| AR_DEFINE_ENUM (ArTrackableType) |
| AR_DEFINE_ENUM (ArStatus) |
| AR_DEFINE_ENUM (ArTrackingState) |
| AR_DEFINE_ENUM (ArCloudAnchorState) |
| AR_DEFINE_ENUM (ArAvailability) |
| AR_DEFINE_ENUM (ArInstallStatus) |
| AR_DEFINE_ENUM (ArInstallBehavior) |
| AR_DEFINE_ENUM (ArInstallUserMessageType) |
| AR_DEFINE_ENUM (ArLightEstimationMode) |
| AR_DEFINE_ENUM (ArPlaneFindingMode) |
| AR_DEFINE_ENUM (ArUpdateMode) |
| AR_DEFINE_ENUM (ArPlaneType) |
| AR_DEFINE_ENUM (ArLightEstimateState) |
| AR_DEFINE_ENUM (ArPointOrientationMode) |
| AR_DEFINE_ENUM (ArCloudAnchorMode) |
void | ArCoreApk_checkAvailability (void *env, void *application_context, ArAvailability *out_availability) |
ArStatus | ArCoreApk_requestInstall (void *env, void *application_activity, bool user_requested_install, ArInstallStatus *out_install_status) |
ArStatus | ArCoreApk_requestInstallCustom (void *env, void *application_activity, int32_t user_requested_install, ArInstallBehavior install_behavior, ArInstallUserMessageType message_type, ArInstallStatus *out_install_status) |
ArStatus | ArSession_create (void *env, void *application_context, ArSession **out_session_pointer) |
void | ArConfig_create (const ArSession *session, ArConfig **out_config) |
void | ArConfig_destroy (ArConfig *config) |
| Releases memory used by the provided configuration object. More...
void | ArConfig_getLightEstimationMode (const ArSession *session, const ArConfig *config, ArLightEstimationMode *light_estimation_mode) |
void | ArConfig_setLightEstimationMode (const ArSession *session, ArConfig *config, ArLightEstimationMode light_estimation_mode) |
void | ArConfig_getPlaneFindingMode (const ArSession *session, const ArConfig *config, ArPlaneFindingMode *plane_finding_mode) |
void | ArConfig_setPlaneFindingMode (const ArSession *session, ArConfig *config, ArPlaneFindingMode plane_finding_mode) |
void | ArConfig_getUpdateMode (const ArSession *session, const ArConfig *config, ArUpdateMode *update_mode) |
void | ArConfig_setUpdateMode (const ArSession *session, ArConfig *config, ArUpdateMode update_mode) |
void | ArConfig_getCloudAnchorMode (const ArSession *session, const ArConfig *config, ArCloudAnchorMode *out_cloud_anchor_mode) |
| Gets the current cloud anchor mode from the ArConfig. More...
void | ArConfig_setCloudAnchorMode (const ArSession *session, ArConfig *config, ArCloudAnchorMode cloud_anchor_mode) |
void | ArConfig_setAugmentedImageDatabase (const ArSession *session, ArConfig *config, const ArAugmentedImageDatabase *augmented_image_database) |
void | ArConfig_getAugmentedImageDatabase (const ArSession *session, const ArConfig *config, ArAugmentedImageDatabase *out_augmented_image_database) |
void | ArSession_destroy (ArSession *session) |
| Releases resources used by an ARCore session. More...
ArStatus | ArSession_checkSupported (const ArSession *session, const ArConfig *config) AR_DEPRECATED("deprecated in release 1.2.0. Please see function documentation") |
ArStatus | ArSession_configure (ArSession *session, const ArConfig *config) |
ArStatus | ArSession_resume (ArSession *session) |
ArStatus | ArSession_pause (ArSession *session) |
void | ArSession_setCameraTextureName (ArSession *session, uint32_t texture_id) |
void | ArSession_setDisplayGeometry (ArSession *session, int32_t rotation, int32_t width, int32_t height) |
ArStatus | ArSession_update (ArSession *session, ArFrame *out_frame) |
ArStatus | ArSession_acquireNewAnchor (ArSession *session, const ArPose *pose, ArAnchor **out_anchor) |
void | ArSession_getAllAnchors (const ArSession *session, ArAnchorList *out_anchor_list) |
void | ArSession_getAllTrackables (const ArSession *session, ArTrackableType filter_type, ArTrackableList *out_trackable_list) |
ArStatus | ArSession_hostAndAcquireNewCloudAnchor (ArSession *session, const ArAnchor *anchor, ArAnchor **out_cloud_anchor) |
ArStatus | ArSession_resolveAndAcquireNewCloudAnchor (ArSession *session, const char *cloud_anchor_id, ArAnchor **out_cloud_anchor) |
void | ArPose_create (const ArSession *session, const float *pose_raw, ArPose **out_pose) |
void | ArPose_destroy (ArPose *pose) |
| Releases memory used by a pose object. More...
