Flutter Engine
The Flutter Engine
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1// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
4#include "flutter/testing/testing.h"
6#import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/macos/framework/Headers/FlutterEngine.h"
7#import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/macos/framework/Source/AccessibilityBridgeMac.h"
8#import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/macos/framework/Source/FlutterDartProject_Internal.h"
9#import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/macos/framework/Source/FlutterEngine_Internal.h"
10#import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/macos/framework/Source/FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateMac.h"
11#import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/macos/framework/Source/FlutterTextInputSemanticsObject.h"
12#import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/macos/framework/Source/FlutterViewControllerTestUtils.h"
13#import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/macos/framework/Source/FlutterViewController_Internal.h"
15#include "flutter/shell/platform/common/accessibility_bridge.h"
16#include "flutter/shell/platform/embedder/test_utils/proc_table_replacement.h"
17#include "flutter/third_party/accessibility/ax/ax_action_data.h"
19namespace flutter::testing {
21namespace {
22// Returns a view controller configured for the text fixture resource configuration.
23FlutterViewController* CreateTestViewController() {
24 NSString* fixtures = @(testing::GetFixturesPath());
25 FlutterDartProject* project = [[FlutterDartProject alloc]
26 initWithAssetsPath:fixtures
27 ICUDataPath:[fixtures stringByAppendingString:@"/icudtl.dat"]];
28 return [[FlutterViewController alloc] initWithProject:project];
30} // namespace
33 FlutterViewController* viewController = CreateTestViewController();
36 auto bridge = viewController.accessibilityBridge.lock();
37 // Initialize ax node data.
39 root.id = 0;
40 root.flags = static_cast<FlutterSemanticsFlag>(0);
41 ;
42 root.actions = static_cast<FlutterSemanticsAction>(0);
43 root.text_selection_base = -1;
44 root.text_selection_extent = -1;
45 root.label = "accessibility";
46 root.hint = "";
47 root.value = "";
48 root.increased_value = "";
49 root.decreased_value = "";
50 root.tooltip = "";
51 root.child_count = 0;
52 root.custom_accessibility_actions_count = 0;
53 bridge->AddFlutterSemanticsNodeUpdate(root);
55 bridge->CommitUpdates();
57 auto root_platform_node_delegate = bridge->GetFlutterPlatformNodeDelegateFromID(0).lock();
58 // Verify the accessibility attribute matches.
59 NSAccessibilityElement* native_accessibility =
60 root_platform_node_delegate->GetNativeViewAccessible();
61 std::string value = [native_accessibility.accessibilityValue UTF8String];
62 EXPECT_TRUE(value == "accessibility");
63 EXPECT_EQ(native_accessibility.accessibilityRole, NSAccessibilityStaticTextRole);
64 EXPECT_EQ([native_accessibility.accessibilityChildren count], 0u);
65 [engine shutDownEngine];
68TEST(FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateMac, SelectableTextHasCorrectSemantics) {
69 FlutterViewController* viewController = CreateTestViewController();
72 auto bridge = viewController.accessibilityBridge.lock();
73 // Initialize ax node data.
75 root.id = 0;
76 root.flags =
79 root.actions = static_cast<FlutterSemanticsAction>(0);
80 root.text_selection_base = 1;
81 root.text_selection_extent = 3;
82 root.label = "";
83 root.hint = "";
84 // Selectable text store its text in value
85 root.value = "selectable text";
86 root.increased_value = "";
87 root.decreased_value = "";
88 root.tooltip = "";
89 root.child_count = 0;
90 root.custom_accessibility_actions_count = 0;
91 bridge->AddFlutterSemanticsNodeUpdate(root);
93 bridge->CommitUpdates();
95 auto root_platform_node_delegate = bridge->GetFlutterPlatformNodeDelegateFromID(0).lock();
96 // Verify the accessibility attribute matches.
97 NSAccessibilityElement* native_accessibility =
98 root_platform_node_delegate->GetNativeViewAccessible();
99 std::string value = [native_accessibility.accessibilityValue UTF8String];
100 EXPECT_EQ(value, "selectable text");
101 EXPECT_EQ(native_accessibility.accessibilityRole, NSAccessibilityStaticTextRole);
102 EXPECT_EQ([native_accessibility.accessibilityChildren count], 0u);
103 NSRange selection = native_accessibility.accessibilitySelectedTextRange;
104 EXPECT_EQ(selection.location, 1u);
105 EXPECT_EQ(selection.length, 2u);
106 std::string selected_text = [native_accessibility.accessibilitySelectedText UTF8String];
107 EXPECT_EQ(selected_text, "el");
110TEST(FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateMac, SelectableTextWithoutSelectionReturnZeroRange) {
111 FlutterViewController* viewController = CreateTestViewController();
114 auto bridge = viewController.accessibilityBridge.lock();
115 // Initialize ax node data.
