Flutter Engine
The Flutter Engine
No Matches
tools.parse_llvm_coverage Namespace Reference


 _fix_filename (filename)
 _file_in_repo (filename, all_files)
 _get_per_file_per_line_coverage (report)
 _testname (filename)
 _nanobench_json (results, properties, key)
 _parse_key_value (kv_list)
 _get_per_file_summaries (line_by_line)
 main ()

Detailed Description

Parse an LLVM coverage report to generate useable results.

Function Documentation

◆ _file_in_repo()

tools.parse_llvm_coverage._file_in_repo (   filename,
Return the name of the checked-in file matching the given filename.

Use suffix matching to determine which checked-in files the given filename
matches. If there are no matches or multiple matches, return None.

Definition at line 38 of file parse_llvm_coverage.py.

38def _file_in_repo(filename, all_files):
39 """Return the name of the checked-in file matching the given filename.
41 Use suffix matching to determine which checked-in files the given filename
42 matches. If there are no matches or multiple matches, return None.
43 """
44 new_file = _fix_filename(filename)
45 matched = []
46 for f in all_files:
47 if f.endswith(new_file):
48 matched.append(f)
49 if len(matched) == 1:
50 return matched[0]
51 elif len(matched) > 1:
52 print >> sys.stderr, ('WARNING: multiple matches for %s; skipping:\n\t%s'
53 % (new_file, '\n\t'.join(matched)))
54 return None

◆ _fix_filename()

tools.parse_llvm_coverage._fix_filename (   filename)
Return a filename which we can use to identify the file.

The file paths printed by llvm-cov take the form:


And then they're truncated to 22 characters with leading ellipses:


This makes it really tough to determine whether the file actually belongs in
the Skia repo.  This function strips out the leading junk so that, if the file
exists in the repo, the returned string matches the end of some relative path
in the repo. This doesn't guarantee correctness, but it's about as close as
we can get.

Definition at line 18 of file parse_llvm_coverage.py.

18def _fix_filename(filename):
19 """Return a filename which we can use to identify the file.
21 The file paths printed by llvm-cov take the form:
23 /path/to/repo/out/dir/../../src/filename.cpp
25 And then they're truncated to 22 characters with leading ellipses:
27 ...../../src/filename.cpp
29 This makes it really tough to determine whether the file actually belongs in
30 the Skia repo. This function strips out the leading junk so that, if the file
31 exists in the repo, the returned string matches the end of some relative path
32 in the repo. This doesn't guarantee correctness, but it's about as close as
33 we can get.
34 """
35 return filename.split('..')[-1].lstrip('./')

◆ _get_per_file_per_line_coverage()

tools.parse_llvm_coverage._get_per_file_per_line_coverage (   report)
Return a dict whose keys are file names and values are coverage data.

Values are lists which take the form (lineno, coverage, code).

Definition at line 57 of file parse_llvm_coverage.py.

57def _get_per_file_per_line_coverage(report):
58 """Return a dict whose keys are file names and values are coverage data.
60 Values are lists which take the form (lineno, coverage, code).
61 """
62 all_files = []
63 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.getcwd()):
64 if 'third_party/externals' in root:
65 continue
66 files = [f for f in files if not (f[0] == '.' or f.endswith('.pyc'))]
67 dirs[:] = [d for d in dirs if not d[0] == '.']
68 for name in files:
69 all_files.append(os.path.join(root[(len(os.getcwd()) + 1):], name))
70 all_files.sort()
72 lines = report.splitlines()
73 current_file = None
74 file_lines = []
75 files = {}
76 not_checked_in = '%' # Use this as the file name for not-checked-in files.
77 for line in lines:
78 m = re.match('([a-zA-Z0-9\./_-]+):', line)
79 if m:
80 if current_file and current_file != not_checked_in:
81 files[current_file] = file_lines
82 match_filename = _file_in_repo(m.groups()[0], all_files)
83 current_file = match_filename or not_checked_in
84 file_lines = []
85 else:
86 if current_file != not_checked_in:
87 skip = re.match('^\s{2}-+$|^\s{2}\|.+$', line)
88 if line and not skip:
89 cov, linenum, code = line.split('|', 2)
90 cov = cov.strip()
91 if cov:
92 cov = int(cov)
93 else:
94 cov = None # We don't care about coverage for this line.
95 linenum = int(linenum.strip())
96 assert linenum == len(file_lines) + 1
97 file_lines.append((linenum, cov, code.decode('utf-8', 'replace')))
98 return files
Type::kYUV Type::kRGBA() int(0.7 *637)

◆ _get_per_file_summaries()

tools.parse_llvm_coverage._get_per_file_summaries (   line_by_line)
Summarize the full line-by-line coverage report by file.

