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org.dartlang.analysis.server.protocol.CompletionSuggestion Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 CompletionSuggestion (String kind, int relevance, String completion, String displayText, Integer replacementOffset, Integer replacementLength, int selectionOffset, int selectionLength, boolean isDeprecated, boolean isPotential, String docSummary, String docComplete, String declaringType, String defaultArgumentListString, int[] defaultArgumentListTextRanges, Element element, String returnType, List< String > parameterNames, List< String > parameterTypes, Integer requiredParameterCount, Boolean hasNamedParameters, String parameterName, String parameterType, String libraryUri, Boolean isNotImported)
boolean equals (Object obj)
String getCompletion ()
String getDeclaringType ()
String getDefaultArgumentListString ()
int[] getDefaultArgumentListTextRanges ()
String getDisplayText ()
String getDocComplete ()
String getDocSummary ()
Element getElement ()
Boolean getHasNamedParameters ()
boolean isDeprecated ()
Boolean getIsNotImported ()
boolean isPotential ()
String getKind ()
String getLibraryUri ()
String getParameterName ()
List< String > getParameterNames ()
String getParameterType ()
List< String > getParameterTypes ()
int getRelevance ()
Integer getReplacementLength ()
Integer getReplacementOffset ()
Integer getRequiredParameterCount ()
String getReturnType ()
int getSelectionLength ()
int getSelectionOffset ()
int hashCode ()
JsonObject toJson ()
String toString ()

Static Public Member Functions

static CompletionSuggestion fromJson (JsonObject jsonObject)
static List< CompletionSuggestionfromJsonArray (JsonArray jsonArray)

Static Public Attributes

static final CompletionSuggestion[] EMPTY_ARRAY = new CompletionSuggestion[0]
static final List< CompletionSuggestionEMPTY_LIST = Lists.newArrayList()

Detailed Description

A suggestion for how to complete partially entered text. Many of the fields are optional, depending on the kind of element being suggested.

@coverage dart.server.generated.types

Definition at line 33 of file CompletionSuggestion.java.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CompletionSuggestion()

org.dartlang.analysis.server.protocol.CompletionSuggestion.CompletionSuggestion ( String  kind,
int  relevance,
String  completion,
String  displayText,
Integer  replacementOffset,
Integer  replacementLength,
int  selectionOffset,
int  selectionLength,
boolean  isDeprecated,
boolean  isPotential,
String  docSummary,
String  docComplete,
String  declaringType,
String  defaultArgumentListString,
int[]  defaultArgumentListTextRanges,
Element  element,
String  returnType,
List< String >  parameterNames,
List< String >  parameterTypes,
Integer  requiredParameterCount,
Boolean  hasNamedParameters,
String  parameterName,
String  parameterType,
String  libraryUri,
Boolean  isNotImported 

Constructor for CompletionSuggestion.

Definition at line 203 of file CompletionSuggestion.java.

203 {
204 this.kind = kind;
205 this.relevance = relevance;
206 this.completion = completion;
207 this.displayText = displayText;
208 this.replacementOffset = replacementOffset;
209 this.replacementLength = replacementLength;
210 this.selectionOffset = selectionOffset;
211 this.selectionLength = selectionLength;
212 this.isDeprecated = isDeprecated;
213 this.isPotential = isPotential;
214 this.docSummary = docSummary;
215 this.docComplete = docComplete;
216 this.declaringType = declaringType;
217 this.defaultArgumentListString = defaultArgumentListString;
218 this.defaultArgumentListTextRanges = defaultArgumentListTextRanges;
219 this.element = element;
220 this.returnType = returnType;
221 this.parameterNames = parameterNames;
222 this.parameterTypes = parameterTypes;
223 this.requiredParameterCount = requiredParameterCount;
224 this.hasNamedParameters = hasNamedParameters;
225 this.parameterName = parameterName;
226 this.parameterType = parameterType;
227 this.libraryUri = libraryUri;
228 this.isNotImported = isNotImported;
229 }

Member Function Documentation

◆ equals()

boolean org.dartlang.analysis.server.protocol.CompletionSuggestion.equals ( Object  obj)

Definition at line 232 of file CompletionSuggestion.java.

