Flutter Engine
The Flutter Engine
Public Member Functions | List of all members
scripts.dartgenerator.DartGenerator Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for scripts.dartgenerator.DartGenerator:

Public Member Functions

def __init__ (self, logging_level=logging.WARNING)
def LoadAuxiliary (self, auxiliary_dir)
def FilterMembersWithUnidentifiedTypes (self, database)
def FilterInterfaces (self, database, and_annotations=[], or_annotations=[], exclude_displaced=[], exclude_suppressed=[])
def Generate (self, database, super_database, generate_interface)
def IsEventTarget (self, database, interface)
def FixEventTargets (self, database)
def AddMissingArguments (self, database)
def CleanupOperationArguments (self, database)

Detailed Description

Utilities to generate Dart APIs and corresponding JavaScript.

Definition at line 28 of file dartgenerator.py.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __init__()

def scripts.dartgenerator.DartGenerator.__init__ (   self,
  logging_level = logging.WARNING 

Definition at line 31 of file dartgenerator.py.

31 def __init__(self, logging_level=logging.WARNING):
32 self._auxiliary_files = {}
33 self._dart_templates_re = re.compile(r'[\w.:]+<([\w \.<>:]+)>')
34 _logger.setLevel(logging_level)

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddMissingArguments()

def scripts.dartgenerator.DartGenerator.AddMissingArguments (   self,

Definition at line 257 of file dartgenerator.py.

257 def AddMissingArguments(self, database):
258 ARG = idlnode.IDLArgument([('Type', ('ScopedName', 'object')),
259 ('Id', 'arg')])
260 for interface in database.GetInterfaces():
261 for operation in interface.operations:
262 call_with = operation.ext_attrs.get('CallWith', [])
263 if not (isinstance(call_with, list)):
264 call_with = [call_with]
265 constructor_with = operation.ext_attrs.get(
266 'ConstructorCallWith', [])
267 if not (isinstance(constructor_with, list)):
268 constructor_with = [constructor_with]
269 call_with = call_with + constructor_with
271 if 'ScriptArguments' in call_with:
272 operation.arguments.append(ARG)

◆ CleanupOperationArguments()

def scripts.dartgenerator.DartGenerator.CleanupOperationArguments (   self,

Definition at line 274 of file dartgenerator.py.

274 def CleanupOperationArguments(self, database):
275 for interface in database.GetInterfaces():
276 for operation in interface.operations:
277 # TODO(terry): Hack to remove 3rd arguments in setInterval/setTimeout.
278 if ((operation.id == 'setInterval' or operation.id == 'setTimeout') and \
279 operation.arguments[0].type.id == 'any'):
280 operation.arguments.pop(2)
282 # Massage any operation argument type that is IDLEnum to String.
283 for index, argument in enumerate(operation.arguments):
284 type_name = argument.type.id
285 if database.HasEnum(type_name):
286 operation.arguments[index].type = IDLType('DOMString')

◆ FilterInterfaces()

def scripts.dartgenerator.DartGenerator.FilterInterfaces (   self,
  and_annotations = [],
  or_annotations = [],
  exclude_displaced = [],
  exclude_suppressed = [] 
Filters a database to remove interfaces and members that are missing

The FremontCut IDLs use annotations to specify implementation
status in various platforms. For example, if a member is annotated
with @WebKit, this means that the member is supported by WebKit.

database -- the database to filter
all_annotations -- a list of annotation names a member has to
have or it will be filtered.
or_annotations -- if a member has one of these annotations, it
won't be filtered even if it is missing some of the
exclude_displaced -- if a member has this annotation and it
is marked as displaced it will always be filtered.
exclude_suppressed -- if a member has this annotation and it
is marked as suppressed it will always be filtered.

Definition at line 115 of file dartgenerator.py.

120 exclude_suppressed=[]):
121 """Filters a database to remove interfaces and members that are missing
122 annotations.
124 The FremontCut IDLs use annotations to specify implementation
125 status in various platforms. For example, if a member is annotated
126 with @WebKit, this means that the member is supported by WebKit.
128 Args:
129 database -- the database to filter
130 all_annotations -- a list of annotation names a member has to
131 have or it will be filtered.
132 or_annotations -- if a member has one of these annotations, it
133 won't be filtered even if it is missing some of the
134 all_annotations.
135 exclude_displaced -- if a member has this annotation and it
136 is marked as displaced it will always be filtered.
137 exclude_suppressed -- if a member has this annotation and it
138 is marked as suppressed it will always be filtered.
139 """
141 # Filter interfaces and members whose annotations don't match.
142 for interface in database.GetInterfaces():
144 def HasAnnotations(idl_node):
145 """Utility for determining if an IDLNode has all
146 the required annotations"""
147 for a in exclude_displaced:
148 if (a in idl_node.annotations and
149 'via' in idl_node.annotations[a]):
150 return False
151 for a in exclude_suppressed:
152 if (a in idl_node.annotations and
153 'suppressed' in idl_node.annotations[a]):
154 return False
155 for a in or_annotations:
156 if a in idl_node.annotations:
157 return True
158 if and_annotations == []:
159 return False
160 for a in and_annotations:
161 if a not in idl_node.annotations:
162 return False
163 return True
165 if HasAnnotations(interface):
166 interface.constants = filter(HasAnnotations,
167 interface.constants)
168 interface.attributes = filter(HasAnnotations,
169 interface.attributes)
170 interface.operations = filter(HasAnnotations,
171 interface.operations)
172 interface.parents = filter(HasAnnotations, interface.parents)
173 else:
174 database.DeleteInterface(interface.id)
176 self.FilterMembersWithUnidentifiedTypes(database)

◆ FilterMembersWithUnidentifiedTypes()

def scripts.dartgenerator.DartGenerator.FilterMembersWithUnidentifiedTypes (   self,
Removes unidentified types.

Removes constants, attributes, operations and parents with unidentified

Definition at line 81 of file dartgenerator.py.

81 def FilterMembersWithUnidentifiedTypes(self, database):
82 """Removes unidentified types.
84 Removes constants, attributes, operations and parents with unidentified
85 types.
86 """
88 for interface in database.GetInterfaces():
90 def IsIdentified(idl_node):
91 node_name = idl_node.id if idl_node.id else 'parent'
92 for idl_type in idl_node.all(idlnode.IDLType):
93 type_name = idl_type.id
94 if (type_name is not None and
95 self._IsCompoundType(database, type_name)):
96 continue
97 # Ignore constructor warnings.
98 if not (interface.id in [
99 'Window', 'WorkerContext', 'WorkerGlobalScope'
100 ] and type_name.endswith('Constructor')):
101 _logger.warn(
102 'removing %s in %s which has unidentified type %s' %
103 (node_name, interface.id, type_name))
104 return False
105 return True
107 interface.constants = list(filter(IsIdentified,
108 interface.constants))
109 interface.attributes = list(
110 filter(IsIdentified, interface.attributes))
111 interface.operations = list(
112 filter(IsIdentified, interface.operations))
113 interface.parents = list(filter(IsIdentified, interface.parents))

◆ FixEventTargets()

def scripts.dartgenerator.DartGenerator.FixEventTargets (   self,

Definition at line 245 of file dartgenerator.py.

245 def FixEventTargets(self, database):
246 for interface in database.GetInterfaces():
247 if self.IsEventTarget(database, interface):
248 # Add as an attribute for easy querying in generation code.
249 interface.ext_attrs['EventTarget'] = None
250 elif 'EventTarget' in interface.ext_attrs:
251 # Create fake EventTarget parent interface for interfaces that have
252 # 'EventTarget' extended attribute.
253 ast = [('Annotation', [('Id', 'WebKit')]),
254 ('InterfaceType', ('ScopedName', 'EventTarget'))]
255 interface.parents.append(idlnode.IDLParentInterface(ast))

◆ Generate()

def scripts.dartgenerator.DartGenerator.Generate (   self,

Definition at line 178 of file dartgenerator.py.

178 def Generate(self, database, super_database, generate_interface):
179 self._database = database
181 # Collect interfaces
182 interfaces = []
183 for interface in database.GetInterfaces():
184 if not MatchSourceFilter(interface):
185 # Skip this interface since it's not present in the required source
186 _logger.info('Omitting interface - %s' % interface.id)
187 continue
188 interfaces.append(interface)
190 # All web_gl constants from WebGLRenderingContextBase, WebGL2RenderingContextBase, WebGLDrawBuffers are generated
191 # in a synthesized class WebGL. Those IDLConstants are in web_gl_constants.
192 web_gl_constants = []
194 # Render all interfaces into Dart and save them in files.
195 for interface in self._PreOrderInterfaces(interfaces):
196 interface_name = interface.id
197 auxiliary_file = self._auxiliary_files.get(interface_name)
198 if auxiliary_file is not None:
199 _logger.info('Skipping %s because %s exists' % (interface_name,
200 auxiliary_file))
201 continue
203 _logger.info('Generating %s' % interface.id)
204 generate_interface(interface, gl_constants=web_gl_constants)
206 # Generate the WEB_GL constants
207 web_gl_constants_interface = IDLInterface(None, "WebGL")
208 web_gl_constants_interface.constants = web_gl_constants
209 self._database._all_interfaces['WebGL'] = web_gl_constants_interface
210 generate_interface(web_gl_constants_interface)
const myers::Point & get(const myers::Segment &)

◆ IsEventTarget()

def scripts.dartgenerator.DartGenerator.IsEventTarget (   self,

Definition at line 234 of file dartgenerator.py.

234 def IsEventTarget(self, database, interface):
235 if interface.id == 'EventTarget':
236 return True
237 for parent in interface.parents:
238 parent_name = parent.type.id
239 if database.HasInterface(parent_name):
240 parent_interface = database.GetInterface(parent.type.id)
241 if self.IsEventTarget(database, parent_interface):
242 return True
243 return False

◆ LoadAuxiliary()

def scripts.dartgenerator.DartGenerator.LoadAuxiliary (   self,

Definition at line 73 of file dartgenerator.py.

73 def LoadAuxiliary(self, auxiliary_dir):
75 for (dirname, _, names) in os.walk(auxiliary_dir):
76 for name in names:
77 if name.endswith('.dart'):
78 name = name[0:-5] # strip off ".dart"
79 self._auxiliary_files[name] = os.path.join(dirname, name)

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