Flutter Engine
The Flutter Engine
Namespaces | Functions
file_win.cc File Reference
#include "flutter/fml/file.h"
#include <Fileapi.h>
#include <Shlwapi.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <climits>
#include <cstring>
#include <optional>
#include <sstream>
#include "flutter/fml/build_config.h"
#include "flutter/fml/mapping.h"
#include "flutter/fml/platform/win/errors_win.h"
#include "flutter/fml/platform/win/wstring_conversion.h"

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namespace  fml


static std::string fml::GetFullHandlePath (const fml::UniqueFD &handle)
static bool fml::IsAbsolutePath (const char *path)
static std::string fml::GetAbsolutePath (const fml::UniqueFD &base_directory, const char *subpath)
static std::wstring fml::GetTemporaryDirectoryPath ()
static DWORD fml::GetDesiredAccessFlags (FilePermission permission)
static DWORD fml::GetShareFlags (FilePermission permission)
static DWORD fml::GetFileAttributesForUtf8Path (const char *absolute_path)
static DWORD fml::GetFileAttributesForUtf8Path (const fml::UniqueFD &base_directory, const char *path)
std::string fml::CreateTemporaryDirectory ()
fml::UniqueFD fml::OpenFile (const fml::UniqueFD &base_directory, const char *path, bool create_if_necessary, FilePermission permission)
 This can open a directory on POSIX, but not on Windows. More...
fml::UniqueFD fml::OpenFile (const char *path, bool create_if_necessary, FilePermission permission)
 This can open a directory on POSIX, but not on Windows. More...
fml::UniqueFD fml::OpenDirectory (const fml::UniqueFD &base_directory, const char *path, bool create_if_necessary, FilePermission permission)
fml::UniqueFD fml::OpenDirectory (const char *path, bool create_if_necessary, FilePermission permission)
fml::UniqueFD fml::Duplicate (fml::UniqueFD::element_type descriptor)
bool fml::IsDirectory (const fml::UniqueFD &directory)
bool fml::IsDirectory (const fml::UniqueFD &base_directory, const char *path)
bool fml::IsFile (const std::string &path)
bool fml::UnlinkDirectory (const char *path)
bool fml::UnlinkDirectory (const fml::UniqueFD &base_directory, const char *path)
bool fml::UnlinkFile (const char *path)
bool fml::UnlinkFile (const fml::UniqueFD &base_directory, const char *path)
bool fml::TruncateFile (const fml::UniqueFD &file, size_t size)
bool fml::FileExists (const fml::UniqueFD &base_directory, const char *path)
bool fml::WriteAtomically (const fml::UniqueFD &base_directory, const char *file_name, const Mapping &mapping)
bool fml::VisitFiles (const fml::UniqueFD &directory, const FileVisitor &visitor)