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flutter::AndroidShellHolder Class Reference

This is the Android owner of the core engine Shell. More...

#include <android_shell_holder.h>

Public Member Functions

 AndroidShellHolder (const flutter::Settings &settings, std::shared_ptr< PlatformViewAndroidJNI > jni_facade)
 ~AndroidShellHolder ()
bool IsValid () const
std::unique_ptr< AndroidShellHolderSpawn (std::shared_ptr< PlatformViewAndroidJNI > jni_facade, const std::string &entrypoint, const std::string &libraryUrl, const std::string &initial_route, const std::vector< std::string > &entrypoint_args) const
 This is a factory for a derived AndroidShellHolder from an existing AndroidShellHolder.
void Launch (std::unique_ptr< APKAssetProvider > apk_asset_provider, const std::string &entrypoint, const std::string &libraryUrl, const std::vector< std::string > &entrypoint_args)
const flutter::SettingsGetSettings () const
fml::WeakPtr< PlatformViewAndroidGetPlatformView ()
Rasterizer::Screenshot Screenshot (Rasterizer::ScreenshotType type, bool base64_encode)
void NotifyLowMemoryWarning ()
const std::shared_ptr< PlatformMessageHandler > & GetPlatformMessageHandler () const
void UpdateDisplayMetrics ()

Detailed Description

This is the Android owner of the core engine Shell.

This is the top orchestrator class on the C++ side for the Android embedding. It corresponds to a FlutterEngine on the Java side. This class is in C++ because the Shell is in C++ and an Android orchestrator needs to exist to compose it with other Android specific C++ components such as the PlatformViewAndroid. This composition of many-to-one C++ components would be difficult to do through JNI whereas a FlutterEngine and AndroidShellHolder has a 1:1 relationship.

Technically, the FlutterJNI class owns this AndroidShellHolder class instance, but the FlutterJNI class is meant to be mostly static and has minimal state to perform the C++ pointer <-> Java class instance translation.

Definition at line 42 of file android_shell_holder.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ AndroidShellHolder()

flutter::AndroidShellHolder::AndroidShellHolder ( const flutter::Settings settings,
std::shared_ptr< PlatformViewAndroidJNI jni_facade 

Definition at line 85 of file android_shell_holder.cc.

