
CDeadCodeElimination | |
CDeadStoreElimination | |
CDebugger | |
►CDebuggerKeyValueTrait | |
CPair | |
CDebuggerSet | |
CDebuggerStackTrace | |
CDebugStepCheckInstr | |
CDeduper | |
CDeeplyImmutableChange | |
CDefaultHashTraits | |
CDeferredDouble | |
CDeferredFloat32x4 | |
CDeferredFloat64x2 | |
CDeferredInt32x4 | |
CDeferredMint | |
CDeferredObject | |
CDeferredObjectRef | |
CDeferredPcMarker | |
CDeferredPp | |
CDeferredRetAddr | |
CDeferredSlot | |
CDefinition | |
►CDefinitionIndexPairTrait | |
CPair | |
CDefinitionWorklist | |
CDelayAllocations | |
CDeltaEncodedTypedDataDeserializationCluster | |
CDeltaEncodedTypedDataSerializationCluster | |
CDeoptCallerFpInstr | |
CDeoptCallerPcInstr | |
CDeoptCallerPpInstr | |
CDeoptConstantInstr | |
CDeoptContext | |
CDeoptFpuInstr | |
CDeoptId | |
CDeoptIdScope | |
CDeoptimizeInstr | |
CDeoptInfo | |
►CDeoptInfoBuilder | |
CTrieNode | |
CDeoptInstr | |
CDeoptIntegerInstrBase | |
CDeoptIntInstr | |
CDeoptMaterializedObjectRefInstr | |
CDeoptMaterializeObjectInstr | |
CDeoptMintPairInstr | |
CDeoptPcMarkerInstr | |
CDeoptPpInstr | |
CDeoptRetAddressInstr | |
CDeoptSafepointOperationScope | |
►CDeoptTable | |
CFlagsField | |
CReasonField | |
CDeoptTask | |
CDeoptWordInstr | |
CDescriptorList | |
CDeserializationCluster | |
CDeserializationRoots | |
►CDeserializer | |
CLocal | |
CDictionaryIterator | |
CDirectChainedHashMap | |
CDisableBackgroundCompilationScope | |
CDisableBreakpointsScope | |
CDisableIdleTimerScope | |
CDisableNativeProfileScope | |
CDisableThreadInterruptsScope | |
CDisassembler | |
CDisassembleToJSONStream | |
CDisassembleToMemory | |
CDisassembleToStdout | |
CDisassemblyFormatter | |
CDispatcherKey | |
CDispatcherTraits | |
CDispatchTable | |
CDispatchTableCallInstr | |
CDispatchTableNullErrorABI | |
CDominatorBasedCSE | |
CDouble | |
CDoubleDeserializationCluster | |
CDoubleInternals | |
CDoubleMessageDeserializationCluster | |
CDoubleMessageSerializationCluster | |
CDoubleSerializationCluster | |
CDoubleTestOpInstr | |
CDoubleToFloatInstr | |
CDoubleToIntegerInstr | |
CDoubleToIntegerSlowPath | |
CDoubleToIntegerStubABI | |
CDoubleToSmiInstr | |
CDropTempsInstr | |
CDynamicAssertionHelper | |
CDynamicLibrary | |
CEdge | |
CEmbeddedArray | |
CEmbeddedArray< T, 0 > | |
CEmbedderServiceHandler | |
CEndNode | |
CEnsureFinalizedError | |
CEnterCompilerScope | |
CEnterIsolateGroupScope | |
CEntryFrame | |
CEnumClassConflict | |
CEnumListParameter | |
CEnumMapTraits | |
CEnumParameter | |
►CEnvironment | |
CDeepIterator | |
CShallowIterator | |
CEpilogueState | |
CEpilogueTask | |
CEqualityCompareInstr | |
CError | |
CEvaluator | |
CEvent | |
CEventCounterRecorder | |
CEventQueue | |
CExceptionHandlerFinder | |
CExceptionHandlerInfo | |
►CExceptionHandlerList | |
CHandlerDesc | |
►CExceptionHandlers | |
CArrayTraits | |
CExceptionHandlersDeserializationCluster | |
CExceptionHandlersSerializationCluster | |
CExceptions | |
CExclusiveCodePageIterator | |
CExclusivePageIterator | |
CExitFrame | |
CExpect | |
CExternalCodeObserverAdapter | |
CExternalTypedData | |
CExternalTypedDataDeserializationCluster | |
CExternalTypedDataMessageDeserializationCluster | |
CExternalTypedDataMessageSerializationCluster | |
CExternalTypedDataSerializationCluster | |
CExtractNthOutputInstr | |
CExtraLoopInfo | |
CFactoryRecognizer | |
CFakeMessageHandler | |
CFakeSerializationCluster | |
CFastForwardMap | |
CFastFromTo | |
CFastObjectCopy | |
CFastObjectCopyBase | |
CFfiAsyncCallbackSendStubABI | |
►CFfiCallbackMetadata | |
CMetadata | |
CFfiCallInstr | |
CFfiNativeEntries | |
CFfiTrampolineData | |
CFfiTrampolineDataDeserializationCluster | |
CFfiTrampolineDataSerializationCluster | |
CField | |
CFieldDependentArray | |
CFieldDeserializationCluster | |
CFieldGuardState | |
CFieldGuardUpdater | |
CFieldInvalidator | |
CFieldKeyValueTrait | |
CFieldMapping | |
CFieldSerializationCluster | |
CFieldTable | |
CFinalizableData | |
CFinalizablePersistentHandle | |
CFinalizablePersistentHandles | |
CFinalizer | |
CFinalizerBase | |
CFinalizerEntry | |
CFinalizeVMIsolateVisitor | |
CFinalizeWeakPersistentHandlesVisitor | |
CFixed | |
CFixedArray | |
►CFixedCache | |
CEntry | |
CFixedQRegisterView | |
CFlag | |
CFlags | |
Cfloat32_int32 | |
CFloat32x4 | |
CFloat64x2 | |
CFloatCompareInstr | |
CFloatToDoubleInstr | |
►CFlowGraph | |
CLogicalAnd | |
CFlowGraphAllocator | |
►CFlowGraphBuilderHelper | |
CIncomingDef | |
CFlowGraphCompiler | |
►CFlowGraphDeserializer | |
CReadRefTrait | |
CReadTrait | |
CReadTrait< const GrowableArray< T > & > | |
CReadTrait< const ZoneGrowableArray< T > & > | |
CReadTrait< GrowableArray< T > > | |
CReadTrait< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_same_v< intptr_t, T > &&!std::is_same_v< intptr_t, int32_t > &&!std::is_same_v< intptr_t, int64_t > > > | |
CReadTrait< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_same_v< uintptr_t, T > &&!std::is_same_v< uintptr_t, uint32_t > &&!std::is_same_v< uintptr_t, uint64_t > > > | |
CReadTrait< ZoneGrowableArray< T > * > | |
CFlowGraphInliner | |
CFlowGraphPrinter | |
►CFlowGraphSerializer | |
CWriteRefTrait | |
CWriteTrait | |
CWriteTrait< const GrowableArray< T > & > | |
CWriteTrait< const ZoneGrowableArray< T > & > | |
CWriteTrait< GrowableArray< T > > | |
CWriteTrait< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_same_v< intptr_t, T > &&!std::is_same_v< intptr_t, int32_t > &&!std::is_same_v< intptr_t, int64_t > > > | |
CWriteTrait< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_same_v< uintptr_t, T > &&!std::is_same_v< uintptr_t, uint32_t > &&!std::is_same_v< uintptr_t, uint64_t > > > | |
CWriteTrait< ZoneGrowableArray< T > * > | |
CFlowGraphTypePropagator | |
CFlowGraphVisitor | |
CForceGrowthSafepointOperationScope | |
CForceGrowthScope | |
CForwardHeapPointersHandleVisitor | |
CForwardHeapPointersVisitor | |
CForwardingBlock | |
►CForwardingCorpse | |
CFakeInstance | |
CForwardingPage | |
CForwardInstructionIterator | |
CForwardMapBase | |
CForwardPointersVisitor | |
CFrameLayout | |
CFreeList | |
►CFreeListElement | |
CFakeInstance | |
CFrequencyCollator | |
CFullSnapshotReader | |
CFullSnapshotWriter | |
►CFunction | |
CAwaiterLink | |
CICDataArrayIndices | |
CKindBits | |
CModifierBits | |
CRecognizedBits | |
CFunctionDeserializationCluster | |
CFunctionEntryInstr | |
CFunctionHashMapTraits | |
CFunctionKeyTraits | |
CFunctionName | |
CFunctionSerializationCluster | |
CFunctionsTraits | |
CFunctionType | |
CFunctionTypeDeserializationCluster | |
CFunctionTypeKeyValueTrait | |
CFunctionTypeMapping | |
CFunctionTypeSerializationCluster | |
CFunctionVisitor | |
CFutureOr | |
CFuzzTask | |
CGCCompactor | |
CGCIncrementalCompactor | |
CGCLinkedList | |
CGCLinkedLists | |
CGCMarker | |
CGcSafepointOperationScope | |
CGCSweeper | |
CGcWithoutDeoptTask | |
CGenericCheckBoundInstr | |
CGetInstancesVisitor | |
CGotoInstr | |
CGraphEntryInstr | |
CGraphInfoCollector | |
CGraphIntrinsicCodeGenScope | |
CGreedyLoopState | |
CGroupDebugger | |
CGrowableArray | |
CGrowableHandlePtrArray | |
CGrowableObjectArray | |
CGrowableObjectArrayDeserializationCluster | |
CGrowableObjectArrayMessageDeserializationCluster | |
CGrowableObjectArrayMessageSerializationCluster | |
CGrowableObjectArraySerializationCluster | |
CGuard | |
CGuardedAlternative | |
CGuardFieldClassInstr | |
CGuardFieldInstr | |
CGuardFieldLengthInstr | |
CGuardFieldTypeInstr | |
CHandles | |
CHandleScope | |
CHandleTypes | |
CHandleVisitor | |
CHashDoubleOpInstr | |
CHashIntegerOpInstr | |
CHashMap | |
CHashSet | |
CHashTable | |
CHashTableBase | |
CHashTables | |
CHeap | |
CHeapIterationScope | |
CHeapLocker | |
CHeapMapAsJSONVisitor | |
CHeapProfileSampler | |
CHeapTestHelper | |
CHelperThreadState | |
CHierarchyInfo | |
CHostCPUFeatures | |
CICCallPattern | |
CICData | |
CICDataDeserializationCluster | |
CICDataSerializationCluster | |
CICDataTestTask | |
CIdentityMap | |
CIdentitySetKeyValueTrait | |
CIdleTimeHandler | |
CIdParameter | |
CIfConverter | |
CIfThenElseInstr | |
CILMatcher | |
CImage | |
CImageReader | |
►CImageWriter | |
CInstructionsData | |
CObjectData | |
CImageWriterCommand | |
CImmutableArray | |
CImmutableLinkedHashBase | |
CIncrementalForwardingVisitor | |
CIndirectEntryInstr | |
CIndirectGotoInstr | |
►CInductionVar | |
CBound | |
CInductionVarAnalysis | |
CInfiniteLoopTask | |
CInitInstanceFieldABI | |
CInitLateInstanceFieldInternalRegs | |
CInitLateStaticFieldInternalRegs | |
CInitStaticFieldABI | |
CInitSuspendableFunctionStubABI | |
CInlinedCallData | |
CInlinedFunctionsIterator | |
CInlinedInfo | |
CInlineExitCollector | |
CInstance | |
CInstanceCallBaseInstr | |
CInstanceCallInstr | |
CInstanceDeserializationCluster | |
CInstanceKeyValueTrait | |
CInstanceMorpher | |
CInstanceOfInstr | |
CInstanceSerializationCluster | |
CInstanceSizeConflict | |
CInstantiateTAVInternalRegs | |
CInstantiateTypeABI | |
CInstantiateTypeArgumentsInstr | |
CInstantiateTypeInstr | |
CInstantiationABI | |
CInstr | |
CInstrAttrs | |
►CInstruction | |
CInputsTrait | |
CSuccessorsTrait | |
►CInstructionIndexedPropertyIterable | |
CIterator | |
CInstructionPattern | |
►CInstructions | |
CSizeBits | |
CInstructionsKeyValueTrait | |
CInstructionSource | |
CInstructionsSection | |
CInstructionsTable | |
CInstructionVisitor | |
CInt32ToDoubleInstr | |
CInt32x4 | |
CInt64Parameter | |
CInt64ToDoubleInstr | |
CIntConverterInstr | |
CInteger | |
CIntegerInstructionSelector | |
CInterfaceFinder | |
CInterruptChecker | |
CInterruptedThreadState | |
CInterval | |
►CIntKeyRawPointerValueTrait | |
CPair | |
CIntMap | |
CIntptrPair | |
►CIntrusiveDList | |
CIterator | |
CIntrusiveDListEntry | |
CIntSet | |
CIntToBoolInstr | |
CInvalidationCollector | |
CInvocationMirror | |
CInvokeMathCFunctionInstr | |
CIrregexpCompilationPipeline | |
CIrregexpInterpreter | |
CIRRegExpMacroAssembler | |
Cis_compressed_ptr | |
Cis_double | |
Cis_double< double > | |
Cis_uncompressed_ptr | |
Cis_uncompressed_ptr< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< ObjectPtr, T >::value, void >::type > | |
Cis_void | |
Cis_void< void > | |
CIsolate | |
CIsolateExitScope | |
CIsolateGroup | |
CIsolateGroupReloadContext | |
CIsolateGroupSource | |
CIsolateKillerVisitor | |
CIsolateLeaveScope | |
CIsolateMessageHandler | |
CIsolateObjectStore | |
CIsolateSpawnState | |
CIsolateVisitor | |
CItem | |
CJitCallSpecializer | |
CJoinEntryInstr | |
CJSONArray | |
CJSONBase64String | |
CJSONObject | |
CJSONStream | |
CJSONWriter | |
CKernelBufferList | |
CKernelCompilationRequest | |
CKernelIsolate | |
CKernelProgramInfo | |
CKernelProgramInfoDeserializationCluster | |
CKernelProgramInfoSerializationCluster | |
CLambdaBoolCallable | |
CLambdaCallable | |
CLanguageError | |
CLanguageErrorDeserializationCluster | |
CLanguageErrorSerializationCluster | |
CLateInitializationErrorABI | |
CLateInitializationErrorSlowPath | |
CLatin1 | |
CLeafRuntimeCallInstr | |
CLeaveCompilerScope | |
CLEB128Constants | |
CLibrary | |
CLibraryDeserializationCluster | |
CLibraryLookupTraits | |
CLibraryMapTraits | |
CLibraryPrefix | |
CLibraryPrefixDeserializationCluster | |
CLibraryPrefixMapTraits | |
CLibraryPrefixSerializationCluster | |
CLibrarySerializationCluster | |
CLink | |
CLinkedHashBase | |
CLinkRegister | |
CLiveBytes | |
CLivenessAnalysis | |
CLiveRange | |
CLoadClassIdInstr | |
CLoadCodeUnitsInstr | |
CLoadFieldInstr | |
CLoadIndexedInstr | |
CLoadIndexedUnsafeInstr | |
CLoadingUnit | |
CLoadingUnitDeserializationCluster | |
CLoadingUnitSerializationCluster | |
CLoadingUnitSerializationData | |
CLoadLocalInstr | |
CLoadOptimizer | |
CLoadStaticFieldInstr | |
CLoadThreadInstr | |
CLoadUntaggedInstr | |
CLocalBlockWorkList | |
CLocalHandle | |
CLocalHandles | |
CLocalScope | |
CLocalVarDescriptors | |
►CLocalVarDescriptorsBuilder | |
CVarDesc | |
CLocalVariable | |
CLocation | |
CLocationSummary | |
CLocationTrait | |
CLocationTrait< Fixed< R, reg > > | |
CLocationTrait< FixedQRegisterView< reg > > | |
CLocationTrait< FpuRegister > | |
CLocationTrait< NoLocation > | |
CLocationTrait< QRegisterView > | |
CLocationTrait< Register > | |
CLocationTrait< SameAsFirstInput > | |
CLocationTrait< Temp< RegisterType > > | |
CLog | |
CLogBlock | |
CLogTestHelper | |
CLongDeoptTask | |
CLongJumpScope | |
CLoopChoiceNode | |
CLoopHierarchy | |
CLoopInfo | |
CMakePairInstr | |
CMakeTempInstr | |
CMalloc | |
CMallocAllocated | |
CMallocDirectChainedHashMap | |
CMallocGrowableArray | |
CMallocWriteStream | |
►CMap | |
CIterator | |
CMapDeserializationCluster | |
CMapMessageDeserializationCluster | |
CMapMessageSerializationCluster | |
CMapSerializationCluster | |
CMarkingStack | |
CMarkingVisitorBase | |
CMarkingWeakVisitor | |
CMatchCode | |
CMaterializeObjectInstr | |
CMathMinMaxInstr | |
CMaxMetric | |
CMaxProfileDepthScope | |
CMaybeOnStackBuffer | |
CMeasureCpu | |
CMeasureMonotonic | |
CMegamorphicCache | |
CMegamorphicCacheDeserializationCluster | |
CMegamorphicCacheSerializationCluster | |
CMegamorphicCacheTable | |
CMemoryCopyInstr | |
CMemoryRegion | |
CMessage | |
CMessageDeserializationCluster | |
CMessageDeserializer | |
CMessageEvent | |
CMessageFinalizableData | |
►CMessageHandler | |
CAcquiredQueues | |
CMessageHandlerTask | |
CMessageHandlerTestPeer | |
►CMessageQueue | |
CIterator | |
CMessageSerializationCluster | |
CMessageSerializer | |
CMetadataMapTraits | |
CMethodParameter | |
CMethodRecognizer | |
CMethodTokenRecognizer | |
CMetric | |
CMetricCurrentRSS | |
CMetricHeapNewCapacity | |
CMetricHeapNewExternal | |
CMetricHeapNewUsed | |
CMetricHeapOldCapacity | |
CMetricHeapOldExternal | |
CMetricHeapOldUsed | |
CMetricHeapUsed | |
CMetricIsolateCount | |
CMetricPeakRSS | |
CMinMetric | |
CMint | |
CMintDeserializationCluster | |
CMintMessageDeserializationCluster | |
CMintMessageSerializationCluster | |
CMintSerializationCluster | |
CMirrorReference | |
CMirrors | |
CMockInstruction | |
CMonitor | |
CMonitorData | |
CMonitorLeaveScope | |
CMonitorLocker | |
CMonomorphicSmiableCall | |
CMoveArgumentInstr | |
CMoveOperands | |
CMoveSchedule | |
CMutatorThreadPool | |
CMutex | |
CMutexData | |
CMutexLocker | |
CMyMetric | |
CNamedArgument | |
CNameFormattingParams | |
CNamespace | |
CNamespaceDeserializationCluster | |
CNamespaceSerializationCluster | |
CNativeArguments | |
CNativeAssetsMapTraits | |
CNativeCallInstr | |
CNativeCallPattern | |
CNativeEntries | |
CNativeEntry | |
CNativeEntryData | |
CNativeEntryInstr | |
CNativeFieldsConflict | |
CNativeFinalizer | |
CNativeMessageHandler | |
CNativeParameterInstr | |
CNativePointerMessageDeserializationCluster | |
CNativePointerMessageSerializationCluster | |
CNativeReturnInstr | |
CNativeSymbolResolver | |
CNegativeLookaroundChoiceNode | |
CNegativeSubmatchSuccess | |
CNoActiveIsolateScope | |
CNoAllocationSampleFilter | |
CNoBackgroundCompilerScope | |
CNoCSE | |
CNodeInfo | |
CNodeVisitor | |
CNoLocation | |
CNonStreamingWriteStream | |
CNoReloadScope | |
CNoSafepointScope | |
CNoSuchParameter | |
CNoTemporaryAllocator | |
CNoThrow | |
CNullErrorSlowPath | |
CNumber | |
CNumbersKeyValueTrait | |
CObfuscator | |
CObject | |
CObjectAccumulator | |
CObjectAlignment | |
CObjectCopy | |
CObjectCopyBase | |
CObjectCounter | |
CObjectGraphCopier | |
CObjectIdRing | |
CObjectIdRingTestHelper | |
CObjectLocator | |
CObjectOffsetPair | |
CObjectOffsetTrait | |
CObjectPointerVisitor | |
►CObjectPool | |
CArrayTraits | |
CEntry | |
CObjectPoolDeserializationCluster | |
CObjectPoolSerializationCluster | |
CObjectPtr | |
CObjectSet | |
CObjectSetRegion | |
CObjectStore | |
CObjectVisitor | |
COffsetsExtractor | |
COffsetsTable | |
►COneByteString | |
CArrayTraits | |
COneByteStringFromCharCodeInstr | |
COneByteStringMessageDeserializationCluster | |
COneByteStringMessageSerializationCluster | |
►COS | |
CBuildId | |
COsrEntryInstr | |
COSThread | |
COSThreadIterator | |
COutSet | |
CPage | |
CPageSpace | |
CPageSpaceController | |
CPageSpaceGarbageCollectionHistory | |
CPairLocation | |
CParallelMarkTask | |
CParallelMoveEmitter | |
CParallelMoveInstr | |
CParallelMoveResolver | |
CParallelScavengerTask | |
CParameterInstr | |
►CParsedFunction | |
CDynamicClosureCallVars | |
CParsedUri | |
CParser | |
CPartition | |
CPassiveObject | |
CPatchableCallHandler | |
CPatchClass | |
CPatchClassDeserializationCluster | |
CPatchClassSerializationCluster | |
►CPcDescriptors | |
CIterator | |
CPcDescriptorsDeserializationCluster | |
CPcDescriptorsKeyValueTrait | |
CPcDescriptorsSerializationCluster | |
CPcRelativeCallPattern | |
CPcRelativeCallPatternBase | |
CPcRelativePatternBase | |
CPcRelativeTailCallPattern | |
CPcRelativeTrampolineJumpPattern | |
CPendingCall | |
CPendingDeopts | |
CPendingLazyDeopt | |
CPersistentHandle | |
CPersistentHandles | |
CPersistentHandleVisitor | |
CPhiInstr | |
CPhiIterator | |
►CPhiPlaceMoves | |
CMove | |
CPlace | |
CPointer | |
CPointerBase | |
CPointerBlock | |
CPointerSetKeyValueTrait | |
CPolymorphicInliner | |
CPolymorphicInstanceCallInstr | |
CPortMap | |
►CPortSet | |
CEntry | |
CIterator | |
CPortTestMessageHandler | |
CPreallocatedStackTraceBuilder | |
CPrecompiler | |
CPredefinedCObjects | |
CPredicateObjectPointerVisitor | |
CPreFinalizedConflict | |
CPreloadState | |
CPrintObjectPointersVisitor | |
CPrintTimeScope | |
►CPriorityQueue | |
CEntry | |
CProcessedSample | |
CProcessedSampleBuffer | |
CProfile | |
CProfileBuilder | |
CProfileCode | |
CProfileCodeAddress | |
CProfileCodeInlinedFunctionsCache | |
CProfileCodeTable | |
CProfileFunction | |
CProfileFunctionSourcePosition | |
CProfileFunctionTable | |
CProfiler | |
CProfilerCounters | |
CProfilerDartStackWalker | |
CProfilerNativeStackWalker | |
CProfilerService | |
CProfilerStackWalker | |
CProfileSampleBufferTestHelper | |
CProfileStackWalker | |
CProgramDeserializationRoots | |
CProgramElementKeyValueTrait | |
CProgramReloadContext | |
CProgramSerializationRoots | |
CProgramVisitor | |
CProgramWalker | |
CPrologueInfo | |
CProloguePattern | |
CPrologueState | |
CPrologueTask | |
CPromotionStack | |
CPtrTypes | |
CPure | |
CPureComparison | |
CPureDefinition | |
CPureInstruction | |
CQRegisterView | |
CQueueElement | |
►CQuickCheckDetails | |
CPosition | |
CRandom | |
CRange | |
CRangeAnalysis | |
CRangeBoundary | |
CRangeErrorABI | |
CRangeErrorSlowPath | |
CRangeUtils | |
►CRawPointerKeyValueTrait | |
CPair | |
CRawReloadParticipationScope | |
CRawTestCase | |
CReachabilityFenceInstr | |
CReachingDefs | |
CReaderThreadState | |
CReadOnlyHandles | |
CReadRwLocker | |
►CReadStream | |
CRaw | |
CRaw< 1, T > | |
CRaw< 2, T > | |
CRaw< 4, T > | |
CRaw< 8, T > | |
CReasonForCancelling | |
CReceivePort | |
►CRecord | |
CArrayTraits | |
CRecordCoverageInstr | |
CRecordDeserializationCluster | |
CRecordFieldNamesMapTraits | |
CRecordSerializationCluster | |
CRecordShape | |
CRecordType | |
CRecordTypeDeserializationCluster | |
CRecordTypeSerializationCluster | |
CRecursionCheck | |
CRedefinitionInstr | |
►CRegExp | |
CDotAllBit | |
CFlagsBits | |
CGlobalBit | |
CIgnoreCaseBit | |
