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bool | skgpu::VulkanMemory::AllocBufferMemory (VulkanMemoryAllocator *, VkBuffer buffer, skgpu::VulkanMemoryAllocator::BufferUsage, bool shouldPersistentlyMapCpuToGpu, const std::function< CheckResult > &, VulkanAlloc *alloc) |
void | skgpu::VulkanMemory::FreeBufferMemory (VulkanMemoryAllocator *, const VulkanAlloc &alloc) |
bool | skgpu::VulkanMemory::AllocImageMemory (VulkanMemoryAllocator *, VkImage image, skgpu::Protected isProtected, bool forceDedicatedMemory, bool useLazyAllocation, const std::function< CheckResult > &, VulkanAlloc *alloc) |
void | skgpu::VulkanMemory::FreeImageMemory (VulkanMemoryAllocator *, const VulkanAlloc &alloc) |
void * | skgpu::VulkanMemory::MapAlloc (VulkanMemoryAllocator *, const VulkanAlloc &, const std::function< CheckResult > &) |
void | skgpu::VulkanMemory::UnmapAlloc (VulkanMemoryAllocator *, const VulkanAlloc &alloc) |
void | skgpu::VulkanMemory::FlushMappedAlloc (VulkanMemoryAllocator *, const skgpu::VulkanAlloc &, VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize size, const std::function< CheckResult > &) |
void | skgpu::VulkanMemory::InvalidateMappedAlloc (VulkanMemoryAllocator *, const VulkanAlloc &alloc, VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize size, const std::function< CheckResult > &) |
void | skgpu::VulkanMemory::GetNonCoherentMappedMemoryRange (const VulkanAlloc &, VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize size, VkDeviceSize alignment, VkMappedMemoryRange *) |