Flutter Engine
The Flutter Engine
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SkSLBench.cpp File Reference
#include "bench/Benchmark.h"
#include "bench/ResultsWriter.h"
#include "bench/SkSLBench.h"
#include "include/core/SkCanvas.h"
#include "src/base/SkArenaAlloc.h"
#include "src/core/SkRasterPipeline.h"
#include "src/gpu/ganesh/GrCaps.h"
#include "src/gpu/ganesh/GrRecordingContextPriv.h"
#include "src/gpu/ganesh/mock/GrMockCaps.h"
#include "src/sksl/SkSLCompiler.h"
#include "src/sksl/SkSLModuleLoader.h"
#include "src/sksl/SkSLParser.h"
#include "src/sksl/codegen/SkSLGLSLCodeGenerator.h"
#include "src/sksl/codegen/SkSLMetalCodeGenerator.h"
#include "src/sksl/codegen/SkSLRasterPipelineBuilder.h"
#include "src/sksl/codegen/SkSLRasterPipelineCodeGenerator.h"
#include "src/sksl/codegen/SkSLSPIRVCodeGenerator.h"
#include "src/sksl/codegen/SkSLWGSLCodeGenerator.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLFunctionDeclaration.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLProgram.h"
#include <regex>
#include "src/sksl/generated/sksl_shared.minified.sksl"
#include "src/sksl/generated/sksl_compute.minified.sksl"
#include "src/sksl/generated/sksl_frag.minified.sksl"
#include "src/sksl/generated/sksl_gpu.minified.sksl"
#include "src/sksl/generated/sksl_public.minified.sksl"
#include "src/sksl/generated/sksl_rt_shader.minified.sksl"
#include "src/sksl/generated/sksl_vert.minified.sksl"
#include "src/sksl/generated/sksl_graphite_frag.minified.sksl"
#include "src/sksl/generated/sksl_graphite_vert.minified.sksl"
#include "src/sksl/generated/sksl_graphite_frag_es2.minified.sksl"
#include "src/sksl/generated/sksl_graphite_vert_es2.minified.sksl"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  SkSLCompilerStartupBench
class  SkSLCompileBench
class  SkSLModuleLoaderBench


#define COMPILER_BENCH(name, text)
#define GRAPHITE_BENCH(name, text)


enum class  Output {
  kNone , kGLSL , kMetal , kSPIRV ,
  kSkRP , kGrMtl , kGrWGSL


 COMPILER_BENCH (large, R"( uniform half4 uthresholds1_7_S1_c0_c0_c0; uniform half4 uthresholds9_13_S1_c0_c0_c0; uniform float4 uscale_S1_c0_c0_c0[4]; uniform float4 ubias_S1_c0_c0_c0[4]; uniform half uinvR1_S1_c0_c0_c1_c0; uniform half ufx_S1_c0_c0_c1_c0; uniform float3x3 umatrix_S1_c0_c0_c1; uniform half4 uleftBorderColor_S1_c0_c0; uniform half4 urightBorderColor_S1_c0_c0; uniform float3x3 umatrix_S1_c1; uniform half urange_S1; sampler2D uTextureSampler_0_S1; flat in half4 vcolor_S0; noperspective in float2 vTransformedCoords_6_S0; half4 UnrolledBinaryColorizer_S1_c0_c0_c0(half4 _input, float2 _coords) { half4 _tmp_0_inColor = _input; float2 _tmp_1_coords = _coords; half t = half(_tmp_1_coords.x); float4 s; float4 b; { if (t < uthresholds1_7_S1_c0_c0_c0.y) { if (t < uthresholds1_7_S1_c0_c0_c0.x) { s = uscale_S1_c0_c0_c0[0]; b = ubias_S1_c0_c0_c0[0]; } else { s = uscale_S1_c0_c0_c0[1]; b = ubias_S1_c0_c0_c0[1]; } } else { if (t < uthresholds1_7_S1_c0_c0_c0.z) { s = uscale_S1_c0_c0_c0[2]; b = ubias_S1_c0_c0_c0[2]; } else { s = uscale_S1_c0_c0_c0[3]; b = ubias_S1_c0_c0_c0[3]; } } } return half4(half4(float(t) * s + b)); } half4 TwoPointConicalFocalLayout_S1_c0_c0_c1_c0(half4 _input) { half4 _tmp_2_inColor = _input; float2 _tmp_3_coords = vTransformedCoords_6_S0; float t = -1.0; half v = 1.0; float x_t = -1.0; if (bool(int(0))) { x_t = dot(_tmp_3_coords, _tmp_3_coords) / _tmp_3_coords.x; } else if (bool(int(0))) { x_t = length(_tmp_3_coords) - _tmp_3_coords.x * float(uinvR1_S1_c0_c0_c1_c0); } else { float temp = _tmp_3_coords.x * _tmp_3_coords.x - _tmp_3_coords.y * _tmp_3_coords.y; if (temp >= 0.0) { if (bool(int(0)) || !bool(int(1))) { x_t = -sqrt(temp) - _tmp_3_coords.x * float(uinvR1_S1_c0_c0_c1_c0); } else { x_t = sqrt(temp) - _tmp_3_coords.x * float(uinvR1_S1_c0_c0_c1_c0); } } } if (!bool(int(0))) { if (x_t <= 0.0) { v = -1.0; } } if (bool(int(1))) { if (bool(int(0))) { t = x_t; } else { t = x_t + float(ufx_S1_c0_c0_c1_c0); } } else { if (bool(int(0))) { t = -x_t; } else { t = -x_t + float(ufx_S1_c0_c0_c1_c0); } } if (bool(int(0))) { t = 1.0 - t; } return half4(half4(half(t), v, 0.0, 0.0)); } half4 MatrixEffect_S1_c0_c0_c1(half4 _input) { return TwoPointConicalFocalLayout_S1_c0_c0_c1_c0(_input); } half4 ClampedGradient_S1_c0_c0(half4 _input) { half4 _tmp_4_inColor = _input; half4 t = MatrixEffect_S1_c0_c0_c1(_tmp_4_inColor); half4 outColor; if (!bool(int(0)) && t.y < 0.0) { outColor = half4(0.0); } else if (t.x < 0.0) { outColor = uleftBorderColor_S1_c0_c0; } else if (t.x > 1.0) { outColor = urightBorderColor_S1_c0_c0; } else { outColor = UnrolledBinaryColorizer_S1_c0_c0_c0(_tmp_4_inColor, float2(half2(t.x, 0.0))); } return half4(outColor); } half4 DisableCoverageAsAlpha_S1_c0(half4 _input) { _input = ClampedGradient_S1_c0_c0(_input); half4 _tmp_5_inColor = _input; return half4(_input); } half4 TextureEffect_S1_c1_c0(half4 _input, float2 _coords) { return sample(uTextureSampler_0_S1, _coords).000r; } half4 MatrixEffect_S1_c1(half4 _input, float2 _coords) { return TextureEffect_S1_c1_c0(_input, float3x2(umatrix_S1_c1) * _coords.xy1); } half4 Dither_S1(half4 _input) { half4 _tmp_6_inColor = _input; half4 color = DisableCoverageAsAlpha_S1_c0(_tmp_6_inColor); half value = MatrixEffect_S1_c1(_tmp_6_inColor, sk_FragCoord.xy).w - 0.5; return half4(half4(clamp(color.xyz + value * urange_S1, 0.0, color.w), color.w)); } void main() { // Stage 0, QuadPerEdgeAAGeometryProcessor half4 outputColor_S0; outputColor_S0 = vcolor_S0; const half4 outputCoverage_S0 = half4(1); half4 output_S1; output_S1 = Dither_S1(outputColor_S0); { // Xfer Processor: Porter Duff sk_FragColor = output_S1 * outputCoverage_S0; } } )")
 COMPILER_BENCH (medium, R"( uniform float3x3 umatrix_S1_c0; uniform float3x3 umatrix_S2_c0_c0; uniform float4 urect_S2_c0; sampler2D uTextureSampler_0_S1; sampler2D uTextureSampler_0_S2; flat in half4 vcolor_S0; noperspective in float2 vTransformedCoords_3_S0; half4 TextureEffect_S1_c0_c0(half4 _input) { return sample(uTextureSampler_0_S1, vTransformedCoords_3_S0); } half4 MatrixEffect_S1_c0(half4 _input) { return TextureEffect_S1_c0_c0(_input); } half4 DisableCoverageAsAlpha_S1(half4 _input) { _input = MatrixEffect_S1_c0(_input); half4 _tmp_0_inColor = _input; return half4(_input); } half4 TextureEffect_S2_c0_c0_c0(half4 _input, float2 _coords) { return sample(uTextureSampler_0_S2, _coords).000r; } half4 MatrixEffect_S2_c0_c0(half4 _input, float2 _coords) { return TextureEffect_S2_c0_c0_c0(_input, float3x2(umatrix_S2_c0_c0) * _coords.xy1); } half4 RectBlur_S2_c0(half4 _input, float2 _coords) { half4 _tmp_1_inColor = _input; float2 _tmp_2_coords = _coords; half xCoverage; half yCoverage; if (bool(int(1))) { half2 xy = max(half2(urect_S2_c0.xy - _tmp_2_coords), half2(_tmp_2_coords - urect_S2_c0.zw)); xCoverage = MatrixEffect_S2_c0_c0(_tmp_1_inColor, float2(half2(xy.x, 0.5))).w; yCoverage = MatrixEffect_S2_c0_c0(_tmp_1_inColor, float2(half2(xy.y, 0.5))).w; } else { half4 rect = half4(half2(urect_S2_c0.xy - _tmp_2_coords), half2(_tmp_2_coords - urect_S2_c0.zw)); xCoverage = (1.0 - MatrixEffect_S2_c0_c0(_tmp_1_inColor, float2(half2(rect.x, 0.5))).w) - MatrixEffect_S2_c0_c0(_tmp_1_inColor, float2(half2(rect.z, 0.5))).w; yCoverage = (1.0 - MatrixEffect_S2_c0_c0(_tmp_1_inColor, float2(half2(rect.y, 0.5))).w) - MatrixEffect_S2_c0_c0(_tmp_1_inColor, float2(half2(rect.w, 0.5))).w; } return half4((_input * xCoverage) * yCoverage); } half4 DeviceSpace_S2(half4 _input) { return RectBlur_S2_c0(_input, sk_FragCoord.xy); } void main() { // Stage 0, QuadPerEdgeAAGeometryProcessor half4 outputColor_S0; outputColor_S0 = vcolor_S0; const half4 outputCoverage_S0 = half4(1); half4 output_S1; output_S1 = DisableCoverageAsAlpha_S1(outputColor_S0); half4 output_S2; output_S2 = DeviceSpace_S2(outputCoverage_S0); { // Xfer Processor: Porter Duff sk_FragColor = output_S1 * output_S2; } } )")
 COMPILER_BENCH (small, R"( sampler2D uTextureSampler_0_S0; noperspective in float2 vTextureCoords_S0; flat in float vTexIndex_S0; noperspective in half4 vinColor_S0; void main() { // Stage 0, BitmapText half4 outputColor_S0; outputColor_S0 = vinColor_S0; half4 texColor; { texColor = sample(uTextureSampler_0_S0, vTextureCoords_S0).rrrr; } half4 outputCoverage_S0 = texColor; { // Xfer Processor: Porter Duff sk_FragColor = outputColor_S0 * outputCoverage_S0; } } )")
 COMPILER_BENCH (tiny, "void main() { sk_FragColor = half4(1); }")
 GRAPHITE_BENCH (graphite_large, R"( layout(location=0) in flat int shadingSsboIndexVar; layout(location=1) in float2 localCoordsVar; layout(location=2) in float4 jacobian; layout(location=3) in float4 edgeDistances; layout(location=4) in float4 xRadii; layout(location=5) in float4 yRadii; layout(location=6) in float2 strokeParams; layout(location=7) in float2 perPixelControl; struct FSUniformData { // 0 - SolidColor uniforms float4 color_0; // 2 - ConicalGradient8 uniforms float4 colors_2[8]; float4 offsets_2[2]; float2 point0_2; float2 point1_2; float radius0_2; float radius1_2; int tilemode_2; int colorSpace_2; int doUnPremul_2; // 3 - ColorSpaceTransform uniforms int flags_3; int srcKind_3; half3x3 gamutTransform_3; int dstKind_3; half4x4 csXformCoeffs_3; // 4 - DitherShader uniforms half range_4; } ; layout (binding=2) buffer FSUniforms { FSUniformData fsUniformData[]; } ; // 4 - DitherShader samplers layout(binding=0) sampler2D sampler_4; // [1] 1: ColorFilterShader half4 ColorFilterShader_1(half4 inColor, half4 destColor, float2 coords) { return sk_color_space_transform(sk_conical_grad_8_shader(coords, fsUniformData[shadingSsboIndexVar].colors_2, fsUniformData[shadingSsboIndexVar].offsets_2, fsUniformData[shadingSsboIndexVar].point0_2, fsUniformData[shadingSsboIndexVar].point1_2, fsUniformData[shadingSsboIndexVar].radius0_2, fsUniformData[shadingSsboIndexVar].radius1_2, fsUniformData[shadingSsboIndexVar].tilemode_2, fsUniformData[shadingSsboIndexVar].colorSpace_2, fsUniformData[shadingSsboIndexVar].doUnPremul_2), fsUniformData[shadingSsboIndexVar].flags_3, fsUniformData[shadingSsboIndexVar].srcKind_3, fsUniformData[shadingSsboIndexVar].gamutTransform_3, fsUniformData[shadingSsboIndexVar].dstKind_3, fsUniformData[shadingSsboIndexVar].csXformCoeffs_3); } void main() { half4 initialColor = half4(0); // [0] SolidColor half4 outColor_0 = sk_solid_shader(fsUniformData[shadingSsboIndexVar].color_0); // [1] ColorFilterShader half4 outColor_1 = ColorFilterShader_1(outColor_0, half4(1), localCoordsVar); // [4] DitherShader half4 outColor_4 = sk_dither_shader(outColor_1, localCoordsVar, fsUniformData[shadingSsboIndexVar].range_4, sampler_4); // [5] SrcOver half4 outColor_5 = outColor_4; half4 outputCoverage; outputCoverage = analytic_rrect_coverage_fn(sk_FragCoord, jacobian, edgeDistances, xRadii, yRadii, strokeParams, perPixelControl); sk_FragColor = outColor_5 * outputCoverage; } )")
 GRAPHITE_BENCH (graphite_small, R"( layout(location=0) in flat int shadingSsboIndexVar; layout(location=1) in float2 textureCoords; layout(location=2) in half texIndex; layout(location=3) in half maskFormat; layout (binding=1) uniform StepUniforms { layout(offset=0) float4x4 subRunDeviceMatrix; layout(offset=64) float4x4 deviceToLocal; layout(offset=128) float2 atlasSizeInv; } ; struct FSUniformData { // 0 - SolidColor uniforms float4 color_0; } ; layout (binding=2) buffer FSUniforms { FSUniformData fsUniformData[]; } ; layout(binding=0) sampler2D text_atlas_0; layout(binding=1) sampler2D text_atlas_1; layout(binding=2) sampler2D text_atlas_2; layout(binding=3) sampler2D text_atlas_3; void main() { half4 initialColor = half4(0); // [0] SolidColor half4 outColor_0 = sk_solid_shader(fsUniformData[shadingSsboIndexVar].color_0); // [1] SrcOver half4 outColor_1 = outColor_0; half4 outputCoverage; outputCoverage = bitmap_text_coverage_fn(sample_indexed_atlas(textureCoords, int(texIndex), text_atlas_0, text_atlas_1, text_atlas_2, text_atlas_3), int(maskFormat)); sk_FragColor = outColor_1 * outputCoverage; } )")
static int64_t heap_bytes_used ()
static void bench (NanoJSONResultsWriter *log, const char *name, int bytes)
void RunSkSLModuleBenchmarks (NanoJSONResultsWriter *log)
 DEF_BENCH (return new SkSLModuleLoaderBench("sksl_module_loader_ganesh", { SkSL::ProgramKind::kVertex, SkSL::ProgramKind::kFragment, SkSL::ProgramKind::kRuntimeColorFilter, SkSL::ProgramKind::kRuntimeShader, SkSL::ProgramKind::kRuntimeBlender, SkSL::ProgramKind::kPrivateRuntimeColorFilter, SkSL::ProgramKind::kPrivateRuntimeShader, SkSL::ProgramKind::kPrivateRuntimeBlender, SkSL::ProgramKind::kCompute, });) DEF_BENCH(return new SkSLModuleLoaderBench("sksl_module_loader_graphite"

Macro Definition Documentation


#define COMPILER_BENCH (   name,
static constexpr char name ## _SRC[] = text; \
DEF_BENCH(return new SkSLCompileBench(#name, name##_SRC, /*optimize=*/false, Output::kNone);) \
DEF_BENCH(return new SkSLCompileBench(#name, name##_SRC, /*optimize=*/true, Output::kNone);) \
DEF_BENCH(return new SkSLCompileBench(#name, name##_SRC, /*optimize=*/true, Output::kGLSL);) \
DEF_BENCH(return new SkSLCompileBench(#name, name##_SRC, /*optimize=*/true, Output::kMetal);) \
DEF_BENCH(return new SkSLCompileBench(#name, name##_SRC, /*optimize=*/true, Output::kSPIRV);) \
DEF_BENCH(return new SkSLCompileBench(#name, name##_SRC, /*optimize=*/true, Output::kSkRP);)
DEF_BENCH(return new SkSLModuleLoaderBench("sksl_module_loader_ganesh", { SkSL::ProgramKind::kVertex, SkSL::ProgramKind::kFragment, SkSL::ProgramKind::kRuntimeColorFilter, SkSL::ProgramKind::kRuntimeShader, SkSL::ProgramKind::kRuntimeBlender, SkSL::ProgramKind::kPrivateRuntimeColorFilter, SkSL::ProgramKind::kPrivateRuntimeShader, SkSL::ProgramKind::kPrivateRuntimeBlender, SkSL::ProgramKind::kCompute, });) DEF_BENCH(return new SkSLModuleLoaderBench("sksl_module_loader_graphite"
std::u16string text
DEF_SWITCHES_START aot vmservice shared library name
Definition: switches.h:32

Definition at line 228 of file SkSLBench.cpp.


#define GRAPHITE_BENCH (   name,
static constexpr char name##_SRC[] = text; \
DEF_BENCH(return new SkSLCompileBench(#name, name##_SRC, /*optimize=*/true, Output::kGrMtl);) \
DEF_BENCH(return new SkSLCompileBench(#name, name##_SRC, /*optimize=*/true, Output::kGrWGSL);)

Definition at line 249 of file SkSLBench.cpp.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ Output

enum class Output

Definition at line 61 of file SkSLBench.cpp.

61 {
62 kNone,
63 kGLSL,
64 kMetal,
65 kSPIRV,
66 kSkRP,
67 kGrMtl,
68 kGrWGSL,
@ kMetal
Definition: embedder.h:85
@ kNone
Definition: layer.h:53

Function Documentation

◆ bench()

static void bench ( NanoJSONResultsWriter log,
const char *  name,
int  bytes 

Definition at line 285 of file SkSLBench.cpp.



R"(uniform half4 uthresholds1_7_S1_c0_c0_c0;uniform half4 uthresholds9_13_S1_c0_c0_c0;uniform float4 uscale_S1_c0_c0_c0[4];uniform float4 ubias_S1_c0_c0_c0[4];uniform half uinvR1_S1_c0_c0_c1_c0;uniform half ufx_S1_c0_c0_c1_c0;uniform float3x3 umatrix_S1_c0_c0_c1;uniform half4 uleftBorderColor_S1_c0_c0;uniform half4 urightBorderColor_S1_c0_c0;uniform float3x3 umatrix_S1_c1;uniform half urange_S1;sampler2D uTextureSampler_0_S1;flat in half4 vcolor_S0;noperspective in float2 vTransformedCoords_6_S0;half4 UnrolledBinaryColorizer_S1_c0_c0_c0(half4 _input, float2 _coords){ half4 _tmp_0_inColor = _input; float2 _tmp_1_coords = _coords; half t = half(_tmp_1_coords.x); float4 s; float4 b; { if (t < uthresholds1_7_S1_c0_c0_c0.y) { if (t < uthresholds1_7_S1_c0_c0_c0.x) { s = uscale_S1_c0_c0_c0[0]; b = ubias_S1_c0_c0_c0[0]; } else { s = uscale_S1_c0_c0_c0[1]; b = ubias_S1_c0_c0_c0[1]; } } else { if (t < uthresholds1_7_S1_c0_c0_c0.z) { s = uscale_S1_c0_c0_c0[2]; b = ubias_S1_c0_c0_c0[2]; } else { s = uscale_S1_c0_c0_c0[3]; b = ubias_S1_c0_c0_c0[3]; } } } return half4(half4(float(t) * s + b));}half4 TwoPointConicalFocalLayout_S1_c0_c0_c1_c0(half4 _input){ half4 _tmp_2_inColor = _input; float2 _tmp_3_coords = vTransformedCoords_6_S0; float t = -1.0; half v = 1.0; float x_t = -1.0; if (bool(int(0))) { x_t = dot(_tmp_3_coords, _tmp_3_coords) / _tmp_3_coords.x; } else if (bool(int(0))) { x_t = length(_tmp_3_coords) - _tmp_3_coords.x * float(uinvR1_S1_c0_c0_c1_c0); } else { float temp = _tmp_3_coords.x * _tmp_3_coords.x - _tmp_3_coords.y * _tmp_3_coords.y; if (temp >= 0.0) { if (bool(int(0)) || !bool(int(1))) { x_t = -sqrt(temp) - _tmp_3_coords.x * float(uinvR1_S1_c0_c0_c1_c0); } else { x_t = sqrt(temp) - _tmp_3_coords.x * float(uinvR1_S1_c0_c0_c1_c0); } } } if (!bool(int(0))) { if (x_t <= 0.0) { v = -1.0; } } if (bool(int(1))) { if (bool(int(0))) { t = x_t; } else { t = x_t + float(ufx_S1_c0_c0_c1_c0); } } else { if (bool(int(0))) { t = -x_t; } else { t = -x_t + float(ufx_S1_c0_c0_c1_c0); } } if (bool(int(0))) { t = 1.0 - t; } return half4(half4(half(t), v, 0.0, 0.0));}half4 MatrixEffect_S1_c0_c0_c1(half4 _input){ return TwoPointConicalFocalLayout_S1_c0_c0_c1_c0(_input);}half4 ClampedGradient_S1_c0_c0(half4 _input){ half4 _tmp_4_inColor = _input; half4 t = MatrixEffect_S1_c0_c0_c1(_tmp_4_inColor); half4 outColor; if (!bool(int(0)) && t.y < 0.0) { outColor = half4(0.0); } else if (t.x < 0.0) { outColor = uleftBorderColor_S1_c0_c0; } else if (t.x > 1.0) { outColor = urightBorderColor_S1_c0_c0; } else { outColor = UnrolledBinaryColorizer_S1_c0_c0_c0(_tmp_4_inColor, float2(half2(t.x, 0.0))); } return half4(outColor);}half4 DisableCoverageAsAlpha_S1_c0(half4 _input){ _input = ClampedGradient_S1_c0_c0(_input); half4 _tmp_5_inColor = _input; return half4(_input);}half4 TextureEffect_S1_c1_c0(half4 _input, float2 _coords){ return sample(uTextureSampler_0_S1, _coords).000r;}half4 MatrixEffect_S1_c1(half4 _input, float2 _coords){ return TextureEffect_S1_c1_c0(_input, float3x2(umatrix_S1_c1) * _coords.xy1);}half4 Dither_S1(half4 _input){ half4 _tmp_6_inColor = _input; half4 color = DisableCoverageAsAlpha_S1_c0(_tmp_6_inColor); half value = MatrixEffect_S1_c1(_tmp_6_inColor, sk_FragCoord.xy).w - 0.5; return half4(half4(clamp(color.xyz + value * urange_S1, 0.0, color.w), color.w));}void main(){ // Stage 0, QuadPerEdgeAAGeometryProcessor half4 outputColor_S0; outputColor_S0 = vcolor_S0; const half4 outputCoverage_S0 = half4(1); half4 output_S1; output_S1 = Dither_S1(outputColor_S0); { // Xfer Processor: Porter Duff sk_FragColor = output_S1 * outputCoverage_S0; }})"   


COMPILER_BENCH ( medium  ,
R"(uniform float3x3 umatrix_S1_c0;uniform float3x3 umatrix_S2_c0_c0;uniform float4 urect_S2_c0;sampler2D uTextureSampler_0_S1;sampler2D uTextureSampler_0_S2;flat in half4 vcolor_S0;noperspective in float2 vTransformedCoords_3_S0;half4 TextureEffect_S1_c0_c0(half4 _input){ return sample(uTextureSampler_0_S1, vTransformedCoords_3_S0);}half4 MatrixEffect_S1_c0(half4 _input){ return TextureEffect_S1_c0_c0(_input);}half4 DisableCoverageAsAlpha_S1(half4 _input){ _input = MatrixEffect_S1_c0(_input); half4 _tmp_0_inColor = _input; return half4(_input);}half4 TextureEffect_S2_c0_c0_c0(half4 _input, float2 _coords){ return sample(uTextureSampler_0_S2, _coords).000r;}half4 MatrixEffect_S2_c0_c0(half4 _input, float2 _coords){ return TextureEffect_S2_c0_c0_c0(_input, float3x2(umatrix_S2_c0_c0) * _coords.xy1);}half4 RectBlur_S2_c0(half4 _input, float2 _coords){ half4 _tmp_1_inColor = _input; float2 _tmp_2_coords = _coords; half xCoverage; half yCoverage; if (bool(int(1))) { half2 xy = max(half2(urect_S2_c0.xy - _tmp_2_coords), half2(_tmp_2_coords - urect_S2_c0.zw)); xCoverage = MatrixEffect_S2_c0_c0(_tmp_1_inColor, float2(half2(xy.x, 0.5))).w; yCoverage = MatrixEffect_S2_c0_c0(_tmp_1_inColor, float2(half2(xy.y, 0.5))).w; } else { half4 rect = half4(half2(urect_S2_c0.xy - _tmp_2_coords), half2(_tmp_2_coords - urect_S2_c0.zw)); xCoverage = (1.0 - MatrixEffect_S2_c0_c0(_tmp_1_inColor, float2(half2(rect.x, 0.5))).w) - MatrixEffect_S2_c0_c0(_tmp_1_inColor, float2(half2(rect.z, 0.5))).w; yCoverage = (1.0 - MatrixEffect_S2_c0_c0(_tmp_1_inColor, float2(half2(rect.y, 0.5))).w) - MatrixEffect_S2_c0_c0(_tmp_1_inColor, float2(half2(rect.w, 0.5))).w; } return half4((_input * xCoverage) * yCoverage);}half4 DeviceSpace_S2(half4 _input){ return RectBlur_S2_c0(_input, sk_FragCoord.xy);}void main(){ // Stage 0, QuadPerEdgeAAGeometryProcessor half4 outputColor_S0; outputColor_S0 = vcolor_S0; const half4 outputCoverage_S0 = half4(1); half4 output_S1; output_S1 = DisableCoverageAsAlpha_S1(outputColor_S0); half4 output_S2; output_S2 = DeviceSpace_S2(outputCoverage_S0); { // Xfer Processor: Porter Duff sk_FragColor = output_S1 * output_S2; }})"   


R"(sampler2D uTextureSampler_0_S0;noperspective in float2 vTextureCoords_S0;flat in float vTexIndex_S0;noperspective in half4 vinColor_S0;void main(){ // Stage 0, BitmapText half4 outputColor_S0; outputColor_S0 = vinColor_S0; half4 texColor; { texColor = sample(uTextureSampler_0_S0, vTextureCoords_S0).rrrr; } half4 outputCoverage_S0 = texColor; { // Xfer Processor: Porter Duff sk_FragColor = outputColor_S0 * outputCoverage_S0; }})"   


"void main() { sk_FragColor = half4(1); }"   



GRAPHITE_BENCH ( graphite_large  ,
R"(layout(location=0) in flat int shadingSsboIndexVar;layout(location=1) in float2 localCoordsVar;layout(location=2) in float4 jacobian;layout(location=3) in float4 edgeDistances;layout(location=4) in float4 xRadii;layout(location=5) in float4 yRadii;layout(location=6) in float2 strokeParams;layout(location=7) in float2 perPixelControl;struct FSUniformData{ // 0 - SolidColor uniforms float4 color_0; // 2 - ConicalGradient8 uniforms float4 colors_2[8]; float4 offsets_2[2]; float2 point0_2; float2 point1_2; float radius0_2; float radius1_2; int tilemode_2; int colorSpace_2; int doUnPremul_2; // 3 - ColorSpaceTransform uniforms int flags_3; int srcKind_3; half3x3 gamutTransform_3; int dstKind_3; half4x4 csXformCoeffs_3; // 4 - DitherShader uniforms half range_4;};layout (binding=2) buffer FSUniforms{ FSUniformData fsUniformData[];};// 4 - DitherShader samplerslayout(binding=0) sampler2D sampler_4;// [1] 1: ColorFilterShaderhalf4 ColorFilterShader_1(half4 inColor, half4 destColor, float2 coords){ return sk_color_space_transform(sk_conical_grad_8_shader(coords, fsUniformData[shadingSsboIndexVar].colors_2, fsUniformData[shadingSsboIndexVar].offsets_2, fsUniformData[shadingSsboIndexVar].point0_2, fsUniformData[shadingSsboIndexVar].point1_2, fsUniformData[shadingSsboIndexVar].radius0_2, fsUniformData[shadingSsboIndexVar].radius1_2, fsUniformData[shadingSsboIndexVar].tilemode_2, fsUniformData[shadingSsboIndexVar].colorSpace_2, fsUniformData[shadingSsboIndexVar].doUnPremul_2), fsUniformData[shadingSsboIndexVar].flags_3, fsUniformData[shadingSsboIndexVar].srcKind_3, fsUniformData[shadingSsboIndexVar].gamutTransform_3, fsUniformData[shadingSsboIndexVar].dstKind_3, fsUniformData[shadingSsboIndexVar].csXformCoeffs_3);}void main(){ half4 initialColor = half4(0); // [0] SolidColor half4 outColor_0 = sk_solid_shader(fsUniformData[shadingSsboIndexVar].color_0); // [1] ColorFilterShader half4 outColor_1 = ColorFilterShader_1(outColor_0, half4(1), localCoordsVar); // [4] DitherShader half4 outColor_4 = sk_dither_shader(outColor_1, localCoordsVar, fsUniformData[shadingSsboIndexVar].range_4, sampler_4); // [5] SrcOver half4 outColor_5 = outColor_4; half4 outputCoverage; outputCoverage = analytic_rrect_coverage_fn(sk_FragCoord, jacobian, edgeDistances, xRadii, yRadii, strokeParams, perPixelControl); sk_FragColor = outColor_5 * outputCoverage;})"   