CMultiLineBit | |
CTypeBits | |
CUnicodeBit | |
CRegExpAlternative | |
CRegExpAssertion | |
CRegExpAtom | |
CRegExpBackReference | |
CRegExpBuilder | |
CRegExpCapture | |
CRegExpCharacterClass | |
CRegExpCompileData | |
CRegExpCompiler | |
CRegExpDeserializationCluster | |
CRegExpDisjunction | |
CRegExpEmpty | |
►CRegExpEngine | |
CCompilationResult | |
CRegExpExpansionLimiter | |
CRegExpFlags | |
CRegExpKey | |
►CRegExpLookaround | |
CBuilder | |
CRegExpMacroAssembler | |
CRegExpNode | |
CRegExpParser | |
CRegExpQuantifier | |
CRegExpSerializationCluster | |
CRegExpText | |
CRegExpTree | |
CRegExpUnparser | |
CRegExpVisitor | |
CRegisterNames | |
CRegisterReader | |
CRegisterReader< FpuRegister, double > | |
CRegisterReader< FpuRegister, float > | |
CRegisterReader< FpuRegister, simd128_value_t > | |
CRegisterReader< Register, T > | |
CRegisterRunningIsolatesVisitor | |
CRegisterSet | |
CRegisterSource | |
CRelationalOpInstr | |
CRelaxedAtomic | |
CReloadSafepointOperationScope | |
CReloadTask | |
CReport | |
CRepresentationUtils | |
CResolver | |
CResource | |
CRestoreWriteBarrierInvariantVisitor | |
CResumeStubABI | |
CRetainingPath | |
CReThrowABI | |
CReThrowInstr | |
CReturnAddressLocator | |
CReturnBaseInstr | |
CReturnPattern | |
CReturnStubABI | |
CReusableHandleStack | |
CReversePc | |
CRingBuffer | |
CRingServiceIdZone | |
CRODataDeserializationCluster | |
CRODataSerializationCluster | |
CRunInSafepointAndRWCodeArgs | |
CRunKernelTask | |
CRunLoopData | |
CRunnableIsolateParameter | |
CRunServiceTask | |
CRuntimeCallDeoptScope | |
CRuntimeEntry | |
CRwLock | |
CSafepointHandler | |
CSafepointMonitorLocker | |
CSafepointMonitorUnlockScope | |
CSafepointMutexLocker | |
CSafepointOperationScope | |
CSafepointPosition | |
CSafepointReadRwLocker | |
CSafepointRwLock | |
CSafepointTestTask | |
CSafepointWriteRwLocker | |
CSameAsFirstInput | |
CSample | |
CSampleBlock | |
CSampleBlockBuffer | |
CSampleBlockBufferOverrideScope | |
CSampleBlockCleanupVisitor | |
CSampleBlockProcessor | |
CSampleBuffer | |
CSampleFilter | |
CSampleVisitor | |
CScavenger | |
CScavengerVisitorBase | |
CScavengerWeakVisitor | |
CScavengeStats | |
CScheduler | |
CScopedHandle | |
CScopeTimer | |
CScript | |
CScriptDeserializationCluster | |
CScriptSerializationCluster | |
CScriptUrlSetTraits | |
CSemiSpace | |
CSendAndExitMessagesHandler | |
CSendPort | |
CSendPortMessageDeserializationCluster | |
CSendPortMessageSerializationCluster | |
CSentinel | |
CSeqRegExpNode | |
CSerializationCluster | |
CSerializationRoots | |
CSerializedObjectBuffer | |
►CSerializer | |
CWritingObjectScope | |
CService | |
►CServiceEvent | |
CExtensionEvent | |
CLogRecord | |
CServiceIdZone | |
CServiceIsolate | |
CServiceIsolateVisitor | |
CServiceMethodDescriptor | |
CServiceTestMessageHandler | |
►CSet | |
CIterator | |
CSetDeserializationCluster | |
CSetFlagScope | |
CSetFramePointerPattern | |
CSetMessageDeserializationCluster | |
CSetMessageSerializationCluster | |
CSetSerializationCluster | |
CSharedSlowPathStubABI | |
CShiftInt64OpInstr | |
CShiftIntegerOpInstr | |
CShiftUint32OpInstr | |
CSignalHandler | |
CSignatureTrait | |
CSignatureTrait< Cons< T0, Tx > > | |
CSignatureTrait< Nil > | |
Csimd128_value_t | |
CSimd128DeserializationCluster | |
CSimd128MessageDeserializationCluster | |
CSimd128MessageSerializationCluster | |
CSimd128SerializationCluster | |
Csimd_value_t | |
CSimdLowering | |
CSimdOpInfo | |
CSimdOpInstr | |
►CSimpleHashMap | |
CEntry | |
CSimpleTaskWithZoneAllocation | |
CSimulateWork | |
CSimulateWork2 | |
CSimulator | |
CSingleTargetCache | |
CSleepTask | |
CSlot | |
CSlotCache | |
CSlowForwardMap | |
CSlowFromTo | |
CSlowObjectCopy | |
CSlowObjectCopyBase | |
CSlowPathCode | |
CSmallSet | |
CSmi | |
CSmiMessageDeserializationCluster | |
CSmiMessageSerializationCluster | |
CSmiToDoubleInstr | |
CSmiTraits | |
CSnapshot | |
CSnapshotHeaderReader | |
CSourceReport | |
CSpaceUsage | |
CSpawnIsolateTask | |
CSpawnTask | |
CSpeculativeInliningPolicy | |
CSpeculativeShiftInt64OpInstr | |
CSpeculativeShiftUint32OpInstr | |
►CSplayTree | |
CLocator | |
CNode | |
CSSACompactor | |
CSSALivenessAnalysis | |
CStackFrame | |
CStackFrameIterator | |
CStackMapEntry | |
►CStackMapEntryKeyIntValueTrait | |
CPair | |
CStackResource | |
CStackTrace | |
CStackTraceBuilder | |
CStackTraceDeserializationCluster | |
CStackTraceSerializationCluster | |
►CStackTraceUtils | |
CFrame | |
CStackZone | |
CStartEvent | |
CStartIsolateScope | |
►CStateMachineTask | |
CData | |
CStaticCallInstr | |
CStaticTypeExactnessState | |
CSTCInternalRegs | |
CStickySpecialization | |
CStopInstr | |
CStoppedMutatorsScope | |
CStoreBuffer | |
CStoreBufferForwardingVisitor | |
CStoreFieldInstr | |
CStoreIndexedInstr | |
CStoreIndexedUnsafeInstr | |
CStoreLocalInstr | |
CStoreOptimizer | |
CStoreStaticFieldInstr | |
CStreamableSampleFilter | |
CStreamInfo | |
CStreamingWriteStream | |
CStressTask | |
CStrictCompareInstr | |
►CString | |
CCodePointIterator | |
CStringDeserializationCluster | |
CStringHasher | |
CStringParameter | |
CStringSerializationCluster | |
CStringSlice | |
CStringSpecializationCid | |
CStringToCharCodeInstr | |
CStruct1024BytesHomogeneousUint64 | |
CStruct10BytesHomogeneousBool | |
CStruct10BytesInlineArrayBool | |
CStruct12BytesHomogeneousFloat | |
CStruct12BytesHomogeneousInt32 | |
CStruct15BytesInlineArrayMixed | |
CStruct16BytesHomogeneousFloat | |
CStruct16BytesMixed | |
CStruct16BytesMixed2 | |
CStruct16BytesNestedInt | |
CStruct17BytesInt | |
CStruct19BytesHomogeneousUint8 | |
CStruct1ByteBool | |
CStruct1ByteInt | |
CStruct20BytesHomogeneousFloat | |
CStruct20BytesHomogeneousInt32 | |
CStruct20BytesHomogeneousInt32Copy | |
CStruct2BytesInt | |
CStruct32BytesHomogeneousDouble | |
CStruct32BytesInlineArrayMultiDimensionalInt | |
CStruct32BytesNestedInt | |
CStruct3BytesHomogeneousUint8 | |
CStruct3BytesInt2ByteAligned | |
CStruct3BytesPackedInt | |
CStruct3BytesPackedIntCopy | |
CStruct3BytesPackedIntMembersAligned | |
CStruct40BytesHomogeneousDouble | |
CStruct43693 | |
CStruct46127 | |
CStruct4BytesFloat | |
CStruct4BytesHomogeneousInt16 | |
CStruct4BytesHomogeneousInt16Copy | |
CStruct4BytesInlineArrayMultiDimensionalInt | |
CStruct5BytesPackedMixed | |
CStruct64BytesInlineArrayMultiDimensionalInt | |
CStruct6BytesInlineArrayInt | |
CStruct7BytesHomogeneousUint8 | |
CStruct7BytesInt4ByteAligned | |
CStruct8BytesFloat | |
CStruct8BytesHomogeneousFloat | |
CStruct8BytesInlineArrayInt | |
CStruct8BytesInlineArrayMultiDimensionalInt | |
CStruct8BytesInt | |
CStruct8BytesMixed | |
CStruct8BytesNestedFloat | |
CStruct8BytesNestedFloat2 | |
CStruct8BytesNestedInt | |
CStruct8BytesNestedIntCopy | |
CStruct8BytesNestedMixed | |
CStruct8BytesPackedInt | |
CStruct9BytesHomogeneousUint8 | |
CStruct9BytesInt4Or8ByteAligned | |
CStruct9BytesPackedMixed | |
CStruct9Uint8 | |
CStructAlignmentInt16 | |
CStructAlignmentInt32 | |
CStructAlignmentInt64 | |
CStructInlineArray100Bytes | |
CStructInlineArrayBig | |
CStructInlineArrayInt | |
CStructInlineArrayIrregular | |
CStructNestedAlignmentStruct5BytesPackedMixed | |
CStructNestedIntStructAlignmentInt16 | |
CStructNestedIntStructAlignmentInt32 | |
CStructNestedIntStructAlignmentInt64 | |
CStructNestedIrregularBig | |
CStructNestedIrregularBigger | |
CStructNestedIrregularEvenBigger | |
CStructStruct16BytesHomogeneousFloat2 | |
CStructStruct16BytesMixed3 | |
CStructStruct32BytesHomogeneousDouble2 | |
CStubCode | |
CSubtypeFinder | |
CSubtypeTestCache | |
CSubtypeTestCacheDeserializationCluster | |
CSubtypeTestCacheSerializationCluster | |
CSuspendInstr | |
CSuspendState | |
CSuspendStubABI | |
CSwitchableCallPattern | |
CSwitchableCallPatternBase | |
CSymbol | |
CSymbolKeyValueTrait | |
CSymbols | |
CSymbolTraits | |
CSyslog | |
CSystemServiceIsolateVisitor | |
CTableSelectorKeyValueTrait | |
CTailCallInstr | |
CTarArchive | |
CTargetCPUFeatures | |
CTargetEntryInstr | |
CTargetInfo | |
CTaskWithZoneAllocation | |
CTemp | |
CTemplateAllocation | |
CTemplateArrayAllocation | |
CTemplateComparison | |
CTemplateDartCall | |
CTemplateDefinition | |
CTemplateInstruction | |
CTemplateLoadField | |
CTemplateSlowPathCode | |
CTemporaryRegisterAllocator | |
CTestCase | |
CTestCaseBase | |
CTestCaseMoves | |
CTestCidsInstr | |
CTesterState | |
CTestIntInstr | |
CTestIsolateScope | |
CTestLibEntry | |
CTestMessageHandler | |
CTestPipeline | |
CTestRangeInstr | |
CTestResult | |
CTestStackedStackResource | |
CTestStackResource | |
CTestTask | |
CTestTraits | |
CTestValue | |
CTestValueObject | |
CTextBuffer | |
CTextElement | |
CTextNode | |
CThread | |
CThreadBarrier | |
CThreadInlineImpl | |
CThreadInterrupter | |
CThreadInterruptScope | |
CThreadIteratorTestParams | |
CThreadLocalData | |
CThreadLocalEntry | |
►CThreadPool | |
CTask | |
CThreadRegistry | |
CThreadSignalBlocker | |
CThreadStackResource | |
CThreadStartInfo | |
CThreadState | |
CThrowABI | |
CThrowErrorSlowPathCode | |
CThrowInstr | |
CThrows | |
CTimelineRecorderOverride | |
CTimelineStream | |
CTimelineTestHelper | |
CTimer | |
CTimerImpl | |
CTimerScope | |
CToggleBreakpointTask | |
CToken | |
CTokenPosition | |
►CTrace | |
CDeferredAction | |
CDeferredCapture | |
CDeferredClearCaptures | |
CDeferredIncrementRegister | |
CDeferredSetRegister | |
CTraceStubInvocationScope | |
CTransferableTypedData | |
CTransferableTypedDataMessageDeserializationCluster | |
CTransferableTypedDataMessageSerializationCluster | |
CTransferableTypedDataPeer | |
CTransitionGeneratedToNative | |
CTransitionGeneratedToVM | |
CTransitionNativeToVM | |
CTransitionSafepointState | |
CTransitionToGenerated | |
CTransitionToNative | |
CTransitionToVM | |
CTransitionVMToBlocked | |
CTransitionVMToGenerated | |
CTransitionVMToNative | |
CTruncDivModInstr | |
CTryCatchAnalyzer | |
CTsanUtils | |
CTTSInternalRegs | |
CTTSTestCase | |
CTTSTestState | |
►CTwoByteString | |
CArrayTraits | |
CTwoByteStringMessageDeserializationCluster | |
CTwoByteStringMessageSerializationCluster | |
CType | |
►CTypeArguments | |
CArrayTraits | |
►CCache | |
CKeyLocation | |
CTypeArgumentsDeserializationCluster | |
CTypeArgumentsKeyValueTrait | |
CTypeArgumentsMessageDeserializationCluster | |
CTypeArgumentsMessageSerializationCluster | |
CTypeArgumentsSerializationCluster | |
CTypedData | |
CTypedDataBase | |
CTypedDataDeduper | |
CTypedDataDeserializationCluster | |
CTypedDataKeyValueTrait | |
CTypedDataMessageDeserializationCluster | |
CTypedDataMessageSerializationCluster | |
CTypedDataSerializationCluster | |
CTypedDataSpecializer | |
CTypedDataView | |
CTypedDataViewDeserializationCluster | |
►CTypedDataViewMessageDeserializationCluster | |
CDart_CTypedDataView | |
CTypedDataViewMessageSerializationCluster | |
CTypedDataViewSerializationCluster | |
CTypeDeserializationCluster | |
CTypeMessageDeserializationCluster | |
CTypeMessageSerializationCluster | |
CTypeParameter | |
CTypeParameterDeserializationCluster | |
CTypeParameterKeyValueTrait | |
CTypeParameters | |
CTypeParametersChanged | |
CTypeParametersDeserializationCluster | |
CTypeParameterSerializationCluster | |
CTypeParametersSerializationCluster | |
CTypeSerializationCluster | |
CTypeTestABI | |
CTypeTestingStubCallPattern | |
CTypeTestingStubGenerator | |
CTypeTestingStubNamer | |
CTypeUsageInfo | |
CUInt64Parameter | |
CUIntParameter | |
CUnaryDoubleOpInstr | |
CUnaryInt64OpInstr | |
CUnaryIntegerOpInstr | |
CUnarySmiOpInstr | |
CUnaryUint32OpInstr | |
CUnboxedConstantInstr | |
CUnboxedFieldBitmap | |
CUnboxInstr | |
CUnboxInt32Instr | |
CUnboxInt64Instr | |
CUnboxInteger32Instr | |
CUnboxIntegerInstr | |
CUnboxLaneInstr | |
CUnboxUint32Instr | |
CUnhandledException | |
CUnhandledExceptionDeserializationCluster | |
CUnhandledExceptionSerializationCluster | |
CUnicodeRangeSplitter | |
CUnion16BytesNestedFloat | |
CUnion16BytesNestedInlineArrayFloat | |
CUnion2BytesInt | |
CUnion4BytesMixed | |
CUnion8BytesNestedFloat | |
CUnion9BytesNestedInt | |
CUnitDeserializationRoots | |
CUnitSerializationRoots | |
CUnlinkedCall | |
CUnlinkedCallDeserializationCluster | |
CUnlinkedCallSerializationCluster | |
CUnorderedHashMap | |
CUnorderedHashSet | |
►CUnorderedHashTable | |
CIterator | |
CUnsafeExclusivePageIterator | |
CUntaggedAbstractType | |
CUntaggedApiError | |
CUntaggedArray | |
CUntaggedBool | |
CUntaggedCallSiteData | |
CUntaggedCapability | |
CUntaggedClass | |
CUntaggedClosure | |
CUntaggedClosureData | |
CUntaggedCode | |
CUntaggedCodeSourceMap | |
►CUntaggedCompressedStackMaps | |
CPayload | |
CUntaggedConstMap | |
CUntaggedConstSet | |
CUntaggedContext | |
CUntaggedContextScope | |
CUntaggedDouble | |
CUntaggedDynamicLibrary | |
CUntaggedError | |
CUntaggedExceptionHandlers | |
CUntaggedExternalTypedData | |
CUntaggedFfiTrampolineData | |
CUntaggedField | |
CUntaggedFinalizer | |
CUntaggedFinalizerBase | |
CUntaggedFinalizerEntry | |
CUntaggedFloat32x4 | |
CUntaggedFloat64x2 | |
►CUntaggedFunction | |
CUnboxedParameterBitmap | |
CUntaggedFunctionType | |
CUntaggedFutureOr | |
CUntaggedGrowableObjectArray | |
CUntaggedICData | |
CUntaggedImmutableArray | |
CUntaggedInstance | |
CUntaggedInstructions | |
CUntaggedInstructionsSection | |
CUntaggedInstructionsTable | |
CUntaggedInt32x4 | |
CUntaggedInteger | |
CUntaggedKernelProgramInfo | |
CUntaggedLanguageError | |
CUntaggedLibrary | |
CUntaggedLibraryPrefix | |
CUntaggedLinkedHashBase | |
CUntaggedLoadingUnit | |
►CUntaggedLocalVarDescriptors | |
CIndexBits | |
CKindBits | |
CVarInfo | |
CUntaggedMap | |
CUntaggedMegamorphicCache | |
CUntaggedMint | |
CUntaggedMirrorReference | |
CUntaggedMonomorphicSmiableCall | |
CUntaggedNamespace | |
CUntaggedNativeFinalizer | |
CUntaggedNumber | |
►CUntaggedObject | |
CAlwaysSetBit | |
CCanonicalBit | |
CCardRememberedBit | |
CClassIdTag | |
CImmutableBit | |
CNewOrEvacuationCandidateBit | |
CNotMarkedBit | |
COldAndNotRememberedBit | |
CReservedBit | |
CSizeTag | |
CUntaggedObjectPool | |
CUntaggedObjectPtrSetTraits | |
CUntaggedOneByteString | |
CUntaggedPatchClass | |
►CUntaggedPcDescriptors | |
CKindAndMetadata | |
CUntaggedPointer | |
CUntaggedPointerBase | |
CUntaggedReceivePort | |
CUntaggedRecord | |
CUntaggedRecordType | |
CUntaggedRegExp | |
CUntaggedScript | |
CUntaggedSendPort | |
CUntaggedSentinel | |
CUntaggedSet | |
CUntaggedSingleTargetCache | |
CUntaggedSmi | |
CUntaggedStackTrace | |
CUntaggedString | |
CUntaggedSubtypeTestCache | |
CUntaggedSuspendState | |
CUntaggedTransferableTypedData | |
CUntaggedTwoByteString | |
CUntaggedType | |
CUntaggedTypeArguments | |
CUntaggedTypedData | |
CUntaggedTypedDataBase | |
CUntaggedTypedDataView | |
CUntaggedTypeParameter | |
CUntaggedTypeParameters | |
CUntaggedUnhandledException | |
CUntaggedUnlinkedCall | |
CUntaggedUnwindError | |
CUntaggedUserTag | |
CUntaggedWeakArray | |
CUntaggedWeakProperty | |
CUntaggedWeakReference | |
CUntaggedWeakSerializationReference | |
CUnwindError | |
CUnwindingRecords | |
CUnwindingRecordsPlatform | |
Cunwrap_enum | |
Cunwrap_enum< T, false > | |
Cunwrap_enum< T, true > | |
CUriMappingTraits | |
CUseInterval | |
CUsePosition | |
CUserTag | |
CUserTagIsolatesVisitor | |
CUserTags | |
CUtf | |
CUtf16 | |
CUtf8 | |
CUtf8ScanInstr | |
►CUtils | |
CBitsIterator | |
CBitsRange | |
►CV8SnapshotProfileWriter | |
CObjectId | |
CReference | |
►CValue | |
CIterator | |
►CValueListIterable | |
CIterator | |
CValueObject | |
CVarArgs | |
CVariableIndex | |
CVariableLivenessAnalysis | |
CVariadicDefinition | |
CVerifyAfterIncrementalCompactionVisitor | |
CVerifyAfterMarkingVisitor | |
CVerifyObjectVisitor | |
CVerifyPointersVisitor | |
CVerifyWeakPointersVisitor | |
CVersion | |
CVeryLargeStruct | |
CVirtualMemory | |
CVisitMarker | |
CVMDeserializationRoots | |
CVMHandles | |
CVMSerializationRoots | |
CVMTag | |
CVMTagCounters | |
CVMTagScope | |
CWaiterTask | |
CWeakAcqRelStorageTraits | |
►CWeakArray | |
CArrayTraits | |
CWeakArrayDeserializationCluster | |
CWeakArraySerializationCluster | |
CWeakArrayStorageTraits | |
CWeakCodeReferences | |
CWeakProperty | |
CWeakPropertyDeserializationCluster | |
CWeakPropertySerializationCluster | |
CWeakReference | |
CWeakSerializationReference | |
CWeakTable | |
CWorklist | |
CWorklistElement | |
CWritableCodeLiteralsScope | |
CWritableCodePages | |
CWritableVMIsolateScope | |
CWriteBarrierElimination | |
CWriteBarrierUpdateVisitor | |
CWriteErrorSlowPath | |
CWriteRwLocker | |
►CZone | |
CSegment | |
CZoneAllocated | |
CZoneCStringSet | |
CZoneDirectChainedHashMap | |
CZoneGrowableArray | |
CZoneGrowableHandlePtrArray | |
CZonePlace | |
CZoneSplayTree | |
CZoneTextBuffer | |
CZoneWriteStream | |
►Ndart_aot_runner_testing | |
Ntesting | |
Ndart_codesign | |
►Ndart_compiler | |
CIdlCompiler | |
►Ndart_jit_runner_testing | |
Ntesting | |
Ndart_pkg | |
►Ndart_profiler_symbols | |
CSymbol | |
►Ndart_runner | |
Ntesting | |
CDartComponentController | Starts a Dart component written in CFv2 |
CDartRunner | |
CDartTestComponentController | |
►Ndart_utilities | |
Cdart_utilities_monkey | This is the monkey patched methods most delegate to v8_utilities but some are overridden in dart_utilities |
►Ndart_utils | |
CBuildInfo | |
CBuildInfoTest | |
CElfSnapshot | |
CMappedResource | |
CRootInspectNode | |
CVMServiceObject | |
►Ndebug | |
CDebugThreadChecker | |
Ndependency | |
Ndepfile_path_to_relative | |
Ndetect_host_arch | |
Ndia_dll | |
►Ndisplaylist_benchmark_parser | |
CBenchmarkResult | |
Ndist_dart_pkg | |
►NDM | |
CAndroidCodecSrc | |
CBisectSrc | |
CCodecSrc | |
CColorCodecSrc | |
CDebugSink | |
CGMSrc | |
CGPUPersistentCacheTestingSink | |
CGPUPrecompileTestingSink | |
CGPURemoteSlugSink | |
CGPUSerializeSlugSink | |
CGPUSink | |
CGPUSlugSink | |
CImageGenSrc | |
CImplicitString | |
►CJsonWriter | |
CBitmapResult | |
CMSKPSrc | |
CNullSink | |
CPDFSink | |
CRasterSink | |
CResult | |
CSink | |
CSinkFlags | |
CSKPSink | |
CSKPSrc | |
CSrc | |
CSVGSink | |
CVia | |
CViaMatrix | |
CViaPicture | |
CViaRuntimeBlend | |
CViaSerialization | |
CViaSVG | |
CViaUpright | |
CXPSSink | |
►Ndocker | |
►Napi | |
CDockerApi | |
Ndom | |
►Ndouble_conversion | |
►NPowersOfTenCache | |
CCachedPower | |
CBignum | |
CDiyFp | |
CDouble | |
CDoubleToStringConverter | |
CSingle | |
CStringBuilder | |
CStringToDoubleConverter | |
CUInt128 | |
CVector | |
Ndownload | |
Ndownload_fuchsia_sdk | |
►Ndoxygen | |
►Napi | |
CDoxygenApi | |
Ndump_adb_log | |
►Nelf_symbolizer | |
CELFSymbolInfo | |
►CELFSymbolizer | |
CAddr2Line | |
Nembedder_layering_check | |
►Nemscripten | |
Ninternal | |
►Nencoder | |
CEncoder | |
►Nenv | |
►Napi | |
CEnvApi | |
►Nexplain_binary_size_delta | |
CCrunchStatsData | |
CDeltaInfo | |
CSymbolDelta | |
►Nfiddle | |
CExample | |
►Nfileparser | |
CCParser | |
CParser | |
►Nfilesystem | |
CDescriptor | |
Nfind_depot_tools | |
Nfind_sdk | |
Nfirebase_testlab | |
►Nflavor | |
►Nandroid | |
CAndroidFlavor | |
►Napi | |
CSkiaFlavorApi | |
►Nchromebook | |
CChromebookFlavor | |
►Ndefault | |
CDefaultFlavor | |
►Nios | |
CiOSFlavor | |
►Nssh | |
CSSHFlavor | |
►Nvalgrind | |
CValgrindFlavor | |