void | ArPose_getPoseRaw (const ArSession *session, const ArPose *pose, float *out_pose_raw) |
void | ArPose_getMatrix (const ArSession *session, const ArPose *pose, float *out_matrix_col_major_4x4) |
void | ArCamera_getPose (const ArSession *session, const ArCamera *camera, ArPose *out_pose) |
void | ArCamera_getDisplayOrientedPose (const ArSession *session, const ArCamera *camera, ArPose *out_pose) |
void | ArCamera_getViewMatrix (const ArSession *session, const ArCamera *camera, float *out_col_major_4x4) |
void | ArCamera_getTrackingState (const ArSession *session, const ArCamera *camera, ArTrackingState *out_tracking_state) |
void | ArCamera_getProjectionMatrix (const ArSession *session, const ArCamera *camera, float near, float far, float *dest_col_major_4x4) |
void | ArCamera_release (ArCamera *camera) |
void | ArFrame_create (const ArSession *session, ArFrame **out_frame) |
void | ArFrame_destroy (ArFrame *frame) |
| Releases an ArFrame and any references it holds. More...
void | ArFrame_getDisplayGeometryChanged (const ArSession *session, const ArFrame *frame, int32_t *out_geometry_changed) |
void | ArFrame_getTimestamp (const ArSession *session, const ArFrame *frame, int64_t *out_timestamp_ns) |
void | ArFrame_transformDisplayUvCoords (const ArSession *session, const ArFrame *frame, int32_t num_elements, const float *uvs_in, float *uvs_out) |
void | ArFrame_hitTest (const ArSession *session, const ArFrame *frame, float pixel_x, float pixel_y, ArHitResultList *hit_result_list) |
void | ArFrame_getLightEstimate (const ArSession *session, const ArFrame *frame, ArLightEstimate *out_light_estimate) |
ArStatus | ArFrame_acquirePointCloud (const ArSession *session, const ArFrame *frame, ArPointCloud **out_point_cloud) |
void | ArFrame_acquireCamera (const ArSession *session, const ArFrame *frame, ArCamera **out_camera) |
ArStatus | ArFrame_acquireImageMetadata (const ArSession *session, const ArFrame *frame, ArImageMetadata **out_metadata) |
void | ArFrame_getUpdatedAnchors (const ArSession *session, const ArFrame *frame, ArAnchorList *out_anchor_list) |
void | ArFrame_getUpdatedTrackables (const ArSession *session, const ArFrame *frame, ArTrackableType filter_type, ArTrackableList *out_trackable_list) |
void | ArPointCloud_getNumberOfPoints (const ArSession *session, const ArPointCloud *point_cloud, int32_t *out_number_of_points) |
void | ArPointCloud_getData (const ArSession *session, const ArPointCloud *point_cloud, const float **out_point_cloud_data) |
void | ArPointCloud_getTimestamp (const ArSession *session, const ArPointCloud *point_cloud, int64_t *out_timestamp_ns) |
void | ArPointCloud_release (ArPointCloud *point_cloud) |
void | ArImageMetadata_getNdkCameraMetadata (const ArSession *session, const ArImageMetadata *image_metadata, const ACameraMetadata **out_ndk_metadata) |
void | ArImageMetadata_release (ArImageMetadata *metadata) |
ArStatus | ArFrame_acquireCameraImage (ArSession *session, ArFrame *frame, ArImage **out_image) |
void | ArImage_getNdkImage (const ArImage *image, const AImage **out_ndk_image) |
| Converts an ArImage object to an Android NDK AImage object. More...
void | ArImage_release (ArImage *image) |
| Releases an instance of ArImage returned by ArFrame_acquireCameraImage(). More...
