Flutter Engine
The Flutter Engine
Go to the documentation of this file.
1#!/usr/bin/env python3
2# Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
3# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
4# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
5"""This module provides shared functionality to provide Dart metadata for
9import copy
10import json
11import logging
12import monitored
13import os
14import re
15from htmlrenamer import renamed_html_members, html_interface_renames
17_logger = logging.getLogger('dartmetadata')
19# Annotations to be placed on native members. The table is indexed by the IDL
20# interface and member name, and by IDL return or field type name. Both are
21# used to assemble the annotations:
23# INTERFACE.MEMBER: annotations for member.
24# +TYPE: add annotations only if there are member annotations.
25# -TYPE: add annotations only if there are no member annotations.
26# TYPE: add regardless of member annotations.
28_dart2js_annotations = monitored.Dict(
29 'dartmetadata._dart2js_annotations',
30 {
31 'AnimationEffectTiming.duration': [
32 "@Returns('num|String|Null')",
33 ],
34 'ArrayBufferView': [
35 "@Creates('TypedData')",
36 "@Returns('TypedData|Null')",
37 ],
38 'CanvasRenderingContext2D.createImageData': [
39 "@Creates('ImageData|=Object')",
40 ],
41 'CanvasRenderingContext2D.getImageData': [
42 "@Creates('ImageData|=Object')",
43 ],
44 'CanvasRenderingContext2D.webkitGetImageDataHD': [
45 "@Creates('ImageData|=Object')",
46 ],
47 'CanvasRenderingContext2D.fillStyle': [
48 "@Creates('String|CanvasGradient|CanvasPattern')",
49 "@Returns('String|CanvasGradient|CanvasPattern')",
50 ],
51 'CanvasRenderingContext2D.strokeStyle': [
52 "@Creates('String|CanvasGradient|CanvasPattern')",
53 "@Returns('String|CanvasGradient|CanvasPattern')",
54 ],
55 'CryptoKey.algorithm': [
56 "@Creates('Null')",
57 ],
58 'CustomEvent._detail': [
59 "@Creates('Null')",
60 ],
62 # Normally Window is never null, but starting from a <template> element in
63 # JavaScript, this will be null:
64 # template.content.ownerDocument.defaultView
65 'Document.window': [
66 "@Creates('Window|=Object|Null')",
67 "@Returns('Window|=Object|Null')",
68 ],
69 'Document.getElementsByClassName': [
70 "@Creates('NodeList|HtmlCollection')",
71 "@Returns('NodeList|HtmlCollection')",
72 ],
73 'Document.getElementsByName': [
74 "@Creates('NodeList|HtmlCollection')",
75 "@Returns('NodeList|HtmlCollection')",
76 ],
77 'Document.getElementsByTagName': [
78 "@Creates('NodeList|HtmlCollection')",
79 "@Returns('NodeList|HtmlCollection')",
80 ],
82 # querySelectorAll never returns `null`.
83 'Document.querySelectorAll': [
84 "@Creates('NodeList')",
85 "@Returns('NodeList')",
86 ],
87 'DocumentFragment.querySelectorAll': [
88 "@Creates('NodeList')",
89 "@Returns('NodeList')",
90 ],
91 'Element.querySelectorAll': [
92 "@Creates('NodeList')",
93 "@Returns('NodeList')",
94 ],
95 'Element.getBoundingClientRect': [
96 "@Creates('_DomRect')",
97 "@Returns('_DomRect|Null')", # TODO(sra): Verify and remove Null.
98 ],
99 'Element.getClientRects': [
100 "@Creates('DomRectList')",
101 "@Returns('DomRectList|Null')",
102 ],
104 # Methods returning Window can return a local window, or a cross-frame
105 # window (=Object) that needs wrapping.