►Nflutter | |
►Negl | |
CContext | |
CManager | |
CProcTable | |
CSurface | |
CWindowSurface | |
►Ngpu | |
CCommandBuffer | |
CContext | |
CDeviceBuffer | |
CHostBuffer | |
CRenderPass | |
CRenderPipeline | |
►CShader | An immutable collection of shaders loaded from a shader bundle asset |
CUniformBinding | |
CShaderLibrary | An immutable collection of shaders loaded from a shader bundle asset |
CTexture | |
►Ninternal | |
CReplyManager | |
Nmath | |
►Nruntime | |
CResourcesEntry | |
►Ntesting | |
►Nandroid | |
CTestAndroidContext | |
CTestImpellerContext | |
►Negl | |
CMockContext | Mock for the |Context| base class |
CMockManager | Mock for the |Manager| base class |
CMockProcTable | Mock for the |ProcTable| base class |
CMockWindowSurface | Mock for the |WindowSurface| base class |
Nkeycodes | |
CAOTDataDeleter | |
CAutoIsolateShutdown | |
CAutoreleasePoolTest | |
CAutoreleasePoolTestMixin | |
CBoundsTolerance | |
CCanvasCompareTester | |
CCanvasTestBase | |
CCaseParameters | |
►CClipExpector | |
CExpectation | |
CConstantFiringVsyncWaiter | |
CCursorHandlerTest | |
CDartFixture | |
CDartIsolateTest | |
CDartNativeBenchmarks | |
CDartPersistentHandleTest | |
CDartSecondaryIsolateTest | |
CDartWeakPersistentHandle | |
CDarwinContextMetal | |
CDepthExpector | |
CDiffContextTest | |
CDisplayListInvocation | |
CDisplayListInvocationGroup | |
CDisplayListJobRenderer | |
CDisplayListNopTest | |
CDisplayListRenderingTestBase | |
CDisplayListStreamDispatcher | |
CDisplayListTestBase | |
CDlJobRenderer | |
CDlMetalPixelData | |
CDlMetalSurfaceInstance | |
CDlMetalSurfaceProvider | |
CDlOpenGLSurfaceProvider | |
CDlOpRecorder | A custom |DlOpReceiver| that records some |DlOps| it receives |
CDlPixelData | |
CDlSoftwareSurfaceProvider | |
CDlSurfaceInstance | |
CDlSurfaceInstanceBase | |
CDlSurfaceProvider | |
CELFAOTSymbols | |
CEmbedderConfigBuilder | |
CEmbedderTest | |
►CEmbedderTestBackingStoreProducer | |
CUserData | |
CEmbedderTestCompositor | |
CEmbedderTestCompositorGL | |
CEmbedderTestCompositorMetal | |
CEmbedderTestCompositorSoftware | |
CEmbedderTestCompositorVulkan | |
CEmbedderTestContext | |
CEmbedderTestContextGL | |
CEmbedderTestContextMetal | |
CEmbedderTestContextSoftware | |
CEmbedderTestContextVulkan | |
CEmbedderTestMultiBackend | |
CEmbedderTestTaskRunner | A task runner that we expect the embedder to provide but whose implementation is a real FML task runner |
CEngineDeleter | |
CFakeAnimatorDelegate | |
CFakeImageGenerator | |
CFakePlatformConfigurationClient | |
CFakeRefreshRateUpdater | |
CFfiNativeTest | |
CFixtureTest | |
CFlutterEngineTest | |
CFlutterMenuPluginTest | |
CFlutterWindowsEngineBuilder | |
CFlutterWindowsEngineTest | |
CFrozenFlutterDamage | |
CFrozenFlutterPoint | |
CFrozenFlutterRect | |
CFrozenFlutterSemanticsCustomAction | |
CFrozenFlutterSemanticsNode | |
CFrozenFlutterTransformation | |
CFuchsiaShellTest | |
CImageDecoderFixtureTest | |
CImageDisposeTest | |
CImpellerRenderResult | |
CIsolateData | |
CIsolateStartupFailureTest | Tests error handling path of Isolate.spawn() in the engine |
CJobRenderer | |
CKeyEventUserData | |
CLayerTestBase | |
CLayerTreeTest | |
CLoadedELFDeleter | |
CLoggerListener | |
CMatrixClipJobRenderer | |
CMockAccessibilityBridge | |
CMockAccessibilityBridgeNoWindow | |
CMockAPKAssetProviderImpl | |
CMockBinaryMessenger | |
CMockCacheableContainerLayer | |
CMockCacheableLayer | |
►CMockCanvas | |
CClipPathData | |
CClipRectData | |
CClipRRectData | |
CConcatMatrixData | |
CDrawCall | |
CDrawDisplayListData | |
CDrawImageData | |
CDrawImageDataNoPaint | |
CDrawPaintData | |
CDrawPathData | |
CDrawRectData | |
CDrawShadowData | |
CDrawTextData | |
CRestoreData | |
CSaveData | |
CSaveLayerData | |
CSetMatrixData | |
CMockDirectManipulationOwner | Mock for the |DirectManipulationOwner| base class |
CMockDispatchHelper | |
CMockFlutterEngineTest | |
CMockFlutterWindowsView | |
CMockIDirectManipulationContent | |
CMockIDirectManipulationViewport | |
CMockIMContext | |
CMockKeyResponseController | |
CMockLayer | |
CMockLayerCacheableItem | |
CMockLayerTree | |
CMockMessageQueue | |
CMockRasterCache | A RasterCache implementation that simulates the act of rendering a Layer or DisplayList without the overhead of rasterization or pixel storage. This implementation is used only for testing proper usage of the RasterCache in layer unit tests |
CMockRasterCacheResult | A RasterCacheResult implementation that represents a cached Layer or DisplayList without the overhead of storage |
CMockSettings | |
CMockSignalHandler | |
CMockSignalHandler1 | |
CMockSignalHandler2 | |
►CMockSyncSwitch | |
CHandlers | |
CMockTextInputManager | Mock for the |Window| base class |
CMockTextInputViewDelegate | |
CMockTexture | |
CMockViewEmbedder | |
CMockWindow | Mock for the |FlutterWindow| base class |
CMockWindowBindingHandler | Mock for the |Window| base class |
CMockWindowBindingHandlerDelegate | |
CMockWindowsLifecycleManager | |
CMockWindowsProcTable | Mock for the |WindowsProcTable| base class |
CMyNativeClass | |
COncePerBackendWarning | |
CPaintContextHolder | |
CPainterTestBase | |
CPendingTests | |
CPlatformConfigurationTest | |
CPlatformHandlerTest | |
CPlatformIsolateManagerTest | |
CPrerollContextHolder | |
CRenderContext | |
CRenderEnvironment | |
CRenderJobInfo | |
CRenderResult | |
CSaveLayerBoundsExpector | |
►CSaveLayerExpector | |
CExpectations | |
CScopedStubFlutterApi | |
CScopedStubFlutterGlfwApi | |
CScopedStubFlutterWindowsApi | |
CSemanticsActionObservation | |
CShellIOManagerTest | |
►CShellTest | |
CConfig | |
CShellTestPlatformView | |
►CShellTestPlatformViewBuilder | |
CConfig | |
CShellTestPlatformViewGL | |
CShellTestPlatformViewMetal | |
CShellTestPlatformViewVulkan | |
CShellTestVsyncClock | |
CShellTestVsyncWaiter | |
CSignalHandler | |
CSinglePixelImageGenerator | An image generator that always creates a 1x1 single-frame green image |
CSkiaGpuObjectTest | |
CSkImageSampling | |
CSkJobRenderer | |
CSkPictureJobRenderer | |
CSkRenderResult | |
CStreamCapture | |
CStubFlutterApi | |
CStubFlutterGlfwApi | |
CStubFlutterWindowsApi | |
CSurfaceMock | |
CTestAndroidSurfaceFactory | |
CTestAssetResolver | |
CTestDartNativeResolver | |
CTestDelegate | |
CTestFlutterWindowsEngine | |
CTestGLSurface | |
CTestGPUSurfaceMetalDelegate | |
CTestIOManager | |
CTestParameters | |
CTestRefreshRateReporter | |
CTestResourceCacheLimitItem | |
CTestResourceContext | |
CTestSkObject | |
CTestSwitchableGLContext | The renderer context used for testing |
CTestTimeoutListener | |
CTestVsyncWaiter | |
CTestVulkanContext | |
CTestVulkanImage | Captures the lifetime of a test VkImage along with its bound memory |
CTestVulkanSurface | |
CTextInputPluginTest | |
CThreadCheckingAssetResolver | |
CThreadTest | A fixture that creates threads with running message loops that are terminated when the test is done (the threads are joined then as well). While this fixture may be used on it's own, it is often sub-classed by other fixtures whose functioning requires threads to be created as necessary |
CTypeConversionsTest | |
CUniqueEngineTraits | |
CUnknownImageGenerator | An Image generator that pretends it can't recognize the data it was given |
CViewContent | |
CViewControllerDeleter | |
CWin32Message | |
CWindowsConfigBuilder | |
CWindowsLifecycleManagerTest | |
CWindowsTest | |
CWindowsTestContext | |
CWmCharInfo | |
CWmDeadCharInfo | |
CWmKeyDownInfo | |
CWmKeyUpInfo | |
CWmSysKeyDownInfo | |
CWmSysKeyUpInfo | |
►CAccessibilityBridge | |
CIosDelegate | |
CAccessibilityBridgeIos | Interface that represents an accessibility bridge for iOS |
CAccessibilityBridgeMac | |
CAccessibilityBridgeWindows | |
CAccessibilityPlugin | |
CAccumulationRect | |
CAlertPlatformNodeDelegate | |
CAndroidContext | Holds state that is shared across Android surfaces |
►CAndroidContextGLImpeller | |
CReactorWorker | |
CAndroidContextGLSkia | |
CAndroidContextVulkanImpeller | |
CAndroidDisplay | A |Display| that listens to refresh rate changes |
CAndroidEGLSurface | |
CAndroidEGLSurfaceDamage | |
CAndroidEnvironmentGL | |
CAndroidExternalViewEmbedder | |
CAndroidImageGenerator | |
CAndroidNativeWindow | |
CAndroidShellHolder | This is the Android owner of the core engine Shell |
CAndroidSnapshotSurfaceProducer | |
CAndroidSurface | |
CAndroidSurfaceFactory | |
CAndroidSurfaceFactoryImpl | |
CAndroidSurfaceGLImpeller | |
CAndroidSurfaceGLSkia | |
CAndroidSurfaceMock | |
CAndroidSurfaceSoftware | |
CAndroidSurfaceVulkanImpeller | |
►CAnimator | |
CDelegate | |
CAPKAssetMapping | |
CAPKAssetProvider | |
CAPKAssetProviderImpl | |
CAPKAssetProviderInternal | |
CAPNGImageGenerator | |
CAppSnapshotIsolateConfiguration | |
CAssetManager | |
CAssetManagerFontProvider | |
CAssetManagerFontStyleSet | |
CAssetResolver | |
CAutoCache | |
CBackdropFilterEntry | |
CBackdropFilterLayer | |
CBackingStoreLayer | |
CBase64 | |
CBasicMessageChannel | |
CBinaryMessenger | |
CBinaryMessengerImpl | |
CBuiltinSkiaCodecImageGenerator | |
CBuiltinSkiaImageGenerator | |
CByteBufferStreamReader | |
CByteBufferStreamWriter | |
CByteStreamReader | |
CByteStreamWriter | |
CCacheableContainerLayer | |
CCanvas | |
CCanvasGradient | |
CCanvasImage | |
CCanvasPath | |
CCanvasPathMeasure | |
CCanvasSpy | |
CClipPathEntry | |
CClipPathLayer | |
CClipRectEntry | |
CClipRectLayer | |
CClipRRectEntry | |
CClipRRectLayer | |
CClipShapeLayer | |
CCodec | |
CColorFilter | |
CColorFilterEntry | |
CColorFilterLayer | |
CComplexityCalculatorHelper | |
CCompositor | |
►CCompositorContext | |
CScopedFrame | |
CCompositorOpenGL | |
CCompositorSoftware | |
CConnectionCollection | Maintains a current integer assigned to a name (connections) |
CContainerLayer | |
CContextListener | |
CCpuUsageInfo | CPU usage stats. num_threads is the number of threads owned by the process. It is to be noted that this is not per shell, there can be multiple shells within the process. total_cpu_usage is the percentage (between [0, 100]) cpu usage of the application. This is across all the cores, for example an application using 100% of all the core will report total_cpu_usage as 100 , if it has 100% across 2 cores and 0% across the other cores, embedder must report total_cpu_usage as 50 |
CCuller | |
CCursorHandler | |
CCustomAccessibilityAction | |
CCustomEncodableValue | |
CDamage | |
CDartCallbackCache | |
CDartCallbackRepresentation | |
CDartIO | |
►CDartIsolate | Represents an instance of a live isolate. An isolate is a separate Dart execution context. Different Dart isolates don't share memory and can be scheduled concurrently by the Dart VM on one of the Dart VM managed worker pool threads |
CFlags | |
CDartIsolateGroupData | |
CDartProject | |
CDartProjectTest | |
CDartRuntimeHooks | |
CDartServiceIsolate | Utility methods for interacting with the DartVM managed service isolate present in debug and profile runtime modes |
CDartSnapshot | A read-only Dart heap snapshot, or, read-executable mapping of AOT compiled Dart code |
CDartTimestampProvider | TimestampProvider implementation that is backed by Dart_TimelineGetTicks |
CDartUI | |
CDartVM | Describes a running instance of the Dart VM. There may only be one running instance of the Dart VM in the process at any given time. The Dart VM may be created and destroyed on any thread. Typically, the first Flutter shell instance running in the process bootstraps the Dart VM in the process as it starts up. This cost is borne on the platform task runner of that first Flutter shell. When the last Flutter shell instance is destroyed, the VM is destroyed as well if all shell instances were launched with the Settings::leak_vm flag set to false. If there is any shell launch in the process with leak_vm set to true, the VM is never shut down in the process. When the VM is shutdown, the cost of the shutdown is borne on the platform task runner of the last shell instance to be shut down |
CDartVMData | Provides thread-safe access to data that is necessary to bootstrap a new Dart VM instance. All snapshots referenced by this object are read-only |
CDartVMRef | |
CDecompressResult | |
CDefaultPointerDataDispatcher | |
CDidDrawCanvas | |
►CDiffContext | |
CAutoSubtreeRestore | |
CStatistics | |
CDirectManipulationEventHandler | |
CDirectManipulationOwner | |
CDirectoryAssetBundle | |
►CDispatchContext | |
CSaveInfo | |
CDisplay | |
CDisplayData | |
CDisplayList | |
CDisplayListAttributeFlags | |
CDisplayListBuilder | |
CDisplayListComplexityCalculator | |
CDisplayListEmbedderViewSlice | |
CDisplayListFlags | |
CDisplayListFlagsBase | |
CDisplayListGLComplexityCalculator | |
CDisplayListLayer | |
CDisplayListMatrixClipState | |
CDisplayListMetalComplexityCalculator | |
CDisplayListNaiveComplexityCalculator | |
CDisplayListOpFlags | |
CDisplayListRasterCacheItem | |
CDisplayListSpecialGeometryFlags | |
CDisplayListStorage | |
CDisplayManager | Manages lifecycle of the connected displays. This class is thread-safe |
CDlAttribute | |
CDlAutoCanvasRestore | |
CDlBlendColorFilter | |
CDlBlurImageFilter | |
CDlBlurMaskFilter | |
CDlCanvas | Developer-facing API for rendering anything within the engine |
CDlCanvasDelegate | |
CDlColor | |
CDlColorColorSource | |
CDlColorFilter | |
CDlColorFilterImageFilter | |
CDlColorSource | |
CDlComposeImageFilter | |
CDlConicalGradientColorSource | |
CDlDeferredImageGPUImpeller | |
CDlDeferredImageGPUSkia | |
CDlDilateImageFilter | |
CDlErodeImageFilter | |
CDlGradientColorSourceBase | |
CDlImage | Represents an image whose allocation is (usually) resident on device memory |
CDlImageColorSource | |
CDlImageFilter | |
CDlImageGPU | |
CDlImageSkia | |
CDlLinearGradientColorSource | |
CDlLinearToSrgbGammaColorFilter | |
CDlLocalMatrixImageFilter | |
CDlMaskFilter | |
CDlMatrixColorFilter | |
CDlMatrixColorSourceBase | |
CDlMatrixImageFilter | |
CDLOp | |
►CDlOpReceiver | Internal API for rendering recorded display lists to backends |
CCacheablePath | |
CDlOpSpy | |
CDlPaint | |
CDlRadialGradientColorSource | |
CDlRegion | |
CDlRTree | |
CDlRuntimeEffect | |
CDlRuntimeEffectColorSource | |
CDlRuntimeEffectImpeller | |
CDlRuntimeEffectSkia | |
CDlSkCanvasAdapter | Backend implementation of |DlCanvas| for |SkCanvas| |
CDlSkCanvasDispatcher | Backend implementation of |DlOpReceiver| for |SkCanvas| |
CDlSkPaintDispatchHelper | |
CDlSrgbToLinearGammaColorFilter | |
CDlStopwatchVisualizer | |
CDlSweepGradientColorSource | |
CDlVertexPainter | Provides canvas-like painting methods that actually build vertices |
►CDlVertices | Holds all of the data (both required and optional) for a DisplayList drawVertices call |
►CBuilder | A utility class to build up a |DlVertices| object one set of data at a time |
CFlags | Flags to indicate/promise which of the optional texture coordinates or colors will be supplied during the build phase |
CDrawArcOp | |
CDrawAtlasBaseOp | |
CDrawAtlasCulledOp | |
CDrawAtlasOp | |
CDrawColorOp | |
CDrawDashedLineOp | |
CDrawDisplayListOp | |
CDrawImageRectOp | |
CDrawOpBase | |
CDrawPaintOp | |
CDrawPathOp | |
CDrawTextBlobOp | |
CDrawTextFrameOp | |
CDrawVerticesOp | |
CDummyDelegate | |
CEmbeddedViewParams | |
CEmbedderEngine | |
CEmbedderExternalTextureGL | |
CEmbedderExternalTextureMetal | |
CEmbedderExternalTextureResolver | |
►CEmbedderExternalView | |
►CRenderTargetDescriptor | |
CEqual | |
CHash | |
►CViewIdentifier | |
CEqual | |
CHash | |
CEmbedderExternalViewEmbedder | The external view embedder used by the generic embedder API. This class acts a proxy between the rasterizer and the embedder when the rasterizer is rendering into multiple layers. It asks the embedder for the render targets for the various layers the rasterizer is rendering into, recycles the render targets as necessary and converts rasterizer specific metadata into an embedder friendly format so that it can present the layers on-screen |
CEmbedderLayers | |
CEmbedderPlatformMessageResponse | The platform message response subclass for responses to messages from the embedder to the framework. Message responses are fulfilled by the framework |
CEmbedderRenderTarget | Describes a surface whose backing store is managed by the embedder. The type of surface depends on the client rendering API used. The embedder is notified of the collection of this render target via a callback |
CEmbedderRenderTargetCache | A cache used to reference render targets that are owned by the embedder but needed by th engine to render a frame |
CEmbedderRenderTargetImpeller | |
CEmbedderRenderTargetSkia | |
CEmbedderResources | |
CEmbedderSemanticsUpdate | |
CEmbedderSemanticsUpdate2 | |
CEmbedderSurface | |
CEmbedderSurfaceGLImpeller | |
►CEmbedderSurfaceGLSkia | |
CGLDispatchTable | |
►CEmbedderSurfaceMetalImpeller | |
CMetalDispatchTable | |
►CEmbedderSurfaceMetalSkia | |
CMetalDispatchTable | |
►CEmbedderSurfaceSoftware | |
CSoftwareDispatchTable | |
►CEmbedderSurfaceVulkan | |
CVulkanDispatchTable | |
►CEmbedderTaskRunner | |
CDispatchTable | A |
CEmbedderThreadHost | |
CEmbedderViewSlice | |
CEncodableValue | |
►CEngine | |
CDelegate | While the engine operates entirely on the UI task runner, it needs the capabilities of the other components to fulfill the requirements of the root isolate. The shell is the only class that implements this interface as no other component has access to all components in a thread safe manner. The engine delegates these tasks to the shell via this interface |
CEngineLayer | |
CEngineMethodResult | |
CEngineModifier | |
CEventChannel | |
►CEventLoop | |
►CTask | |
CComparer | |
CEventSink | |
CEventWatcher | |
CExternalTexture | |
CExternalTextureD3d | |
CExternalTexturePixelBuffer | |
CExternalViewEmbedder | |
CFixedRefreshRateStopwatch | Used for fixed refresh rate cases |
CFixedRefreshRateUpdater | Used for fixed refresh rate query cases |
CFixture | |
CFlutterCompositor | |
CFlutterDesktopMessenger | |
CFlutterEngine | |
CFlutterEventTracer | |
CFlutterGpuTestClass | |
CFlutterMain | |
►CFlutterPlatformNodeDelegate | |
COwnerBridge | |
CFlutterPlatformNodeDelegateMac | |
CFlutterPlatformNodeDelegateWindows | |
CFlutterPlatformViewLayer | |
CFlutterPlatformViewLayerPool | |
CFlutterPlatformViewsController | |
CFlutterProjectBundle | |
CFlutterSkiaVulkanMemoryAllocator | |
CFlutterTextPlatformNode | The ax platform node for a text field |
CFlutterView | |
CFlutterViewController | |
CFlutterWindow | |
CFlutterWindowController | |
CFlutterWindowsEngine | |
CFlutterWindowsTextureRegistrar | |
CFlutterWindowsView | |
CFlutterWindowsViewController | Controls a view that displays Flutter content |
CFontCollection | |
CFragmentProgram | |
CFrameDamage | |
CFrameItem | |
CFrameTiming | |
CFrameTimingsRecorder | |
CGLContextDefaultResult | |
CGLContextResult | |
CGLContextSwitch | |
CGLFBOInfo | |
CGLFrameInfo | |
CGLFWEventLoop | |
CGLPresentInfo | |
CGPUMTLTextureInfo | |
CGPUSurfaceGLDelegate | |
CGPUSurfaceGLImpeller | |
CGPUSurfaceGLSkia | |
