15class ObjectPointerVisitor;
19 V(AbiSpecificInteger, "AbiSpecificInteger") \
20 V(AbstractClassInstantiationError, "AbstractClassInstantiationError") \
21 V(_AddStreamState, "_AddStreamState") \
22 V(AllocateInvocationMirror, "_allocateInvocationMirror") \
23 V(AllocateInvocationMirrorForClosure, "_allocateInvocationMirrorForClosure") \
24 V(AnonymousClosure, "<anonymous closure>") \
25 V(ApiError, "ApiError") \
26 V(ArgDescVar, ":arg_desc") \
27 V(ArgumentError, "ArgumentError") \
29 V(StateError, "StateError") \
30 V(AssertionError, "_AssertionError") \
31 V(AssignIndexToken, "[]=") \
33 V(BooleanExpression, "boolean expression") \
34 V(BoundsCheckForPartialInstantiation, "_boundsCheckForPartialInstantiation") \
35 V(ByteData, "ByteData") \
36 V(Capability, "Capability") \
37 V(CheckLoaded, "_checkLoaded") \
39 V(ClassID, "ClassID") \
40 V(ClosureData, "ClosureData") \
41 V(ClosureParameter, ":closure") \
43 V(CodeSourceMap, "CodeSourceMap") \
44 V(ColonMatcher, ":matcher") \
45 V(_Completer, "_Completer") \
46 V(_AsyncCompleter, "_AsyncCompleter") \
47 V(_SyncCompleter, "_SyncCompleter") \
48 V(Compound, "_Compound") \
49 V(CompressedStackMaps, "CompressedStackMaps") \
50 V(Context, "Context") \
51 V(ContextScope, "ContextScope") \
52 V(Current, "current") \
53 V(CurrentContextVar, ":current_context_var") \
54 V(DartAsync, "dart:async") \
55 V(DartCollection, "dart:collection") \
56 V(DartCore, "dart:core") \
57 V(DartDeveloper, "dart:developer") \
58 V(DartDeveloperTimeline, "dart.developer.timeline") \
59 V(DartFfi, "dart:ffi") \
60 V(DartInternal, "dart:_internal") \
61 V(DartIsVM, "dart.isVM") \
62 V(DartIsolate, "dart:isolate") \
63 V(DartLibrary, "dart.library.") \
64 V(DartLibraryFfi, "dart.library.ffi") \
65 V(DartLibraryMirrors, "dart.library.mirrors") \
66 V(DartMirrors, "dart:mirrors") \
67 V(DartNativeWrappers, "dart:nativewrappers") \
68 V(DartNativeWrappersLibName, "nativewrappers") \
69 V(DartScheme, "dart:") \
70 V(DartSchemePrivate, "dart:_") \
71 V(DartTypedData, "dart:typed_data") \
72 V(DartVMProduct, "dart.vm.product") \
73 V(DartVMService, "dart:_vmservice") \
74 V(DebugProcedureName, ":Eval") \
75 V(Default, "Default") \
76 V(DefaultLabel, ":L") \
77 V(DotCreate, "._create") \
78 V(DotFieldADI, ".fieldADI") \
79 V(DotFieldNI, ".fieldNI") \
80 V(DotRange, ".range") \
82 V(DotValue, ".value") \
83 V(DotWithType, "._withType") \
85 V(Dynamic, "dynamic") \
86 V(DynamicCall, "dyn:call") \
87 V(DynamicCallCurrentFunctionVar, ":dyn_call_current_function") \
88 V(DynamicCallCurrentNumProcessedVar, ":dyn_call_current_num_processed") \
89 V(DynamicCallCurrentParamIndexVar, ":dyn_call_current_param_index") \
90 V(DynamicCallCurrentTypeParamVar, ":dyn_call_current_type_param") \
91 V(DynamicCallFunctionTypeArgsVar, ":dyn_call_function_type_args") \
92 V(DynamicPrefix, "dyn:") \
93 V(EntryPointsTemp, ":entry_points_temp") \
94 V(EqualOperator, "==") \
96 V(EvalSourceUri, "evaluate:source") \
97 V(EvaluateAssertion, "_evaluateAssertion") \
98 V(ExceptionHandlers, "ExceptionHandlers") \
99 V(ExceptionVar, ":exception_var") \
100 V(Expando, "Expando") \
101 V(ExprTemp, ":expr_temp") \
102 V(FfiAbiSpecificMapping, "_FfiAbiSpecificMapping") \
103 V(FfiAsyncCallback, "_FfiAsyncCallback") \
105 V(FfiCallback, "_FfiCallback") \
106 V(FfiDouble, "Double") \
107 V(FfiDynamicLibrary, "DynamicLibrary") \
108 V(FfiElementType, "elementType") \
109 V(FfiFieldPacking, "packing") \
110 V(FfiFieldTypes, "fieldTypes") \
111 V(FfiFloat, "Float") \
112 V(FfiHandle, "Handle") \
113 V(FfiInt16, "Int16") \
114 V(FfiInt32, "Int32") \
115 V(FfiInt64, "Int64") \
117 V(FfiIntPtr, "IntPtr") \
118 V(FfiIsolateLocalCallback, "_FfiIsolateLocalCallback") \
119 V(FfiNative, "Native") \