106 'Window': [
107 "@Creates('Window|=Object')",
108 "@Returns('Window|=Object')",
109 ],
110 'Window.openDatabase': [
111 "@Creates('SqlDatabase')",
112 ],
113 'Window.showModalDialog': [
114 "@Creates('Null')",
115 ],
116 'Element.webkitGetRegionFlowRanges': [
117 "@Creates('JSExtendableArray')",
118 "@Returns('JSExtendableArray')",
119 ],
120 'Element.getElementsByClassName': [
121 "@Creates('NodeList|HtmlCollection')",
122 "@Returns('NodeList|HtmlCollection')",
123 ],
124 'Element.getElementsByName': [
125 "@Creates('NodeList|HtmlCollection')",
126 "@Returns('NodeList|HtmlCollection')",
127 ],
128 'Element.getElementsByTagName': [
129 "@Creates('NodeList|HtmlCollection')",
130 "@Returns('NodeList|HtmlCollection')",
131 ],
132 "ErrorEvent.error": [
133 "@Creates('Null')", # Only returns values created elsewhere.
134 ],
136 # To be in callback with the browser-created Event, we had to have called
137 # addEventListener on the target, so we avoid
138 'Event.currentTarget': [
139 "@Creates('Null')",
140 "@Returns('EventTarget|=Object|Null')",
141 ],
143 # Only nodes in the DOM bubble and have target !== currentTarget.
144 'Event.target': [
145 "@Creates('Node')",
146 "@Returns('EventTarget|=Object')",
147 ],
149 # TODO(sra): Investigate how ExtendableMessageEvent.data is different from
150 # MessageEvent.data. It might be necessary to put in a method to translate
151 # the JavaScript wire type into a Dart type.
152 'ExtendableMessageEvent.data': [
153 "@annotation_Creates_SerializedScriptValue",
154 "@annotation_Returns_SerializedScriptValue",
155 ],
157 # TODO(sra): We could determine the following by parsing the compound IDL
158 # type.
159 'ExtendableMessageEvent.source': [
160 "@Creates('Client|ServiceWorker|MessagePort')",
161 "@Returns('Client|ServiceWorker|MessagePort|Null')",
162 ],
163 'File.lastModifiedDate': [
164 "@Creates('Null')", # JS date object.
165 ],
166 'FocusEvent.relatedTarget': [
167 "@Creates('Null')",
168 ],
169 'Gamepad.buttons': [
170 "@Creates('JSExtendableArray|GamepadButton')",
171 "@Returns('JSExtendableArray')",
172 ],
173 # Creates a GeolocationPosition or a GeolocationPositionError for a
174 # callback. See issue #45562.
175 'Geolocation.getCurrentPosition': [
176 "@Creates('Geoposition')",
177 "@Creates('PositionError')",
178 ],
179 'Geolocation.watchPosition': [
180 "@Creates('Geoposition')",
181 "@Creates('PositionError')",
182 ],
183 'HTMLCanvasElement.getContext': [
184 "@Creates('CanvasRenderingContext2D|RenderingContext|RenderingContext2')",
185 "@Returns('CanvasRenderingContext2D|RenderingContext|RenderingContext2|Null')",
186 ],
187 'HTMLInputElement.valueAsDate': [
188 "@Creates('Null')", # JS date object.
189 ],
191 # Rather than have the result of an IDBRequest as a union over all possible
192 # results, we mark the result as instantiating any classes, and mark
193 # each operation with the classes that it could cause to be asynchronously
194 # instantiated.
195 'IDBRequest.result': ["@Creates('Null')"],
197 # The source is usually a participant in the operation that generated the
198 # IDBRequest.
199 'IDBRequest.source': ["@Creates('Null')"],
200 'IDBFactory.open': ["@Creates('Database')"],
201 'IDBFactory.webkitGetDatabaseNames': ["@Creates('DomStringList')"],
202 'IDBObjectStore.put': ["@_annotation_Creates_IDBKey"],
203 'IDBObjectStore.add': ["@_annotation_Creates_IDBKey"],
204 'IDBObjectStore.get': ["@annotation_Creates_SerializedScriptValue"],
205 'IDBObjectStore.openCursor': ["@Creates('Cursor')"],
206 'IDBIndex.get': ["@annotation_Creates_SerializedScriptValue"],
207 'IDBIndex.getKey': [
208 "@annotation_Creates_SerializedScriptValue",
209 # The source is the object store behind the index.