Definition at line 151 of file parse_llvm_coverage.py.

151def _get_per_file_summaries(line_by_line):
152 """Summarize the full line-by-line coverage report by file."""
153 per_file = []
154 for filepath, lines in line_by_line.iteritems():
155 total_lines = 0
156 covered_lines = 0
157 for _, cov, _ in lines:
158 if cov is not None:
159 total_lines += 1
160 if cov > 0:
161 covered_lines += 1
162 if total_lines > 0:
163 per_file.append((float(covered_lines)/float(total_lines)*100.0,
164 total_lines - covered_lines,
165 filepath))
166 return per_file

◆ _nanobench_json()

tools.parse_llvm_coverage._nanobench_json (   results,
Return the results in JSON format like that produced by nanobench.

Definition at line 107 of file parse_llvm_coverage.py.

107def _nanobench_json(results, properties, key):
108 """Return the results in JSON format like that produced by nanobench."""
109 rv = {}
110 # Copy over the properties first, then set the 'key' and 'results' keys,
111 # in order to avoid bad formatting in case the user passes in a properties
112 # dict containing those keys.
113 rv.update(properties)
114 rv['key'] = key
115 rv['results'] = {
116 _testname(f): {
117 'coverage': {
118 'percent': percent,
119 'lines_not_covered': not_covered_lines,
120 'options': {
121 'fullname': f,
122 'dir': os.path.dirname(f),
123 'source_type': 'coverage',
124 },
125 },
126 } for percent, not_covered_lines, f in results
127 }
128 return rv

◆ _parse_key_value()

tools.parse_llvm_coverage._parse_key_value (   kv_list)
Return a dict whose key/value pairs are derived from the given list.

For example:

    ['k1', 'v1', 'k2', 'v2']

    {'k1': 'v1',
     'k2': 'v2'}

Definition at line 131 of file parse_llvm_coverage.py.

131def _parse_key_value(kv_list):
132 """Return a dict whose key/value pairs are derived from the given list.
134 For example:
136 ['k1', 'v1', 'k2', 'v2']
137 becomes:
139 {'k1': 'v1',
140 'k2': 'v2'}
141 """
142 if len(kv_list) % 2 != 0:
143 raise Exception('Invalid key/value pairs: %s' % kv_list)
145 rv = {}
146 for i in xrange(len(kv_list) / 2):
147 rv[kv_list[i*2]] = kv_list[i*2+1]
148 return rv

◆ _testname()

tools.parse_llvm_coverage._testname (   filename)
Transform the file name into an ingestible test name.

Definition at line 102 of file parse_llvm_coverage.py.

102def _testname(filename):
103 """Transform the file name into an ingestible test name."""
104 return re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '_', filename)

◆ main()

tools.parse_llvm_coverage.main ( )
Generate useful data from a coverage report.

Definition at line 169 of file parse_llvm_coverage.py.

169def main():
170 """Generate useful data from a coverage report."""
171 # Parse args.
172 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
173 parser.add_argument('--report', help='input file; an llvm coverage report.',
174 required=True)
175 parser.add_argument('--nanobench', help='output file for nanobench data.')
176 parser.add_argument(
177 '--key', metavar='key_or_value', nargs='+',
178 help='key/value pairs identifying this bot.')
179 parser.add_argument(
180 '--properties', metavar='key_or_value', nargs='+',
181 help='key/value pairs representing properties of this build.')
182 parser.add_argument('--linebyline',
183 help='output file for line-by-line JSON data.')
184 args = parser.parse_args()
186 if args.nanobench and not (args.key and args.properties):
187 raise Exception('--key and --properties are required with --nanobench')
189 with open(args.report) as f:
190 report = f.read()
192 line_by_line = _get_per_file_per_line_coverage(report)
194 if args.linebyline:
195 with open(args.linebyline, 'w') as f:
196 json.dump(line_by_line, f)
198 if args.nanobench:
199 # Parse the key and properties for use in the nanobench JSON output.
200 key = _parse_key_value(args.key)
201 properties = _parse_key_value(args.properties)
203 # Get per-file summaries.
204 per_file = _get_per_file_summaries(line_by_line)
206 # Write results.
207 format_results = _nanobench_json(per_file, properties, key)
208 with open(args.nanobench, 'w') as f:
209 json.dump(format_results, f)
Definition main.py:1