232 {
233 if (obj instanceof CompletionSuggestion) {
234 CompletionSuggestion other = (CompletionSuggestion) obj;
235 return
236 ObjectUtilities.equals(other.kind, kind) &&
237 other.relevance == relevance &&
238 ObjectUtilities.equals(other.completion, completion) &&
239 ObjectUtilities.equals(other.displayText, displayText) &&
240 ObjectUtilities.equals(other.replacementOffset, replacementOffset) &&
241 ObjectUtilities.equals(other.replacementLength, replacementLength) &&
242 other.selectionOffset == selectionOffset &&
243 other.selectionLength == selectionLength &&
244 other.isDeprecated == isDeprecated &&
245 other.isPotential == isPotential &&
246 ObjectUtilities.equals(other.docSummary, docSummary) &&
247 ObjectUtilities.equals(other.docComplete, docComplete) &&
248 ObjectUtilities.equals(other.declaringType, declaringType) &&
249 ObjectUtilities.equals(other.defaultArgumentListString, defaultArgumentListString) &&
250 Arrays.equals(other.defaultArgumentListTextRanges, defaultArgumentListTextRanges) &&
251 ObjectUtilities.equals(other.element, element) &&
252 ObjectUtilities.equals(other.returnType, returnType) &&
253 ObjectUtilities.equals(other.parameterNames, parameterNames) &&
254 ObjectUtilities.equals(other.parameterTypes, parameterTypes) &&
255 ObjectUtilities.equals(other.requiredParameterCount, requiredParameterCount) &&
256 ObjectUtilities.equals(other.hasNamedParameters, hasNamedParameters) &&
257 ObjectUtilities.equals(other.parameterName, parameterName) &&
258 ObjectUtilities.equals(other.parameterType, parameterType) &&
259 ObjectUtilities.equals(other.libraryUri, libraryUri) &&
260 ObjectUtilities.equals(other.isNotImported, isNotImported);
261 }
262 return false;
263 }

◆ fromJson()

static CompletionSuggestion org.dartlang.analysis.server.protocol.CompletionSuggestion.fromJson ( JsonObject  jsonObject)

Definition at line 265 of file CompletionSuggestion.java.