210 "@Creates('ObjectStore')",
211 ],
212 'IDBIndex.openCursor': ["@Creates('Cursor')"],
213 'IDBIndex.openKeyCursor': ["@Creates('Cursor')"],
214 'IDBCursorWithValue.value': [
215 '@annotation_Creates_SerializedScriptValue',
216 '@annotation_Returns_SerializedScriptValue',
217 ],
218 'IDBCursor.key': [
219 "@_annotation_Creates_IDBKey",
220 "@_annotation_Returns_IDBKey",
221 ],
222 'IDBCursor.primaryKey': [
223 "@_annotation_Creates_IDBKey",
224 "@_annotation_Returns_IDBKey",
225 ],
226 'IDBCursor.source': [
227 "@Creates('Null')",
228 "@Returns('ObjectStore|Index|Null')",
229 ],
230 'IDBDatabase.version': [
231 "@Creates('int|String|Null')",
232 "@Returns('int|String|Null')",
233 ],
234 'IDBIndex.keyPath': [
235 "@annotation_Creates_SerializedScriptValue",
236 ],
237 'IDBKeyRange.lower': [
238 "@annotation_Creates_SerializedScriptValue",
239 ],
240 'IDBKeyRange.upper': [
241 "@annotation_Creates_SerializedScriptValue",
242 ],
243 'IDBObjectStore.keyPath': [
244 "@annotation_Creates_SerializedScriptValue",
245 ],
246 '+IDBOpenDBRequest': [
247 "@Returns('Request')",
248 "@Creates('Request')",
249 ],
250 '+IDBRequest': [
251 "@Returns('Request')",
252 "@Creates('Request')",
253 ],
254 'IDBVersionChangeEvent.newVersion': [
255 "@Creates('int|String|Null')",
256 "@Returns('int|String|Null')",
257 ],
258 'IDBVersionChangeEvent.oldVersion': [
259 "@Creates('int|String|Null')",
260 "@Returns('int|String|Null')",
261 ],
262 'ImageData.data': [
263 "@Creates('NativeUint8ClampedList')",
264 "@Returns('NativeUint8ClampedList')",
265 ],
266 'MediaStream.getAudioTracks': [
267 "@Creates('JSExtendableArray|MediaStreamTrack')",
268 "@Returns('JSExtendableArray')",
269 ],
270 'MediaStream.getVideoTracks': [
271 "@Creates('JSExtendableArray|MediaStreamTrack')",
272 "@Returns('JSExtendableArray')",
273 ],
274 'MessageEvent.data': [
275 "@annotation_Creates_SerializedScriptValue",
276 "@annotation_Returns_SerializedScriptValue",
277 ],
278 'MessageEvent.ports': ["@Creates('JSExtendableArray')"],
279 'MessageEvent.source': [
280 "@Creates('Null')",
281 "@Returns('EventTarget|=Object')",
282 ],
283 'Metadata.modificationTime': [
284 "@Creates('Null')", # JS date object.
285 ],
286 'MouseEvent.relatedTarget': [
287 "@Creates('Node')",
288 "@Returns('EventTarget|=Object|Null')",
289 ],
290 'Notification.data': [
291 "@annotation_Creates_SerializedScriptValue",
292 "@annotation_Returns_SerializedScriptValue",
293 ],
294 'PopStateEvent.state': [
295 "@annotation_Creates_SerializedScriptValue",
296 "@annotation_Returns_SerializedScriptValue",
297 ],
298 'RTCStatsReport.timestamp': [
299 "@Creates('Null')", # JS date object.
300 ],
301 'SerializedScriptValue': [
302 "@annotation_Creates_SerializedScriptValue",
303 "@annotation_Returns_SerializedScriptValue",
304 ],
305 'ServiceWorkerMessageEvent.data': [
306 "@annotation_Creates_SerializedScriptValue",
307 "@annotation_Returns_SerializedScriptValue",
308 ],
309 'ServiceWorkerMessageEvent.source': [
310 "@Creates('Null')",
311 "@Returns('ServiceWorker|MessagePort')",
312 ],
313 'ShadowRoot.getElementsByClassName': [
314 "@Creates('NodeList|HtmlCollection')",
315 "@Returns('NodeList|HtmlCollection')",
316 ],
317 'ShadowRoot.getElementsByName': [
318 "@Creates('NodeList|HtmlCollection')",
319 "@Returns('NodeList|HtmlCollection')",
320 ],
321 'ShadowRoot.getElementsByTagName': [
322 "@Creates('NodeList|HtmlCollection')",
323 "@Returns('NodeList|HtmlCollection')",
324 ],
326 # Touch targets are Elements in a Document, or the Document.
