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com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer Interface Reference

Public Member Functions

void addAnalysisServerListener (AnalysisServerListener listener)
void addRequestListener (RequestListener listener)
void addResponseListener (ResponseListener listener)
void addStatusListener (AnalysisServerStatusListener listener)
void analysis_getErrors (String file, GetErrorsConsumer consumer)
void analysis_getHover (String file, int offset, GetHoverConsumer consumer)
void analysis_getImportedElements (String file, int offset, int length, GetImportedElementsConsumer consumer)
void analysis_getLibraryDependencies (GetLibraryDependenciesConsumer consumer)
void analysis_getNavigation (String file, int offset, int length, GetNavigationConsumer consumer)
void analysis_getReachableSources (String file, GetReachableSourcesConsumer consumer)
void analysis_getSignature (String file, int offset, GetSignatureConsumer consumer)
void analysis_reanalyze ()
void analysis_setAnalysisRoots (List< String > included, List< String > excluded, Map< String, String > packageRoots)
void analysis_setGeneralSubscriptions (List< String > subscriptions)
void analysis_setPriorityFiles (List< String > files)
void analysis_setSubscriptions (Map< String, List< String > > subscriptions)
void analysis_updateContent (Map< String, Object > files, UpdateContentConsumer consumer)
void analysis_updateOptions (AnalysisOptions options)
void analytics_enable (boolean value)
void analytics_isEnabled (IsEnabledConsumer consumer)
void analytics_sendEvent (String action)
void analytics_sendTiming (String event, int millis)
void completion_getSuggestionDetails2 (String file, int offset, String completion, String libraryUri, GetSuggestionDetails2Consumer consumer)
void completion_getSuggestions2 (String file, int offset, int maxResults, String completionCaseMatchingMode, String completionMode, int invocationCount, int timeout, GetSuggestions2Consumer consumer)
void completion_registerLibraryPaths (List< LibraryPathSet > paths)
void diagnostic_getDiagnostics (GetDiagnosticsConsumer consumer)
void diagnostic_getServerPort (GetServerPortConsumer consumer)
void edit_bulkFixes (List< String > included, boolean inTestMode, boolean updatePubspec, List< String > codes, BulkFixesConsumer consumer)
void edit_format (String file, int selectionOffset, int selectionLength, int lineLength, FormatConsumer consumer)
void edit_formatIfEnabled (List< String > directories, FormatIfEnabledConsumer consumer)
void edit_getAssists (String file, int offset, int length, GetAssistsConsumer consumer)
void edit_getAvailableRefactorings (String file, int offset, int length, GetAvailableRefactoringsConsumer consumer)
void edit_getFixes (String file, int offset, GetFixesConsumer consumer)
void edit_getPostfixCompletion (String file, String key, int offset, GetPostfixCompletionConsumer consumer)
void edit_getRefactoring (String kind, String file, int offset, int length, boolean validateOnly, RefactoringOptions options, GetRefactoringConsumer consumer)
void edit_getStatementCompletion (String file, int offset, GetStatementCompletionConsumer consumer)
void edit_importElements (String file, List< ImportedElements > elements, int offset, ImportElementsConsumer consumer)
void edit_isPostfixCompletionApplicable (String file, String key, int offset, IsPostfixCompletionApplicableConsumer consumer)
void edit_listPostfixCompletionTemplates (ListPostfixCompletionTemplatesConsumer consumer)
void edit_organizeDirectives (String file, OrganizeDirectivesConsumer consumer)
void edit_sortMembers (String file, SortMembersConsumer consumer)
void execution_createContext (String contextRoot, CreateContextConsumer consumer)
void execution_deleteContext (String id)
void execution_getSuggestions (String code, int offset, String contextFile, int contextOffset, List< RuntimeCompletionVariable > variables, List< RuntimeCompletionExpression > expressions, GetSuggestionsConsumer consumer)
void execution_mapUri (String id, String file, String uri, MapUriConsumer consumer)
void execution_setSubscriptions (List< String > subscriptions)
void flutter_getWidgetDescription (String file, int offset, GetWidgetDescriptionConsumer consumer)
void flutter_setSubscriptions (Map< String, List< String > > subscriptions)
void flutter_setWidgetPropertyValue (int id, FlutterWidgetPropertyValue value, SetWidgetPropertyValueConsumer consumer)
boolean isSocketOpen ()
void lsp_handle (Object lspMessage, HandleConsumer consumer)
void removeAnalysisServerListener (AnalysisServerListener listener)
void removeRequestListener (RequestListener listener)
void removeResponseListener (ResponseListener listener)
void search_findElementReferences (String file, int offset, boolean includePotential, FindElementReferencesConsumer consumer)
void search_findMemberDeclarations (String name, FindMemberDeclarationsConsumer consumer)
void search_findMemberReferences (String name, FindMemberReferencesConsumer consumer)
void search_findTopLevelDeclarations (String pattern, FindTopLevelDeclarationsConsumer consumer)
void search_getElementDeclarations (String file, String pattern, int maxResults, GetElementDeclarationsConsumer consumer)
void search_getTypeHierarchy (String file, int offset, boolean superOnly, GetTypeHierarchyConsumer consumer)
void server_cancelRequest (String id)
void server_getVersion (GetVersionConsumer consumer)
void server_openUrlRequest (String url)
void server_setClientCapabilities (List< String > requests, boolean supportsUris)
void server_setSubscriptions (List< String > subscriptions)
void server_showMessageRequest (String type, String message, List< MessageAction > actions, ShowMessageRequestConsumer consumer)
void server_shutdown ()
void start () throws Exception

Detailed Description

The interface AnalysisServer defines the behavior of objects that interface to an analysis server.

@coverage dart.server

Definition at line 23 of file AnalysisServer.java.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addAnalysisServerListener()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.addAnalysisServerListener ( AnalysisServerListener  listener)

Add the given listener to the list of listeners that will receive notification when new analysis results become available.

listenerthe listener to be added

◆ addRequestListener()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.addRequestListener ( RequestListener  listener)

Add the given listener to the list of listeners that will receive notification when requests are made by an analysis server client.

listenerthe listener to be added

◆ addResponseListener()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.addResponseListener ( ResponseListener  listener)

Add the given listener to the list of listeners that will receive notification when responses are received by an analysis server client.

listenerthe listener to be added

◆ addStatusListener()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.addStatusListener ( AnalysisServerStatusListener  listener)

Add the given listener to the list of listeners that will receive notification when the server is not active

listenerthe listener to be added

◆ analysis_getErrors()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.analysis_getErrors ( String  file,
GetErrorsConsumer  consumer 


Return the errors associated with the given file. If the errors for the given file have not yet been computed, or the most recently computed errors for the given file are out of date, then the response for this request will be delayed until they have been computed. If some or all of the errors for the file cannot be computed, then the subset of the errors that can be computed will be returned and the response will contain an error to indicate why the errors could not be computed. If the content of the file changes after this request was received but before a response could be sent, then an error of type CONTENT_MODIFIED will be generated.

This request is intended to be used by clients that cannot asynchronously apply updated error information. Clients that can apply error information as it becomes available should use the information provided by the 'analysis.errors' notification.

If a request is made for a file which does not exist, or which is not currently subject to analysis (e.g. because it is not associated with any analysis root specified to analysis.setAnalysisRoots), an error of type GET_ERRORS_INVALID_FILE will be generated.

fileThe file for which errors are being requested.

◆ analysis_getHover()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.analysis_getHover ( String  file,
int  offset,
GetHoverConsumer  consumer 


Return the hover information associate with the given location. If some or all of the hover information is not available at the time this request is processed the information will be omitted from the response.

fileThe file in which hover information is being requested.
offsetThe offset for which hover information is being requested.

◆ analysis_getImportedElements()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.analysis_getImportedElements ( String  file,
int  offset,
int  length,
GetImportedElementsConsumer  consumer 


Return a description of all of the elements referenced in a given region of a given file that come from imported libraries.

If a request is made for a file that does not exist, or that is not currently subject to analysis (e.g. because it is not associated with any analysis root specified via analysis.setAnalysisRoots), an error of type GET_IMPORTED_ELEMENTS_INVALID_FILE will be generated.

fileThe file in which import information is being requested.
offsetThe offset of the region for which import information is being requested.
lengthThe length of the region for which import information is being requested.

◆ analysis_getLibraryDependencies()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.analysis_getLibraryDependencies ( GetLibraryDependenciesConsumer  consumer)


Return library dependency information for use in client-side indexing and package URI resolution.

Clients that are only using the libraries field should consider using the analyzedFiles notification instead.

◆ analysis_getNavigation()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.analysis_getNavigation ( String  file,
int  offset,
int  length,
GetNavigationConsumer  consumer 


Return the navigation information associated with the given region of the given file. If the navigation information for the given file has not yet been computed, or the most recently computed navigation information for the given file is out of date, then the response for this request will be delayed until it has been computed. If the content of the file changes after this request was received but before a response could be sent, then an error of type CONTENT_MODIFIED will be generated.

If a navigation region overlaps (but extends either before or after) the given region of the file it will be included in the result. This means that it is theoretically possible to get the same navigation region in response to multiple requests. Clients can avoid this by always choosing a region that starts at the beginning of a line and ends at the end of a (possibly different) line in the file.

If a request is made for a file which does not exist, or which is not currently subject to analysis (e.g. because it is not associated with any analysis root specified to analysis.setAnalysisRoots), an error of type GET_NAVIGATION_INVALID_FILE will be generated.

fileThe file in which navigation information is being requested.
offsetThe offset of the region for which navigation information is being requested.
lengthThe length of the region for which navigation information is being requested.

◆ analysis_getReachableSources()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.analysis_getReachableSources ( String  file,
GetReachableSourcesConsumer  consumer 


Return the transitive closure of reachable sources for a given file.

If a request is made for a file which does not exist, or which is not currently subject to analysis (e.g. because it is not associated with any analysis root specified to analysis.setAnalysisRoots), an error of type GET_REACHABLE_SOURCES_INVALID_FILE will be generated.

fileThe file for which reachable source information is being requested.

◆ analysis_getSignature()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.analysis_getSignature ( String  file,
int  offset,
GetSignatureConsumer  consumer 


Return the signature information associated with the given location in the given file. If the signature information for the given file has not yet been computed, or the most recently computed signature information for the given file is out of date, then the response for this request will be delayed until it has been computed. If a request is made for a file which does not exist, or which is not currently subject to analysis (e.g. because it is not associated with any analysis root specified to analysis.setAnalysisRoots), an error of type GET_SIGNATURE_INVALID_FILE will be generated. If the location given is not inside the argument list for a function (including method and constructor) invocation, then an error of type GET_SIGNATURE_INVALID_OFFSET will be generated. If the location is inside an argument list but the function is not defined or cannot be determined (such as a method invocation where the target has type 'dynamic') then an error of type GET_SIGNATURE_UNKNOWN_FUNCTION will be generated.

fileThe file in which signature information is being requested.
offsetThe location for which signature information is being requested.

◆ analysis_reanalyze()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.analysis_reanalyze ( )


Force re-reading of all potentially changed files, re-resolving of all referenced URIs, and corresponding re-analysis of everything affected in the current analysis roots.

◆ analysis_setAnalysisRoots()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.analysis_setAnalysisRoots ( List< String >  included,
List< String >  excluded,
Map< String, String >  packageRoots 


Sets the root paths used to determine which files to analyze. The set of files to be analyzed are all of the files in one of the root paths that are not either explicitly or implicitly excluded. A file is explicitly excluded if it is in one of the excluded paths. A file is implicitly excluded if it is in a subdirectory of one of the root paths where the name of the subdirectory starts with a period (that is, a hidden directory).

Note that this request determines the set of requested analysis roots. The actual set of analysis roots at any given time is the intersection of this set with the set of files and directories actually present on the filesystem. When the filesystem changes, the actual set of analysis roots is automatically updated, but the set of requested analysis roots is unchanged. This means that if the client sets an analysis root before the root becomes visible to server in the filesystem, there is no error; once the server sees the root in the filesystem it will start analyzing it. Similarly, server will stop analyzing files that are removed from the file system but they will remain in the set of requested roots.

If an included path represents a file, then server will look in the directory containing the file for a pubspec.yaml file. If none is found, then the parents of the directory will be searched until such a file is found or the root of the file system is reached. If such a file is found, it will be used to resolve package: URI's within the file.

includedA list of the files and directories that should be analyzed.
excludedA list of the files and directories within the included directories that should not be analyzed.
packageRootsA mapping from source directories to package roots that should override the normal package: URI resolution mechanism. If a package root is a file, then the analyzer will behave as though that file is a ".dart_tool/package_config.json" file in the source directory. The effect is the same as specifying the file as a "--packages" parameter to the Dart VM when executing any Dart file inside the source directory. Files in any directories that are not overridden by this mapping have their package: URI's resolved using the normal pubspec.yaml mechanism. If this field is absent, or the empty map is specified, that indicates that the normal pubspec.yaml mechanism should always be used.

◆ analysis_setGeneralSubscriptions()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.analysis_setGeneralSubscriptions ( List< String >  subscriptions)


Subscribe for general services (that is, services that are not specific to individual files). All previous subscriptions are replaced by the given set of services.

It is an error if any of the elements in the list are not valid services. If there is an error, then the current subscriptions will remain unchanged.

subscriptionsA list of the services being subscribed to.

◆ analysis_setPriorityFiles()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.analysis_setPriorityFiles ( List< String >  files)


Set the priority files to the files in the given list. A priority file is a file that is given priority when scheduling which analysis work to do first. The list typically contains those files that are visible to the user and those for which analysis results will have the biggest impact on the user experience. The order of the files within the list is significant: the first file will be given higher priority than the second, the second higher priority than the third, and so on.

Note that this request determines the set of requested priority files. The actual set of priority files is the intersection of the requested set of priority files with the set of files currently subject to analysis. (See analysis.setSubscriptions for a description of files that are subject to analysis.)

If a requested priority file is a directory it is ignored, but remains in the set of requested priority files so that if it later becomes a file it can be included in the set of actual priority files.

filesThe files that are to be a priority for analysis.

◆ analysis_setSubscriptions()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.analysis_setSubscriptions ( Map< String, List< String > >  subscriptions)


Subscribe for services that are specific to individual files. All previous subscriptions are replaced by the current set of subscriptions. If a given service is not included as a key in the map then no files will be subscribed to the service, exactly as if the service had been included in the map with an explicit empty list of files.

Note that this request determines the set of requested subscriptions. The actual set of subscriptions at any given time is the intersection of this set with the set of files currently subject to analysis. The files currently subject to analysis are the set of files contained within an actual analysis root but not excluded, plus all of the files transitively reachable from those files via import, export and part directives. (See analysis.setAnalysisRoots for an explanation of how the actual analysis roots are determined.) When the actual analysis roots change, the actual set of subscriptions is automatically updated, but the set of requested subscriptions is unchanged.

If a requested subscription is a directory it is ignored, but remains in the set of requested subscriptions so that if it later becomes a file it can be included in the set of actual subscriptions.

It is an error if any of the keys in the map are not valid services. If there is an error, then the existing subscriptions will remain unchanged.

subscriptionsA table mapping services to a list of the files being subscribed to the service.

◆ analysis_updateContent()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.analysis_updateContent ( Map< String, Object >  files,
UpdateContentConsumer  consumer 


Update the content of one or more files. Files that were previously updated but not included in this update remain unchanged. This effectively represents an overlay of the filesystem. The files whose content is overridden are therefore seen by server as being files with the given content, even if the files do not exist on the filesystem or if the file path represents the path to a directory on the filesystem.

filesA table mapping the files whose content has changed to a description of the content change.

◆ analysis_updateOptions()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.analysis_updateOptions ( AnalysisOptions  options)


Deprecated: all of the options can be set by users in an analysis options file.

Update the options controlling analysis based on the given set of options. Any options that are not included in the analysis options will not be changed. If there are options in the analysis options that are not valid, they will be silently ignored.

optionsThe options that are to be used to control analysis.

◆ analytics_enable()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.analytics_enable ( boolean  value)


Deprecated: this option is no longer supported.

Enable or disable the sending of analytics data. Note that there are other ways for users to change this setting, so clients cannot assume that they have complete control over this setting. In particular, there is no guarantee that the result returned by the isEnabled request will match the last value set via this request.

valueEnable or disable analytics.

◆ analytics_isEnabled()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.analytics_isEnabled ( IsEnabledConsumer  consumer)


Deprecated: this flag is no longer supported.

Query whether analytics is enabled.

This flag controls whether the analysis server sends any analytics data to the cloud. If disabled, the analysis server does not send any analytics data, and any data sent to it by clients (from sendEvent and sendTiming) will be ignored.

The value of this flag can be changed by other tools outside of the analysis server's process. When you query the flag, you get the value of the flag at a given moment. Clients should not use the value returned to decide whether or not to send the sendEvent and sendTiming requests. Those requests should be used unconditionally and server will determine whether or not it is appropriate to forward the information to the cloud at the time each request is received.


◆ analytics_sendEvent()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.analytics_sendEvent ( String  action)


Send information about client events.

Ask the analysis server to include the fact that an action was performed in the client as part of the analytics data being sent. The data will only be included if the sending of analytics data is enabled at the time the request is processed. The action that was performed is indicated by the value of the action field.

The value of the action field should not include the identity of the client. The analytics data sent by server will include the client id passed in using the –client-id command-line argument. The request will be ignored if the client id was not provided when server was started.

actionThe value used to indicate which action was performed.

◆ analytics_sendTiming()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.analytics_sendTiming ( String  event,
int  millis 


Send timing information for client events (e.g. code completions).

Ask the analysis server to include the fact that a timed event occurred as part of the analytics data being sent. The data will only be included if the sending of analytics data is enabled at the time the request is processed.

The value of the event field should not include the identity of the client. The analytics data sent by server will include the client id passed in using the –client-id command-line argument. The request will be ignored if the client id was not provided when server was started.

eventThe name of the event.
millisThe duration of the event in milliseconds.

◆ completion_getSuggestionDetails2()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.completion_getSuggestionDetails2 ( String  file,
int  offset,
String  completion,
String  libraryUri,
GetSuggestionDetails2Consumer  consumer 


Clients must make this request when the user has selected a completion suggestion with the isNotImported field set to true. The server will respond with the text to insert, as well as any SourceChange that needs to be applied in case the completion requires an additional import to be added. The text to insert might be different from the original suggestion to include an import prefix if the library will be imported with a prefix to avoid shadowing conflicts in the file.

fileThe path of the file into which this completion is being inserted.
offsetThe offset in the file where the completion will be inserted.
completionThe completion from the selected CompletionSuggestion. It could be a name of a class, or a name of a constructor in form "typeName.constructorName()", or an enumeration constant in form "enumName.constantName", etc.
libraryUriThe URI of the library to import, so that the element referenced in the completion becomes accessible.

◆ completion_getSuggestions2()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.completion_getSuggestions2 ( String  file,
int  offset,
int  maxResults,
String  completionCaseMatchingMode,
String  completionMode,
int  invocationCount,
int  timeout,
GetSuggestions2Consumer  consumer 


Request that completion suggestions for the given offset in the given file be returned. The suggestions will be filtered using fuzzy matching with the already existing prefix.

fileThe file containing the point at which suggestions are to be made.
offsetThe offset within the file at which suggestions are to be made.
maxResultsThe maximum number of suggestions to return. If the number of suggestions after filtering is greater than the maxResults, then isIncomplete is set to true.
completionCaseMatchingModeThe mode of code completion being invoked. If no value is provided, MATCH_FIRST_CHAR will be assumed.
completionModeThe mode of code completion being invoked. If no value is provided, BASIC will be assumed. BASIC is also the only currently supported.
invocationCountThe number of times that the user has invoked code completion at the same code location, counting from 1. If no value is provided, 1 will be assumed.
timeoutThe approximate time in milliseconds that the server should spend. The server will perform some steps anyway, even if it takes longer than the specified timeout. This field is intended to be used for benchmarking, and usually should not be provided, so that the default timeout is used.

◆ completion_registerLibraryPaths()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.completion_registerLibraryPaths ( List< LibraryPathSet paths)


The client can make this request to express interest in certain libraries to receive completion suggestions from based on the client path. If this request is received before the client has used 'completion.setSubscriptions' to subscribe to the AVAILABLE_SUGGESTION_SETS service, then an error of type NOT_SUBSCRIBED_TO_AVAILABLE_SUGGESTION_SETS will be generated. All previous paths are replaced by the given set of paths.

pathsA list of objects each containing a path and the additional libraries from which the client is interested in receiving completion suggestions. If one configured path is beneath another, the descendant will override the ancestors' configured libraries of interest.

◆ diagnostic_getDiagnostics()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.diagnostic_getDiagnostics ( GetDiagnosticsConsumer  consumer)


Return server diagnostics.

◆ diagnostic_getServerPort()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.diagnostic_getServerPort ( GetServerPortConsumer  consumer)


Return the port of the diagnostic web server. If the server is not running this call will start the server. If unable to start the diagnostic web server, this call will return an error of DEBUG_PORT_COULD_NOT_BE_OPENED.

◆ edit_bulkFixes()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.edit_bulkFixes ( List< String >  included,
boolean  inTestMode,
boolean  updatePubspec,
List< String >  codes,
BulkFixesConsumer  consumer 


Analyze the specified sources for fixes that can be applied in bulk and return a set of suggested edits for those sources. These edits may include changes to sources outside the set of specified sources if a change in a specified source requires it.

includedA list of the files and directories for which edits should be suggested. If a request is made with a path that is invalid, e.g. is not absolute and normalized, an error of type INVALID_FILE_PATH_FORMAT will be generated. If a request is made for a file which does not exist, or which is not currently subject to analysis (e.g. because it is not associated with any analysis root specified to analysis.setAnalysisRoots), an error of type FILE_NOT_ANALYZED will be generated.
inTestModeA flag indicating whether the bulk fixes are being run in test mode. The only difference is that in test mode the fix processor will look for a configuration file that can modify the content of the data file used to compute the fixes when data-driven fixes are being considered. If this field is omitted the flag defaults to false.
updatePubspecA flag indicating whether to validate that the dependencies used by the included files are listed in the pubspec file. If specified, the fix processor will compute the set of packages imported in the source and check to see if they are listed in the corresponding pubspec file, and compute the fixes, if any. If this field is omitted the flag defaults to false.
codesA list of diagnostic codes to be fixed.

◆ edit_format()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.edit_format ( String  file,
int  selectionOffset,
int  selectionLength,
int  lineLength,
FormatConsumer  consumer 


Format the contents of a single file. The currently selected region of text is passed in so that the selection can be preserved across the formatting operation. The updated selection will be as close to matching the original as possible, but whitespace at the beginning or end of the selected region will be ignored. If preserving selection information is not required, zero (0) can be specified for both the selection offset and selection length.

If a request is made for a file which does not exist, or which is not currently subject to analysis (e.g. because it is not associated with any analysis root specified to analysis.setAnalysisRoots), an error of type FORMAT_INVALID_FILE will be generated. If the source contains syntax errors, an error of type FORMAT_WITH_ERRORS will be generated.

fileThe file containing the code to be formatted.
selectionOffsetThe offset of the current selection in the file.
selectionLengthThe length of the current selection in the file.
lineLengthThe line length to be used by the formatter.

◆ edit_formatIfEnabled()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.edit_formatIfEnabled ( List< String >  directories,
FormatIfEnabledConsumer  consumer 


Format the contents of the files in one or more directories, but only if the analysis options file for those files has enabled the 'format' option.

If any of the specified directories does not exist, that directory will be ignored. If any of the files that are eligible for being formatted cannot be formatted because of a syntax error in the file, that file will be ignored.

directoriesThe paths of the directories containing the code to be formatted.

◆ edit_getAssists()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.edit_getAssists ( String  file,
int  offset,
int  length,
GetAssistsConsumer  consumer 


Return the set of assists that are available at the given location. An assist is distinguished from a refactoring primarily by the fact that it affects a single file and does not require user input in order to be performed.

fileThe file containing the code for which assists are being requested.
offsetThe offset of the code for which assists are being requested.
lengthThe length of the code for which assists are being requested.

◆ edit_getAvailableRefactorings()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.edit_getAvailableRefactorings ( String  file,
int  offset,
int  length,
GetAvailableRefactoringsConsumer  consumer 


Get a list of the kinds of refactorings that are valid for the given selection in the given file.

fileThe file containing the code on which the refactoring would be based.
offsetThe offset of the code on which the refactoring would be based.
lengthThe length of the code on which the refactoring would be based.

◆ edit_getFixes()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.edit_getFixes ( String  file,
int  offset,
GetFixesConsumer  consumer 


Return the set of fixes that are available for the errors at a given offset in a given file.

If a request is made for a file which does not exist, or which is not currently subject to analysis (e.g. because it is not associated with any analysis root specified to analysis.setAnalysisRoots), an error of type GET_FIXES_INVALID_FILE will be generated.

fileThe file containing the errors for which fixes are being requested.
offsetThe offset used to select the errors for which fixes will be returned.

◆ edit_getPostfixCompletion()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.edit_getPostfixCompletion ( String  file,
String  key,
int  offset,
GetPostfixCompletionConsumer  consumer 


Get the changes required to convert the postfix template at the given location into the template's expanded form.

fileThe file containing the postfix template to be expanded.
keyThe unique name that identifies the template in use.
offsetThe offset used to identify the code to which the template will be applied.

◆ edit_getRefactoring()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.edit_getRefactoring ( String  kind,
String  file,
int  offset,
int  length,
boolean  validateOnly,
RefactoringOptions  options,
GetRefactoringConsumer  consumer 


Get the changes required to perform a refactoring.

If another refactoring request is received during the processing of this one, an error of type REFACTORING_REQUEST_CANCELLED will be generated.

kindThe kind of refactoring to be performed.
fileThe file containing the code involved in the refactoring.
offsetThe offset of the region involved in the refactoring.
lengthThe length of the region involved in the refactoring.
validateOnlyTrue if the client is only requesting that the values of the options be validated and no change be generated.
optionsData used to provide values provided by the user. The structure of the data is dependent on the kind of refactoring being performed. The data that is expected is documented in the section titled Refactorings, labeled as "Options". This field can be omitted if the refactoring does not require any options or if the values of those options are not known.

◆ edit_getStatementCompletion()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.edit_getStatementCompletion ( String  file,
int  offset,
GetStatementCompletionConsumer  consumer 


Get the changes required to convert the partial statement at the given location into a syntactically valid statement. If the current statement is already valid the change will insert a newline plus appropriate indentation at the end of the line containing the offset. If a change that makes the statement valid cannot be determined (perhaps because it has not yet been implemented) the statement will be considered already valid and the appropriate change returned.

fileThe file containing the statement to be completed.
offsetThe offset used to identify the statement to be completed.

◆ edit_importElements()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.edit_importElements ( String  file,
List< ImportedElements elements,
int  offset,
ImportElementsConsumer  consumer 


Return a list of edits that would need to be applied in order to ensure that all of the elements in the specified list of imported elements are accessible within the library.

If a request is made for a file that does not exist, or that is not currently subject to analysis (e.g. because it is not associated with any analysis root specified via analysis.setAnalysisRoots), an error of type IMPORT_ELEMENTS_INVALID_FILE will be generated.

fileThe file in which the specified elements are to be made accessible.
elementsThe elements to be made accessible in the specified file.
offsetThe offset at which the specified elements need to be made accessible. If provided, this is used to guard against adding imports for text that would be inserted into a comment, string literal, or other location where the imports would not be necessary.

◆ edit_isPostfixCompletionApplicable()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.edit_isPostfixCompletionApplicable ( String  file,
String  key,
int  offset,
IsPostfixCompletionApplicableConsumer  consumer 


Determine if the request postfix completion template is applicable at the given location in the given file.

fileThe file containing the postfix template to be expanded.
keyThe unique name that identifies the template in use.
offsetThe offset used to identify the code to which the template will be applied.

◆ edit_listPostfixCompletionTemplates()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.edit_listPostfixCompletionTemplates ( ListPostfixCompletionTemplatesConsumer  consumer)


Return a list of all postfix templates currently available.

◆ edit_organizeDirectives()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.edit_organizeDirectives ( String  file,
OrganizeDirectivesConsumer  consumer 


Organizes all of the directives - removes unused imports and sorts directives of the given Dart file according to the Dart Style Guide.

If a request is made for a file that does not exist, does not belong to an analysis root or is not a Dart file, FILE_NOT_ANALYZED will be generated.

If directives of the Dart file cannot be organized, for example because it has scan or parse errors, or by other reasons, ORGANIZE_DIRECTIVES_ERROR will be generated. The message will provide details about the reason.

fileThe Dart file to organize directives in.

◆ edit_sortMembers()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.edit_sortMembers ( String  file,
SortMembersConsumer  consumer 


Sort all of the directives, unit and class members of the given Dart file.

If a request is made for a file that does not exist, does not belong to an analysis root or is not a Dart file, SORT_MEMBERS_INVALID_FILE will be generated.

If the Dart file has scan or parse errors, SORT_MEMBERS_PARSE_ERRORS will be generated.

fileThe Dart file to sort.

◆ execution_createContext()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.execution_createContext ( String  contextRoot,
CreateContextConsumer  consumer 


Create an execution context for the executable file with the given path. The context that is created will persist until execution.deleteContext is used to delete it. Clients, therefore, are responsible for managing the lifetime of execution contexts.

contextRootThe path of the Dart or HTML file that will be launched, or the path of the directory containing the file.

◆ execution_deleteContext()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.execution_deleteContext ( String  id)


Delete the execution context with the given identifier. The context id is no longer valid after this command. The server is allowed to re-use ids when they are no longer valid.

idThe identifier of the execution context that is to be deleted.

◆ execution_getSuggestions()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.execution_getSuggestions ( String  code,
int  offset,
String  contextFile,
int  contextOffset,
List< RuntimeCompletionVariable variables,
List< RuntimeCompletionExpression expressions,
GetSuggestionsConsumer  consumer 


Request completion suggestions for the given runtime context.

It might take one or two requests of this type to get completion suggestions. The first request should have only "code", "offset", and "variables", but not "expressions". If there are sub-expressions that can have different runtime types, and are considered to be safe to evaluate at runtime (e.g. getters), so using their actual runtime types can improve completion results, the server will not include the "suggestions" field in the response, and instead will return the "expressions" field. The client will use debug API to get current runtime types for these sub-expressions and send another request, this time with "expressions". If there are no interesting sub-expressions to get runtime types for, or when the "expressions" field is provided by the client, the server will return "suggestions" in the response.

codeThe code to get suggestions in.
offsetThe offset within the code to get suggestions at.
contextFileThe path of the context file, e.g. the file of the current debugger frame. The combination of the context file and context offset can be used to ensure that all variables of the context are available for completion (with their static types).
contextOffsetThe offset in the context file, e.g. the line offset in the current debugger frame.
variablesThe runtime context variables that are potentially referenced in the code.
expressionsThe list of sub-expressions in the code for which the client wants to provide runtime types. It does not have to be the full list of expressions requested by the server, for missing expressions their static types will be used. When this field is omitted, the server will return completion suggestions only when there are no interesting sub-expressions in the given code. The client may provide an empty list, in this case the server will return completion suggestions.

◆ execution_mapUri()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.execution_mapUri ( String  id,
String  file,
String  uri,
MapUriConsumer  consumer 


Map a URI from the execution context to the file that it corresponds to, or map a file to the URI that it corresponds to in the execution context.

Exactly one of the file and uri fields must be provided. If both fields are provided, then an error of type INVALID_PARAMETER will be generated. Similarly, if neither field is provided, then an error of type INVALID_PARAMETER will be generated.

If the file field is provided and the value is not the path of a file (either the file does not exist or the path references something other than a file), then an error of type INVALID_PARAMETER will be generated.

If the uri field is provided and the value is not a valid URI or if the URI references something that is not a file (either a file that does not exist or something other than a file), then an error of type INVALID_PARAMETER will be generated.

If the contextRoot used to create the execution context does not exist, then an error of type INVALID_EXECUTION_CONTEXT will be generated.

idThe identifier of the execution context in which the URI is to be mapped.
fileThe path of the file to be mapped into a URI.
uriThe URI to be mapped into a file path.

◆ execution_setSubscriptions()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.execution_setSubscriptions ( List< String >  subscriptions)


Deprecated: the analysis server no longer fires LAUNCH_DATA events.

Subscribe for services. All previous subscriptions are replaced by the given set of services.

It is an error if any of the elements in the list are not valid services. If there is an error, then the current subscriptions will remain unchanged.

subscriptionsA list of the services being subscribed to.

◆ flutter_getWidgetDescription()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.flutter_getWidgetDescription ( String  file,
int  offset,
GetWidgetDescriptionConsumer  consumer 


Return the description of the widget instance at the given location.

If the location does not have a support widget, an error of type FLUTTER_GET_WIDGET_DESCRIPTION_NO_WIDGET will be generated.

If a change to a file happens while widget descriptions are computed, an error of type FLUTTER_GET_WIDGET_DESCRIPTION_CONTENT_MODIFIED will be generated.

fileThe file where the widget instance is created.
offsetThe offset in the file where the widget instance is created.

◆ flutter_setSubscriptions()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.flutter_setSubscriptions ( Map< String, List< String > >  subscriptions)


Subscribe for services that are specific to individual files. All previous subscriptions are replaced by the current set of subscriptions. If a given service is not included as a key in the map then no files will be subscribed to the service, exactly as if the service had been included in the map with an explicit empty list of files.

Note that this request determines the set of requested subscriptions. The actual set of subscriptions at any given time is the intersection of this set with the set of files currently subject to analysis. The files currently subject to analysis are the set of files contained within an actual analysis root but not excluded, plus all of the files transitively reachable from those files via import, export and part directives. (See analysis.setAnalysisRoots for an explanation of how the actual analysis roots are determined.) When the actual analysis roots change, the actual set of subscriptions is automatically updated, but the set of requested subscriptions is unchanged.

If a requested subscription is a directory it is ignored, but remains in the set of requested subscriptions so that if it later becomes a file it can be included in the set of actual subscriptions.

It is an error if any of the keys in the map are not valid services. If there is an error, then the existing subscriptions will remain unchanged.

subscriptionsA table mapping services to a list of the files being subscribed to the service.

◆ flutter_setWidgetPropertyValue()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.flutter_setWidgetPropertyValue ( int  id,
FlutterWidgetPropertyValue  value,
SetWidgetPropertyValueConsumer  consumer 


Set the value of a property, or remove it.

The server will generate a change that the client should apply to the project to get the value of the property set to the new value. The complexity of the change might be from updating a single literal value in the code, to updating multiple files to get libraries imported, and new intermediate widgets instantiated.

idThe identifier of the property, previously returned as a part of a FlutterWidgetProperty. An error of type FLUTTER_SET_WIDGET_PROPERTY_VALUE_INVALID_ID is generated if the identifier is not valid.
valueThe new value to set for the property. If absent, indicates that the property should be removed. If the property corresponds to an optional parameter, the corresponding named argument is removed. If the property isRequired is true, FLUTTER_SET_WIDGET_PROPERTY_VALUE_IS_REQUIRED error is generated. If the expression is not a syntactically valid Dart code, then FLUTTER_SET_WIDGET_PROPERTY_VALUE_INVALID_EXPRESSION is reported.

◆ isSocketOpen()

boolean com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.isSocketOpen ( )

Return true if the socket is open.

◆ lsp_handle()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.lsp_handle ( Object  lspMessage,
HandleConsumer  consumer 


Call an LSP handler. Message can be requests or notifications.

lspMessageThe LSP RequestMessage.

◆ removeAnalysisServerListener()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.removeAnalysisServerListener ( AnalysisServerListener  listener)

Remove the given listener from the list of listeners that will receive notification when new analysis results become available.

listenerthe listener to be removed

◆ removeRequestListener()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.removeRequestListener ( RequestListener  listener)

Remove the given listener from the list of listeners that will receive notification when requests are made by an analysis server client.

listenerthe listener to be removed

◆ removeResponseListener()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.removeResponseListener ( ResponseListener  listener)

Remove the given listener from the list of listeners that will receive notification when responses are received by an analysis server client.

listenerthe listener to be removed

◆ search_findElementReferences()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.search_findElementReferences ( String  file,
int  offset,
boolean  includePotential,
FindElementReferencesConsumer  consumer 


Perform a search for references to the element defined or referenced at the given offset in the given file.

An identifier is returned immediately, and individual results will be returned via the search.results notification as they become available.

fileThe file containing the declaration of or reference to the element used to define the search.
offsetThe offset within the file of the declaration of or reference to the element.
includePotentialTrue if potential matches are to be included in the results.

◆ search_findMemberDeclarations()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.search_findMemberDeclarations ( String  name,
FindMemberDeclarationsConsumer  consumer 


Perform a search for declarations of members whose name is equal to the given name.

An identifier is returned immediately, and individual results will be returned via the search.results notification as they become available.

nameThe name of the declarations to be found.

◆ search_findMemberReferences()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.search_findMemberReferences ( String  name,
FindMemberReferencesConsumer  consumer 


Perform a search for references to members whose name is equal to the given name. This search does not check to see that there is a member defined with the given name, so it is able to find references to undefined members as well.

An identifier is returned immediately, and individual results will be returned via the search.results notification as they become available.

nameThe name of the references to be found.

◆ search_findTopLevelDeclarations()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.search_findTopLevelDeclarations ( String  pattern,
FindTopLevelDeclarationsConsumer  consumer 


Perform a search for declarations of top-level elements (classes, typedefs, getters, setters, functions and fields) whose name matches the given pattern.

An identifier is returned immediately, and individual results will be returned via the search.results notification as they become available.

patternThe regular expression used to match the names of the declarations to be found.

◆ search_getElementDeclarations()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.search_getElementDeclarations ( String  file,
String  pattern,
int  maxResults,
GetElementDeclarationsConsumer  consumer 


Return top-level and class member declarations.

fileIf this field is provided, return only declarations in this file. If this field is missing, return declarations in all files.
patternThe regular expression used to match the names of declarations. If this field is missing, return all declarations.
maxResultsThe maximum number of declarations to return. If this field is missing, return all matching declarations.

◆ search_getTypeHierarchy()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.search_getTypeHierarchy ( String  file,
int  offset,
boolean  superOnly,
GetTypeHierarchyConsumer  consumer 


Return the type hierarchy of the class declared or referenced at the given location.

fileThe file containing the declaration or reference to the type for which a hierarchy is being requested.
offsetThe offset of the name of the type within the file.
superOnlyTrue if the client is only requesting superclasses and interfaces hierarchy.

◆ server_cancelRequest()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.server_cancelRequest ( String  id)


Requests cancellation of a request sent by the client by id. This is provided on a best-effort basis and there is no guarantee the server will be able to cancel any specific request. The server will still always produce a response to the request even in the case of cancellation, but clients should discard any results of any cancelled request because they may be incomplete or inaccurate. This request always completes without error regardless of whether the request is successfully cancelled.

idThe id of the request that should be cancelled.

◆ server_getVersion()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.server_getVersion ( GetVersionConsumer  consumer)


Return the version number of the analysis server.

◆ server_openUrlRequest()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.server_openUrlRequest ( String  url)


Note: This is a request from the server to the client.

Request that a URL be opened.

The client is expected to open the URL, either within the client's UI or in the default browser.

The request will only be sent from the server to the client if the client has indicated that it supports this request by using the setClientCapabilities request.

urlThe URL to be opened.

◆ server_setClientCapabilities()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.server_setClientCapabilities ( List< String >  requests,
boolean  supportsUris 


Record the capabilities supported by the client. The default values, documented below, will be assumed until this request is received.

requestsThe names of the requests that the server can safely send to the client. Only requests whose name is in the list will be sent. A request should only be included in the list if the client will unconditionally honor the request. The default, used before this request is received, is an empty list. The following is a list of the names of the requests that can be specified:
  • openUrlRequest
  • showMessageRequest
supportsUrisTrue if the client supports the server sending URIs in place of file paths. In this mode, the server will use URIs in all protocol fields with the type FilePath. Returned URIs may be file:// URIs or custom schemes. The client can fetch the file contents for URIs with custom schemes (and receive modification events) through the LSP protocol (see the "lsp" domain). LSP notifications are automatically enabled when the client sets this capability.

◆ server_setSubscriptions()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.server_setSubscriptions ( List< String >  subscriptions)


Subscribe for services. All previous subscriptions are replaced by the given set of services.

It is an error if any of the elements in the list are not valid services. If there is an error, then the current subscriptions will remain unchanged.

subscriptionsA list of the services being subscribed to.

◆ server_showMessageRequest()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.server_showMessageRequest ( String  type,
String  message,
List< MessageAction actions,
ShowMessageRequestConsumer  consumer 


Note: This is a request from the server to the client.

Request that a message be displayed to the user.

The client is expected to display the message to the user with one or more buttons with the specified labels, and to return a response consisting of the label of the button that was clicked.

The request will only be sent from the server to the client if the client has indicated that it supports this request by using the setClientCapabilities request.

This request is modeled after the same request from the LSP specification.

typeThe type of the message.
messageThe message to be displayed.
actionsThe labels of the buttons by which the user can dismiss the message.

◆ server_shutdown()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.server_shutdown ( )


Cleanly shutdown the analysis server. Requests that are received after this request will not be processed. Requests that were received before this request, but for which a response has not yet been sent, will not be responded to. No further responses or notifications will be sent after the response to this request has been sent.

◆ start()

void com.google.dart.server.generated.AnalysisServer.start ( ) throws Exception

Start the analysis server.

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: