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Flutter Engine
The Flutter Engine
#include <FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateMac.h>
Public Member Functions | |
FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateMac (std::weak_ptr< AccessibilityBridge > bridge, __weak FlutterViewController *view_controller) | |
virtual | ~FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateMac () |
void | Init (std::weak_ptr< OwnerBridge > bridge, ui::AXNode *node) override |
Called only once, immediately after construction. The constructor doesn't take any arguments because in the Windows subclass we use a special function to construct a COM object. Subclasses must call super. More... | |
std::string | GetLiveRegionText () const |
Gets the live region text of this node in UTF-8 format. This is useful to determine the changes in between semantics updates when generating accessibility events. More... | |
gfx::NativeViewAccessible | GetNativeViewAccessible () override |
gfx::NativeViewAccessible | GetNSWindow () override |
gfx::NativeViewAccessible | GetParent () override |
gfx::Rect | GetBoundsRect (const ui::AXCoordinateSystem coordinate_system, const ui::AXClippingBehavior clipping_behavior, ui::AXOffscreenResult *offscreen_result) const override |
![]() | |
FlutterPlatformNodeDelegate () | |
virtual | ~FlutterPlatformNodeDelegate () override |
const ui::AXUniqueId & | GetUniqueId () const override |
const ui::AXNodeData & | GetData () const override |
bool | AccessibilityPerformAction (const ui::AXActionData &data) override |
gfx::NativeViewAccessible | GetParent () override |
gfx::NativeViewAccessible | GetFocus () override |
int | GetChildCount () const override |
gfx::NativeViewAccessible | ChildAtIndex (int index) override |
gfx::Rect | GetBoundsRect (const ui::AXCoordinateSystem coordinate_system, const ui::AXClippingBehavior clipping_behavior, ui::AXOffscreenResult *offscreen_result) const override |
gfx::NativeViewAccessible | GetLowestPlatformAncestor () const override |
ui::AXNodePosition::AXPositionInstance | CreateTextPositionAt (int offset) const override |
virtual void | Init (std::weak_ptr< OwnerBridge > bridge, ui::AXNode *node) |
Called only once, immediately after construction. The constructor doesn't take any arguments because in the Windows subclass we use a special function to construct a COM object. Subclasses must call super. More... | |
ui::AXNode * | GetAXNode () const |
Gets the underlying ax node for this platform node delegate. More... | |
std::weak_ptr< OwnerBridge > | GetOwnerBridge () const |
Gets the owner of this platform node delegate. This is useful when you want to get the information about surrounding nodes of this platform node delegate, e.g. the global rect of this platform node delegate. This pointer is only safe in the platform thread. More... | |
virtual ui::AXPlatformNode * | GetPlatformNode () const |
virtual ui::AXPlatformNode * | GetFromNodeID (int32_t id) override |
virtual ui::AXPlatformNode * | GetFromTreeIDAndNodeID (const ui::AXTreeID &tree_id, int32_t node_id) override |
virtual const ui::AXTree::Selection | GetUnignoredSelection () const override |
![]() | |
AXPlatformNodeDelegateBase () | |
~AXPlatformNodeDelegateBase () override | |
const AXNodeData & | GetData () const override |
const AXTreeData & | GetTreeData () const override |
std::u16string | GetInnerText () const override |
const AXTree::Selection | GetUnignoredSelection () const override |
AXNodePosition::AXPositionInstance | CreateTextPositionAt (int offset) const override |
gfx::NativeViewAccessible | GetNSWindow () override |
gfx::NativeViewAccessible | GetNativeViewAccessible () override |
gfx::NativeViewAccessible | GetParent () override |