327 'Touch.target': [
328 "@Creates('Element|Document')",
329 "@Returns('Element|Document')",
330 ],
331 'TrackEvent.track': [
332 "@Creates('Null')",
333 ],
334 'VTTCue.line': [
335 "@Creates('Null')",
336 "@Returns('num|String')",
337 ],
338 'VTTCue.position': [
339 "@Creates('Null')",
340 "@Returns('num|String')",
341 ],
342 'WebGLRenderingContext.getBufferParameter': [
343 "@Creates('int|Null')",
344 "@Returns('int|Null')",
345 ],
346 'WebGLRenderingContext.getFramebufferAttachmentParameter': [
347 "@Creates('int|Renderbuffer|Texture|Null')",
348 "@Returns('int|Renderbuffer|Texture|Null')",
349 ],
350 'WebGLRenderingContext.getProgramParameter': [
351 "@Creates('int|bool|Null')",
352 "@Returns('int|bool|Null')",
353 ],
354 'WebGLRenderingContext.getRenderbufferParameter': [
355 "@Creates('int|Null')",
356 "@Returns('int|Null')",
357 ],
358 'WebGLRenderingContext.getShaderParameter': [
359 "@Creates('int|bool|Null')",
360 "@Returns('int|bool|Null')",
361 ],
362 'WebGLRenderingContext.getTexParameter': [
363 "@Creates('int|Null')",
364 "@Returns('int|Null')",
365 ],
366 'WebGLRenderingContext.getUniform': [
367 "@Creates('Null|num|String|bool|JSExtendableArray|"
368 "NativeFloat32List|NativeInt32List|NativeUint32List')",
369 "@Returns('Null|num|String|bool|JSExtendableArray|"
370 "NativeFloat32List|NativeInt32List|NativeUint32List')",
371 ],
372 'WebGLRenderingContext.getVertexAttrib': [
373 "@Creates('Null|num|bool|NativeFloat32List|Buffer')",
374 "@Returns('Null|num|bool|NativeFloat32List|Buffer')",
375 ],
376 'WebGLRenderingContext.getParameter': [
377 # Taken from http://www.khronos.org/registry/webgl/specs/latest/
378 # Section 5.14.3 Setting and getting state
379 "@Creates('Null|num|String|bool|JSExtendableArray|"
380 "NativeFloat32List|NativeInt32List|NativeUint32List|"
381 "Framebuffer|Renderbuffer|Texture')",
382 "@Returns('Null|num|String|bool|JSExtendableArray|"
383 "NativeFloat32List|NativeInt32List|NativeUint32List|"
384 "Framebuffer|Renderbuffer|Texture')",
385 ],
386 'WebGLRenderingContext.getContextAttributes': [
387 "@Creates('ContextAttributes|Null')",
388 ],
389 'XMLHttpRequest.response': [
390 "@Creates('NativeByteBuffer|Blob|Document|=Object|JSExtendableArray"
391 "|String|num')",
392 ],
393 },
394 dart2jsOnly=True)
396_blink_experimental_annotations = [
397 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME)",
400_indexed_db_annotations = [
401 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME)",
402 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.FIREFOX, '15')",
403 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.IE, '10')",
406_file_system_annotations = [
407 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME)",
410_all_but_ie9_annotations = [
411 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME)",
412 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.FIREFOX)",
413 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.IE, '10')",
414 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.SAFARI)",
417_history_annotations = _all_but_ie9_annotations
419_no_ie_annotations = [
420 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME)",
421 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.FIREFOX)",
422 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.SAFARI)",
425_performance_annotations = [
426 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME)",
427 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.FIREFOX)",
428 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.IE)",
431_rtc_annotations = [ # Note: Firefox nightly builds also support this.
