Flutter Engine
The Flutter Engine
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SkRasterPipeline_opts.h File Reference
#include "include/core/SkTypes.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkMalloc.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkSpan_impl.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkTemplates.h"
#include "modules/skcms/skcms.h"
#include "src/base/SkUtils.h"
#include "src/core/SkRasterPipeline.h"
#include "src/core/SkRasterPipelineContextUtils.h"
#include "src/shaders/SkPerlinNoiseShaderType.h"
#include "src/sksl/tracing/SkSLTraceHook.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <type_traits>
#include <math.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  Ctx
struct  SK_OPTS_NS::Params
struct  SK_OPTS_NS::RGB


namespace  SK_OPTS_NS
namespace  SK_OPTS_NS::lowp


#define SI   static inline
#define SK_UNROLL
#define ABI
#define STAGE(name, arg)    DECLARE_STAGE(name, arg, void, ++program, /*no offset*/, /*no musttail*/)
#define STAGE_TAIL(name, arg)    DECLARE_STAGE(name, arg, void, ++program, /*no offset*/, JUMPER_MUSTTAIL)
#define STAGE_BRANCH(name, arg)    DECLARE_STAGE(name, arg, int, /*no increment*/, program +=, JUMPER_MUSTTAIL)
#define BLEND_MODE(name)
#define BLEND_MODE(name)
#define execution_mask()   sk_bit_cast<I32>(a)
#define update_execution_mask()
#define DECLARE_UNARY_INT(name)
#define DECLARE_UNARY_UINT(name)
#define DECLARE_BINARY_INT(name)
#define M(st)   static void (*st)(void) = nullptr;


using NoCtx = const void *
using SK_OPTS_NS::F = float
using SK_OPTS_NS::I32 = int32_t
using SK_OPTS_NS::U64 = uint64_t
using SK_OPTS_NS::U32 = uint32_t
using SK_OPTS_NS::U16 = uint16_t
using SK_OPTS_NS::U8 = uint8_t
using SK_OPTS_NS::Stage = void(ABI *)(Params *, SkRasterPipelineStage *program, F r, F g, F b, F a)


