Flutter Engine
The Flutter Engine
Related Pages
Here is a list of all related documentation pages:
 Contributing to Fuchsia
 Protocol Buffers GN Build Support
 Flutter Engine Build Definition Language
 Flutter Common
 Contributing to the Flutter engine
 RBE for Flutter Engine Developers
 Flutter Embedder Engine GLFW Example
 Flutter Embedder Engine GLFW Example
 The Impeller Base Library
 The Impeller Shader Compiler & Reflector
 Android CPU Profiling
 Android Vulkan Validation Layers
 Baby's First Triangle
 Impeller Benchmarks
 Color blending
 Impeller's Coordinate System
 Frequently Asked Questions
 iOS CPU Profiling
 Enable Metal Validation without Xcode.
 Learning to Read GPU Frame Captures
 Frame Capture with RenderDoc
 Writing efficient shaders
 Specialization Constants
 Using Impeller as a Standalone Rendering Library (with OpenGL ES)
 How Impeller Works Around The Lack of Uniform Buffers in Open GL ES 2.0.
 Threading in Vulkan
 Setup Xcode for GPU Frame Capture
 The Impeller Fixtures Set
 The Impeller Geometry Library
 Impeller Golden Tests
 The Impeller Image Library
 The Impeller Playground
 KHR Swapchain
 Vulkan Swapchains
 ⚠️ <strong>Experimental:</strong> Do not use in production! ⚠️
 Android Toolkit
 ui_unittest Fixtures
 Web-specific coding conventions and terminology
 Flutter Web Engine
 UI Tests
 Flutter Engine
 Android Platform Embedder
 Unit testing Java code
 Flutter macOS Embedder
 Dart Application Runner
 Dart Runner Tests
 Flutter Application Runner
 Flutter runner integration tests
 Timezone data for testing
 Running the Fuchsia unit tests locally
 Windows Platform Embedder
 Flutter Engine
 Native Activity
 Running and Processing DisplayList Benchmarks
 Dart UI Tests
 iOS Unit Tests
 Demo of <tt>package:test</tt> with <tt>DEPS</tt>-vendored packages
 Engine Testing
 Scenario App: Android Tests and Test Runner
 Scenario App Android Test Runner
 Scenario App: iOS Tests
 Golden UI Tests
 Scenario App
 Skia Gold Client
 Flutter Accessibility Library
 Alpine Linux Sysroots
 Versioning Packages
 What are Flutter pinned packages?
 Dart SDK breaking change process
 Dart SDK process for changes behind experimental flags
 Language Versioning and Experiments
 Setting VM flags in standalone executables
 FE/analyzer shared code
 Required steps when updating this package
 Running Benchmarks
 Analysis Server Benchmarks
 Code Editing Features
 Enhancing data-driven fixes
 Request handlers
 Supporting the legacy protocol
 Supporting LSP
 Adding Navigation
 Writing a quick assist
 Writing a quick fix
 Adding Semantic Highlighting
 Starting the server
 Implementing a new language feature
 Running/Debugging the Analysis Server from Source in VS Code
 Statement Completion
 Language Server Protocol
 analysis_server_plugin package
 Extending the AST
 Coding style
 Adding a new diagnostic
 Adding a new pubspec diagnostic
 Summaries in Dart analyzer
 Testing the analyzer
 Implementing a new language feature
 Performing Analysis
 The AST
 The Element Model
 The Token stream
 Analyzing Dart
 The Type Model
 Wolf Analysis
 Triage Priorities for Dart Analyzer
 SDK development code analysis
 Providing Quick Assists
 Providing Code Completions
 Creating <tt>SourceChange</tt>s
 Debugging Plugins
 Providing Quick Fixes
 Providing Folding Information
 Getting Started
 Providing Highlighting Information
 Providing Navigation
 Providing Occurrences Information
 Providing Outlines
 Package Structure
 Building a Plugin