120 V(FfiNativeFunction, "NativeFunction") \
121 V(FfiNativeType, "NativeType") \
122 V(FfiNativeTypes, "nativeTypes") \
123 V(FfiPointer, "Pointer") \
124 V(FfiFromAddress, "_fromAddress") \
125 V(FfiStructLayout, "_FfiStructLayout") \
126 V(FfiStructLayoutArray, "_FfiInlineArray") \
127 V(FfiTrampolineData, "FfiTrampolineData") \
128 V(FfiUint16, "Uint16") \
129 V(FfiUint32, "Uint32") \
130 V(FfiUint64, "Uint64") \
131 V(FfiUint8, "Uint8") \
134 V(Finalizable, "Finalizable") \
135 V(FinalizerBase, "FinalizerBase") \
136 V(FinalizerEntry, "FinalizerEntry") \
137 V(FinallyRetVal, ":finally_ret_val") \
139 V(Float32List, "Float32List") \
140 V(Float32x4, "Float32x4") \
141 V(Float32x4List, "Float32x4List") \
142 V(Float64List, "Float64List") \
143 V(Float64x2, "Float64x2") \
144 V(Float64x2List, "Float64x2List") \
145 V(FormatException, "FormatException") \
146 V(ForwardingCorpse, "ForwardingCorpse") \
147 V(FreeListElement, "FreeListElement") \
148 V(Function, "Function") \
149 V(FunctionResult, "function result") \
150 V(FunctionTypeArgumentsVar, ":function_type_arguments_var") \
151 V(Future, "Future") \
152 V(_Future, "_Future") \
153 V(FutureOr, "FutureOr") \
154 V(FutureValue, "Future.value") \
155 V(GetCall, "get:call") \
156 V(GetLength, "get:length") \
157 V(GetRuntimeType, "get:runtimeType") \
158 V(GetterPrefix, "get:") \
159 V(Get_fieldNames, "get:_fieldNames") \
160 V(GreaterEqualOperator, ">=") \
161 V(HaveSameRuntimeType, "_haveSameRuntimeType") \
162 V(ICData, "ICData") \
163 V(Identical, "identical") \
164 V(InTypeCast, " in type cast") \
166 V(IndexToken, "[]") \
167 V(InitPrefix, "init:") \
168 V(Instructions, "Instructions") \
169 V(InstructionsSection, "InstructionsSection") \
170 V(InstructionsTable, "InstructionsTable") \
172 V(Int16List, "Int16List") \
173 V(Int32List, "Int32List") \
174 V(Int32x4, "Int32x4") \
175 V(Int32x4List, "Int32x4List") \
176 V(Int64List, "Int64List") \
177 V(Int8List, "Int8List") \
178 V(IntegerDivisionByZeroException, "IntegerDivisionByZeroException") \
179 V(Interpolate, "_interpolate") \
180 V(InterpolateSingle, "_interpolateSingle") \
181 V(InvocationMirror, "_InvocationMirror") \
182 V(IsolateSpawnException, "IsolateSpawnException") \
183 V(Iterable, "Iterable") \
184 V(Iterator, "iterator") \
185 V(KernelProgramInfo, "KernelProgramInfo") \
186 V(LanguageError, "LanguageError") \
187 V(LateError, "LateError") \
188 V(LeftShiftOperator, "<<") \
189 V(Length, "length") \
190 V(LessEqualOperator, "<=") \
191 V(LibraryClass, "Library") \
192 V(LibraryPrefix, "LibraryPrefix") \
194 V(ListFactory, "List.") \
195 V(ListFilledFactory, "List.filled") \
196 V(LoadLibrary, "_loadLibrary") \
197 V(LoadingUnit, "LoadingUnit") \
198 V(LocalVarDescriptors, "LocalVarDescriptors") \
200 V(MapLiteralFactory, "Map._fromLiteral") \
201 V(MegamorphicCache, "MegamorphicCache") \
202 V(MonomorphicSmiableCall, "MonomorphicSmiableCall") \
203 V(MoveNext, "moveNext") \
204 V(Namespace, "Namespace") \
206 V(NoSuchMethod, "noSuchMethod") \
207 V(NoSuchMethodError, "NoSuchMethodError") \
210 V(Object, "Object") \
211 V(ObjectPool, "ObjectPool") \
212 V(OneByteString, "_OneByteString") \
213 V(OptimizedOut, "<optimized out>") \
214 V(OriginalParam, ":original:") \
215 V(OutOfMemoryError, "OutOfMemoryError") \
216 V(PackageScheme, "package:") \
218 V(PatchClass, "PatchClass") \
219 V(PcDescriptors, "PcDescriptors") \
220 V(Pragma, "pragma") \
221 V(PrependTypeArguments, "_prependTypeArguments") \
222 V(QuoteIsNotASubtypeOf, "' is not a subtype of ") \
223 V(RangeError, "RangeError") \
224 V(Record, "Record") \
225 V(RegExp, "RegExp") \
226 V(RightShiftOperator, ">>") \
227 V(SavedTryContextVar, ":saved_try_context_var") \
228 V(Script, "Script") \
230 V(SendPort, "SendPort") \
231 V(Sentinel, "Sentinel") \
233 V(SetterPrefix, "set:") \
234 V(SingleTargetCache, "SingleTargetCache") \
235 V(SpaceIsFromSpace, " is from ") \
236 V(SpaceOfSpace, " of ") \
237 V(SpaceWhereNewLine, " where\n") \
238 V(StackOverflowError, "StackOverflowError") \
239 V(Stream, "Stream") \
240 V(StringBase, "_StringBase") \
241 V(Struct, "Struct") \
242 V(SubtypeTestCache, "SubtypeTestCache") \
243 V(SuspendStateVar, ":suspend_state_var") \
244 V(SwitchExpr, ":switch_expr") \
245 V(Symbol, "Symbol") \
246 V(ThrowNew, "_throwNew") \
247 V(ThrowNewSource, "_throwNewSource") \
248 V(ThrowNewInvocation, "_throwNewInvocation") \
250 V(TransferableTypedData, "TransferableTypedData") \
251 V(TruncDivOperator, "~/") \
252 V(TryFinallyReturnValue, ":try_finally_return_value") \
253 V(TwoByteString, "_TwoByteString") \
256 V(TypeArguments, "TypeArguments") \
257 V(TypeArgumentsParameter, ":type_arguments") \
258 V(TypedData, "TypedData") \
259 V(TypeError, "_TypeError") \
260 V(TypeParameters, "TypeParameters") \
261 V(TypeQuote, "type '") \
262 V(Uint16List, "Uint16List") \
263 V(Uint32List, "Uint32List") \
264 V(Uint64List, "Uint64List") \
265 V(Uint8ClampedList, "Uint8ClampedList") \
266 V(Uint8List, "Uint8List") \
267 V(UnaryMinus, "unary-") \
268 V(UnhandledException, "UnhandledException") \
270 V(UnlinkedCall, "UnlinkedCall") \
271 V(UnsafeCast, "unsafeCast") \
272 V(UnsignedRightShiftOperator, ">>>") \
273 V(UnsupportedError, "UnsupportedError") \
274 V(UnwindError, "UnwindError") \
276 V(Values, "values") \
277 V(VarArgs, "VarArgs") \
278 V(WeakArray, "WeakArray") \
279 V(WeakSerializationReference, "WeakSerializationReference") \
280 V(_AsyncStarStreamController, "_AsyncStarStreamController") \
281 V(_BufferingStreamSubscription, "_BufferingStreamSubscription") \
282 V(_ByteBuffer, "_ByteBuffer") \
283 V(_ByteBufferDot_New, "_ByteBuffer._New") \
284 V(_ByteDataView, "_ByteDataView") \
285 V(_Capability, "_Capability") \
286 V(_ClassMirror, "_ClassMirror") \
287 V(_Closure, "_Closure") \
288 V(_ClosureCall, "_Closure.call") \
289 V(_CombinatorMirror, "_CombinatorMirror") \
290 V(_CompileTimeError, "_CompileTimeError") \
291 V(_ConstMap, "_ConstMap") \
292 V(_ConstSet, "_ConstSet") \
293 V(_ControllerSubscription, "_ControllerSubscription") \
294 V(_CyclicInitializationError, "_CyclicInitializationError") \
295 V(_DeletedEnumPrefix, "Deleted enum value from ") \
296 V(_DeletedEnumSentinel, "_deleted_enum_sentinel") \
297 V(_Double, "_Double") \
299 V(_ExternalFloat32Array, "_ExternalFloat32Array") \
300 V(_ExternalFloat32x4Array, "_ExternalFloat32x4Array") \
301 V(_ExternalFloat64Array, "_ExternalFloat64Array") \
302 V(_ExternalFloat64x2Array, "_ExternalFloat64x2Array") \
303 V(_ExternalInt16Array, "_ExternalInt16Array") \
304 V(_ExternalInt32Array, "_ExternalInt32Array") \
305 V(_ExternalInt32x4Array, "_ExternalInt32x4Array") \
306 V(_ExternalInt64Array, "_ExternalInt64Array") \
307 V(_ExternalInt8Array, "_ExternalInt8Array") \
308 V(_ExternalUint16Array, "_ExternalUint16Array") \
309 V(_ExternalUint32Array, "_ExternalUint32Array") \
310 V(_ExternalUint64Array, "_ExternalUint64Array") \
311 V(_ExternalUint8Array, "_ExternalUint8Array") \
312 V(_ExternalUint8ClampedArray, "_ExternalUint8ClampedArray") \
313 V(_FinalizerImpl, "_FinalizerImpl") \
314 V(_Float32ArrayFactory, "Float32List.") \
315 V(_Float32ArrayView, "_Float32ArrayView") \
316 V(_Float32List, "_Float32List") \
317 V(_Float32x4, "_Float32x4") \
318 V(_Float32x4ArrayFactory, "Float32x4List.") \
319 V(_Float32x4ArrayView, "_Float32x4ArrayView") \
320 V(_Float32x4List, "_Float32x4List") \
321 V(_Float64ArrayFactory, "Float64List.") \
322 V(_Float64ArrayView, "_Float64ArrayView") \