GRAPHITE_BENCH ( graphite_small  ,
R"(layout(location=0) in flat int shadingSsboIndexVar;layout(location=1) in float2 textureCoords;layout(location=2) in half texIndex;layout(location=3) in half maskFormat;layout (binding=1) uniform StepUniforms{ layout(offset=0) float4x4 subRunDeviceMatrix; layout(offset=64) float4x4 deviceToLocal; layout(offset=128) float2 atlasSizeInv;};struct FSUniformData{ // 0 - SolidColor uniforms float4 color_0;};layout (binding=2) buffer FSUniforms{ FSUniformData fsUniformData[];};layout(binding=0) sampler2D text_atlas_0;layout(binding=1) sampler2D text_atlas_1;layout(binding=2) sampler2D text_atlas_2;layout(binding=3) sampler2D text_atlas_3;void main(){ half4 initialColor = half4(0); // [0] SolidColor half4 outColor_0 = sk_solid_shader(fsUniformData[shadingSsboIndexVar].color_0); // [1] SrcOver half4 outColor_1 = outColor_0; half4 outputCoverage; outputCoverage = bitmap_text_coverage_fn(sample_indexed_atlas(textureCoords, int(texIndex), text_atlas_0, text_atlas_1, text_atlas_2, text_atlas_3), int(maskFormat)); sk_FragColor = outColor_1 * outputCoverage;})"   

◆ heap_bytes_used()

static int64_t heap_bytes_used ( )

Definition at line 279 of file SkSLBench.cpp.

283 {

◆ RunSkSLModuleBenchmarks()

void RunSkSLModuleBenchmarks ( NanoJSONResultsWriter log)

Definition at line 296 of file SkSLBench.cpp.

299 {
300 x_t = dot(_tmp_3_coords, _tmp_3_coords) / _tmp_3_coords.x;
301 }
302 else if (bool(int(0)))
303 {
304 x_t = length(_tmp_3_coords) - _tmp_3_coords.x * float(uinvR1_S1_c0_c0_c1_c0);
305 }
306 else
307 {
308 float temp = _tmp_3_coords.x * _tmp_3_coords.x - _tmp_3_coords.y * _tmp_3_coords.y;
309 if (temp >= 0.0)
310 {
311 if (bool(int(0)) || !bool(int(1)))
312 {
313 x_t = -sqrt(temp) - _tmp_3_coords.x * float(uinvR1_S1_c0_c0_c1_c0);
314 }
315 else
316 {
317 x_t = sqrt(temp) - _tmp_3_coords.x * float(uinvR1_S1_c0_c0_c1_c0);
318 }
319 }
320 }
321 if (!bool(int(0)))
322 {
323 if (x_t <= 0.0)
324 {
325 v = -1.0;
326 }
327 }
328 if (bool(int(1)))
329 {
330 if (bool(int(0)))
331 {
332 t = x_t;
333 }
334 else
335 {
336 t = x_t + float(ufx_S1_c0_c0_c1_c0);
337 }
338 }
339 else
340 {
341 if (bool(int(0)))
342 {
343 t = -x_t;
344 }
345 else
346 {
347 t = -x_t + float(ufx_S1_c0_c0_c1_c0);
348 }
349 }
350 if (bool(int(0)))
351 {
352 t = 1.0 - t;
353 }
354 return half4(half4(half(t), v, 0.0, 0.0));
356half4 MatrixEffect_S1_c0_c0_c1(half4 _input)
358 return TwoPointConicalFocalLayout_S1_c0_c0_c1_c0(_input);
360half4 ClampedGradient_S1_c0_c0(half4 _input)
362 half4 _tmp_4_inColor = _input;
363 half4 t = MatrixEffect_S1_c0_c0_c1(_tmp_4_inColor);
size_t length
SINT T dot(const Vec< N, T > &a, const Vec< N, T > &b)
Definition: SkVx.h:964
SIN Vec< N, float > sqrt(const Vec< N, float > &x)
Definition: SkVx.h:706
Vec< 4, uint16_t > half4
Definition: SkVx.h:1176