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flutter::testing::EmbedderTestMultiBackend Class Reference

#include <embedder_test.h>

Inheritance diagram for flutter::testing::EmbedderTestMultiBackend:
flutter::testing::EmbedderTest flutter::testing::ThreadTest

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from flutter::testing::EmbedderTest
 EmbedderTest ()
std::string GetFixturesDirectory () const
EmbedderTestContextGetEmbedderContext (EmbedderTestContextType type)
- Public Member Functions inherited from flutter::testing::ThreadTest
 ThreadTest ()
fml::RefPtr< fml::TaskRunnerGetCurrentTaskRunner ()
 Get the task runner for the thread that the current unit-test is running on. This creates a message loop as necessary.
fml::RefPtr< fml::TaskRunnerCreateNewThread (const std::string &name="")
 Creates a new thread, initializes a message loop on it, and, returns its task runner to the unit-test. The message loop is terminated (and its thread joined) when the test ends. This allows tests to create multiple named threads as necessary.

Detailed Description

Definition at line 35 of file embedder_test.h.

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