265 {
266 String kind = jsonObject.get("kind").getAsString();
267 int relevance = jsonObject.get("relevance").getAsInt();
268 String completion = jsonObject.get("completion").getAsString();
269 String displayText = jsonObject.get("displayText") == null ? null : jsonObject.get("displayText").getAsString();
270 Integer replacementOffset = jsonObject.get("replacementOffset") == null ? null : jsonObject.get("replacementOffset").getAsInt();
271 Integer replacementLength = jsonObject.get("replacementLength") == null ? null : jsonObject.get("replacementLength").getAsInt();
272 int selectionOffset = jsonObject.get("selectionOffset").getAsInt();
273 int selectionLength = jsonObject.get("selectionLength").getAsInt();
274 boolean isDeprecated = jsonObject.get("isDeprecated").getAsBoolean();
275 boolean isPotential = jsonObject.get("isPotential").getAsBoolean();
276 String docSummary = jsonObject.get("docSummary") == null ? null : jsonObject.get("docSummary").getAsString();
277 String docComplete = jsonObject.get("docComplete") == null ? null : jsonObject.get("docComplete").getAsString();
278 String declaringType = jsonObject.get("declaringType") == null ? null : jsonObject.get("declaringType").getAsString();
279 String defaultArgumentListString = jsonObject.get("defaultArgumentListString") == null ? null : jsonObject.get("defaultArgumentListString").getAsString();
280 int[] defaultArgumentListTextRanges = jsonObject.get("defaultArgumentListTextRanges") == null ? null : JsonUtilities.decodeIntArray(jsonObject.get("defaultArgumentListTextRanges").getAsJsonArray());
281 Element element = jsonObject.get("element") == null ? null : Element.fromJson(jsonObject.get("element").getAsJsonObject());
282 String returnType = jsonObject.get("returnType") == null ? null : jsonObject.get("returnType").getAsString();
283 List<String> parameterNames = jsonObject.get("parameterNames") == null ? null : JsonUtilities.decodeStringList(jsonObject.get("parameterNames").getAsJsonArray());
284 List<String> parameterTypes = jsonObject.get("parameterTypes") == null ? null : JsonUtilities.decodeStringList(jsonObject.get("parameterTypes").getAsJsonArray());
285 Integer requiredParameterCount = jsonObject.get("requiredParameterCount") == null ? null : jsonObject.get("requiredParameterCount").getAsInt();
286 Boolean hasNamedParameters = jsonObject.get("hasNamedParameters") == null ? null : jsonObject.get("hasNamedParameters").getAsBoolean();
287 String parameterName = jsonObject.get("parameterName") == null ? null : jsonObject.get("parameterName").getAsString();
288 String parameterType = jsonObject.get("parameterType") == null ? null : jsonObject.get("parameterType").getAsString();
289 String libraryUri = jsonObject.get("libraryUri") == null ? null : jsonObject.get("libraryUri").getAsString();
290 Boolean isNotImported = jsonObject.get("isNotImported") == null ? null : jsonObject.get("isNotImported").getAsBoolean();
291 return new CompletionSuggestion(kind, relevance, completion, displayText, replacementOffset, replacementLength, selectionOffset, selectionLength, isDeprecated, isPotential, docSummary, docComplete, declaringType, defaultArgumentListString, defaultArgumentListTextRanges, element, returnType, parameterNames, parameterTypes, requiredParameterCount, hasNamedParameters, parameterName, parameterType, libraryUri, isNotImported);
292 }
CompletionSuggestion(String kind, int relevance, String completion, String displayText, Integer replacementOffset, Integer replacementLength, int selectionOffset, int selectionLength, boolean isDeprecated, boolean isPotential, String docSummary, String docComplete, String declaringType, String defaultArgumentListString, int[] defaultArgumentListTextRanges, Element element, String returnType, List< String > parameterNames, List< String > parameterTypes, Integer requiredParameterCount, Boolean hasNamedParameters, String parameterName, String parameterType, String libraryUri, Boolean isNotImported)

◆ fromJsonArray()

static List< CompletionSuggestion > org.dartlang.analysis.server.protocol.CompletionSuggestion.fromJsonArray ( JsonArray  jsonArray)

Definition at line 294 of file CompletionSuggestion.java.

294 {
295 if (jsonArray == null) {
296 return EMPTY_LIST;
297 }
298 ArrayList<CompletionSuggestion> list = new ArrayList<CompletionSuggestion>(jsonArray.size());
299 Iterator<JsonElement> iterator = jsonArray.iterator();
300 while (iterator.hasNext()) {
301 list.add(fromJson(iterator.next().getAsJsonObject()));
302 }
303 return list;
304 }
static CompletionSuggestion fromJson(JsonObject jsonObject)

◆ getCompletion()

String org.dartlang.analysis.server.protocol.CompletionSuggestion.getCompletion ( )

The identifier to be inserted if the suggestion is selected. If the suggestion is for a method or function, the client might want to additionally insert a template for the parameters. The information required in order to do so is contained in other fields.

Definition at line 311 of file CompletionSuggestion.java.

311 {
312 return completion;
313 }

◆ getDeclaringType()

String org.dartlang.analysis.server.protocol.CompletionSuggestion.getDeclaringType ( )

The class that declares the element being suggested. This field is omitted if the suggested element is not a member of a class.

Definition at line 319 of file CompletionSuggestion.java.