gfx::NativeViewAccessible | GetLowestPlatformAncestor () const override |
int | GetIndexInParent () override |
int | GetChildCount () const override |
gfx::NativeViewAccessible | ChildAtIndex (int index) override |
bool | HasModalDialog () const override |
gfx::NativeViewAccessible | GetFirstChild () override |
gfx::NativeViewAccessible | GetLastChild () override |
gfx::NativeViewAccessible | GetNextSibling () override |
gfx::NativeViewAccessible | GetPreviousSibling () override |
bool | IsChildOfLeaf () const override |
bool | IsChildOfPlainTextField () const override |
bool | IsLeaf () const override |
bool | IsToplevelBrowserWindow () override |
gfx::NativeViewAccessible | GetClosestPlatformObject () const override |
std::unique_ptr< AXPlatformNodeDelegate::ChildIterator > | ChildrenBegin () override |
std::unique_ptr< AXPlatformNodeDelegate::ChildIterator > | ChildrenEnd () override |
std::string | GetName () const override |
std::u16string | GetHypertext () const override |
bool | SetHypertextSelection (int start_offset, int end_offset) override |
TextAttributeMap | ComputeTextAttributeMap (const TextAttributeList &default_attributes) const override |
std::string | GetInheritedFontFamilyName () const override |
gfx::Rect | GetBoundsRect (const AXCoordinateSystem coordinate_system, const AXClippingBehavior clipping_behavior, AXOffscreenResult *offscreen_result) const override |
gfx::Rect | GetHypertextRangeBoundsRect (const int start_offset, const int end_offset, const AXCoordinateSystem coordinate_system, const AXClippingBehavior clipping_behavior, AXOffscreenResult *offscreen_result) const override |
gfx::Rect | GetInnerTextRangeBoundsRect (const int start_offset, const int end_offset, const AXCoordinateSystem coordinate_system, const AXClippingBehavior clipping_behavior, AXOffscreenResult *offscreen_result) const override |
gfx::Rect | GetClippedScreenBoundsRect (AXOffscreenResult *offscreen_result=nullptr) const override |
gfx::Rect | GetUnclippedScreenBoundsRect (AXOffscreenResult *offscreen_result=nullptr) const |
gfx::NativeViewAccessible | HitTestSync (int screen_physical_pixel_x, int screen_physical_pixel_y) const override |
gfx::NativeViewAccessible | GetFocus () override |
bool | IsOffscreen () const override |
bool | IsMinimized () const override |
bool | IsText () const override |
bool | IsWebContent () const override |
bool | HasVisibleCaretOrSelection () const override |
AXPlatformNode * | GetFromNodeID (int32_t id) override |
AXPlatformNode * | GetFromTreeIDAndNodeID (const ui::AXTreeID &ax_tree_id, int32_t id) override |
AXPlatformNode * | GetTargetNodeForRelation (ax::mojom::IntAttribute attr) override |
std::vector< AXPlatformNode * > | GetTargetNodesForRelation (ax::mojom::IntListAttribute attr) override |
std::set< AXPlatformNode * > | GetReverseRelations (ax::mojom::IntAttribute attr) override |
std::set< AXPlatformNode * > | GetReverseRelations (ax::mojom::IntListAttribute attr) override |
std::u16string | GetAuthorUniqueId () const override |
const AXUniqueId & | GetUniqueId () const override |
std::optional< int > | FindTextBoundary (ax::mojom::TextBoundary boundary, int offset, ax::mojom::MoveDirection direction, ax::mojom::TextAffinity affinity) const override |
const std::vector< gfx::NativeViewAccessible > | GetUIADescendants () const override |
std::string | GetLanguage () const override |
bool | IsTable () const override |
std::optional< int > | GetTableColCount () const override |
std::optional< int > | GetTableRowCount () const override |
std::optional< int > | GetTableAriaColCount () const override |
std::optional< int > | GetTableAriaRowCount () const override |
std::optional< int > | GetTableCellCount () const override |