template<typename Dst , typename Src >
SI Dst widen_cast (const Src &src)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::min (F a, F b)
SI I32 SK_OPTS_NS::min (I32 a, I32 b)
SI U32 SK_OPTS_NS::min (U32 a, U32 b)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::max (F a, F b)
SI I32 SK_OPTS_NS::max (I32 a, I32 b)
SI U32 SK_OPTS_NS::max (U32 a, U32 b)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::mad (F f, F m, F a)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::nmad (F f, F m, F a)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::abs_ (F v)
SI I32 SK_OPTS_NS::abs_ (I32 v)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::floor_ (F v)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::ceil_ (F v)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::rcp_approx (F v)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::rsqrt_approx (F v)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::sqrt_ (F v)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::rcp_precise (F v)
SI I32 SK_OPTS_NS::iround (F v)
SI U32 SK_OPTS_NS::round (F v)
SI U32 SK_OPTS_NS::round (F v, F scale)
SI U16 SK_OPTS_NS::pack (U32 v)
SI U8 SK_OPTS_NS::pack (U16 v)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::if_then_else (I32 c, F t, F e)
SI I32 SK_OPTS_NS::if_then_else (I32 c, I32 t, I32 e)
SI bool SK_OPTS_NS::any (I32 c)
SI bool SK_OPTS_NS::all (I32 c)
template<typename T >
SI T SK_OPTS_NS::gather (const T *p, U32 ix)
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::scatter_masked (I32 src, int *dst, U32 ix, I32 mask)
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::load2 (const uint16_t *ptr, U16 *r, U16 *g)
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::store2 (uint16_t *ptr, U16 r, U16 g)
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::load4 (const uint16_t *ptr, U16 *r, U16 *g, U16 *b, U16 *a)
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::store4 (uint16_t *ptr, U16 r, U16 g, U16 b, U16 a)
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::load4 (const float *ptr, F *r, F *g, F *b, F *a)
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::store4 (float *ptr, F r, F g, F b, F a)
SI constexpr F SK_OPTS_NS::F_ (float x)
SI constexpr I32 SK_OPTS_NS::I32_ (int32_t x)
SI constexpr U32 SK_OPTS_NS::U32_ (uint32_t x)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::cast (U32 v)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::cast64 (U64 v)
SI U32 SK_OPTS_NS::trunc_ (F v)
SI U32 SK_OPTS_NS::expand (U16 v)
SI U32 SK_OPTS_NS::expand (U8 v)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::fract (F v)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::approx_log2 (F x)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::approx_log (F x)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::approx_pow2 (F x)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::approx_exp (F x)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::approx_powf (F x, F y)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::from_half (U16 h)
SI U16 SK_OPTS_NS::to_half (F f)
static void SK_OPTS_NS::patch_memory_contexts (SkSpan< SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtxPatch > memoryCtxPatches, size_t dx, size_t dy, size_t tail)
static void SK_OPTS_NS::restore_memory_contexts (SkSpan< SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtxPatch > memoryCtxPatches, size_t dx, size_t dy, size_t tail)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::rcp_fast (F v)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::rsqrt (F v)
static void SK_OPTS_NS::start_pipeline (size_t dx, size_t dy, size_t xlimit, size_t ylimit, SkRasterPipelineStage *program, SkSpan< SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtxPatch > memoryCtxPatches, uint8_t *tailPointer)
static void ABI SK_OPTS_NS::just_return (Params *, SkRasterPipelineStage *, F, F, F, F)
static void ABI SK_OPTS_NS::stack_checkpoint (Params *params, SkRasterPipelineStage *program, F r, F g, F b, F a)
static void ABI SK_OPTS_NS::stack_rewind (Params *params, SkRasterPipelineStage *program, F r, F g, F b, F a)
template<typename V , typename T >
SI V SK_OPTS_NS::load (const T *src)
template<typename V , typename T >
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::store (T *dst, V v)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::from_byte (U8 b)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::from_short (U16 s)
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::from_565 (U16 _565, F *r, F *g, F *b)
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::from_4444 (U16 _4444, F *r, F *g, F *b, F *a)
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::from_8888 (U32 _8888, F *r, F *g, F *b, F *a)
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::from_88 (U16 _88, F *r, F *g)
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::from_1010102 (U32 rgba, F *r, F *g, F *b, F *a)
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::from_1010102_xr (U32 rgba, F *r, F *g, F *b, F *a)
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::from_10101010_xr (U64 _10x6, F *r, F *g, F *b, F *a)
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::from_10x6 (U64 _10x6, F *r, F *g, F *b, F *a)
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::from_1616 (U32 _1616, F *r, F *g)
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::from_16161616 (U64 _16161616, F *r, F *g, F *b, F *a)
template<typename T >
SI TSK_OPTS_NS::ptr_at_xy (const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx, size_t dx, size_t dy)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::clamp (F v, F limit)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::clamp_ex (F v, float limit)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::sin5q_ (F x)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::sin_ (F x)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::cos_ (F x)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::tan_ (F x)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::approx_atan_unit (F x)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::atan_ (F x)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::asin_ (F x)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::acos_ (F x)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::atan2_ (F y0, F x0)
template<typename T >
SI U32 SK_OPTS_NS::ix_and_ptr (T **ptr, const SkRasterPipeline_GatherCtx *ctx, F x, F y)
SI U32 SK_OPTS_NS::to_unorm (F v, float scale, float bias=1.0f)
SI I32 SK_OPTS_NS::cond_to_mask (I32 cond)
SI uint32_t SK_OPTS_NS::select_lane (uint32_t data, int)
SI int32_t SK_OPTS_NS::select_lane (int32_t data, int)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (seed_shader, NoCtx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (dither, const float *rate)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (uniform_color, const SkRasterPipeline_UniformColorCtx *c)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (unbounded_uniform_color, const SkRasterPipeline_UniformColorCtx *c)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (uniform_color_dst, const SkRasterPipeline_UniformColorCtx *c)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (black_color, NoCtx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (white_color, NoCtx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (load_src, const float *ptr)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (store_src, float *ptr)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (store_src_rg, float *ptr)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (load_src_rg, float *ptr)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (store_src_a, float *ptr)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (load_dst, const float *ptr)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (store_dst, float *ptr)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::inv (F x)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::two (F x)
 SK_OPTS_NS::BLEND_MODE (modulate)
 SK_OPTS_NS::BLEND_MODE (multiply)
 SK_OPTS_NS::BLEND_MODE (difference)
 SK_OPTS_NS::BLEND_MODE (exclusion)
 SK_OPTS_NS::BLEND_MODE (colorburn)
 SK_OPTS_NS::BLEND_MODE (colordodge)
 SK_OPTS_NS::BLEND_MODE (hardlight)
 SK_OPTS_NS::BLEND_MODE (softlight)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::sat (F r, F g, F b)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::lum (F r, F g, F b)
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::set_sat (F *r, F *g, F *b, F s)
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::set_lum (F *r, F *g, F *b, F l)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::clip_channel (F c, F l, I32 clip_low, I32 clip_high, F mn_scale, F mx_scale)