CGPUSurfaceMetalDelegate | Interface implemented by all platform surfaces that can present a metal backing store to the "screen". The GPU surface abstraction (which abstracts the client rendering API) uses this delegation pattern to tell the platform surface (which abstracts how backing stores fulfilled by the selected client rendering API end up on the "screen" on a particular platform) when the rasterizer needs to allocate and present the software backing store |
CGPUSurfaceMetalImpeller | |
CGPUSurfaceMetalSkia | |
CGPUSurfaceSoftware | |
CGPUSurfaceSoftwareDelegate | Interface implemented by all platform surfaces that can present a software backing store to the "screen". The GPU surface abstraction (which abstracts the client rendering API) uses this delegation pattern to tell the platform surface (which abstracts how backing stores fulfilled by the selected client rendering API end up on the "screen" on a particular platform) when the rasterizer needs to allocate and present the software backing store |
CGpuSurfaceTexture | |
CGPUSurfaceVulkan | A GPU surface backed by VkImages provided by a GPUSurfaceVulkanDelegate |
CGPUSurfaceVulkanDelegate | Interface implemented by all platform surfaces that can present a Vulkan backing store to the "screen". The GPU surface abstraction (which abstracts the client rendering API) uses this delegation pattern to tell the platform surface (which abstracts how backing stores fulfilled by the selected client rendering API end up on the "screen" on a particular platform) when the rasterizer needs to allocate and present the Vulkan backing store |
CGPUSurfaceVulkanImpeller | |
CGpuUsageInfo | Polled information related to the usage of the GPU |
CGTestActivity | A native activity subclass an in implementation of flutter::NativeActivityMain that return it |
CHeadlessEventLoop | |
CIgnoreAttributeDispatchHelper | |
CIgnoreClipDispatchHelper | |
CIgnoreDrawDispatchHelper | |
CIgnoreTransformDispatchHelper | |
CImageDecoder | |
CImageDecoderImpeller | |
CImageDecoderSkia | |
CImageDescriptor | Creates an image descriptor for encoded or decoded image data, describing the width, height, and bytes per pixel for that image. This class will hold a reference on the underlying image data, and in the case of compressed data, an ImageGenerator for the data. The Codec initialization actually happens in initEncoded, making initstantiateCodec a lightweight operation |
CImageEncodingImpeller | |
CImageExternalTexture | |
►CImageExternalTextureGL | |
CGlEntry | |
CImageExternalTextureGLImpeller | |
CImageExternalTextureGLSkia | |
CImageExternalTextureVK | |
CImageFilter | |
CImageFilterEntry | |
CImageFilterLayer | |
CImageFilterMutation | |
►CImageGenerator | The minimal interface necessary for defining a decoder that can be used for both single and multi-frame image decoding. Image generators can also optionally support decoding into a subscaled buffer. Implementers of ImageGenerator regularly keep internal state which is not thread safe, and so aliasing and parallel access should never be done with ImageGenerator s |
CFrameInfo | Info about a single frame in the context of a multi-frame image, useful for animation and blending |
CImageGeneratorRegistry | Keeps a priority-ordered registry of image generator builders to be used when decoding images. This object must be created, accessed, and collected on the UI thread (typically the engine or its runtime controller) |
CImageLRU | |
CImageMetaData | |
CImageShader | |
CImmContext | |
CImmutableBuffer | |
CImpellerAllocator | |
CIncomingMessageDispatcher | |
CIntegralTransformEntry | |
CIOManager | |
CIOSContext | Manages the lifetime of the on-screen and off-screen rendering contexts on iOS. On-screen contexts are used by Flutter for rendering into the surface. The lifecycle of this context may be tied to the lifecycle of the surface. On the other hand, the lifecycle of the off-screen context it tied to that of the platform view. This one object used to manage both context because GPU handles may need to be shared between the two context. To achieve this, context may need references to one another at creation time. This one object manages the creation, use and collection of both contexts in a client rendering API agnostic manner |
CIOSContextMetalImpeller | |
CIOSContextMetalSkia | |
CIOSContextSoftware | |
CIOSExternalTextureMetal | |
CIOSExternalViewEmbedder | |
CIOSSurface | |
CIOSSurfaceMetalImpeller | |
CIOSSurfaceMetalSkia | |
CIOSSurfaceSoftware | |
CIsolateConfiguration | An isolate configuration is a collection of snapshots and asset managers that the engine will use to configure the isolate before invoking its root entrypoint. The set of snapshots must be sufficient for the engine to move the isolate from the |DartIsolate::Phase::LibrariesSetup| phase to the |DartIsolate::Phase::Ready| phase. Note that the isolate configuration will not be collected till the isolate tied to the configuration as well as any and all child isolates of that isolate are collected. The engine may ask the configuration to prepare multiple isolates. All subclasses of this class must be thread safe as the configuration may be created, collected and used on multiple threads. Usually these threads are engine or VM managed so care must be taken to ensure that subclasses do not reference any thread local state |
CIsolateNameServer | |
CIsolateNameServerNatives | |
CJNIMock | |
CJsonMessageCodec | |
CJsonMethodCodec | |
CKernelIsolateConfiguration | |
CKernelListIsolateConfiguration | |
CKeyboardHandlerBase | |
CKeyboardHookHandler | |
CKeyboardKeyChannelHandler | |
CKeyboardKeyEmbedderHandler | |
►CKeyboardKeyHandler | |
CKeyboardKeyHandlerDelegate | |
►CKeyboardManager | |
CPendingEvent | |
CWin32Message | |
CWindowDelegate | |
CKeyData | |
CKeyDataPacket | |
CKeyEventHandler | |
CLanguageInfo | |
►CLayer | |
CAutoPrerollSaveLayerState | |
CLayerRasterCacheItem | |
CLayerSnapshotData | |
CLayerSnapshotStore | Collects snapshots of layers during frame rasterization |
►CLayerStateStack | |
CAutoRestore | |
CMutatorContext | |
CLayerTree | |
CLayerTreeTask | |
CLayoutClue | |
CLayoutGoal | |
CLocaleStringAttribute | |
CMemoryUsageInfo | Memory usage stats. dirty_memory_usage is the memory usage (in MB) such that the app uses its physical memory for dirty memory. Dirty memory is the memory data that cannot be paged to disk. owned_shared_memory_usage is the memory usage (in MB) such that the app uses its physical memory for shared memory, including loaded frameworks and executables. On iOS, it's physical memory - dirty memory |
CMessageCodec | |
CMethodCall | |
CMethodChannel | |
CMethodCodec | |
CMethodResult | |
CMethodResultFunctions | |
CMockPlatformViewManager | |
CMultiFrameCodec | |
CMutator | |
CMutatorsStack | |
CNativeActivity | An instance of a native activity. Users of the native_activity_apk are meant to subclass this and return an instance of this subclass from flutter::NativeActivityMain |
CNativeStringAttribute | The peer class for all of the StringAttribute subclasses in semantics.dart |
CNopCuller | |
COffscreenSurface | |
COpacityEntry | |
COpacityLayer | |
COverlayLayer | |
CPaint | |
CPaintContext | |
CPaintData | |
CPaintRegion | |
CParagraph | |
CParagraphBuilder | |
CPathData | |
CPerformanceOverlayLayer | |
►CPersistentCache | |
CCacheObjectHeader | |
CSkSLCache | |
CPhysicalWindowBounds | |
CPicture | |
CPictureRecorder | |
►CPipeline | |
CProducerContinuation | |
CPipelineProduceResult | |
CPixelBufferTexture | |
CPlatformConfiguration | A class for holding and distributing platform-level information to and from the Dart code in Flutter's framework |
CPlatformConfigurationClient | A client interface that the RuntimeController uses to define handlers for PlatformConfiguration requests |
CPlatformConfigurationNativeApi | |
CPlatformData | |
CPlatformHandler | |
CPlatformIsolateManager | |
CPlatformIsolateNativeApi | |
CPlatformMessage | |
CPlatformMessageHandler | |
CPlatformMessageHandlerAndroid | |
►CPlatformMessageHandlerIos | |
CHandlerInfo | |
CPlatformMessageHandlerStorage | |
CPlatformMessageResponse | |
CPlatformMessageResponseAndroid | |
CPlatformMessageResponseDart | |
CPlatformMessageResponseDartPort | A PlatformMessageResponse that will respond over a Dart port |
CPlatformMessageResponseDarwin | |
►CPlatformView | Platform views are created by the shell on the platform task runner. Unless explicitly specified, all platform view methods are called on the platform task runner as well. Platform views are usually sub-classed on a per platform basis and the bulk of the window system integration happens using that subclass. Since most platform window toolkits are usually only safe to access on a single "main" thread, any interaction that requires access to the underlying platform's window toolkit is routed through the platform view associated with that shell. This involves operations like settings up and tearing down the render surface, platform messages, interacting with accessibility features on the platform, input events, etc |
CDelegate | Used to forward events from the platform view to interested subsystems. This forwarding is done by the shell which sets itself up as the delegate of the platform view |
CPlatformViewAndroid | |
CPlatformViewAndroidDelegate | |
►CPlatformViewAndroidJNI | |
COverlayMetadata | |
CPlatformViewAndroidJNIImpl | Concrete implementation of PlatformViewAndroidJNI that is compiled with the Android toolchain |
►CPlatformViewEmbedder | |
CEmbedderPlatformMessageHandler | |
CPlatformDispatchTable | |
CPlatformViewIOS | |
CPlatformViewLayer | Represents a platform view layer, including all mutations |
CPlatformViewManager | |
CPlatformViewPlugin | |
CPlugin | |
CPluginRegistrar | |
CPluginRegistrarGlfw | |
CPluginRegistrarManager | |
CPluginRegistrarWindows | |
CPluginRegistry | |
CPoint | |
CPointerData | |
►CPointerDataDispatcher | |
CDelegate | The interface for Engine to implement |
CPointerDataPacket | |
►CPointerDataPacketConverter | |
CDelegate | |
CPointerLocation | |
CPointerState | |
CPointExtensionSerializer | |
CPrerollContext | |
CPrerollDelegate | |
CProfilerMetricsIOS | Utility class that gathers profiling metrics used by flutter::SamplingProfiler |
CProfileSample | Container for the metrics we collect during each run of Sampler . This currently holds CpuUsageInfo and MemoryUsageInfo but the intent is to expand it to other metrics |
►CRasterCache | |
CCacheInfo | |
CContext | |
CRasterCacheItem | |
►CRasterCacheKey | |
CEqual | |
CHash | |
CRasterCacheKeyID | |
CRasterCacheMetrics | |
CRasterCacheResult | |
CRasterCacheUtil | |
►CRasterizer | |
CDelegate | Used to forward events from the rasterizer to interested subsystems. Currently, the shell sets itself up as the rasterizer delegate to listen for frame rasterization events. It can then forward these events to the engine |
CScreenshot | A POD type used to return the screenshot data along with the size of the frame |
CReactorWorker | |
CRect | |
CRefCountedDartWrappable | |
CResourceCacheLimitCalculator | |
CResourceCacheLimitItem | |
CRestoreOp | |
CReusableFragmentShader | |
CRotateOp | |
CRRect | |
CRTree | |
CRTreeFactory | |
CRunConfiguration | Specifies all the configuration required by the runtime library to launch the root isolate. This object may be created on any thread but must be given to the |Run| call of the |Engine| on the UI thread. The configuration object is used to specify how the root isolate finds its snapshots, assets, root library and the "main" entrypoint |
CRuntimeController | |
CRuntimeDelegate | |
CSamplingProfiler | Sampling Profiler that runs peridically and calls the Sampler which servers as a value function to gather various profiling metrics as represented by ProfileSample . These profiling metrics are then posted to the Dart VM Service timeline |
CSaveEntry | |
CSaveLayerBackdropOp | |
CSaveLayerEntry | |
CSaveLayerOp | |
CSaveLayerOpBase | |
CSaveLayerOptions | |
CSaveOp | |
CSaveOpBase | |
CScaleOp | |
CScene | |
CSceneBuilder | |
CSceneNode | A scene node, which may be a deserialized ipscene asset. This node can be safely added as a child to multiple scene nodes, whether they're in the same scene or a different scene. The deserialized node itself is treated as immutable on the IO thread |
CSceneShader | |
CScopedClipboardInterface | |
CScriptCompletionTaskObserver | |
CSemanticsNode | |
CSemanticsUpdate | |
CSemanticsUpdateBuilder | |
CSequentialIdGenerator | |
►CServiceProtocol | |
►CHandler | |
CDescription | |
CSetBlendModeOp | |
CSetColorOp | |
CSetImageColorSourceOp | |
CSetRuntimeEffectColorSourceOp | |
CSetSharedImageFilterOp | |
CSetStrokeMiterOp | |
CSetStrokeWidthOp | |
CSetStyleOp | |
CSettings | |
CSettingsPlugin | |
CShader | |
CShaderMaskLayer | |
CShell | |
CShellArgs | |
CShellIOManager | |
CShellTestExternalViewEmbedder | The external view embedder used by |ShellTestPlatformViewGL| |
CSingleFrameCodec | |
CSize | |
CSkewOp | |
CSkiaConcurrentExecutor | An interface used by Skia to schedule work on engine managed threads (usually workers in a concurrent message loop) |
CSkiaGPUObject | |
CSkOptionalPaint | |
CSkStopwatchVisualizer | |
CSmoothPointerDataDispatcher | |
►CSnapshotController | |
CDelegate | |
CSnapshotControllerImpeller | |
CSnapshotControllerSkia | |
►CSnapshotDelegate | |
CGpuImageResult | A data structure used by the Skia implementation of deferred GPU based images |
CSnapshotSurfaceProducer | |
CSomeData | |
CSomeDataExtensionSerializer | |
CSpellOutStringAttribute | |
CStandardCodecSerializer | |
CStandardMessageCodec | |
CStandardMethodCodec | |
►CStopwatch | |
CRefreshRateUpdater | The refresh rate interface for Stopwatch |
CStopwatchVisualizer | Abstract class for visualizing (i.e. drawing) a stopwatch |
CStreamHandler | |
CStreamHandlerError | |
CStreamHandlerFunctions | |
CStringAttribute | |
►CSurface | Abstract Base Class that represents where we will be rendering content |
CSurfaceData | A screenshot of the surface's raw data |
►CSurfaceFrame | |
CFramebufferInfo | |
CSubmitInfo | |
CSurfacePool | |
CSurfaceTextureExternalTexture | |
CSurfaceTextureExternalTextureGL | |
CSurfaceTextureExternalTextureImpellerGL | |
CSwitchableGLContext | |
CTaskRunner | |
CTaskRunners | |
►CTaskRunnerWindow | |
CDelegate | |
CTestAccessibilityBridge | |
CTestBinaryMessenger | |
CTestCustomValue | |
CTesterExternalViewEmbedder | |
CTesterGPUSurfaceSoftware | |
CTesterPlatformView | |
►CTestMetalContext | |
CTextureInfo | |
CTestMetalSurface | Creates a MTLTexture backed SkSurface and context that can be used to render to in unit-tests |
CTestMetalSurfaceImpl | |
CTextEditingDelta | A change in the state of an input field |
CTextInputManager | |
CTextInputModel | |
CTextInputPlugin | |
CTextRange | |
►CTexture | |
CPaintContext | |
CTextureLayer | |
CTextureRegistrar | |
CTextureRegistrarImpl | |
CTextureRegistry | |
►CThreadHost | The collection of all the threads used by the engine |
CThreadHostConfig | |
CThreadSnapshot | |
CTransform2DAffineOp | |
CTransformClipOpBase | |
CTransformFullPerspectiveOp | |
CTransformLayer | |
CTransformM44Entry | |
CTransformMatrixEntry | |
CTransformResetOp | |
CTranslateEntry | |
CTranslateOp | |
►CUIDartState | |
CContext | The subset of state which is owned by the shell or engine and passed through the RuntimeController into DartIsolates. If a shell-owned resource needs to be exposed to the framework via UIDartState, a pointer to the resource can be added to this struct with appropriate default construction |
CUnrefQueue | |
CVariableRefreshRateDisplay | A Display where the refresh rate can change over time |
CVariableRefreshRateReporter | |
CVectorCuller | |
CVertices | |
CViewModifier | |
CViewportMetrics | |
►CVolatilePathTracker | |
CTrackedPath | The fields of this struct must only accessed on the UI task runner |
CVsyncWaiter | |
CVsyncWaiterAndroid | |
CVsyncWaiterEmbedder | |
CVsyncWaiterFallback | A |VsyncWaiter| that will fire at 60 fps irrespective of the vsync |
CVsyncWaiterIOS | |
CWindowBindingHandler | |
CWindowBindingHandlerDelegate | |
CWindowFrame | |
CWindowProcDelegateManager | |
CWindowProperties | |
CWindowsLifecycleManager | |
CWindowsProcTable | |
CMachThreads | |
CMockPlatformMessageResponse | |
►Nflutter_embedder_test | |
CFlutterEmbedderTest | |
►Nflutter_runner | |
►Ntesting | |
CBufferCollectionTokenPair | |
CExternalViewEmbedderTest | |
CFakeFlatland | |
CFakeFlatlandTest | |
CFakeFocuser | |
CFakeGraph | |
CFakeImage | |
CFakeImeService | |
CFakeKeyboardService | |
CFakeMouseSource | |
CFakePlatformMessageResponse | |
CFakeTouchSource | |
CFakeTransform | |
CFakeView | |
CFakeViewport | |
CFakeViewRefFocused | |
CFencesPair | |
CFlatlandConnectionTest | |
CFocusDelegateTest | |
CMockInjectorRegistry | |
CMouseEventBuilder | |
CPlatformViewTests | |
CPointerDelegateTest | |
CPointerInjectorDelegateTest | |
CTextDelegateTest | |
CTouchEventBuilder | |
CViewTokenPair | |
CAccessibilityBridge | |
CActiveComponentV2 | |
CCompatTaskRunner | |
CComponentV2 | |
►CEngine | |
CDelegate | |
►CExternalViewEmbedder | |
CClipTransform | |
CFileInNamespaceBuffer | A mapping to a buffer for a file that has been loaded into a namespace |
CFlatlandConnection | |
CFlutterRunnerProductConfiguration | |
CFocusDelegate | |
CIsolateConfigurator | |
CIxnHasher | |
CKeyboard | |
COverflow | |
CPlatformView | |
CPointerDelegate | |
CPointerInjectorDelegate | |
CProgramMetadata | |
CRunner | |
CSoftwareSurface | |
CSoftwareSurfaceProducer | |
CSurface | |
CSurfaceProducer | |
CSurfaceProducerSurface | |
CTextDelegate | |
CUniqueFDIONSTraits | |
CVsyncWaiter | |
CVulkanImage | |
CVulkanSurface | |
CVulkanSurfacePool | |
CVulkanSurfaceProducer | |
►Nflutter_runner_test | |
CAccessibilityBridgeTest | |
CAccessibilityBridgeTestDelegate | |
CFlutterRunnerProductConfigurationTest | |
CMockSemanticsManager | |
►Nfml | |
Nbenchmarking | |
►Nicu | |
CICUContext | |
►Ninternal | |
►Nos_unix | |
CUniqueDirTraits | |
CUniqueFDTraits | |
CCommandLineBuilder | |
CCopyableLambda | |
CMakeRefCountedHelper | |
CRefCountedThreadSafeBase | |
CScopedBlockTraits | |
CScopedNSProtocolTraits | |
CWeakPtrFlag | |
►Njni | |
CJavaObjectWeakGlobalRef | |
CJavaRef | |
CJavaRef< jobject > | |
CJNIDetach | |
CScopedJavaGlobalRef | |
CScopedJavaLocalFrame | |
CScopedJavaLocalRef | |
Npaths | |
Nscoped_policy | |
Nstate | |
►Ntesting | |
CLogCapture | |
CLogInterestListenerFuchsia | |
CMakeSureFmlLogDoesNotSegfaultWhenStaticallyCalled | |
CMockLogSink | |
CTaskQueueWrapper | A mock task queue NOT calling MessageLoop->Run() in thread |
CTestWakeable | |
►Ntracing | |
CScopedInstantEnd | |
CTraceFlow | |
►CAsciiTrie | A trie for looking for ASCII prefixes |
CTrieNode | |
CAtomicObject | |
CAutoResetWaitableEvent | |
CBasicTaskRunner | An interface over the ability to schedule tasks on a TaskRunner |
CBitConverter | |
CCFRef | |
CChronoTimestampProvider | |
►CCommandLine | |
COption | |
CConcurrentMessageLoop | |
CConcurrentMessageLoopDarwin | |
CConcurrentTaskRunner | |
CCountDownLatch | |
CCpuIndexAndSpeed | |