std::optional< bool > | GetTableHasColumnOrRowHeaderNode () const override |
std::vector< int32_t > | GetColHeaderNodeIds () const override |
std::vector< int32_t > | GetColHeaderNodeIds (int col_index) const override |
std::vector< int32_t > | GetRowHeaderNodeIds () const override |
std::vector< int32_t > | GetRowHeaderNodeIds (int row_index) const override |
AXPlatformNode * | GetTableCaption () const override |
bool | IsTableRow () const override |
std::optional< int > | GetTableRowRowIndex () const override |
bool | IsTableCellOrHeader () const override |
std::optional< int > | GetTableCellIndex () const override |
std::optional< int > | GetTableCellColIndex () const override |
std::optional< int > | GetTableCellRowIndex () const override |
std::optional< int > | GetTableCellColSpan () const override |
std::optional< int > | GetTableCellRowSpan () const override |
std::optional< int > | GetTableCellAriaColIndex () const override |
std::optional< int > | GetTableCellAriaRowIndex () const override |
std::optional< int32_t > | GetCellId (int row_index, int col_index) const override |
std::optional< int32_t > | CellIndexToId (int cell_index) const override |
bool | IsCellOrHeaderOfARIATable () const override |
bool | IsCellOrHeaderOfARIAGrid () const override |
bool | IsOrderedSetItem () const override |
bool | IsOrderedSet () const override |
std::optional< int > | GetPosInSet () const override |
std::optional< int > | GetSetSize () const override |
gfx::AcceleratedWidget | GetTargetForNativeAccessibilityEvent () override |
bool | AccessibilityPerformAction (const AXActionData &data) override |
std::u16string | GetLocalizedStringForImageAnnotationStatus (ax::mojom::ImageAnnotationStatus status) const override |
std::u16string | GetLocalizedRoleDescriptionForUnlabeledImage () const override |
std::u16string | GetLocalizedStringForLandmarkType () const override |
std::u16string | GetLocalizedStringForRoleDescription () const override |
std::u16string | GetStyleNameAttributeAsLocalizedString () const override |
bool | ShouldIgnoreHoveredStateForTesting () override |
![]() | |
virtual | ~AXPlatformNodeDelegate ()=default |
virtual const AXNodeData & | GetData () const =0 |
virtual const AXTreeData & | GetTreeData () const =0 |
virtual std::u16string | GetInnerText () const =0 |
virtual const AXTree::Selection | GetUnignoredSelection () const =0 |
virtual AXNodePosition::AXPositionInstance | CreateTextPositionAt (int offset) const =0 |
virtual gfx::NativeViewAccessible | GetNSWindow ()=0 |
virtual gfx::NativeViewAccessible | GetNativeViewAccessible ()=0 |
virtual gfx::NativeViewAccessible | GetParent ()=0 |
virtual int | GetIndexInParent ()=0 |
virtual int | GetChildCount () const =0 |
virtual gfx::NativeViewAccessible | ChildAtIndex (int index)=0 |
virtual bool | HasModalDialog () const =0 |
virtual gfx::NativeViewAccessible | GetFirstChild ()=0 |
virtual gfx::NativeViewAccessible | GetLastChild ()=0 |
virtual gfx::NativeViewAccessible | GetNextSibling ()=0 |
virtual gfx::NativeViewAccessible | GetPreviousSibling ()=0 |
virtual bool | IsChildOfLeaf () const =0 |
virtual bool | IsChildOfPlainTextField () const =0 |
virtual bool | IsLeaf () const =0 |
virtual bool | IsToplevelBrowserWindow ()=0 |
virtual gfx::NativeViewAccessible | GetClosestPlatformObject () const =0 |
virtual std::unique_ptr< AXPlatformNodeDelegate::ChildIterator > | ChildrenBegin ()=0 |
virtual std::unique_ptr< AXPlatformNodeDelegate::ChildIterator > | ChildrenEnd ()=0 |
virtual std::string | GetName () const =0 |
virtual std::u16string | GetHypertext () const =0 |
virtual bool | SetHypertextSelection (int start_offset, int end_offset)=0 |
