35 void Reserve(
size_t point_size,
size_t verb_size);
59 bool relative =
69 bool relative =
78 bool use_center =
157 Point subpath_start_;
169 void AddContourComponent(
const Point& destination,
bool is_closed =
171 void SetContourClosed(
bool is_closed);
173 void AddLinearComponent(
const Point& p1,
const Point& p2);
175 void AddQuadraticComponent(
const Point& p1,
const Point& cp,
const Point& p2);
177 void AddCubicComponent(
const Point& p1,
187 std::optional<std::pair<Point, Point>> GetMinMaxCoveragePoints()
PathBuilder & AddRect(Rect rect)
Path TakePath(FillType fill=FillType::kNonZero)
PathBuilder & AddArc(const Rect &oval_bounds, Radians start, Radians sweep, bool use_center=false)
PathBuilder & LineTo(Point point, bool relative=false)
Insert a line from the current position to point.
PathBuilder & MoveTo(Point point, bool relative=false)
PathBuilder & SetBounds(Rect bounds)
Set the bounding box that will be used by Path.GetBoundingBox in place of performing the computation.
void Reserve(size_t point_size, size_t verb_size)
Reserve [point_size] points and [verb_size] verbs in the underlying path buffer.
PathBuilder & AddOval(const Rect &rect)
static constexpr const Scalar kArcApproximationMagic
PathBuilder & AddCircle(const Point ¢er, Scalar radius)
PathBuilder & AddPath(const Path &path)
Path CopyPath(FillType fill=FillType::kNonZero)
PathBuilder & VerticalLineTo(Scalar y, bool relative=false)
PathBuilder & Shift(Point offset)
Transform the existing path segments and contours by the given offset.
PathBuilder & AddLine(const Point &p1, const Point &p2)
Move to point p1, then insert a line from p1 to p2.
PathBuilder & AddRoundedRect(Rect rect, RoundingRadii radii)
PathBuilder & AddQuadraticCurve(Point p1, Point cp, Point p2)
Move to point p1, then insert a quadradic curve from p1 to p2 with the control point cp.
PathBuilder & CubicCurveTo(Point controlPoint1, Point controlPoint2, Point point, bool relative=false)
Insert a cubic curve from the curren position to point using the control points controlPoint1 and con...
PathBuilder & AddCubicCurve(Point p1, Point cp1, Point cp2, Point p2)
Move to point p1, then insert a cubic curve from p1 to p2 with control points cp1 and cp2.
PathBuilder & HorizontalLineTo(Scalar x, bool relative=false)
PathBuilder & SetConvexity(Convexity value)
PathBuilder & QuadraticCurveTo(Point controlPoint, Point point, bool relative=false)
Insert a quadradic curve from the current position to point using the control point controlPoint.
Paths are lightweight objects that describe a collection of linear, quadratic, or cubic segments....
Optional< SkRect > bounds
sk_sp< SkBlender > blender SkRect rect
DEF_SWITCHES_START aot vmservice shared library Name of the *so containing AOT compiled Dart assets for launching the service isolate vm snapshot The VM snapshot data that will be memory mapped as read only SnapshotAssetPath must be present isolate snapshot The isolate snapshot data that will be memory mapped as read only SnapshotAssetPath must be present cache dir path
struct PathData * Data(SkPath *path)
RoundingRadii(Scalar radius)
RoundingRadii(Point radii)
RoundingRadii(Scalar p_top_left, Scalar p_bottom_left, Scalar p_top_right, Scalar p_bottom_right)
RoundingRadii(Size radii)
constexpr bool IsZero() const