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::clip_color (F *r, F *g, F *b, F a)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (hue, NoCtx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (saturation, NoCtx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (color, NoCtx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (luminosity, NoCtx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (srcover_rgba_8888, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::clamp_01_ (F v)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (clamp_01, NoCtx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (clamp_gamut, NoCtx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (set_rgb, const float *rgb)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (unbounded_set_rgb, const float *rgb)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (swap_rb, NoCtx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (swap_rb_dst, NoCtx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (move_src_dst, NoCtx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (move_dst_src, NoCtx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (swap_src_dst, NoCtx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (premul, NoCtx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (premul_dst, NoCtx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (unpremul, NoCtx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (unpremul_polar, NoCtx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (force_opaque, NoCtx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (force_opaque_dst, NoCtx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (rgb_to_hsl, NoCtx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (hsl_to_rgb, NoCtx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (css_lab_to_xyz, NoCtx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (css_oklab_to_linear_srgb, NoCtx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (css_oklab_gamut_map_to_linear_srgb, NoCtx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (css_hcl_to_lab, NoCtx)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::mod_ (F x, float y)
SI RGB SK_OPTS_NS::css_hsl_to_srgb_ (F h, F s, F l)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (css_hsl_to_srgb, NoCtx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (css_hwb_to_srgb, NoCtx)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::alpha_coverage_from_rgb_coverage (F a, F da, F cr, F cg, F cb)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (scale_1_float, const float *c)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (scale_u8, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (scale_565, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::lerp (F from, F to, F t)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (lerp_1_float, const float *c)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (scale_native, const float scales[])
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (lerp_native, const float scales[])
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (lerp_u8, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (lerp_565, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (emboss, const SkRasterPipeline_EmbossCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (byte_tables, const SkRasterPipeline_TablesCtx *tables)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::strip_sign (F x, U32 *sign)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::apply_sign (F x, U32 sign)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (parametric, const skcms_TransferFunction *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (gamma_, const float *G)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (PQish, const skcms_TransferFunction *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (HLGish, const skcms_TransferFunction *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (HLGinvish, const skcms_TransferFunction *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (load_a8, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (load_a8_dst, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (gather_a8, const SkRasterPipeline_GatherCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (store_a8, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (store_r8, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (load_565, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (load_565_dst, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (gather_565, const SkRasterPipeline_GatherCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (store_565, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (load_4444, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (load_4444_dst, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (gather_4444, const SkRasterPipeline_GatherCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (store_4444, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (load_8888, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (load_8888_dst, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (gather_8888, const SkRasterPipeline_GatherCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (store_8888, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (load_rg88, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (load_rg88_dst, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (gather_rg88, const SkRasterPipeline_GatherCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (store_rg88, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (load_a16, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (load_a16_dst, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (gather_a16, const SkRasterPipeline_GatherCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (store_a16, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (load_rg1616, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (load_rg1616_dst, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (gather_rg1616, const SkRasterPipeline_GatherCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (store_rg1616, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (load_16161616, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (load_16161616_dst, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (gather_16161616, const SkRasterPipeline_GatherCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (store_16161616, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (load_10x6, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (load_10x6_dst, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (gather_10x6, const SkRasterPipeline_GatherCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (store_10x6, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (load_1010102, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (load_1010102_dst, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (load_1010102_xr, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (load_1010102_xr_dst, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (gather_1010102, const SkRasterPipeline_GatherCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (gather_1010102_xr, const SkRasterPipeline_GatherCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (gather_10101010_xr, const SkRasterPipeline_GatherCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (load_10101010_xr, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (load_10101010_xr_dst, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (store_10101010_xr, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (store_1010102, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (store_1010102_xr, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (load_f16, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (load_f16_dst, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (gather_f16, const SkRasterPipeline_GatherCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (store_f16, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (load_af16, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (load_af16_dst, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (gather_af16, const SkRasterPipeline_GatherCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (store_af16, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (load_rgf16, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (load_rgf16_dst, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (gather_rgf16, const SkRasterPipeline_GatherCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (store_rgf16, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (load_f32, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (load_f32_dst, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (gather_f32, const SkRasterPipeline_GatherCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (store_f32, const SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtx *ctx)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::exclusive_repeat (F v, const SkRasterPipeline_TileCtx *ctx)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::exclusive_mirror (F v, const SkRasterPipeline_TileCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (repeat_x, const SkRasterPipeline_TileCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (repeat_y, const SkRasterPipeline_TileCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (mirror_x, const SkRasterPipeline_TileCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (mirror_y, const SkRasterPipeline_TileCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (clamp_x_1, NoCtx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (repeat_x_1, NoCtx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (mirror_x_1, NoCtx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (clamp_x_and_y, const SkRasterPipeline_CoordClampCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (decal_x, SkRasterPipeline_DecalTileCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (decal_y, SkRasterPipeline_DecalTileCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (decal_x_and_y, SkRasterPipeline_DecalTileCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (check_decal_mask, SkRasterPipeline_DecalTileCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (alpha_to_gray, NoCtx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (alpha_to_gray_dst, NoCtx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (alpha_to_red, NoCtx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (alpha_to_red_dst, NoCtx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (bt709_luminance_or_luma_to_alpha, NoCtx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (bt709_luminance_or_luma_to_rgb, NoCtx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (matrix_translate, const float *m)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (matrix_scale_translate, const float *m)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (matrix_2x3, const float *m)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (matrix_3x3, const float *m)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (matrix_3x4, const float *m)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (matrix_4x5, const float *m)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (matrix_4x3, const float *m)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (matrix_perspective, const float *m)
