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SkSL::ConstantFolder Class Reference

#include <SkSLConstantFolder.h>

Static Public Member Functions

static bool GetConstantInt (const Expression &value, SKSL_INT *out)
static bool GetConstantValue (const Expression &value, double *out)
static const ExpressionGetConstantValueForVariable (const Expression &value)
static const ExpressionGetConstantValueOrNull (const Expression &value)
static bool IsConstantSplat (const Expression &expr, double value)
static std::unique_ptr< ExpressionMakeConstantValueForVariable (Position pos, std::unique_ptr< Expression > expr)
static std::unique_ptr< ExpressionSimplify (const Context &context, Position pos, const Expression &left, Operator op, const Expression &right, const Type &resultType)

Detailed Description

Performs constant folding on IR expressions. This simplifies expressions containing compile-time constants, such as replacing Literal(2) + Literal(2) with Literal(4).

Definition at line 27 of file SkSLConstantFolder.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetConstantInt()

bool SkSL::ConstantFolder::GetConstantInt ( const Expression value,

If value is an int literal or const int variable with a known value, returns true and stores the value in out. Otherwise, returns false.

Definition at line 325 of file SkSLConstantFolder.cpp.

325 {
326 const Expression* expr = GetConstantValueForVariable(value);
327 if (!expr->isIntLiteral()) {
328 return false;
329 }
330 *out = expr->as<Literal>().intValue();
331 return true;
static const Expression * GetConstantValueForVariable(const Expression &value)

◆ GetConstantValue()

bool SkSL::ConstantFolder::GetConstantValue ( const Expression value,
double *  out 

If value is a literal or const scalar variable with a known value, returns true and stores the value in out. Otherwise, returns false.

Definition at line 334 of file SkSLConstantFolder.cpp.

334 {
335 const Expression* expr = GetConstantValueForVariable(value);
336 if (!expr->is<Literal>()) {
337 return false;
338 }
339 *out = expr->as<Literal>().value();
340 return true;
uint8_t value

◆ GetConstantValueForVariable()

const Expression * SkSL::ConstantFolder::GetConstantValueForVariable ( const Expression value)

If the expression is a const variable with a known compile-time-constant value, returns that value. If not, returns the original expression as-is.

Definition at line 461 of file SkSLConstantFolder.cpp.

461 {
462 const Expression* expr = GetConstantValueOrNull(inExpr);
463 return expr ? expr : &inExpr;
static const Expression * GetConstantValueOrNull(const Expression &value)

◆ GetConstantValueOrNull()

const Expression * SkSL::ConstantFolder::GetConstantValueOrNull ( const Expression value)

If the expression can be replaced by a compile-time-constant value, returns that value. If not, returns null.

Definition at line 440 of file SkSLConstantFolder.cpp.

440 {
441 const Expression* expr = &inExpr;
442 while (expr->is<VariableReference>()) {
443 const VariableReference& varRef = expr->as<VariableReference>();
444 if (varRef.refKind() != VariableRefKind::kRead) {
445 return nullptr;
446 }
447 const Variable& var = *varRef.variable();
448 if (!var.modifierFlags().isConst()) {
449 return nullptr;
450 }
451 expr = var.initialValue();
452 if (!expr) {
453 // Generally, const variables must have initial values. However, function parameters are
454 // an exception; they can be const but won't have an initial value.
455 return nullptr;
456 }
457 }
458 return Analysis::IsCompileTimeConstant(*expr) ? expr : nullptr;
bool IsCompileTimeConstant(const Expression &expr)

◆ IsConstantSplat()

bool SkSL::ConstantFolder::IsConstantSplat ( const Expression expr,
double  value 

Returns true if the expression contains value in every slot.

Definition at line 354 of file SkSLConstantFolder.cpp.

354 {
355 int numSlots = expr.type().slotCount();
356 for (int index = 0; index < numSlots; ++index) {
357 std::optional<double> slotVal = expr.getConstantValue(index);
358 if (!slotVal.has_value() || *slotVal != value) {
359 return false;
360 }
361 }
362 return true;

◆ MakeConstantValueForVariable()

std::unique_ptr< Expression > SkSL::ConstantFolder::MakeConstantValueForVariable ( Position  pos,
std::unique_ptr< Expression expr 

If the expression is a const variable with a known compile-time-constant value, returns a clone of that value. If not, returns the original expression as-is.