void | ArLightEstimate_create (const ArSession *session, ArLightEstimate **out_light_estimate) |
| Allocates a light estimate object. More...
void | ArLightEstimate_destroy (ArLightEstimate *light_estimate) |
| Releases the provided light estimate object. More...
void | ArLightEstimate_getState (const ArSession *session, const ArLightEstimate *light_estimate, ArLightEstimateState *out_light_estimate_state) |
void | ArLightEstimate_getPixelIntensity (const ArSession *session, const ArLightEstimate *light_estimate, float *out_pixel_intensity) |
void | ArLightEstimate_getColorCorrection (const ArSession *session, const ArLightEstimate *light_estimate, float *out_color_correction_4) |
void | ArAnchorList_create (const ArSession *session, ArAnchorList **out_anchor_list) |
| Creates an anchor list object. More...
void | ArAnchorList_destroy (ArAnchorList *anchor_list) |
void | ArAnchorList_getSize (const ArSession *session, const ArAnchorList *anchor_list, int32_t *out_size) |
| Retrieves the number of anchors in this list. More...
void | ArAnchorList_acquireItem (const ArSession *session, const ArAnchorList *anchor_list, int32_t index, ArAnchor **out_anchor) |
void | ArAnchor_getPose (const ArSession *session, const ArAnchor *anchor, ArPose *out_pose) |
void | ArAnchor_getTrackingState (const ArSession *session, const ArAnchor *anchor, ArTrackingState *out_tracking_state) |
| Retrieves the current state of the pose of this anchor. More...
void | ArAnchor_detach (ArSession *session, ArAnchor *anchor) |
void | ArAnchor_release (ArAnchor *anchor) |
void | ArAnchor_acquireCloudAnchorId (ArSession *session, ArAnchor *anchor, char **out_cloud_anchor_id) |
void | ArAnchor_getCloudAnchorState (const ArSession *session, const ArAnchor *anchor, ArCloudAnchorState *out_state) |
void | ArTrackableList_create (const ArSession *session, ArTrackableList **out_trackable_list) |
| Creates a trackable list object. More...
void | ArTrackableList_destroy (ArTrackableList *trackable_list) |
void | ArTrackableList_getSize (const ArSession *session, const ArTrackableList *trackable_list, int32_t *out_size) |
| Retrieves the number of trackables in this list. More...
void | ArTrackableList_acquireItem (const ArSession *session, const ArTrackableList *trackable_list, int32_t index, ArTrackable **out_trackable) |
void | ArTrackable_release (ArTrackable *trackable) |
void | ArTrackable_getType (const ArSession *session, const ArTrackable *trackable, ArTrackableType *out_trackable_type) |
| Retrieves the type of the trackable. See ::ArTrackableType for valid types. More...
void | ArTrackable_getTrackingState (const ArSession *session, const ArTrackable *trackable, ArTrackingState *out_tracking_state) |
ArStatus | ArTrackable_acquireNewAnchor (ArSession *session, ArTrackable *trackable, ArPose *pose, ArAnchor **out_anchor) |
void | ArTrackable_getAnchors (const ArSession *session, const ArTrackable *trackable, ArAnchorList *out_anchor_list) |
void | ArPlane_acquireSubsumedBy (const ArSession *session, const ArPlane *plane, ArPlane **out_subsumed_by) |
void | ArPlane_getType (const ArSession *session, const ArPlane *plane, ArPlaneType *out_plane_type) |
| Retrieves the type (orientation) of the plane. See ::ArPlaneType. More...
