Flutter Engine
The Flutter Engine
Classes | Namespaces | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
Blend.h File Reference
#include "include/core/SkSpan.h"
#include "include/core/SkTypes.h"
#include "include/private/SkColorData.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkDebug.h"
#include <cstdint>

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  skgpu::BlendInfo
struct  skgpu::ReducedBlendModeInfo


namespace  skgpu


enum class  skgpu::BlendEquation : uint8_t {
  skgpu::kAdd , skgpu::kSubtract , skgpu::kReverseSubtract , skgpu::kScreen ,
  skgpu::kOverlay , skgpu::kDarken , skgpu::kLighten , skgpu::kColorDodge ,
  skgpu::kColorBurn , skgpu::kHardLight , skgpu::kSoftLight , skgpu::kDifference ,
  skgpu::kExclusion , skgpu::kMultiply , skgpu::kHSLHue , skgpu::kHSLSaturation ,
  skgpu::kHSLColor , skgpu::kHSLLuminosity , skgpu::kIllegal , skgpu::kFirstAdvanced = kScreen ,
  skgpu::kLast = kIllegal
enum class  skgpu::BlendCoeff : uint8_t {
  skgpu::kZero , skgpu::kOne , skgpu::kSC , skgpu::kISC ,
  skgpu::kDC , skgpu::kIDC , skgpu::kSA , skgpu::kISA ,
  skgpu::kDA , skgpu::kIDA , skgpu::kConstC , skgpu::kIConstC ,
  skgpu::kS2C , skgpu::kIS2C , skgpu::kS2A , skgpu::kIS2A ,
  skgpu::kIllegal , skgpu::kLast = kIllegal


static constexpr bool skgpu::BlendCoeffRefsSrc (const BlendCoeff coeff)
static constexpr bool skgpu::BlendCoeffRefsDst (const BlendCoeff coeff)
static constexpr bool skgpu::BlendCoeffRefsSrc2 (const BlendCoeff coeff)
static constexpr bool skgpu::BlendCoeffsUseSrcColor (BlendCoeff srcCoeff, BlendCoeff dstCoeff)
static constexpr bool skgpu::BlendCoeffsUseDstColor (BlendCoeff srcCoeff, BlendCoeff dstCoeff, bool srcColorIsOpaque)
static constexpr bool skgpu::BlendEquationIsAdvanced (BlendEquation equation)
static constexpr bool skgpu::BlendModifiesDst (BlendEquation equation, BlendCoeff srcCoeff, BlendCoeff dstCoeff)
static constexpr bool skgpu::BlendCoeffRefsConstant (const BlendCoeff coeff)
static constexpr bool skgpu::BlendShouldDisable (BlendEquation equation, BlendCoeff srcCoeff, BlendCoeff dstCoeff)
static constexpr bool skgpu::BlendAllowsCoverageAsAlpha (BlendEquation equation, BlendCoeff srcCoeff, BlendCoeff dstCoeff)
const char * skgpu::BlendFuncName (SkBlendMode mode)
SkSpan< const float > skgpu::GetPorterDuffBlendConstants (SkBlendMode mode)
ReducedBlendModeInfo skgpu::GetReducedBlendModeInfo (SkBlendMode mode)


static const int skgpu::kBlendEquationCnt = static_cast<int>(BlendEquation::kLast) + 1
static const int skgpu::kBlendCoeffCnt = static_cast<int>(BlendCoeff::kLast) + 1