Flutter Engine
The Flutter Engine
Go to the documentation of this file.
1package io.flutter.embedding.android;
3import static android.content.ComponentCallbacks2.*;
4import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
5import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
6import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
7import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
8import static org.junit.Assert.assertThrows;
9import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
10import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.any;
11import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.eq;
12import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.isNotNull;
13import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.isNull;
14import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
15import static org.mockito.Mockito.never;
16import static org.mockito.Mockito.times;
17import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;
18import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
20import android.app.Activity;
21import android.content.Context;
22import android.content.Intent;
23import android.net.Uri;
24import android.view.View;
25import android.window.BackEvent;
26import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
27import androidx.lifecycle.Lifecycle;
28import androidx.test.core.app.ApplicationProvider;
29import androidx.test.ext.junit.runners.AndroidJUnit4;
30import io.flutter.FlutterInjector;
31import io.flutter.embedding.android.FlutterActivityAndFragmentDelegate.Host;
32import io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine;
33import io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngineCache;
34import io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngineGroup;
35import io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngineGroupCache;
36import io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterShellArgs;
37import io.flutter.embedding.engine.dart.DartExecutor;
38import io.flutter.embedding.engine.loader.FlutterLoader;
39import io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.activity.ActivityControlSurface;
40import io.flutter.embedding.engine.renderer.FlutterRenderer;
41import io.flutter.embedding.engine.renderer.FlutterUiDisplayListener;
42import io.flutter.embedding.engine.systemchannels.AccessibilityChannel;
43import io.flutter.embedding.engine.systemchannels.BackGestureChannel;
44import io.flutter.embedding.engine.systemchannels.LifecycleChannel;
45import io.flutter.embedding.engine.systemchannels.LocalizationChannel;
46import io.flutter.embedding.engine.systemchannels.MouseCursorChannel;
47import io.flutter.embedding.engine.systemchannels.NavigationChannel;
48import io.flutter.embedding.engine.systemchannels.SettingsChannel;
49import io.flutter.embedding.engine.systemchannels.SystemChannel;
50import io.flutter.embedding.engine.systemchannels.TextInputChannel;
51import io.flutter.plugin.localization.LocalizationPlugin;
52import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewsController;
53import java.util.ArrayList;
54import java.util.Arrays;
55import java.util.List;
56import org.junit.Before;
57import org.junit.Test;
58import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
59import org.mockito.ArgumentCaptor;
60import org.robolectric.Robolectric;
61import org.robolectric.android.controller.ActivityController;
62import org.robolectric.annotation.Config;
64@Config(manifest = Config.NONE)
67 private final Context ctx = ApplicationProvider.getApplicationContext();
68 private FlutterEngine mockFlutterEngine;
69 private FlutterActivityAndFragmentDelegate.Host mockHost;
70 private FlutterActivityAndFragmentDelegate.Host mockHost2;
72 @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
73 // Robolectric.setupActivity
74 // TODO(reidbaker): https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/133151
75 @Before
76 public void setup() {
78 // Create a mocked FlutterEngine for the various interactions required by the delegate
79 // being tested.
80 mockFlutterEngine = mockFlutterEngine();
82 // Create a mocked Host, which is required by the delegate being tested.
83 mockHost = mock(FlutterActivityAndFragmentDelegate.Host.class);
84 when(mockHost.getContext()).thenReturn(ctx);
85 when(mockHost.getActivity()).thenReturn(Robolectric.setupActivity(Activity.class));
86 when(mockHost.getLifecycle()).thenReturn(mock(Lifecycle.class));
87 when(mockHost.getFlutterShellArgs()).thenReturn(new FlutterShellArgs(new String[] {}));
88 when(mockHost.getDartEntrypointFunctionName()).thenReturn("main");
89 when(mockHost.getDartEntrypointArgs()).thenReturn(null);
90 when(mockHost.getAppBundlePath()).thenReturn("/fake/path");
91 when(mockHost.getInitialRoute()).thenReturn("/");
92 when(mockHost.getRenderMode()).thenReturn(RenderMode.surface);
93 when(mockHost.getTransparencyMode()).thenReturn(TransparencyMode.transparent);
94 when(mockHost.provideFlutterEngine(any(Context.class))).thenReturn(mockFlutterEngine);
95 when(mockHost.shouldAttachEngineToActivity()).thenReturn(true);
96 when(mockHost.shouldHandleDeeplinking()).thenReturn(false);
97 when(mockHost.shouldDestroyEngineWithHost()).thenReturn(true);
98 when(mockHost.shouldDispatchAppLifecycleState()).thenReturn(true);
99 when(mockHost.attachToEngineAutomatically()).thenReturn(true);
101 mockHost2 = mock(FlutterActivityAndFragmentDelegate.Host.class);
102 when(mockHost2.getContext()).thenReturn(ctx);
103 when(mockHost2.getActivity()).thenReturn(Robolectric.setupActivity(Activity.class));
104 when(mockHost2.getLifecycle()).thenReturn(mock(Lifecycle.class));
105 when(mockHost2.getFlutterShellArgs()).thenReturn(new FlutterShellArgs(new String[] {}));
106 when(mockHost2.getDartEntrypointFunctionName()).thenReturn("main");
107 when(mockHost2.getDartEntrypointArgs()).thenReturn(null);
108 when(mockHost2.getAppBundlePath()).thenReturn("/fake/path");
109 when(mockHost2.getInitialRoute()).thenReturn("/");
110 when(mockHost2.getRenderMode()).thenReturn(RenderMode.surface);
111 when(mockHost2.getTransparencyMode()).thenReturn(TransparencyMode.transparent);
112 when(mockHost2.provideFlutterEngine(any(Context.class))).thenReturn(mockFlutterEngine);
113 when(mockHost2.shouldAttachEngineToActivity()).thenReturn(true);
114 when(mockHost2.shouldHandleDeeplinking()).thenReturn(false);
115 when(mockHost2.shouldDestroyEngineWithHost()).thenReturn(true);
116 when(mockHost2.shouldDispatchAppLifecycleState()).thenReturn(true);
117 when(mockHost2.attachToEngineAutomatically()).thenReturn(true);
118 }
120 @Test
122 // ---- Test setup ----
123 // Create the real object that we're testing.
126 // We're testing lifecycle behaviors, which require/expect that certain methods have already
127 // been executed by the time they run. Therefore, we run those expected methods first.
128 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
129 delegate.onCreateView(null, null, null, 0, true);
131 // --- Execute the behavior under test ---
132 // By the time an Activity/Fragment is started, we don't expect any lifecycle messages
133 // to have been sent to Flutter.
134 delegate.onStart();
135 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), never()).aWindowIsFocused();
136 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), never()).noWindowsAreFocused();
137 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), never()).appIsResumed();
138 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), never()).appIsInactive();
139 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), never()).appIsPaused();
140 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), never()).appIsDetached();
142 // When the Activity/Fragment is resumed, a resumed message should have been sent to Flutter.
143 delegate.onResume();
144 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), never()).aWindowIsFocused();
145 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), never()).noWindowsAreFocused();
146 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), times(1)).appIsResumed();
147 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), never()).appIsInactive();
148 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), never()).appIsPaused();
149 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), never()).appIsDetached();
151 // When the app loses focus because something else has it (e.g. notification
152 // windowshade or app switcher), it should go to inactive.
153 delegate.onWindowFocusChanged(false);
154 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), never()).aWindowIsFocused();
155 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), times(1)).noWindowsAreFocused();
156 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), times(1)).appIsResumed();
157 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), never()).appIsInactive();
158 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), never()).appIsPaused();
159 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), never()).appIsDetached();
161 // When the app regains focus, it should go to resumed again.