void | ArPlane_getCenterPose (const ArSession *session, const ArPlane *plane, ArPose *out_pose) |
void | ArPlane_getExtentX (const ArSession *session, const ArPlane *plane, float *out_extent_x) |
void | ArPlane_getExtentZ (const ArSession *session, const ArPlane *plane, float *out_extent_z) |
void | ArPlane_getPolygonSize (const ArSession *session, const ArPlane *plane, int32_t *out_polygon_size) |
void | ArPlane_getPolygon (const ArSession *session, const ArPlane *plane, float *out_polygon_xz) |
void | ArPlane_isPoseInExtents (const ArSession *session, const ArPlane *plane, const ArPose *pose, int32_t *out_pose_in_extents) |
void | ArPlane_isPoseInPolygon (const ArSession *session, const ArPlane *plane, const ArPose *pose, int32_t *out_pose_in_polygon) |
void | ArPoint_getPose (const ArSession *session, const ArPoint *point, ArPose *out_pose) |
void | ArPoint_getOrientationMode (const ArSession *session, const ArPoint *point, ArPointOrientationMode *out_orientation_mode) |
void | ArAugmentedImage_getCenterPose (const ArSession *session, const ArAugmentedImage *augmented_image, ArPose *out_pose) |
void | ArAugmentedImage_getExtentX (const ArSession *session, const ArAugmentedImage *augmented_image, float *out_extent_x) |
void | ArAugmentedImage_getExtentZ (const ArSession *session, const ArAugmentedImage *augmented_image, float *out_extent_z) |
void | ArAugmentedImage_getIndex (const ArSession *session, const ArAugmentedImage *augmented_image, int32_t *out_index) |
void | ArAugmentedImage_acquireName (const ArSession *session, const ArAugmentedImage *augmented_image, char **out_augmented_image_name) |
void | ArAugmentedImageDatabase_create (const ArSession *session, ArAugmentedImageDatabase **out_augmented_image_database) |
| Creates a new empty image database. More...
ArStatus | ArAugmentedImageDatabase_deserialize (const ArSession *session, const uint8_t *database_raw_bytes, int64_t database_raw_bytes_size, ArAugmentedImageDatabase **out_augmented_image_database) |
void | ArAugmentedImageDatabase_serialize (const ArSession *session, const ArAugmentedImageDatabase *augmented_image_database, uint8_t **out_image_database_raw_bytes, int64_t *out_image_database_raw_bytes_size) |
ArStatus | ArAugmentedImageDatabase_addImage (const ArSession *session, ArAugmentedImageDatabase *augmented_image_database, const char *image_name, const uint8_t *image_grayscale_pixels, int32_t image_width_in_pixels, int32_t image_height_in_pixels, int32_t image_stride_in_pixels, int32_t *out_index) |
ArStatus | ArAugmentedImageDatabase_addImageWithPhysicalSize (const ArSession *session, ArAugmentedImageDatabase *augmented_image_database, const char *image_name, const uint8_t *image_grayscale_pixels, int32_t image_width_in_pixels, int32_t image_height_in_pixels, int32_t image_stride_in_pixels, float image_width_in_meters, int32_t *out_index) |
void | ArAugmentedImageDatabase_getNumImages (const ArSession *session, const ArAugmentedImageDatabase *augmented_image_database, int32_t *out_num_images) |
| Returns the number of images in the image database. More...
void | ArAugmentedImageDatabase_destroy (ArAugmentedImageDatabase *augmented_image_database) |
| Releases memory used by an image database. More...
void | ArHitResultList_create (const ArSession *session, ArHitResultList **out_hit_result_list) |
| Creates a hit result list object. More...
void | ArHitResultList_destroy (ArHitResultList *hit_result_list) |
void | ArHitResultList_getSize (const ArSession *session, const ArHitResultList *hit_result_list, int32_t *out_size) |
| Retrieves the number of hit results in this list. More...
void | ArHitResultList_getItem (const ArSession *session, const ArHitResultList *hit_result_list, int32_t index, ArHitResult *out_hit_result) |
void | ArHitResult_create (const ArSession *session, ArHitResult **out_hit_result) |
| Allocates an empty hit result object. More...
void | ArHitResult_destroy (ArHitResult *hit_result) |
void | ArHitResult_getDistance (const ArSession *session, const ArHitResult *hit_result, float *out_distance) |
| Returns the distance from the camera to the hit location, in meters. More...
void | ArHitResult_getHitPose (const ArSession *session, const ArHitResult *hit_result, ArPose *out_pose) |
void | ArHitResult_acquireTrackable (const ArSession *session, const ArHitResult *hit_result, ArTrackable **out_trackable) |
ArStatus | ArHitResult_acquireNewAnchor (ArSession *session, ArHitResult *hit_result, ArAnchor **out_anchor) |
void | ArString_release (char *str) |
void | ArByteArray_release (uint8_t *byte_array) |
| Releases a byte array created using an ARCore API function. More...