319 {
320 return declaringType;
321 }

◆ getDefaultArgumentListString()

String org.dartlang.analysis.server.protocol.CompletionSuggestion.getDefaultArgumentListString ( )

A default String for use in generating argument list source contents on the client side.

Definition at line 326 of file CompletionSuggestion.java.

326 {
327 return defaultArgumentListString;
328 }

◆ getDefaultArgumentListTextRanges()

int[] org.dartlang.analysis.server.protocol.CompletionSuggestion.getDefaultArgumentListTextRanges ( )

Pairs of offsets and lengths describing 'defaultArgumentListString' text ranges suitable for use by clients to set up linked edits of default argument source contents. For example, given an argument list string 'x, y', the corresponding text range [0, 1, 3, 1], indicates two text ranges of length 1, starting at offsets 0 and 3. Clients can use these ranges to treat the 'x' and 'y' values specially for linked edits.

Definition at line 337 of file CompletionSuggestion.java.

337 {
338 return defaultArgumentListTextRanges;
339 }

◆ getDisplayText()

String org.dartlang.analysis.server.protocol.CompletionSuggestion.getDisplayText ( )

Text to be displayed in, for example, a completion pop-up. This field is only defined if the displayed text should be different than the completion. Otherwise it is omitted.

Definition at line 345 of file CompletionSuggestion.java.

345 {
346 return displayText;
347 }

◆ getDocComplete()

String org.dartlang.analysis.server.protocol.CompletionSuggestion.getDocComplete ( )

The Dartdoc associated with the element being suggested. This field is omitted if there is no Dartdoc associated with the element.

Definition at line 353 of file CompletionSuggestion.java.

353 {
354 return docComplete;
355 }

◆ getDocSummary()

String org.dartlang.analysis.server.protocol.CompletionSuggestion.getDocSummary ( )

An abbreviated version of the Dartdoc associated with the element being suggested. This field is omitted if there is no Dartdoc associated with the element.

Definition at line 361 of file CompletionSuggestion.java.

361 {
362 return docSummary;
363 }

◆ getElement()

Element org.dartlang.analysis.server.protocol.CompletionSuggestion.getElement ( )

Information about the element reference being suggested.

Definition at line 368 of file CompletionSuggestion.java.

368 {
369 return element;
370 }

◆ getHasNamedParameters()

Boolean org.dartlang.analysis.server.protocol.CompletionSuggestion.getHasNamedParameters ( )

True if the function or method being suggested has at least one named parameter. This field is omitted if the parameterNames field is omitted.

Definition at line 376 of file CompletionSuggestion.java.

376 {
377 return hasNamedParameters;
378 }

◆ getIsNotImported()

Boolean org.dartlang.analysis.server.protocol.CompletionSuggestion.getIsNotImported ( )

True if the suggestion is for an element from a not yet imported library. This field is omitted if the element is declared locally, or is from library is already imported, so that the suggestion can be inserted as is, or if getSuggestions was used rather than getSuggestions2.

Definition at line 392 of file CompletionSuggestion.java.

392 {
393 return isNotImported;
394 }

◆ getKind()

String org.dartlang.analysis.server.protocol.CompletionSuggestion.getKind ( )

The kind of element being suggested.

Definition at line 407 of file CompletionSuggestion.java.

407 {
408 return kind;
409 }

◆ getLibraryUri()

String org.dartlang.analysis.server.protocol.CompletionSuggestion.getLibraryUri ( )

This field is omitted if getSuggestions was used rather than getSuggestions2.

This field is omitted if this suggestion corresponds to a locally declared element.

If this suggestion corresponds to an already imported element, then this field is the URI of a library that provides this element, not the URI of the library where the element is declared.

If this suggestion corresponds to an element from a not yet imported library, this field is the URI of a library that could be imported to make this suggestion accessible in the file where completion was requested, such as package:foo/bar.dart or file:///home/me/workspace/foo/test/bar_test.dart.

Definition at line 424 of file CompletionSuggestion.java.

424 {
425 return libraryUri;
426 }

◆ getParameterName()

String org.dartlang.analysis.server.protocol.CompletionSuggestion.getParameterName ( )

The name of the optional parameter being suggested. This field is omitted if the suggestion is not the addition of an optional argument within an argument list.

Definition at line 432 of file CompletionSuggestion.java.

432 {
433 return parameterName;
434 }

◆ getParameterNames()

List< String > org.dartlang.analysis.server.protocol.CompletionSuggestion.getParameterNames ( )

The names of the parameters of the function or method being suggested. This field is omitted if the suggested element is not a setter, function or method.

Definition at line 440 of file CompletionSuggestion.java.

440 {
441 return parameterNames;
442 }

◆ getParameterType()

String org.dartlang.analysis.server.protocol.CompletionSuggestion.getParameterType ( )

The type of the options parameter being suggested. This field is omitted if the parameterName field is omitted.

Definition at line 448 of file CompletionSuggestion.java.

448 {
449 return parameterType;
450 }

◆ getParameterTypes()

List< String > org.dartlang.analysis.server.protocol.CompletionSuggestion.getParameterTypes ( )

The types of the parameters of the function or method being suggested. This field is omitted if the parameterNames field is omitted.

Definition at line 456 of file CompletionSuggestion.java.

456 {
457 return parameterTypes;
458 }

◆ getRelevance()

int org.dartlang.analysis.server.protocol.CompletionSuggestion.getRelevance ( )

The relevance of this completion suggestion where a higher number indicates a higher relevance.

Definition at line 463 of file CompletionSuggestion.java.

463 {
464 return relevance;
465 }

◆ getReplacementLength()

Integer org.dartlang.analysis.server.protocol.CompletionSuggestion.getReplacementLength ( )

The length of the text to be replaced. If supplied, this should be used in preference to the offset provided on the containing completion results. This value may be provided independently of replacementOffset (for example if only one differs from the completion result value).

Definition at line 472 of file CompletionSuggestion.java.

472 {
473 return replacementLength;
474 }

◆ getReplacementOffset()

Integer org.dartlang.analysis.server.protocol.CompletionSuggestion.getReplacementOffset ( )

The offset of the start of the text to be replaced. If supplied, this should be used in preference to the offset provided on the containing completion results. This value may be provided independently of replacementLength (for example if only one differs from the completion result value).

Definition at line 482 of file CompletionSuggestion.java.

482 {
483 return replacementOffset;
484 }

◆ getRequiredParameterCount()

Integer org.dartlang.analysis.server.protocol.CompletionSuggestion.getRequiredParameterCount ( )

The number of required parameters for the function or method being suggested. This field is omitted if the parameterNames field is omitted.

Definition at line 490 of file CompletionSuggestion.java.

490 {
491 return requiredParameterCount;
492 }

◆ getReturnType()

String org.dartlang.analysis.server.protocol.CompletionSuggestion.getReturnType ( )

The return type of the getter, function or method or the type of the field being suggested. This field is omitted if the suggested element is not a getter, function or method.

Definition at line 498 of file CompletionSuggestion.java.

498 {
499 return returnType;
500 }

◆ getSelectionLength()

int org.dartlang.analysis.server.protocol.CompletionSuggestion.getSelectionLength ( )

The number of characters that should be selected after insertion.

Definition at line 505 of file CompletionSuggestion.java.

505 {
506 return selectionLength;
507 }

◆ getSelectionOffset()

int org.dartlang.analysis.server.protocol.CompletionSuggestion.getSelectionOffset ( )

The offset, relative to the beginning of the completion, of where the selection should be placed after insertion.

Definition at line 513 of file CompletionSuggestion.java.

513 {
514 return selectionOffset;
515 }

◆ hashCode()

int org.dartlang.analysis.server.protocol.CompletionSuggestion.hashCode ( )

Definition at line 518 of file CompletionSuggestion.java.

