Flutter Engine
The Flutter Engine
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
2// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
3// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
9#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
10#endif // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
12#include "vm/growable_array.h"
13#include "vm/hash_map.h"
22#include "vm/object_store.h"
24namespace dart {
26class InlineExitCollector;
28namespace kernel {
30class StreamingFlowGraphBuilder;
31struct InferredTypeMetadata;
32class BreakableBlock;
33class CatchBlock;
34class FlowGraphBuilder;
35class SwitchBlock;
36class TryCatchBlock;
37class TryFinallyBlock;
46 public:
47 FlowGraphBuilder(ParsedFunction* parsed_function,
49 ZoneGrowableArray<intptr_t>* context_level_array,
50 InlineExitCollector* exit_collector,
51 bool optimizing,
52 intptr_t osr_id,
53 intptr_t first_block_id = 1,
54 bool inlining_unchecked_entry = false);
55 virtual ~FlowGraphBuilder();
59 // Returns true if given [function] is recognized for flow
60 // graph building and its body is expressed in a custom-built IL.
63 // Returns true if custom flow graph for given [function]
64 // needs an expression_temp_var().
66 const Function& function);
68 private:
69 BlockEntryInstr* BuildPrologue(BlockEntryInstr* normal_entry,
70 PrologueInfo* prologue_info);
72 // Return names of optional named parameters of [function].
73 ArrayPtr GetOptionalParameterNames(const Function& function);
75 // Generate fragment which pushes all explicit parameters of [function].
76 Fragment PushExplicitParameters(
77 const Function& function,
78 const Function& target = Function::null_function());
80 FlowGraph* BuildGraphOfMethodExtractor(const Function& method);
81 FlowGraph* BuildGraphOfNoSuchMethodDispatcher(const Function& function);
82 FlowGraph* BuildGraphOfRecordFieldGetter(const Function& function);
84 struct ClosureCallInfo;
86 // Tests whether the closure function is generic and branches to the
87 // appropriate fragment.
88 Fragment TestClosureFunctionGeneric(const ClosureCallInfo& info,
89 Fragment generic,
90 Fragment not_generic);
92 // Tests whether the function parameter at the given index is required and
93 // branches to the appropriate fragment. Loads the parameter index to
94 // check from info.vars->current_param_index.
95 Fragment TestClosureFunctionNamedParameterRequired(
96 const ClosureCallInfo& info,
98 Fragment not_set);
100 // Builds a fragment that, if there are no provided function type arguments,
101 // calculates the appropriate TAV to use instead. Stores either the provided
102 // or calculated function type arguments in vars->function_type_args.
103 Fragment BuildClosureCallDefaultTypeHandling(const ClosureCallInfo& info);
105 // The BuildClosureCall...Check methods differs from the checks built in the
106 // PrologueBuilder in that they are built for invoke field dispatchers,
107 // where the ArgumentsDescriptor is known at compile time but the specific
108 // closure function is retrieved at runtime.
110 // Builds checks that the given named arguments have valid argument names
111 // and, in the case of null safe code, that all required named parameters
112 // are provided.
113 Fragment BuildClosureCallNamedArgumentsCheck(const ClosureCallInfo& info);
115 // Builds checks for checking the arguments of a call are valid for the
116 // function retrieved at runtime from the closure.
117 Fragment BuildClosureCallArgumentsValidCheck(const ClosureCallInfo& info);
119 // Builds checks that the type arguments of a call are consistent with the
120 // bounds of the closure function type parameters. Assumes that the closure
121 // function is generic.
122 Fragment BuildClosureCallTypeArgumentsTypeCheck(const ClosureCallInfo& info);
124 // Builds checks for type checking a given argument of the closure call using
125 // parameter information from the closure function retrieved at runtime.
126 //
127 // For named arguments, arg_name is a compile-time constant retrieved from
128 // the saved arguments descriptor. For positional arguments, null is passed.
129 Fragment BuildClosureCallArgumentTypeCheck(const ClosureCallInfo& info,
130 LocalVariable* param_index,
131 intptr_t arg_index,
132 const String& arg_name);
134 // Builds checks for type checking the arguments of a call using parameter
135 // information for the function retrieved at runtime from the closure.
136 Fragment BuildClosureCallArgumentTypeChecks(const ClosureCallInfo& info);
138 // Main entry point for building checks.
139 Fragment BuildDynamicClosureCallChecks(LocalVariable* closure);
141 FlowGraph* BuildGraphOfInvokeFieldDispatcher(const Function& function);
142 FlowGraph* BuildGraphOfFfiTrampoline(const Function& function);
143 FlowGraph* BuildGraphOfSyncFfiCallback(const Function& function);
144 FlowGraph* BuildGraphOfAsyncFfiCallback(const Function& function);
146 // Resolves the address of a native symbol from the constant data of a
147 // vm:ffi:native pragma.
148 // Because it's used in optimized mode (as part of the implementation of
149 // @Native functions), it pushes the value as an untagged value. This is safe
150 // to use in unoptimized mode too as long as the untagged value is consumed
151 // immediately.
152 Fragment FfiNativeLookupAddress(const Instance& native);
153 // Expects target address on stack.
