Flutter Engine
The Flutter Engine
#import <TextInputSemanticsObject.h>
Instance Methods | |
(instancetype) | - initWithBridge:uid: [implementation] |
(void) | - setSemanticsNode: [implementation] |
(UIView< UITextInput > *) | - textInputSurrogate [implementation] |
(UIView *) | - textInputView [implementation] |
(void) | - accessibilityElementDidBecomeFocused [implementation] |
(void) | - accessibilityElementDidLoseFocus [implementation] |
(BOOL) | - accessibilityElementIsFocused [implementation] |
(BOOL) | - accessibilityActivate [implementation] |
(NSString *) | - accessibilityLabel [implementation] |
(NSString *) | - accessibilityHint [implementation] |
(NSString *) | - accessibilityValue [implementation] |
(UIAccessibilityTraits) | - accessibilityTraits [implementation] |
(NSString *) | - textInRange: [implementation] |
(void) | - replaceRange:withText: [implementation] |
(BOOL) | - shouldChangeTextInRange:replacementText: [implementation] |
(UITextRange *) | - selectedTextRange [implementation] |
(void) | - setSelectedTextRange: [implementation] |
(UITextRange *) | - markedTextRange [implementation] |
(NSDictionary *) | - markedTextStyle [implementation] |
(void) | - setMarkedTextStyle: [implementation] |
(void) | - setMarkedText:selectedRange: [implementation] |
(void) | - unmarkText [implementation] |
(UITextStorageDirection) | - selectionAffinity [implementation] |
(UITextPosition *) | - beginningOfDocument [implementation] |
(UITextPosition *) | - endOfDocument [implementation] |
(id< UITextInputDelegate >) | - inputDelegate [implementation] |
(void) | - setInputDelegate: [implementation] |
(id< UITextInputTokenizer >) | - tokenizer [implementation] |
(UITextRange *) | - textRangeFromPosition:toPosition: [implementation] |
(UITextPosition *) | - positionFromPosition:offset: [implementation] |
(UITextPosition *) | - positionFromPosition:inDirection:offset: [implementation] |
(NSComparisonResult) | - comparePosition:toPosition: [implementation] |
(NSInteger) | - offsetFromPosition:toPosition: [implementation] |
(UITextPosition *) | - positionWithinRange:farthestInDirection: [implementation] |
(UITextRange *) | - characterRangeByExtendingPosition:inDirection: [implementation] |
(UITextWritingDirection) | - baseWritingDirectionForPosition:inDirection: [implementation] |
(void) | - setBaseWritingDirection:forRange: [implementation] |
(CGRect) | - firstRectForRange: [implementation] |
(CGRect) | - caretRectForPosition: [implementation] |
(UITextPosition *) | - closestPositionToPoint: [implementation] |
(UITextPosition *) | - closestPositionToPoint:withinRange: [implementation] |
(NSArray *) | - selectionRectsForRange: [implementation] |
(UITextRange *) | - characterRangeAtPoint: [implementation] |
(void) | - insertText: [implementation] |
(void) | - deleteBackward [implementation] |
(BOOL) | - hasText [implementation] |
Instance Methods inherited from SemanticsObject | |
(BOOL) | - isAccessibilityBridgeAlive |
(void) | - setSemanticsNode: |
(void) | - replaceChildAtIndex:withChild: |
(BOOL) | - nodeWillCauseLayoutChange: |
(BOOL) | - nodeWillCauseScroll: |
(BOOL) | - nodeShouldTriggerAnnouncement: |
(void) | - collectRoutes: |
(NSString *) | - routeName |
(BOOL) | - onCustomAccessibilityAction: |
(void) | - accessibilityBridgeDidFinishUpdate |
((unavailable("Use initWithBridge instead") | - __attribute__ |
(instancetype) | - initWithBridge:uid: |
(void) | - dealloc [implementation] |
(void) | - setChildren: [implementation] |
(void) | - setChildrenInHitTestOrder: [implementation] |
(NSAttributedString *) | - createAttributedStringFromString:withAttributes: [implementation] |
(void) | - showOnScreen [implementation] |
(BOOL) | - isAccessibilityElement [implementation] |
(bool) | - isFocusable [implementation] |
(NSString *) | - accessibilityIdentifier [implementation] |
(NSString *) | - accessibilityLabel [implementation] |
(bool) | - containsPoint: [implementation] |
(id) | - search: [implementation] |
(id) | - _accessibilityHitTest:withEvent: [implementation] |
(BOOL) | - accessibilityScrollToVisible [implementation] |
(BOOL) | - accessibilityScrollToVisibleWithChild: [implementation] |
(NSAttributedString *) | - accessibilityAttributedLabel [implementation] |
(NSString *) | - accessibilityHint [implementation] |
(NSAttributedString *) | - accessibilityAttributedHint [implementation] |
(NSString *) | - accessibilityValue [implementation] |
(NSAttributedString *) | - accessibilityAttributedValue [implementation] |
(CGRect) | - accessibilityFrame [implementation] |
(CGRect) | - globalRect [implementation] |
(void) | - setAccessibilityContainer: [implementation] |
(id) | - accessibilityContainer [implementation] |
(BOOL) | - accessibilityActivate [implementation] |
(void) | - accessibilityIncrement [implementation] |
(void) | - accessibilityDecrement [implementation] |
(BOOL) | - accessibilityScroll: [implementation] |
(BOOL) | - accessibilityPerformEscape [implementation] |
(void) | - accessibilityElementDidBecomeFocused [implementation] |
(void) | - accessibilityElementDidLoseFocus [implementation] |
Additional Inherited Members | |
Properties inherited from SemanticsObject | |
int32_t | uid |
SemanticsObject * | parent |
fml::WeakPtr< flutter::AccessibilityBridgeIos > | bridge |
flutter::SemanticsNode | node |
BOOL | hasChildren |
NSArray< SemanticsObject * > * | children |
NSArray< SemanticsObject * > * | childrenInHitTestOrder |
id | nativeAccessibility |
SemanticsObjectContainer * | container [implementation] |
An implementation of SemanticsObject
specialized for expressing text fields.
Delegates to FlutterTextInputView
when the object corresponds to a text field that currently owns input focus. Delegates to FlutterInactiveTextInput
Definition at line 20 of file TextInputSemanticsObject.h.
implementation |
Reimplemented from SemanticsObject.
Definition at line 20 of file TextInputSemanticsObject.mm.
implementation |
Reimplemented from SemanticsObject.
Definition at line 20 of file TextInputSemanticsObject.mm.
implementation |
Reimplemented from SemanticsObject.
Definition at line 20 of file TextInputSemanticsObject.mm.
implementation |
Definition at line 20 of file TextInputSemanticsObject.mm.
implementation |
Reimplemented from SemanticsObject.
Definition at line 20 of file TextInputSemanticsObject.mm.
implementation |
Reimplemented from SemanticsObject.
Definition at line 20 of file TextInputSemanticsObject.mm.
implementation |
Definition at line 20 of file TextInputSemanticsObject.mm.
implementation |
Reimplemented from SemanticsObject.
Definition at line 20 of file TextInputSemanticsObject.mm.
implementation |
Definition at line 20 of file TextInputSemanticsObject.mm.
implementation |
Definition at line 20 of file TextInputSemanticsObject.mm.
implementation |
Definition at line 20 of file TextInputSemanticsObject.mm.
implementation |
Definition at line 20 of file TextInputSemanticsObject.mm.
implementation |
Definition at line 20 of file TextInputSemanticsObject.mm.
implementation |
Definition at line 20 of file TextInputSemanticsObject.mm.
implementation |
Definition at line 20 of file TextInputSemanticsObject.mm.
implementation |
Definition at line 20 of file TextInputSemanticsObject.mm.
implementation |
Definition at line 20 of file TextInputSemanticsObject.mm.
implementation |
Definition at line 20 of file TextInputSemanticsObject.mm.
implementation |
Definition at line 20 of file TextInputSemanticsObject.mm.
implementation |
Definition at line 20 of file TextInputSemanticsObject.mm.
implementation |
Reimplemented from SemanticsObject.
Definition at line 20 of file TextInputSemanticsObject.mm.
implementation |
Definition at line 20 of file TextInputSemanticsObject.mm.
implementation |
Definition at line 20 of file TextInputSemanticsObject.mm.
implementation |
Definition at line 20 of file TextInputSemanticsObject.mm.
implementation |
Definition at line 20 of file TextInputSemanticsObject.mm.
implementation |
Definition at line 20 of file TextInputSemanticsObject.mm.
implementation |
Definition at line 20 of file TextInputSemanticsObject.mm.
implementation |
Definition at line 20 of file TextInputSemanticsObject.mm.
implementation |
Definition at line 20 of file TextInputSemanticsObject.mm.
implementation |
Definition at line 20 of file TextInputSemanticsObject.mm.
implementation |
Definition at line 20 of file TextInputSemanticsObject.mm.
implementation |
Definition at line 20 of file TextInputSemanticsObject.mm.
implementation |
Definition at line 20 of file TextInputSemanticsObject.mm.
implementation |
Definition at line 20 of file TextInputSemanticsObject.mm.
implementation |
Definition at line 20 of file TextInputSemanticsObject.mm.
implementation |
Definition at line 20 of file TextInputSemanticsObject.mm.
implementation |
Definition at line 20 of file TextInputSemanticsObject.mm.
implementation |
Definition at line 20 of file TextInputSemanticsObject.mm.
implementation |
Updates this semantics object using data from the node
Reimplemented from SemanticsObject.
Definition at line 20 of file TextInputSemanticsObject.mm.
implementation |
Definition at line 20 of file TextInputSemanticsObject.mm.
implementation |
The UITextInput whose accessibility properties we present to UIKit as substitutes for Flutter's text field properties.
When the field is currently focused (i.e. it is being edited), we use the FlutterTextInputView used by FlutterTextInputPlugin. Otherwise, we use an FlutterInactiveTextInput.
Definition at line 20 of file TextInputSemanticsObject.mm.
implementation |
Definition at line 20 of file TextInputSemanticsObject.mm.
implementation |
Definition at line 20 of file TextInputSemanticsObject.mm.
implementation |
Definition at line 20 of file TextInputSemanticsObject.mm.
implementation |
Definition at line 20 of file TextInputSemanticsObject.mm.
implementation |
Definition at line 20 of file TextInputSemanticsObject.mm.