117 root.id = 0;
118 root.flags =
121 root.actions = static_cast<FlutterSemanticsAction>(0);
122 root.text_selection_base = -1;
123 root.text_selection_extent = -1;
124 root.label = "";
125 root.hint = "";
126 // Selectable text store its text in value
127 root.value = "selectable text";
128 root.increased_value = "";
129 root.decreased_value = "";
130 root.tooltip = "";
131 root.child_count = 0;
132 root.custom_accessibility_actions_count = 0;
133 bridge->AddFlutterSemanticsNodeUpdate(root);
135 bridge->CommitUpdates();
137 auto root_platform_node_delegate = bridge->GetFlutterPlatformNodeDelegateFromID(0).lock();
138 // Verify the accessibility attribute matches.
139 NSAccessibilityElement* native_accessibility =
140 root_platform_node_delegate->GetNativeViewAccessible();
141 NSRange selection = native_accessibility.accessibilitySelectedTextRange;
142 EXPECT_TRUE(selection.location == NSNotFound);
143 EXPECT_EQ(selection.length, 0u);
146// MOCK_ENGINE_PROC is leaky by design
147// NOLINTBEGIN(clang-analyzer-core.StackAddressEscape)
150 FlutterViewController* viewController = CreateTestViewController();
153 // Attach the view to a NSWindow.
154 NSWindow* window = [[NSWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 800, 600)
155 styleMask:NSBorderlessWindowMask
156 backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered
157 defer:NO];
158 window.contentView = viewController.view;
161 auto bridge = viewController.accessibilityBridge.lock();
162 // Initialize ax node data.
164 root.id = 0;
165 root.label = "root";
166 root.hint = "";
167 root.value = "";
168 root.increased_value = "";
169 root.decreased_value = "";
170 root.tooltip = "";
171 root.child_count = 1;
172 int32_t children[] = {1};
173 root.children_in_traversal_order = children;
174 root.custom_accessibility_actions_count = 0;
175 bridge->AddFlutterSemanticsNodeUpdate(root);
178 child1.id = 1;
179 child1.label = "child 1";
180 child1.hint = "";
181 child1.value = "";
182 child1.increased_value = "";
183 child1.decreased_value = "";
184 child1.tooltip = "";
185 child1.child_count = 0;
187 bridge->AddFlutterSemanticsNodeUpdate(child1);
189 bridge->CommitUpdates();
191 auto root_platform_node_delegate = bridge->GetFlutterPlatformNodeDelegateFromID(1).lock();
193 // Set up embedder API mock.
194 FlutterSemanticsAction called_action;
195 uint64_t called_id;
199 ([&called_id, &called_action](auto engine, uint64_t id, FlutterSemanticsAction action,
200 const uint8_t* data, size_t data_length) {
201 called_id = id;
202 called_action = action;
203 return kSuccess;
204 }));
206 // Performs an AXAction.
207 ui::AXActionData action_data;
209 root_platform_node_delegate->AccessibilityPerformAction(action_data);
212 EXPECT_EQ(called_id, 1u);
214 [engine setViewController:nil];
215 [engine shutDownEngine];
218// NOLINTEND(clang-analyzer-core.StackAddressEscape)
220TEST(FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateMac, TextFieldUsesFlutterTextField) {
221 FlutterViewController* viewController = CreateTestViewController();
223 [viewController loadView];
225 // Unit test localization is unnecessary.
226 // NOLINTNEXTLINE(clang-analyzer-optin.osx.cocoa.localizability.NonLocalizedStringChecker)
227 viewController.textInputPlugin.string = @"textfield";
228 // Creates a NSWindow so that the native text field can become first responder.
229 NSWindow* window = [[NSWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 800, 600)
230 styleMask:NSBorderlessWindowMask
231 backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered
232 defer:NO];
233 window.contentView = viewController.view;
236 auto bridge = viewController.accessibilityBridge.lock();
237 // Initialize ax node data.