154 Fragment FfiCallFunctionBody(const Function& function,
155 const FunctionType& c_signature,
156 intptr_t first_argument_parameter_offset);
157 Fragment FfiNativeFunctionBody(const Function& function);
158 Fragment NativeFunctionBody(const Function& function,
159 LocalVariable* first_parameter);
160 Fragment LoadNativeArg(const compiler::ffi::CallbackMarshaller& marshaller,
161 intptr_t arg_index);
163 FlowGraph* BuildGraphOfRecognizedMethod(const Function& function);
165 Fragment BuildTypedListGet(const Function& function, classid_t cid);
166 Fragment BuildTypedListSet(const Function& function, classid_t cid);
167 Fragment BuildTypedDataMemMove(const Function& function, classid_t cid);
168 Fragment BuildTypedDataViewFactoryConstructor(const Function& function,
169 classid_t cid);
170 Fragment BuildTypedDataFactoryConstructor(const Function& function,
171 classid_t cid);
173 Fragment EnterScope(intptr_t kernel_offset,
174 const LocalScope** scope = nullptr);
175 Fragment ExitScope(intptr_t kernel_offset);
177 Fragment AdjustContextTo(int depth);
179 Fragment PushContext(const LocalScope* scope);
180 Fragment PopContext();
182 Fragment LoadInstantiatorTypeArguments();
183 Fragment LoadFunctionTypeArguments();
184 Fragment TranslateInstantiatedTypeArguments(
185 const TypeArguments& type_arguments);
187 Fragment CatchBlockEntry(const Array& handler_types,
188 intptr_t handler_index,
189 bool needs_stacktrace,
190 bool is_synthesized);
191 Fragment TryCatch(int try_handler_index);
192 Fragment CheckStackOverflowInPrologue(TokenPosition position);
193 Fragment CloneContext(const ZoneGrowableArray<const Slot*>& context_slots);
195 Fragment InstanceCall(
196 TokenPosition position,
197 const String& name,
198 Token::Kind kind,
199 intptr_t type_args_len,
200 intptr_t argument_count,
201 const Array& argument_names,
202 intptr_t checked_argument_count,
203 const Function& interface_target = Function::null_function(),
204 const Function& tearoff_interface_target = Function::null_function(),
205 const InferredTypeMetadata* result_type = nullptr,
206 bool use_unchecked_entry = false,
207 const CallSiteAttributesMetadata* call_site_attrs = nullptr,
208 bool receiver_is_not_smi = false,
209 bool is_call_on_this = false);
211 Fragment FfiCall(const compiler::ffi::CallMarshaller& marshaller,
212 bool is_leaf);
214 Fragment CallLeafRuntimeEntry(
215 const RuntimeEntry& entry,
216 Representation return_representation,
217 const ZoneGrowableArray<Representation>& argument_representations);
219 Fragment RethrowException(TokenPosition position, int catch_try_index);
220 Fragment LoadLocal(LocalVariable* variable);
221 IndirectGotoInstr* IndirectGoto(intptr_t target_count);
222 Fragment StoreLateField(const Field& field,
224 LocalVariable* setter_value);
225 Fragment NativeCall(const String& name, const Function& function);
226 Fragment Return(TokenPosition position, bool omit_result_type_check = false);
227 void SetResultTypeForStaticCall(StaticCallInstr* call,
228 const Function& target,
229 intptr_t argument_count,
230 const InferredTypeMetadata* result_type);
231 Fragment StaticCall(TokenPosition position,
232 const Function& target,
233 intptr_t argument_count,
234 ICData::RebindRule rebind_rule);
235 Fragment StaticCall(TokenPosition position,
236 const Function& target,
237 intptr_t argument_count,
238 const Array& argument_names,
239 ICData::RebindRule rebind_rule,
240 const InferredTypeMetadata* result_type = nullptr,
241 intptr_t type_args_len = 0,
242 bool use_unchecked_entry = false);
243 Fragment CachableIdempotentCall(TokenPosition position,
244 Representation representation,
245 const Function& target,
246 intptr_t argument_count,
247 const Array& argument_names,
248 intptr_t type_args_len = 0);
249 Fragment StringInterpolateSingle(TokenPosition position);
250 Fragment StringInterpolate(TokenPosition position);
253 // [incompatible_arguments] should be true if the NSM is due to a mismatch
254 // between the provided arguments and the function signature.
255 Fragment ThrowNoSuchMethodError(TokenPosition position,
256 const Function& target,
257 bool incompatible_arguments,
258 bool receiver_pushed = false);
259 Fragment ThrowNoSuchMethodError(TokenPosition position,
260 const String& selector,
263 bool receiver_pushed = false);
264 Fragment ThrowLateInitializationError(TokenPosition position,
265 const char* throw_method_name,
266 const String& name);
267 Fragment BuildImplicitClosureCreation(TokenPosition position,
268 const Function& target);
270 Fragment EvaluateAssertion();
271 Fragment CheckVariableTypeInCheckedMode(const AbstractType& dst_type,
272 const String& name_symbol);
273 Fragment CheckBoolean(TokenPosition position);
274 Fragment CheckAssignable(
275 const AbstractType& dst_type,
276 const String& dst_name,
278 TokenPosition token_pos = TokenPosition::kNoSource);
280 Fragment AssertAssignableLoadTypeArguments(
281 TokenPosition position,
282 const AbstractType& dst_type,
283 const String& dst_name,
285 Fragment AssertSubtype(TokenPosition position,
286 const AbstractType& sub_type,
287 const AbstractType& super_type,
288 const String& dst_name);
289 // Assumes destination name, supertype, and subtype are the top of the stack.
290 Fragment AssertSubtype(TokenPosition position);
292 bool NeedsDebugStepCheck(const Function& function, TokenPosition position);
293 bool NeedsDebugStepCheck(Value* value, TokenPosition position);
295 // Deals with StoreIndexed not working with kUnboxedFloat.
296 // TODO(dartbug.com/43448): Remove this workaround.
297 Fragment StoreIndexedTypedDataUnboxed(Representation unboxed_representation,
298 intptr_t index_scale,
299 bool index_unboxed);
300 // Deals with LoadIndexed not working with kUnboxedFloat.
301 // TODO(dartbug.com/43448): Remove this workaround.
302 Fragment LoadIndexedTypedDataUnboxed(Representation unboxed_representation,
303 intptr_t index_scale,
304 bool index_unboxed);
306 // Truncates (instead of deoptimizing) if the origin does not fit into the
307 // target representation.