432 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME)",
435_shadow_dom_annotations = [
436 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME, '26')",
439_speech_recognition_annotations = [
440 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME, '25')",
443_svg_annotations = _all_but_ie9_annotations
445_web_sql_annotations = [
446 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME)",
447 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.SAFARI)",
450_webgl_annotations = [
451 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME)",
452 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.FIREFOX)",
455_web_audio_annotations = _webgl_annotations
457_webkit_experimental_annotations = [
458 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME)",
459 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.SAFARI)",
462# Annotations to be placed on generated members.
463# The table is indexed as:
464# INTERFACE: annotations to be added to the interface declaration
465# INTERFACE.MEMBER: annotation to be added to the member declaration
466_annotations = monitored.Dict(
467 'dartmetadata._annotations',
468 {
469 'CSSHostRule':
470 _shadow_dom_annotations,
471 'WebKitCSSMatrix':
472 _webkit_experimental_annotations,
473 'Crypto':
474 _webkit_experimental_annotations,
475 'Database':
476 _web_sql_annotations,
477 'DatabaseSync':
478 _web_sql_annotations,
479 'ApplicationCache': [
480 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME)",
481 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.FIREFOX)",
482 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.IE, '10')",
483 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.OPERA)",
484 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.SAFARI)",
485 ],
486 'AudioBufferSourceNode':
487 _web_audio_annotations,
488 'AudioContext':
489 _web_audio_annotations,
490 'DOMFileSystem':
491 _file_system_annotations,
492 'DOMFileSystemSync':
493 _file_system_annotations,
494 'Window.indexedDB':
495 _indexed_db_annotations,
496 'Window.openDatabase':
497 _web_sql_annotations,
498 'Window.performance':
499 _performance_annotations,
500 'Window.webkitNotifications':
501 _webkit_experimental_annotations,
502 'Window.webkitRequestFileSystem':
503 _file_system_annotations,
504 'Window.webkitResolveLocalFileSystemURL':
505 _file_system_annotations,
506 'Element.createShadowRoot': [
507 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME, '25')",
508 ],
509 'Element.ontransitionend':
510 _all_but_ie9_annotations,
511 # Placeholder to add experimental flag, implementation for this is
512 # pending in a separate CL.
513 'Element.webkitMatchesSelector': [],
514 'Event.clipboardData': [
515 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME)",
516 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.FIREFOX)",
517 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.SAFARI)",
518 ],
519 'FormData':
520 _all_but_ie9_annotations,
521 'HashChangeEvent': [
522 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME)",
523 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.FIREFOX)",
524 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.SAFARI)",
525 ],
526 'History.pushState':
527 _history_annotations,
528 'History.replaceState':
529 _history_annotations,
530 'HTMLContentElement':
531 _shadow_dom_annotations,
532 'HTMLDataListElement':
533 _all_but_ie9_annotations,
534 'HTMLDetailsElement':
535 _webkit_experimental_annotations,
536 'HTMLEmbedElement': [
537 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME)",
538 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.IE)",
539 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.SAFARI)",
540 ],
541 'HTMLKeygenElement':
542 _webkit_experimental_annotations,
543 'HTMLMeterElement':
544 _no_ie_annotations,
545 'HTMLObjectElement': [
546 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME)",
547 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.IE)",
548 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.SAFARI)",
549 ],
550 'HTMLOutputElement':
551 _no_ie_annotations,
552 'HTMLProgressElement':
553 _all_but_ie9_annotations,
554 'HTMLShadowElement':
555 _shadow_dom_annotations,
556 'HTMLTemplateElement':
557 _blink_experimental_annotations,
558 'HTMLTrackElement': [
559 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME)",
560 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.IE, '10')",
561 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.SAFARI)",
562 ],
563 'IDBFactory':
564 _indexed_db_annotations,
565 'IDBDatabase':
566 _indexed_db_annotations,
567 'MediaStream':
568 _rtc_annotations,
569 'MediaStreamEvent':
570 _rtc_annotations,
571 'MediaStreamTrack':
572 _rtc_annotations,
573 'MediaStreamTrackEvent':
574 _rtc_annotations,
575 'MediaSource': [
576 # TODO(alanknight): This works on Firefox 33 behind a flag and in Safari
577 # desktop, but not mobile. On theory that static false positives are worse
578 # than negatives, leave those out for now. Update once they're available.
579 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME)",
580 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.IE, '11')",
581 ],
582 'MutationObserver': [
583 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME)",
584 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.FIREFOX)",
585 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.SAFARI)",
586 ],
587 'Performance':
588 _performance_annotations,
589 'PopStateEvent':
590 _history_annotations,
591 'RTCIceCandidate':
592 _rtc_annotations,
593 'RTCPeerConnection':
594 _rtc_annotations,
595 'RTCSessionDescription':
596 _rtc_annotations,
597 'ShadowRoot':
598 _shadow_dom_annotations,
599 'SpeechRecognition':
600 _speech_recognition_annotations,
601 'SpeechRecognitionAlternative':
602 _speech_recognition_annotations,
603 'SpeechRecognitionError':
604 _speech_recognition_annotations,
605 'SpeechRecognitionEvent':
606 _speech_recognition_annotations,
607 'SpeechRecognitionResult':
608 _speech_recognition_annotations,
609 'SVGAltGlyphElement':
610 _no_ie_annotations,
611 'SVGAnimateElement':
612 _no_ie_annotations,
613 'SVGAnimateMotionElement':
614 _no_ie_annotations,
615 'SVGAnimateTransformElement':
616 _no_ie_annotations,
617 'SVGFEBlendElement':
618 _svg_annotations,
619 'SVGFEColorMatrixElement':
620 _svg_annotations,
621 'SVGFEComponentTransferElement':
622 _svg_annotations,
623 'SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement':
624 _svg_annotations,
625 'SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement':
626 _svg_annotations,
627 'SVGFEDisplacementMapElement':
628 _svg_annotations,
629 'SVGFEDistantLightElement':
630 _svg_annotations,
631 'SVGFEFloodElement':
632 _svg_annotations,
633 'SVGFEFuncAElement':
634 _svg_annotations,
635 'SVGFEFuncBElement':
636 _svg_annotations,
637 'SVGFEFuncGElement':
638 _svg_annotations,
639 'SVGFEFuncRElement':
640 _svg_annotations,
641 'SVGFEGaussianBlurElement':
642 _svg_annotations,
643 'SVGFEImageElement':
644 _svg_annotations,
645 'SVGFEMergeElement':
646 _svg_annotations,
647 'SVGFEMergeNodeElement':
648 _svg_annotations,
649 'SVGFEMorphologyElement':
650 _svg_annotations,
651 'SVGFEOffsetElement':
652 _svg_annotations,
653 'SVGFEPointLightElement':
654 _svg_annotations,
655 'SVGFESpecularLightingElement':
656 _svg_annotations,
657 'SVGFESpotLightElement':
658 _svg_annotations,
659 'SVGFETileElement':
660 _svg_annotations,
661 'SVGFETurbulenceElement':
662 _svg_annotations,
663 'SVGFilterElement':
664 _svg_annotations,
665 'SVGForeignObjectElement':
666 _no_ie_annotations,
667 'SVGSetElement':
668 _no_ie_annotations,
669 'SQLTransaction':
670 _web_sql_annotations,
671 'SQLTransactionSync':
672 _web_sql_annotations,
673 'WebGLRenderingContext':
674 _webgl_annotations,
675 'WebSocket':
676 _all_but_ie9_annotations,
677 'Worker':
678 _all_but_ie9_annotations,
679 'XMLHttpRequest.overrideMimeType':
680 _no_ie_annotations,
681 'XMLHttpRequest.response':
682 _all_but_ie9_annotations,
683 'XMLHttpRequestEventTarget.onloadend':
684 _all_but_ie9_annotations,
685 'XMLHttpRequestEventTarget.onprogress':
686 _all_but_ie9_annotations,
687 'XSLTProcessor': [
688 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME)",
689 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.FIREFOX)",
690 "@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.SAFARI)",
691 ],
692 })
694# TODO(blois): minimize noise and enable by default.