 Package build_integration
 Pragma Annotations understood by dart2js
 Resource Identifiers
 Source map extensions
 The dart2js compiler
 Notes for developers
 Dart2js Info
 Build V8
 Building Flutter apps with newest Engine & newest Dart
 Imports and exports
 Inspecting the generated Wasm code
 Checkout & Build V8
 Detecting whether code is running as WebAssembly
 <tt>dart fix</tt>
 Design Principles
 Dart CLI tooling
 Development for <tt>package:dds</tt>
 Dart Development Service Protocol 2.0
 Strong Mode
 Testing of source maps
 Contributing guide
 Dart Tooling Daemon Protocol
 Dart Tooling Daemon
 Front end for Dart
 Package <tt>js_runtime</tt>:
 Package <tt>js_shared</tt>:
 Nullability in CFE
 Dart Kernel
 Contributing to the Linter
 The Life of a Lint
 <tt>use_build_context_synchronously</tt> design
 Writing Lints
 Linter for Dart
 Package validation
 server_plugin package
 Testing of source maps
 Contributing to <tt>package:vm_service</tt> and <tt>package:vm_service_interface</tt>
 Contributing to <tt>package:vm_service</tt> and <tt>package:vm_service_interface</tt>
 Data-Driven Documents
 AOT code size analysis
 Suspendable Functions (<tt>async</tt>, <tt>async*</tt> and <tt>sync*</tt>)
 Awaiter Stack Traces
 <tt>vm:entry-point</tt> pragma
 Dart Mini Design Doc
 Exceptions Implementation
 Pragmas used in the FFI implementation
 <tt>vm:testing.unsafe.trace-entrypoints-fn</tt> pragma
 Dart MiniDesign Doc
 Pragma annotations recognized by the compiler
 Type Testing Stubs
 Deeply immutable instances and types
 Using and interpreting DWARF stack traces
 Garbage Collection
 Crash Dumps Archiving
 Writing IL tests for AOT compiler
 VM-Specific Pragma Annotations
 Introduction to Dart VM
 Shared memory
 AOT Snapshot Size Profiling
 Representation of Types
 Hacking Observatory
 Obtaining a heapsnapshot
 Dart VM Compilation Pipeline
 VM Service Feature Availability
 Dart VM Service Heap Snapshot
 Dart VM Service Protocol 4.15
 Evolving the Dart Service Protocol
 Dart VM Service Protocol Extension 4.0
 dart:ffi SQLite mini tutorial
 Sample code dart:ffi
 Native Null Assertions in Dart Dev Compiler and Dart2JS
 Reporting vulnerabilities
 Feature tests for instantiation to bounds, and super-bounded types
 Macro "Augment" Tests
 Macro "Introspect" Tests
 Feature tests for static analysis involving subtyping
 Feature tests for void
 Directory contents
 Data-Driven Documents
 Double Conversion
 Debug Adapter Protocol
 What’s this?
 Bazel Project Exporter
 RBE configurations
 Using Gerrit without git-cl
 Job Analysis
 Creating the Mesa Intel Linux driver asset (which supports Vulkan)
 Creating the Mesa Intel Linux driver asset (which supports Vulkan)
 Text Blob Traces
 Skia Infrastructure
 Skia Recipe Modules
 Skia Recipes
 G3 Canary Production Manual
 CanvasKit Changelog
 ImageDecoder API
 Code of Conduct
 How to Contribute
 PathKit Changelog
 Code of Conduct
 How to Contribute
 Code of Conduct
 How to Contribute
 Skia Release Notes
 Proposed Specifications
 JS image decode
 Gradients on the GPU
 GrGlInterface Autogeneration
 Capture Lottie Filmstrip in the Browser
 Skottie iOS Example App
 SVG Tools
 Unicode comparison utilities
 Web Locale Keymap
 API consistency check tool
 Updating the Embedding Dependencies
 Updating malioc
 Compare Goldens
 Const Finder
 The Engine Tool
 Web Locale Keymap Generator
 Git Hooks
 Golden Tests Harvester
 Updating gradle version used in engine repo
 Update License Files
 Deprecated List
 Bug List