308 Fragment UnboxTruncate(Representation to);
310 // Loads the (untagged) thread address.
311 Fragment LoadThread();
313 // Loads the (untagged) isolate address.
314 Fragment LoadIsolate();
316 // Loads the (untagged) current IsolateGroup address.
317 Fragment LoadIsolateGroup();
319 // Loads the (untagged) current ObjectStore address.
320 Fragment LoadObjectStore();
322 // Loads the (untagged) service extension stream address.
323 Fragment LoadServiceExtensionStream();
325 // Converts a true to 1 and false to 0.
326 Fragment BoolToInt();
328 // Converts 0 to false and the rest to true.
329 Fragment IntToBool();
331 // Compares arbitrary integers.
332 Fragment IntRelationalOp(TokenPosition position, Token::Kind kind);
334 // Pops a Dart object and push the unboxed native version, according to the
335 // semantics of FFI argument translation.
336 //
337 // Works for FFI call arguments, and FFI callback return values.
338 //
339 // If `marshaller.IsCompoundPointer(arg_index)`, then [variable] must point to
340 // a valid LocalVariable.
341 Fragment FfiConvertPrimitiveToNative(
342 const compiler::ffi::BaseMarshaller& marshaller,
343 intptr_t arg_index,
344 LocalVariable* variable = nullptr);
346 // Pops an unboxed native value, and pushes a Dart object, according to the
347 // semantics of FFI argument translation.
348 //
349 // Works for FFI call return values, and FFI callback arguments.
350 Fragment FfiConvertPrimitiveToDart(
351 const compiler::ffi::BaseMarshaller& marshaller,
352 intptr_t arg_index);
354 // We pass in `variable` instead of on top of the stack so that we can have
355 // multiple consecutive calls that keep only compound parts on the stack with
356 // no compound parts in between.
357 Fragment LoadTail(LocalVariable* variable,
358 intptr_t size,
359 intptr_t offset_in_bytes,
360 Representation representation);
361 Fragment FfiCallConvertCompoundArgumentToNative(
362 LocalVariable* variable,
363 const compiler::ffi::BaseMarshaller& marshaller,
364 intptr_t arg_index);
366 Fragment FfiCallConvertCompoundReturnToDart(
367 const compiler::ffi::BaseMarshaller& marshaller,
368 intptr_t arg_index);
370 // We pass in multiple `definitions`, which are also expected to be the top
371 // of the stack. This eases storing each definition in the resulting struct
372 // or union.
373 Fragment FfiCallbackConvertCompoundArgumentToDart(
374 const compiler::ffi::BaseMarshaller& marshaller,
375 intptr_t arg_index,
378 Fragment FfiCallbackConvertCompoundReturnToNative(
379 const compiler::ffi::CallbackMarshaller& marshaller,
380 intptr_t arg_index);
382 // Wraps a TypedDataBase from the stack and wraps it in a subclass of
383 // _Compound.
384 Fragment WrapTypedDataBaseInCompound(const AbstractType& compound_type);
386 // Loads the _typedDataBase field from a subclass of _Compound.
387 Fragment LoadTypedDataBaseFromCompound();
388 Fragment LoadOffsetInBytesFromCompound();
390 // Copy `definitions` into TypedData.
391 //
392 // Expects the TypedData on top of the stack and `definitions` right under it.
393 //
394 // Leaves TypedData on stack.
395 //
396 // The compound contents are heterogeneous, so pass in `representations` to
397 // know what representation to load.
398 Fragment PopFromStackToTypedDataBase(
400 const GrowableArray<Representation>& representations);
402 // Wrap the current exception and stacktrace in an unhandled exception.
405 // Return from a native -> Dart callback. Can only be used in conjunction with
406 // NativeEntry and NativeParameter are used.
407 Fragment NativeReturn(const compiler::ffi::CallbackMarshaller& marshaller);
409 // Bit-wise cast between representations.
410 // Pops the input and pushes the converted result.
411 // Currently only works with equal sizes and floating point <-> integer.
414 // Generates Call1ArgStub instruction.
415 Fragment Call1ArgStub(TokenPosition position,
418 // Generates Suspend instruction.
419 Fragment Suspend(TokenPosition position, SuspendInstr::StubId stub_id);
421 LocalVariable* LookupVariable(intptr_t kernel_offset);
423 // Build type argument type checks for the current function.
424 // ParsedFunction should have the following information:
425 // - is_forwarding_stub()
426 // - forwarding_stub_super_target()
427 // Scope should be populated with parameter variables including
428 // - needs_type_check()
429 // - is_explicit_covariant_parameter()
430 void BuildTypeArgumentTypeChecks(TypeChecksToBuild mode,
431 Fragment* implicit_checks);
433 // Build argument type checks for the current function.
434 // ParsedFunction should have the following information:
435 // - is_forwarding_stub()
436 // - forwarding_stub_super_target()
437 // Scope should be populated with parameter variables including
438 // - needs_type_check()
439 // - is_explicit_covariant_parameter()
440 void BuildArgumentTypeChecks(Fragment* explicit_checks,
441 Fragment* implicit_checks,
442 Fragment* implicit_redefinitions);
444 // Builds flow graph for noSuchMethod forwarder.
445 //
446 // If throw_no_such_method_error is set to true, an
447 // instance of NoSuchMethodError is thrown. Otherwise, the instance
448 // noSuchMethod is called.
449 //
450 // ParsedFunction should have the following information:
451 // - default_parameter_values()
452 // - is_forwarding_stub()
453 // - forwarding_stub_super_target()
454 //
455 // Scope should be populated with parameter variables including
456 // - needs_type_check()
457 // - is_explicit_covariant_parameter()
458 //
459 FlowGraph* BuildGraphOfNoSuchMethodForwarder(
460 const Function& function,
461 bool is_implicit_closure_function,
462 bool throw_no_such_method_error);
464 // If no type arguments are passed to a generic function, we need to fill the
465 // type arguments in with the default types stored on the TypeParameter nodes
466 // in Kernel.