virtual TextAttributeMap | ComputeTextAttributeMap (const TextAttributeList &default_attributes) const =0 |
virtual std::string | GetInheritedFontFamilyName () const =0 |
virtual gfx::Rect | GetBoundsRect (const AXCoordinateSystem coordinate_system, const AXClippingBehavior clipping_behavior, AXOffscreenResult *offscreen_result=nullptr) const =0 |
virtual gfx::Rect | GetClippedScreenBoundsRect (AXOffscreenResult *offscreen_result=nullptr) const =0 |
virtual gfx::Rect | GetHypertextRangeBoundsRect (const int start_offset, const int end_offset, const AXCoordinateSystem coordinate_system, const AXClippingBehavior clipping_behavior, AXOffscreenResult *offscreen_result=nullptr) const =0 |
virtual gfx::Rect | GetInnerTextRangeBoundsRect (const int start_offset, const int end_offset, const AXCoordinateSystem coordinate_system, const AXClippingBehavior clipping_behavior, AXOffscreenResult *offscreen_result=nullptr) const =0 |
virtual gfx::NativeViewAccessible | HitTestSync (int screen_physical_pixel_x, int screen_physical_pixel_y) const =0 |
virtual gfx::NativeViewAccessible | GetFocus ()=0 |
virtual bool | IsOffscreen () const =0 |
virtual bool | IsMinimized () const =0 |
virtual bool | IsText () const =0 |
virtual bool | IsWebContent () const =0 |
virtual bool | HasVisibleCaretOrSelection () const =0 |
virtual AXPlatformNode * | GetFromNodeID (int32_t id)=0 |
virtual AXPlatformNode * | GetFromTreeIDAndNodeID (const ui::AXTreeID &ax_tree_id, int32_t id)=0 |
virtual AXPlatformNode * | GetTargetNodeForRelation (ax::mojom::IntAttribute attr)=0 |
virtual std::vector< AXPlatformNode * > | GetTargetNodesForRelation (ax::mojom::IntListAttribute attr)=0 |
virtual std::set< AXPlatformNode * > | GetReverseRelations (ax::mojom::IntAttribute attr)=0 |
virtual std::set< AXPlatformNode * > | GetReverseRelations (ax::mojom::IntListAttribute attr)=0 |
virtual std::u16string | GetAuthorUniqueId () const =0 |
virtual const AXUniqueId & | GetUniqueId () const =0 |
virtual std::optional< int > | FindTextBoundary (ax::mojom::TextBoundary boundary, int offset, ax::mojom::MoveDirection direction, ax::mojom::TextAffinity affinity) const =0 |
virtual const std::vector< gfx::NativeViewAccessible > | GetUIADescendants () const =0 |
virtual std::string | GetLanguage () const =0 |
virtual bool | IsTable () const =0 |
virtual std::optional< int > | GetTableColCount () const =0 |
virtual std::optional< int > | GetTableRowCount () const =0 |
virtual std::optional< int > | GetTableAriaColCount () const =0 |
virtual std::optional< int > | GetTableAriaRowCount () const =0 |
virtual std::optional< int > | GetTableCellCount () const =0 |
virtual std::optional< bool > | GetTableHasColumnOrRowHeaderNode () const =0 |
virtual std::vector< int32_t > | GetColHeaderNodeIds () const =0 |
virtual std::vector< int32_t > | GetColHeaderNodeIds (int col_index) const =0 |
virtual std::vector< int32_t > | GetRowHeaderNodeIds () const =0 |
virtual std::vector< int32_t > | GetRowHeaderNodeIds (int row_index) const =0 |
virtual AXPlatformNode * | GetTableCaption () const =0 |
virtual bool | IsTableRow () const =0 |
virtual std::optional< int > | GetTableRowRowIndex () const =0 |
virtual bool | IsTableCellOrHeader () const =0 |
virtual std::optional< int > | GetTableCellIndex () const =0 |
virtual std::optional< int > | GetTableCellColIndex () const =0 |
virtual std::optional< int > | GetTableCellRowIndex () const =0 |
virtual std::optional< int > | GetTableCellColSpan () const =0 |
virtual std::optional< int > | GetTableCellRowSpan () const =0 |
virtual std::optional< int > | GetTableCellAriaColIndex () const =0 |
virtual std::optional< int > | GetTableCellAriaRowIndex () const =0 |
virtual std::optional< int32_t > | GetCellId (int row_index, int col_index) const =0 |