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::gradient_lookup (const SkRasterPipeline_GradientCtx *c, U32 idx, F t, F *r, F *g, F *b, F *a)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (evenly_spaced_gradient, const SkRasterPipeline_GradientCtx *c)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (gradient, const SkRasterPipeline_GradientCtx *c)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (evenly_spaced_2_stop_gradient, const SkRasterPipeline_EvenlySpaced2StopGradientCtx *c)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (xy_to_unit_angle, NoCtx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (xy_to_radius, NoCtx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (negate_x, NoCtx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (xy_to_2pt_conical_strip, const SkRasterPipeline_2PtConicalCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (xy_to_2pt_conical_focal_on_circle, NoCtx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (xy_to_2pt_conical_well_behaved, const SkRasterPipeline_2PtConicalCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (xy_to_2pt_conical_greater, const SkRasterPipeline_2PtConicalCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (xy_to_2pt_conical_smaller, const SkRasterPipeline_2PtConicalCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (alter_2pt_conical_compensate_focal, const SkRasterPipeline_2PtConicalCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (alter_2pt_conical_unswap, NoCtx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (mask_2pt_conical_nan, SkRasterPipeline_2PtConicalCtx *c)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (mask_2pt_conical_degenerates, SkRasterPipeline_2PtConicalCtx *c)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (apply_vector_mask, const uint32_t *ctx)
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::save_xy (F *r, F *g, SkRasterPipeline_SamplerCtx *c)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (accumulate, const SkRasterPipeline_SamplerCtx *c)
template<int kScale>
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::bilinear_x (SkRasterPipeline_SamplerCtx *ctx, F *x)
template<int kScale>
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::bilinear_y (SkRasterPipeline_SamplerCtx *ctx, F *y)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (bilinear_setup, SkRasterPipeline_SamplerCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (bilinear_nx, SkRasterPipeline_SamplerCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (bilinear_px, SkRasterPipeline_SamplerCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (bilinear_ny, SkRasterPipeline_SamplerCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (bilinear_py, SkRasterPipeline_SamplerCtx *ctx)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::bicubic_wts (F t, float A, float B, float C, float D)
template<int kScale>
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::bicubic_x (SkRasterPipeline_SamplerCtx *ctx, F *x)
template<int kScale>
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::bicubic_y (SkRasterPipeline_SamplerCtx *ctx, F *y)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (bicubic_setup, SkRasterPipeline_SamplerCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (bicubic_n3x, SkRasterPipeline_SamplerCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (bicubic_n1x, SkRasterPipeline_SamplerCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (bicubic_p1x, SkRasterPipeline_SamplerCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (bicubic_p3x, SkRasterPipeline_SamplerCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (bicubic_n3y, SkRasterPipeline_SamplerCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (bicubic_n1y, SkRasterPipeline_SamplerCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (bicubic_p1y, SkRasterPipeline_SamplerCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (bicubic_p3y, SkRasterPipeline_SamplerCtx *ctx)
SI F SK_OPTS_NS::compute_perlin_vector (U32 sample, F x, F y)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (perlin_noise, SkRasterPipeline_PerlinNoiseCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (mipmap_linear_init, SkRasterPipeline_MipmapCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (mipmap_linear_update, SkRasterPipeline_MipmapCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (mipmap_linear_finish, SkRasterPipeline_MipmapCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (callback, SkRasterPipeline_CallbackCtx *c)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (set_base_pointer, std::byte *p)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (init_lane_masks, SkRasterPipeline_InitLaneMasksCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (store_device_xy01, F *dst)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (exchange_src, F *rgba)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (load_condition_mask, F *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (store_condition_mask, F *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (merge_condition_mask, I32 *ptr)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (merge_inv_condition_mask, I32 *ptr)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (load_loop_mask, F *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (store_loop_mask, F *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (mask_off_loop_mask, NoCtx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (reenable_loop_mask, I32 *ptr)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (merge_loop_mask, I32 *ptr)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (continue_op, I32 *continueMask)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (case_op, SkRasterPipeline_CaseOpCtx *packed)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (load_return_mask, F *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (store_return_mask, F *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (mask_off_return_mask, NoCtx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_BRANCH (branch_if_all_lanes_active, SkRasterPipeline_BranchIfAllLanesActiveCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_BRANCH (branch_if_any_lanes_active, SkRasterPipeline_BranchCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_BRANCH (branch_if_no_lanes_active, SkRasterPipeline_BranchCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_BRANCH (jump, SkRasterPipeline_BranchCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_BRANCH (branch_if_no_active_lanes_eq, SkRasterPipeline_BranchIfEqualCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (trace_line, SkRasterPipeline_TraceLineCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (trace_enter, SkRasterPipeline_TraceFuncCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (trace_exit, SkRasterPipeline_TraceFuncCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (trace_scope, SkRasterPipeline_TraceScopeCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (trace_var, SkRasterPipeline_TraceVarCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (copy_uniform, SkRasterPipeline_UniformCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (copy_2_uniforms, SkRasterPipeline_UniformCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (copy_3_uniforms, SkRasterPipeline_UniformCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (copy_4_uniforms, SkRasterPipeline_UniformCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (copy_constant, SkRasterPipeline_ConstantCtx *packed)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (splat_2_constants, SkRasterPipeline_ConstantCtx *packed)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (splat_3_constants, SkRasterPipeline_ConstantCtx *packed)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (splat_4_constants, SkRasterPipeline_ConstantCtx *packed)
template<int NumSlots>
