Flutter Engine
The Flutter Engine
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 * Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
3 *
4 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5 * found in the LICENSE file.
6 */
8#ifndef SkDrawable_DEFINED
9#define SkDrawable_DEFINED
16#include <cstddef>
17#include <cstdint>
18#include <memory>
21class SkCanvas;
22class SkMatrix;
23class SkPicture;
24enum class GrBackendApi : unsigned int;
25struct SkDeserialProcs;
26struct SkIRect;
27struct SkImageInfo;
28struct SkRect;
31 * Base-class for objects that draw into SkCanvas.
32 *
33 * The object has a generation ID, which is guaranteed to be unique across all drawables. To
34 * allow for clients of the drawable that may want to cache the results, the drawable must
35 * change its generation ID whenever its internal state changes such that it will draw differently.
36 */
39 /**
40 * Draws into the specified content. The drawing sequence will be balanced upon return
41 * (i.e. the saveLevel() on the canvas will match what it was when draw() was called,
42 * and the current matrix and clip settings will not be changed.
43 */
44 void draw(SkCanvas*, const SkMatrix* = nullptr);
47 /**
48 * When using the GPU backend it is possible for a drawable to execute using the underlying 3D
49 * API rather than the SkCanvas API. It does so by creating a GpuDrawHandler. The GPU backend
50 * is deferred so the handler will be given access to the 3D API at the correct point in the
51 * drawing stream as the GPU backend flushes. Since the drawable may mutate, each time it is
52 * drawn to a GPU-backed canvas a new handler is snapped, representing the drawable's state at
53 * the time of the snap.
54 *
55 * When the GPU backend flushes to the 3D API it will call the draw method on the
56 * GpuDrawHandler. At this time the drawable may add commands to the stream of GPU commands for
57 * the unerlying 3D API. The draw function takes a GrBackendDrawableInfo which contains
58 * information about the current state of 3D API which the caller must respect. See
59 * GrBackendDrawableInfo for more specific details on what information is sent and the
60 * requirements for different 3D APIs.
61 *
62 * Additionaly there may be a slight delay from when the drawable adds its commands to when
63 * those commands are actually submitted to the GPU. Thus the drawable or GpuDrawHandler is
64 * required to keep any resources that are used by its added commands alive and valid until
65 * those commands are submitted to the GPU. The GpuDrawHandler will be kept alive and then
66 * deleted once the commands are submitted to the GPU. The dtor of the GpuDrawHandler is the
67 * signal to the drawable that the commands have all been submitted. Different 3D APIs may have
68 * additional requirements for certain resources which require waiting for the GPU to finish
69 * all work on those resources before reusing or deleting them. In this case, the drawable can
70 * use the dtor call of the GpuDrawHandler to add a fence to the GPU to track when the GPU work
71 * has completed.
72 *
73 * Currently this is only supported for the GPU Vulkan backend.
74 */
77 public:
78 virtual ~GpuDrawHandler() {}
80 virtual void draw(const GrBackendDrawableInfo&) {}
81 };
83 /**
84 * Snaps off a GpuDrawHandler to represent the state of the SkDrawable at the time the snap is
85 * called. This is used for executing GPU backend specific draws intermixed with normal Skia GPU
86 * draws. The GPU API, which will be used for the draw, as well as the full matrix, device clip
87 * bounds and imageInfo of the target buffer are passed in as inputs.
88 */
89 std::unique_ptr<GpuDrawHandler> snapGpuDrawHandler(GrBackendApi backendApi,
90 const SkMatrix& matrix,
91 const SkIRect& clipBounds,
92 const SkImageInfo& bufferInfo) {
93 return this->onSnapGpuDrawHandler(backendApi, matrix, clipBounds, bufferInfo);
94 }
96 /**
97 * Returns an SkPicture with the contents of this SkDrawable.
98 */
99 sk_sp<SkPicture> makePictureSnapshot();
101 /**
102 * Return a unique value for this instance. If two calls to this return the same value,
103 * it is presumed that calling the draw() method will render the same thing as well.