518 {
519 HashCodeBuilder builder = new HashCodeBuilder();
520 builder.append(kind);
521 builder.append(relevance);
522 builder.append(completion);
523 builder.append(displayText);
524 builder.append(replacementOffset);
525 builder.append(replacementLength);
526 builder.append(selectionOffset);
527 builder.append(selectionLength);
528 builder.append(isDeprecated);
529 builder.append(isPotential);
530 builder.append(docSummary);
531 builder.append(docComplete);
532 builder.append(declaringType);
533 builder.append(defaultArgumentListString);
534 builder.append(defaultArgumentListTextRanges);
535 builder.append(element);
536 builder.append(returnType);
537 builder.append(parameterNames);
538 builder.append(parameterTypes);
539 builder.append(requiredParameterCount);
540 builder.append(hasNamedParameters);
541 builder.append(parameterName);
542 builder.append(parameterType);
543 builder.append(libraryUri);
544 builder.append(isNotImported);
545 return builder.toHashCode();
546 }

◆ isDeprecated()

boolean org.dartlang.analysis.server.protocol.CompletionSuggestion.isDeprecated ( )

True if the suggested element is deprecated.

Definition at line 383 of file CompletionSuggestion.java.

383 {
384 return isDeprecated;
385 }

◆ isPotential()

boolean org.dartlang.analysis.server.protocol.CompletionSuggestion.isPotential ( )

True if the element is not known to be valid for the target. This happens if the type of the target is dynamic.

Definition at line 400 of file CompletionSuggestion.java.

400 {
401 return isPotential;
402 }

◆ toJson()

JsonObject org.dartlang.analysis.server.protocol.CompletionSuggestion.toJson ( )

Definition at line 548 of file CompletionSuggestion.java.

548 {
549 JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject();
550 jsonObject.addProperty("kind", kind);
551 jsonObject.addProperty("relevance", relevance);
552 jsonObject.addProperty("completion", completion);
553 if (displayText != null) {
554 jsonObject.addProperty("displayText", displayText);
555 }
556 if (replacementOffset != null) {
557 jsonObject.addProperty("replacementOffset", replacementOffset);
558 }
559 if (replacementLength != null) {
560 jsonObject.addProperty("replacementLength", replacementLength);
561 }
562 jsonObject.addProperty("selectionOffset", selectionOffset);
563 jsonObject.addProperty("selectionLength", selectionLength);
564 jsonObject.addProperty("isDeprecated", isDeprecated);
565 jsonObject.addProperty("isPotential", isPotential);
566 if (docSummary != null) {
567 jsonObject.addProperty("docSummary", docSummary);
568 }
569 if (docComplete != null) {
570 jsonObject.addProperty("docComplete", docComplete);
571 }
572 if (declaringType != null) {
573 jsonObject.addProperty("declaringType", declaringType);
574 }
575 if (defaultArgumentListString != null) {
576 jsonObject.addProperty("defaultArgumentListString", defaultArgumentListString);
577 }
578 if (defaultArgumentListTextRanges != null) {
579 JsonArray jsonArrayDefaultArgumentListTextRanges = new JsonArray();
580 for (int elt : defaultArgumentListTextRanges) {
581 jsonArrayDefaultArgumentListTextRanges.add(new JsonPrimitive(elt));
582 }
583 jsonObject.add("defaultArgumentListTextRanges", jsonArrayDefaultArgumentListTextRanges);
584 }
585 if (element != null) {
586 jsonObject.add("element", element.toJson());
587 }
588 if (returnType != null) {
589 jsonObject.addProperty("returnType", returnType);
590 }
591 if (parameterNames != null) {
592 JsonArray jsonArrayParameterNames = new JsonArray();
593 for (String elt : parameterNames) {
594 jsonArrayParameterNames.add(new JsonPrimitive(elt));
595 }
596 jsonObject.add("parameterNames", jsonArrayParameterNames);
597 }
598 if (parameterTypes != null) {
599 JsonArray jsonArrayParameterTypes = new JsonArray();
600 for (String elt : parameterTypes) {
601 jsonArrayParameterTypes.add(new JsonPrimitive(elt));
602 }
603 jsonObject.add("parameterTypes", jsonArrayParameterTypes);
604 }
605 if (requiredParameterCount != null) {
606 jsonObject.addProperty("requiredParameterCount", requiredParameterCount);
607 }
608 if (hasNamedParameters != null) {
609 jsonObject.addProperty("hasNamedParameters", hasNamedParameters);
610 }
611 if (parameterName != null) {
612 jsonObject.addProperty("parameterName", parameterName);
613 }
614 if (parameterType != null) {
615 jsonObject.addProperty("parameterType", parameterType);
616 }
617 if (libraryUri != null) {
618 jsonObject.addProperty("libraryUri", libraryUri);
619 }
620 if (isNotImported != null) {
621 jsonObject.addProperty("isNotImported", isNotImported);
622 }
623 return jsonObject;
624 }

◆ toString()

String org.dartlang.analysis.server.protocol.CompletionSuggestion.toString ( )

Definition at line 627 of file CompletionSuggestion.java.

627 {
628 StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
629 builder.append("[");
630 builder.append("kind=");
631 builder.append(kind + ", ");
632 builder.append("relevance=");
633 builder.append(relevance + ", ");
634 builder.append("completion=");
635 builder.append(completion + ", ");
636 builder.append("displayText=");
637 builder.append(displayText + ", ");
638 builder.append("replacementOffset=");
639 builder.append(replacementOffset + ", ");
640 builder.append("replacementLength=");
641 builder.append(replacementLength + ", ");
642 builder.append("selectionOffset=");
643 builder.append(selectionOffset + ", ");
644 builder.append("selectionLength=");
645 builder.append(selectionLength + ", ");
646 builder.append("isDeprecated=");
647 builder.append(isDeprecated + ", ");
648 builder.append("isPotential=");
649 builder.append(isPotential + ", ");
650 builder.append("docSummary=");
651 builder.append(docSummary + ", ");
652 builder.append("docComplete=");
653 builder.append(docComplete + ", ");
654 builder.append("declaringType=");
655 builder.append(declaringType + ", ");
656 builder.append("defaultArgumentListString=");
657 builder.append(defaultArgumentListString + ", ");
658 builder.append("defaultArgumentListTextRanges=");
659 builder.append(StringUtils.join(defaultArgumentListTextRanges, ", ") + ", ");
660 builder.append("element=");
661 builder.append(element + ", ");
662 builder.append("returnType=");
663 builder.append(returnType + ", ");
664 builder.append("parameterNames=");
665 builder.append(StringUtils.join(parameterNames, ", ") + ", ");
666 builder.append("parameterTypes=");
667 builder.append(StringUtils.join(parameterTypes, ", ") + ", ");
668 builder.append("requiredParameterCount=");
669 builder.append(requiredParameterCount + ", ");
670 builder.append("hasNamedParameters=");
671 builder.append(hasNamedParameters + ", ");
672 builder.append("parameterName=");
673 builder.append(parameterName + ", ");
674 builder.append("parameterType=");
675 builder.append(parameterType + ", ");
676 builder.append("libraryUri=");
677 builder.append(libraryUri + ", ");
678 builder.append("isNotImported=");
679 builder.append(isNotImported);
680 builder.append("]");
681 return builder.toString();
682 }

Member Data Documentation


final CompletionSuggestion [] org.dartlang.analysis.server.protocol.CompletionSuggestion.EMPTY_ARRAY = new CompletionSuggestion[0]

Definition at line 35 of file CompletionSuggestion.java.


final List<CompletionSuggestion> org.dartlang.analysis.server.protocol.CompletionSuggestion.EMPTY_LIST = Lists.newArrayList()

Definition at line 37 of file CompletionSuggestion.java.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: