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Flutter Engine
The Flutter Engine
Instance Methods | |
(BOOL) | - prefersStatusBarHidden [implementation] |
Whether the status bar is preferred hidden. More... | |
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(instancetype) | - initWithEngine:nibName:bundle: |
(instancetype) | - initWithProject:nibName:bundle: |
(instancetype) | - initWithProject:initialRoute:nibName:bundle: |
(instancetype) | - initWithCoder: |
(void) | - setFlutterViewDidRenderCallback: |
(NSString *) | - lookupKeyForAsset: |
(NSString *) | - lookupKeyForAsset:fromPackage: |
(void) | - setInitialRoute: |
(void) | - popRoute |
(void) | - pushRoute: |
(id< FlutterPluginRegistry >) | - pluginRegistry |
(BOOL) | - loadDefaultSplashScreenView |
(nonnull instancetype) | - initWithProject: |
(nonnull instancetype) | - initWithNibName:bundle: |
(nonnull instancetype) | - initWithCoder: |
(nonnull instancetype) | - initWithEngine:nibName:bundle: |
(BOOL) | - attached |
(void) | - onPreEngineRestart |
(nonnull NSString *) | - lookupKeyForAsset: |
(nonnull NSString *) | - lookupKeyForAsset:fromPackage: |
(instancetype) | - initWithProject:nibName:bundle: [implementation] |
(instancetype) | - initWithProject:initialRoute:nibName:bundle: [implementation] |
(instancetype) | - initWithNibName:bundle: [implementation] |
(void) | - awakeFromNib [implementation] |
(instancetype) | - init [implementation] |
(void) | - sharedSetupWithProject:initialRoute: [implementation] |
(BOOL) | - isViewOpaque [implementation] |
(void) | - setViewOpaque: [implementation] |
(void) | - performCommonViewControllerInitialization [implementation] |
(fml::WeakNSObject< FlutterViewController >) | - getWeakNSObject [implementation] |
(void) | - setUpNotificationCenterObservers [implementation] |
(void) | - setUpSceneLifecycleNotifications: [implementation] |
(void) | - setUpApplicationLifecycleNotifications: [implementation] |
(void) | - setInitialRoute: [implementation] |
(void) | - loadView [implementation] |
(flutter::PointerData) | - generatePointerDataForFake [implementation] |
(BOOL) | - scrollViewShouldScrollToTop: [implementation] |
(void) | - installSplashScreenViewIfNecessary [implementation] |
(void) | - setDisplayingFlutterUI: [implementation] |
(void) | - callViewRenderedCallback [implementation] |
(void) | - removeSplashScreenView: [implementation] |
(void) | - installFirstFrameCallback [implementation] |
(UIView *) | - keyboardAnimationView [implementation] |
(SpringAnimation *) | - keyboardSpringAnimation [implementation] |
(UIView *) | - splashScreenFromStoryboard: [implementation] |
(UIView *) | - splashScreenFromXib: [implementation] |
(void) | - setSplashScreenView: [implementation] |
(void) | - surfaceUpdated: [implementation] |
(void) | - viewDidLoad [implementation] |
(void) | - addInternalPlugins [implementation] |
(void) | - removeInternalPlugins [implementation] |
(void) | - viewWillAppear: [implementation] |
(void) | - viewDidAppear: [implementation] |
(void) | - viewWillDisappear: [implementation] |
(void) | - viewDidDisappear: [implementation] |
(void) | - viewWillTransitionToSize:withTransitionCoordinator: [implementation] |
(void) | - flushOngoingTouches [implementation] |
(void) | - deregisterNotifications [implementation] |
(void) | - dealloc [implementation] |
(void) | - applicationBecameActive: [implementation] |
(void) | - applicationWillResignActive: [implementation] |
(void) | - applicationWillTerminate: [implementation] |
(void) | - applicationDidEnterBackground: [implementation] |
(void) | - applicationWillEnterForeground: [implementation] |
(void) | - sceneBecameActive: [implementation] |
(void) | - sceneWillResignActive: [implementation] |
(void) | - sceneWillDisconnect: [implementation] |
(void) | - sceneDidEnterBackground: [implementation] |
(void) | - sceneWillEnterForeground: [implementation] |
(void) | - appOrSceneBecameActive [implementation] |
(void) | - appOrSceneWillResignActive [implementation] |
(void) | - appOrSceneWillTerminate [implementation] |
(void) | - appOrSceneDidEnterBackground [implementation] |
(void) | - appOrSceneWillEnterForeground [implementation] |
(void) | - goToApplicationLifecycle: [implementation] |
(void) | - dispatchTouches:pointerDataChangeOverride:event: [implementation] |
(void) | - touchesBegan:withEvent: [implementation] |
(void) | - touchesMoved:withEvent: [implementation] |
(void) | - touchesEnded:withEvent: [implementation] |
(void) | - touchesCancelled:withEvent: [implementation] |
(void) | - forceTouchesCancelled: [implementation] |
(void) | - createTouchRateCorrectionVSyncClientIfNeeded [implementation] |
(void) | - triggerTouchRateCorrectionIfNeeded: [implementation] |
(void) | - invalidateTouchRateCorrectionVSyncClient [implementation] |
(void) | - updateViewportMetricsIfNeeded [implementation] |
(void) | - viewDidLayoutSubviews [implementation] |
(void) | - viewSafeAreaInsetsDidChange [implementation] |
(void) | - setViewportMetricsSize [implementation] |
(void) | - setViewportMetricsPaddings [implementation] |
(void) | - keyboardWillShowNotification: [implementation] |
(void) | - keyboardWillChangeFrame: [implementation] |
(void) | - keyboardWillBeHidden: [implementation] |
(void) | - handleKeyboardNotification: [implementation] |
(BOOL) | - shouldIgnoreKeyboardNotification: [implementation] |
(BOOL) | - isKeyboardNotificationForDifferentView: [implementation] |
(FlutterKeyboardMode) | - calculateKeyboardAttachMode: [implementation] |
(CGFloat) | - calculateMultitaskingAdjustment:keyboardFrame: [implementation] |
(CGFloat) | - calculateKeyboardInset:keyboardMode: [implementation] |
(void) | - startKeyBoardAnimation: [implementation] |
(void) | - setUpKeyboardSpringAnimationIfNeeded: [implementation] |
(void) | - setUpKeyboardAnimationVsyncClient: [implementation] |
(void) | - invalidateKeyboardAnimationVSyncClient [implementation] |
(void) | - removeKeyboardAnimationView [implementation] |
(void) | - ensureViewportMetricsIsCorrect [implementation] |
(void) | - handlePressEvent:nextAction: [implementation] |
(void) | - pressesBegan:withEvent: [implementation] |
(void) | - pressesChanged:withEvent: [implementation] |
(void) | - pressesEnded:withEvent: [implementation] |
(void) | - pressesCancelled:withEvent: [implementation] |
(void) | - onOrientationPreferencesUpdated: [implementation] |
(void) | - requestGeometryUpdateForWindowScenes: [implementation] |
(void) | - performOrientationUpdate: [implementation] |
(void) | - onHideHomeIndicatorNotification: [implementation] |
(void) | - onShowHomeIndicatorNotification: [implementation] |
(void) | - setIsHomeIndicatorHidden: [implementation] |
(BOOL) | - prefersHomeIndicatorAutoHidden [implementation] |
(BOOL) | - shouldAutorotate [implementation] |
(NSUInteger) | - supportedInterfaceOrientations [implementation] |
(void) | - onAccessibilityStatusChanged: [implementation] |
(int32_t) | - accessibilityFlags [implementation] |
(BOOL) | - accessibilityPerformEscape [implementation] |
(void) | - traitCollectionDidChange: [implementation] |
(void) | - onUserSettingsChanged: [implementation] |
(CGFloat) | - textScaleFactor [implementation] |
(BOOL) | - supportsShowingSystemContextMenu [implementation] |
(BOOL) | - isAlwaysUse24HourFormat [implementation] |
(NSString *) | - brightnessMode [implementation] |
(NSString *) | - contrastMode [implementation] |
(UIStatusBarStyle) | - preferredStatusBarStyle [implementation] |
(void) | - onPreferredStatusBarStyleUpdated: [implementation] |
(void) | - setPrefersStatusBarHidden: [implementation] |
(BOOL) | - prefersStatusBarHidden [implementation] |
Whether the status bar is preferred hidden. More... | |
(std::shared_ptr< flutter::FlutterPlatformViewsController > &) | - platformViewsController [implementation] |
(void) | - sendOnChannel:message: [implementation] |
(void) | - sendOnChannel:message:binaryReply: [implementation] |
(NSObject< FlutterTaskQueue > *) | - makeBackgroundTaskQueue [implementation] |
TODO(gaaclarke): Remove optional when macos supports Background Platform Channels. More... | |
(FlutterBinaryMessengerConnection) | - setMessageHandlerOnChannel:binaryMessageHandler: [implementation] |
(FlutterBinaryMessengerConnection) | - setMessageHandlerOnChannel:binaryMessageHandler:taskQueue: [implementation] |
(void) | - cleanUpConnection: [implementation] |
(int64_t) | - registerTexture: [implementation] |
(void) | - unregisterTexture: [implementation] |
(void) | - textureFrameAvailable: [implementation] |
(NSObject< FlutterPluginRegistrar > *) | - registrarForPlugin: [implementation] |
(BOOL) | - hasPlugin: [implementation] |
(NSObject *) | - valuePublishedByPlugin: [implementation] |
(void) | - presentViewController:animated:completion: [implementation] |
(BOOL) | - isPresentingViewController [implementation] |
() | - ios [implementation] |
(BOOL) | - gestureRecognizer:shouldRecognizeSimultaneouslyWithGestureRecognizer: [implementation] |
(BOOL) | - gestureRecognizer:shouldReceiveEvent: [implementation] |
(void) | - hoverEvent: [implementation] |
(void) | - discreteScrollEvent: [implementation] |
(void) | - continuousScrollEvent: [implementation] |
(void) | - pinchEvent: [implementation] |
(void) | - encodeRestorableStateWithCoder: [implementation] |
(void) | - decodeRestorableStateWithCoder: [implementation] |
(FlutterRestorationPlugin *) | - restorationPlugin [implementation] |
(BOOL) | - isDispatchingKeyEvent: [implementation] |
(void) | - viewWillAppear [implementation] |
(void) | - viewWillDisappear [implementation] |
(void) | - setMouseTrackingMode: [implementation] |
(void) | - setBackgroundColor: [implementation] |
(void) | - notifySemanticsEnabledChanged [implementation] |
(std::weak_ptr< flutter::AccessibilityBridgeMac >) | - accessibilityBridge [implementation] |
(void) | - setUpWithEngine:viewIdentifier:threadSynchronizer: [implementation] |
(void) | - detachFromEngine [implementation] |
(void) | - updateSemantics: [implementation] |
(BOOL) | - launchEngine [implementation] |
(void) | - listenForMetaModifiedKeyUpEvents [implementation] |
(void) | - configureTrackingArea [implementation] |
(void) | - initializeKeyboard [implementation] |
(void) | - dispatchMouseEvent: [implementation] |
(void) | - dispatchGestureEvent: [implementation] |
(void) | - dispatchMouseEvent:phase: [implementation] |
(void) | - onAccessibilityStatusChanged: [implementation] |
(std::shared_ptr< flutter::AccessibilityBridgeMac >) | - createAccessibilityBridgeWithEngine: [implementation] |
(nonnull FlutterView *) | - createFlutterViewWithMTLDevice:commandQueue: [implementation] |
(void) | - onKeyboardLayoutChanged [implementation] |
(void) | - viewDidReshape: [implementation] |
(BOOL) | - viewShouldAcceptFirstResponder: [implementation] |
(void) | - sendKeyEvent:callback:userData: [implementation] |
(id< FlutterBinaryMessenger >) | - getBinaryMessenger [implementation] |
(BOOL) | - onTextInputKeyEvent: [implementation] |
(void) | - subscribeToKeyboardLayoutChange: [implementation] |
(LayoutClue) | - lookUpLayoutForKeyCode:shift: [implementation] |
(nonnull NSDictionary *) | - getPressedState [implementation] |
(BOOL) | - acceptsFirstResponder [implementation] |
(void) | - keyDown: [implementation] |
(void) | - keyUp: [implementation] |
(void) | - flagsChanged: [implementation] |
(void) | - mouseEntered: [implementation] |
(void) | - mouseExited: [implementation] |
(void) | - mouseDown: [implementation] |
(void) | - mouseUp: [implementation] |
(void) | - mouseDragged: [implementation] |
(void) | - rightMouseDown: [implementation] |
(void) | - rightMouseUp: [implementation] |
(void) | - rightMouseDragged: [implementation] |
(void) | - otherMouseDown: [implementation] |
(void) | - otherMouseUp: [implementation] |
(void) | - otherMouseDragged: [implementation] |
(void) | - mouseMoved: [implementation] |
(void) | - scrollWheel: [implementation] |
(void) | - magnifyWithEvent: [implementation] |
(void) | - rotateWithEvent: [implementation] |
(void) | - swipeWithEvent: [implementation] |
(void) | - touchesBeganWithEvent: [implementation] |
(UIHoverGestureRecognizer *hoverGestureRecognizer) | - API_AVAILABLE [implementation] |
(UIPanGestureRecognizer *discreteScrollingPanGestureRecognizer) | - API_AVAILABLE [implementation] |
(UIPanGestureRecognizer *continuousScrollingPanGestureRecognizer) | - API_AVAILABLE [implementation] |
(UIPinchGestureRecognizer *pinchGestureRecognizer) | - API_AVAILABLE [implementation] |
(UIRotationGestureRecognizer *rotationGestureRecognizer) | - API_AVAILABLE [implementation] |
(int64_t) | - registerTexture: |
(void) | - textureFrameAvailable: |
(void) | - unregisterTexture: |
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(nullable NSObject< FlutterPluginRegistrar > *) | - registrarForPlugin: |
(BOOL) | - hasPlugin: |
(nullable NSObject *) | - valuePublishedByPlugin: |
(nonnull id< FlutterPluginRegistrar >) | - registrarForPlugin: |
(nullable NSObject *) | - valuePublishedByPlugin: |
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(NSObject< FlutterTaskQueue > *) | - makeBackgroundTaskQueue |
TODO(gaaclarke): Remove optional when macos supports Background Platform Channels. More... | |
(FlutterBinaryMessengerConnection) | - setMessageHandlerOnChannel:binaryMessageHandler:taskQueue: |
(void) | - sendOnChannel:message: |
(void) | - sendOnChannel:message:binaryReply: |
(FlutterBinaryMessengerConnection) | - setMessageHandlerOnChannel:binaryMessageHandler: |
(void) | - cleanUpConnection: |
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(void) | - touchesBegan:withEvent: |
(void) | - touchesMoved:withEvent: |
(void) | - touchesEnded:withEvent: |
(void) | - touchesCancelled:withEvent: |
(void) | - touchesEstimatedPropertiesUpdated: |
(void) | - forceTouchesCancelled: |
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(void) | - sendKeyEvent:callback:userData: |
(nonnull id< FlutterBinaryMessenger >) | - getBinaryMessenger |
(BOOL) | - onTextInputKeyEvent: |
(void) | - subscribeToKeyboardLayoutChange: |
(flutter::LayoutClue) | - lookUpLayoutForKeyCode:shift: |
(nonnull NSDictionary *) | - getPressedState |
Definition at line 26 of file AppDelegate.m.
implementation |
Whether the status bar is preferred hidden.
This overrides the |UIViewController:prefersStatusBarHidden|. This is ignored when `UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance` in info.plist of the app project is `false`.
Reimplemented from FlutterViewController.
Definition at line 1 of file AppDelegate.m.