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PlatformViewMutationClipRectAfterMovedTests Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for PlatformViewMutationClipRectAfterMovedTests:

Instance Methods

(instancetype) - initWithInvocation: [implementation]
(void) - testPlatformView [implementation]
- Instance Methods inherited from GoldenPlatformViewTests
(instancetype) - initWithManager:invocation:
(void) - checkPlatformViewGolden
(void) - setUp [implementation]

Additional Inherited Members

- Properties inherited from GoldenPlatformViewTests
XCUIApplication * application
double rmseThreadhold
NSString * goldenName [implementation]
GoldenTestManagermanager [implementation]

Detailed Description

Definition at line 101 of file PlatformViewUITests.m.

Method Documentation

◆ initWithInvocation:

- (instancetype) initWithInvocation: (NSInvocation*)  invocation

Definition at line 7 of file PlatformViewUITests.m.

107 :(NSInvocation*)invocation {
109 [[GoldenTestManager alloc] initWithLaunchArg:@"--platform-view-cliprect-after-moved"];
110 return [super initWithManager:manager invocation:invocation];

◆ testPlatformView

- (void) testPlatformView

Definition at line 7 of file PlatformViewUITests.m.

113 {
114 // This test needs to wait for several frames for the PlatformView to settle to
115 // the correct position. The PlatformView accessiblity is set to platform_view[10000] when it is
116 // ready.
117 XCUIElement* element = self.application.otherElements[@"platform_view[10000]"];
118 BOOL exists = [element waitForExistenceWithTimeout:kSecondsToWaitForPlatformView];
119 if (!exists) {
120 XCTFail(@"It took longer than %@ second to find the platform view."
121 @"There might be issues with the platform view's construction,"
122 @"or with how the scenario is built.",
124 }
126 [self checkPlatformViewGolden];
static const NSInteger kSecondsToWaitForPlatformView
int BOOL

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