8#include "flutter/display_list/image/dl_image.h"
9#include "flutter/flow/skia_gpu_object.h"
10#include "flutter/fml/macros.h"
sk_sp< SkImage > skia_image() const override
If this display list image is meant to be used by the Skia backend, an SkImage instance....
virtual size_t GetApproximateByteSize() const override
bool isTextureBacked() const override
bool isUIThreadSafe() const override
If the underlying platform image held by this object has no threading requirements for the release of...
bool isOpaque() const override
If the pixel format of this image ignores alpha, this returns true. This method might conservatively ...
static sk_sp< DlImageGPU > Make(SkiaGPUObject< SkImage > image)
SkISize dimensions() const override
std::shared_ptr< impeller::Texture > impeller_texture() const override
If this display list image is meant to be used by the Impeller backend, an Impeller texture instance....
Represents an image whose allocation is (usually) resident on device memory.
sk_sp< const SkImage > image