239 root.id = 0;
240 root.flags = static_cast<FlutterSemanticsFlag>(0);
241 root.actions = static_cast<FlutterSemanticsAction>(0);
242 root.label = "root";
243 root.hint = "";
244 root.value = "";
245 root.increased_value = "";
246 root.decreased_value = "";
247 root.tooltip = "";
248 root.child_count = 1;
249 int32_t children[] = {1};
250 root.children_in_traversal_order = children;
251 root.custom_accessibility_actions_count = 0;
252 root.rect = {0, 0, 100, 100}; // LTRB
253 root.transform = {1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1};
254 bridge->AddFlutterSemanticsNodeUpdate(root);
256 double rectSize = 50;
257 double transformFactor = 0.5;
260 child1.id = 1;
262 child1.actions = static_cast<FlutterSemanticsAction>(0);
263 child1.label = "";
264 child1.hint = "";
265 child1.value = "textfield";
266 child1.increased_value = "";
267 child1.decreased_value = "";
268 child1.tooltip = "";
269 child1.text_selection_base = -1;
270 child1.text_selection_extent = -1;
271 child1.child_count = 0;
273 child1.rect = {0, 0, rectSize, rectSize}; // LTRB
274 child1.transform = {transformFactor, 0, 0, 0, transformFactor, 0, 0, 0, 1};
275 bridge->AddFlutterSemanticsNodeUpdate(child1);
277 bridge->CommitUpdates();
279 auto child_platform_node_delegate = bridge->GetFlutterPlatformNodeDelegateFromID(1).lock();
280 // Verify the accessibility attribute matches.
281 id native_accessibility = child_platform_node_delegate->GetNativeViewAccessible();
282 EXPECT_EQ([native_accessibility isKindOfClass:[FlutterTextField class]], YES);
283 FlutterTextField* native_text_field = (FlutterTextField*)native_accessibility;
285 NSView* view = viewController.flutterView;
286 CGRect scaledBounds = [view convertRectToBacking:view.bounds];
287 CGSize scaledSize = scaledBounds.size;
288 double pixelRatio = view.bounds.size.width == 0 ? 1 : scaledSize.width / view.bounds.size.width;
290 double expectedFrameSize = rectSize * transformFactor / pixelRatio;
291 EXPECT_EQ(NSEqualRects(native_text_field.frame, NSMakeRect(0, 600 - expectedFrameSize,
292 expectedFrameSize, expectedFrameSize)),
293 YES);
295 [native_text_field startEditing];
296 EXPECT_EQ([native_text_field.stringValue isEqualToString:@"textfield"], YES);
299} // namespace flutter::testing
int count
Definition: FontMgrTest.cpp:50
@ kSuccess
Definition: embedder.h:73
Definition: embedder.h:113
@ kFlutterSemanticsActionTap
Definition: embedder.h:116
Definition: embedder.h:172
@ kFlutterSemanticsFlagIsReadOnly
Definition: embedder.h:230
@ kFlutterSemanticsFlagIsTextField
Whether the semantic node represents a text field.
Definition: embedder.h:183
GLFWwindow * window
Definition: main.cc:45
FlutterEngine engine
Definition: main.cc:68
uint8_t value
FlutterEngineProcTable & embedderAPI()
std::weak_ptr< flutter::AccessibilityBridgeMac > accessibilityBridge()
FlutterTextInputPlugin * textInputPlugin
FlutterViewController * viewController
const char * GetFixturesPath()
Returns the directory containing the test fixture for the target if this target has fixtures configur...
TEST(DisplayListComplexity, EmptyDisplayList)
static void DispatchSemanticsAction(JNIEnv *env, jobject jcaller, jlong shell_holder, jint id, jint action, jobject args, jint args_position)
DEF_SWITCHES_START aot vmservice shared library Name of the *so containing AOT compiled Dart assets for launching the service isolate vm snapshot data
Definition: switches.h:41
string root
Definition: scale_cpu.py:20
#define MOCK_ENGINE_PROC(proc, mock_impl)
FlutterEngineDispatchSemanticsActionFnPtr DispatchSemanticsAction
Definition: embedder.h:3345
const char * increased_value
Definition: embedder.h:1370
const char * tooltip
A textual tooltip attached to the node.
Definition: embedder.h:1397
size_t custom_accessibility_actions_count
The number of custom accessibility action associated with this node.
Definition: embedder.h:1389
int32_t text_selection_extent
The position at which the text selection terminates.
Definition: embedder.h:1345
FlutterSemanticsAction actions
The set of semantics actions applicable to this node.
Definition: embedder.h:1341
int32_t id
The unique identifier for this node.
Definition: embedder.h:1337
FlutterRect rect
The bounding box for this node in its coordinate system.
Definition: embedder.h:1378
FlutterTransformation transform
Definition: embedder.h:1381
size_t child_count
The number of children this node has.
Definition: embedder.h:1383
const char * decreased_value
Definition: embedder.h:1373
const char * label
A textual description of the node.
Definition: embedder.h:1363
int32_t text_selection_base
The position at which the text selection originates.
Definition: embedder.h:1343
const char * hint
A brief description of the result of performing an action on the node.
Definition: embedder.h:1365
const char * value
A textual description of the current value of the node.
Definition: embedder.h:1367
FlutterSemanticsFlag flags
The set of semantics flags associated with this node.
Definition: embedder.h:1339
ax::mojom::Action action
const uintptr_t id
#define EXPECT_TRUE(handle)
Definition: unit_test.h:678