CCPUSpeedTracker | A class that computes the correct CPU indices for a requested CPU affinity |
CDataMapping | |
CDebugTaskRunnerChecker | |
CDebugThreadChecker | |
CDelayedTask | |
CFileMapping | |
CIsByteSwappable | |
CLogInterestListener | |
CLogMessage | |
CLogMessageVoidify | |
CLogSettings | |
CLogState | |
CMallocMapping | A Mapping like NonOwnedMapping, but uses Free as its release proc |
CManualResetWaitableEvent | |
CMapping | |
CMessageLoop | |
CMessageLoopAndroid | |
CMessageLoopDarwin | |
CMessageLoopFuchsia | |
CMessageLoopImpl | |
CMessageLoopLinux | |
CMessageLoopTaskQueues | |
CMessageLoopWin | |
CNativeLibrary | |
CNonOwnedMapping | |
CPlatformSemaphore | |
CRasterThreadMerger | |
CRefCountedThreadSafe | |
CRefPtr | |
Cscoped_nsobject | |
Cscoped_nsobject< id > | |
Cscoped_nsprotocol | |
CScopedCleanupClosure | Wraps a closure that is invoked in the destructor unless released by the caller |
CScopedNSAutoreleasePool | |
CScopedSetLogSettings | |
CScopedTemporaryDirectory | |
CScopedTypeRef | |
CScopedTypeRefTraits | |
CSemaphore | A traditional counting semaphore. Wait s decrement the counter and Signal increments it |
CSharedLock | |
CSharedMutex | |
CSharedMutexPosix | |
CSharedMutexStd | |
CSharedThreadMerger | |
CStatus | |
CStatusOr | |
CSymbolMapping | |
►CSyncSwitch | |
CHandlers | Represents the 2 code paths available when calling |SyncSwitch::Execute| |
CObserver | Observes changes to the SyncSwitch |
CTaskQueueEntry | |
CTaskQueueId | |
CTaskRunner | |
CTaskRunnerAffineWeakPtr | |
CTaskRunnerAffineWeakPtrFactory | |
CTaskRunnerChecker | |
►CTaskSource | |
CTopTask | |
►CThread | |
CThreadConfig | The ThreadConfig is the thread info include thread name, thread priority |
CThreadChecker | |
CThreadHandle | |
CTimeDelta | |
CTimePoint | |
CTimestampProvider | |
CUniqueLock | |
CUniqueLooperTraits | |
CUniqueObject | |
CWakeable | |
CWeakContainer | |
CWeakNSObject | |
CWeakNSObject< id > | |
CWeakNSObjectFactory | |
CWeakNSProtocol | |
CWeakPtr | |
CWeakPtrFactory | |
►Nfontations_ffi | |
CAxisWrapper | |
CColorPainterWrapper | |
CPathWrapper | |
►Nfuchsia | |
Ndart | |
Nmath | |
►Nui | |
Ncomposition | |
Npointer | |
►Nfuchsia_test_utils | |
CPixel | |
CPortableUITest | |
CScreenshot | |
Nfull | |
Ngather_flutter_runner_artifacts | |
Ngen | |
Ngen_android_buildconfig | |
Ngen_app_invocation | |
►Ngen_dart_package_config | |
CPackageConfig | |
Ngen_debug_wrapper_main | |
Ngen_docs | |
Ngen_fuchsia_test_manifest | |
Ngen_javadoc | |
Ngen_library_src_paths | |
Ngen_manifest | |
Ngen_package | |
Ngen_repo | |
Ngen_test_font | |
Ngenerate_and_upload_doxygen | |
Ngenerate_buildfiles | |
Ngenerate_coverage | |
►Ngenerate_fir_coeff | |
CIndexTracker | |
Ngenerate_headers | |
Ngenerate_idefiles | |
Ngenerate_needed_files | |
Ngenerate_package_config | |
Ngenerate_page_set | |
Ngenerate_pom_file | |
Ngenerate_sdk_version_file | |
Ngenerate_shim_headers | |
Nget_concurrent_links | |
Nget_dot_git_folder | |
Nget_env_var | |
Nget_uid_gid | |
Nget_uninteresting_hashes | |
►Ngfx | |
CInsets | |
CInsetsF | |
CPoint | |
CPointF | |
CRange | |
CRect | |
CRectF | |
CSize | |
CSizeF | |
CTransform | |
CVector2d | |
CVector2dF | |
►Ngit | |
►Napi | |
CGitApi | |
Ngit_revision | |
►Ngit_utils | |
CGitBranch | |
CGitLocalConfig | |
CNewGitCheckout | |
►Ngn | |
Nbazel_build | |
Ncall | |
Ncheckdir | |
Ncodesign_ios | |
Ncompile_ib_files | |
Ncompile_sksl_tests | |
Ncopy_git_directory | |
Ncp | |
Nfind_headers | |
Nfind_msvc | |
Nfind_xcode_sysroot | |
Ngn_meta_sln | |
Ngn_to_bp | |
Ngn_to_bp_utils | |
►Ngn_to_cmake | |
CCMakeTargetType | |
CProject | |
CTarget | |
Nhighest_version_dir | |
Nis_clang | |
Nmake_gm_gni | |
Nminify_sksl | |
Nminify_sksl_tests | |
Npush_to_android | |
Nrm | |
Nrun_sksllex | |
Nskqp_gn_args | |
Ngn_dart_compile_exe | |
►Ngn_helpers | |
CGNException | |
Ngn_run_binary | |
►Ngn_test | |
CGNTestCase | |
►Ngold_upload | |
►Napi | |
CGoldUploadApi | |
NGrBackendFormats | |
NGrBackendRenderTargets | |
NGrBackendSemaphores | |
NGrBackendTextures | |
NGrBlendFragmentProcessor | |
►NGrBlurUtils | |
CDrawRectData | |
NGrCustomXfermode | |
►NGrDefaultGeoProcFactory | |
CColor | |
CCoverage | |
CLocalCoords | |
NGrDirectContexts | |
NGrFragmentProcessors | |
NGrGLInterfaces | |
NGrGLSLBlend | |
NGrGradientShader | |
NGrOvalEffect | |
►NGrPathUtils | |
CQuadUVMatrix | |
►NGrPersistentCacheUtils | |
CShaderMetadata | |
►NGrQuadUtils | |
CTessellationHelper | |
NGrRRectEffect | |
►NGrTest | |
CTestFormatColorTypeCombination | |
►Ngsutil | |
►Napi | |
CGSUtilApi | |
►NHarfbuzzWrappers | |
Chb_blob_deleter | |
Chb_face_deleter | |
Chb_set_deleter | |
Chb_subset_input_deleter | |
Nhousekeeper | |
►NImGui | |
CDragCanvas | |
►Nimpeller | |
►Nandroid | |
Ntesting | |
CAndroidProc | |
CChoreographer | This class describes access to the choreographer instance for the current thread. Choreographers are only available on API levels above 24. On levels below 24, an invalid choreographer will be returned |
CHardwareBuffer | A wrapper for AHardwareBuffer https://developer.android.com/ndk/reference/group/a-hardware-buffer |
CHardwareBufferDescriptor | A descriptor use to specify hardware buffer allocations |
CNativeWindow | A wrapper for ANativeWindow https://developer.android.com/ndk/reference/group/a-native-window |
CProcTable | The table of Android procs that are resolved dynamically |
CSurfaceControl | A wrapper for ASurfaceControl. https://developer.android.com/ndk/reference/group/native-activity#asurfacecontrol |
CSurfaceTransaction | A wrapper for ASurfaceTransaction. https://developer.android.com/ndk/reference/group/native-activity#asurfacetransaction |
CTransactionInFlightData | |
►Ncompiler | |
►Ntesting | |
CCompilerTest | |
CAutoLogger | |
CCompiler | |
CCompilerBackend | |
CCompilerSkSL | |
CIncludeDir | |
CIncluder | |
CIncluderData | |
CInputDescription | |
CKnownType | |
►CReflector | |
COptions | |
►CRuntimeStageData | |
CShader | |
►CShaderBundleData | |
CShaderUniformStruct | |
CShaderUniformStructField | |
CShaderUniformTexture | |
CShaderConfig | A shader config parsed as part of a ShaderBundleConfig |
CSourceOptions | |
CSPIRVCompiler | |
CSPIRVCompilerOptions | |
CSPIRVCompilerSourceProfile | |
CSPIRVCompilerTargetEnv | |
CStructMember | |
CSwitches | |
CUniformDescription | |
CUniqueIncluder | Wraps a shared includer so unique includers may be created to satisfy the shaderc API. This is a simple proxy object and does nothing |
CVertexType | |
►Negl | |
CConfig | An EGL config. These are returned by the display to indicate support for a specific config descriptor |
CConfigDescriptor | |
CContext | An instance of an EGL context |
CDisplay | A connection to an EGL display. Only one connection per application instance is sufficient |
CSurface | An instance of an EGL surface. There is no ability to create surfaces directly. Instead, one must be created using a Display connection |
Nsaturated | |
►Nscene | |
►Nimporter | |
Ntesting | |
►CSkinnedVerticesBuilder | |
CVertex | |
CSwitches | |
►CUnskinnedVerticesBuilder | |
CVertex | |
►CVerticesBuilder | |
CAttributeProperties | |
CComponentProperties | |
Ntesting | |
►CAnimation | |
►CBindKey | |
CEqual | |
CHash | |
CChannel | |
CAnimationClip | |
CAnimationPlayer | |
CAnimationTransforms | |
CCamera | |
CCuboidGeometry | |
CGeometry | |
►CMaterial | |
CBlendConfig | |
CStencilConfig | |
►CMesh | |
CPrimitive | |
►CNode | |
►CMutationLog | |
CSeekAnimationEntry | |
CSetAnimationStateEntry | |
CSetTransformEntry | |
CPhysicallyBasedMaterial | |
►CPipelineKey | |
CEqual | |
CHash | |
CPropertyResolver | |
CRotationTimelineResolver | |
CScaleTimelineResolver | |
CScene | |
CSceneCommand | |
CSceneContext | |
►CSceneContextOptions | |
CEqual | |
CHash | |
CSceneEncoder | |
CSkin | |
CSkinnedVertexBufferGeometry | |
►CTimelineResolver | |
CTimelineKey | |
CTranslationTimelineResolver | |
CUnlitMaterial | |
CUnskinnedVertexBufferGeometry | |
Nskia_conversions | |
►Ntesting | |
CBlendFilterContentsTest | |
CBlendModeSelection | |
CCheckSameSignature | |
CCheckSameSignature< Ret(Args...), Ret(Args...)> | |
CColorBlendTestData | |
CCommandBufferMock | |
CCompareFunctionUIData | |
CContextMock | |
CContextSpy | |
CCVTest | |
CFoo | |
CGaussianBlurFilterContentsTest | |
CGoldenDigest | Manages a global variable for tracking instances of golden images |
CGoldenTests | |
CMaskBlurTestConfig | |
CMatrixFilterContentsTest | |
CMetalScreenshot | A screenshot that was produced from MetalScreenshotter |
CMetalScreenshotter | |
CMockAllocator | |
CMockBlitPass | |
CMockCapabilities | |
CMockCommandBuffer | |
CMockCommandQueue | |
CMockDeviceBuffer | |
CMockFence | |
CMockGLES | Provides a mocked version of the |ProcTableGLES| class |
CMockImpellerContext | |
CMockRenderPass | |
CMockSampler | |
CMockSamplerLibrary | |
CMockTexture | |
CMockVulkanContextBuilder | |
CNoopCommandQueue | |
CRendererDartTest | |
CRWFoo | |
CScreenshot | |
CScreenshotter | |
CTestAllocator | |
CTestPassDelegate | |
CTextRenderOptions | |
CVulkanScreenshotter | |
CWorkingDirectory | |
CAHBSwapchainImplVK | The implementation of a swapchain at a specific size. Resizes to the surface will cause the instance of the swapchain impl at that size to be discarded along with all its caches and transients |
CAHBSwapchainVK | The implementation of a swapchain that uses hardware buffers presented to a given surface control on Android |
►CAHBTexturePoolVK | Maintains a bounded pool of hardware buffer backed texture sources that can be used as swapchain images |
CPoolEntry | |
CAHBTextureSourceVK | A texture source that wraps an instance of AHardwareBuffer |
CAiksContext | |
CAiksPlayground | |
CAllocatedTextureSourceVK | |
CAllocation | |
CAllocator | An object that allocates device memory |
CAllocatorGLES | |
CAllocatorMTL | |
CAllocatorVK | |
CAllocatorVMATraits | |
CAnonymousContents | |
CAtlasContents | |
CAttachment | |
CAutoErrorCheck | |
CBackendCast | |
CBackgroundCommandPoolVK | |
CBackgroundDescriptorPoolVK | |
CBarrierVK | Defines an operations and memory access barrier on a resource |
CBindings | |
CBitmapSTB | |
CBlendColorFilter | |
CBlendFilterContents | |
CBlitCommand | |
CBlitCopyBufferToTextureCommand | |
CBlitCopyBufferToTextureCommandGLES | |
CBlitCopyTextureToBufferCommand | |
CBlitCopyTextureToBufferCommandGLES | |
CBlitCopyTextureToTextureCommand | |
CBlitCopyTextureToTextureCommandGLES | |
CBlitEncodeGLES | Mixin for dispatching GLES commands |
CBlitGenerateMipmapCommand | |
CBlitGenerateMipmapCommandGLES | |
CBlitPass | Blit passes encode blit into the underlying command buffer |
CBlitPassGLES | |
CBlitPassMTL | |
CBlitPassVK | |
CBlurImageFilter | |
CBlurParameters | |
CBorderMaskBlurFilterContents | |
CBufferAndUniformSlot | Combines the buffer resource and its uniform slot information |
CBufferBindingsGLES | Sets up stage bindings for single draw call in the OpenGLES backend |
CBufferView | |
CBufferVMA | |
CBufferVMATraits | |
CCanvas | |
CCanvasStackEntry | |
CCapabilities | |
CCapabilitiesBuilder | |
CCapabilitiesGLES | The Vulkan layers and extensions wrangler |
CCapabilitiesVK | The Vulkan layers and extensions wrangler |
CCircleGeometry | |
CClipContents | |
CClipCoverageLayer | |
CClipRestoreContents | |
CColor | |
CColorAttachment | |
CColorAttachmentDescriptor | Describe the color attachment that will be used with this pipeline |
CColorFilter | |
CColorFilterContents | |
CColorHSB | |
CColorImageFilter | |
CColorMatrix | |
CColorMatrixFilterContents | |
CColorSource | |
CColorSourceContents | |
CCommand | An object used to specify work to the GPU along with references to resources the GPU will used when doing said work |
CCommandBuffer | A collection of encoded commands to be submitted to the GPU for execution. A command buffer is obtained from a graphics Context |
CCommandBufferGLES | |
CCommandBufferMTL | |
CCommandBufferVK | |
CCommandEncoderFactoryVK | |
CCommandEncoderVK | |
►CCommandPoolRecyclerVK | Creates and manages the lifecycle of |vk::CommandPool| objects |
CRecycledData | A unique command pool and zero or more recycled command buffers |
CCommandPoolVK | Manages the lifecycle of a single |vk::CommandPool| |
CCommandQueue | An interface for submitting command buffers to the GPU for encoding and execution |
CCommandQueueVK | |
CComparable | |
CComparableBase | |
CComparableEqual | |
CComparableHash | |
CComposedColorFilter | Applies color filters as f(g(x)), where x is the input color |
CComposeImageFilter | |
CCompressedImage | |
CCompressedImageSkia | |
CComputePass | Compute passes encode compute shader into the underlying command buffer |
CComputePassBindingsCacheMTL | Ensures that bindings on the pass are not redundantly set or updated. Avoids making the driver do additional checks and makes the frame insights during profiling and instrumentation not complain about the same |
CComputePassMTL | |
CComputePassVK | |
CComputePipelineBuilder | An optional (but highly recommended) utility for creating pipelines from reflected shader information |
CComputePipelineDescriptor | |
CComputePipelineHandle | |
CComputePipelineMTL | |
CComputePipelineVK | |
CComputePlaygroundTest | |
CConditionVariable | A condition variable exactly similar to the one in libcxx with two major differences: |
CConicalGradientContents | |
CConicalGradientData | |
CContentContext | |
►CContentContextOptions | |
CEqual | |
CHash | |
►CContents | |
CClipCoverage | |
CContentsFilterInput | |
CContext | To do anything rendering related with Impeller, you need a context |
CContextGLES | |
CContextMTL | |
►CContextVK | |
CSettings | |
CContourComponent | |
CCoverGeometry | A geometry that implements "drawPaint" like behavior by covering the entire render pass area |
CCubicPathComponent | |
CDebugReportVK | |
CDecompressedImage | |
CDefaultEntityPassDelegate | |
CDegrees | |
CDepthAttachment | |
CDepthAttachmentDescriptor | |
CDepthRange | |
CDescriptionGLES | |
CDescriptorPoolRecyclerVK | Creates and manages the lifecycle of |vk::DescriptorPoolVK| objects |
CDescriptorPoolSize | |
CDescriptorPoolVK | A per-frame descriptor pool. Descriptors from this pool don't need to be freed individually. Instead, the pool must be collected after all the descriptors allocated from it are done being used |
CDescriptorSetLayout | |
CDeviceBuffer | |
CDeviceBufferDescriptor | |
CDeviceBufferGLES | |
CDeviceBufferMTL | |
CDeviceBufferVK | |
CDeviceHolderVK | Holds a strong reference to the underlying logical Vulkan device. This comes in handy when the context is being torn down and the various components on different threads may need to orchestrate safe shutdown |
CDilateImageFilter | |
CDirectionalMorphologyFilterContents | |
CDlDispatcher | |
CDlDispatcherBase | |
CDlImageImpeller | |
CDlPlayground | |
CDriverInfoVK | Get information about the Vulkan driver |
CEGLImageKHRWithDisplay | |
CEGLImageKHRWithDisplayTraits | |
CEGLImageWithDisplay | |
CEGLImageWithDisplayTraits | |
CEllipseGeometry | |
CEntity | |
CEntityPass | |
►CEntityPassClipStack | A class that tracks all clips that have been recorded in the current entity pass stencil |
CClipStateResult | |
CReplayResult | |
CEntityPassDelegate | |
CEntityPassTarget | |
CEntityPlayground | |
CErodeImageFilter | |
►CExperimentalCanvas | |
CSaveLayerState | |
CExperimentalDlDispatcher | |
CExternalFenceVK | A Vulkan fence that can be exported as a platform specific file descriptor |
CFenceWaiterVK | |
CFillPathGeometry | A geometry that is created from a filled path object |
CFilterContents | |
CFilterContentsFilterInput | |
CFilterInput | |
►CFont | Describes a typeface along with any modifications to its intrinsic properties |
CMetrics | Describes the modifications made to the intrinsic properties of a typeface |
CFontGlyphAtlas | An object that can look up glyph locations within the GlyphAtlas for a particular typeface |
CFontGlyphPair | A font along with a glyph in that font rendered at a particular scale and subpixel position |
CFramebufferBlendContents | |
CGaussianBlurFilterContents | |
CGeometry | |
CGeometryResult | |
CGLProc | |
CGLTexture | |
CGLTextureTraits | |
CGlyph | The glyph index in the typeface |
CGlyphAtlas | A texture containing the bitmap representation of glyphs in different fonts along with the ability to query the location of specific font glyphs within the texture |
CGlyphAtlasContext | A container for caching a glyph atlas across frames |
CGlyphAtlasContextSTB | |
CGlyphProperties | |
►CGoldenPlaygroundTest | |
CGoldenPlaygroundTestImpl | |
CGPUProbe | |
CGPUTracerGLES | Trace GPU execution times using GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query on GLES |
CGPUTracerMTL | Approximate the GPU frame time by computing a difference between the smallest GPUStartTime and largest GPUEndTime for all command buffers submitted in a frame workload |
CGPUTracerVK | A class that uses timestamp queries to record the approximate GPU execution time |
CGradientData | |
CHalf | A storage only class for half precision floating point |
CHalfVector2 | A storage only class for half precision floating point vector 2 |
CHalfVector3 | A storage only class for half precision floating point vector 3 |
CHalfVector4 | A storage only class for half precision floating point vector 4 |
►CHandleGLES | |
CEqual | |
CHash | |
►CHostBuffer | |
CTestStateQuery | Test only internal state |
CImage | |
CImageData | |
CImageFilter | |
CImageFilterVisitor | |
CImageVMA | |
CImageVMATraits | |
CImmutableSamplerKeyVK | |
CImpellerBenchmarkAccessor | |
CImpellerEntityUnitTestAccessor | |
►CInlinePassContext | |
CRenderPassResult | |
CIPoint16 | |
CKHRFrameSynchronizerVK | |
CKHRSwapchainImageVK | |
►CKHRSwapchainImplVK | An instance of a swapchain that does NOT adapt to going out of date with the underlying surface. Errors will be indicated when the next drawable is acquired from this implementation of the swapchain. If the error is due the swapchain going out of date, the caller must recreate another instance by optionally stealing this implementations guts |
CAcquireResult | |
CKHRSwapchainVK | A swapchain implemented backed by VK_KHR_swapchain and VK_KHR_surface |
CLazyGlyphAtlas | |
CLinearGradientContents | |
CLinearGradientData | |
CLinearPathComponent | |
CLinearToSrgbColorFilter | |
CLinearToSrgbFilterContents | |
CLineGeometry | |
CLocalMatrixFilterContents | |
CLocalMatrixImageFilter | |
CLock | |
CMask | A mask of typed enums |
CMaskTraits | |
CMatrix | A 4x4 matrix using column-major storage |
CMatrixColorFilter | |
CMatrixDecomposition | |
CMatrixFilterContents | |
CMatrixImageFilter | |
CMixedOp_ | |
CNinePatchConverter | |
CNoExceptionPromise | |
CPadded | Struct used for padding uniform buffer array elements |
CPadding | |
►CPaint | |
CMaskBlurDescriptor | |
CPaintPassDelegate | |
CPassBindingsCacheMTL | Ensures that bindings on the pass are not redundantly set or updated. Avoids making the driver do additional checks and makes the frame insights during profiling and instrumentation not complain about the same |
►CPath | Paths are lightweight objects that describe a collection of linear, quadratic, or cubic segments. These segments may be broken up by move commands, which are effectively linear commands that pick up the pen rather than continuing to draw |
CPolyline | |
►CPolylineContour | |
CComponent | |
►CPathBuilder | |
CRoundingRadii | |
CPathComponentEndDirectionVisitor | |
CPathComponentStartDirectionVisitor | |
CPicture | |
CPictureRecorder | |
CPipeline | Describes the fixed function and programmable aspects of rendering and compute operations performed by commands submitted to the GPU via a command buffer |
CPipelineBuilder | An optional (but highly recommended) utility for creating pipelines from reflected shader information |
CPipelineCacheVK | |
CPipelineDescriptor | |
CPipelineFuture | |
CPipelineGLES | |
CPipelineLibrary | |
CPipelineLibraryGLES | |
CPipelineLibraryMTL | |
CPipelineLibraryVK | |
CPipelineMTL | |
CPipelineVK | |
CPlaceholderFilterInput | |
CPlayground | |
CPlaygroundImpl | |
►CPlaygroundImplGLES | |
CReactorWorker | |
►CPlaygroundImplMTL | |
CData | |
CPlaygroundImplVK | |
CPlaygroundPoint | |
CPlaygroundSwitches | |
CPlaygroundTest | |
CPointFieldGeometry | |
CPool | A thread-safe pool with a limited byte size |
CPoolVMA | |
CPoolVMATraits | |
CProcTableGLES | |
CQuadraticPathComponent | |
CQuaternion | |
CQueueIndexVK | |
CQueuesVK | The collection of queues used by the context. The queues may all be the same |
CQueueVK | A thread safe object that can be used to access device queues. If multiple objects are created with the same underlying queue, then the external synchronization guarantees of Vulkan queues cannot be met. So care must be taken the same device queue doesn't form the basis of multiple QueueVK s |
CRadialGradientContents | |
CRadialGradientData | |
CRadians | |
CRadius | For convolution filters, the "radius" is the size of the convolution kernel to use on the local space pixel grid of the filter input. For Gaussian blur kernels, this unit has a linear relationship with Sigma . See kKernelRadiusPerSigma for details on how this relationship works |
CRange | |
►CReactorGLES | The reactor attempts to make thread-safe usage of OpenGL ES easier to reason about |
CWorker | A delegate implemented by a thread on which an OpenGL context is current. There may be multiple workers for the reactor to perform reactions on. In that case, it is the workers responsibility to ensure that all of them use either the same OpenGL context or multiple OpenGL contexts in the same sharegroup |
CReaderLock | |
CRecordingRenderPass | |
CRectanglePacker | Packs rectangles into a specified area without rotating them |
CRectGeometry | |
CRenderer | |
CRenderPass | Render passes encode render commands directed as one specific render target into an underlying command buffer |
CRenderPassBuilderVK | |
CRenderPassData | Encapsulates data that will be needed in the reactor for the encoding of commands for this render pass |
CRenderPassGLES | |
CRenderPassMTL | |
CRenderPassVK | |
CRenderPipelineHandle | |
►CRenderTarget | |
CAttachmentConfig | |
CAttachmentConfigMSAA | |
CRenderTargetAllocator | Wrapper around the impeller [Allocator] instance that can be used to provide caching of allocated render target textures |
CRenderTargetCache | An implementation of the [RenderTargetAllocator] that caches all allocated texture data for one frame |
CRenderTargetConfig | |
CResource | |
CResourceBinder | An interface for binding resources. This is implemented by |Command| and |ComputeCommand| to make GPU resources available to a given command's pipeline |
CResourceManagerVK | A resource manager controls how resources are allocated and reclaimed |
CResourceVK | A resource that may be reclaimed by a |ResourceManagerVK| |
CResourceVKT | An internal type that is used to move a resource reference |
CRoundRectGeometry | |
►CRuntimeEffectContents | |
CTextureInput | |
CRuntimeEffectData | |
CRuntimeStage | |
CRuntimeStagePlayground | |
CRuntimeUniformDescription | |
CRuntimeUniformDimensions | |
CSampledImageSlot | Metadata required to bind a combined texture and sampler |
CSampler | |
CSamplerDescriptor | |
CSamplerGLES | |
CSamplerLibrary | |
CSamplerLibraryGLES | |
CSamplerLibraryMTL | |
CSamplerLibraryVK | |
CSamplerMTL | |
CSamplerVK | |
CScaledFont | A font and a scale. Used as a key that represents a typeface within a glyph atlas |
CSceneContents | |
CScopedValidationDisable | |
CScopedValidationFatal | |
CSeparatedVector2 | A Vector2, broken down as a separate magnitude and direction. Assumes that the direction given is normalized |
CShaderArchive | |
CShaderArchiveWriter | |
CShaderFunction | |
CShaderFunctionGLES | |
CShaderFunctionMTL | |
CShaderFunctionVK | |
►CShaderKey | |
CEqual | |
CHash | |
CShaderLibrary | |
CShaderLibraryGLES | |
CShaderLibraryMTL | |
CShaderLibraryVK | |
CShaderMetadata | |
CShaderStageBufferLayout | |
CShaderStageCompatibilityChecker | |
CShaderStageCompatibilityChecker< ClipVertexShader, FragmentShaderT > | |
CShaderStageCompatibilityChecker< SolidFillVertexShader, FragmentShaderT > | |
CShaderStageIOSlot | |
CShaderStructMemberMetadata | |
CShaderUniformSlot | Metadata required to bind a buffer |
CSharedObjectVK | |
CSharedObjectVKT | |
CShear | |
CSigma | In filters that use Gaussian distributions, "sigma" is a size of one standard deviation in terms of the local space pixel grid of the filter input. In other words, this determines how wide the distribution stretches |
CSkylineRectanglePacker | |
CSnapshot | Represents a texture and its intended draw transform/sampler configuration |
CSolidColorContents | |
CSolidRRectBlurContents | Draws a fast solid color blur of an rounded rectangle. Only supports RRects with fully symmetrical radii. Also produces correct results for rectangles (corner_radius=0) and circles (corner_radius=width/2=height/2) |
CSrgbToLinearColorFilter | |
CSrgbToLinearFilterContents | |
CStandardCapabilities | |
CStencilAttachment | |
CStencilAttachmentDescriptor | |
CStopData | |
CStrokePathGeometry | A geometry that is created from a stroked path object |
CSubpixelGlyph | A glyph and its subpixel position |
CSurface | |
CSurfaceContextVK | |
CSurfaceGLES | |
CSurfaceMTL | |
CSurfaceVK | |
CSwapchainTransientsVK | Resources, meant to be memoized by the texture descriptor of the wrapped swapchain images, that are intuitively cheap to create but have been observed to be time consuming to construct on some Vulkan drivers. This includes the device-transient MSAA and depth-stencil textures |
CSwapchainVK | A swapchain that adapts to the underlying surface going out of date. If the caller cannot acquire the next drawable, it is due to an unrecoverable error and the swapchain must be recreated with a new surface |
CSweepGradientContents | |
CSweepGradientData | |
►CTessellator | A utility that generates triangles of the specified fill type given a polyline. This happens on the CPU |
CEllipticalVertexGenerator | The |VertexGenerator| implementation common to all shapes that are based on a polygonal representation of an ellipse |
CVertexGenerator | An object which produces a list of vertices as |Point|s that tessellate a previously provided shape and delivers the vertices through a |TessellatedVertexProc| callback |
CTessellatorLibtess | An extended tessellator that offers arbitrary/concave tessellation via the libtess2 library |
CTestImpellerAllocator | |
CTestImpellerContext | |
CTestImpellerDeviceBuffer | |
CTestImpellerTexture | |
CTextContents | |
CTextFrame | Represents a collection of shaped text runs |
CTextFrameDispatcher | Performs a first pass over the display list to collect all text frames |
►CTextRun | Represents a collection of positioned glyphs from a specific font |
CGlyphPosition | |
CTexture | |
CTextureAndSampler | Combines the texture, sampler and sampler slot information |
CTextureContents | |
CTextureDescriptor | A lightweight object that describes the attributes of a texture that can then used an allocator to create that texture |
CTextureFilterInput | |
CTextureGLES | |
CTextureMTL | |
CTextureSourceVK | Abstract base class that represents a vkImage and an vkImageView |
CTextureVK | |
CTiledTextureContents | |
CTPoint | |
CTrackedObjectsVK | A per-frame object used to track resource lifetimes and allocate command buffers and descriptor sets |
CTRect | |
CTrig | A structure to store the sine and cosine of an angle |
CTSize | |
CTypeface | A typeface, usually obtained from a font-file, on disk describes the intrinsic properties of the font. Typefaces are rarely used directly. Instead, font refer to typefaces along with any modifications applied to its intrinsic properties |
CTypefaceSkia | |
CTypefaceSTB | |
CTypographerContext | The graphics context necessary to render text |
CTypographerContextSkia | |
CTypographerContextSTB | |
CUniqueID | |
CUniqueResourceVKT | A unique handle to a resource which will be reclaimed by the specified resource manager |
CValidationLog | |
CVector3 | |
CVector4 | |
CVersion | |
CVertexBuffer | |
CVertexBufferBuilder | |
CVertexDescriptor | Describes the format and layout of vertices expected by the pipeline. While it is possible to construct these descriptors manually, it would be tedious to do so. These are usually constructed using shader information reflected using impellerc . The usage of this class is indirectly via PipelineBuilder<VS, FS> |
CVertexDescriptorMTL | |
CVertexWriter | An interface for generating a multi contour polyline as a triangle strip |
CVertices | |
CVerticesGeometry | A geometry that is created from a vertices object |
CVerticesSimpleBlendContents | |
CViewport | |
CWaitSetEntry | |
CWriterLock | |
CYUVConversionDescriptorVKEqual | |
CYUVConversionDescriptorVKHash | |
CYUVConversionLibraryVK | Due the way the Vulkan spec. treats "identically defined" conversions, creating two conversion with identical descriptors, using one with the image and the other with the sampler, is invalid use |
CYUVConversionVK | It is sometimes necessary to deal with formats not native to Vulkan. In such cases, extra information is necessary to access images. A YUV conversion object is needed in such instances |
CYUVToRGBFilterContents | |
Nimpeller_cmake_build_test | |
Nimport_conformance_tests | |
►Ninfra | |
►Napi | |
CInfraApi | |
Ninfra_tests | |
Ninspect | |
Ninstall_framework_headers | |
Ninterpolate_test_suite | |
Nios_debug_cmd | |
NjbParser | |
►Njetski | |
►Nutils | |
CCFloats | |
CCString | |
CU16String | |
Nlinux_distribution_support | |
Nlist_dart_files | |
Nlist_dart_files_as_depfile | |
Nlist_sources | |
NlmpParser | |
Nmac_app | |
►Nmain | |
CAllFeedsCollector | |
CArticle | |
CDataHandler | |
CFeed | |
CFeedCollector | |
CHtmlFile | |
CMainHandler | |
COAuthHandler | |
CSection | |
CSetDefaultFeeds | |
CSetTestFeeds | |
CTopHandler | |
CUpdateHtml | |
CUploadFeed | |
CUserData | |
CUserLoginHandler | |
Nmake_all_examples_cpp | |
Nmake_build_info | |
Nmake_data_cpp | |
Nmake_treemap | |
Nmake_universal_apk | |
Nmake_version | |
Nmalioc_cores | |
Nmalioc_diff | |
Nmalisc | |
NMatrixConvolutionImageFilter | |
Nmerge_and_upload_debug_symbols | |
Nmerge_deps_sources | |
Nmetal_library | |
►Nminidump | |
CDescriptor | |
CEnum | |
CMinidumpFile | |
►Nminimize | |
CMaskGen | |
►Nmouse_input_test | |
Ntesting | |
Nmskp_parser | |
►Nmyers | |
CCrossing | |
CCrossingAccumulator | |
CEvent | |
CEventQueue | |
CPoint | |
CSegment | |
CSweepLine | |
Nnative_activity_apk | |
Nnum_cpus | |
►Npage_sets | |
►Nskia_amazon_mobile | |
CSkiaAmazonMobilePageSet | |
CSkiaBuildbotMobilePage | |
►Nskia_baidu_mobile | |
CSkiaBaiduMobilePageSet | |
CSkiaMobilePage | |
►Nskia_booking_mobile | |
CSkiaBookingMobilePageSet | |
CSkiaMobilePage | |
►Nskia_capitalvolkswagen_mobile | |
CSkiaCapitalvolkswagenMobilePageSet | |
CSkiaMobilePage | |
►Nskia_carsvg_desktop | |
CSkiaBuildbotDesktopPage | |
CSkiaCarsvgDesktopPageSet | |
►Nskia_chalkboard_desktop | |
CSkiaBuildbotDesktopPage | |
CSkiaChalkboardDesktopPageSet | |
►Nskia_cnn_desktop | |
CSkiaCnnDesktopPageSet | |
CSkiaDesktopPage | |
►Nskia_cnn_mobile | |
CSkiaCnnMobilePageSet | |
CSkiaMobilePage | |
►Nskia_cnnarticle_mobile | |
CSkiaCnnarticleMobilePageSet | |
CSkiaMobilePage | |
►Nskia_css3gradients_desktop | |
CSkiaBuildbotDesktopPage | |
CSkiaCss3gradientsDesktopPageSet | |
►Nskia_deviantart_mobile | |
CSkiaDeviantartMobilePageSet | |
CSkiaMobilePage | |
►Nskia_digg_tablet | |
CSkiaBuildbotDesktopPage | |
CSkiaDiggTabletPageSet | |
►Nskia_ebay_desktop | |
CSkiaDesktopPage | |
CSkiaEbayDesktopPageSet | |
►Nskia_espn_desktop | |
CSkiaBuildbotDesktopPage | |
CSkiaEspnDesktopPageSet | |
►Nskia_facebook_desktop | |
CSkiaDesktopPage | |
CSkiaFacebookDesktopPageSet | |
►Nskia_facebook_mobile | |
CSkiaFacebookMobilePageSet | |
CSkiaMobilePage | |
►Nskia_forecastio_mobile | |
CSkiaForecastioMobilePageSet | |
CSkiaMobilePage | |
►Nskia_gmail_desktop | |
CSkiaBuildbotDesktopPage | |
CSkiaGmailDesktopPageSet | |
►Nskia_googlecalendar_desktop | |
CSkiaDesktopPage | |
CSkiaGooglecalendarDesktopPageSet | |
►Nskia_googledocs_desktop | |
CSkiaDesktopPage | |
CSkiaGoogledocsDesktopPageSet | |
►Nskia_googleimagesearch_desktop | |
CSkiaDesktopPage | |
CSkiaGoogleimagesearchDesktopPageSet | |
►Nskia_googlenews_mobile | |
CSkiaGooglenewsMobilePageSet | |
CSkiaMobilePage | |
►Nskia_googlesearch_desktop | |
CSkiaDesktopPage | |
CSkiaGooglesearchDesktopPageSet | |
►Nskia_googlesearch_mobile | |
CSkiaGooglesearchMobilePageSet | |
CSkiaMobilePage | |
►Nskia_googlespreadsheet_desktop | |
CSkiaBuildbotDesktopPage | |
CSkiaGooglespreadsheetDesktopPageSet | |
►Nskia_gujuratiwiki_desktop | |
CSkiaBuildbotDesktopPage | |
CSkiaGujuratiwikiDesktopPageSet | |
►Nskia_linkedin_desktop | |
CSkiaDesktopPage | |
CSkiaLinkedinDesktopPageSet | |
►Nskia_mapsvg_desktop | |
CSkiaBuildbotDesktopPage | |
CSkiaMapsvgDesktopPageSet | |
►Nskia_micrographygirlsvg_desktop | |
CSkiaBuildbotDesktopPage | |
CSkiaMicrographygirlsvgDesktopPageSet | |
►Nskia_motionmarkarcs_desktop | |
CSkiaBuildbotDesktopPage | |
CSkiaMotionmarkarcsDesktopPageSet | |
►Nskia_motionmarkpaths_desktop | |
CSkiaBuildbotDesktopPage | |
CSkiaMotionmarkpathsDesktopPageSet | |
►Nskia_motionmarksuits_desktop | |
CSkiaBuildbotDesktopPage | |
CSkiaMotionmarksuitsDesktopPageSet | |
►Nskia_motionmarksuitsclip_desktop | |
CSkiaBuildbotDesktopPage | |
CSkiaMotionmarksuitsclipDesktopPageSet | |
►Nskia_mozilla_tablet | |
CSkiaBuildbotDesktopPage | |
CSkiaMozillaTabletPageSet | |
►Nskia_nytimes_desktop | |
CSkiaBuildbotDesktopPage | |
CSkiaNytimesDesktopPageSet | |
►Nskia_pravda_tablet | |
CSkiaBuildbotDesktopPage | |
CSkiaPravdaTabletPageSet | |
►Nskia_reddit_mobile | |
CSkiaMobilePage | |
CSkiaRedditMobilePageSet | |
►Nskia_samoasvg_desktop | |
CSkiaBuildbotDesktopPage | |
CSkiaSamoasvgDesktopPageSet | |
►Nskia_slashdot_mobile | |
CSkiaMobilePage | |
CSkiaSlashdotMobilePageSet | |
►Nskia_techcrunch_mobile | |
CSkiaMobilePage | |
CSkiaTechcrunchMobilePageSet | |
►Nskia_theverge_desktop | |
CSkiaBuildbotDesktopPage | |
CSkiaThevergeDesktopPageSet | |
►Nskia_theverge_mobile | |
CSkiaBuildbotMobilePage | |
CSkiaThevergeMobilePageSet | |
►Nskia_tiger8svg_desktop | |
CSkiaBuildbotDesktopPage | |
CSkiaTiger8svgDesktopPageSet | |
►Nskia_tigersvg_desktop | |
CSkiaBuildbotDesktopPage | |
CSkiaTigersvgDesktopPageSet | |
►Nskia_twitter_desktop | |
CSkiaDesktopPage | |
CSkiaTwitterDesktopPageSet | |
►Nskia_weather_desktop | |
CSkiaDesktopPage | |
CSkiaWeatherDesktopPageSet | |
►Nskia_wikipedia_desktop | |
CSkiaBuildbotDesktopPage | |
CSkiaWikipediaDesktopPageSet | |
►Nskia_wikipedia_mobile | |
CSkiaMobilePage | |
CSkiaWikipediaMobilePageSet | |
►Nskia_worldjournal_tablet | |
CSkiaBuildbotDesktopPage | |
CSkiaWorldjournalTabletPageSet | |
►Nskia_wowwiki_desktop | |
CSkiaBuildbotDesktopPage | |
CSkiaWowwikiDesktopPageSet | |
►Nskia_yahooanswers_desktop | |
CSkiaDesktopPage | |
CSkiaYahooanswersDesktopPageSet | |
►Nskia_yahoosports_desktop | |
CSkiaDesktopPage | |
CSkiaYahoosportsDesktopPageSet | |
►Nskia_ynevsvg_desktop | |
CSkiaBuildbotDesktopPage | |
CSkiaYnevsvgDesktopPageSet | |
►Nskia_youtube_desktop | |
CSkiaDesktopPage | |
CSkiaYoutubeDesktopPageSet | |
►Nskia_youtube_mobile | |
CSkiaMobilePage | |
CSkiaYoutubeMobilePageSet | |
Nparse_lottieweb_trace | |
Nparse_manifest | |
Nparse_perf_csvs | |
Nparse_skottie_trace | |
NPathOpsCubicIntersectionTestData | |
Npdf-comparison | |
Nperf | |
Nperf_pathkit | |
Nperf_skottietrace | |
Nperf_skottiewasm_lottieweb | |
►Nperfetto | |
►Nprotos | |
►Npbzero | |
Nperfetto_pbzero_enum_TracePacket | |
Nperfetto_pbzero_enum_TrackEvent | |
CCallstack | |
CCallstack_Decoder | |
CClockSnapshot | |
CClockSnapshot_Clock | |
CClockSnapshot_Clock_Decoder | |
CClockSnapshot_Decoder | |
CDebugAnnotation | |
CDebugAnnotation_Decoder | |
CFrame | |
CFrame_Decoder | |
CInternedData | |
CInternedData_Decoder | |
CInternedString | |
CInternedString_Decoder | |
CMapping | |
CMapping_Decoder | |
CPerfSample | |
CPerfSample_Decoder | |
CProcessDescriptor | |
CProcessDescriptor_Decoder | |
CThreadDescriptor | |
CThreadDescriptor_Decoder | |
CTrace | |
CTrace_Decoder | |
CTracePacket | |
CTracePacket_Decoder | |
CTrackDescriptor | |
CTrackDescriptor_Decoder | |
CTrackEvent | |
CTrackEvent_Decoder | |
Npkg-config | |
NPolygonOffsetData | |
C_WarningsAsErrors | |
CCodeReview | |
►NPRESUBMIT_test | |
CReleaseNotesTest | |
►NPRESUBMIT_test_mocks | |
CMockAffectedFile | |
CMockCannedChecks | |
CMockChange | |
CMockFile | |
CMockInputApi | |
►CMockOutputApi | |
CPresubmitError | |
CPresubmitNotifyResult | |
CPresubmitPromptOrNotify | |
CPresubmitPromptWarning | |
CPresubmitResult | |
Nprint_os | |
NProtectedUtils | |
Nprotoc_wrapper | |
Npub_get_offline | |
Npublish_pkg | |
►Nrecipes | |
CMalformedRecipesCfg | |
Nremove_file_on_device | |
NResponse | |
►Nrewrapper_dart | |
CRewrapper | |
►Nrun | |
►Napi | |
CSkiaStepApi | |
►Nrun_binary_size_analysis | |
CProgress | |
Nrun_gradle | |
Nrun_recipe | |
Nrun_sh | |
►Nrun_tests | |
C_BundledTestRunner | |
CDirectoryChange | |
CEngineExecutableTask | |
CFlutterTesterOptions | |
CTestCase | |
►Nrun_tests_test | |
CRunTestsTest | |
Nrun_with_coredumps_enabled | |
Nscale_cpu | |
►Nscan_deps | |
CVarImpl | |
Nscp | |
►Nscripts | |
Nall_tests | |
►Ncss_code_generator | |
CError | |
►Ndartdomgenerator | |
CGeneratorOptions | |
►Ndartgenerator | |
CDartGenerator | |
►Ndartgenerator_test | |
CDartGeneratorTestCase | |
Ndartmetadata | |
►Ndatabase | |
CDatabase | |
►Ndatabase_test | |
CDatabaseTestCase | |
►Ndatabasebuilder | |
CBuild | |
CDatabaseBuilder | |
CDatabaseBuilderOptions | |
►Ndatabasebuilder_test | |
CDatabaseBuilderTestCase | |
►Nemitter | |
CEmitter | |
►Nemitter_test | |
CEmitterTestCase | |
Nfremontcutbuilder | |
Ngenerate_blink_file | |
Ngenerator | |
►Nhtmldartgenerator | |
CHtmlDartGenerator | |
►Nhtmleventgenerator | |
CHtmlEventGenerator | |
Nhtmlrenamer | |
►Nidlnode | |
CIDLAnnotation | |
CIDLAnnotations | |
CIDLArgument | |
CIDLAttribute | |