695_monitor_type_metadata = False
698class DartMetadata(object):
700 def __init__(self,
701 api_status_path,
702 doc_comments_path,
703 logging_level=logging.WARNING):
704 _logger.setLevel(logging_level)
705 self._api_status_path = api_status_path
706 status_file = open(self._api_status_path, 'r+')
707 self._types = json.load(status_file)
708 status_file.close()
710 comments_file = open(doc_comments_path, 'r+')
711 self._doc_comments = json.load(comments_file)
712 comments_file.close()
714 if _monitor_type_metadata:
715 monitored_interfaces = {}
716 for interface_id, interface_data in list(self._types.items()):
717 monitored_interface = interface_data.copy()
718 monitored_interface['members'] = monitored.Dict(
719 'dartmetadata.%s' % interface_id, interface_data['members'])
721 monitored_interfaces[interface_id] = monitored_interface
723 self._monitored_types = monitored.Dict(
724 'dartmetadata._monitored_types', monitored_interfaces)
725 else:
726 self._monitored_types = self._types
728 def GetFormattedMetadata(self,
729 library_name,
730 interface,
731 member_id=None,
732 indentation=''):
733 """ Gets all comments and annotations for an interface or member.
734 """
735 return self.FormatMetadata(
736 self.GetMetadata(library_name, interface, member_id), indentation)
738 def GetMetadata(self,
739 library_name,
740 interface,
741 member_name=None,
742 source_member_name=None):
743 """ Gets all comments and annotations for an interface or member.
745 Args:
746 source_member_name: If the member is dependent on a different member
747 then this is used to apply the support annotations from the other
748 member.
749 """
750 annotations = self._GetComments(library_name, interface, member_name)
751 annotations = annotations + self._GetCommonAnnotations(
752 interface, member_name, source_member_name)
754 return annotations
756 def GetDart2JSMetadata(
757 self,
758 idl_type,
759 library_name,
760 interface,
761 member_name,
762 ):
763 """ Gets all annotations for Dart2JS members- including annotations for
764 both dart2js and dartium.
765 """
766 annotations = self.GetMetadata(library_name, interface, member_name)
768 ann2 = self._GetDart2JSSpecificAnnotations(idl_type, interface.id,
769 member_name)
770 if ann2:
771 if annotations:
772 annotations.extend(ann2)
773 else:
774 annotations = ann2
775 return annotations
777 def IsSuppressed(self, interface, member_name):
778 annotations = self._GetSupportLevelAnnotations(interface.id,
779 member_name)
780 return any(
781 annotation.startswith('@removed') for annotation in annotations)
783 def _GetCommonAnnotations(self,
784 interface,
785 member_name=None,
786 source_member_name=None):
787 annotations = []
788 if member_name:
789 key = '%s.%s' % (interface.id, member_name)
790 dom_name = '%s.%s' % (interface.javascript_binding_name,
791 member_name)
792 # DomName annotation is needed for dblclick ACX plugin analyzer.
793 if member_name == 'dblclickEvent' or member_name == 'ondblclick':
794 annotations.append("@DomName('" + dom_name + "')")
795 else:
796 key = interface.id
798 if key in _annotations:
799 annotations.extend(_annotations[key])
801 if (not member_name and
802 interface.javascript_binding_name.startswith('WebKit') and
803 interface.id not in html_interface_renames):
804 annotations.extend(_webkit_experimental_annotations)
806 if (member_name and member_name.startswith('webkit') and
807 key not in renamed_html_members):
808 annotations.extend(_webkit_experimental_annotations)
810 if source_member_name:
811 member_name = source_member_name
813 support_annotations = self._GetSupportLevelAnnotations(
814 interface.id, member_name)
816 for annotation in support_annotations:
817 if annotation not in annotations:
818 annotations.append(annotation)
820 return annotations
822 def _GetComments(self, library_name, interface, member_name=None):
823 """ Gets all comments for the interface or member and returns a list. """
825 # Add documentation from JSON.
