47 kR8G8B8A8UNormIntSRGB,
49 kB8G8R8A8UNormIntSRGB,
165 kOneMinusSourceColor,
167 kOneMinusSourceAlpha,
169 kOneMinusDestinationColor,
171 kOneMinusDestinationAlpha,
172 kSourceAlphaSaturated,
267 kStoreAndMultisampleResolve,
317 <<
469 kSetToReferenceValue,
#define FML_LOG(severity)
constexpr impeller::PixelFormat ToImpellerPixelFormat(FlutterGPUPixelFormat value)
constexpr impeller::BlendFactor ToImpellerBlendFactor(FlutterGPUBlendFactor value)
constexpr FlutterGPUShaderStage FromImpellerShaderStage(impeller::ShaderStage value)
constexpr impeller::BlendOperation ToImpellerBlendOperation(FlutterGPUBlendOperation value)
@ kOneMinusDestinationAlpha
@ kOneMinusDestinationColor
constexpr impeller::SamplerAddressMode ToImpellerSamplerAddressMode(FlutterGPUSamplerAddressMode value)
constexpr impeller::MipFilter ToImpellerMipFilter(FlutterGPUMipFilter value)
constexpr FlutterGPUPixelFormat FromImpellerPixelFormat(impeller::PixelFormat value)
constexpr impeller::TextureCoordinateSystem ToImpellerTextureCoordinateSystem(FlutterGPUTextureCoordinateSystem value)
constexpr impeller::CompareFunction ToImpellerCompareFunction(FlutterGPUCompareFunction value)
constexpr impeller::ShaderStage ToImpellerShaderStage(FlutterGPUShaderStage value)
constexpr impeller::LoadAction ToImpellerLoadAction(FlutterGPULoadAction value)
constexpr impeller::StoreAction ToImpellerStoreAction(FlutterGPUStoreAction value)
constexpr impeller::IndexType ToImpellerIndexType(FlutterGPUIndexType value)
constexpr impeller::StencilOperation ToImpellerStencilOperation(FlutterGPUStencilOperation value)
@ kStoreAndMultisampleResolve
constexpr impeller::PrimitiveType ToImpellerPrimitiveType(FlutterGPUPrimitiveType value)
constexpr impeller::StorageMode ToImpellerStorageMode(FlutterGPUStorageMode value)
constexpr impeller::MinMagFilter ToImpellerMinMagFilter(FlutterGPUMinMagFilter value)
@ kOneMinusDestinationAlpha
@ kOneMinusDestinationColor
Decides how backend draws pixels based on input vertices.
@ kPoint
Draws a point at each input vertex.
Options for selecting and filtering between mipmap levels.
@ kLinear
Sample from the two nearest mip levels and linearly interpolate.
@ kNearest
The nearst mipmap level is selected.
Specified where the allocation resides and how it is used.
The Pixel formats supported by Impeller. The naming convention denotes the usage of the component,...
@ kEqual
Comparison test passes if new_value == current_value.
@ kLessEqual
Comparison test passes if new_value <= current_value.
@ kGreaterEqual
Comparison test passes if new_value >= current_value.
@ kAlways
Comparison test passes always passes.
@ kLess
Comparison test passes if new_value < current_value.
@ kGreater
Comparison test passes if new_value > current_value.
@ kNotEqual
Comparison test passes if new_value != current_value.
@ kNever
Comparison test never passes.
@ kDecrementWrap
Decrement the current stencil value by 1. If at zero, set to maximum.
@ kSetToReferenceValue
Reset the stencil value to the reference value.
@ kDecrementClamp
Decrement the current stencil value by 1. Clamp it to zero.
@ kZero
Reset the stencil value to zero.
@ kIncrementClamp
Increment the current stencil value by 1. Clamp it to the maximum.
@ kIncrementWrap
Increment the current stencil value by 1. If at maximum, set to zero.
@ kInvert
Perform a logical bitwise invert on the current stencil value.
@ kKeep
Don't modify the current stencil value.
@ kStoreAndMultisampleResolve
Describes how the texture should be sampled when the texture is being shrunk (minified) or expanded (...
@ kNearest
Select nearest to the sample point. Most widely supported.