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2 * Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
3 *
4 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5 * found in the LICENSE file.
6 */
8#ifndef GrDrawingManager_DEFINED
9#define GrDrawingManager_DEFINED
11#include "include/core/SkSpan.h"
14#include "src/core/SkTHash.h"
24// Enabling this will print out which path renderers are being chosen
27class GrArenas;
29class GrGpuBuffer;
31class GrOpFlushState;
34class GrRenderTask;
36class GrSemaphore;
39namespace skgpu {
40namespace ganesh {
41class OpsTask;
42class SoftwarePathRenderer;
43} // namespace ganesh
44} // namespace skgpu
50 void freeGpuResources();
52 // OpsTasks created at flush time are stored and handled different from the others.
55 // Adds 'atlasTask' to the DAG and leaves it open.
56 //
57 // If 'previousAtlasTask' is provided, closes it and configures dependencies to guarantee
58 // previousAtlasTask and all its users are completely out of service before atlasTask executes.
59 void addAtlasTask(sk_sp<GrRenderTask> atlasTask, GrRenderTask* previousAtlasTask);
61 // Create a render task that can resolve MSAA and/or regenerate mipmap levels on proxies. This
62 // method will only add the new render task to the list. However, it adds the task before the
63 // last task in the list. It is up to the caller to call addProxy() on the returned object.
66 // Creates a render task that can resolve MSAA and/or regenerate mimap levels on the passed in
67 // proxy. The task is appended to the end of the current list of tasks.
70 const GrCaps&);
72 // Create a new render task that will cause the gpu to wait on semaphores before executing any
73 // more RenderTasks that target proxy. It is possible for this wait to also block additional
74 // work (even to other proxies) that has already been recorded or will be recorded later. The
75 // only guarantee is that future work to the passed in proxy will wait on the semaphores to be
76 // signaled.
78 std::unique_ptr<std::unique_ptr<GrSemaphore>[]>,
79 int numSemaphores);
81 // Create a new render task which copies the pixels from the srcProxy into the dstBuffer. This
82 // is used to support the asynchronous readback API. The srcRect is the region of the srcProxy
83 // to be copied. The surfaceColorType says how we should interpret the data when reading back
84 // from the source. DstColorType describes how the data should be stored in the dstBuffer.
85 // DstOffset is the offset into the dstBuffer where we will start writing data.
86 void newTransferFromRenderTask(const sk_sp<GrSurfaceProxy>& srcProxy, const SkIRect& srcRect,
87 GrColorType surfaceColorType, GrColorType dstColorType,
88 sk_sp<GrGpuBuffer> dstBuffer, size_t dstOffset);
90 // Creates a new render task which copies a pixel rectangle from srcView into dstView. The src
91 // pixels copied are specified by srcRect. They are copied to the dstRect in dstProxy. Some
92 // backends and formats may require dstRect to have the same size as srcRect. Regardless,
93 // srcRect must be contained by src's dimensions and dstRect must be contained by dst's
94 // dimensions. Any clipping, aspect-ratio adjustment, etc. must be handled prior to this call.
95 //
96 // This method is not guaranteed to succeed depending on the type of surface, formats, etc, and
97 // the backend-specific limitations. On success the task is returned so that the caller may mark
98 // it skippable if the copy is later deemed unnecessary.
100 SkIRect dstRect,
102 SkIRect srcRect,
106 // Adds a render task that copies the range [srcOffset, srcOffset + size] from src to
107 // [dstOffset, dstOffset + size] in dst. The src buffer must have type kXferCpuToGpu and the
108 // dst must NOT have type kXferCpuToGpu. Neither buffer may be mapped when this executes.
109 // Because this is used to insert transfers to vertex/index buffers between draws and we don't
110 // track dependencies with buffers, this task is a hard boundary for task reordering.
112 size_t srcOffset,
114 size_t dstOffset,
115 size_t size);
117 // Adds a render task that copies the src SkData to [dstOffset, dstOffset + src->size()] in dst.
118 // The dst must not have type kXferCpuToGpu and must not be mapped. Because this is used to
119 // insert updata to vertex/index buffers between draws and we don't track dependencies with
120 // buffers, this task is a hard boundary for task reordering.
123 // Adds a task that writes the data from the passed GrMipLevels to dst. The lifetime of the
124 // pixel data in the levels should be tied to the passed SkData or the caller must flush the
125 // context before the data may become invalid. srcColorType is the color type of the
126 // GrMipLevels. dstColorType is the color type being used with dst and must be compatible with
127 // dst's format according to GrCaps::areColorTypeAndFormatCompatible().
130 GrColorType srcColorType,
131 GrColorType dstColorType,
132 const GrMipLevel[],
133 int levelCount);
135 GrRecordingContext* getContext() { return fContext; }
141 bool allowSW,
147 // Returns a direct pointer to the atlas path renderer, or null if it is not supported and
148 // turned on.
151 // Returns a direct pointer to the tessellation path renderer, or null if it is not supported
152 // and turned on.
155 void flushIfNecessary();
157 static bool ProgramUnitTest(GrDirectContext*, int maxStages, int maxLevels);
161 const GrFlushInfo&,
162 const skgpu::MutableTextureState* newState);
166#if defined(GR_TEST_UTILS)
167 void testingOnly_removeOnFlushCallbackObject(GrOnFlushCallbackObject*);
168 PathRendererChain::Options testingOnly_getOptionsForPathRendererChain() {
169 return fOptionsForPathRendererChain;
170 }
181 // This is public so it can be called by an SkImage factory (in SkImages namespace).
182 // It is not meant to be directly called in other situations.
183 bool flush(SkSpan<GrSurfaceProxy*> proxies,
185 const GrFlushInfo&,
186 const skgpu::MutableTextureState* newState);
190 const PathRendererChain::Options&,
191 bool reduceOpsTaskSplitting);
193 bool wasAbandoned() const;
195 void closeActiveOpsTask();
197 // return true if any GrRenderTasks were actually executed; false otherwise
198 bool executeRenderTasks(GrOpFlushState*);
200 void removeRenderTasks();
202 void sortTasks();
204 // Attempt to reorder tasks to reduce render passes, and check the memory budget of the
205 // resulting intervals. Returns whether the reordering was successful & the memory budget
206 // acceptable. If it returns true, fDAG has been updated to reflect the reordered tasks.
207 bool reorderTasks(GrResourceAllocator*);
209 void closeAllTasks();
212 GrRenderTask* insertTaskBeforeLast(sk_sp<GrRenderTask>);
214 bool submitToGpu(GrSyncCpu sync);
216 SkDEBUGCODE(void validate() const;)
218 friend class GrDirectContext; // access to: flush & cleanup
219 friend class GrOnFlushResourceProvider; // this is just a shallow wrapper around this class
220 friend class GrRecordingContext; // access to: ctor
222 static const int kNumPixelGeometries = 5; // The different pixel geometries
223 static const int kNumDFTOptions = 2; // DFT or no DFT
227 // This cache is used by both the vertex and index pools. It reuses memory across multiple
228 // flushes.
232 std::vector<int> fReorderBlockerTaskIndices;
233 skgpu::ganesh::OpsTask* fActiveOpsTask = nullptr;
235 PathRendererChain::Options fOptionsForPathRendererChain;
236 std::unique_ptr<PathRendererChain> fPathRendererChain;
237 sk_sp<skgpu::ganesh::SoftwarePathRenderer> fSoftwarePathRenderer;
239 skgpu::TokenTracker fTokenTracker;
240 bool fFlushing = false;
241 const bool fReduceOpsTaskSplitting;
245 struct SurfaceIDKeyTraits {
246 static uint32_t GetInvalidKey() {
248 }
249 };
Definition: GrTypesPriv.h:540
Definition: GrTypes.h:147
Definition: GrTypes.h:229
Definition: GrTypes.h:239
const Context & fContext
Definition: GrCaps.h:57
void createDDLTask(sk_sp< const GrDeferredDisplayList >, sk_sp< GrRenderTargetProxy > newDest)
skgpu::ganesh::OpsTask * getLastOpsTask(const GrSurfaceProxy *) const
void addOnFlushCallbackObject(GrOnFlushCallbackObject *)
GrRecordingContext * getContext()
void newTransferFromRenderTask(const sk_sp< GrSurfaceProxy > &srcProxy, const SkIRect &srcRect, GrColorType surfaceColorType, GrColorType dstColorType, sk_sp< GrGpuBuffer > dstBuffer, size_t dstOffset)
sk_sp< skgpu::ganesh::OpsTask > newOpsTask(GrSurfaceProxyView, sk_sp< GrArenas > arenas)
void newWaitRenderTask(const sk_sp< GrSurfaceProxy > &proxy, std::unique_ptr< std::unique_ptr< GrSemaphore >[]>, int numSemaphores)
void moveRenderTasksToDDL(GrDeferredDisplayList *ddl)
void newBufferUpdateTask(sk_sp< SkData > src, sk_sp< GrGpuBuffer > dst, size_t dstOffset)
GrRenderTask * getLastRenderTask(const GrSurfaceProxy *) const
sk_sp< GrRenderTask > newCopyRenderTask(sk_sp< GrSurfaceProxy > dst, SkIRect dstRect, const sk_sp< GrSurfaceProxy > &src, SkIRect srcRect, GrSamplerState::Filter filter, GrSurfaceOrigin)
GrTextureResolveRenderTask * newTextureResolveRenderTaskBefore(const GrCaps &)
void setLastRenderTask(const GrSurfaceProxy *, GrRenderTask *)
skgpu::ganesh::AtlasPathRenderer * getAtlasPathRenderer()
void newTextureResolveRenderTask(sk_sp< GrSurfaceProxy > proxy, GrSurfaceProxy::ResolveFlags, const GrCaps &)
bool flush(SkSpan< GrSurfaceProxy * > proxies, SkSurfaces::BackendSurfaceAccess access, const GrFlushInfo &, const skgpu::MutableTextureState *newState)
PathRenderer * getTessellationPathRenderer()
static bool ProgramUnitTest(GrDirectContext *, int maxStages, int maxLevels)
void addAtlasTask(sk_sp< GrRenderTask > atlasTask, GrRenderTask *previousAtlasTask)
bool newWritePixelsTask(sk_sp< GrSurfaceProxy > dst, SkIRect rect, GrColorType srcColorType, GrColorType dstColorType, const GrMipLevel[], int levelCount)
PathRenderer * getSoftwarePathRenderer()
void newBufferTransferTask(sk_sp< GrGpuBuffer > src, size_t srcOffset, sk_sp< GrGpuBuffer > dst, size_t dstOffset, size_t size)
GrSemaphoresSubmitted flushSurfaces(SkSpan< GrSurfaceProxy * >, SkSurfaces::BackendSurfaceAccess, const GrFlushInfo &, const skgpu::MutableTextureState *newState)
PathRenderer * getPathRenderer(const PathRenderer::CanDrawPathArgs &, bool allowSW, PathRendererChain::DrawType, PathRenderer::StencilSupport *=nullptr)
uint32_t asUInt() const
static UniqueID InvalidID()
sk_sp< SkBlender > blender SkRect rect
Definition: SkRecords.h:350
Definition: SkSurface.h:44
it will be possible to load the file into Perfetto s trace viewer disable asset Prevents usage of any non test fonts unless they were explicitly Loaded via prefetched default font Indicates whether the embedding started a prefetch of the default font manager before creating the engine run In non interactive keep the shell running after the Dart script has completed enable serial On low power devices with low core running concurrent GC tasks on threads can cause them to contend with the UI thread which could potentially lead to jank This option turns off all concurrent GC activities domain network JSON encoded network policy per domain This overrides the DisallowInsecureConnections switch Embedder can specify whether to allow or disallow insecure connections at a domain level old gen heap size
Definition: switches.h:259
Definition: cp.py:12
Definition: GpuTools.h:21
Definition: SkRect.h:32