88 : settings_(settings), jni_facade_(jni_facade) {
89 static size_t thread_host_count = 1;
90 auto thread_label = std::to_string(thread_host_count++);
92 auto mask =
96 thread_label, mask, AndroidPlatformThreadConfigSetter);
97 host_config.ui_config = fml::Thread::ThreadConfig(
99 flutter::ThreadHost::Type::kUi, thread_label),
101 host_config.raster_config = fml::Thread::ThreadConfig(
105 host_config.io_config = fml::Thread::ThreadConfig(
107 flutter::ThreadHost::Type::kIo, thread_label),
110 thread_host_ = std::make_shared<ThreadHost>(host_config);
112 fml::WeakPtr<PlatformViewAndroid> weak_platform_view;
113 Shell::CreateCallback<PlatformView> on_create_platform_view =
114 [&jni_facade, &weak_platform_view](Shell& shell) {
115 std::unique_ptr<PlatformViewAndroid> platform_view_android;
116 platform_view_android = std::make_unique<PlatformViewAndroid>(
117 shell, // delegate
118 shell.GetTaskRunners(), // task runners
119 jni_facade, // JNI interop
120 shell.GetSettings()
121 .enable_software_rendering, // use software rendering
122 shell.GetSettings().msaa_samples // msaa sample count
123 );
124 weak_platform_view = platform_view_android->GetWeakPtr();
125 return platform_view_android;
126 };
128 Shell::CreateCallback<Rasterizer> on_create_rasterizer = [](Shell& shell) {
129 return std::make_unique<Rasterizer>(shell);
130 };
132 // The current thread will be used as the platform thread. Ensure that the
133 // message loop is initialized.
135 fml::RefPtr<fml::TaskRunner> raster_runner;
138 fml::RefPtr<fml::TaskRunner> platform_runner =
140 raster_runner = thread_host_->raster_thread->GetTaskRunner();
141 ui_runner = thread_host_->ui_thread->GetTaskRunner();
142 io_runner = thread_host_->io_thread->GetTaskRunner();
144 flutter::TaskRunners task_runners(thread_label, // label
145 platform_runner, // platform
146 raster_runner, // raster
147 ui_runner, // ui
148 io_runner // io
149 );
151 shell_ =
152 Shell::Create(GetDefaultPlatformData(), // window data
153 task_runners, // task runners
154 settings_, // settings
155 on_create_platform_view, // platform view create callback
156 on_create_rasterizer // rasterizer create callback
157 );
159 if (shell_) {
160 shell_->GetDartVM()->GetConcurrentMessageLoop()->PostTaskToAllWorkers([]() {
161 if (::setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, gettid(), 1) != 0) {
162 FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to set Workers task runner priority";
163 }
164 });
166 shell_->RegisterImageDecoder(
167 [runner = task_runners.GetIOTaskRunner()](sk_sp<SkData> buffer) {
168 return AndroidImageGenerator::MakeFromData(std::move(buffer), runner);
169 },
170 -1);
171 FML_DLOG(INFO) << "Registered Android SDK image decoder (API level 28+)";
172 }
174 platform_view_ = weak_platform_view;
175 FML_DCHECK(platform_view_);
176 is_valid_ = shell_ != nullptr;
static std::shared_ptr< ImageGenerator > MakeFromData(sk_sp< SkData > data, const fml::RefPtr< fml::TaskRunner > &task_runner)
static std::unique_ptr< Shell > Create(const PlatformData &platform_data, const TaskRunners &task_runners, Settings settings, const CreateCallback< PlatformView > &on_create_platform_view, const CreateCallback< Rasterizer > &on_create_rasterizer, bool is_gpu_disabled=false)
Creates a shell instance using the provided settings. The callbacks to create the various shell subco...
Definition shell.cc:167
static void EnsureInitializedForCurrentThread()
fml::RefPtr< fml::TaskRunner > GetTaskRunner() const
static FML_EMBEDDER_ONLY MessageLoop & GetCurrent()
@ kNormal
Default priority level.
@ kRaster
Suitable for thread which raster data.
@ kDisplay
Suitable for threads which generate data for the display.
#define FML_DLOG(severity)
Definition logging.h:102
#define FML_LOG(severity)
Definition logging.h:82
#define FML_DCHECK(condition)
Definition logging.h:103
static PlatformData GetDefaultPlatformData()
DEF_SWITCHES_START aot vmservice shared library Name of the *so containing AOT compiled Dart assets for launching the service isolate vm snapshot The VM snapshot data that will be memory mapped as read only SnapshotAssetPath must be present isolate snapshot The isolate snapshot data that will be memory mapped as read only SnapshotAssetPath must be present cache dir Path to the cache directory This is different from the persistent_cache_path in embedder which is used for Skia shader cache icu native lib Path to the library file that exports the ICU data vm service The hostname IP address on which the Dart VM Service should be served If not defaults to or::depending on whether ipv6 is specified vm service A custom Dart VM Service port The default is to pick a randomly available open port disable vm Disable the Dart VM Service The Dart VM Service is never available in release mode disable vm service Disable mDNS Dart VM Service publication Bind to the IPv6 localhost address for the Dart VM Service Ignored if vm service host is set endless trace buffer
Definition switches.h:126
static void AndroidPlatformThreadConfigSetter(const fml::Thread::ThreadConfig &config)
static std::string MakeThreadName(Type type, const std::string &prefix)
Use the prefix and thread type to generator a thread name.
The ThreadConfig is the thread info include thread name, thread priority.
Definition thread.h:35
#define ERROR(message)

◆ ~AndroidShellHolder()

flutter::AndroidShellHolder::~AndroidShellHolder ( )

Definition at line 200 of file android_shell_holder.cc.

200 {
201 shell_.reset();
202 thread_host_.reset();

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetPlatformMessageHandler()

const std::shared_ptr< PlatformMessageHandler > & flutter::AndroidShellHolder::GetPlatformMessageHandler ( ) const

Definition at line 101 of file android_shell_holder.h.

102 {
103 return shell_->GetPlatformMessageHandler();
104 }

◆ GetPlatformView()

fml::WeakPtr< PlatformViewAndroid > flutter::AndroidShellHolder::GetPlatformView ( )

Definition at line 305 of file android_shell_holder.cc.

305 {
306 FML_DCHECK(platform_view_);
307 return platform_view_;

◆ GetSettings()

const flutter::Settings & flutter::AndroidShellHolder::GetSettings ( ) const

Definition at line 209 of file android_shell_holder.cc.

209 {
210 return settings_;

◆ IsValid()

bool flutter::AndroidShellHolder::IsValid ( ) const

Definition at line 205 of file android_shell_holder.cc.

205 {
206 return is_valid_;

◆ Launch()

void flutter::AndroidShellHolder::Launch ( std::unique_ptr< APKAssetProvider apk_asset_provider,
const std::string &  entrypoint,
const std::string &  libraryUrl,
const std::vector< std::string > &  entrypoint_args 

Definition at line 277 of file android_shell_holder.cc.

281 {
282 if (!IsValid()) {
283 return;
284 }
286 apk_asset_provider_ = std::move(apk_asset_provider);
287 auto config = BuildRunConfiguration(entrypoint, libraryUrl, entrypoint_args);
288 if (!config) {
289 return;
290 }
292 shell_->RunEngine(std::move(config.value()));

◆ NotifyLowMemoryWarning()

void flutter::AndroidShellHolder::NotifyLowMemoryWarning ( )

Definition at line 310 of file android_shell_holder.cc.

310 {
311 FML_DCHECK(shell_);
312 shell_->NotifyLowMemoryWarning();

◆ Screenshot()

Rasterizer::Screenshot flutter::AndroidShellHolder::Screenshot ( Rasterizer::ScreenshotType  type,
bool  base64_encode 

Definition at line 295 of file android_shell_holder.cc.

297 {
298 if (!IsValid()) {
299 return {nullptr, SkISize::MakeEmpty(), "",
301 }
302 return shell_->Screenshot(type, base64_encode);
static constexpr SkISize MakeEmpty()
Definition SkSize.h:22

◆ Spawn()

std::unique_ptr< AndroidShellHolder > flutter::AndroidShellHolder::Spawn ( std::shared_ptr< PlatformViewAndroidJNI jni_facade,
const std::string &  entrypoint,
const std::string &  libraryUrl,
const std::string &  initial_route,
const std::vector< std::string > &  entrypoint_args 
) const

This is a factory for a derived AndroidShellHolder from an existing AndroidShellHolder.

Creates one Shell from another Shell where the created Shell takes the opportunity to share any internal components it can. This results is a Shell that has a smaller startup time cost and a smaller memory footprint than an Shell created with a Create function.

The new Shell is returned in a new AndroidShellHolder instance.

The new Shell's flutter::Settings cannot be changed from that of the initial Shell. The RunConfiguration subcomponent can be changed however in the spawned Shell to run a different entrypoint than the existing shell.

Since the AndroidShellHolder both binds downwards to a Shell and also upwards to JNI callbacks that the PlatformViewAndroid makes, the JNI instance holding this AndroidShellHolder should be created first to supply the jni_facade callback.

[in]jni_facadethis argument should be the JNI callback facade of a new JNI instance meant to hold this AndroidShellHolder.
A new AndroidShellHolder containing a new Shell. Returns nullptr when a new Shell can't be created.

Definition at line 213 of file android_shell_holder.cc.

218 {
219 FML_DCHECK(shell_ && shell_->IsSetup())
220 << "A new Shell can only be spawned "
221 "if the current Shell is properly constructed";
223 // Pull out the new PlatformViewAndroid from the new Shell to feed to it to
224 // the new AndroidShellHolder.
225 //
226 // It's a weak pointer because it's owned by the Shell (which we're also)
227 // making below. And the AndroidShellHolder then owns the Shell.
228 fml::WeakPtr<PlatformViewAndroid> weak_platform_view;
230 // Take out the old AndroidContext to reuse inside the PlatformViewAndroid
231 // of the new Shell.
232 PlatformViewAndroid* android_platform_view = platform_view_.get();
233 // There's some indirection with platform_view_ being a weak pointer but
234 // we just checked that the shell_ exists above and a valid shell is the
235 // owner of the platform view so this weak pointer always exists.
236 FML_DCHECK(android_platform_view);
237 std::shared_ptr<flutter::AndroidContext> android_context =
238 android_platform_view->GetAndroidContext();
239 FML_DCHECK(android_context);
241 // This is a synchronous call, so the captures don't have race checks.
242 Shell::CreateCallback<PlatformView> on_create_platform_view =
243 [&jni_facade, android_context, &weak_platform_view](Shell& shell) {
244 std::unique_ptr<PlatformViewAndroid> platform_view_android;
245 platform_view_android = std::make_unique<PlatformViewAndroid>(
246 shell, // delegate
247 shell.GetTaskRunners(), // task runners
248 jni_facade, // JNI interop
249 android_context // Android context
250 );
251 weak_platform_view = platform_view_android->GetWeakPtr();
252 return platform_view_android;
253 };
255 Shell::CreateCallback<Rasterizer> on_create_rasterizer = [](Shell& shell) {
256 return std::make_unique<Rasterizer>(shell);
257 };
259 // TODO(xster): could be worth tracing this to investigate whether
260 // the IsolateConfiguration could be cached somewhere.
261 auto config = BuildRunConfiguration(entrypoint, libraryUrl, entrypoint_args);
262 if (!config) {
263 // If the RunConfiguration was null, the kernel blob wasn't readable.
264 // Fail the whole thing.
265 return nullptr;
266 }
268 std::unique_ptr<flutter::Shell> shell =
269 shell_->Spawn(std::move(config.value()), initial_route,
270 on_create_platform_view, on_create_rasterizer);
272 return std::unique_ptr<AndroidShellHolder>(new AndroidShellHolder(
273 GetSettings(), jni_facade, thread_host_, std::move(shell),
274 apk_asset_provider_->Clone(), weak_platform_view));
const flutter::Settings & GetSettings() const
AndroidShellHolder(const flutter::Settings &settings, std::shared_ptr< PlatformViewAndroidJNI > jni_facade)

◆ UpdateDisplayMetrics()

void flutter::AndroidShellHolder::UpdateDisplayMetrics ( )

Definition at line 350 of file android_shell_holder.cc.

350 {
351 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Display>> displays;
352 displays.push_back(std::make_unique<AndroidDisplay>(jni_facade_));
353 shell_->OnDisplayUpdates(std::move(displays));

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