Definition at line 466 of file SkSLConstantFolder.cpp.

467 {
468 const Expression* expr = GetConstantValueOrNull(*inExpr);
469 return expr ? expr->clone(pos) : std::move(inExpr);
SkPoint pos

◆ Simplify()

std::unique_ptr< Expression > SkSL::ConstantFolder::Simplify ( const Context context,
Position  pos,
const Expression left,
Operator  op,
const Expression right,
const Type resultType 

Simplifies the binary expression left OP right. Returns null if it can't be simplified.

Definition at line 668 of file SkSLConstantFolder.cpp.

673 {
674 // Replace constant variables with their literal values.
675 const Expression* left = GetConstantValueForVariable(leftExpr);
676 const Expression* right = GetConstantValueForVariable(rightExpr);
678 // If this is the assignment operator, and both sides are the same trivial expression, this is
679 // self-assignment (i.e., `var = var`) and can be reduced to just a variable reference (`var`).
680 // This can happen when other parts of the assignment are optimized away.
681 if (op.kind() == Operator::Kind::EQ && Analysis::IsSameExpressionTree(*left, *right)) {
682 return right->clone(pos);
683 }
685 // Simplify the expression when both sides are constant Boolean literals.
686 if (left->isBoolLiteral() && right->isBoolLiteral()) {
687 bool leftVal = left->as<Literal>().boolValue();
688 bool rightVal = right->as<Literal>().boolValue();
689 bool result;
690 switch (op.kind()) {
691 case Operator::Kind::LOGICALAND: result = leftVal && rightVal; break;
692 case Operator::Kind::LOGICALOR: result = leftVal || rightVal; break;
693 case Operator::Kind::LOGICALXOR: result = leftVal ^ rightVal; break;
694 case Operator::Kind::EQEQ: result = leftVal == rightVal; break;
695 case Operator::Kind::NEQ: result = leftVal != rightVal; break;
696 default: return nullptr;
697 }
698 return Literal::MakeBool(context, pos, result);
699 }
701 // If the left side is a Boolean literal, apply short-circuit optimizations.
702 if (left->isBoolLiteral()) {
703 return short_circuit_boolean(pos, *left, op, *right);
704 }
706 // If the right side is a Boolean literal...
707 if (right->isBoolLiteral()) {
708 // ... and the left side has no side effects...
710 // We can reverse the expressions and short-circuit optimizations are still valid.
711 return short_circuit_boolean(pos, *right, op, *left);
712 }
714 // We can't use short-circuiting, but we can still optimize away no-op Boolean expressions.
715 return eliminate_no_op_boolean(pos, *left, op, *right);
716 }
718 if (op.kind() == Operator::Kind::EQEQ && Analysis::IsSameExpressionTree(*left, *right)) {
719 // With == comparison, if both sides are the same trivial expression, this is self-
720 // comparison and is always true. (We are not concerned with NaN.)
721 return Literal::MakeBool(context, pos, /*value=*/true);
722 }
724 if (op.kind() == Operator::Kind::NEQ && Analysis::IsSameExpressionTree(*left, *right)) {
725 // With != comparison, if both sides are the same trivial expression, this is self-
726 // comparison and is always false. (We are not concerned with NaN.)
727 return Literal::MakeBool(context, pos, /*value=*/false);
728 }
730 if (error_on_divide_by_zero(context, pos, op, *right)) {
731 return nullptr;
732 }
734 // Perform full constant folding when both sides are compile-time constants.
735 const Type& leftType = left->type();
736 const Type& rightType = right->type();
737 bool leftSideIsConstant = Analysis::IsCompileTimeConstant(*left);
738 bool rightSideIsConstant = Analysis::IsCompileTimeConstant(*right);
740 if (leftSideIsConstant && rightSideIsConstant) {
741 // Handle pairs of integer literals.
742 if (left->isIntLiteral() && right->isIntLiteral()) {
743 using SKSL_UINT = uint64_t;
744 SKSL_INT leftVal = left->as<Literal>().intValue();
