Flutter Engine
The Flutter Engine

This directory contains helper scripts for rendering runtime wiki pages as HTML.

# Run webserver for development.
$ runtime/tools/wiki/build/build.py
# Build wiki for deployment
$ runtime/tools/wiki/build/build.py --deploy

Markdown extensions

Admonitions and Asides

Blockquotes starting with > **Marker** are converted either:

  • into sidenotes (if Marker is Note), which will be rendered on margins of the page;
  • admonitions (if Marker is Source to read, Trying it or Warning).

Referencing C++ symbols and files

Script extends Markdown references with special support for references that use [`ref`][] and [text][`ref`]. The following values for ref are recognized and resolved as links to GitHub at the current commit.

  • file-path is resolved as a link to the given file;
  • package:name/path.dart is resolved as a link to file path.dart within package name - actual path is resolved via .dart_tool/package_config.json file in the SDK root;
  • c++ symbol is resolved as a link to the line in the file which defines the given C++ symbol.

If markdown file contains any references in this form then running runtime/tools/wiki/build/build.py --deploy will generate a reference section at the end of the file. Appending this section allows other Markdown tools (e.g. GitHub viewer) to render such special links correctly.


  1. Install all Python dependencies.
    $ pip3 install coloredlogs jinja2 markdown aiohttp watchdog pymdown-extensions pygments
  2. Install libclang (brew install llvm on Mac OS X).
  3. Install SASS compiler (make sure that SASS binary is in your path).