323 V(_Float64List, "_Float64List") \
324 V(_Float64x2, "_Float64x2") \
325 V(_Float64x2ArrayFactory, "Float64x2List.") \
326 V(_Float64x2ArrayView, "_Float64x2ArrayView") \
327 V(_Float64x2List, "_Float64x2List") \
328 V(_FunctionType, "_FunctionType") \
329 V(_FunctionTypeMirror, "_FunctionTypeMirror") \
330 V(_FutureListener, "_FutureListener") \
331 V(_GrowableList, "_GrowableList") \
332 V(_GrowableListFactory, "_GrowableList.") \
333 V(_GrowableListFilledFactory, "_GrowableList.filled") \
334 V(_GrowableListGenerateFactory, "_GrowableList.generate") \
335 V(_GrowableListLiteralFactory, "_GrowableList._literal") \
336 V(_GrowableListWithData, "_GrowableList._withData") \
337 V(_ImmutableList, "_ImmutableList") \
338 V(_Int16ArrayFactory, "Int16List.") \
339 V(_Int16ArrayView, "_Int16ArrayView") \
340 V(_Int16List, "_Int16List") \
341 V(_Int32ArrayFactory, "Int32List.") \
342 V(_Int32ArrayView, "_Int32ArrayView") \
343 V(_Int32List, "_Int32List") \
344 V(_Int32x4, "_Int32x4") \
345 V(_Int32x4ArrayFactory, "Int32x4List.") \
346 V(_Int32x4ArrayView, "_Int32x4ArrayView") \
347 V(_Int32x4List, "_Int32x4List") \
348 V(_Int64ArrayFactory, "Int64List.") \
349 V(_Int64ArrayView, "_Int64ArrayView") \
350 V(_Int64List, "_Int64List") \
351 V(_Int8ArrayFactory, "Int8List.") \
352 V(_Int8ArrayView, "_Int8ArrayView") \
353 V(_Int8List, "_Int8List") \
354 V(_IntegerImplementation, "_IntegerImplementation") \
355 V(_IsolateMirror, "_IsolateMirror") \
356 V(_LibraryDependencyMirror, "_LibraryDependencyMirror") \
357 V(_LibraryMirror, "_LibraryMirror") \
358 V(_LibraryPrefix, "_LibraryPrefix") \
360 V(_ListFactory, "_List.") \
361 V(_ListFilledFactory, "_List.filled") \
362 V(_ListGenerateFactory, "_List.generate") \
364 V(_MethodMirror, "_MethodMirror") \
366 V(_MirrorReference, "_MirrorReference") \
367 V(_NativeFinalizer, "_NativeFinalizer") \
368 V(_ParameterMirror, "_ParameterMirror") \
369 V(_Random, "_Random") \
370 V(_RawReceivePort, "_RawReceivePort") \
371 V(_Record, "_Record") \
372 V(_RecordType, "_RecordType") \
373 V(_RegExp, "_RegExp") \
374 V(_SendPort, "_SendPort") \
377 V(_SourceLocation, "_SourceLocation") \
378 V(_SpecialTypeMirror, "_SpecialTypeMirror") \
379 V(_StackTrace, "_StackTrace") \
380 V(_StreamController, "_StreamController") \
381 V(_StreamControllerAddStreamState, "_StreamControllerAddStreamState") \
382 V(_StreamIterator, "_StreamIterator") \
383 V(_String, "String") \
384 V(_SuspendState, "_SuspendState") \
385 V(_SyncStarIterator, "_SyncStarIterator") \
386 V(_SyncStreamController, "_SyncStreamController") \
387 V(_TransferableTypedDataImpl, "_TransferableTypedDataImpl") \
389 V(_TypeParameter, "_TypeParameter") \
390 V(_TypeVariableMirror, "_TypeVariableMirror") \
391 V(_TypedList, "_TypedList") \
392 V(_TypedListBase, "_TypedListBase") \
393 V(_Uint16ArrayFactory, "Uint16List.") \
394 V(_Uint16ArrayView, "_Uint16ArrayView") \
395 V(_Uint16List, "_Uint16List") \
396 V(_Uint32ArrayFactory, "Uint32List.") \
397 V(_Uint32ArrayView, "_Uint32ArrayView") \
398 V(_Uint32List, "_Uint32List") \
399 V(_Uint64ArrayFactory, "Uint64List.") \
400 V(_Uint64ArrayView, "_Uint64ArrayView") \
401 V(_Uint64List, "_Uint64List") \
402 V(_Uint8ArrayFactory, "Uint8List.") \
403 V(_Uint8ArrayView, "_Uint8ArrayView") \
404 V(_Uint8ClampedArrayFactory, "Uint8ClampedList.") \
405 V(_Uint8ClampedArrayView, "_Uint8ClampedArrayView") \
406 V(_Uint8ClampedList, "_Uint8ClampedList") \
407 V(_Uint8List, "_Uint8List") \
408 V(_UnmodifiableByteDataView, "_UnmodifiableByteDataView") \
409 V(_UnmodifiableFloat32ArrayView, "_UnmodifiableFloat32ArrayView") \
410 V(_UnmodifiableFloat32x4ArrayView, "_UnmodifiableFloat32x4ArrayView") \
411 V(_UnmodifiableFloat64ArrayView, "_UnmodifiableFloat64ArrayView") \
412 V(_UnmodifiableFloat64x2ArrayView, "_UnmodifiableFloat64x2ArrayView") \
413 V(_UnmodifiableInt16ArrayView, "_UnmodifiableInt16ArrayView") \
414 V(_UnmodifiableInt32ArrayView, "_UnmodifiableInt32ArrayView") \
415 V(_UnmodifiableInt32x4ArrayView, "_UnmodifiableInt32x4ArrayView") \
416 V(_UnmodifiableInt64ArrayView, "_UnmodifiableInt64ArrayView") \
417 V(_UnmodifiableInt8ArrayView, "_UnmodifiableInt8ArrayView") \
418 V(_UnmodifiableUint16ArrayView, "_UnmodifiableUint16ArrayView") \
419 V(_UnmodifiableUint32ArrayView, "_UnmodifiableUint32ArrayView") \
420 V(_UnmodifiableUint64ArrayView, "_UnmodifiableUint64ArrayView") \
421 V(_UnmodifiableUint8ArrayView, "_UnmodifiableUint8ArrayView") \
422 V(_UnmodifiableUint8ClampedArrayView, "_UnmodifiableUint8ClampedArrayView") \
423 V(_UserTag, "_UserTag") \
424 V(_Utf8Decoder, "_Utf8Decoder") \
425 V(_VariableMirror, "_VariableMirror") \
426 V(_WeakProperty, "_WeakProperty") \
427 V(_WeakReference, "_WeakReference") \
428 V(_await, "_await") \
429 V(_awaitWithTypeCheck, "_awaitWithTypeCheck") \
430 V(_backtrackingStack, "_backtrackingStack") \
431 V(_checkSetRangeArguments, "_checkSetRangeArguments") \
432 V(_current, "_current") \
433 V(_ensureScheduleImmediate, "_ensureScheduleImmediate") \
434 V(_ffi_resolver_function, "_ffi_resolver_function") \
435 V(future, "future") \
436 V(_future, "_future") \
437 V(_getRegisters, "_getRegisters") \
438 V(_growBacktrackingStack, "_growBacktrackingStack") \
439 V(_handleException, "_handleException") \
440 V(_handleFinalizerMessage, "_handleFinalizerMessage") \
441 V(_handleMessage, "_handleMessage") \
442 V(_handleNativeFinalizerMessage, "_handleNativeFinalizerMessage") \
443 V(_hasValue, "_hasValue") \
444 V(_initAsync, "_initAsync") \
445 V(_initAsyncStar, "_initAsyncStar") \
446 V(_initSyncStar, "_initSyncStar") \
447 V(_instanceOf, "_instanceOf") \
448 V(_listGetAt, "_listGetAt") \
449 V(_listLength, "_listLength") \
450 V(_listSetAt, "_listSetAt") \
451 V(_lookupHandler, "_lookupHandler") \
452 V(_lookupOpenPorts, "_lookupOpenPorts") \
453 V(_mapContainsKey, "_mapContainsKey") \
454 V(_mapGet, "_mapGet") \
455 V(_mapKeys, "_mapKeys") \
457 V(_nextListener, "_nextListener") \
458 V(_nativeGetFloat32, "_nativeGetFloat32") \
459 V(_nativeSetFloat32, "_nativeSetFloat32") \
460 V(_nativeGetFloat64, "_nativeGetFloat64") \
461 V(_nativeSetFloat64, "_nativeSetFloat64") \
462 V(_nativeGetFloat32x4, "_nativeGetFloat32x4") \
463 V(_nativeSetFloat32x4, "_nativeSetFloat32x4") \
464 V(_nativeGetInt32x4, "_nativeGetInt32x4") \
465 V(_nativeSetInt32x4, "_nativeSetInt32x4") \
466 V(_nativeGetFloat64x2, "_nativeGetFloat64x2") \
467 V(_nativeSetFloat64x2, "_nativeSetFloat64x2") \
468 V(_nativeSetRange, "_nativeSetRange") \
469 V(_objectEquals, "_objectEquals") \
470 V(_objectHashCode, "_objectHashCode") \
471 V(_objectNoSuchMethod, "_objectNoSuchMethod") \
472 V(_objectToString, "_objectToString") \
473 V(_offsetInBytes, "_offsetInBytes") \
474 V(_onData, "_onData") \
475 V(_onDone, "_onDone") \
476 V(_onError, "_onError") \
477 V(_rehashObjects, "_rehashObjects") \
478 V(_resultOrListeners, "_resultOrListeners") \
479 V(_returnAsync, "_returnAsync") \
480 V(_returnAsyncNotFuture, "_returnAsyncNotFuture") \
481 V(_returnAsyncStar, "_returnAsyncStar") \
482 V(_runExtension, "_runExtension") \
483 V(_runPendingImmediateCallback, "_runPendingImmediateCallback") \
484 V(_scanFlags, "_scanFlags") \
485 V(_simpleInstanceOf, "_simpleInstanceOf") \
486 V(_simpleInstanceOfFalse, "_simpleInstanceOfFalse") \
487 V(_simpleInstanceOfTrue, "_simpleInstanceOfTrue") \
488 V(_stackTrace, "_stackTrace") \
489 V(_state, "_state") \
490 V(_stateData, "_stateData") \
491 V(_suspendSyncStarAtStart, "_suspendSyncStarAtStart") \
492 V(_toString, "_toString") \
493 V(_typedDataBase, "_typedDataBase") \
494 V(_varData, "_varData") \
495 V(_wordCharacterMap, "_wordCharacterMap") \
496 V(_yieldAsyncStar, "_yieldAsyncStar") \
497 V(_yieldStarIterable, "_yieldStarIterable") \
498 V(_yieldSyncStar, "_yieldSyncStar") \
499 V(absolute, "absolute") \
501 V(addStream, "addStream") \
502 V(addStreamFuture, "addStreamFuture") \
503 V(asyncStarBody, "asyncStarBody") \
504 V(byteOffset, "byteOffset") \
505 V(c_result, ":result") \
507 V(callback, "callback") \
508 V(capture_length, ":capture_length") \
509 V(capture_start_index, ":capture_start_index") \
510 V(char_in_capture, ":char_in_capture") \
511 V(char_in_match, ":char_in_match") \
512 V(controller, "controller") \
513 V(current_character, ":current_character") \
514 V(current_position, ":current_position") \
515 V(dynamic_assert_assignable_stc_check, \
516 ":dynamic_assert_assignable_stc_check") \
517 V(dyn_module_callable, "dyn-module:callable") \
518 V(dyn_module_extendable, "dyn-module:extendable") \
520 V(executable, "executable") \
523 V(index_temp, ":index_temp") \
524 V(isLeaf, "isLeaf") \
525 V(isPaused, "isPaused") \
526 V(match_end_index, ":match_end_index") \
527 V(match_start_index, ":match_start_index") \
529 V(native_assets, "native-assets") \
531 V(options, "options") \
532 V(position_registers, ":position_registers") \
534 V(process, "process") \
535 V(relative, "relative") \
536 V(result, "result") \
538 V(skip_count, "skipCount") \
540 V(stack_pointer, ":stack_pointer") \
542 V(start_index_param, ":start_index_param") \
544 V(string_param, ":string_param") \
545 V(string_param_length, ":string_param_length") \
546 V(system, "system") \
547 V(vm_always_consider_inlining, "vm:always-consider-inlining") \
548 V(vm_awaiter_link, "vm:awaiter-link") \
549 V(vm_entry_point, "vm:entry-point") \
550 V(vm_exact_result_type, "vm:exact-result-type") \
551 V(vm_external_name, "vm:external-name") \
552 V(vm_ffi_abi_specific_mapping, "vm:ffi:abi-specific-mapping") \
553 V(vm_ffi_call_closure, "vm:ffi:call-closure") \
554 V(vm_ffi_native, "vm:ffi:native") \
555 V(vm_ffi_native_assets, "vm:ffi:native-assets") \
556 V(vm_ffi_struct_fields, "vm:ffi:struct-fields") \
557 V(vm_force_optimize, "vm:force-optimize") \
558 V(vm_idempotent, "vm:idempotent") \
559 V(vm_invisible, "vm:invisible") \
560 V(vm_isolate_unsendable, "vm:isolate-unsendable") \
561 V(vm_cachable_idempotent, "vm:cachable-idempotent") \
562 V(vm_never_inline, "vm:never-inline") \
563 V(vm_notify_debugger_on_exception, "vm:notify-debugger-on-exception") \
564 V(vm_prefer_inline, "vm:prefer-inline") \
565 V(vm_recognized, "vm:recognized") \
566 V(vm_testing_print_flow_graph, "vm:testing:print-flow-graph") \
567 V(vm_trace_entrypoints, "vm:testing.unsafe.trace-entrypoints-fn") \
568 V(vm_unsafe_no_interrupts, "vm:unsafe:no-interrupts") \
569 V(vm_align_loops, "vm:align-loops") \
570 V(vm_unsafe_no_bounds_checks, "vm:unsafe:no-bounds-checks")
584#define DEFINE_SYMBOL_INDEX(symbol, literal) k##symbol##Id,
590#define DEFINE_TOKEN_SYMBOL_INDEX(t, s, p, a) t##Id,
609 return *(symbol_handles_[index]);
613 static const String&
Dot() {
return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId +
'.']); }
615 return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId +
617 static const String&
Plus() {
return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId +
'+']); }
618 static const String&
Minus() {
return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId +
'-']); }
619 static const String&
BitOr() {
return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId +
'|']); }
621 return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId +
624 return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId +
627 return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId +
630 return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId +
633 return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId +
636 return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId +
639 return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId +
642 return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId +
645 return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId +
647 static const String&
Blank() {
return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId +
' ']); }
649 return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId +
652 return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId +
655 return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId +
658 return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId +
661 return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId +
663 static const String&
Dash() {
return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId +
'-']); }
665 return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId +
668 return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId +
670 static const String&
Slash() {
return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId +
'/']); }
671 static const String&
At() {
return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId +
'@']); }
673 return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId +
676 return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId +
678 static const String&
Star() {
return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId +
'*']); }
680 return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId +
683 return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId +
685 static const String&
Caret() {
return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId +
'^']); }
686 static const String&
Tilde() {
return *(symbol_handles_[kNullCharId +
'~']); }
689 static const String&
False() {
return *(symbol_handles_[kFALSEId]); }
691 static const String&
Super() {
return *(symbol_handles_[kSUPERId]); }
692 static const String&
This() {
return *(symbol_handles_[kTHISId]); }
693 static const String&
True() {
return *(symbol_handles_[kTRUEId]); }
694 static const String&
Void() {
return *(symbol_handles_[kVOIDId]); }
698#define DEFINE_SYMBOL_HANDLE_ACCESSOR(symbol, literal) \
699 static const String& symbol() { return *(symbol_handles_[k##symbol##Id]); }
704#define DEFINE_SYMBOL_HANDLE_ACCESSOR(t, s, p, a) \
705 static const String& t() { return *(symbol_handles_[t##Id]); }
714 static void Init(IsolateGroup* isolate_group);
723 static StringPtr
Thread* thread,
const char* cstr) {
724 return New(thread, cstr, strlen(cstr));
726 static StringPtr
Thread* thread,
const char* cstr, intptr_t
730 const uint8_t* utf8_array,
735 const uint8_t* latin1_array,
740 const uint16_t* utf16_array,
746 intptr_t begin_index,
773 return reinterpret_cast<StringPtr*
780 template <
typename StringType>
781 static StringPtr
Thread* thread,
const StringType& str);
797 enum { kInitialVMIsolateSymtabSize = 1024, kInitialSymtabSize = 2048 };
799 template <
typename StringType>
800 static StringPtr NewSymbol(Thread* thread,
const StringType& str);
static void GetStats(IsolateGroup *isolate_group, intptr_t *size, intptr_t *capacity)
static const String & Percent()
static void InitFromSnapshot(IsolateGroup *isolate_group)
static const String & Symbol(intptr_t index)
static const String & HashMark()
static const String & True()
static const String & DoubleQuote()
static const String & Super()
static const String & Plus()
static StringPtr Lookup(Thread *thread, const StringType &str)