162 delegate.onWindowFocusChanged(true);
163 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), times(1)).aWindowIsFocused();
164 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), times(1)).noWindowsAreFocused();
165 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), times(1)).appIsResumed();
166 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), never()).appIsInactive();
167 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), never()).appIsPaused();
168 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), never()).appIsDetached();
170 // When the Activity/Fragment is paused, an inactive message should have been sent to Flutter.
171 delegate.onPause();
172 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), times(1)).aWindowIsFocused();
173 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), times(1)).noWindowsAreFocused();
174 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), times(1)).appIsResumed();
175 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), times(1)).appIsInactive();
176 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), never()).appIsPaused();
177 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), never()).appIsDetached();
179 // When the Activity/Fragment is stopped, a paused message should have been sent to Flutter.
180 // Notice that Flutter uses the term "paused" in a different way, and at a different time
181 // than the Android OS.
182 delegate.onStop();
183 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), times(1)).aWindowIsFocused();
184 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), times(1)).noWindowsAreFocused();
185 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), times(1)).appIsResumed();
186 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), times(1)).appIsInactive();
187 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), times(1)).appIsPaused();
188 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), never()).appIsDetached();
190 // When activity detaches, a detached message should have been sent to Flutter.
191 delegate.onDetach();
192 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), times(1)).aWindowIsFocused();
193 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), times(1)).noWindowsAreFocused();
194 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), times(1)).appIsResumed();
195 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), times(1)).appIsInactive();
196 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), times(1)).appIsPaused();
197 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), times(1)).appIsDetached();
198 }
200 @Test
202 // ---- Test setup ----
203 // Create the real object that we're testing.
206 when(mockHost.shouldDispatchAppLifecycleState()).thenReturn(false);
208 // We're testing lifecycle behaviors, which require/expect that certain methods have already
209 // been executed by the time they run. Therefore, we run those expected methods first.
210 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
211 delegate.onCreateView(null, null, null, 0, true);
212 delegate.onStart();
213 delegate.onResume();
214 delegate.onWindowFocusChanged(false);
215 delegate.onWindowFocusChanged(true);
216 delegate.onPause();
217 delegate.onStop();
218 delegate.onDetach();
220 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), never()).aWindowIsFocused();
221 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), never()).noWindowsAreFocused();
222 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), never()).appIsResumed();
223 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), never()).appIsPaused();
224 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), never()).appIsInactive();
225 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), never()).appIsDetached();
226 }
228 @Test
230 // ---- Test setup ----
231 // Create the real object that we're testing.
234 // --- Execute the behavior under test ---
235 // The FlutterEngine is created in onAttach().
236 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
238 // Verify that the host was asked to provide a FlutterEngine.
239 verify(mockHost, times(1)).provideFlutterEngine(any(Context.class));
241 // Verify that the delegate's FlutterEngine is our mock FlutterEngine.
242 assertEquals(
243 "The delegate failed to use the host's FlutterEngine.",
244 mockFlutterEngine,
245 delegate.getFlutterEngine());
246 }
248 @Test
250 // ---- Test setup ----
251 // Place a FlutterEngine in the static cache.
252 FlutterEngine cachedEngine = mockFlutterEngine();
253 FlutterEngineCache.getInstance().put("my_flutter_engine", cachedEngine);
255 // Adjust fake host to request cached engine.
256 when(mockHost.getCachedEngineId()).thenReturn("my_flutter_engine");
258 // Create the real object that we're testing.
261 // --- Execute the behavior under test ---
262 // The FlutterEngine is obtained in onAttach().
263 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
264 delegate.onCreateView(null, null, null, 0, true);
265 delegate.onStart();
266 delegate.onResume();
268 // --- Verify that the cached engine was used ---
269 // Verify that the non-cached engine was not used.
270 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getDartExecutor(), never())
271 .executeDartEntrypoint(any(DartExecutor.DartEntrypoint.class));
273 // We should never instruct a cached engine to execute Dart code - it should already be
274 // executing it.
275 verify(cachedEngine.getDartExecutor(), never())
276 .executeDartEntrypoint(any(DartExecutor.DartEntrypoint.class));
278 // If the cached engine is being used, it should have sent a resumed lifecycle event.
279 verify(cachedEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), times(1)).appIsResumed();
280 }
282 @Test(expected = IllegalStateException.class)
283 public void itThrowsExceptionIfCachedEngineDoesNotExist() {
284 // ---- Test setup ----
285 // Adjust fake host to request cached engine that does not exist.
286 when(mockHost.getCachedEngineId()).thenReturn("my_flutter_engine");
288 // Create the real object that we're testing.
291 // --- Execute the behavior under test ---
292 // The FlutterEngine existence is verified in onAttach()
293 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
295 // Expect IllegalStateException.
296 }
298 // Bug: b/271100292
299 @Test
301 // ---- Test setup ----
302 FlutterLoader mockFlutterLoader = mock(FlutterLoader.class);
303 Activity mockActivity = mock(Activity.class);
304 Intent mockIntent = mock(Intent.class);
305 when(mockFlutterLoader.findAppBundlePath()).thenReturn("default_flutter_assets/path");
307 new FlutterInjector.Builder().setFlutterLoader(mockFlutterLoader).build());
308 FlutterEngineGroup flutterEngineGroup = mock(FlutterEngineGroup.class);
309 FlutterEngineGroupCache.getInstance().put("my_flutter_engine_group", flutterEngineGroup);
311 List<String> entryPointArgs = new ArrayList<>();
312 entryPointArgs.add("entrypoint-arg");
314 // Adjust fake host to request cached engine group.
315 when(mockHost.getInitialRoute()).thenReturn(null);
316 when(mockHost.getCachedEngineGroupId()).thenReturn("my_flutter_engine_group");
317 when(mockHost.provideFlutterEngine(any(Context.class))).thenReturn(null);
318 when(mockHost.shouldAttachEngineToActivity()).thenReturn(false);
319 when(mockHost.getDartEntrypointArgs()).thenReturn(entryPointArgs);
320 when(mockHost.shouldHandleDeeplinking()).thenReturn(true);
321 when(mockHost.getActivity()).thenReturn(mockActivity);
322 when(mockActivity.getIntent()).thenReturn(mockIntent);
323 when(mockIntent.getData()).thenReturn(Uri.parse("foo://example.com/initial_route"));
325 // Create the real object that we're testing.
328 // --- Execute the behavior under test ---
329 // The FlutterEngine is obtained in onAttach().
330 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
332 DartExecutor.DartEntrypoint entrypoint = new DartExecutor.DartEntrypoint("/fake/path", "main");
333 ArgumentCaptor<FlutterEngineGroup.Options> optionsCaptor =
334 ArgumentCaptor.forClass(FlutterEngineGroup.Options.class);
335 verify(flutterEngineGroup, times(1)).createAndRunEngine(optionsCaptor.capture());
336 assertEquals("foo://example.com/initial_route", optionsCaptor.getValue().getInitialRoute());
337 }
339 @Test
341 // ---- Test setup ----
342 FlutterLoader mockFlutterLoader = mock(FlutterLoader.class);
343 when(mockFlutterLoader.findAppBundlePath()).thenReturn("default_flutter_assets/path");
345 new FlutterInjector.Builder().setFlutterLoader(mockFlutterLoader).build());
346 FlutterEngineGroup flutterEngineGroup = mock(FlutterEngineGroup.class);
347 FlutterEngineGroupCache.getInstance().put("my_flutter_engine_group", flutterEngineGroup);
349 List<String> entryPointArgs = new ArrayList<>();
350 entryPointArgs.add("entrypoint-arg");
352 // Adjust fake host to request cached engine group.