745 SKSL_INT rightVal = right->as<Literal>().intValue();
747 // Note that fold_expression returns null if the result would overflow its type.
748 #define RESULT(Op) fold_expression(pos, (SKSL_INT)(leftVal) Op \
749 (SKSL_INT)(rightVal), &resultType)
750 #define URESULT(Op) fold_expression(pos, (SKSL_INT)((SKSL_UINT)(leftVal) Op \
751 (SKSL_UINT)(rightVal)), &resultType)
752 switch (op.kind()) {
753 case Operator::Kind::PLUS: return URESULT(+);
754 case Operator::Kind::MINUS: return URESULT(-);
755 case Operator::Kind::STAR: return URESULT(*);
756 case Operator::Kind::SLASH:
757 if (leftVal == std::numeric_limits<SKSL_INT>::min() && rightVal == -1) {
758 context.fErrors->error(pos, "arithmetic overflow");
759 return nullptr;
760 }
761 return RESULT(/);
762 case Operator::Kind::PERCENT:
763 if (leftVal == std::numeric_limits<SKSL_INT>::min() && rightVal == -1) {
764 context.fErrors->error(pos, "arithmetic overflow");
765 return nullptr;
766 }
767 return RESULT(%);
768 case Operator::Kind::BITWISEAND: return RESULT(&);
769 case Operator::Kind::BITWISEOR: return RESULT(|);
770 case Operator::Kind::BITWISEXOR: return RESULT(^);
771 case Operator::Kind::EQEQ: return RESULT(==);
772 case Operator::Kind::NEQ: return RESULT(!=);
773 case Operator::Kind::GT: return RESULT(>);
774 case Operator::Kind::GTEQ: return RESULT(>=);
775 case Operator::Kind::LT: return RESULT(<);
776 case Operator::Kind::LTEQ: return RESULT(<=);
777 case Operator::Kind::SHL:
778 if (rightVal >= 0 && rightVal <= 31) {
779 // Left-shifting a negative (or really, any signed) value is undefined
780 // behavior in C++, but not in GLSL. Do the shift on unsigned values to avoid
781 // triggering an UBSAN error.
782 return URESULT(<<);
783 }
784 context.fErrors->error(pos, "shift value out of range");
785 return nullptr;
786 case Operator::Kind::SHR:
787 if (rightVal >= 0 && rightVal <= 31) {
788 return RESULT(>>);
789 }
790 context.fErrors->error(pos, "shift value out of range");
791 return nullptr;
793 default:
794 return nullptr;
795 }
796 #undef RESULT
797 #undef URESULT
798 }
800 // Handle pairs of floating-point literals.
801 if (left->isFloatLiteral() && right->isFloatLiteral()) {
802 SKSL_FLOAT leftVal = left->as<Literal>().floatValue();
803 SKSL_FLOAT rightVal = right->as<Literal>().floatValue();
805 #define RESULT(Op) fold_expression(pos, leftVal Op rightVal, &resultType)
806 switch (op.kind()) {
807 case Operator::Kind::PLUS: return RESULT(+);
808 case Operator::Kind::MINUS: return RESULT(-);
809 case Operator::Kind::STAR: return RESULT(*);
810 case Operator::Kind::SLASH: return RESULT(/);
811 case Operator::Kind::EQEQ: return RESULT(==);
812 case Operator::Kind::NEQ: return RESULT(!=);
813 case Operator::Kind::GT: return RESULT(>);
814 case Operator::Kind::GTEQ: return RESULT(>=);
815 case Operator::Kind::LT: return RESULT(<);
816 case Operator::Kind::LTEQ: return RESULT(<=);
817 default: return nullptr;
818 }
819 #undef RESULT
820 }
822 // Perform matrix multiplication.
823 if (op.kind() == Operator::Kind::STAR) {
824 if (leftType.isMatrix() && rightType.isMatrix()) {
825 return simplify_matrix_times_matrix(context, pos, *left, *right);
826 }
827 if (leftType.isVector() && rightType.isMatrix()) {
828 return simplify_vector_times_matrix(context, pos, *left, *right);
829 }
830 if (leftType.isMatrix() && rightType.isVector()) {
831 return simplify_matrix_times_vector(context, pos, *left, *right);
832 }
833 }
835 // Perform constant folding on pairs of vectors/matrices.
836 if (is_vec_or_mat(leftType) && leftType.matches(rightType)) {
837 return simplify_componentwise(context, pos, *left, op, *right);
838 }
840 // Perform constant folding on vectors/matrices against scalars, e.g.: half4(2) + 2
841 if (rightType.isScalar() && is_vec_or_mat(leftType) &&
842 leftType.componentType().matches(rightType)) {
843 return simplify_componentwise(context, pos,
844 *left, op, *splat_scalar(context, *right, left->type()));
845 }
847 // Perform constant folding on scalars against vectors/matrices, e.g.: 2 + half4(2)
848 if (leftType.isScalar() && is_vec_or_mat(rightType) &&
849 rightType.componentType().matches(leftType)) {
850 return simplify_componentwise(context, pos,
851 *splat_scalar(context, *left, right->type()), op, *right);
852 }
854 // Perform constant folding on pairs of matrices, arrays or structs.
855 if ((leftType.isMatrix() && rightType.isMatrix()) ||
856 (leftType.isArray() && rightType.isArray()) ||
857 (leftType.isStruct() && rightType.isStruct())) {
858 return simplify_constant_equality(context, pos, *left, op, *right);
859 }
860 }
862 if (context.fConfig->fSettings.fOptimize) {
863 // If just one side is constant, we might still be able to simplify arithmetic expressions
864 // like `x * 1`, `x *= 1`, `x + 0`, `x * 0`, `0 / x`, etc.
865 if (leftSideIsConstant || rightSideIsConstant) {
866 if (std::unique_ptr<Expression> expr = simplify_arithmetic(context, pos, *left, op,
867 *right, resultType)) {
868 return expr;
869 }
870 }
872 // We can simplify some forms of matrix division even when neither side is constant.
873 if (std::unique_ptr<Expression> expr = simplify_matrix_division(context, pos, *left, op,
874 *right, resultType)) {
875 return expr;
876 }
877 }
879 // We aren't able to constant-fold.
880 return nullptr;
static bool left(const SkPoint &p0, const SkPoint &p1)
static bool right(const SkPoint &p0, const SkPoint &p1)
#define RESULT(Op)
#define URESULT(Op)
int64_t SKSL_INT
Definition SkSLDefines.h:16
Definition SkSLDefines.h:17
static std::unique_ptr< Literal > MakeBool(const Context &context, Position pos, bool value)
Definition SkSLLiteral.h:69
GAsyncResult * result
bool IsSameExpressionTree(const Expression &left, const Expression &right)
bool HasSideEffects(const Expression &expr)
static std::unique_ptr< Expression > simplify_matrix_division(const Context &context, Position pos, const Expression &left, Operator op, const Expression &right, const Type &resultType)
static bool error_on_divide_by_zero(const Context &context, Position pos, Operator op, const Expression &right)
static std::unique_ptr< Expression > eliminate_no_op_boolean(Position pos, const Expression &left, Operator op, const Expression &right)
static std::unique_ptr< Expression > simplify_matrix_times_matrix(const Context &context, Position pos, const Expression &left, const Expression &right)
static bool is_vec_or_mat(const Type &type)
static std::unique_ptr< Expression > simplify_matrix_times_vector(const Context &context, Position pos, const Expression &left, const Expression &right)
static std::unique_ptr< Expression > short_circuit_boolean(Position pos, const Expression &left, Operator op, const Expression &right)
static std::unique_ptr< Expression > simplify_constant_equality(const Context &context, Position pos, const Expression &left, Operator op, const Expression &right)
static std::unique_ptr< Expression > simplify_vector_times_matrix(const Context &context, Position pos, const Expression &left, const Expression &right)
static std::unique_ptr< Expression > simplify_componentwise(const Context &context, Position pos, const Expression &left, Operator op, const Expression &right)
static std::unique_ptr< Expression > splat_scalar(const Context &context, const Expression &scalar, const Type &type)
static std::unique_ptr< Expression > simplify_arithmetic(const Context &context, Position pos, const Expression &left, Operator op, const Expression &right, const Type &resultType)

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