virtual std::optional< int32_t > | CellIndexToId (int cell_index) const =0 |
virtual bool | IsCellOrHeaderOfARIATable () const =0 |
virtual bool | IsCellOrHeaderOfARIAGrid () const =0 |
virtual bool | IsOrderedSetItem () const =0 |
virtual bool | IsOrderedSet () const =0 |
virtual std::optional< int > | GetPosInSet () const =0 |
virtual std::optional< int > | GetSetSize () const =0 |
virtual gfx::AcceleratedWidget | GetTargetForNativeAccessibilityEvent ()=0 |
virtual bool | AccessibilityPerformAction (const AXActionData &data)=0 |
virtual std::u16string | GetLocalizedRoleDescriptionForUnlabeledImage () const =0 |
virtual std::u16string | GetLocalizedStringForImageAnnotationStatus (ax::mojom::ImageAnnotationStatus status) const =0 |
virtual std::u16string | GetLocalizedStringForLandmarkType () const =0 |
virtual std::u16string | GetLocalizedStringForRoleDescription () const =0 |
virtual std::u16string | GetStyleNameAttributeAsLocalizedString () const =0 |
virtual bool | ShouldIgnoreHoveredStateForTesting ()=0 |
virtual gfx::NativeViewAccessible | GetLowestPlatformAncestor () const =0 |
std::string | ToString () |
std::string | SubtreeToString () |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
std::string | SubtreeToStringHelper (size_t level) override |
std::set< ui::AXPlatformNode * > | GetNodesForNodeIds (const std::set< int32_t > &ids) |
AXPlatformNodeDelegate * | GetParentDelegate () |
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AXPlatformNodeDelegate ()=default | |
virtual std::string | SubtreeToStringHelper (size_t level)=0 |
The macOS implementation of FlutterPlatformNodeDelegate. This class uses AXPlatformNodeMac to manage the macOS-specific accessibility objects.
Definition at line 22 of file FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateMac.h.
flutter::FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateMac::FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateMac | ( | std::weak_ptr< AccessibilityBridge > | bridge, |
__weak FlutterViewController * | view_controller | ||
) |
Definition at line 23 of file FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateMac.mm.
virtual |
Definition at line 38 of file FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateMac.mm.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from flutter::FlutterPlatformNodeDelegate.
Definition at line 57 of file FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateMac.mm.
std::string flutter::FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateMac::GetLiveRegionText | ( | ) | const |
Gets the live region text of this node in UTF-8 format. This is useful to determine the changes in between semantics updates when generating accessibility events.
Definition at line 73 of file FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateMac.mm.
overridevirtual |
Implements ui::AXPlatformNodeDelegate.
Definition at line 43 of file FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateMac.mm.
overridevirtual |
Implements ui::AXPlatformNodeDelegate.
Definition at line 68 of file FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateMac.mm.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from flutter::FlutterPlatformNodeDelegate.
Definition at line 48 of file FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateMac.mm.
overridevirtual |
Called only once, immediately after construction. The constructor doesn't take any arguments because in the Windows subclass we use a special function to construct a COM object. Subclasses must call super.
Reimplemented from flutter::FlutterPlatformNodeDelegate.
Definition at line 28 of file FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateMac.mm.