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PlatformViewWithClipsScrolling Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for PlatformViewWithClipsScrolling:

Instance Methods

(void) - setUp [implementation]
(void) - testPlatformViewsWithClipsScrolling [implementation]

Detailed Description

Definition at line 495 of file PlatformViewUITests.m.

Method Documentation

◆ setUp

- (void) setUp

Definition at line 7 of file PlatformViewUITests.m.

501 {
502 [super setUp];
503 self.continueAfterFailure = NO;

◆ testPlatformViewsWithClipsScrolling

- (void) testPlatformViewsWithClipsScrolling

Definition at line 7 of file PlatformViewUITests.m.

506 {
507 XCUIApplication* app = [[XCUIApplication alloc] init];
508 app.launchArguments =
509 @[ @"--platform-views-with-clips-scrolling", @"platform_views_with_clips_scrolling" ];
510 [app launch];
512 XCUIElement* platformView = app.textViews.firstMatch;
513 BOOL exists = [platformView waitForExistenceWithTimeout:kSecondsToWaitForPlatformView];
514 if (!exists) {
515 XCTFail(@"It took longer than %@ second to find the platform view."
516 @"There might be issues with the platform view's construction,"
517 @"or with how the scenario is built.",
519 }
521 // Wait and let the scenario app scroll a bit.
522 XCTWaiterResult waitResult = [XCTWaiter
523 waitForExpectations:@[ [[XCTestExpectation alloc] initWithDescription:@"Wait for 5 seconds"] ]
524 timeout:5];
525 // If the waiter is not interrupted, we know the app is in a valid state after timeout, thus the
526 // test passes.
527 XCTAssert(waitResult != XCTWaiterResultInterrupted);
static const NSInteger kSecondsToWaitForPlatformView
int BOOL

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