353 when(mockHost.getCachedEngineGroupId()).thenReturn("my_flutter_engine_group");
354 when(mockHost.provideFlutterEngine(any(Context.class))).thenReturn(null);
355 when(mockHost.shouldAttachEngineToActivity()).thenReturn(false);
356 when(mockHost.getDartEntrypointArgs()).thenReturn(entryPointArgs);
358 // Create the real object that we're testing.
361 // --- Execute the behavior under test ---
362 // The FlutterEngine is obtained in onAttach().
363 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
365 // If the engine in FlutterEngineGroup is being used, it should have sent a resumed lifecycle
366 // event.
367 // Note: "/fake/path" and "main" come from `setUp()`.
368 DartExecutor.DartEntrypoint entrypoint = new DartExecutor.DartEntrypoint("/fake/path", "main");
369 ArgumentCaptor<FlutterEngineGroup.Options> optionsCaptor =
370 ArgumentCaptor.forClass(FlutterEngineGroup.Options.class);
371 verify(flutterEngineGroup, times(1)).createAndRunEngine(optionsCaptor.capture());
372 assertEquals(mockHost.getContext(), optionsCaptor.getValue().getContext());
373 assertEquals(entrypoint, optionsCaptor.getValue().getDartEntrypoint());
374 assertEquals(mockHost.getInitialRoute(), optionsCaptor.getValue().getInitialRoute());
375 assertNotNull(optionsCaptor.getValue().getDartEntrypointArgs());
376 assertEquals(1, optionsCaptor.getValue().getDartEntrypointArgs().size());
377 assertEquals("entrypoint-arg", optionsCaptor.getValue().getDartEntrypointArgs().get(0));
378 }
380 @Test(expected = IllegalStateException.class)
381 public void itThrowsExceptionIfNewEngineInGroupNotExist() {
382 // ---- Test setup ----
385 // Adjust fake host to request cached engine group that does not exist.
386 when(mockHost.getCachedEngineGroupId()).thenReturn("my_flutter_engine_group");
387 when(mockHost.getCachedEngineId()).thenReturn(null);
388 when(mockHost.provideFlutterEngine(any(Context.class))).thenReturn(null);
389 when(mockHost.shouldAttachEngineToActivity()).thenReturn(false);
391 // Create the real object that we're testing.
394 // --- Execute the behavior under test ---
395 // The FlutterEngine existence is verified in onAttach()
396 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
398 // Expect IllegalStateException.
399 }
401 @Test
403 // ---- Test setup ----
404 // Create the real object that we're testing.
407 // --- Execute the behavior under test ---
408 // The FlutterEngine is created in onAttach().
409 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
411 // Verify that the host was asked to configure our FlutterEngine.
412 verify(mockHost, times(1)).configureFlutterEngine(mockFlutterEngine);
413 }
415 @Test
417 // ---- Test setup ----
418 // Create the real object that we're testing.
421 // --- Execute the behavior under test ---
422 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
423 delegate.onCreateView(null, null, null, 0, true);
425 // Verify that the host was asked to configure a FlutterSurfaceView.
426 verify(mockHost, times(1)).onFlutterSurfaceViewCreated(isNotNull());
427 }
429 @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
430 // Robolectric.setupActivity
431 // TODO(reidbaker): https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/133151
432 @Test
434 // ---- Test setup ----
435 Host customMockHost = mock(Host.class);
436 when(customMockHost.getContext()).thenReturn(ctx);
437 when(customMockHost.getActivity()).thenReturn(Robolectric.setupActivity(Activity.class));
438 when(customMockHost.getLifecycle()).thenReturn(mock(Lifecycle.class));
439 when(customMockHost.getFlutterShellArgs()).thenReturn(new FlutterShellArgs(new String[] {}));
440 when(customMockHost.getDartEntrypointFunctionName()).thenReturn("main");
441 when(customMockHost.getAppBundlePath()).thenReturn("/fake/path");
442 when(customMockHost.getInitialRoute()).thenReturn("/");
443 when(customMockHost.getRenderMode()).thenReturn(RenderMode.texture);
444 when(customMockHost.getTransparencyMode()).thenReturn(TransparencyMode.transparent);
445 when(customMockHost.provideFlutterEngine(any(Context.class))).thenReturn(mockFlutterEngine);
446 when(customMockHost.shouldAttachEngineToActivity()).thenReturn(true);
447 when(customMockHost.shouldDestroyEngineWithHost()).thenReturn(true);
449 // Create the real object that we're testing.
451 new FlutterActivityAndFragmentDelegate(customMockHost);
453 // --- Execute the behavior under test ---
454 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
455 delegate.onCreateView(null, null, null, 0, false);
457 // Verify that the host was asked to configure a FlutterTextureView.
458 verify(customMockHost, times(1)).onFlutterTextureViewCreated(isNotNull());
459 }
461 @Test
463 // ---- Test setup ----
464 // Create the real object that we're testing.
467 // --- Execute the behavior under test ---
468 // The FlutterEngine is created in onAttach().
469 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
470 delegate.onDetach();
472 // Verify that the host was asked to configure our FlutterEngine.
473 verify(mockHost, times(1)).cleanUpFlutterEngine(mockFlutterEngine);
474 }
476 @Test
478 // ---- Test setup ----
479 // Set initial route on our fake Host.
480 when(mockHost.getInitialRoute()).thenReturn("/my/route");
482 // Create the real object that we're testing.
485 // --- Execute the behavior under test ---
486 // The initial route is sent in onStart().
487 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
488 delegate.onCreateView(null, null, null, 0, true);
489 delegate.onStart();
491 // Verify that the navigation channel was given our initial route.
492 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getNavigationChannel(), times(1)).setInitialRoute("/my/route");
493 }
495 @Test
497 // ---- Test setup ----
498 // Set Dart entrypoint parameters on fake host.
499 when(mockHost.getAppBundlePath()).thenReturn("/my/bundle/path");
500 when(mockHost.getDartEntrypointFunctionName()).thenReturn("myEntrypoint");
502 // Create the DartEntrypoint that we expect to be executed.
503 DartExecutor.DartEntrypoint dartEntrypoint =
504 new DartExecutor.DartEntrypoint("/my/bundle/path", "myEntrypoint");
506 // Create the real object that we're testing.
509 // --- Execute the behavior under test ---
510 // Dart is executed in onStart().
511 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
512 delegate.onCreateView(null, null, null, 0, true);
513 delegate.onStart();
515 // Verify that the host's Dart entrypoint was used.
516 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getDartExecutor(), times(1))
517 .executeDartEntrypoint(eq(dartEntrypoint), isNull());
518 }
520 @Test
522 // ---- Test setup ----
523 // Set Dart entrypoint parameters on fake host.
524 when(mockHost.getAppBundlePath()).thenReturn("/my/bundle/path");
525 when(mockHost.getDartEntrypointFunctionName()).thenReturn("myEntrypoint");
526 List<String> dartEntrypointArgs = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("foo", "bar"));
527 when(mockHost.getDartEntrypointArgs()).thenReturn(dartEntrypointArgs);
529 // Create the DartEntrypoint that we expect to be executed
530 DartExecutor.DartEntrypoint dartEntrypoint =
531 new DartExecutor.DartEntrypoint("/my/bundle/path", "myEntrypoint");
533 // Create the real object that we're testing.
536 // --- Execute the behavior under test ---
537 // Dart is executed in onStart().
538 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
539 delegate.onCreateView(null, null, null, 0, true);
540 delegate.onStart();
542 // Verify that the host's Dart entrypoint was used.
543 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getDartExecutor(), times(1))
544 .executeDartEntrypoint(any(DartExecutor.DartEntrypoint.class), eq(dartEntrypointArgs));
545 }
547 @Test
549 when(mockHost.getAppBundlePath()).thenReturn("/my/bundle/path");
550 when(mockHost.getDartEntrypointFunctionName()).thenReturn("myEntrypoint");
551 when(mockHost.getDartEntrypointLibraryUri()).thenReturn("package:foo/bar.dart");
553 DartExecutor.DartEntrypoint expectedEntrypoint =
554 new DartExecutor.DartEntrypoint("/my/bundle/path", "package:foo/bar.dart", "myEntrypoint");
558 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
559 delegate.onCreateView(null, null, null, 0, true);
560 delegate.onStart();
562 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getDartExecutor(), times(1))
563 .executeDartEntrypoint(eq(expectedEntrypoint), isNull());
564 }
566 @Test
568 // ---- Test setup ----
569 FlutterLoader mockFlutterLoader = mock(FlutterLoader.class);
570 when(mockFlutterLoader.findAppBundlePath()).thenReturn("default_flutter_assets/path");
572 new FlutterInjector.Builder().setFlutterLoader(mockFlutterLoader).build());
574 // Set Dart entrypoint parameters on fake host.
575 when(mockHost.getAppBundlePath()).thenReturn(null);
576 when(mockHost.getDartEntrypointFunctionName()).thenReturn("myEntrypoint");
578 // Create the DartEntrypoint that we expect to be executed.
579 DartExecutor.DartEntrypoint dartEntrypoint =
580 new DartExecutor.DartEntrypoint("default_flutter_assets/path", "myEntrypoint");
582 // Create the real object that we're testing.
585 // --- Execute the behavior under test ---
586 // Dart is executed in onStart().
587 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
588 delegate.onCreateView(null, null, null, 0, true);
589 delegate.onStart();
591 // Verify that the host's Dart entrypoint was used.
592 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getDartExecutor(), times(1))
593 .executeDartEntrypoint(eq(dartEntrypoint), isNull());
594 }
596 // "Attaching" to the surrounding Activity refers to Flutter being able to control
597 // system chrome and other Activity-level details. If Flutter is not attached to the
598 // surrounding Activity, it cannot control those details. This includes plugins.
599 @Test
601 // ---- Test setup ----
602 // Declare that the host wants Flutter to attach to the surrounding Activity.
603 when(mockHost.shouldAttachEngineToActivity()).thenReturn(true);
605 // Create the real object that we're testing.
608 // --- Execute the behavior under test ---
609 // Flutter is attached to the surrounding Activity in onAttach.
610 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
612 // Verify that the ActivityControlSurface was told to attach to an Activity.
613 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getActivityControlSurface(), times(1))
614 .attachToActivity(any(ExclusiveAppComponent.class), any(Lifecycle.class));
616 // Flutter is detached from the surrounding Activity in onDetach.
617 delegate.onDetach();
619 // Verify that the ActivityControlSurface was told to detach from the Activity.
620 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getActivityControlSurface(), times(1)).detachFromActivity();
621 }
623 // "Attaching" to the surrounding Activity refers to Flutter being able to control
624 // system chrome and other Activity-level details. If Flutter is not attached to the
625 // surrounding Activity, it cannot control those details. This includes plugins.
626 @Test
628 // ---- Test setup ----
629 // Declare that the host does NOT want Flutter to attach to the surrounding Activity.
630 when(mockHost.shouldAttachEngineToActivity()).thenReturn(false);
632 // getActivity() returns null if the activity is not attached
633 when(mockHost.getActivity()).thenReturn(null);
635 // Create the real object that we're testing.
638 // --- Execute the behavior under test ---
639 // Flutter is attached to the surrounding Activity in onAttach.
640 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
642 // Make sure all of the other lifecycle methods can run safely as well
643 // without a valid Activity
644 delegate.onCreateView(null, null, null, 0, true);
645 delegate.onStart();
646 delegate.onResume();
647 delegate.onPause();
648 delegate.onStop();
649 delegate.onDestroyView();
651 // Flutter is detached from the surrounding Activity in onDetach.
652 delegate.onDetach();
654 // Verify that the ActivityControlSurface was NOT told to attach or detach to an Activity.
655 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getActivityControlSurface(), never())
656 .attachToActivity(any(ExclusiveAppComponent.class), any(Lifecycle.class));
657 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getActivityControlSurface(), never()).detachFromActivity();
658 }
660 @Test
662 // Create the real object that we're testing.
665 // --- Execute the behavior under test ---
666 // The FlutterEngine is set up in onAttach().
667 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
669 // Emulate the host and inform our delegate that the back button was pressed.
670 delegate.onBackPressed();
672 // Verify that the navigation channel tried to send a message to Flutter.
673 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getNavigationChannel(), times(1)).popRoute();
674 }
676 @Test
678 // Create the real object that we're testing.
681 // --- Execute the behavior under test ---
682 // The FlutterEngine is set up in onAttach().
683 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
685 // Emulate the host and inform our delegate of the start back gesture with a mocked BackEvent
686 BackEvent backEvent = mock(BackEvent.class);
687 delegate.startBackGesture(backEvent);
689 // Verify that the back gesture tried to send a message to Flutter.
690 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getBackGestureChannel(), times(1)).startBackGesture(backEvent);
691 }
693 @Test
695 // Create the real object that we're testing.
698 // --- Execute the behavior under test ---
699 // The FlutterEngine is set up in onAttach().
700 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
702 // Emulate the host and inform our delegate of the back gesture progress with a mocked BackEvent
703 BackEvent backEvent = mock(BackEvent.class);
704 delegate.updateBackGestureProgress(backEvent);
706 // Verify that the back gesture tried to send a message to Flutter.
707 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getBackGestureChannel(), times(1))
708 .updateBackGestureProgress(backEvent);
709 }
711 @Test
713 // Create the real object that we're testing.
716 // --- Execute the behavior under test ---
717 // The FlutterEngine is set up in onAttach().
718 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
720 // Emulate the host and inform our delegate when the back gesture is committed
721 delegate.commitBackGesture();
723 // Verify that the back gesture tried to send a message to Flutter.
724 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getBackGestureChannel(), times(1)).commitBackGesture();
725 }
727 @Test
729 // Create the real object that we're testing.
732 // --- Execute the behavior under test ---
733 // The FlutterEngine is set up in onAttach().
734 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
736 // Emulate the host and inform our delegate of the back gesture cancellation
737 delegate.cancelBackGesture();
739 // Verify that the back gesture tried to send a message to Flutter.
740 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getBackGestureChannel(), times(1)).cancelBackGesture();
741 }
743 @Test
745 // Create the real object that we're testing.
748 // --- Execute the behavior under test ---
749 // The FlutterEngine is set up in onAttach().
750 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
752 // Emulate the host and call the method that we expect to be forwarded.
753 delegate.onRequestPermissionsResult(0, new String[] {}, new int[] {});
755 // Verify that the call was forwarded to the engine.
756 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getActivityControlSurface(), times(1))
757 .onRequestPermissionsResult(any(Integer.class), any(String[].class), any(int[].class));
758 }
760 @Test
761 public void
763 Intent intent = FlutterActivity.createDefaultIntent(ctx);
764 intent.setData(Uri.parse("http://myApp/custom/route?query=test"));
766 ActivityController<FlutterActivity> activityController =
767 Robolectric.buildActivity(FlutterActivity.class, intent);
768 FlutterActivity flutterActivity = activityController.get();
770 when(mockHost.getActivity()).thenReturn(flutterActivity);
771 when(mockHost.getInitialRoute()).thenReturn(null);
772 when(mockHost.shouldHandleDeeplinking()).thenReturn(true);
773 // Create the real object that we're testing.
776 // --- Execute the behavior under test ---
777 // The FlutterEngine is set up in onAttach().
778 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
779 delegate.onCreateView(null, null, null, 0, true);
780 // Emulate app start.
781 delegate.onStart();
783 // Verify that the navigation channel was given the initial route message.
784 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getNavigationChannel(), times(1))
785 .setInitialRoute("http://myApp/custom/route?query=test");
786 }
788 @Test
789 public void
791 Intent intent = FlutterActivity.createDefaultIntent(ctx);
792 intent.setData(Uri.parse("http://myApp/custom/route?query=test#fragment"));
794 ActivityController<FlutterActivity> activityController =
795 Robolectric.buildActivity(FlutterActivity.class, intent);
796 FlutterActivity flutterActivity = activityController.get();
798 when(mockHost.getActivity()).thenReturn(flutterActivity);
799 when(mockHost.getInitialRoute()).thenReturn(null);
800 when(mockHost.shouldHandleDeeplinking()).thenReturn(true);
801 // Create the real object that we're testing.
804 // --- Execute the behavior under test ---
805 // The FlutterEngine is set up in onAttach().
806 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
807 delegate.onCreateView(null, null, null, 0, true);
808 // Emulate app start.
809 delegate.onStart();
811 // Verify that the navigation channel was given the initial route message.
812 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getNavigationChannel(), times(1))
813 .setInitialRoute("http://myApp/custom/route?query=test#fragment");
814 }
816 @Test
817 public void
819 Intent intent = FlutterActivity.createDefaultIntent(ctx);
820 intent.setData(Uri.parse("http://myApp/custom/route#fragment"));
822 ActivityController<FlutterActivity> activityController =
823 Robolectric.buildActivity(FlutterActivity.class, intent);
824 FlutterActivity flutterActivity = activityController.get();
826 when(mockHost.getActivity()).thenReturn(flutterActivity);
827 when(mockHost.getInitialRoute()).thenReturn(null);
828 when(mockHost.shouldHandleDeeplinking()).thenReturn(true);
829 // Create the real object that we're testing.
832 // --- Execute the behavior under test ---
833 // The FlutterEngine is set up in onAttach().
834 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
835 delegate.onCreateView(null, null, null, 0, true);
836 // Emulate app start.
837 delegate.onStart();
839 // Verify that the navigation channel was given the initial route message.
840 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getNavigationChannel(), times(1))
841 .setInitialRoute("http://myApp/custom/route#fragment");
842 }
844 @Test
845 public void
847 Intent intent = FlutterActivity.createDefaultIntent(ctx);
848 intent.setData(Uri.parse("http://myApp/custom/route"));
850 ActivityController<FlutterActivity> activityController =
851 Robolectric.buildActivity(FlutterActivity.class, intent);
852 FlutterActivity flutterActivity = activityController.get();
854 when(mockHost.getActivity()).thenReturn(flutterActivity);
855 when(mockHost.getInitialRoute()).thenReturn(null);
856 when(mockHost.shouldHandleDeeplinking()).thenReturn(true);
857 // Create the real object that we're testing.
860 // --- Execute the behavior under test ---
861 // The FlutterEngine is set up in onAttach().
862 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
863 delegate.onCreateView(null, null, null, 0, true);
864 // Emulate app start.
865 delegate.onStart();
867 // Verify that the navigation channel was given the initial route message.
868 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getNavigationChannel(), times(1))
869 .setInitialRoute("http://myApp/custom/route");
870 }
872 @Test
874 // Creates an empty intent without launch uri.
875 Intent intent = FlutterActivity.createDefaultIntent(ctx);
877 ActivityController<FlutterActivity> activityController =
878 Robolectric.buildActivity(FlutterActivity.class, intent);
879 FlutterActivity flutterActivity = activityController.get();
881 when(mockHost.getActivity()).thenReturn(flutterActivity);
882 when(mockHost.getInitialRoute()).thenReturn(null);
883 when(mockHost.shouldHandleDeeplinking()).thenReturn(true);
884 // Create the real object that we're testing.
887 // --- Execute the behavior under test ---
888 // The FlutterEngine is set up in onAttach().
889 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
890 delegate.onCreateView(null, null, null, 0, true);
891 // Emulate app start.
892 delegate.onStart();
894 // Verify that the navigation channel was given the default initial route message.
895 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getNavigationChannel(), times(1)).setInitialRoute("/");
896 }
898 @Test
900 when(mockHost.shouldHandleDeeplinking()).thenReturn(true);
901 // Create the real object that we're testing.
904 // --- Execute the behavior under test ---
905 // The FlutterEngine is set up in onAttach().
906 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
907 String expected = "http://myApp/custom/route?query=test";
909 Intent mockIntent = mock(Intent.class);
910 when(mockIntent.getData()).thenReturn(Uri.parse(expected));
911 // Emulate the host and call the method that we expect to be forwarded.
912 delegate.onNewIntent(mockIntent);
914 // Verify that the navigation channel was given the push route message.
915 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getNavigationChannel(), times(1)).pushRouteInformation(expected);
916 }
918 @Test
920 when(mockHost.shouldHandleDeeplinking()).thenReturn(true);
921 // Create the real object that we're testing.
924 // --- Execute the behavior under test ---
925 // The FlutterEngine is set up in onAttach().
926 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
928 Intent mockIntent = mock(Intent.class);
930 // mailto: URIs are non-hierarchical
931 when(mockIntent.getData()).thenReturn(Uri.parse("mailto:test@test.com"));
933 // Emulate the host and call the method
934 delegate.onNewIntent(mockIntent);
936 // Verify that the navigation channel was not given a push route message.
937 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getNavigationChannel(), times(1))
938 .pushRouteInformation("mailto:test@test.com");
939 }
941 @Test
943 when(mockHost.shouldHandleDeeplinking()).thenReturn(true);
944 // Create the real object that we're testing.
947 // --- Execute the behavior under test ---
948 // The FlutterEngine is set up in onAttach().
949 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
950 String expected = "http://myApp/custom/route?query=test#fragment";
952 Intent mockIntent = mock(Intent.class);
953 when(mockIntent.getData()).thenReturn(Uri.parse(expected));
954 // Emulate the host and call the method that we expect to be forwarded.
955 delegate.onNewIntent(mockIntent);
957 // Verify that the navigation channel was given the push route message.
958 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getNavigationChannel(), times(1)).pushRouteInformation(expected);
959 }
961 @Test
963 when(mockHost.shouldHandleDeeplinking()).thenReturn(true);
964 // Create the real object that we're testing.
967 // --- Execute the behavior under test ---
968 // The FlutterEngine is set up in onAttach().
969 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
970 String expected = "http://myApp/custom/route#fragment";
972 Intent mockIntent = mock(Intent.class);
973 when(mockIntent.getData()).thenReturn(Uri.parse(expected));
974 // Emulate the host and call the method that we expect to be forwarded.
975 delegate.onNewIntent(mockIntent);
977 // Verify that the navigation channel was given the push route message.
978 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getNavigationChannel(), times(1)).pushRouteInformation(expected);
979 }
981 @Test
983 when(mockHost.shouldHandleDeeplinking()).thenReturn(true);
984 // Create the real object that we're testing.
987 // --- Execute the behavior under test ---
988 // The FlutterEngine is set up in onAttach().
989 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
990 String expected = "http://myApp/custom/route#fragment";
992 Intent mockIntent = mock(Intent.class);
993 when(mockIntent.getData()).thenReturn(Uri.parse(expected));
994 // Emulate the host and call the method that we expect to be forwarded.
995 delegate.onNewIntent(mockIntent);
997 // Verify that the navigation channel was given the push route message.
998 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getNavigationChannel(), times(1)).pushRouteInformation(expected);
999 }
1001 @Test
1003 // Create the real object that we're testing.
1006 // --- Execute the behavior under test ---
1007 // The FlutterEngine is set up in onAttach().
1008 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
1010 // Emulate the host and call the method that we expect to be forwarded.
1011 delegate.onNewIntent(mock(Intent.class));
1013 // Verify that the call was forwarded to the engine.
1014 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getActivityControlSurface(), times(1)).onNewIntent(any(Intent.class));
1015 }
1017 @Test
1019 // Create the real object that we're testing.
1022 // --- Execute the behavior under test ---
1023 // The FlutterEngine is set up in onAttach().
1024 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
1026 // Emulate the host and call the method that we expect to be forwarded.
1027 delegate.onActivityResult(0, 0, null);
1029 // Verify that the call was forwarded to the engine.
1030 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getActivityControlSurface(), times(1))
1031 .onActivityResult(any(Integer.class), any(Integer.class), /*intent=*/ isNull());
1032 }
1034 @Test
1036 // Create the real object that we're testing.
1039 // --- Execute the behavior under test ---
1040 // The FlutterEngine is set up in onAttach().
1041 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
1043 // Emulate the host and call the method that we expect to be forwarded.
1044 delegate.onUserLeaveHint();
1046 // Verify that the call was forwarded to the engine.
1047 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getActivityControlSurface(), times(1)).onUserLeaveHint();
1048 }
1050 @Test
1052 // Create the real object that we're testing.
1055 // --- Execute the behavior under test ---
1056 // The FlutterEngine is set up in onAttach().
1057 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
1059 // Test assumes no frames have been displayed.
1060 verify(mockHost, times(0)).onFlutterUiDisplayed();
1062 // Emulate the host and call the method that we expect to be forwarded.
1063 delegate.onTrimMemory(TRIM_MEMORY_RUNNING_MODERATE);
1064 delegate.onTrimMemory(TRIM_MEMORY_RUNNING_LOW);
1065 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getDartExecutor(), times(0)).notifyLowMemoryWarning();
1066 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getSystemChannel(), times(0)).sendMemoryPressureWarning();
1068 delegate.onTrimMemory(TRIM_MEMORY_RUNNING_CRITICAL);
1069 delegate.onTrimMemory(TRIM_MEMORY_BACKGROUND);
1070 delegate.onTrimMemory(TRIM_MEMORY_COMPLETE);
1071 delegate.onTrimMemory(TRIM_MEMORY_MODERATE);
1072 delegate.onTrimMemory(TRIM_MEMORY_UI_HIDDEN);
1073 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getDartExecutor(), times(0)).notifyLowMemoryWarning();
1074 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getSystemChannel(), times(0)).sendMemoryPressureWarning();
1076 verify(mockHost, times(0)).onFlutterUiDisplayed();
1078 delegate.onCreateView(null, null, null, 0, false);
1079 final FlutterRenderer renderer = mockFlutterEngine.getRenderer();
1080 ArgumentCaptor<FlutterUiDisplayListener> listenerCaptor =
1081 ArgumentCaptor.forClass(FlutterUiDisplayListener.class);
1082 // 2 times: once for engine attachment, once for view creation.
1083 verify(renderer, times(2)).addIsDisplayingFlutterUiListener(listenerCaptor.capture());
1084 listenerCaptor.getValue().onFlutterUiDisplayed();
1086 verify(mockHost, times(1)).onFlutterUiDisplayed();
1088 delegate.onTrimMemory(TRIM_MEMORY_RUNNING_MODERATE);
1089 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getDartExecutor(), times(0)).notifyLowMemoryWarning();
1090 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getSystemChannel(), times(0)).sendMemoryPressureWarning();
1092 delegate.onTrimMemory(TRIM_MEMORY_RUNNING_LOW);
1093 delegate.onTrimMemory(TRIM_MEMORY_RUNNING_CRITICAL);
1094 delegate.onTrimMemory(TRIM_MEMORY_BACKGROUND);
1095 delegate.onTrimMemory(TRIM_MEMORY_COMPLETE);
1096 delegate.onTrimMemory(TRIM_MEMORY_MODERATE);
1097 delegate.onTrimMemory(TRIM_MEMORY_UI_HIDDEN);
1098 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getDartExecutor(), times(6)).notifyLowMemoryWarning();
1099 verify(mockFlutterEngine.getSystemChannel(), times(6)).sendMemoryPressureWarning();
1100 }
1102 @Test
1104 // ---- Test setup ----
1105 // Adjust fake host to request engine destruction.
1106 when(mockHost.shouldDestroyEngineWithHost()).thenReturn(true);
1108 // Create the real object that we're testing.
1111 // --- Execute the behavior under test ---
1112 // Push the delegate through all lifecycle methods all the way to destruction.
1113 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
1114 delegate.onCreateView(null, null, null, 0, true);
1115 delegate.onStart();
1116 delegate.onResume();
1117 delegate.onPause();
1118 delegate.onStop();
1119 delegate.onDestroyView();
1120 delegate.onDetach();
1122 // --- Verify that the cached engine was destroyed ---
1123 verify(mockFlutterEngine, times(1)).destroy();
1124 }
1126 @Test
1128 // ---- Test setup ----
1129 // Adjust fake host to request engine destruction.
1130 when(mockHost.shouldDestroyEngineWithHost()).thenReturn(false);
1132 // Create the real object that we're testing.
1135 // --- Execute the behavior under test ---
1136 // Push the delegate through all lifecycle methods all the way to destruction.
1137 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
1138 delegate.onCreateView(null, null, null, 0, true);
1139 delegate.onStart();
1140 delegate.onResume();
1141 delegate.onPause();
1142 delegate.onStop();
1143 delegate.onDestroyView();
1144 delegate.onDetach();
1146 // --- Verify that the cached engine was destroyed ---
1147 verify(mockFlutterEngine, never()).destroy();
1148 }
1150 @Test
1152 // ---- Test setup ----
1153 // Place a FlutterEngine in the static cache.
1154 FlutterEngine cachedEngine = mockFlutterEngine();
1155 FlutterEngineCache.getInstance().put("my_flutter_engine", cachedEngine);
1157 // Adjust fake host to request cached engine.
1158 when(mockHost.getCachedEngineId()).thenReturn("my_flutter_engine");
1160 // Adjust fake host to request engine destruction.
1161 when(mockHost.shouldDestroyEngineWithHost()).thenReturn(true);
1163 // Create the real object that we're testing.
1166 // --- Execute the behavior under test ---
1167 // Push the delegate through all lifecycle methods all the way to destruction.
1168 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
1169 delegate.onCreateView(null, null, null, 0, true);
1170 delegate.onStart();
1171 delegate.onResume();
1172 delegate.onPause();
1173 delegate.onStop();
1174 delegate.onDestroyView();
1175 delegate.onDetach();
1177 // --- Verify that the cached engine was destroyed ---
1178 verify(cachedEngine, times(1)).destroy();
1179 assertNull(FlutterEngineCache.getInstance().get("my_flutter_engine"));
1180 }
1182 @Test
1184 // ---- Test setup ----
1185 // Place a FlutterEngine in the static cache.
1186 FlutterEngine cachedEngine = mockFlutterEngine();
1187 FlutterEngineCache.getInstance().put("my_flutter_engine", cachedEngine);
1189 // Adjust fake host to request cached engine.
1190 when(mockHost.getCachedEngineId()).thenReturn("my_flutter_engine");
1192 // Adjust fake host to request engine retention.
1193 when(mockHost.shouldDestroyEngineWithHost()).thenReturn(false);
1195 // Create the real object that we're testing.
1198 // --- Execute the behavior under test ---
1199 // Push the delegate through all lifecycle methods all the way to destruction.
1200 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
1201 delegate.onCreateView(null, null, null, 0, true);
1202 delegate.onStart();
1203 delegate.onResume();
1204 delegate.onPause();
1205 delegate.onStop();
1206 delegate.onDestroyView();
1207 delegate.onDetach();
1209 // --- Verify that the cached engine was NOT destroyed ---
1210 verify(cachedEngine, never()).destroy();
1211 }
1213 @Test
1215 // ---- Test setup ----
1218 // We're testing lifecycle behaviors, which require/expect that certain methods have already
1219 // been executed by the time they run. Therefore, we run those expected methods first.
1220 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
1222 // --- Execute the behavior under test ---
1223 boolean shouldDelayFirstAndroidViewDraw = true;
1224 delegate.onCreateView(null, null, null, 0, shouldDelayFirstAndroidViewDraw);
1226 assertNotNull(delegate.activePreDrawListener);
1227 }
1229 @Test
1231 // ---- Test setup ----
1234 // We're testing lifecycle behaviors, which require/expect that certain methods have already
1235 // been executed by the time they run. Therefore, we run those expected methods first.
1236 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
1238 // --- Execute the behavior under test ---
1239 boolean shouldDelayFirstAndroidViewDraw = false;
1240 delegate.onCreateView(null, null, null, 0, shouldDelayFirstAndroidViewDraw);
1242 assertNull(delegate.activePreDrawListener);
1243 }
1245 @Test
1247 // ---- Test setup ----
1248 when(mockHost.getRenderMode()).thenReturn(RenderMode.texture);
1251 // We're testing lifecycle behaviors, which require/expect that certain methods have already
1252 // been executed by the time they run. Therefore, we run those expected methods first.
1253 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
1255 // --- Execute the behavior under test ---
1256 boolean shouldDelayFirstAndroidViewDraw = true;
1257 assertThrows(
1258 IllegalArgumentException.class,
1259 () -> {
1260 delegate.onCreateView(null, null, null, 0, shouldDelayFirstAndroidViewDraw);
1261 });
1262 }
1264 @Test
1266 // ---- Test setup ----
1267 // Create the real object that we're testing.
1270 // --- Execute the behavior under test ---
1271 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
1272 delegate.onCreateView(null, null, null, 0, true);
1273 delegate.onStart();
1274 // Verify that the flutterView is visible.
1275 assertEquals(View.VISIBLE, delegate.flutterView.getVisibility());
1276 delegate.onStop();
1277 // Verify that the flutterView is gone.
1278 assertEquals(View.GONE, delegate.flutterView.getVisibility());
1279 delegate.onStart();
1280 // Verify that the flutterView is visible.
1281 assertEquals(View.VISIBLE, delegate.flutterView.getVisibility());
1283 delegate.flutterView.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE);
1284 delegate.onStop();
1285 // Verify that the flutterView is gone.
1286 assertEquals(View.GONE, delegate.flutterView.getVisibility());
1287 delegate.onStart();
1288 // Verify that the flutterView is invisible.
1289 assertEquals(View.INVISIBLE, delegate.flutterView.getVisibility());
1291 delegate.flutterView.setVisibility(View.GONE);
1292 delegate.onStop();
1293 // Verify that the flutterView is gone.
1294 assertEquals(View.GONE, delegate.flutterView.getVisibility());
1295 delegate.onStart();
1296 // Verify that the flutterView is gone.
1297 assertEquals(View.GONE, delegate.flutterView.getVisibility());
1298 }
1300 @Test
1302 // ---- Test setup ----
1303 // Create the real object that we're testing.
1305 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
1306 delegate.onCreateView(null, null, null, 0, true);
1307 // --- Execute the behavior under test ---
1308 // For `FlutterSurfaceView`, setting visibility to the current `FlutterView` will not take
1309 // effect since it is not in the view tree. So we need to make sure that when the visibility of
1310 // `FlutterView` changes, the `FlutterSurfaceView` changes at the same time
1311 // See https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/105203
1312 assertEquals(FlutterSurfaceView.class, delegate.flutterView.renderSurface.getClass());
1314 // Verify that the `FlutterSurfaceView` is gone.
1315 delegate.flutterView.setVisibility(View.GONE);
1316 assertEquals(View.GONE, surfaceView.getVisibility());
1317 // Verify that the `FlutterSurfaceView` is visible.
1318 delegate.flutterView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
1319 assertEquals(View.VISIBLE, surfaceView.getVisibility());
1320 // Verify that the `FlutterSurfaceView` is invisible.
1321 delegate.flutterView.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE);
1322 assertEquals(View.INVISIBLE, surfaceView.getVisibility());
1323 }
1325 @Test
1327 FlutterEngineGroup mockEngineGroup = mock(FlutterEngineGroup.class);
1328 when(mockEngineGroup.createAndRunEngine(any(FlutterEngineGroup.Options.class)))
1329 .thenReturn(mockFlutterEngine);
1330 FlutterActivityAndFragmentDelegate.Host host =
1332 when(mockHost.getContext()).thenReturn(ctx);
1335 new FlutterActivityAndFragmentDelegate(mockHost, mockEngineGroup);
1336 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
1337 FlutterEngine engineUnderTest = delegate.getFlutterEngine();
1338 assertEquals(engineUnderTest, mockFlutterEngine);
1339 }
1341 @Test
1343 // ---- Test setup ----
1344 // Create the real object that we're testing.
1346 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
1347 delegate.onCreateView(null, null, null, 0, true);
1349 // --- Execute the behavior under test ---
1350 assertTrue(delegate.flutterView.isAttachedToFlutterEngine());
1351 }
1353 @Test
1355 // ---- Test setup ----
1356 // Create the real object that we're testing.
1357 when(mockHost.attachToEngineAutomatically()).thenReturn(false);
1359 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
1360 delegate.onCreateView(null, null, null, 0, true);
1362 // --- Execute the behavior under test ---
1363 assertFalse(delegate.flutterView.isAttachedToFlutterEngine());
1364 }
1366 @Test
1367 public void itDoesNotDetachTwice() {
1368 FlutterEngine cachedEngine = mockFlutterEngine();
1369 FlutterEngineCache.getInstance().put("my_flutter_engine", cachedEngine);
1371 // Engine is a cached singleton that isn't owned by either hosts.
1372 when(mockHost.shouldDestroyEngineWithHost()).thenReturn(false);
1373 when(mockHost2.shouldDestroyEngineWithHost()).thenReturn(false);
1375 // Adjust fake hosts to request cached engine.
1376 when(mockHost.getCachedEngineId()).thenReturn("my_flutter_engine");
1377 when(mockHost2.getCachedEngineId()).thenReturn("my_flutter_engine");
1379 // Create the real objects that we're testing.
1384 // This test is written to recreate the following scenario:
1385 // 1. We have a FlutterFragment_A attached to a singleton cached engine.
1386 // 2. An intent arrives that spawns FlutterFragment_B.
1387 // 3. FlutterFragment_B starts and steals the engine from FlutterFragment_A while attaching.
1388 // Via a call to FlutterActivityAndFragmentDelegate.detachFromFlutterEngine().
1389 // 4. FlutterFragment_A is forcibly detached from the engine.
1390 // 5. FlutterFragment_B is attached to the engine.
1391 // 6. FlutterFragment_A is detached from the engine.
1392 // Note that the second detach for FlutterFragment_A is done unconditionally when the Fragment
1393 // is being
1394 // torn down.
1396 // At this point the engine's life cycle channel receives a message (triggered by
1397 // FlutterFragment_A's second detach)
1398 // that indicates the app is detached. This breaks FlutterFragment_B.
1400 // Below is a sequence of calls that mimicks the calls that the above scenario would trigger
1401 // without
1402 // relying on an intent to trigger the behaviour.
1404 // FlutterFragment_A is attached to the engine.
1405 delegate.onAttach(ctx);
1407 // NOTE: The following two calls happen in a slightly different order in reality. That is, via,
1408 // a call to host.detachFromFlutterEngine, delegate2.onAttach ends up invoking
1409 // delegate.onDetach.
1410 // To keep this regression test simple, we call them directly.
1412 // Detach FlutterFragment_A.
1413 delegate.onDetach();
1415 verify(cachedEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), times(1)).appIsDetached();
1417 // Attaches to the engine FlutterFragment_B.
1418 delegate2.onAttach(ctx);
1419 delegate2.onResume();
1421 verify(cachedEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), times(1)).appIsResumed();
1422 verify(cachedEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), times(1)).appIsDetached();
1424 // A second Detach of FlutterFragment_A happens when the Fragment is detached.
1425 delegate.onDetach();
1427 // IMPORTANT: The bug we fixed would have resulted in the engine thinking the app
1428 // is detached twice instead of once.
1429 verify(cachedEngine.getLifecycleChannel(), times(1)).appIsDetached();
1430 }
1432 /**
1433 * Creates a mock {@link io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine}.
1434 *
1435 * <p>The heuristic for deciding what to mock in the given {@link
1436 * io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine} is that we should mock the minimum number of
1437 * necessary methods and associated objects. Maintaining developers should add more mock behavior
1438 * as required for tests, but should avoid mocking things that are not required for the correct
1439 * execution of tests.
1440 */
1441 @NonNull
1442 private FlutterEngine mockFlutterEngine() {
1443 // The use of SettingsChannel by the delegate requires some behavior of its own, so it is
1444 // explicitly mocked with some internal behavior.
1445 SettingsChannel fakeSettingsChannel = mock(SettingsChannel.class);
1446 SettingsChannel.MessageBuilder fakeMessageBuilder = mock(SettingsChannel.MessageBuilder.class);
1447 when(fakeMessageBuilder.setPlatformBrightness(any(SettingsChannel.PlatformBrightness.class)))
1448 .thenReturn(fakeMessageBuilder);
1449 when(fakeMessageBuilder.setTextScaleFactor(any(Float.class))).thenReturn(fakeMessageBuilder);
1450 when(fakeMessageBuilder.setDisplayMetrics(any())).thenReturn(fakeMessageBuilder);
1451 when(fakeMessageBuilder.setNativeSpellCheckServiceDefined(any(Boolean.class)))
1452 .thenReturn(fakeMessageBuilder);
1453 when(fakeMessageBuilder.setBrieflyShowPassword(any(Boolean.class)))
1454 .thenReturn(fakeMessageBuilder);
1455 when(fakeMessageBuilder.setUse24HourFormat(any(Boolean.class))).thenReturn(fakeMessageBuilder);
1456 when(fakeSettingsChannel.startMessage()).thenReturn(fakeMessageBuilder);
1458 // Mock FlutterEngine and all of its required direct calls.
1459 FlutterEngine engine = mock(FlutterEngine.class);
1460 when(engine.getAccessibilityChannel()).thenReturn(mock(AccessibilityChannel.class));
1461 when(engine.getActivityControlSurface()).thenReturn(mock(ActivityControlSurface.class));
1462 when(engine.getDartExecutor()).thenReturn(mock(DartExecutor.class));
1463 when(engine.getLifecycleChannel()).thenReturn(mock(LifecycleChannel.class));
1464 when(engine.getLocalizationChannel()).thenReturn(mock(LocalizationChannel.class));
1465 when(engine.getLocalizationPlugin()).thenReturn(mock(LocalizationPlugin.class));
1466 when(engine.getMouseCursorChannel()).thenReturn(mock(MouseCursorChannel.class));
1467 when(engine.getNavigationChannel()).thenReturn(mock(NavigationChannel.class));
1468 when(engine.getBackGestureChannel()).thenReturn(mock(BackGestureChannel.class));
1469 when(engine.getPlatformViewsController()).thenReturn(mock(PlatformViewsController.class));
1472 when(engine.getRenderer()).thenReturn(renderer);
1474 when(engine.getSettingsChannel()).thenReturn(fakeSettingsChannel);
1475 when(engine.getSystemChannel()).thenReturn(mock(SystemChannel.class));
1476 when(engine.getTextInputChannel()).thenReturn(mock(TextInputChannel.class));
1478 return engine;
1479 }
static SkISize times(const SkISize &size, float factor)
static bool eq(const SkM44 &a, const SkM44 &b, float tol)
Definition: M44Test.cpp:18
Builder setFlutterLoader(@NonNull FlutterLoader flutterLoader)
static void setInstance(@NonNull FlutterInjector injector)
View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, @Nullable ViewGroup container, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState, int flutterViewId, boolean shouldDelayFirstAndroidViewDraw)
void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode, @NonNull String[] permissions, @NonNull int[] grantResults)
static Intent createDefaultIntent(@NonNull Context launchContext)
void put(@NonNull String engineId, @Nullable FlutterEngine engine)
FlutterEngine get(@NonNull String engineId)
void put(@NonNull String engineGroupId, @Nullable FlutterEngineGroup engineGroup)
FlutterEngine createAndRunEngine( @NonNull Context context, @Nullable DartEntrypoint dartEntrypoint)
PlatformViewsController getPlatformViewsController()
ActivityControlSurface getActivityControlSurface()
AccessibilityChannel getAccessibilityChannel()
void addIsDisplayingFlutterUiListener(@NonNull FlutterUiDisplayListener listener)
FlutterEngine engine
Definition: main.cc:68
FlutterEngine provideFlutterEngine(@NonNull Context context)
DEF_SWITCHES_START aot vmservice shared library Name of the *so containing AOT compiled Dart assets for launching the service isolate vm snapshot The VM snapshot data that will be memory mapped as read only SnapshotAssetPath must be present isolate snapshot The isolate snapshot data that will be memory mapped as read only SnapshotAssetPath must be present cache dir Path to the cache directory This is different from the persistent_cache_path in embedder which is used for Skia shader cache icu native lib Path to the library file that exports the ICU data vm service host
Definition: switches.h:74
SIT bool any(const Vec< 1, T > &x)
Definition: SkVx.h:530