static const char * Name(SymbolId symbol)
static const String & LowercaseR()
static StringPtr LookupFromDot(Thread *thread, const String &str)
static StringPtr static StringPtr NewFormattedV(Thread *thread, const char *format, va_list args)
static const String & RParen()
static const String & NewLine()
static StringPtr LookupFromGet(Thread *thread, const String &str)
static void Init(IsolateGroup *isolate_group)
static const String & LAngleBracket()
static StringPtr FromConcat(Thread *thread, const String &str1, const String &str2)
static const String & BitOr()
static const String & Dollar()
static const String & Caret()
static StringPtr LookupFromSet(Thread *thread, const String &str)
static StringPtr FromUTF16(Thread *thread, const uint16_t *utf16_array, intptr_t len)
static const String & Library()
static constexpr int kNumberOfOneCharCodeSymbols
static StringPtr FromGet(Thread *thread, const String &str)
static StringPtr FromSet(Thread *thread, const String &str)
static const String & Tilde()
static StringPtr FromDot(Thread *thread, const String &str)
static StringPtr FromCharCode(Thread *thread, uint16_t char_code)
static const String & RAngleBracket()
static const String & False()
static void SetupSymbolTable(IsolateGroup *isolate_group)
static StringPtr FromConcatAll(Thread *thread, const GrowableHandlePtrArray< const String > &strs)
static const String & Void()
static const String & Dash()
static constexpr int kNullCharCodeSymbolOffset
static const String & This()
static const String & Ampersand()
static const String & Empty()
static const String & Backtick()
static const String & Star()
static const String & QuestionMark()
static const String & SingleQuote()
static const String & LBrace()
static const String & BitAnd()
static StringPtr * PredefinedAddress()
static StringPtr FromUTF8(Thread *thread, const uint8_t *utf8_array, intptr_t len)
static const String & Semicolon()
static const String & LBracket()
static StringPtr New(Thread *thread, const char *cstr)
static void DumpStats(IsolateGroup *isolate_group)
static const String & Dot()
static StringPtr LookupFromConcat(Thread *thread, const String &str1, const String &str2)
static const String & Blank()
static const String & RBracket()
static const String & LParen()
static const String & Slash()
static StringPtr NewFormatted(Thread *thread, const char *format,...) PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE(2
static const String & Minus()
static void DumpTable(IsolateGroup *isolate_group)
static const String & At()
static StringPtr FromLatin1(Thread *thread, const uint8_t *latin1_array, intptr_t len)
static const String & Equals()
static const String & Token(Token::Kind token)
static const String & RBrace()
uint32_t uint32_t * format
it will be possible to load the file into Perfetto s trace viewer disable asset Prevents usage of any non test fonts unless they were explicitly Loaded via prefetched default font Indicates whether the embedding started a prefetch of the default font manager before creating the engine run In non interactive keep the shell running after the Dart script has completed enable serial On low power devices with low core running concurrent GC tasks on threads can cause them to contend with the UI thread which could potentially lead to jank This option turns off all concurrent GC activities domain network JSON encoded network policy per domain This overrides the DisallowInsecureConnections switch Embedder can specify whether to allow or disallow insecure connections at a domain level old gen heap size
#define DEFINE_TOKEN_SYMBOL_INDEX(t, s, p, a)
#define DEFINE_SYMBOL_HANDLE_ACCESSOR(symbol, literal)
#define DEFINE_SYMBOL_INDEX(symbol, literal)