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2 * Copyright 2021 Google LLC
3 *
4 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5 * found in the LICENSE file.
6 */
10#include "include/core/SkSpan.h"
12#include "src/base/SkSafeMath.h"
26#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLNop.h"
30#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLSymbolTable.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
37#include <algorithm>
38#include <cstddef>
39#include <forward_list>
41namespace SkSL {
44 const FunctionDeclaration& decl,
45 Block& body) {
46 // If this program uses RTAdjust...
47 if (const SkSL::Symbol* rtAdjust = context.fSymbolTable->find(Compiler::RTADJUST_NAME)) {
48 // ...append a line to the end of the function body which fixes up sk_Position.
49 struct AppendRTAdjustFixupHelper : public IRHelpers {
50 AppendRTAdjustFixupHelper(const Context& ctx, const SkSL::Symbol* rtAdjust)
51 : IRHelpers(ctx)
52 , fRTAdjust(rtAdjust) {
53 fSkPositionField = &fContext.fSymbolTable->find(Compiler::POSITION_NAME)
54 ->as<FieldSymbol>();
55 }
57 std::unique_ptr<Expression> Pos() const {
58 return Field(&fSkPositionField->owner(), fSkPositionField->fieldIndex());
59 }
61 std::unique_ptr<Expression> Adjust() const {
62 return fRTAdjust->instantiate(fContext, Position());
63 }
65 std::unique_ptr<Statement> makeFixupStmt() const {
66 // sk_Position = float4(sk_Position.xy * rtAdjust.xz + sk_Position.ww * rtAdjust.yw,
67 // 0,
68 // sk_Position.w);
69 return Assign(
70 Pos(),
71 CtorXYZW(Add(Mul(Swizzle(Pos(), {SwizzleComponent::X, SwizzleComponent::Y}),
75 Float(0.0),
76 Swizzle(Pos(), {SwizzleComponent::W})));
77 }
79 const FieldSymbol* fSkPositionField;
80 const SkSL::Symbol* fRTAdjust;
81 };
83 AppendRTAdjustFixupHelper helper(context, rtAdjust);
84 body.children().push_back(helper.makeFixupStmt());
85 }
88std::unique_ptr<FunctionDefinition> FunctionDefinition::Convert(const Context& context,
91 std::unique_ptr<Statement> body,
92 bool builtin) {
93 class Finalizer : public ProgramWriter {
94 public:
96 : fContext(context)
97 , fFunction(function) {
98 // Function parameters count as local variables.
99 for (const Variable* var : function.parameters()) {
100 this->addLocalVariable(var, pos);
101 }
102 }
104 ~Finalizer() override {
105 SkASSERT(fBreakableLevel == 0);
106 SkASSERT(fContinuableLevel == std::forward_list<int>{0});
107 }
109 void addLocalVariable(const Variable* var, Position pos) {
110 if (var->type().isOrContainsUnsizedArray()) {
111 fContext.fErrors->error(pos, "unsized arrays are not permitted here");
112 return;
113 }
114 // We count the number of slots used, but don't consider the precision of the base type.
115 // In practice, this reflects what GPUs actually do pretty well. (i.e., RelaxedPrecision
116 // math doesn't mean your variable takes less space.) We also don't attempt to reclaim
117 // slots at the end of a Block.
118 size_t prevSlotsUsed = fSlotsUsed;
119 fSlotsUsed = SkSafeMath::Add(fSlotsUsed, var->type().slotCount());
120 // To avoid overzealous error reporting, only trigger the error at the first
121 // place where the stack limit is exceeded.
122 if (prevSlotsUsed < kVariableSlotLimit && fSlotsUsed >= kVariableSlotLimit) {
123 fContext.fErrors->error(pos, "variable '" + std::string(var->name()) +
124 "' exceeds the stack size limit");
125 }
126 }
128 void fuseVariableDeclarationsWithInitialization(std::unique_ptr<Statement>& stmt) {
129 switch (stmt->kind()) {
131 case Statement::Kind::kBlock:
132 // Blocks and no-ops are inert; it is safe to fuse a variable declaration with
133 // its initialization across a nop or an open-brace, so we don't null out
134 // `fUninitializedVarDecl` here.
135 break;
137 case Statement::Kind::kVarDeclaration:
138 // Look for variable declarations without an initializer.
139 if (VarDeclaration& decl = stmt->as<VarDeclaration>(); !decl.value()) {
140 fUninitializedVarDecl = &decl;
141 break;
142 }
143 [[fallthrough]];
145 default:
146 // We found an intervening statement; it's not safe to fuse a declaration
147 // with an initializer if we encounter any other code.
148 fUninitializedVarDecl = nullptr;
149 break;
151 case Statement::Kind::kExpression: {
152 // We found an expression-statement. If there was a variable declaration
153 // immediately above it, it might be possible to fuse them.
154 if (fUninitializedVarDecl) {
155 VarDeclaration* vardecl = fUninitializedVarDecl;
156 fUninitializedVarDecl = nullptr;
158 std::unique_ptr<Expression>& nextExpr = stmt->as<ExpressionStatement>()
159 .expression();
160 // This statement must be a binary-expression...
