| MockWindow () |
| MockWindow (std::unique_ptr< WindowsProcTable > windows_proc_table, std::unique_ptr< TextInputManager > text_input_manager) |
virtual | ~MockWindow () |
UINT | GetDpi () |
void | SetDirectManipulationOwner (std::unique_ptr< DirectManipulationOwner > owner) |
LRESULT | InjectWindowMessage (UINT const message, WPARAM const wparam, LPARAM const lparam) |
void | InjectMessageList (int count, const Win32Message *messages) |
| MOCK_METHOD (void, OnDpiScale,(unsigned int),(override)) |
| MOCK_METHOD (void, OnResize,(unsigned int, unsigned int),(override)) |
| MOCK_METHOD (void, OnPaint,(),(override)) |
| MOCK_METHOD (void, OnPointerMove,(double, double, FlutterPointerDeviceKind, int32_t, int),(override)) |
| MOCK_METHOD (void, OnPointerDown,(double, double, FlutterPointerDeviceKind, int32_t, UINT),(override)) |
| MOCK_METHOD (void, OnPointerUp,(double, double, FlutterPointerDeviceKind, int32_t, UINT),(override)) |
| MOCK_METHOD (void, OnPointerLeave,(double, double, FlutterPointerDeviceKind, int32_t),(override)) |
| MOCK_METHOD (void, OnSetCursor,(),(override)) |
| MOCK_METHOD (void, OnText,(const std::u16string &),(override)) |
| MOCK_METHOD (void, OnKey,(int, int, int, char32_t, bool, bool, KeyEventCallback),(override)) |
| MOCK_METHOD (void, OnUpdateSemanticsEnabled,(bool),(override)) |
| MOCK_METHOD (gfx::NativeViewAccessible, GetNativeViewAccessible,(),(override)) |
| MOCK_METHOD (void, OnScroll,(double, double, FlutterPointerDeviceKind, int32_t),(override)) |
| MOCK_METHOD (void, OnComposeBegin,(),(override)) |
| MOCK_METHOD (void, OnComposeCommit,(),(override)) |
| MOCK_METHOD (void, OnComposeEnd,(),(override)) |
| MOCK_METHOD (void, OnComposeChange,(const std::u16string &, int),(override)) |
| MOCK_METHOD (void, OnImeComposition,(UINT const, WPARAM const, LPARAM const),(override)) |
| MOCK_METHOD (void, OnThemeChange,(),(override)) |
| MOCK_METHOD (ui::AXFragmentRootDelegateWin *, GetAxFragmentRootDelegate,(),(override)) |
| MOCK_METHOD (LRESULT, OnGetObject,(UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM),(override)) |
| MOCK_METHOD (void, OnWindowStateEvent,(WindowStateEvent),(override)) |
void | CallOnImeComposition (UINT const message, WPARAM const wparam, LPARAM const lparam) |
| FlutterWindow (FlutterDesktopWindowRef window) |
| ~FlutterWindow ()=default |
| FlutterWindow (FlutterWindow const &)=delete |
FlutterWindow & | operator= (FlutterWindow const &)=delete |
void | SetHoverEnabled (bool enabled) |
void | SetTitle (const std::string &title) |
void | SetIcon (uint8_t *pixel_data, int width, int height) |
WindowFrame | GetFrame () |
void | SetFrame (const WindowFrame &frame) |
double | GetScaleFactor () |
void | SetPixelRatioOverride (double pixel_ratio) |
void | SetSizeLimits (FlutterDesktopSize minimum_size, FlutterDesktopSize maximum_size) |
| FlutterWindow (int width, int height, std::shared_ptr< WindowsProcTable > windows_proc_table=nullptr, std::unique_ptr< TextInputManager > text_input_manager=nullptr) |
virtual | ~FlutterWindow () |
void | InitializeChild (const char *title, unsigned int width, unsigned int height) |
virtual BOOL | Win32PeekMessage (LPMSG lpMsg, UINT wMsgFilterMin, UINT wMsgFilterMax, UINT wRemoveMsg) override |
virtual uint32_t | Win32MapVkToChar (uint32_t virtual_key) override |
virtual UINT | Win32DispatchMessage (UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) override |
virtual void | OnDpiScale (unsigned int dpi) |
virtual void | OnResize (unsigned int width, unsigned int height) |
virtual void | OnPaint () |
virtual void | OnPointerMove (double x, double y, FlutterPointerDeviceKind device_kind, int32_t device_id, int modifiers_state) |
virtual void | OnPointerDown (double x, double y, FlutterPointerDeviceKind device_kind, int32_t device_id, UINT button) |
virtual void | OnPointerUp (double x, double y, FlutterPointerDeviceKind device_kind, int32_t device_id, UINT button) |
virtual void | OnPointerLeave (double x, double y, FlutterPointerDeviceKind device_kind, int32_t device_id) |
virtual void | OnSetCursor () |
virtual void | OnText (const std::u16string &text) override |
virtual void | OnKey (int key, int scancode, int action, char32_t character, bool extended, bool was_down, KeyEventCallback callback) override |
virtual void | OnComposeBegin () |
virtual void | OnComposeCommit () |
virtual void | OnComposeEnd () |
virtual void | OnComposeChange (const std::u16string &text, int cursor_pos) |
virtual void | OnCursorRectUpdated (const Rect &rect) override |
virtual void | OnResetImeComposing () override |
virtual void | OnUpdateSemanticsEnabled (bool enabled) |
virtual void | OnScroll (double delta_x, double delta_y, FlutterPointerDeviceKind device_kind, int32_t device_id) |
virtual gfx::NativeViewAccessible | GetNativeViewAccessible () |
virtual void | SetView (WindowBindingHandlerDelegate *view) override |
virtual HWND | GetWindowHandle () override |
virtual float | GetDpiScale () override |
virtual PhysicalWindowBounds | GetPhysicalWindowBounds () override |
virtual void | UpdateFlutterCursor (const std::string &cursor_name) override |
virtual void | SetFlutterCursor (HCURSOR cursor) override |
virtual bool | OnBitmapSurfaceCleared () override |
virtual bool | OnBitmapSurfaceUpdated (const void *allocation, size_t row_bytes, size_t height) override |
virtual PointerLocation | GetPrimaryPointerLocation () override |
virtual void | OnThemeChange () |
virtual AlertPlatformNodeDelegate * | GetAlertDelegate () override |
virtual ui::AXPlatformNodeWin * | GetAlert () override |
virtual ui::AXFragmentRootDelegateWin * | GetAxFragmentRootDelegate () |
virtual void | OnWindowStateEvent (WindowStateEvent event) |
virtual | ~WindowDelegate ()=default |
virtual void | OnText (const std::u16string &text)=0 |
virtual void | OnKey (int key, int scancode, int action, char32_t character, bool extended, bool was_down, KeyEventCallback callback)=0 |
virtual BOOL | Win32PeekMessage (LPMSG lpMsg, UINT wMsgFilterMin, UINT wMsgFilterMax, UINT wRemoveMsg)=0 |
virtual uint32_t | Win32MapVkToChar (uint32_t virtual_key)=0 |
virtual UINT | Win32DispatchMessage (UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)=0 |
Public Member Functions inherited from flutter::WindowBindingHandler |
virtual | ~WindowBindingHandler ()=default |
virtual void | SetView (WindowBindingHandlerDelegate *view)=0 |
virtual HWND | GetWindowHandle ()=0 |
virtual float | GetDpiScale ()=0 |
virtual PhysicalWindowBounds | GetPhysicalWindowBounds ()=0 |
virtual void | UpdateFlutterCursor (const std::string &cursor_name)=0 |
virtual void | SetFlutterCursor (HCURSOR cursor)=0 |
virtual void | OnCursorRectUpdated (const Rect &rect)=0 |
virtual bool | OnBitmapSurfaceCleared ()=0 |
virtual bool | OnBitmapSurfaceUpdated (const void *allocation, size_t row_bytes, size_t height)=0 |
virtual void | OnResetImeComposing ()=0 |
virtual PointerLocation | GetPrimaryPointerLocation ()=0 |
virtual AlertPlatformNodeDelegate * | GetAlertDelegate ()=0 |
virtual ui::AXPlatformNodeWin * | GetAlert ()=0 |
Mock for the |FlutterWindow| base class.
Definition at line 17 of file mock_window.h.