CIDLCallbackFunction | |
CIDLConstant | |
CIDLDictionary | |
CIDLDictionaryMember | |
CIDLDictionaryMembers | |
CIDLDictNode | |
CIDLEnum | |
CIDLExtAttrFunctionValue | |
CIDLExtAttrs | |
CIDLFile | |
CIDLImplementsStatement | |
CIDLInterface | |
CIDLMember | |
CIDLModule | |
CIDLNode | |
CIDLOperation | |
CIDLParentInterface | |
CIDLType | |
CIDLTypeDef | |
►Nidlnode_test | |
CIDLNodeTestCase | |
Nidlrenderer | |
►Nidlrenderer_test | |
CIDLRendererTestCase | |
Nidlsync | |
►Nmdnreader | |
CMDNReader | |
►Nmonitored | |
CDict | |
CMonitoredCollection | |
CSet | |
►Nmultiemitter | |
CMultiEmitter | |
►Nmultiemitter_test | |
CMultiEmitterTestCase | |
►Nprototype_css_generator | |
CError | |
►Nprototype_htmleventgenerator | |
CPrototype_HtmlEventGenerator | |
►Nsystemhtml | |
CDart2JSBackend | |
CDartLibraries | |
CDartLibrary | |
CDartLibraryEmitter | |
CElementConstructorInfo | |
CHtmlDartInterfaceGenerator | |
►Nsystemnative | |
CCPPLibraryEmitter | |
CDartiumBackend | |
►Ntemplateloader | |
CTemplateLoader | |
►Ntemplateloader_test | |
CTemplateLoaderTestCase | |
►Nserve | |
CHandler | |
Nset_cpu_online | |
Nset_cpu_scaling_governor | |
Nset_gpu_scaling | |
Nsetup | |
Nsetup_device_for_asan | |
Nsetup_toolchain | |
►Nsk_app | |
CApplication | |
CCommandSet | |
CMessage | |
CSkiaAndroidApp | |
►CWindow | |
CLayer | |
CWindow_android | |
CWindow_ios | |
CWindow_mac | |
CWindow_unix | |
CWindow_win | |
►Nsk_fontations | |
CAxisWrapper | |
CBoundsPainter | |
CColorPainter | |
CPathGeometrySink | |
►Nsk_gpu_test | |
Ntest_ops | |
CContextInfo | |
CFenceSync | |
CFlushFinishTracker | |
CGLTestContext | |
CGpuTimer | |
CGrContextFactory | |
CLazyYUVImage | |
CMemoryCache | |
CTestContext | |
CVkTestMemoryAllocator | |
Nsk_image_factory | |
Nlowp | |
CParams | |
CRGB | |
►Nsk_tools | |
►CRegistry | |
►CRange | |
CIterator | |
NSkAvifDecoder | |
NSkBmpDecoder | |
NSkChecksum | |
►Nskcms_private | |
Nbaseline | |
Nhsw | |
Nskx | |
NSkCodecAnimation | |
►NSkCodecs | |
CDecoder | |
NSkColors | |
NSkDashPath | |
NSkDrawShadowMetrics | |
►NSkExif | |
CMetadata | |
NSkFontMgr_Android_Parser | |
NSkGifDecoder | |
Nskglyph | |
►Nskgpu | |
►Nganesh | |
NDashOp | |
NDrawAtlasOp | |
NDrawMeshOp | |
NFillRRectOp | |
NLatticeOp | |
►NQuadPerEdgeAA | |
CQuadPerEdgeAAGeometryProcessor | |
CTessellator | |
CVertexSpec | |
NRegionOp | |
NShadowRRectOp | |
NStrokeRectOp | |
CAAConvexPathRenderer | |
CAAHairLinePathRenderer | |
CAALinearizingConvexPathRenderer | |
►CAtlasInstancedHelper | |
CInstance | |
CAtlasPathRenderer | |
CAtlasRenderTask | |
►CAtlasTextOp | |
CGeometry | |
CAtlasTextOpTools | |
CAutoCheckFlush | |
CClearOp | |
►CClipStack | |
CDraw | |
CElement | |
CElementIter | |
CDashLinePathRenderer | |
CDefaultPathRenderer | |
CDevice | |
CDrawableOp | |
CDrawAtlasPathOp | |
CFillRectOp | |
COpsTask | |
CPathCurveTessellator | |
CPathInnerTriangulateOp | |
►CPathRenderer | |
CCanDrawPathArgs | |
CDrawPathArgs | |
CStencilPathArgs | |
►CPathRendererChain | |
COptions | |
CPathStencilCoverOp | |
CPathTessellateBenchmark | |
CPathTessellateOp | |
►CPathTessellator | |
►CPathDrawList | |
CIter | |
CPathWedgeTessellator | |
CSmallPathAtlasMgr | |
CSmallPathRenderer | |
CSmallPathShapeData | |
CSmallPathShapeDataKey | |
CSoftwarePathRenderer | |
CStencilClip | |
CStencilMaskHelper | |
CStrokeTessellateOp | |
►CStrokeTessellator | |
CPathStrokeList | |
►CSurfaceContext | |
CPixelTransferResult | |
CSurfaceDrawContext | |
CSurfaceFillContext | |
CTessellationPathRenderer | |
CTessPrepareBench | |
►CTextureOp | |
CBatchSizeLimiter | |
CTriangulatingPathRenderer | |
CVertexChunkPatchAllocator | |
►Ngraphite | |
NContextFactory | |
►NDrawPassCommands | |
CList | |
CPODArray | |
NLayoutRules | |
NPrecompileBlenders | |
NPrecompileColorFilters | |
NPrecompileColorFiltersPriv | |
NPrecompileImageFilters | |
NPrecompileMaskFilters | |
NPrecompileShaders | |
NPrecompileShadersPriv | |
NycbcrPackaging | |
CAlphaOnlyPaintColorBlock | |
CAnalyticBlurMask | |
CAnalyticBlurRenderStep | |
CAnalyticRRectRenderStep | |
CAtlasProvider | |
CAttachmentDesc | |
CAttribute | |
CAutoDeinstantiateTextureProxy | |
CAutoLockBuilderAsKey | |
CBackendSemaphore | |
CBackendTexture | |
CBindBufferInfo | |
CBindUniformBufferInfo | |
CBitmapTextRenderStep | |
CBlendModeBlenderBlock | |
CBlendShaderBlock | |
CBoundsManager | |
CBoundsManagerBench | |
CBruteForceBoundsManager | |
CBuffer | |
CBufferTextureCopyData | |
CBufferView | |
►CCaps | |
CColorTypeInfo | |
CClearBufferInfo | |
CClearBuffersTask | |
CClientMappedBufferManager | |
CClip | |
CClipShaderBlock | |
►CClipStack | |
CElement | |
CElementIter | |
CTransformedShape | |
CCoeffBlenderBlock | |
►CColorSpaceTransformBlock | |
CColorSpaceTransformData | |
CCommandBuffer | |
CComposeBlock | |
CCompressedPaintersOrderSequence | |
CComputePathAtlas | |
CComputePipeline | |
CComputePipelineDesc | |
►CComputeStep | |
CNativeShaderSource | |
CResourceDesc | |
CWorkgroupBufferDesc | |
CComputeTask | |
CConditionalUploadContext | |
►CContext | |
CContextID | |
CContextCtorAccessor | |
CContextOptions | |
CContextOptionsPriv | |
CContextPriv | |
►CCoordClampShaderBlock | |
CCoordClampData | |
CCopyBufferToBufferTask | |
CCopyTextureToBufferTask | |
CCopyTextureToTextureTask | |
CCoverageMaskRenderStep | |
►CCoverageMaskShape | |
CMaskInfo | |
CCoverBoundsRenderStep | |
CDawnAsyncResult | |
CDawnAsyncWait | |
CDawnBackendContext | |
CDawnBuffer | |
CDawnCaps | |
CDawnCommandBuffer | |
CDawnComputePipeline | |
CDawnErrorChecker | |
►CDawnGraphicsPipeline | |
CAsyncPipelineCreation | |
CDawnQueueManager | |
CDawnResourceProvider | |
CDawnSampler | |
CDawnSharedContext | |
CDawnTexture | |
CDawnTextureInfo | |
CDawnTextureSpec | |
CDefaultImageProvider | |
►CDepthStencilSettings | |
CFace | |
CDescriptorData | |
►CDevice | |
CIntersectionTreeSet | |
CDisjointStencilIndexSequence | |
►CDispatchGroup | |
►CBuilder | |
COutputTable | |
CDispatch | |
►CDitherShaderBlock | |
CDitherData | |
CDrawAtlas | |
CDrawAtlasConfig | |
CDrawBufferManager | |
CDrawContext | |
►CDrawList | |
CDraw | |
CDrawOrder | |
CDrawParams | |
►CDrawPass | |
CSortKey | |
CDrawTask | |
►CDrawWriter | |
CAppender | |
CDynamicInstances | |
CInstances | |
CVertices | |
CDstReadSampleBlock | |
CDynamicInstancesPatchAllocator | |
CEdgeAAQuad | |
CExpectation | |
CFileBoundsManagerBench | |
CFileIntersectionBench | |
CFragSkSLInfo | |
CGeometry | |
CGlobalCache | |
CGpuWorkSubmission | |
►CGradientShaderBlocks | |
CGradientData | |
CGraphicsPipeline | |
CGraphicsPipelineDesc | |
►CGraphiteResourceKey | |
CBuilder | |
CGridBoundsManager | |
CHybridBoundsManager | |
CImage | |
CImage_Base | |
CImage_YUVA | |
CImageProvider | |
►CImageShaderBlock | |
CImageData | |
CImageUploadContext | |
CImmutableSamplerInfo | |
CIndirectDispatchArgs | |
CInsertFinishInfo | |
CInsertRecordingInfo | |
►CIntersectionTree | |
CLeafNode | |
CTreeNode | |
CIntersectionTreeBench | |
CKeyContext | |
CKeyContextWithColorInfo | |
CKeyContextWithCoordClamp | |
CKeyContextWithLocalMatrix | |
CKeyContextWithScope | |
CLayoutTraits | |
►CLocalMatrixShaderBlock | |
CLMShaderData | |
►CMatrixColorFilterBlock | |
CMatrixColorFilterData | |
CMiddleOutFanRenderStep | |
CMipLevel | |
CMonotonicValue | |
CMtlBackendContext | |
CMtlBlitCommandEncoder | |
CMtlBuffer | |
CMtlCaps | |
CMtlCommandBuffer | |
CMtlComputeCommandEncoder | |
CMtlComputePipeline | |
CMtlGraphicsPipeline | |
CMtlQueueManager | |
CMtlRenderCommandEncoder | |
CMtlResourceProvider | |
CMtlSampler | |
CMtlSharedContext | |
CMtlTexture | |
CMtlTextureInfo | |
CMtlTextureSpec | |
CMtlWorkSubmission | |
CNaiveBoundsManager | |
CPaintersDepthSequence | |
CPaintOption | |
CPaintOptions | |
CPaintOptionsPriv | |
CPaintParams | |
►CPaintParamsKey | |
CHash | |
CPaintParamsKeyBuilder | |
►CPathAtlas | |
CDrawAtlasMgr | |
CPerEdgeAAQuadRenderStep | |
►CPerlinNoiseShaderBlock | |
CPerlinNoiseData | |
CPipelineDataCache | |
CPipelineDataGatherer | |
CPrecompileBase | |
CPrecompileBasePriv | |
CPrecompileBlender | |
CPrecompileBlenderPriv | |
CPrecompileBlendFilterImageFilter | |
CPrecompileBlendModeBlender | |
CPrecompileBlendModeColorFilter | |
CPrecompileBlendShader | |
CPrecompileBlurImageFilter | |
CPrecompileBlurMaskFilter | |
CPrecompileBlurShader | |
CPrecompileChildPtr | |
CPrecompileColorFilter | |
CPrecompileColorFilterImageFilter | |
CPrecompileColorFilterShader | |
CPrecompileColorShader | |
CPrecompileColorSpaceXformColorFilter | |
CPrecompileComposeColorFilter | |
CPrecompileCoordClampShader | |
CPrecompileCTMShader | |
CPrecompileDisplacementMapImageFilter | |
CPrecompileDisplacementShader | |
CPrecompileEmptyShader | |
CPrecompileGaussianColorFilter | |
CPrecompileGradientShader | |
CPrecompileImageFilter | |
CPrecompileImageShader | |
CPrecompileLightingImageFilter | |
CPrecompileLightingShader | |
CPrecompileLocalMatrixShader | |
CPrecompileMaskFilter | |
CPrecompileMatrixColorFilter | |
CPrecompileMatrixConvolutionImageFilter | |
CPrecompileMatrixConvolutionShader | |
CPrecompileMorphologyImageFilter | |
CPrecompileMorphologyShader | |
CPrecompilePerlinNoiseShader | |
CPrecompileRTEffect | |
CPrecompileShader | |
CPrecompileShaderPriv | |
CPrecompileTableColorFilter | |
CPrecompileWithWorkingFormatColorFilter | |
CPrecompileWorkingColorSpaceShader | |
CPrecompileYUVImageShader | |
CProxyCache | |
CProxyReadCountMap | |
CQueueManager | |
CRandomBoundsManagerBench | |
CRandomIntersectionBench | |
CRasterMaskHelper | |
CRasterPathAtlas | |
CRecorder | |
CRecorderOptions | |
CRecorderPriv | |
CRecording | |
CRecordingPriv | |
►CRect | |
CComplementRect | |
CRenderer | |
CRendererProvider | |
CRenderPassDesc | |
CRenderPassTask | |
CRenderStep | |
►CResource | |
CUniqueID | |
CResourceBinding | |
CResourceBindingRequirements | |
CResourceCache | |
CResourceProvider | |
CRGBPaintColorBlock | |
►CRuntimeEffectBlock | |
CShaderData | |
CRuntimeEffectDictionary | |
CSampler | |
CSamplerDesc | |
CSamplerIndex | |
CScratchBuffer | |
►CScratchResourceManager | |
CPendingUseListener | |
CSDFTextLCDRenderStep | |
CSDFTextRenderStep | |
CShaderCodeDictionary | |
CShaderInfo | |
CShaderNode | |
►CShaderSnippet | |
CArgs | |
CShape | |
CSharedContext | |
CSimpleIntersectionTree | |
CSolidColorShaderBlock | |
CSpecialImage | |
CStaticBufferManager | |
CStrokeStyle | |
CSubRunData | |
CSurface | |
CSynchronizeToCpuTask | |
►CTableColorFilterBlock | |
CTableColorFilterData | |
►CTask | |
CReplayTargetData | |
CTaskList | |
CTessellateCurvesRenderStep | |
CTessellateStrokesRenderStep | |
CTessellateWedgesRenderStep | |
CTestResource | |
CTextAtlasManager | |
CTexture | |
CTextureAndSampler | |
CTextureDataBlock | |
CTextureIndex | |
CTextureInfo | |
CTextureProxy | |
CTextureProxyView | |
CTransform | |
CUniform | |
CUniformDataBlock | |
CUniformManager | |
CUniformOffsetCalculator | |
CUniquePaintParamsID | |
CUploadBufferManager | |
CUploadInstance | |
CUploadList | |
CUploadTask | |
CVarying | |
CVelloFineAreaAlpha8Step | |
CVelloFineAreaStep | |
CVelloFineMsaa16Alpha8Step | |
CVelloFineMsaa16Step | |
CVelloFineMsaa8Alpha8Step | |
CVelloFineMsaa8Step | |
CVelloFineMsaaStepBase | |
CVelloFineStepBase | |
►CVelloRenderer | |
CRenderParams | |
CVelloScene | |
CVelloStep | |
CVertex | |
CVerticesRenderStep | |
CVertSkSLInfo | |
CVulkanBuffer | |
CVulkanCaps | |
CVulkanCommandBuffer | |
CVulkanDescriptorPool | |
CVulkanDescriptorSet | |
CVulkanFramebuffer | |
CVulkanGraphicsPipeline | |
CVulkanImageView | |
CVulkanQueueManager | |
►CVulkanRenderPass | |
CVulkanRenderPassMetaData | |
CVulkanResourceProvider | |
CVulkanSampler | |
CVulkanSharedContext | |
►CVulkanTexture | |
CCreatedImageInfo | |
CVulkanTextureInfo | |
CVulkanTextureSpec | |
CVulkanWorkSubmission | |
CVulkanYcbcrConversion | |
CWorkgroupSize | |
CYUVABackendTextureInfo | |
CYUVABackendTextures | |
►CYUVImageShaderBlock | |
CImageData | |
►NMutableTextureStates | |
CVulkanMutableTextureState | |
►Ntess | |
CAddTrianglesWhenChopping | |
CAffineMatrix | |
CAttribValue | |
CCullTest | |
CDiscardFlatCurves | |
CFixedCountCurves | |
CFixedCountStrokes | |
CFixedCountWedges | |
CLinearTolerances | |
►CMiddleOutPolygonTriangulator | |
►CPoppedTriangleStack | |
CIter | |
CMidpointContourParser | |
CNullTriangulator | |
COptional | |
CPatchStorage | |
CPatchWriter | |
CPathMiddleOutFanIter | |
CReplicateLineEndPoints | |
CRequired | |
CStrokeIterator | |
CStrokeParams | |
CTrackJoinControlPoints | |
NVulkanMemory | |
►Nwangs_formula | |
CVectorXform | |
CAtlasGenerationCounter | |
CAtlasLocator | |
CAtlasToken | |
CBC1Block | |
CBlendFormula | |
CBlendInfo | |
►CBufferWriter | |
CMark | |
►CBulkUsePlotUpdater | |
CPlotData | |
CETC1Block | |
CIndexWriter | |
CIRect16 | |
CKeyBuilder | |
►CMtlMemoryAllocatorImpl | |
CAlloc | |
CMutableTextureState | |
CMutableTextureStateData | |
CMutableTextureStatePriv | |
CPlot | |
CPlotEvictionCallback | |
CPlotLocator | |
CRectanizer | |
CRectanizerPow2 | |
CRectanizerSkyline | |
CReducedBlendModeInfo | |
CRefCntedCallback | |
►CResourceKey | |
CBuilder | |
►CScratchKey | |
CBuilder | |
CShaderErrorHandler | |
CSingleOwner | |
CStringKeyBuilder | |
CSwizzle | |
CSwizzleCtorAccessor | |
CTAsyncReadResult | |
►CTClientMappedBufferManager | |
CBufferFinishedMessage | |
CTextureUploadWriter | |
CTiledTextureUtils | |
CTokenTracker | |
CUniformWriter | |
►CUniqueKey | |
CBuilder | |
CUniqueKeyInvalidatedMessage | |
CUniqueKeyInvalidatedMsg_Graphite | |
CVertexColor | |
►CVertexWriter | |
CArrayDesc | |
CConditional | |
Cis_quad | |
Cis_quad< GrQuad > | |
Cis_quad< VertexWriter::TriFan< T > > | |
Cis_quad< VertexWriter::TriStrip< T > > | |
CRepeatDesc | |
CSkip | |
CTriFan | |
CTriStrip | |
CVulkanAlloc | |
CVulkanAMDMemoryAllocator | |
CVulkanBackendContext | |
►CVulkanExtensions | |
►CInfo | |
CLess | |
►CVulkanInterface | |
CFunctions | |
CVulkanMemoryAllocator | |
CVulkanYcbcrConversionInfo | |
NSkHeifDecoder | |
NSkHexadecimalDigits | |
►Nskia | |
►Ntextlayout | |
CBlock | |
CCanvasParagraphPainter | |
CCluster | |
CDecoration | |
CDecorations | |
CDirText | |
CFontArguments | |
CFontCollection | |
CFontFeature | |
CInternalLineMetrics | |
CLangIterator | |
CLineMetrics | |
COneLineShaper | |
►CParagraph | |
CExtendedVisitorInfo | |
CFontInfo | |
CGlyphClusterInfo | |
CGlyphInfo | |
CVisitorInfo | |
CParagraphBuilder | |
CParagraphBuilderImpl | |
►CParagraphCache | |
CEntry | |
CParagraphCacheKey | |
CParagraphCacheValue | |
CParagraphImpl | |
►CParagraphPainter | |
CDashPathEffect | |
CDecorationStyle | |
CParagraphPainterAutoRestore | |
CParagraphStyle | |
CPlaceholder | |
CPlaceholderStyle | |
CPositionWithAffinity | |
CResolvedFontDescriptor | |
CRun | |
CSkRange | |
CStrutStyle | |
CStyleBlock | |
CStyleMetrics | |
CTestFontCollection | |
CTextBox | |
►CTextLine | |
CClipContext | |
CTextShadow | |
CTextStyle | |
CTextWrapper | |
CTypefaceFontProvider | |
CTypefaceFontStyleSet | |
CAutoTArray_SynthProvider | |
Csk_sp_SynthProvider | |
CSkSpan_SynthProvider | |
CSkTArray_SynthProvider | |
►Nskia_private | |
CAutoSTArray | |
CAutoSTMalloc | |
CAutoTArray | |
CAutoTMalloc | |
CFixedArray | |
CScopedTracer | |
CSTArray | |
CTArray | |
►CTHashMap | |
CPair | |
CTHashSet | |
►CTHashTable | |
CIter | |
CTraceID | |
CTraceStringWithCopy | |
►Nskiagm | |
NColrV1TestDefinitions | |
Nverifiers | |
CAARectEffect | |
CAndroidBlendModesGM | |
CAnisoMipsGM | |
CAnisotropicGM | |
CArcOfZorroGM | |
CAttributesGM | |
CBatchedConvexPathsGM | |
CBC1TransparencyGM | |
CBezierConicEffects | |
CBezierConicTestOp | |
CBezierQuadEffects | |
CBezierQuadTestOp | |
CBezierTestOp | |
CBigBlursGM | |
CBigRRectAAEffectGM | |
CBigTileImageFilterGM | |
CBitmapImageGM | |
CBitmapPremulGM | |
CBitmapShaderGM | |
CBlurRectCompareGM | |
CBlurredClippedCircleGM | |
CClockwiseGM | |
CColorCubeGM | |
CColorEmojiGM | |
CColorProcessor | |
CColrV1GM | |
CComplexClip2GM | |
CComplexClip3GM | |
CComplexClip4GM | |
CComplexClipBlurTiledGM | |
CComplexClipGM | |
CConicalGradientsGM | |
CContourStartGM | |
CConvexLineOnlyPathsGM | |
CConvexPolyClip | |
CConvexPolyEffect | |
CCropImageFilterGM | |
CCroppedRectsGM | |
CDegenerateSegmentsGM | |
CDiscardGM | |
CDisplacementMapGM | |
CDistantClipGM | |
CDrawImageSetAlphaOnlyGM | |
CDrawImageSetGM | |
CDrawImageSetRectToRectGM | |
CDrawQuadSetGM | |
CDstReadShuffle | |
CEmptyPathGM | |
CEmptyShaderGM | |
CEmptyStrokeGM | |
CEncodeColorTypesGM | |
CEncodeGM | |
CEncodeJpegAlphaOptsGM | |
CEncodePlatformGM | |
CEncodeSRGBGM | |
CExoticFormatsGM | |
CFillTypeGM | |
CFillTypePerspGM | |
CFontationsFtCompareGM | |
CFontationsTypefaceGM | |
CFontPaletteGM | |
CFontScalerDistortableGM | |
CFontScalerGM | |
CGM | |
CGradData | |
CGraphiteReplayGM | |
CGraphiteStartGM | |
CHairlinesGM | |
CHairModesGM | |
CImageBlurClampModeGM | |
CImageBlurRepeatModeGM | |
CImageBlurTiledGM | |
CImageFilterFastBoundGM | |
CImageFiltersClippedGM | |
CImageFiltersScaledGM | |
CImageFiltersStrokedGM | |
CImageFiltersTransformedGM | |
CImageFromYUV | |
CImageLightingGM | |
CImageSourceGM | |
CInnerShapesGM | |
CLabeledMatrix | |
CLazyTilingGM | |
CLcdBlendGM | |
CLcdOverlapGM | |
CLocalMatrixOrder | |
CMandolineSlicer | |
CManyCirclesGM | |
CManyPathAtlasesGM | |
CManyRRectsGM | |
CMatrixConvolutionGM | |
CMeshColorSpaceGM | |
CMeshGM | |
CMeshUniformsGM | |
CMeshUpdateGM | |
CMeshWithShadersGM | |
CMeshZeroInitGM | |
CMixedTextBlobsGM | |
CModeColorFilterGM | |
CMorphologyGM | |
CNestedGM | |
CNonClosedPathsGM | |
COffscreenShapeRenderer | |
COvalGM | |
CPathEffectGM | |
CPathOpsInverseGM | |
CPathRenderer | |
CPerspImages | |
CPerspShadersGM | |
CPictureMesh | |
CPointsGM | |
CPolygonOffsetGM | |
CPolygonsGM | |
CPreserveFillRuleGM | |
CQuadClosePathGM | |
CQuadPathGM | |
CRectRenderer | |
CResizeGM | |
CRoundRectGM | |
CRRectGM | |
CSamplerStressGM | |
CScaledEmojiGM | |
CScaledEmojiPerspectiveGM | |
CScaledEmojiPosGM | |
CScaledEmojiRenderingGM | |
CScaledRectsGM | |
CShaderPathGM | |
CShaderText3GM | |
CShapeRenderer | |
CShapesGM | |
CSharedCornersGM | |
CSimpleClipGM | |
CSimpleGM | |
CSimpleShapesGM | |
CSliverPathsGM | |
CStLouisArchGM | |
CStrokedLinesGM | |
CStrokeRectsGM | |
CTexelSubset | |
CTextBlobBlockReordering | |
CTextBlobColorTrans | |
CTextBlobGeometryChange | |
CTextBlobMixedSizes | |
CTextBlobRandomFont | |
CTextBlobTransforms | |
CTextBlobUseAfterGpuFree | |
CThinAASlide | |
CThinRectsGM | |
CThinStrokedRectsGM | |
CTiledScaledBitmapGM | |
CTileImageFilterGM | |
CWackyYUVFormatsGM | |
CWindowRectanglesGM | |
CXfermodeImageFilterGM | |
CXfermodes2GM | |
CXfermodes3GM | |
CYUVMakeColorSpaceGM | |
CYUVtoRGBSubsetEffect | |
►Nskiatest | |
►Ngraphite | |
CContextFactory | |
CContextInfo | |
CDawnTestContext | |
CGraphiteTestContext | |
CMtlTestContext | |
CTestOptions | |
CVulkanTestContext | |
CFailure | |
CReporter | |
CReporterContext | |
CTest | |
CTimer | |
Nskiavis | |
NSkIcoDecoder | |
►Nskif | |
CBackend | |
CContext | |
CDeviceSpace | |
►CFilterResult | |
CAutoSurface | |
CBuilder | |
CIVector | |