104 *
105 * Subclasses that change their state should call notifyDrawingChanged() to ensure that
106 * a new value will be returned the next time it is called.
107 */
108 uint32_t getGenerationID();
110 /**
111 * Return the (conservative) bounds of what the drawable will draw. If the drawable can
112 * change what it draws (e.g. animation or in response to some external change), then this
113 * must return a bounds that is always valid for all possible states.
114 */
115 SkRect getBounds();
117 /**
118 * Return approximately how many bytes would be freed if this drawable is destroyed.
119 * The base implementation returns 0 to indicate that this is unknown.
120 */
121 size_t approximateBytesUsed();
123 /**
124 * Calling this invalidates the previous generation ID, and causes a new one to be computed
125 * the next time getGenerationID() is called. Typically this is called by the object itself,
126 * in response to its internal state changing.
127 */
128 void notifyDrawingChanged();
135 return kSkDrawable_Type;
136 }
138 static sk_sp<SkDrawable> Deserialize(const void* data, size_t size,
139 const SkDeserialProcs* procs = nullptr) {
140 return sk_sp<SkDrawable>(static_cast<SkDrawable*>(
142 kSkDrawable_Type, data, size, procs).release()));
143 }
145 Factory getFactory() const override { return nullptr; }
146 const char* getTypeName() const override { return nullptr; }
149 SkDrawable();
151 virtual SkRect onGetBounds() = 0;
152 virtual size_t onApproximateBytesUsed();
153 virtual void onDraw(SkCanvas*) = 0;
155 virtual std::unique_ptr<GpuDrawHandler> onSnapGpuDrawHandler(GrBackendApi, const SkMatrix&,
156 const SkIRect& /*clipBounds*/,
157 const SkImageInfo&) {
158 return nullptr;
159 }
161 // TODO: Delete this once Android gets updated to take the clipBounds version above.
162 virtual std::unique_ptr<GpuDrawHandler> onSnapGpuDrawHandler(GrBackendApi, const SkMatrix&) {
163 return nullptr;
164 }
166 /**
167 * Default implementation calls onDraw() with a canvas that records into a picture. Subclasses
168 * may override if they have a more efficient way to return a picture for the current state
169 * of their drawable. Note: this picture must draw the same as what would be drawn from
170 * onDraw().
171 */
172 virtual sk_sp<SkPicture> onMakePictureSnapshot();
175 int32_t fGenerationID;
Definition GrTypes.h:95
#define SK_API
Definition SkAPI.h:35
static void draw(SkCanvas *canvas, SkRect &target, int x, int y)
Definition aaclip.cpp:27
Type::kYUV Type::kRGBA() int(0.7 *637)
virtual void draw(const GrBackendDrawableInfo &)
Definition SkDrawable.h:80
SkFlattenable::Type getFlattenableType() const override
Definition SkDrawable.h:134
const char * getTypeName() const override
Definition SkDrawable.h:146
virtual SkRect onGetBounds()=0
static SkFlattenable::Type GetFlattenableType()
Definition SkDrawable.h:130
static sk_sp< SkDrawable > Deserialize(const void *data, size_t size, const SkDeserialProcs *procs=nullptr)
Definition SkDrawable.h:138
virtual void onDraw(SkCanvas *)=0
virtual std::unique_ptr< GpuDrawHandler > onSnapGpuDrawHandler(GrBackendApi, const SkMatrix &, const SkIRect &, const SkImageInfo &)
Definition SkDrawable.h:155
virtual std::unique_ptr< GpuDrawHandler > onSnapGpuDrawHandler(GrBackendApi, const SkMatrix &)
Definition SkDrawable.h:162
Factory getFactory() const override
Definition SkDrawable.h:145
std::unique_ptr< GpuDrawHandler > snapGpuDrawHandler(GrBackendApi backendApi, const SkMatrix &matrix, const SkIRect &clipBounds, const SkImageInfo &bufferInfo)
Definition SkDrawable.h:89
static sk_sp< SkFlattenable > Deserialize(Type, const void *data, size_t length, const SkDeserialProcs *procs=nullptr)
float SkScalar
Definition extension.cpp:12
double y
double x