467 //
468 // ParsedFunction should have the following information:
469 // - DefaultFunctionTypeArguments()
470 // - function_type_arguments()
471 Fragment BuildDefaultTypeHandling(const Function& function);
473 FunctionEntryInstr* BuildSharedUncheckedEntryPoint(
474 Fragment prologue_from_normal_entry,
475 Fragment skippable_checks,
476 Fragment redefinitions_if_skipped,
477 Fragment body);
478 FunctionEntryInstr* BuildSeparateUncheckedEntryPoint(
479 BlockEntryInstr* normal_entry,
480 Fragment normal_prologue,
481 Fragment extra_prologue,
482 Fragment shared_prologue,
483 Fragment body);
485 // Builds flow graph for implicit closure function (tear-off).
486 //
487 // ParsedFunction should have the following information:
488 // - DefaultFunctionTypeArguments()
489 // - function_type_arguments()
490 // - default_parameter_values()
491 // - is_forwarding_stub()
492 // - forwarding_stub_super_target()
493 //
494 // Scope should be populated with parameter variables including
495 // - needs_type_check()
496 // - is_explicit_covariant_parameter()
497 //
498 FlowGraph* BuildGraphOfImplicitClosureFunction(const Function& function);
500 // Builds flow graph of implicit field getter, setter, or a
501 // dynamic invocation forwarder to a field setter.
502 //
503 // If field is const, its value should be evaluated and stored in
504 // - StaticValue()
505 //
506 // Scope should be populated with parameter variables including
507 // - needs_type_check()
508 //
509 FlowGraph* BuildGraphOfFieldAccessor(const Function& function);
511 // Builds flow graph of dynamic invocation forwarder.
512 //
513 // ParsedFunction should have the following information:
514 // - DefaultFunctionTypeArguments()
515 // - function_type_arguments()
516 // - default_parameter_values()
517 // - is_forwarding_stub()
518 // - forwarding_stub_super_target()
519 //
520 // Scope should be populated with parameter variables including
521 // - needs_type_check()
522 // - is_explicit_covariant_parameter()
523 //
524 FlowGraph* BuildGraphOfDynamicInvocationForwarder(const Function& function);
526 void SetConstantRangeOfCurrentDefinition(const Fragment& fragment,
527 int64_t min,
528 int64_t max);
530 // Extracts a packed field out of the unboxed value with representation [rep
531 // on the top of the stack. Picks a sequence that keeps unboxed values on the
532 // expression stack only as needed, switching to Smis as soon as possible.
533 template <typename T>
534 Fragment BuildExtractUnboxedSlotBitFieldIntoSmi(const Slot& slot) {
536 Fragment instructions;
538 // We don't need to allocate to box this value, so it already fits in
539 // a Smi (and thus the mask must also).
540 instructions += LoadNativeField(slot);
541 instructions += Box(slot.representation());
542 instructions += IntConstant(T::mask_in_place());
543 instructions += SmiBinaryOp(Token::kBIT_AND);
544 } else {
545 // Since kBIT_AND never throws or deoptimizes, we require that the result
546 // of masking the field in place fits into a Smi, so we can use Smi
547 // operations for the shift.
548 static_assert(T::mask_in_place() <= compiler::target::kSmiMax,
549 "Cannot fit results of masking in place into a Smi");
550 instructions += LoadNativeField(slot);
551 instructions +=
552 UnboxedIntConstant(T::mask_in_place(), slot.representation());
553 instructions += BinaryIntegerOp(Token::kBIT_AND, slot.representation());
554 // Set the range of the definition that will be used as the value in the
555 // box so that ValueFitsSmi() returns true even in unoptimized code.
556 SetConstantRangeOfCurrentDefinition(instructions, 0, T::mask_in_place());
557 instructions += Box(slot.representation());
558 }
559 if (T::shift() != 0) {
560 // Only add the shift operation if it's necessary.
561 instructions += IntConstant(T::shift());
562 instructions += SmiBinaryOp(Token::kSHR);
563 }
564 return instructions;
565 }
567 Fragment BuildDoubleHashCode();
568 Fragment BuildIntegerHashCode(bool smi);
570 TranslationHelper translation_helper_;
571 Thread* thread_;
572 Zone* zone_;
574 ParsedFunction* parsed_function_;
575 const bool optimizing_;
576 ZoneGrowableArray<const ICData*>& ic_data_array_;
578 intptr_t next_function_id_;
579 intptr_t AllocateFunctionId() { return next_function_id_++; }
581 intptr_t loop_depth_;
582 intptr_t try_depth_;
583 intptr_t catch_depth_;
584 intptr_t block_expression_depth_;
586 GraphEntryInstr* graph_entry_;
588 ScopeBuildingResult* scopes_;
590 LocalVariable* CurrentException() {
591 return scopes_->exception_variables[catch_depth_ - 1];
592 }
594 return scopes_->stack_trace_variables[catch_depth_ - 1];
595 }
596 LocalVariable* CurrentRawException() {
597 return scopes_->raw_exception_variables[catch_depth_ - 1];
598 }
599 LocalVariable* CurrentRawStackTrace() {
600 return scopes_->raw_stack_trace_variables[catch_depth_ - 1];
601 }
602 LocalVariable* CurrentCatchContext() {
603 return scopes_->catch_context_variables[try_depth_];
604 }
606 TryCatchBlock* CurrentTryCatchBlock() const { return try_catch_block_; }
608 void SetCurrentTryCatchBlock(TryCatchBlock* try_catch_block);
610 // A chained list of breakable blocks. Chaining and lookup is done by the
611 // [BreakableBlock] class.