CLayerSpace | |
CLayerSpace< IVector > | |
CLayerSpace< SkIPoint > | |
CLayerSpace< SkIRect > | |
CLayerSpace< SkISize > | |
CLayerSpace< SkMatrix > | |
CLayerSpace< SkPoint > | |
CLayerSpace< SkRect > | |
CLayerSpace< SkSize > | |
CLayerSpace< Vector > | |
CLayerSpace< ZValue > | |
CMapping | |
CParameterSpace | |
CStats | |
CVector | |
NSkImageGenerators | |
NSkImages | |
NSkJpegDecoder | |
►NSkJpegEncoder | |
COptions | |
►NSkJpegMetadataEncoder | |
CSegment | |
NSkJpegxlDecoder | |
►Nskjson | |
CArrayValue | |
CBoolValue | |
CDOM | |
CMember | |
CNullValue | |
CNumberValue | |
CObjectValue | |
CStringValue | |
CValue | |
CVectorValue | |
NSkKnownRuntimeEffects | |
NSkMallocPixelRef | |
NSkMeshes | |
►NSkMeshPriv | |
CBuffer | |
CCpuBuffer | |
CIB | |
CVB | |
NSkMultiPictureDocument | |
NSkNamedGamut | |
NSkNamedTransferFn | |
NSkNDKConversions | |
►Nsknonstd | |
Ccopy_const | |
Ccopy_cv | |
Ccopy_volatile | |
Cis_bitmask_enum | |
Cis_bitmask_enum< SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics::FontFlags > | |
Cis_bitmask_enum< SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics::StyleFlags > | |
Cis_bitmask_enum< skia::textlayout::TextLine::TextAdjustment > | |
Cis_bitmask_enum< skui::ModifierKey > | |
Cis_bitmask_enum< SkUnicode::CodeUnitFlags > | |
NSkOpts | |
►Nskottie | |
►Ninternal | |
CAnimatablePropertyContainer | |
►CAnimationBuilder | |
CAnimationInfo | |
CAttachShapeContext | |
CAutoPropertyTracker | |
CAutoScope | |
CFontInfo | |
CAnimator | |
CAnimatorBuilder | |
CCameraAdaper | |
CCompositionBuilder | |
►CCustomFont | |
CBuilder | |
CGlyphCompMapper | |
CDiscardableAdapterBase | |
CEffectBinder | |
CEffectBuilder | |
►CKeyframe | |
CValue | |
►CKeyframeAnimator | |
CLERPInfo | |
CLayerBuilder | |
►CMaskShaderEffectBase | |
CMaskInfo | |
►CMotionBlurEffect | |
CAutoInvalBlocker | |
COpacityAdapter | |
CRangeSelector | |
CSceneGraphRevalidator | |
CShapeBuilder | |
►CTextAdapter | |
CGlyphDecoratorNode | |
CPathInfo | |
►CTextAnimator | |
CAnimatedProps | |
CAnimatedPropsModulator | |
CDomainMaps | |
CDomainSpan | |
CResolvedProps | |
CTransformAdapter2D | |
CTransformAdapter3D | |
CVectorAnimatorBuilder | |
►CAnimation | |
►CBuilder | |
CStats | |
CColorValue | |
CExpressionEvaluator | |
CExpressionManager | |
CExternalLayer | |
►CGlyphDecorator | |
CGlyphInfo | |
CTextInfo | |
CLogger | |
CMarkerObserver | |
CPrecompInterceptor | |
CPropertyHandle | |
CPropertyObserver | |
►CShaper | |
CFragment | |
CResult | |
CRunRec | |
CShapedGlyphs | |
CTextDesc | |
CShapeValue | |
►CSlotManager | |
CImageAssetProxy | |
CSlotInfo | |
CTextPropertyValue | |
CTransformPropertyValue | |
CVectorValue | |
►Nskottie_utils | |
►CCustomPropertyManager | |
CMarkerInfo | |
CMarkerInterceptor | |
CPropertyInterceptor | |
CExternalAnimationPrecompInterceptor | |
CTextEditor | |
►Nskp | |
Ncreate | |
Ncreate_and_upload | |
Nskpathutils | |
►NSkPDF | |
CAttributeList | |
CDateTime | |
CMetadata | |
CStructureElementNode | |
►NSkPDFGradientShader | |
CKey | |
CKeyHash | |
NSkPDFGraphicState | |
NSkPDFMetadata | |
NSkPDFUtils | |
NSkPixmapUtils | |
►NSkPlainTextEditor | |
►CEditor | |
CPaintOpts | |
►CText | |
CIterator | |
CTextPosition | |
CShapeResult | |
CSpan | |
CStringSlice | |
NSkPngDecoder | |
►NSkPngEncoder | |
COptions | |
NSkRawDecoder | |
►NSkRecords | |
CDraw | |
CFillBounds | |
CGreedy | |
CIs | |
CIsDraw | |
CIsSingleDraw | |
CNot | |
COptional | |
COr | |
COr< First > | |
CPattern | |
CPattern< First, Rest... > | |
CPattern<> | |
CPODArray | |
CPreCachedPath | |
CTypedMatrix | |
►Nskresources | |
CCachingResourceProvider | |
CDataURIResourceProviderProxy | |
CExternalTrackAsset | |
CFileResourceProvider | |
►CImageAsset | |
CFrameData | |
CMultiFrameImageAsset | |
CResourceProvider | |
CResourceProviderProxyBase | |
NSkRPCtxUtils | |
►Nsksg | |
CBlenderEffect | |
CBlurImageFilter | |
CClipEffect | |
CColor | |
CColorFilter | |
CCustomRenderNode | |
CDashEffect | |
CDraw | |
CDropShadowImageFilter | |
CEffectNode | |
CExternalColorFilter | |
CExternalImageFilter | |
CGeometryEffect | |
CGeometryNode | |
CGeometryTransform | |
►CGradient | |
CColorStop | |
CGradientColorFilter | |
CGroup | |
CImage | |
CImageFilter | |
CImageFilterEffect | |
CInvalidationController | |
CLayerEffect | |
CLinearGradient | |
CMaskEffect | |
CMaskShaderEffect | |
CMatrix | |
►CMerge | |
CRec | |
CModeColorFilter | |
►CNode | |
CScopedFlag | |
CNodePriv | |
COffsetEffect | |
COpacityEffect | |
CPaintNode | |
CPath | |
CPlane | |
CRadialGradient | |
CRect | |
►CRenderNode | |
CRenderContext | |
CScopedRenderContext | |
CRoundEffect | |
CRRect | |
CScene | |
CShader | |
CShaderEffect | |
CShaderPaint | |
CText | |
CTransform | |
CTransformEffect | |
CTransformPriv | |
CTrimEffect | |
►NSkShaders | |
CMatrixRec | |
►NSkShaderUtils | |
CGLSLPrettyPrint | |
NSkShadowTessellator | |
►NSkShapers | |
NCT | |
NHB | |
NPrimitive | |
Nunicode | |
CFactory | |
►NSkSL | |
►NAnalysis | |
CAssignmentInfo | |
CLoopControlFlowInfo | |
CSymbolTableStackBuilder | |
NConstructor | |
NIntrinsics | |
►NPipelineStage | |
CCallbacks | |
CPipelineStageCodeGenerator | |
►NRP | |
CAutoContinueMask | |
CAutoLoopTarget | |
CAutoStack | |
CBuilder | |
CCallbacks | |
CDynamicIndexLValue | |
►CGenerator | |
CTypedOps | |
CImmutableLValue | |
CInstruction | |
CLValue | |
CLValueSlice | |
►CProgram | |
CDumper | |
CScratchLValue | |
CSlotManager | |
CSlotRange | |
CSwizzleLValue | |
CUnownedLValueSlice | |
CVariableLValue | |
NString | |
NSwizzleComponent | |
NTransform | |
CAliasType | |
CAnyConstructor | |
CArrayType | |
CAtomicType | |
CAutoAttachPoolToThread | |
CAutoOutputStream | |
CAutoProgramConfig | |
CBinaryExpression | |
CBlock | |
CBreakStatement | |
CBuiltinTypes | |
CChildCall | |
CCodeGenerator | |
CCoercionCost | |
CCompactEntry | |
CCompiler | |
CConstantFolder | |
CConstructorArray | |
CConstructorArrayCast | |
CConstructorCompound | |
CConstructorCompoundCast | |
CConstructorDiagonalMatrix | |
CConstructorMatrixResize | |
CConstructorScalarCast | |
CConstructorSplat | |
CConstructorStruct | |
CContext | |
CContinueStatement | |
CCountReturnsWithLimit | |
CDebugTrace | |
CDebugTracePriv | |
CDiscardStatement | |
CDoStatement | |
CEmptyExpression | |
CErrorReporter | |
CExpression | |
CExpressionArray | |
CExpressionStatement | |
CExtendedVariable | |
CExtension | |
CField | |
CFieldAccess | |
CFieldSymbol | |
CFileOutputStream | |
CForLoopPositions | |
CForStatement | |
CFullEntry | |
CFunctionCall | |
CFunctionDebugInfo | |
CFunctionDeclaration | |
CFunctionDefinition | |
CFunctionPrototype | |
CFunctionReference | |
CGenericType | |
CGlobalVarDeclaration | |
CGLSLCodeGenerator | |
CIfStatement | |
CIndexExpression | |
CInlineCandidate | |
CInlineCandidateAnalyzer | |
CInlineCandidateList | |
CInliner | |
CInterfaceBlock | |
CIRHelpers | |
CIRNode | |
CLayout | |
►CLexer | |
CCheckpoint | |
CLiteral | |
CLiteralType | |
CLoopUnrollInfo | |
CMangler | |
CMatrixType | |
CMemoryLayout | |
CMemoryPool | |
►CMetalCodeGenerator | |
CGlobalStructVisitor | |
CIndexSubstitutionData | |
CThreadgroupStructVisitor | |
CMethodReference | |
CModifierFlags | |
CModifiers | |
CModifiersDeclaration | |
CModule | |
►CModuleLoader | |
CImpl | |
CMultiArgumentConstructor | |
CNoOpErrorReporter | |
CNop | |
COperator | |
COutputStream | |
►CParser | |
CAutoDepth | |
CAutoSymbolTable | |
CCheckpoint | |
CPointerLValue | |
CPoison | |
CPool | |
CPoolable | |
CPosition | |
CPostfixExpression | |
CPrefixExpression | |
►CProgram | |
►CElementsCollection | |
Citerator | |
CProgramConfig | |
CProgramElement | |
CProgramInterface | |
CProgramSettings | |
►CProgramUsage | |
CVariableCounts | |
CProgramVisitor | |
CProgramVisitorTypes | |
CProgramWriter | |
CProgramWriterTypes | |
CReturnStatement | |
CSamplerType | |
CSampleUsage | |
CScalarType | |
CSetting | |
CShaderCaps | |
CShaderCapsFactory | |
CSingleArgumentConstructor | |
►CSkSLDebugTracePlayer | |
CVariableData | |
CSlotDebugInfo | |
►CSPIRVCodeGenerator | |
CLValue | |
CWord | |
CStatement | |
CStringStream | |
CStructDefinition | |
CStructType | |
CSwitchCase | |
CSwitchStatement | |
CSwizzle | |
CSwizzleLValue | |
CSymbol | |
CSymbolTable | |
CTernaryExpression | |
CTestingOnly_AbortErrorReporter | |
CTextureType | |
CToken | |
CTProgramVisitor | |
CTraceHook | |
CTraceInfo | |
CTracer | |
CType | |
CTypeReference | |
►CUniformInfo | |
CUniform | |
CVarDeclaration | |
►CVariable | |
CScratchVariable | |
CVariableReference | |
CVectorType | |
►CWGSLCodeGenerator | |
CLValue | |
CPointerLValue | |
CProgramRequirements | |
CSwizzleLValue | |
CVectorComponentLValue | |
NSkSpecialImages | |
Nskstd | |
NSkSurfaces | |
Nsktests | |
►Nsktext | |
►Ngpu | |
CAtlasPt | |
CAtlasSubRun | |
CBagOfBytes | |
CDistanceFieldAdjustTable | |
CGlyph | |
►CGlyphVector | |
CVariant | |
CGlyphVectorTestingPeer | |
CRendererData | |
CSDFMaskFilter | |
CSDFMaskFilterImpl | |
CSDFTControl | |
CSDFTMatrixRange | |
CSlug | |
CSlugImpl | |
CStrikeCache | |
CSTSubRunAllocator | |
CSubRun | |
►CSubRunAllocator | |
CArrayDestroyer | |
CDestroyer | |
CSubRunContainer | |
CSubRunInitializer | |
►CSubRunList | |
CIterator | |
►CTextBlob | |
CKey | |
►CTextBlobRedrawCoordinator | |
CPurgeBlobMessage | |
CTextBlobTools | |
CTextStrike | |
CVertexFiller | |
CGlyphRun | |
CGlyphRunBuilder | |
CGlyphRunList | |
CIDOrDrawable | |
CIDOrPath | |
CSkStrikePromise | |
CStrikeForGPU | |
CStrikeForGPUCacheInterface | |
CStrikeMutationMonitor | |
►NSkTextBlobTrace | |
CCapture | |
CRecord | |
►NSkTiff | |
CImageFileDirectory | |
NSkTiledImageUtils | |
NSkTime | |
Nskui | |
►NSkUnicodes | |
NClient | |
NICU | |
NICU4X | |
NLibgrapheme | |
NSkUTF | |
►Nskvx | |
CMask | |
CMask< double > | |
CMask< float > | |
CScaledDividerU32 | |
CVec | |
CVec< 1, T > | |
CVec< 2, T > | |
CVec< 4, T > | |
►NSkwasm | |
CFlutterFontCollection | |
CSurface | |
CSurfaceWrapper | |
CTextureSourceWrapper | |
NSkWbmpDecoder | |
NSkWebpDecoder | |
►NSkWebpEncoder | |
COptions | |
►Nskwindow | |
►Ninternal | |
CANGLEWindowContext | |
CGLWindowContext | |
CGraphiteDawnWindowContext | |
CGraphiteMetalWindowContext | |
CMetalWindowContext | |
CRasterWindowContext | |
CDisplayParams | |
CIOSWindowInfo | |
CMacWindowInfo | |
CWindowContext | |
CXlibWindowInfo | |
Nspec_parse | |
►Nstd | |
Cequal_to< impeller::Glyph > | |
Cequal_to< impeller::ScaledFont > | |
Cequal_to< impeller::SubpixelGlyph > | |
Chash< DFAState::Label > | |
Chash< fml::RefPtr< T > > | |
Chash< impeller::DepthAttachmentDescriptor > | |
Chash< impeller::Font::Metrics > | |
Chash< impeller::Glyph > | |
Chash< impeller::ScaledFont > | |
Chash< impeller::StencilAttachmentDescriptor > | |
Chash< impeller::SubpixelGlyph > | |
Chash< impeller::UniqueID > | |
Chash< skia::textlayout::FontArguments > | |
Cless< impeller::Glyph > | |
Cless< impeller::UniqueID > | |
Ctuple_element< Index, myers::Segment > | |
Ctuple_size< myers::Segment > | |
Nsvg_downloader | |
Nsymbolize_stack_trace | |
Nsync_and_compile | |
Nsys | |
Nsysroot_ld_path | |
Ntask_kill | |
►Ntest | |
Ntest_canvaskit | |
Ntest_lottie_web | |
Ntest_pathkit | |
►Ntest_utils | |
CFileWriter | |
►Ntester | |
CSkiaServeTester | |
►NTestRunner | |
NFlagValidators | |
NTimeUtils | |
►Ntonic | |
NDartError | |
CDartApiScope | |
CDartArgHolder | |
CDartArgIterator | |
CDartByteData | |
CDartClassLibrary | |
CDartClassProvider | |
CDartConverter | |
CDartConverter< bool > | |
CDartConverter< const char * > | |
CDartConverter< Dart_Handle > | |
CDartConverter< DartByteData > | |
CDartConverter< DartList > | |
CDartConverter< double > | |
CDartConverter< flutter::Paint > | |
CDartConverter< flutter::PaintData > | |
CDartConverter< flutter::RRect > | |
CDartConverter< int > | |
CDartConverter< long int > | |
CDartConverter< long long > | |
CDartConverter< PTR< T > > | |
CDartConverter< std::string > | |
CDartConverter< std::u16string > | |
CDartConverter< std::vector< T > > | |
CDartConverter< T *, typename std::enable_if< std::is_convertible< T *, const DartWrappable * >::value >::type > | |
CDartConverter< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_enum< T >::value >::type > | |
CDartConverter< TypedList< kTypeName, ElemType > > | |
CDartConverter< unsigned > | |
CDartConverter< unsigned long > | |
CDartConverter< unsigned long long > | |
CDartConverter< void > | |
CDartConverterInteger | |
CDartConverterTypes | |
CDartConverterWrappable | |
CDartDispatcher | |
CDartDispatcher< IndicesHolder< indices... >, ResultType(*)(ArgTypes...)> | |
CDartDispatcher< IndicesHolder< indices... >, ResultType(C::*)(ArgTypes...)> | |
CDartDispatcher< IndicesHolder< indices... >, ReturnType(C::*)(ArgTypes...) const > | |
CDartDispatcher< IndicesHolder< indices... >, void(*)(ArgTypes...)> | |
CDartDispatcher< IndicesHolder< indices... >, void(C::*)(ArgTypes...)> | |
CDartIsolateScope | |
►CDartLibraryNatives | |
CEntry | |
CDartList | |
CDartListFactory | |
CDartMessageHandler | |
CDartMicrotaskQueue | |
CDartPersistentValue | |
►CDartState | |
CScope | |
CDartWeakPersistentValue | |
CDartWrappable | |
CDartWrapperInfo | |
CFfiDispatcher | |
CFfiDispatcher< C, Return(C::*)(Args...) const, method > | |
CFfiDispatcher< C, Return(C::*)(Args...), method > | |
CFfiDispatcher< C, void(C::*)(Args...), method > | |
CFfiDispatcher< void, Return(*)(Args...), function > | |
CFfiDispatcher< void, void(*)(Args...), function > | |
CFileLoader | |
CIndicesForSignature | |
CIndicesForSignature< ResultType(*)(ArgTypes...)> | |
CIndicesForSignature< ResultType(C::*)(ArgTypes...) const > | |
CIndicesForSignature< ResultType(C::*)(ArgTypes...)> | |
CIndicesGenerator | |
CIndicesGenerator< 0, indices... > | |
CIndicesHolder | |
CPackagesMap | |
CTypedList | |
►Ntool_wrapper | |
CWinTool | |
►Ntools | |
Nabandon_gerrit_cls | |
Nbloaty_treemap | |
NBUILD_simulator | |
Nbuild_workaround_header | |
Nembed_resources | |
Nfind_run_binary | |
Nfix_pythonpath | |
►Ninfra | |
Ngit | |
Ngo | |
Nmacsdk_dir | |
Nmerge_static_libs | |
Nmilestone | |
►Nmisc_utils | |
CReSearch | |
Nparse_llvm_coverage | |
Nreformat | -json |
Nreformat-json | |
Nrewrite_includes | |
Nsanitize_source_files | |
►Nserve_wasm | |
CHandler | |
►Nskpbench | |
►N_adb | |
CAdb | |
N_adb_path | |
►N_benchresult | |
CBenchResult | |
►N_hardware | |
CExpectation | |
CHardware | |
CHardwareException | |
►N_hardware_android | |
CHardwareAndroid | |
►N_hardware_nexus_6p | |
CHardwareNexus6P | |
►N_hardware_pixel | |
CHardwarePixel | |
►N_hardware_pixel2 | |
CHardwarePixel2 | |
►N_hardware_pixel_c | |
CHardwarePixelC | |
N_os_path | |
►Nsheet | |
CFullConfig | |
CParser | |
►Nskiaperf | |
CJSONDict | |
►Nskpbench | |
CMessage | |
CSKPBench | |
CStddevException | |
CSubprocessMonitor | |
Ntest_all | |
Ntest_pdfs | |
►NToolUtils | |
CEmojiTestSample | |
CHilbertGenerator | |
CPixelIter | |
CTopoTestNode | |
CVariationSliders | |
►Ntouch_input_test | |
Ntesting | |
Ntweak_info_plist | |
►Ntxt | |
►Ntesting | |
CFontCollectionTests | |
CPlatformMacTests | |
CAssetFontManager | |
CDynamicFontManager | |
CFontAssetProvider | |
CFontCollection | |
CFontFeatures | |
CFontVariations | |
CLineMetrics | |
►CParagraph | |
CPositionWithAffinity | |
CRange | |
CTextBox | |
CParagraphBuilder | |
CParagraphBuilderSkia | ParagraphBuilder implementation using Skia's text layout module |
CParagraphSkia | |
CParagraphStyle | |
CPlaceholderRun | |
CRunMetrics | |
CSkiaParagraphBuilderTests | |
CTestFontManager | |
CTextShadow | |
CTextStyle | |
CTypefaceFontAssetProvider | |
CTypefaceFontStyleSet | |
►NType | |
►NkRGBA | |
CAyncYUVNoScaleGM | |
►Nui | |
Nwin | |
CAXActionData | |
CAXActionHandler | |
CAXActionHandlerBase | |
►CAXEventGenerator | |
CEventParams | |
CIterator | |
CTargetedEvent | |
CAXEventIntent | |
CAXFragmentRootDelegateWin | |
CAXFragmentRootMapWin | |
CAXFragmentRootPlatformNodeWin | |
CAXFragmentRootTest | |
CAXFragmentRootWin | |
CAXHypertext | |
CAXMode | |
CAXModeObserver | |
►CAXNode | |
CChildIteratorBase | |
►COwnerTree | |
CSelection | |
CAXNodeData | |
CAXNodePosition | |
CAXNodeTextStyles | |
CAXPlatformNode | |
CAXPlatformNodeBase | |
►CAXPlatformNodeDelegate | |
CChildIterator | |
►CAXPlatformNodeDelegateBase | |
CChildIteratorBase | |
CAXPlatformNodeMac | |
CAXPlatformNodeMacTest | |
CAXPlatformNodeTest | |
CAXPlatformNodeTextProviderTest | |
CAXPlatformNodeTextRangeProviderTest | |
CAXPlatformNodeWinTest | |
CAXPlatformRelationWin | |
CAXPlatformTreeManager | |
►CAXPosition | |
CSerializedPosition | |
►CAXRange | |
CIterator | |
CAXRangePhysicalPixelRectDelegate | |
CAXRangeRectDelegate | |
CAXRelativeBounds | |
►CAXTableInfo | |
CCellData | |
CAXTableInfoTest | |
CAXTestSmallBankUniqueId | |
►CAXTree | |
COrderedSetContent | |
COrderedSetItemsMap | |
CAXTreeData | |
CAXTreeID | |
CAXTreeIDHash | |
CAXTreeIDRegistry | |
CAXTreeManager | |
CAXTreeManagerMap | |
►CAXTreeObserver | |
CChange | |
CAXTreeUpdateBase | |
CAXTreeUpdateState | |
CAXUniqueId | |
CMockAXPlatformNodeTextRangeProviderWin | |
CMockIRawElementProviderSimple | |
CPendingStructureChanges | |
CScopedAXEmbeddedObjectBehaviorSetter | |
CTestAXNodeHelper | |
CTestAXNodeWrapper | |
CTestAXTreeManager | |
CTestFragmentRootDelegate | |
CUiaRegistrarWin | |
►Nunibrow | |
CCanonicalizationRange | |
CEcma262Canonicalize | |
CEcma262UnCanonicalize | |
CLetter | |
CMapping | |
CMultiCharacterSpecialCase | |
NUniqueKeyUtils | |
Nupdate | |
Nupdate_fuzzer | |
Nupdate_sources | |
Nupdate_spreadsheet | |
Nupload | |
Nupload_buildstats_results | |
Nupload_dm_results | |
Nupload_nano_results | |
Nupload_to_symbol_server | |
►Nutils | |
CBaseCoreDumpArchiver | |
Cchdir | |
CError | |
Cgit_branch | |
CIncreasedNumberOfFileDescriptors | |
CLinuxCoreDumpArchiver | |
CLinuxCoreDumpEnabler | |
CMacOSCoreDumpArchiver | |
CPosixCoreDumpArchiver | |
CPosixCoreDumpEnabler | |
Cprint_timings | |
CTempDir | |
Ctmp_dir | |
CUnexpectedCrash | |
CVersion | |
CWindowsCoreDumpArchiver | |
CWindowsCoreDumpEnabler | |
Nvalgrind | |
►Nvars | |
►Napi | |
CSkiaVarsApi | |
►Nvello_cpp | |
CPathIterator | |
Nverify_sources | |
Nviz | |
Nvs_toolchain | |
►Nvulkan | |
CVulkanApplication | |
CVulkanBackbuffer | |
CVulkanCommandBuffer | |
CVulkanDebugReport | |
CVulkanDevice | |
CVulkanHandle | |
CVulkanImage | |
CVulkanNativeSurface | |
CVulkanNativeSurfaceAndroid | |
►CVulkanProcTable | |
CProc | |
CVulkanProvider | |
CVulkanSurface | |
CVulkanSwapchain | |
CVulkanWindow | |
►Nwebpages_playback | |
CDataStore | |
CGoogleStorageDataStore | |
CInvalidSKPException | |
CLocalFileSystemDataStore | |
CSkPicturePlayback | |
Nwgpu | |
Nwin_ssh_cmd | |
►Nwin_toolchain | |
Ncreate | |
Ncreate_and_upload | |
Nwith_envs | |
Nwrite_dartdoc_options_file | |
Nwrite_revision_file | |
Nwrite_version_file | |
►Nxrefs | |
C_MdLinkFixerTreeprocessor | |
C_XrefPattern | |
CXrefExtension | |
Nxvfb | |
Nxxd | |
Nzip | |
Nzip_utils | |
►Nzip_utils_test | |
CZipUtilsTest | |
►Nzircon | |
►Ndart | |
CHandle | |
CHandleDisposition | |
CHandleWaiter | |
CSizedRegion | |
CSystem | |