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DebugPaintFilterCanvas Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for DebugPaintFilterCanvas:
SkPaintFilterCanvas SkCanvasVirtualEnforcer< SkNWayCanvas > SkNWayCanvas SkCanvasVirtualEnforcer< SkNoDrawCanvas > SkNoDrawCanvas SkCanvasVirtualEnforcer< SkCanvas > SkCanvas

Public Member Functions

 DebugPaintFilterCanvas (SkCanvas *canvas)
- Public Member Functions inherited from SkPaintFilterCanvas
 SkPaintFilterCanvas (SkCanvas *canvas)
SkISize getBaseLayerSize () const override
GrRecordingContextrecordingContext () const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from SkNWayCanvas
 SkNWayCanvas (int width, int height)
 ~SkNWayCanvas () override
virtual void addCanvas (SkCanvas *)
virtual void removeCanvas (SkCanvas *)
virtual void removeAll ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from SkNoDrawCanvas
 SkNoDrawCanvas (int width, int height)
 SkNoDrawCanvas (const SkIRect &)
void resetCanvas (int w, int h)
void resetCanvas (const SkIRect &rect)
- Public Member Functions inherited from SkCanvas
 SkCanvas ()
 SkCanvas (int width, int height, const SkSurfaceProps *props=nullptr)
 SkCanvas (sk_sp< SkDevice > device)
 SkCanvas (const SkBitmap &bitmap)
 SkCanvas (const SkBitmap &bitmap, const SkSurfaceProps &props)
virtual ~SkCanvas ()
SkImageInfo imageInfo () const
bool getProps (SkSurfaceProps *props) const
SkSurfaceProps getBaseProps () const
SkSurfaceProps getTopProps () const
sk_sp< SkSurfacemakeSurface (const SkImageInfo &info, const SkSurfaceProps *props=nullptr)
virtual skgpu::graphite::Recorderrecorder () const
SkSurfacegetSurface () const
void * accessTopLayerPixels (SkImageInfo *info, size_t *rowBytes, SkIPoint *origin=nullptr)
SkRasterHandleAllocator::Handle accessTopRasterHandle () const
bool peekPixels (SkPixmap *pixmap)
bool readPixels (const SkImageInfo &dstInfo, void *dstPixels, size_t dstRowBytes, int srcX, int srcY)
bool readPixels (const SkPixmap &pixmap, int srcX, int srcY)
bool readPixels (const SkBitmap &bitmap, int srcX, int srcY)
bool writePixels (const SkImageInfo &info, const void *pixels, size_t rowBytes, int x, int y)
bool writePixels (const SkBitmap &bitmap, int x, int y)
int save ()
int saveLayer (const SkRect *bounds, const SkPaint *paint)
int saveLayer (const SkRect &bounds, const SkPaint *paint)
int saveLayerAlphaf (const SkRect *bounds, float alpha)
int saveLayerAlpha (const SkRect *bounds, U8CPU alpha)
int saveLayer (const SaveLayerRec &layerRec)
void restore ()
int getSaveCount () const
void restoreToCount (int saveCount)
void translate (SkScalar dx, SkScalar dy)
void scale (SkScalar sx, SkScalar sy)
void rotate (SkScalar degrees)
void rotate (SkScalar degrees, SkScalar px, SkScalar py)
void skew (SkScalar sx, SkScalar sy)
void concat (const SkMatrix &matrix)
void concat (const SkM44 &)
void setMatrix (const SkM44 &matrix)
void setMatrix (const SkMatrix &matrix)
void resetMatrix ()
void clipRect (const SkRect &rect, SkClipOp op, bool doAntiAlias)
void clipRect (const SkRect &rect, SkClipOp op)
void clipRect (const SkRect &rect, bool doAntiAlias=false)
void clipIRect (const SkIRect &irect, SkClipOp op=SkClipOp::kIntersect)
void androidFramework_setDeviceClipRestriction (const SkIRect &rect)