612 BreakableBlock* breakable_block_;
614 // A chained list of switch blocks. Chaining and lookup is done by the
615 // [SwitchBlock] class.
616 SwitchBlock* switch_block_;
618 // A chained list of try-catch blocks. Chaining and lookup is done by the
619 // [TryCatchBlock] class.
620 TryCatchBlock* try_catch_block_;
622 // A chained list of try-finally blocks. Chaining and lookup is done by the
623 // [TryFinallyBlock] class.
624 TryFinallyBlock* try_finally_block_;
626 // A chained list of catch blocks. Chaining and lookup is done by the
627 // [CatchBlock] class.
628 CatchBlock* catch_block_;
630 ActiveClass active_class_;
632 // Cached _PrependTypeArguments.
633 Function& prepend_type_arguments_;
635 // Returns the function _PrependTypeArguments from dart:_internal. If the
636 // cached version is null, retrieves it and updates the cache.
637 const Function& PrependTypeArgumentsFunction();
639 friend class BreakableBlock;
640 friend class CatchBlock;
641 friend class ProgramState;
643 friend class SwitchBlock;
644 friend class TryCatchBlock;
645 friend class TryFinallyBlock;
650// Convenience class to save/restore program state.
651// This snapshot denotes a partial state of the flow
652// grap builder that is needed when recursing into
653// the statements and expressions of a finalizer block.
655 public:
656 ProgramState(BreakableBlock* breakable_block,
657 SwitchBlock* switch_block,
658 intptr_t loop_depth,
659 intptr_t try_depth,
660 intptr_t catch_depth,
661 intptr_t block_expression_depth)
662 : breakable_block_(breakable_block),
663 switch_block_(switch_block),
664 loop_depth_(loop_depth),
665 try_depth_(try_depth),
666 catch_depth_(catch_depth),
667 block_expression_depth_(block_expression_depth) {}
670 builder->breakable_block_ = breakable_block_;
671 builder->switch_block_ = switch_block_;
672 builder->loop_depth_ = loop_depth_;
673 builder->try_depth_ = try_depth_;
674 builder->catch_depth_ = catch_depth_;
675 builder->block_expression_depth_ = block_expression_depth_;
676 }
678 private:
679 BreakableBlock* const breakable_block_;
680 SwitchBlock* const switch_block_;
681 const intptr_t loop_depth_;
682 const intptr_t try_depth_;
683 const intptr_t catch_depth_;
684 const intptr_t block_expression_depth_;
688 public:
689 SwitchBlock(FlowGraphBuilder* builder, intptr_t case_count)
690 : builder_(builder),
691 outer_(builder->switch_block_),
692 outer_finally_(builder->try_finally_block_),
693 case_count_(case_count),
694 context_depth_(builder->context_depth_),
695 try_index_(builder->CurrentTryIndex()) {
696 builder_->switch_block_ = this;
697 if (outer_ != nullptr) {
698 depth_ = outer_->depth_ + outer_->case_count_;
699 } else {
700 depth_ = 0;
701 }
702 }
703 ~SwitchBlock() { builder_->switch_block_ = outer_; }
705 bool HadJumper(intptr_t case_num) {
706 return destinations_.Lookup(case_num) != nullptr;
707 }
709 // Get destination via absolute target number (i.e. the correct destination
710 // is not necessarily in this block).
711 JoinEntryInstr* Destination(intptr_t target_index,
712 TryFinallyBlock** outer_finally = nullptr,
713 intptr_t* context_depth = nullptr) {
714 // Verify consistency of program state.
715 ASSERT(builder_->switch_block_ == this);
716 // Find corresponding destination.
717 SwitchBlock* block = this;
718 while (block->depth_ > target_index) {
719 block = block->outer_;
720 ASSERT(block != nullptr);
721 }
723 // Set the outer finally block.
724 if (outer_finally != nullptr) {
725 *outer_finally = block->outer_finally_;
726 *context_depth = block->context_depth_;
727 }
729 // Ensure there's [JoinEntryInstr] for that [SwitchCase].
730 return block->EnsureDestination(target_index - block->depth_);
731 }
733 // Get destination via relative target number (i.e. relative to this block,
734 // 0 is first case in this block etc).
736 TryFinallyBlock** outer_finally = nullptr,
737 intptr_t* context_depth = nullptr) {
738 // Set the outer finally block.
739 if (outer_finally != nullptr) {
740 *outer_finally = outer_finally_;
741 *context_depth = context_depth_;
742 }
744 // Ensure there's [JoinEntryInstr] for that [SwitchCase].
745 return EnsureDestination(case_num);
746 }
748 private:
749 JoinEntryInstr* EnsureDestination(intptr_t case_num) {
750 JoinEntryInstr* cached_inst = destinations_.Lookup(case_num);
751 if (cached_inst == nullptr) {
752 JoinEntryInstr* inst = builder_->BuildJoinEntry(try_index_);
753 destinations_.Insert(case_num, inst);
754 return inst;
755 }
756 return cached_inst;
757 }
759 FlowGraphBuilder* builder_;
760 SwitchBlock* outer_;
762 IntMap<JoinEntryInstr*> destinations_;
764 TryFinallyBlock* outer_finally_;
765 intptr_t case_count_;
766 intptr_t depth_;
767 intptr_t context_depth_;
768 intptr_t try_index_;
772 public:
774 intptr_t try_handler_index = -1)
775 : builder_(builder),
776 outer_(builder->CurrentTryCatchBlock()),
777 try_index_(try_handler_index == -1 ? builder->AllocateTryIndex()
778 : try_handler_index) {
779 builder->SetCurrentTryCatchBlock(this);
780 }
782 ~TryCatchBlock() { builder_->SetCurrentTryCatchBlock(outer_); }
784 intptr_t try_index() { return try_index_; }
785 TryCatchBlock* outer() const { return outer_; }
787 private:
788 FlowGraphBuilder* const builder_;
789 TryCatchBlock* const outer_;
790 intptr_t const try_index_;
796 public:
798 : builder_(builder),
799 outer_(builder->try_finally_block_),
800 finalizer_kernel_offset_(finalizer_kernel_offset),
801 context_depth_(builder->context_depth_),
802 try_index_(builder_->CurrentTryIndex()),
803 // Finalizers are executed outside of the try block hence
804 // try depth of finalizers are one less than current try
805 // depth. For others, program state is snapshot of current.
806 state_(builder_->breakable_block_,
807 builder_->switch_block_,
808 builder_->loop_depth_,
809 builder_->try_depth_ - 1,
810 builder_->catch_depth_,
811 builder_->block_expression_depth_) {
812 builder_->try_finally_block_ = this;
813 }
814 ~TryFinallyBlock() { builder_->try_finally_block_ = outer_; }
816 TryFinallyBlock* outer() const { return outer_; }
817 intptr_t finalizer_kernel_offset() const { return finalizer_kernel_offset_; }
818 intptr_t context_depth() const { return context_depth_; }
819 intptr_t try_index() const { return try_index_; }
820 const ProgramState& state() const { return state_; }
822 private:
823 FlowGraphBuilder* const builder_;
824 TryFinallyBlock* const outer_;
825 const intptr_t finalizer_kernel_offset_;
826 const intptr_t context_depth_;
827 const intptr_t try_index_;
828 const ProgramState state_;
834 public:
836 : builder_(builder),
837 outer_(builder->breakable_block_),
838 destination_(nullptr),
839 outer_finally_(builder->try_finally_block_),
840 context_depth_(builder->context_depth_),
841 try_index_(builder->CurrentTryIndex()) {
842 if (builder_->breakable_block_ == nullptr) {
843 index_ = 0;
844 } else {
845 index_ = builder_->breakable_block_->index_ + 1;
846 }
847 builder_->breakable_block_ = this;
848 }
849 ~BreakableBlock() { builder_->breakable_block_ = outer_; }
851 bool HadJumper() { return destination_ != nullptr; }
853 JoinEntryInstr* destination() { return destination_; }
855 JoinEntryInstr* BreakDestination(intptr_t label_index,
856 TryFinallyBlock** outer_finally,
857 intptr_t* context_depth) {
858 // Verify consistency of program state.
859 ASSERT(builder_->breakable_block_ == this);
860 // Find corresponding destination.
861 BreakableBlock* block = this;
862 while (block->index_ != label_index) {
863 block = block->outer_;
864 ASSERT(block != nullptr);
865 }
866 *outer_finally = block->outer_finally_;
867 *context_depth = block->context_depth_;
868 return block->EnsureDestination();
869 }
871 private:
872 JoinEntryInstr* EnsureDestination() {
873 if (destination_ == nullptr) {
874 destination_ = builder_->BuildJoinEntry(try_index_);
875 }
876 return destination_;
877 }
879 FlowGraphBuilder* builder_;
880 intptr_t index_;
881 BreakableBlock* outer_;
882 JoinEntryInstr* destination_;
883 TryFinallyBlock* outer_finally_;
884 intptr_t context_depth_;
885 intptr_t try_index_;
891 public:
895 intptr_t catch_try_index)
896 : builder_(builder),
897 outer_(builder->catch_block_),
898 exception_var_(exception_var),
899 stack_trace_var_(stack_trace_var),
900 catch_try_index_(catch_try_index) {
901 builder_->catch_block_ = this;
902 }
903 ~CatchBlock() { builder_->catch_block_ = outer_; }
905 LocalVariable* exception_var() { return exception_var_; }
906 LocalVariable* stack_trace_var() { return stack_trace_var_; }
907 intptr_t catch_try_index() { return catch_try_index_; }
909 private:
910 FlowGraphBuilder* builder_;
911 CatchBlock* outer_;
912 LocalVariable* exception_var_;
913 LocalVariable* stack_trace_var_;
914 intptr_t catch_try_index_;
926// Collected information for a switch expression.
928 public:
931 const Instance& value)
932 : case_index_(case_index), position_(position), value_(&value) {}
934 intptr_t case_index() const { return case_index_; }
935 const TokenPosition& position() const { return position_; }
936 // Constant value of the expression.
937 const Instance& value() const { return *value_; }
939 // Integer representation of the expression.
940 // For Integers it is the value itself and for Enums it is the index.
941 const Integer& integer() const {
942 ASSERT(integer_ != nullptr);
943 return *integer_;
944 }
947 ASSERT(integer_ == nullptr);
948 integer_ = &integer;
949 }
951 private:
952 intptr_t case_index_;
953 TokenPosition position_;
954 const Instance* value_;
955 const Integer* integer_ = nullptr;
958// A range that is covered by a branch in a binary search switch.
959// Leafs are represented by a range where min == max.
961 public:
962 static SwitchRange Leaf(intptr_t index,
964 bool is_bounds_checked = false) {
966 }
968 static SwitchRange Branch(intptr_t min,
969 intptr_t max,
972 /*is_bounds_checked=*/false);
973 }
975 // min and max are indexes into a sorted array of case expressions.
976 intptr_t min() const { return min_; }
977 intptr_t max() const { return max_; }
978 // The fragment to continue building code for the branch.
979 Fragment branch_instructions() const { return branch_instructions_; }
980 // For leafs, whether the branch is known to be in the bounds of the
981 // overall switch.
982 bool is_bounds_checked() const { return is_bounds_checked_; }
983 bool is_leaf() const { return min_ == max_; }
985 private:
986 SwitchRange(intptr_t min,
987 intptr_t max,
990 : min_(min),
991 max_(max),
992 branch_instructions_(branch_instructions),
993 is_bounds_checked_(is_bounds_checked) {}
995 intptr_t min_;
996 intptr_t max_;
997 Fragment branch_instructions_;
998 bool is_bounds_checked_;
1001// Helper for building flow graph for a switch statement.