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::copy_n_slots_unmasked_fn (SkRasterPipeline_BinaryOpCtx *packed, std::byte *base)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (copy_slot_unmasked, SkRasterPipeline_BinaryOpCtx *packed)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (copy_2_slots_unmasked, SkRasterPipeline_BinaryOpCtx *packed)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (copy_3_slots_unmasked, SkRasterPipeline_BinaryOpCtx *packed)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (copy_4_slots_unmasked, SkRasterPipeline_BinaryOpCtx *packed)
template<int NumSlots>
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::copy_n_immutable_unmasked_fn (SkRasterPipeline_BinaryOpCtx *packed, std::byte *base)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (copy_immutable_unmasked, SkRasterPipeline_BinaryOpCtx *packed)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (copy_2_immutables_unmasked, SkRasterPipeline_BinaryOpCtx *packed)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (copy_3_immutables_unmasked, SkRasterPipeline_BinaryOpCtx *packed)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (copy_4_immutables_unmasked, SkRasterPipeline_BinaryOpCtx *packed)
template<int NumSlots>
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::copy_n_slots_masked_fn (SkRasterPipeline_BinaryOpCtx *packed, std::byte *base, I32 mask)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (copy_slot_masked, SkRasterPipeline_BinaryOpCtx *packed)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (copy_2_slots_masked, SkRasterPipeline_BinaryOpCtx *packed)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (copy_3_slots_masked, SkRasterPipeline_BinaryOpCtx *packed)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (copy_4_slots_masked, SkRasterPipeline_BinaryOpCtx *packed)
template<int LoopCount, typename OffsetType >
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::shuffle_fn (std::byte *ptr, OffsetType *offsets, int numSlots)
template<int N>
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::small_swizzle_fn (SkRasterPipeline_SwizzleCtx *packed, std::byte *base)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (swizzle_1, SkRasterPipeline_SwizzleCtx *packed)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (swizzle_2, SkRasterPipeline_SwizzleCtx *packed)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (swizzle_3, SkRasterPipeline_SwizzleCtx *packed)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (swizzle_4, SkRasterPipeline_SwizzleCtx *packed)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (shuffle, SkRasterPipeline_ShuffleCtx *ctx)
template<int NumSlots>
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::swizzle_copy_masked_fn (I32 *dst, const I32 *src, uint16_t *offsets, I32 mask)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (swizzle_copy_slot_masked, SkRasterPipeline_SwizzleCopyCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (swizzle_copy_2_slots_masked, SkRasterPipeline_SwizzleCopyCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (swizzle_copy_3_slots_masked, SkRasterPipeline_SwizzleCopyCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (swizzle_copy_4_slots_masked, SkRasterPipeline_SwizzleCopyCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (copy_from_indirect_unmasked, SkRasterPipeline_CopyIndirectCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (copy_from_indirect_uniform_unmasked, SkRasterPipeline_CopyIndirectCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (copy_to_indirect_masked, SkRasterPipeline_CopyIndirectCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (swizzle_copy_to_indirect_masked, SkRasterPipeline_SwizzleCopyIndirectCtx *ctx)
template<typename T , void(*)(T *) ApplyFn>
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::apply_adjacent_unary (T *dst, T *end)
template<typename T >
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::cast_to_float_from_fn (T *dst)
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::cast_to_int_from_fn (F *dst)
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::cast_to_uint_from_fn (F *dst)
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::abs_fn (I32 *dst)
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::floor_fn (F *dst)
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::ceil_fn (F *dst)
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::invsqrt_fn (F *dst)
 SK_OPTS_NS::DECLARE_UNARY_INT (cast_to_float_from) DECLARE_UNARY_UINT(cast_to_float_from) STAGE_TAIL(sin_float
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (cos_float, F *dst)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (tan_float, F *dst)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (asin_float, F *dst)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (acos_float, F *dst)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (atan_float, F *dst)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (sqrt_float, F *dst)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (exp_float, F *dst)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (exp2_float, F *dst)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (log_float, F *dst)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (log2_float, F *dst)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (inverse_mat2, F *dst)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (inverse_mat3, F *dst)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (inverse_mat4, F *dst)
template<typename T , void(*)(T *, T *) ApplyFn>
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::apply_adjacent_binary (T *dst, T *src)
template<typename T , void(*)(T *, T *) ApplyFn>
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::apply_adjacent_binary_packed (SkRasterPipeline_BinaryOpCtx *packed, std::byte *base)
template<int N, typename V , typename S , void(*)(V *, V *) ApplyFn>
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::apply_binary_immediate (SkRasterPipeline_ConstantCtx *packed, std::byte *base)
template<typename T >
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::add_fn (T *dst, T *src)
template<typename T >
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::sub_fn (T *dst, T *src)
template<typename T >
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::mul_fn (T *dst, T *src)
template<typename T >
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::div_fn (T *dst, T *src)
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::bitwise_and_fn (I32 *dst, I32 *src)
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::bitwise_or_fn (I32 *dst, I32 *src)
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::bitwise_xor_fn (I32 *dst, I32 *src)
template<typename T >
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::max_fn (T *dst, T *src)
template<typename T >
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::min_fn (T *dst, T *src)
template<typename T >
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::cmplt_fn (T *dst, T *src)
template<typename T >
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::cmple_fn (T *dst, T *src)
template<typename T >
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::cmpeq_fn (T *dst, T *src)
template<typename T >
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::cmpne_fn (T *dst, T *src)
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::atan2_fn (F *dst, F *src)
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::pow_fn (F *dst, F *src)
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::mod_fn (F *dst, F *src)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (dot_3_floats, F *dst)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (dot_4_floats, F *dst)
template<int N>
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::matrix_multiply (SkRasterPipeline_MatrixMultiplyCtx *packed, std::byte *base)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (matrix_multiply_2, SkRasterPipeline_MatrixMultiplyCtx *packed)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (matrix_multiply_3, SkRasterPipeline_MatrixMultiplyCtx *packed)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (matrix_multiply_4, SkRasterPipeline_MatrixMultiplyCtx *packed)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE_TAIL (refract_4_floats, F *dst)
template<typename T , void(*)(T *, T *, T *) ApplyFn>
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::apply_adjacent_ternary (T *dst, T *src0, T *src1)
template<typename T , void(*)(T *, T *, T *) ApplyFn>
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::apply_adjacent_ternary_packed (SkRasterPipeline_TernaryOpCtx *packed, std::byte *base)
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::mix_fn (F *a, F *x, F *y)
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::mix_fn (I32 *a, I32 *x, I32 *y)
SI void SK_OPTS_NS::smoothstep_fn (F *edge0, F *edge1, F *x)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (gauss_a_to_rgba, NoCtx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (bilerp_clamp_8888, const SkRasterPipeline_GatherCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (bicubic_clamp_8888, const SkRasterPipeline_GatherCtx *ctx)
 SK_OPTS_NS::STAGE (swizzle, void *ctx)
static void SK_OPTS_NS::lowp::start_pipeline (size_t, size_t, size_t, size_t, SkRasterPipelineStage *, SkSpan< SkRasterPipeline_MemoryCtxPatch >, uint8_t *tailPointer)
constexpr size_t SK_OPTS_NS::raster_pipeline_lowp_stride ()
constexpr size_t SK_OPTS_NS::raster_pipeline_highp_stride ()


static constexpr F SK_OPTS_NS::F0 = F_(0.0f)
static constexpr F SK_OPTS_NS::F1 = F_(1.0f)
static constexpr size_t SK_OPTS_NS::N = sizeof(F) / sizeof(float)
FSK_OPTS_NS::dst { *dst = sin_(*dst)
static void(* SK_OPTS_NS::lowp::just_return )(void) = nullptr
static constexpr size_t SK_OPTS_NS::lowp::lowp_N = N

Macro Definition Documentation


#define ABI

Definition at line 1514 of file SkRasterPipeline_opts.h.

◆ BLEND_MODE [1/2]

#define BLEND_MODE (   name)
SI F name##_channel(F s, F d, F sa, F da); \
STAGE(name, NoCtx) { \
r = name##_channel(r,dr,a,da); \
g = name##_channel(g,dg,a,da); \
b = name##_channel(b,db,a,da); \
a = name##_channel(a,da,a,da); \
} \
SI F name##_channel(F s, F d, F sa, F da)
#define SI
FlutterMethodChannel * _channel
Definition: main.cc:19
static bool b
struct MyStruct s
struct MyStruct a[10]
DEF_SWITCHES_START aot vmservice shared library name
Definition: switches.h:32
Definition: SkMD5.cpp:120

Definition at line 2192 of file SkRasterPipeline_opts.h.

◆ BLEND_MODE [2/2]

#define BLEND_MODE (   name)
SI F name##_channel(F s, F d, F sa, F da); \
STAGE(name, NoCtx) { \
r = name##_channel(r,dr,a,da); \
g = name##_channel(g,dg,a,da); \
b = name##_channel(b,db,a,da); \
a = mad(da, inv(a), a); \
} \
SI F name##_channel(F s, F d, F sa, F da)
SI F mad(F f, F m, F a)

Definition at line 2192 of file SkRasterPipeline_opts.h.


#define DECLARE_BINARY_FLOAT (   name)
STAGE_TAIL(name##_float, F* dst) { apply_adjacent_binary<F, &name##_fn>(dst, dst + 1); } \
STAGE_TAIL(name##_2_floats, F* dst) { apply_adjacent_binary<F, &name##_fn>(dst, dst + 2); } \
STAGE_TAIL(name##_3_floats, F* dst) { apply_adjacent_binary<F, &name##_fn>(dst, dst + 3); } \
STAGE_TAIL(name##_4_floats, F* dst) { apply_adjacent_binary<F, &name##_fn>(dst, dst + 4); } \
#define STAGE_TAIL(name, arg)

Definition at line 4660 of file SkRasterPipeline_opts.h.


#define DECLARE_BINARY_INT (   name)
STAGE_TAIL(name##_int, I32* dst) { apply_adjacent_binary<I32, &name##_fn>(dst, dst + 1); } \
STAGE_TAIL(name##_2_ints, I32* dst) { apply_adjacent_binary<I32, &name##_fn>(dst, dst + 2); } \
STAGE_TAIL(name##_3_ints, I32* dst) { apply_adjacent_binary<I32, &name##_fn>(dst, dst + 3); } \
STAGE_TAIL(name##_4_ints, I32* dst) { apply_adjacent_binary<I32, &name##_fn>(dst, dst + 4); } \
V< int32_t > I32
Definition: Transform_inl.h:15

Definition at line 4672 of file SkRasterPipeline_opts.h.


#define DECLARE_BINARY_UINT (   name)
STAGE_TAIL(name##_uint, U32* dst) { apply_adjacent_binary<U32, &name##_fn>(dst, dst + 1); } \
STAGE_TAIL(name##_2_uints, U32* dst) { apply_adjacent_binary<U32, &name##_fn>(dst, dst + 2); } \
STAGE_TAIL(name##_3_uints, U32* dst) { apply_adjacent_binary<U32, &name##_fn>(dst, dst + 3); } \
STAGE_TAIL(name##_4_uints, U32* dst) { apply_adjacent_binary<U32, &name##_fn>(dst, dst + 4); } \
V< uint32_t > U32
Definition: Transform_inl.h:17

Definition at line 4684 of file SkRasterPipeline_opts.h.


#define DECLARE_IMM_BINARY_FLOAT (   name)
STAGE_TAIL(name##_imm_float, SkRasterPipeline_ConstantCtx* packed) { \
apply_binary_immediate<1, F, float, &name##_fn>(packed, base); \


#define DECLARE_IMM_BINARY_INT (   name)
apply_binary_immediate<1, I32, int32_t, &name##_fn>(packed, base); \


#define DECLARE_IMM_BINARY_UINT (   name)
STAGE_TAIL(name##_imm_uint, SkRasterPipeline_ConstantCtx* packed) { \
apply_binary_immediate<1, U32, uint32_t, &name##_fn>(packed, base); \


apply_binary_immediate<1, I32, int32_t, &name##_fn>(packed, base); \
} \
STAGE_TAIL(name##_imm_2_ints, SkRasterPipeline_ConstantCtx* packed) { \
apply_binary_immediate<2, I32, int32_t, &name##_fn>(packed, base); \
} \
STAGE_TAIL(name##_imm_3_ints, SkRasterPipeline_ConstantCtx* packed) { \
apply_binary_immediate<3, I32, int32_t, &name##_fn>(packed, base); \
} \
STAGE_TAIL(name##_imm_4_ints, SkRasterPipeline_ConstantCtx* packed) { \
apply_binary_immediate<4, I32, int32_t, &name##_fn>(packed, base); \


#define DECLARE_N_WAY_BINARY_FLOAT (   name)
STAGE_TAIL(name##_n_floats, SkRasterPipeline_BinaryOpCtx* packed) { \
apply_adjacent_binary_packed<F, &name##_fn>(packed, base); \

Definition at line 4655 of file SkRasterPipeline_opts.h.


#define DECLARE_N_WAY_BINARY_INT (   name)
apply_adjacent_binary_packed<I32, &name##_fn>(packed, base); \

Definition at line 4667 of file SkRasterPipeline_opts.h.


#define DECLARE_N_WAY_BINARY_UINT (   name)
apply_adjacent_binary_packed<U32, &name##_fn>(packed, base); \

Definition at line 4679 of file SkRasterPipeline_opts.h.


apply_adjacent_ternary_packed<F, &name##_fn>(packed, base); \

Definition at line 4906 of file SkRasterPipeline_opts.h.


#define DECLARE_STAGE (   name,
SI STAGE_RET name##_k(ARG, size_t dx, size_t dy, std::byte*& base, \
F& r, F& g, F& b, F& a, F& dr, F& dg, F& db, F& da); \
static void ABI name(Params* params, SkRasterPipelineStage* program, \
F r, F g, F b, F a) { \
OFFSET name##_k(Ctx{program}, params->dx,params->dy,params->base, \
r,g,b,a, params->dr, params->dg, params->db, params->da); \
INC; \
auto fn = (Stage)program->fn; \
MUSTTAIL return fn(params, program, r,g,b,a); \
} \
SI STAGE_RET name##_k(ARG, size_t dx, size_t dy, std::byte*& base, \
F& r, F& g, F& b, F& a, F& dr, F& dg, F& db, F& da)
#define ABI
const EmbeddedViewParams * params
void(ABI *)(Params *, SkRasterPipelineStage *program, F r, F g, F b, F a) Stage
skia_private::AutoTArray< sk_sp< SkImageFilter > > filters TypedMatrix matrix TypedMatrix matrix SkScalar dx
Definition: SkRecords.h:208

Definition at line 1580 of file SkRasterPipeline_opts.h.


#define DECLARE_TERNARY_FLOAT (   name)
STAGE_TAIL(name##_float, F* p) { apply_adjacent_ternary<F, &name##_fn>(p, p+1, p+2); } \
STAGE_TAIL(name##_2_floats, F* p) { apply_adjacent_ternary<F, &name##_fn>(p, p+2, p+4); } \
STAGE_TAIL(name##_3_floats, F* p) { apply_adjacent_ternary<F, &name##_fn>(p, p+3, p+6); } \
STAGE_TAIL(name##_4_floats, F* p) { apply_adjacent_ternary<F, &name##_fn>(p, p+4, p+8); } \

Definition at line 4911 of file SkRasterPipeline_opts.h.


