| ThreadCheckingAssetResolver (std::shared_ptr< fml::ConcurrentMessageLoop > concurrent_loop) |
bool | IsValid () const override |
bool | IsValidAfterAssetManagerChange () const override |
| Certain asset resolvers are still valid after the asset manager is replaced before a hot reload, or after a new run configuration is created during a hot restart. By preserving these resolvers and re-inserting them into the new resolver or run configuration, the tooling can avoid needing to sync all application assets through the Dart devFS upon connecting to the VM Service. Besides improving the startup performance of running a Flutter application, it also reduces the occurrence of tool failures due to repeated network flakes caused by damaged cables or hereto unknown bugs in the Dart HTTP server implementation. More...
AssetResolverType | GetType () const |
| Gets the type of AssetResolver this is. Types are defined in AssetResolverType. More...
std::unique_ptr< fml::Mapping > | GetAsMapping (const std::string &asset_name) const override |
bool | operator== (const AssetResolver &other) const override |
| AssetResolver ()=default |
virtual | ~AssetResolver ()=default |
virtual const AssetManager * | as_asset_manager () const |
virtual const APKAssetProvider * | as_apk_asset_provider () const |
virtual const DirectoryAssetBundle * | as_directory_asset_bundle () const |
virtual bool | IsValid () const =0 |
virtual bool | IsValidAfterAssetManagerChange () const =0 |
| Certain asset resolvers are still valid after the asset manager is replaced before a hot reload, or after a new run configuration is created during a hot restart. By preserving these resolvers and re-inserting them into the new resolver or run configuration, the tooling can avoid needing to sync all application assets through the Dart devFS upon connecting to the VM Service. Besides improving the startup performance of running a Flutter application, it also reduces the occurrence of tool failures due to repeated network flakes caused by damaged cables or hereto unknown bugs in the Dart HTTP server implementation. More...
virtual AssetResolverType | GetType () const =0 |
| Gets the type of AssetResolver this is. Types are defined in AssetResolverType. More...
virtual std::unique_ptr< fml::Mapping > | GetAsMapping (const std::string &asset_name) const =0 |
virtual std::vector< std::unique_ptr< fml::Mapping > > | GetAsMappings (const std::string &asset_pattern, const std::optional< std::string > &subdir) const |
| Same as GetAsMapping() but returns mappings for all files who's name matches a given pattern. Returns empty vector if no matching assets are found. More...
virtual bool | operator== (const AssetResolver &other) const =0 |
bool | operator!= (const AssetResolver &other) const |