827 library_name = 'dart.dom.%s' % library_name
828 if library_name in self._doc_comments:
829 library_info = self._doc_comments[library_name]
830 if interface.id in library_info:
831 interface_info = library_info[interface.id]
832 if member_name:
833 if 'members' in interface_info and member_name in interface_info[
834 'members']:
835 comments = interface_info['members'][member_name]
836 elif 'comment' in interface_info:
837 comments = interface_info['comment']
839 if comments:
840 comments = ['\n'.join(comments)]
842 return comments
844 def AnyConversionAnnotations(self, idl_type, interface_name, member_name):
845 if (_annotations.get('%s.%s' % (interface_name, member_name)) or
846 self._GetDart2JSSpecificAnnotations(idl_type, interface_name,
847 member_name)):
848 return True
849 else:
850 return False
852 def FormatMetadata(self, metadata, indentation):
853 if metadata:
854 newline = '\n%s' % indentation
855 result = newline.join(metadata) + newline
856 return result
857 return ''
859 def _GetDart2JSSpecificAnnotations(self, idl_type, interface_name,
860 member_name):
861 """ Finds dart2js-specific annotations. This does not include ones shared with
862 dartium.
863 """
864 ann1 = _dart2js_annotations.get("%s.%s" % (interface_name, member_name))
865 if ann1:
866 ann2 = _dart2js_annotations.get('+' + idl_type)
867 if ann2:
868 return ann2 + ann1
869 ann2 = _dart2js_annotations.get(idl_type)
870 if ann2:
871 return ann2 + ann1
872 return ann1
874 ann2 = _dart2js_annotations.get('-' + idl_type)
875 if ann2:
876 return ann2
877 ann2 = _dart2js_annotations.get(idl_type)
878 return ann2
880 def _GetSupportInfo(self, interface_id, member_id=None):
881 """ Looks up the interface or member in the DOM status list and returns the
882 support level for it.
883 """
884 if interface_id in self._monitored_types:
885 type_info = self._monitored_types[interface_id]
886 else:
887 type_info = {
888 'members': {},
889 'support_level': 'untriaged',
890 }
891 self._types[interface_id] = type_info
893 if not member_id:
894 return type_info
896 members = type_info['members']
898 if member_id in members:
899 member_info = members[member_id]
900 else:
901 if member_id == interface_id:
902 member_info = {}
903 else:
904 member_info = {'support_level': 'untriaged'}
905 members[member_id] = member_info
907 return member_info
909 def _GetSupportLevelAnnotations(self, interface_id, member_id=None):
910 """ Gets annotations for API support status.
911 """
912 support_info = self._GetSupportInfo(interface_id, member_id)
914 dart_action = support_info.get('dart_action')
915 support_level = support_info.get('support_level')
916 comment = support_info.get('comment')
917 annotations = []
918 # TODO(blois): should add an annotation for the comment, but keeping out
919 # to keep the initial diff a bit more localized.
920 #if comment:
921 # annotations.append('// %s' % comment)
923 if dart_action:
924 if dart_action == 'unstable':
925 annotations.append('@Unstable()')
926 elif dart_action == 'suppress':
927 if comment:
928 annotations.append('// %s' % comment)
929 anAnnotation = 'deprecated'
930 if member_id:
931 anAnnotation = 'removed'
932 annotations.append('@%s // %s' % (anAnnotation, support_level))
933 pass
934 elif dart_action == 'stable':
935 pass
936 else:
937 _logger.warn(
938 'Unknown dart_action - %s:%s' % (interface_id, member_id))
939 elif support_level == 'stable':
940 pass
941 elif support_level == 'deprecated':
942 if comment:
943 annotations.append('// %s' % comment)
944 annotations.append('@deprecated')
945 elif support_level is None:
946 pass
947 else:
948 _logger.warn(
949 'Unknown support_level - %s:%s' % (interface_id, member_id))
951 return annotations
953 def Flush(self):
954 json_file = open(self._api_status_path, 'w+')
955 json.dump(
956 self._types,
957 json_file,
958 indent=2,
959 separators=(',', ': '),
960 sort_keys=True)
961 json_file.close()
void Flush(SkSurface *surface)
Definition: GpuTools.h:25
SIT bool any(const Vec< 1, T > &x)
Definition: SkVx.h:530
static SkString join(const CommandLineFlags::StringArray &)
Definition: skpbench.cpp:741