#define DECLARE_TERNARY_INT (   name)
STAGE_TAIL(name##_int, I32* p) { apply_adjacent_ternary<I32, &name##_fn>(p, p+1, p+2); } \
STAGE_TAIL(name##_2_ints, I32* p) { apply_adjacent_ternary<I32, &name##_fn>(p, p+2, p+4); } \
STAGE_TAIL(name##_3_ints, I32* p) { apply_adjacent_ternary<I32, &name##_fn>(p, p+3, p+6); } \
STAGE_TAIL(name##_4_ints, I32* p) { apply_adjacent_ternary<I32, &name##_fn>(p, p+4, p+8); } \
STAGE_TAIL(name##_n_ints, SkRasterPipeline_TernaryOpCtx* packed) { \
apply_adjacent_ternary_packed<I32, &name##_fn>(packed, base); \

Definition at line 4918 of file SkRasterPipeline_opts.h.


#define DECLARE_UNARY_FLOAT (   name)
STAGE_TAIL(name##_float, F* dst) { apply_adjacent_unary<F, &name##_fn>(dst, dst + 1); } \
STAGE_TAIL(name##_2_floats, F* dst) { apply_adjacent_unary<F, &name##_fn>(dst, dst + 2); } \
STAGE_TAIL(name##_3_floats, F* dst) { apply_adjacent_unary<F, &name##_fn>(dst, dst + 3); } \
STAGE_TAIL(name##_4_floats, F* dst) { apply_adjacent_unary<F, &name##_fn>(dst, dst + 4); }

Definition at line 4414 of file SkRasterPipeline_opts.h.


#define DECLARE_UNARY_INT (   name)
STAGE_TAIL(name##_int, I32* dst) { apply_adjacent_unary<I32, &name##_fn>(dst, dst + 1); } \
STAGE_TAIL(name##_2_ints, I32* dst) { apply_adjacent_unary<I32, &name##_fn>(dst, dst + 2); } \
STAGE_TAIL(name##_3_ints, I32* dst) { apply_adjacent_unary<I32, &name##_fn>(dst, dst + 3); } \
STAGE_TAIL(name##_4_ints, I32* dst) { apply_adjacent_unary<I32, &name##_fn>(dst, dst + 4); }

Definition at line 4420 of file SkRasterPipeline_opts.h.


#define DECLARE_UNARY_UINT (   name)
STAGE_TAIL(name##_uint, U32* dst) { apply_adjacent_unary<U32, &name##_fn>(dst, dst + 1); } \
STAGE_TAIL(name##_2_uints, U32* dst) { apply_adjacent_unary<U32, &name##_fn>(dst, dst + 2); } \
STAGE_TAIL(name##_3_uints, U32* dst) { apply_adjacent_unary<U32, &name##_fn>(dst, dst + 3); } \
STAGE_TAIL(name##_4_uints, U32* dst) { apply_adjacent_unary<U32, &name##_fn>(dst, dst + 4); }

Definition at line 4426 of file SkRasterPipeline_opts.h.

◆ execution_mask

#define execution_mask ( )    sk_bit_cast<I32>(a)

Definition at line 3847 of file SkRasterPipeline_opts.h.



Definition at line 75 of file SkRasterPipeline_opts.h.



Definition at line 1576 of file SkRasterPipeline_opts.h.



Definition at line 1515 of file SkRasterPipeline_opts.h.

◆ M

#define M (   st)    static void (*st)(void) = nullptr;

Definition at line 5072 of file SkRasterPipeline_opts.h.

◆ SI

#define SI   static inline

Definition at line 29 of file SkRasterPipeline_opts.h.


#define SK_UNROLL

Definition at line 35 of file SkRasterPipeline_opts.h.


#define STAGE (   name,
)     DECLARE_STAGE(name, arg, void, ++program, /*no offset*/, /*no musttail*/)

Definition at line 1610 of file SkRasterPipeline_opts.h.


#define STAGE_BRANCH (   name,
)     DECLARE_STAGE(name, arg, int, /*no increment*/, program +=, JUMPER_MUSTTAIL)

Definition at line 1620 of file SkRasterPipeline_opts.h.


#define STAGE_TAIL (   name,
)     DECLARE_STAGE(name, arg, void, ++program, /*no offset*/, JUMPER_MUSTTAIL)

Definition at line 1616 of file SkRasterPipeline_opts.h.

◆ update_execution_mask

#define update_execution_mask ( )
a = sk_bit_cast<F>(sk_bit_cast<I32>(r) & \
sk_bit_cast<I32>(g) & \

Definition at line 3848 of file SkRasterPipeline_opts.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ NoCtx

using NoCtx = const void*

Definition at line 68 of file SkRasterPipeline_opts.h.

Function Documentation

◆ widen_cast()

template<typename Dst , typename Src >
SI Dst widen_cast ( const Src &  src)

Definition at line 50 of file SkRasterPipeline_opts.h.

50 {
51 static_assert(sizeof(Dst) > sizeof(Src));
54 Dst dst;
55 memcpy(&dst, &src, sizeof(Src));
56 return dst;
uint8_t value