1003 public:
1004 SwitchHelper(Zone* zone,
1006 bool is_exhaustive,
1009 intptr_t case_count);
1011 // A switch statement is optimizable if static type of the scrutinee
1012 // expression is a non-nullable int or enum, and all case expressions
1013 // are instances of the scrutinee static type.
1014 bool is_optimizable() const { return is_optimizable_; }
1015 const TokenPosition& position() const { return position_; }
1016 bool is_exhaustive() const { return is_exhaustive_; }
1017 SwitchBlock* switch_block() { return switch_block_; }
1018 intptr_t case_count() const { return case_count_; }
1020 // Index of default case.
1021 intptr_t default_case() const { return default_case_; }
1022 void set_default_case(intptr_t index) {
1023 ASSERT(default_case_ == -1);
1024 default_case_ = index;
1025 }
1027 const GrowableArray<Fragment>& case_bodies() const { return case_bodies_; }
1029 // Array of the expression counts for all cases.
1031 return case_expression_counts_;
1032 }
1035 return expressions_;
1036 }
1039 return sorted_expressions_;
1040 }
1042 // Static type of the scrutinee expression.
1043 const AbstractType& expression_type() const { return expression_type_; }
1045 const Integer& expression_min() const {
1046 ASSERT(expression_min_ != nullptr);
1047 return *expression_min_;
1048 }
1049 const Integer& expression_max() const {
1050 ASSERT(expression_max_ != nullptr);
1051 return *expression_max_;
1052 }
1054 bool has_default() const { return default_case_ >= 0; }
1056 bool is_enum_switch() const { return is_enum_switch_; }
1058 // Returns size of [min..max] range, or kMaxInt64 on overflow.
1059 int64_t ExpressionRange() const;
1061 bool RequiresLowerBoundCheck() const;
1062 bool RequiresUpperBoundCheck() const;
1066 void AddCaseBody(Fragment body) { case_bodies_.Add(body); }
1068 void AddExpression(intptr_t case_index,
1070 const Instance& value);
1072 private:
1073 void PrepareForOptimizedSwitch();
1075 Zone* zone_;
1076 bool is_optimizable_ = false;
1077 bool is_enum_switch_ = false;
1078 const TokenPosition position_;
1079 const bool is_exhaustive_;
1080 const AbstractType& expression_type_;
1081 SwitchBlock* const switch_block_;
1082 const intptr_t case_count_;
1083 intptr_t default_case_ = -1;
1084 GrowableArray<Fragment> case_bodies_;
1085 GrowableArray<intptr_t> case_expression_counts_;
1087 GrowableArray<SwitchExpression*> sorted_expressions_;
1088 const Integer* expression_min_ = nullptr;
1089 const Integer* expression_max_ = nullptr;
1092} // namespace kernel
1093} // namespace dart
static void info(const char *fmt,...) SK_PRINTF_LIKE(1
Definition: DM.cpp:213
Representation representation() const
Definition: slot.h:519
Definition: il.h:75
Fragment LoadNativeField(const Slot &native_field, InnerPointerAccess loads_inner_pointer, bool calls_initializer=false)
Fragment UnboxedIntConstant(int64_t value, Representation representation)
Fragment BinaryIntegerOp(Token::Kind op, Representation representation, bool is_truncating=false)
Fragment SmiBinaryOp(Token::Kind op, bool is_truncating=false)
JoinEntryInstr * destination()
Definition: kernel_to_il.h:853
JoinEntryInstr * BreakDestination(intptr_t label_index, TryFinallyBlock **outer_finally, intptr_t *context_depth)
Definition: kernel_to_il.h:855
BreakableBlock(FlowGraphBuilder *builder)
Definition: kernel_to_il.h:835
LocalVariable * stack_trace_var()
Definition: kernel_to_il.h:906
LocalVariable * exception_var()
Definition: kernel_to_il.h:905
CatchBlock(FlowGraphBuilder *builder, LocalVariable *exception_var, LocalVariable *stack_trace_var, intptr_t catch_try_index)
Definition: kernel_to_il.h:892
FlowGraphBuilder(ParsedFunction *parsed_function, ZoneGrowableArray< const ICData * > *ic_data_array, ZoneGrowableArray< intptr_t > *context_level_array, InlineExitCollector *exit_collector, bool optimizing, intptr_t osr_id, intptr_t first_block_id=1, bool inlining_unchecked_entry=false)
Definition: kernel_to_il.cc:64
static bool IsExpressionTempVarUsedInRecognizedMethodFlowGraph(const Function &function)
static bool IsRecognizedMethodForFlowGraph(const Function &function)
ProgramState(BreakableBlock *breakable_block, SwitchBlock *switch_block, intptr_t loop_depth, intptr_t try_depth, intptr_t catch_depth, intptr_t block_expression_depth)
Definition: kernel_to_il.h:656
void assignTo(FlowGraphBuilder *builder) const
Definition: kernel_to_il.h:669
GrowableArray< LocalVariable * > catch_context_variables
GrowableArray< LocalVariable * > stack_trace_variables
GrowableArray< LocalVariable * > raw_exception_variables
GrowableArray< LocalVariable * > exception_variables
GrowableArray< LocalVariable * > raw_stack_trace_variables
SwitchBlock(FlowGraphBuilder *builder, intptr_t case_count)
Definition: kernel_to_il.h:689
bool HadJumper(intptr_t case_num)
Definition: kernel_to_il.h:705
JoinEntryInstr * DestinationDirect(intptr_t case_num, TryFinallyBlock **outer_finally=nullptr, intptr_t *context_depth=nullptr)
Definition: kernel_to_il.h:735
JoinEntryInstr * Destination(intptr_t target_index, TryFinallyBlock **outer_finally=nullptr, intptr_t *context_depth=nullptr)
Definition: kernel_to_il.h:711
const Instance & value() const
Definition: kernel_to_il.h:937
SwitchExpression(intptr_t case_index, TokenPosition position, const Instance &value)
Definition: kernel_to_il.h:929
const Integer & integer() const
Definition: kernel_to_il.h:941
void set_integer(const Integer &integer)
Definition: kernel_to_il.h:946
const TokenPosition & position() const
Definition: kernel_to_il.h:935
const Integer & expression_max() const
intptr_t default_case() const
const AbstractType & expression_type() const
void set_default_case(intptr_t index)
SwitchHelper(Zone *zone, TokenPosition position, bool is_exhaustive, const AbstractType &expression_type, SwitchBlock *switch_block, intptr_t case_count)
void AddExpression(intptr_t case_index, TokenPosition position, const Instance &value)
const GrowableArray< SwitchExpression > & expressions() const
const GrowableArray< SwitchExpression * > & sorted_expressions() const
const GrowableArray< intptr_t > & case_expression_counts() const
int64_t ExpressionRange() const
SwitchBlock * switch_block()
intptr_t case_count() const
bool RequiresUpperBoundCheck() const
SwitchDispatch SelectDispatchStrategy()
const GrowableArray< Fragment > & case_bodies() const
const Integer & expression_min() const
const TokenPosition & position() const
void AddCaseBody(Fragment body)
bool RequiresLowerBoundCheck() const
Fragment branch_instructions() const
Definition: kernel_to_il.h:979
intptr_t max() const
Definition: kernel_to_il.h:977
bool is_bounds_checked() const
Definition: kernel_to_il.h:982
static SwitchRange Leaf(intptr_t index, Fragment branch_instructions, bool is_bounds_checked=false)
Definition: kernel_to_il.h:962
static SwitchRange Branch(intptr_t min, intptr_t max, Fragment branch_instructions)
Definition: kernel_to_il.h:968
intptr_t min() const
Definition: kernel_to_il.h:976
TryCatchBlock * outer() const
Definition: kernel_to_il.h:785
TryCatchBlock(FlowGraphBuilder *builder, intptr_t try_handler_index=-1)
Definition: kernel_to_il.h:773
const ProgramState & state() const
Definition: kernel_to_il.h:820
intptr_t finalizer_kernel_offset() const
Definition: kernel_to_il.h:817
TryFinallyBlock * outer() const
Definition: kernel_to_il.h:816
TryFinallyBlock(FlowGraphBuilder *builder, intptr_t finalizer_kernel_offset)
Definition: kernel_to_il.h:797
intptr_t context_depth() const
Definition: kernel_to_il.h:818
#define ASSERT(E)
VkInstance instance
Definition: main.cc:48
uint8_t value
uint32_t * target
Dart_NativeFunction function
Definition: fuchsia.cc:51
int argument_count
Definition: fuchsia.cc:52
static float max(float r, float g, float b)
Definition: hsl.cpp:49
static float min(float r, float g, float b)
Definition: hsl.cpp:48
constexpr word kSmiMax
Definition: runtime_api.h:305
@ kSwitchDispatchLinearScan
Definition: kernel_to_il.h:921
@ kSwitchDispatchJumpTable
Definition: kernel_to_il.h:923
@ kSwitchDispatchBinarySearch
Definition: kernel_to_il.h:922
Definition: dart_vm.cc:33
const char *const name
static StackTracePtr CurrentStackTrace(Thread *thread, intptr_t skip_frames=1)
Definition: stacktrace.cc:38
int32_t classid_t
Definition: globals.h:524
Definition: locations.h:66
static ObjectPtr ThrowTypeError(const TokenPosition token_pos, const Instance &src_value, const AbstractType &dst_type, const String &dst_name)
Definition: object.cc:4496
const intptr_t cid
def call(args)
Definition: dom.py:159
Dest BitCast(const Source &source)
Definition: utils.h:395
it will be possible to load the file into Perfetto s trace viewer disable asset Prevents usage of any non test fonts unless they were explicitly Loaded via prefetched default font Indicates whether the embedding started a prefetch of the default font manager before creating the engine run In non interactive mode
Definition: switches.h:228
it will be possible to load the file into Perfetto s trace viewer disable asset Prevents usage of any non test fonts unless they were explicitly Loaded via prefetched default font Indicates whether the embedding started a prefetch of the default font manager before creating the engine run In non interactive keep the shell running after the Dart script has completed enable serial On low power devices with low core running concurrent GC tasks on threads can cause them to contend with the UI thread which could potentially lead to jank This option turns off all concurrent GC activities domain network JSON encoded network policy per domain This overrides the DisallowInsecureConnections switch Embedder can specify whether to allow or disallow insecure connections at a domain level old gen heap size
Definition: switches.h:259
DEF_SWITCHES_START aot vmservice shared library Name of the *so containing AOT compiled Dart assets for launching the service isolate vm snapshot The VM snapshot data that will be memory mapped as read only SnapshotAssetPath must be present isolate snapshot The isolate snapshot data that will be memory mapped as read only SnapshotAssetPath must be present cache dir Path to the cache directory This is different from the persistent_cache_path in embedder which is used for Skia shader cache icu native lib Path to the library file that exports the ICU data vm service The hostname IP address on which the Dart VM Service should be served If not set
Definition: switches.h:76
std::function< void()> closure
Definition: closure.h:14
Definition: malisc.py:37
Definition: globals.h:581
static bool RequiresAllocation(Representation rep)
Definition: il.cc:470
static constexpr bool IsUnboxedInteger(Representation rep)
Definition: locations.h:92