161 if (!nextExpr->is<BinaryExpression>()) {
162 break;
163 }
164 // ... performing simple `var = expr` assignment...
165 BinaryExpression& binaryExpr = nextExpr->as<BinaryExpression>();
166 if (binaryExpr.getOperator().kind() != OperatorKind::EQ) {
167 break;
168 }
169 // ... directly into the variable (not a field/swizzle)...
170 Expression& leftExpr = *binaryExpr.left();
171 if (!leftExpr.is<VariableReference>()) {
172 break;
173 }
174 // ... and it must be the same variable as our vardecl.
175 VariableReference& varRef = leftExpr.as<VariableReference>();
176 if (varRef.variable() != vardecl->var()) {
177 break;
178 }
179 // The init-expression must not reference the variable.
180 // `int x; x = x = 0;` is legal SkSL, but `int x = x = 0;` is not.
181 if (Analysis::ContainsVariable(*binaryExpr.right(), *varRef.variable())) {
182 break;
183 }
184 // We found a match! Move the init-expression directly onto the vardecl, and
185 // turn the assignment into a no-op.
186 vardecl->value() = std::move(binaryExpr.right());
188 // Turn the expression-statement into a no-op.
189 stmt = Nop::Make();
190 }
191 break;
192 }
193 }
194 }
196 bool functionReturnsValue() const {
197 return !fFunction.returnType().isVoid();
198 }
200 bool visitExpressionPtr(std::unique_ptr<Expression>& expr) override {
201 // We don't need to scan expressions.
202 return false;
203 }
205 bool visitStatementPtr(std::unique_ptr<Statement>& stmt) override {
206 // When the optimizer is on, we look for variable declarations that are immediately
207 // followed by an initialization expression, and fuse them into one statement.
208 // (e.g.: `int i; i = 1;` can become `int i = 1;`)
209 if (fContext.fConfig->fSettings.fOptimize) {
210 this->fuseVariableDeclarationsWithInitialization(stmt);
211 }
213 // Perform error checking.
214 switch (stmt->kind()) {
215 case Statement::Kind::kVarDeclaration:
216 this->addLocalVariable(stmt->as<VarDeclaration>().var(), stmt->fPosition);
217 break;
219 case Statement::Kind::kReturn: {
220 // Early returns from a vertex main() function will bypass sk_Position
221 // normalization, so SkASSERT that we aren't doing that. If this becomes an
222 // issue, we can add normalization before each return statement.
223 if (ProgramConfig::IsVertex(fContext.fConfig->fKind) && fFunction.isMain()) {
224 fContext.fErrors->error(
225 stmt->fPosition,
226 "early returns from vertex programs are not supported");
227 }
229 // Verify that the return statement matches the function's return type.
230 ReturnStatement& returnStmt = stmt->as<ReturnStatement>();
231 if (returnStmt.expression()) {
232 if (this->functionReturnsValue()) {
233 // Coerce return expression to the function's return type.
234 returnStmt.setExpression(fFunction.returnType().coerceExpression(
235 std::move(returnStmt.expression()), fContext));
236 } else {
237 // Returning something from a function with a void return type.
238 fContext.fErrors->error(returnStmt.expression()->fPosition,
239 "may not return a value from a void function");
240 returnStmt.setExpression(nullptr);
241 }
242 } else {
243 if (this->functionReturnsValue()) {
244 // Returning nothing from a function with a non-void return type.
245 fContext.fErrors->error(returnStmt.fPosition,
246 "expected function to return '" +
247 fFunction.returnType().displayName() + "'");
248 }
249 }
250 break;
251 }
252 case Statement::Kind::kDo:
253 case Statement::Kind::kFor: {
254 ++fBreakableLevel;
255 ++fContinuableLevel.front();
256 bool result = INHERITED::visitStatementPtr(stmt);
257 --fContinuableLevel.front();
258 --fBreakableLevel;
259 return result;
260 }
261 case Statement::Kind::kSwitch: {
262 ++fBreakableLevel;
263 fContinuableLevel.push_front(0);
264 bool result = INHERITED::visitStatementPtr(stmt);
265 fContinuableLevel.pop_front();
266 --fBreakableLevel;
267 return result;
268 }
269 case Statement::Kind::kBreak:
270 if (fBreakableLevel == 0) {
271 fContext.fErrors->error(stmt->fPosition,
272 "break statement must be inside a loop or switch");
273 }
274 break;
277 if (fContinuableLevel.front() == 0) {
278 if (std::any_of(fContinuableLevel.begin(),
279 fContinuableLevel.end(),
280 [](int level) { return level > 0; })) {
281 fContext.fErrors->error(stmt->fPosition,
282 "continue statement cannot be used in a switch");
283 } else {
284 fContext.fErrors->error(stmt->fPosition,
285 "continue statement must be inside a loop");
286 }
287 }
288 break;
290 default:
291 break;
292 }
293 return INHERITED::visitStatementPtr(stmt);
294 }
296 private:
297 const Context& fContext;
298 const FunctionDeclaration& fFunction;
299 // how deeply nested we are in breakable constructs (for, do, switch).
300 int fBreakableLevel = 0;
301 // number of slots consumed by all variables declared in the function
302 size_t fSlotsUsed = 0;
303 // how deeply nested we are in continuable constructs (for, do).
304 // We keep a stack (via a forward_list) in order to disallow continue inside of switch.
305 std::forward_list<int> fContinuableLevel{0};
306 // We track uninitialized variable declarations, and if they are immediately assigned-to,
307 // we can move the assignment directly into the decl.
308 VarDeclaration* fUninitializedVarDecl = nullptr;
310 using INHERITED = ProgramWriter;
311 };
313 // We don't allow modules to define actual functions with intrinsic names. (Those should be
314 // reserved for actual intrinsics.)
315 if (function.isIntrinsic()) {
316 context.fErrors->error(function.fPosition, "Intrinsic function '" +
317 std::string(function.name()) +
318 "' should not have a definition");
319 return nullptr;
320 }
322 // A function body must always be a braced block. (The parser should enforce this already, but
323 // we rely on it, so it's best to be certain.)
324 if (!body || !body->is<Block>() || !body->as<Block>().isScope()) {
325 context.fErrors->error(function.fPosition, "function body '" + function.description() +
326 "' must be a braced block");
327 return nullptr;
328 }
330 // A function can't have more than one definition.
331 if (function.definition()) {
332 context.fErrors->error(function.fPosition, "function '" + function.description() +
333 "' was already defined");
334 return nullptr;
335 }
337 // Run the function finalizer. This checks for illegal constructs and missing return statements,
338 // and also performs some simple code cleanup.
339 Finalizer(context, function, pos).visitStatementPtr(body);
340 if (function.isMain() && ProgramConfig::IsVertex(context.fConfig->fKind)) {
342 }
345 context.fErrors->error(body->fPosition, "function '" + std::string(function.name()) +
346 "' can exit without returning a value");
347 }
349 return FunctionDefinition::Make(context, pos, function, std::move(body), builtin);
352std::unique_ptr<FunctionDefinition> FunctionDefinition::Make(const Context&,
355 std::unique_ptr<Statement> body,
356 bool builtin) {
357 SkASSERT(!function.isIntrinsic());
358 SkASSERT(body && body->as<Block>().isScope());
359 SkASSERT(!function.definition());
361 return std::make_unique<FunctionDefinition>(pos, &function, builtin, std::move(body));
364} // namespace SkSL
SkPoint pos
#define SkASSERT(cond)
Definition: SkAssert.h:116
const Context & fContext
std::unique_ptr< Expression > & left()
std::unique_ptr< Expression > & right()
Operator getOperator() const
const StatementArray & children() const
Definition: SkSLBlock.h:71
bool isScope() const
Definition: SkSLBlock.h:79
static constexpr const char RTADJUST_NAME[]
Definition: SkSLCompiler.h:72
static constexpr const char POSITION_NAME[]
Definition: SkSLCompiler.h:73
ErrorReporter * fErrors
Definition: SkSLContext.h:36
SymbolTable * fSymbolTable
Definition: SkSLContext.h:48
ProgramConfig * fConfig
Definition: SkSLContext.h:33
void error(Position position, std::string_view msg)
std::unique_ptr< Statement > & body()
static std::unique_ptr< FunctionDefinition > Make(const Context &context, Position pos, const FunctionDeclaration &function, std::unique_ptr< Statement > body, bool builtin)
static std::unique_ptr< FunctionDefinition > Convert(const Context &context, Position pos, const FunctionDeclaration &function, std::unique_ptr< Statement > body, bool builtin)
bool is() const
Definition: SkSLIRNode.h:124
const T & as() const
Definition: SkSLIRNode.h:133
Position fPosition
Definition: SkSLIRNode.h:109
static std::unique_ptr< Statement > Make()
Definition: SkSLNop.h:26
Kind kind() const
Definition: SkSLOperator.h:85
void setExpression(std::unique_ptr< Expression > expr)
std::unique_ptr< Expression > & expression()
const Symbol * find(std::string_view name) const
std::string_view name() const
Definition: SkSLSymbol.h:51
const Type & type() const
Definition: SkSLSymbol.h:42
virtual size_t slotCount() const
Definition: SkSLType.h:457
virtual bool isOrContainsUnsizedArray() const
Definition: SkSLType.h:582
std::unique_ptr< Expression > & value()
Variable * var() const
const Variable * variable() const
static size_t Add(size_t x, size_t y)
Definition: SkSafeMath.cpp:10
GAsyncResult * result
Dart_NativeFunction function
Definition: fuchsia.cc:51
bool ContainsVariable(const Expression &expr, const Variable &var)
bool CanExitWithoutReturningValue(const FunctionDeclaration &funcDecl, const Statement &body)
static constexpr int kVariableSlotLimit
Definition: SkSLDefines.h:43
static void append_rtadjust_fixup_to_vertex_main(const Context &context, const FunctionDeclaration &decl, Block &body)
static void Finalizer(void *isolate_callback_data, void *buffer)
Definition: json_stream.cc:192
static bool IsVertex(ProgramKind kind)