void clipRRect (const SkRRect &rrect, SkClipOp op, bool doAntiAlias)
void clipRRect (const SkRRect &rrect, SkClipOp op)
void clipRRect (const SkRRect &rrect, bool doAntiAlias=false)
void clipPath (const SkPath &path, SkClipOp op, bool doAntiAlias)
void clipPath (const SkPath &path, SkClipOp op)
void clipPath (const SkPath &path, bool doAntiAlias=false)
void clipShader (sk_sp< SkShader >, SkClipOp=SkClipOp::kIntersect)
void clipRegion (const SkRegion &deviceRgn, SkClipOp op=SkClipOp::kIntersect)
bool quickReject (const SkRect &rect) const
bool quickReject (const SkPath &path) const
SkRect getLocalClipBounds () const
bool getLocalClipBounds (SkRect *bounds) const
SkIRect getDeviceClipBounds () const
bool getDeviceClipBounds (SkIRect *bounds) const
void drawColor (SkColor color, SkBlendMode mode=SkBlendMode::kSrcOver)
void drawColor (const SkColor4f &color, SkBlendMode mode=SkBlendMode::kSrcOver)
void clear (SkColor color)
void clear (const SkColor4f &color)
void discard ()
void drawPaint (const SkPaint &paint)
void drawPoints (PointMode mode, size_t count, const SkPoint pts[], const SkPaint &paint)
void drawPoint (SkScalar x, SkScalar y, const SkPaint &paint)
void drawPoint (SkPoint p, const SkPaint &paint)
void drawLine (SkScalar x0, SkScalar y0, SkScalar x1, SkScalar y1, const SkPaint &paint)
void drawLine (SkPoint p0, SkPoint p1, const SkPaint &paint)
void drawRect (const SkRect &rect, const SkPaint &paint)
void drawIRect (const SkIRect &rect, const SkPaint &paint)
void drawRegion (const SkRegion &region, const SkPaint &paint)
void drawOval (const SkRect &oval, const SkPaint &paint)
void drawRRect (const SkRRect &rrect, const SkPaint &paint)
void drawDRRect (const SkRRect &outer, const SkRRect &inner, const SkPaint &paint)
void drawCircle (SkScalar cx, SkScalar cy, SkScalar radius, const SkPaint &paint)
void drawCircle (SkPoint center, SkScalar radius, const SkPaint &paint)
void drawArc (const SkRect &oval, SkScalar startAngle, SkScalar sweepAngle, bool useCenter, const SkPaint &paint)
void drawArc (const SkArc &arc, const SkPaint &paint)
void drawRoundRect (const SkRect &rect, SkScalar rx, SkScalar ry, const SkPaint &paint)
void drawPath (const SkPath &path, const SkPaint &paint)
void drawImage (const SkImage *image, SkScalar left, SkScalar top)
void drawImage (const sk_sp< SkImage > &image, SkScalar left, SkScalar top)
void drawImage (const SkImage *, SkScalar x, SkScalar y, const SkSamplingOptions &, const SkPaint *=nullptr)
void drawImage (const sk_sp< SkImage > &image, SkScalar x, SkScalar y, const SkSamplingOptions &sampling, const SkPaint *paint=nullptr)
void drawImageRect (const SkImage *, const SkRect &src, const SkRect &dst, const SkSamplingOptions &, const SkPaint *, SrcRectConstraint)
void drawImageRect (const SkImage *, const SkRect &dst, const SkSamplingOptions &, const SkPaint *=nullptr)
void drawImageRect (const sk_sp< SkImage > &image, const SkRect &src, const SkRect &dst, const SkSamplingOptions &sampling, const SkPaint *paint, SrcRectConstraint constraint)
void drawImageRect (const sk_sp< SkImage > &image, const SkRect &dst, const SkSamplingOptions &sampling, const SkPaint *paint=nullptr)
void drawImageNine (const SkImage *image, const SkIRect &center, const SkRect &dst, SkFilterMode filter, const SkPaint *paint=nullptr)
void drawImageLattice (const SkImage *image, const Lattice &lattice, const SkRect &dst, SkFilterMode filter, const SkPaint *paint=nullptr)
void drawImageLattice (const SkImage *image, const Lattice &lattice, const SkRect &dst)
void experimental_DrawEdgeAAQuad (const SkRect &rect, const SkPoint clip[4], QuadAAFlags aaFlags, const SkColor4f &color, SkBlendMode mode)
void experimental_DrawEdgeAAQuad (const SkRect &rect, const SkPoint clip[4], QuadAAFlags aaFlags, SkColor color, SkBlendMode mode)
void experimental_DrawEdgeAAImageSet (const ImageSetEntry imageSet[], int cnt, const SkPoint dstClips[], const SkMatrix preViewMatrices[], const SkSamplingOptions &, const SkPaint *paint=nullptr, SrcRectConstraint constraint=kStrict_SrcRectConstraint)
void drawSimpleText (const void *text, size_t byteLength, SkTextEncoding encoding, SkScalar x, SkScalar y, const SkFont &font, const SkPaint &paint)
void drawString (const char str[], SkScalar x, SkScalar y, const SkFont &font, const SkPaint &paint)
void drawString (const SkString &str, SkScalar x, SkScalar y, const SkFont &font, const SkPaint &paint)
void drawGlyphs (int count, const SkGlyphID glyphs[], const SkPoint positions[], const uint32_t clusters[], int textByteCount, const char utf8text[], SkPoint origin, const SkFont &font, const SkPaint &paint)
void drawGlyphs (int count, const SkGlyphID glyphs[], const SkPoint positions[], SkPoint origin, const SkFont &font, const SkPaint &paint)
void drawGlyphs (int count, const SkGlyphID glyphs[], const SkRSXform xforms[], SkPoint origin, const SkFont &font, const SkPaint &paint)
void drawTextBlob (const SkTextBlob *blob, SkScalar x, SkScalar y, const SkPaint &paint)
void drawTextBlob (const sk_sp< SkTextBlob > &blob, SkScalar x, SkScalar y, const SkPaint &paint)
void drawPicture (const SkPicture *picture)
void drawPicture (const sk_sp< SkPicture > &picture)
void drawPicture (const SkPicture *picture, const SkMatrix *matrix, const SkPaint *paint)
void drawPicture (const sk_sp< SkPicture > &picture, const SkMatrix *matrix, const SkPaint *paint)
void drawVertices (const SkVertices *vertices, SkBlendMode mode, const SkPaint &paint)
void drawVertices (const sk_sp< SkVertices > &vertices, SkBlendMode mode, const SkPaint &paint)
void drawMesh (const SkMesh &mesh, sk_sp< SkBlender > blender, const SkPaint &paint)
void drawPatch (const SkPoint cubics[12], const SkColor colors[4], const SkPoint texCoords[4], SkBlendMode mode, const SkPaint &paint)
void drawAtlas (const SkImage *atlas, const SkRSXform xform[], const SkRect tex[], const SkColor colors[], int count, SkBlendMode mode, const SkSamplingOptions &sampling, const SkRect *cullRect, const SkPaint *paint)
void drawDrawable (SkDrawable *drawable, const SkMatrix *matrix=nullptr)
void drawDrawable (SkDrawable *drawable, SkScalar x, SkScalar y)
void drawAnnotation (const SkRect &rect, const char key[], SkData *value)
void drawAnnotation (const SkRect &rect, const char key[], const sk_sp< SkData > &value)
virtual bool isClipEmpty () const
virtual bool isClipRect () const
SkM44 getLocalToDevice () const
SkMatrix getLocalToDeviceAs3x3 () const
SkMatrix getTotalMatrix () const
void temporary_internal_getRgnClip (SkRegion *region)
void private_draw_shadow_rec (const SkPath &, const SkDrawShadowRec &)

Protected Member Functions

bool onFilter (SkPaint &paint) const override
void onDrawPicture (const SkPicture *picture, const SkMatrix *matrix, const SkPaint *paint) override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SkPaintFilterCanvas
void onDrawPaint (const SkPaint &) override
void onDrawBehind (const SkPaint &) override
void onDrawPoints (PointMode, size_t count, const SkPoint pts[], const SkPaint &) override
void onDrawRect (const SkRect &, const SkPaint &) override
void onDrawRRect (const SkRRect &, const SkPaint &) override
void onDrawDRRect (const SkRRect &, const SkRRect &, const SkPaint &) override
void onDrawRegion (const SkRegion &, const SkPaint &) override
void onDrawOval (const SkRect &, const SkPaint &) override
void onDrawArc (const SkRect &, SkScalar, SkScalar, bool, const SkPaint &) override
void onDrawPath (const SkPath &, const SkPaint &) override
void onDrawImage2 (const SkImage *, SkScalar, SkScalar, const SkSamplingOptions &, const SkPaint *) override
void onDrawImageRect2 (const SkImage *, const SkRect &, const SkRect &, const SkSamplingOptions &, const SkPaint *, SrcRectConstraint) override
void onDrawImageLattice2 (const SkImage *, const Lattice &, const SkRect &, SkFilterMode, const SkPaint *) override
void onDrawAtlas2 (const SkImage *, const SkRSXform[], const SkRect[], const SkColor[], int, SkBlendMode, const SkSamplingOptions &, const SkRect *, const SkPaint *) override
void onDrawVerticesObject (const SkVertices *, SkBlendMode, const SkPaint &) override
void onDrawPatch (const SkPoint cubics[12], const SkColor colors[4], const SkPoint texCoords[4], SkBlendMode, const SkPaint &paint) override
void onDrawPicture (const SkPicture *, const SkMatrix *, const SkPaint *) override
void onDrawDrawable (SkDrawable *, const SkMatrix *) override
void onDrawGlyphRunList (const sktext::GlyphRunList &, const SkPaint &) override
void onDrawTextBlob (const SkTextBlob *blob, SkScalar x, SkScalar y, const SkPaint &paint) override
void onDrawAnnotation (const SkRect &rect, const char key[], SkData *value) override
void onDrawShadowRec (const SkPath &path, const SkDrawShadowRec &rec) override
void onDrawEdgeAAQuad (const SkRect &, const SkPoint[4], QuadAAFlags, const SkColor4f &, SkBlendMode) override
void onDrawEdgeAAImageSet2 (const ImageSetEntry[], int count, const SkPoint[], const SkMatrix[], const SkSamplingOptions &, const SkPaint *, SrcRectConstraint) override
sk_sp< SkSurfaceonNewSurface (const SkImageInfo &, const SkSurfaceProps &) override
bool onPeekPixels (SkPixmap *pixmap) override
bool onAccessTopLayerPixels (SkPixmap *pixmap) override
SkImageInfo onImageInfo () const override
bool onGetProps (SkSurfaceProps *props, bool top) const override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SkNWayCanvas
void willSave () override
SaveLayerStrategy getSaveLayerStrategy (const SaveLayerRec &) override
bool onDoSaveBehind (const SkRect *) override
void willRestore () override
void didConcat44 (const SkM44 &) override
void didSetM44 (const SkM44 &) override
void didScale (SkScalar, SkScalar) override
void didTranslate (SkScalar, SkScalar) override
void onDrawSlug (const sktext::gpu::Slug *slug, const SkPaint &paint) override
void onClipRect (const SkRect &, SkClipOp, ClipEdgeStyle) override
void onClipRRect (const SkRRect &, SkClipOp, ClipEdgeStyle) override
void onClipPath (const SkPath &, SkClipOp, ClipEdgeStyle) override
void onClipShader (sk_sp< SkShader >, SkClipOp) override
void onClipRegion (const SkRegion &, SkClipOp) override
void onResetClip () override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SkCanvas
virtual void didRestore ()
virtual void onDrawMesh (const SkMesh &, sk_sp< SkBlender >, const SkPaint &)
virtual void onDiscard ()
virtual sk_sp< sktext::gpu::SlugonConvertGlyphRunListToSlug (const sktext::GlyphRunList &glyphRunList, const SkPaint &paint)
 SkCanvas (const SkIRect &bounds)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from SkPaintFilterCanvas
enum  Type { kPicture_Type }
- Public Types inherited from SkCanvas
enum  SaveLayerFlagsSet { kPreserveLCDText_SaveLayerFlag = 1 << 1 , kInitWithPrevious_SaveLayerFlag = 1 << 2 , kF16ColorType = 1 << 4 }
enum  PointMode { kPoints_PointMode , kLines_PointMode , kPolygon_PointMode }
enum  SrcRectConstraint { kStrict_SrcRectConstraint , kFast_SrcRectConstraint }
enum  QuadAAFlags : unsigned {
  kLeft_QuadAAFlag = 0b0001 , kTop_QuadAAFlag = 0b0010 , kRight_QuadAAFlag = 0b0100 , kBottom_QuadAAFlag = 0b1000 ,
  kNone_QuadAAFlags = 0b0000 , kAll_QuadAAFlags = 0b1111
using SaveLayerFlags = uint32_t
using FilterSpan = SkSpan< sk_sp< SkImageFilter > >
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SkCanvas
static std::unique_ptr< SkCanvasMakeRasterDirect (const SkImageInfo &info, void *pixels, size_t rowBytes, const SkSurfaceProps *props=nullptr)
static std::unique_ptr< SkCanvasMakeRasterDirectN32 (int width, int height, SkPMColor *pixels, size_t rowBytes)
- Static Public Attributes inherited from SkCanvas
static constexpr int kMaxFiltersPerLayer = 16
- Protected Types inherited from SkCanvas
enum  SaveLayerStrategy { kFullLayer_SaveLayerStrategy , kNoLayer_SaveLayerStrategy }
enum  ClipEdgeStyle { kHard_ClipEdgeStyle , kSoft_ClipEdgeStyle }
- Protected Attributes inherited from SkNWayCanvas
SkTDArray< SkCanvas * > fList

Detailed Description

Definition at line 88 of file DebugCanvas.cpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ DebugPaintFilterCanvas()

DebugPaintFilterCanvas::DebugPaintFilterCanvas ( SkCanvas canvas)

Definition at line 90 of file DebugCanvas.cpp.

90: INHERITED(canvas) {}

Member Function Documentation

◆ onDrawPicture()

void DebugPaintFilterCanvas::onDrawPicture ( const SkPicture picture,
const SkMatrix matrix,
const SkPaint paint 

Implements SkCanvasVirtualEnforcer< SkNWayCanvas >.

Definition at line 100 of file DebugCanvas.cpp.

102 {
103 // We need to replay the picture onto this canvas in order to filter its internal paints.
104 this->SkCanvas::onDrawPicture(picture, matrix, paint);
105 }
virtual void onDrawPicture(const SkPicture *picture, const SkMatrix *matrix, const SkPaint *paint)
const Paint & paint

◆ onFilter()

bool DebugPaintFilterCanvas::onFilter ( SkPaint paint) const

Called with the paint that will be used to draw the specified type. The implementation may modify the paint as they wish.

The result bool is used to determine whether the draw op is to be executed (true) or skipped (false).

Note: The base implementation calls onFilter() for top-level/explicit paints only. To also filter encapsulated paints (e.g. SkPicture, SkTextBlob), clients may need to override the relevant methods (i.e. drawPicture, drawTextBlob).

Implements SkPaintFilterCanvas.

Definition at line 93 of file DebugCanvas.cpp.

93 {
94 paint.setColor(SK_ColorRED);
95 paint.setAlpha(0x08);
96 paint.setBlendMode(SkBlendMode::kSrcOver);
97 return true;
98 }
@ kSrcOver
r = s + (1-sa)*d
constexpr SkColor SK_ColorRED
Definition SkColor.h:126

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: