Flutter Engine
The Flutter Engine
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FlutterPlatformPlugin Class Reference

#include <FlutterPlatformPlugin.h>

Inheritance diagram for FlutterPlatformPlugin:

Instance Methods

(instancetype) - NS_UNAVAILABLE
(instancetype) - initWithEngine:
(void) - handleMethodCall:result:
(instancetype) - initWithEngine: [implementation]
(void) - showSystemContextMenu: [implementation]
(void) - hideSystemContextMenu [implementation]
(void) - showShareViewController: [implementation]
(void) - searchWeb: [implementation]
(void) - playSystemSound: [implementation]
(void) - vibrateHapticFeedback: [implementation]
(void) - setSystemChromePreferredOrientations: [implementation]
(void) - setSystemChromeApplicationSwitcherDescription: [implementation]
(void) - setSystemChromeEnabledSystemUIOverlays: [implementation]
(void) - setSystemChromeEnabledSystemUIMode: [implementation]
(void) - restoreSystemChromeSystemUIOverlays [implementation]
(void) - setSystemChromeSystemUIOverlayStyle: [implementation]
(void) - popSystemNavigator: [implementation]
(NSDictionary *) - getClipboardData: [implementation]
(void) - setClipboardData: [implementation]
(NSDictionary *) - clipboardHasStrings [implementation]
(BOOL- isLiveTextInputAvailable [implementation]
(void) - showLookUpViewController: [implementation]
(UITextField *) - textField [implementation]
(void) - dealloc [implementation]

Class Methods

(instancetype) + NS_UNAVAILABLE


BOOL enableViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance [implementation]
 Whether the status bar appearance is based on the style preferred for this ViewController.

Detailed Description

Definition at line 12 of file FlutterPlatformPlugin.h.

Method Documentation

◆ clipboardHasStrings

- (NSDictionary *) clipboardHasStrings

Definition at line 79 of file FlutterPlatformPlugin.mm.

421 {
422 return @{@"value" : @([UIPasteboard generalPasteboard].hasStrings)};

◆ dealloc

- (void) dealloc

Definition at line 79 of file FlutterPlatformPlugin.mm.

445 {
446 [_textField release];
447 [super dealloc];

◆ getClipboardData:

- (NSDictionary *) getClipboardData: (NSString*)  format

Definition at line 79 of file FlutterPlatformPlugin.mm.

401 :(NSString*)format {
402 UIPasteboard* pasteboard = [UIPasteboard generalPasteboard];
403 if (!format || [format isEqualToString:@(kTextPlainFormat)]) {
404 NSString* stringInPasteboard = pasteboard.string;
405 // The pasteboard may contain an item but it may not be a string (an image for instance).
406 return stringInPasteboard == nil ? nil : @{@"text" : stringInPasteboard};
407 }
408 return nil;
constexpr char kTextPlainFormat[]
Clipboard plain text format.
DEF_SWITCHES_START aot vmservice shared library Name of the *so containing AOT compiled Dart assets for launching the service isolate vm snapshot The VM snapshot data that will be memory mapped as read only SnapshotAssetPath must be present isolate snapshot The isolate snapshot data that will be memory mapped as read only SnapshotAssetPath must be present cache dir Path to the cache directory This is different from the persistent_cache_path in embedder which is used for Skia shader cache icu native lib Path to the library file that exports the ICU data vm service The hostname IP address on which the Dart VM Service should be served If not defaults to or::depending on whether ipv6 is specified vm service A custom Dart VM Service port The default is to pick a randomly available open port disable vm Disable the Dart VM Service The Dart VM Service is never available in release mode disable vm service Disable mDNS Dart VM Service publication Bind to the IPv6 localhost address for the Dart VM Service Ignored if vm service host is set endless trace Enable an endless trace buffer The default is a ring buffer This is useful when very old events need to viewed For during application launch Memory usage will continue to grow indefinitely however Start app with an specific route defined on the framework flutter assets Path to the Flutter assets directory enable service port Allow the VM service to fallback to automatic port selection if binding to a specified port fails trace Trace early application lifecycle Automatically switches to an endless trace buffer trace skia Filters out all Skia trace event categories except those that are specified in this comma separated list dump skp on shader Automatically dump the skp that triggers new shader compilations This is useful for writing custom ShaderWarmUp to reduce jank By this is not enabled to reduce the overhead purge persistent Remove all existing persistent cache This is mainly for debugging purposes such as reproducing the shader compilation jank trace to Write the timeline trace to a file at the specified path The file will be in Perfetto s proto format
Definition switches.h:203

◆ handleMethodCall:result:

- (void) handleMethodCall: (FlutterMethodCall*)  call
result: (FlutterResult result 

Definition at line 79 of file FlutterPlatformPlugin.mm.

104 NSString* method = call.method;
105 id args = call.arguments;
106 if ([method isEqualToString:@"SystemSound.play"]) {
107 [self playSystemSound:args];
108 result(nil);
109 } else if ([method isEqualToString:@"HapticFeedback.vibrate"]) {
110 [self vibrateHapticFeedback:args];
111 result(nil);
112 } else if ([method isEqualToString:@"SystemChrome.setPreferredOrientations"]) {
113 [self setSystemChromePreferredOrientations:args];
114 result(nil);
115 } else if ([method isEqualToString:@"SystemChrome.setApplicationSwitcherDescription"]) {
116 [self setSystemChromeApplicationSwitcherDescription:args];
117 result(nil);
118 } else if ([method isEqualToString:@"SystemChrome.setEnabledSystemUIOverlays"]) {
119 [self setSystemChromeEnabledSystemUIOverlays:args];
120 result(nil);
121 } else if ([method isEqualToString:@"SystemChrome.setEnabledSystemUIMode"]) {
122 [self setSystemChromeEnabledSystemUIMode:args];
123 result(nil);
124 } else if ([method isEqualToString:@"SystemChrome.restoreSystemUIOverlays"]) {
125 [self restoreSystemChromeSystemUIOverlays];
126 result(nil);
127 } else if ([method isEqualToString:@"SystemChrome.setSystemUIOverlayStyle"]) {
128 [self setSystemChromeSystemUIOverlayStyle:args];
129 result(nil);
130 } else if ([method isEqualToString:@"SystemNavigator.pop"]) {
131 NSNumber* isAnimated = args;
132 [self popSystemNavigator:isAnimated.boolValue];
133 result(nil);
134 } else if ([method isEqualToString:@"Clipboard.getData"]) {
135 result([self getClipboardData:args]);
136 } else if ([method isEqualToString:@"Clipboard.setData"]) {
137 [self setClipboardData:args];
138 result(nil);
139 } else if ([method isEqualToString:@"Clipboard.hasStrings"]) {
141 } else if ([method isEqualToString:@"LiveText.isLiveTextInputAvailable"]) {
143 } else if ([method isEqualToString:@"SearchWeb.invoke"]) {
144 [self searchWeb:args];
145 result(nil);
146 } else if ([method isEqualToString:@"LookUp.invoke"]) {
147 [self showLookUpViewController:args];
148 result(nil);
149 } else if ([method isEqualToString:@"Share.invoke"]) {
150 [self showShareViewController:args];
151 result(nil);
152 } else if ([method isEqualToString:@"ContextMenu.showSystemContextMenu"]) {
153 [self showSystemContextMenu:args];
154 result(nil);
155 } else if ([method isEqualToString:@"ContextMenu.hideSystemContextMenu"]) {
156 [self hideSystemContextMenu];
157 result(nil);
158 } else {
160 }
void(^ FlutterResult)(id _Nullable result)
FLUTTER_DARWIN_EXPORT NSObject const * FlutterMethodNotImplemented
GAsyncResult * result
Definition dom.py:159

◆ hideSystemContextMenu

- (void) hideSystemContextMenu

Definition at line 79 of file FlutterPlatformPlugin.mm.

175 {
176 if (@available(iOS 16.0, *)) {
177 FlutterTextInputPlugin* textInputPlugin = [_engine.get() textInputPlugin];
178 [textInputPlugin hideEditMenu];
179 }
FlutterTextInputPlugin * textInputPlugin

◆ initWithEngine: [1/2]

- (instancetype) initWithEngine: (fml::WeakNSObject<FlutterEngine>)  engine

Definition at line 79 of file FlutterPlatformPlugin.mm.

83 FML_DCHECK(engine) << "engine must be set";
84 self = [super init];
86 if (self) {
88 NSObject* infoValue = [[NSBundle mainBundle]
89 objectForInfoDictionaryKey:@"UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance"];
91 if (infoValue != nil && ![infoValue isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]) {
92 FML_LOG(ERROR) << "The value of UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance in info.plist must "
93 "be a Boolean type.";
94 }
96 _enableViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance =
97 (infoValue == nil || [(NSNumber*)infoValue boolValue]);
98 }
100 return self;
FlutterEngine engine
Definition main.cc:68
#define FML_LOG(severity)
Definition logging.h:82
#define FML_DCHECK(condition)
Definition logging.h:103
fml::scoped_nsobject< FlutterEngine > _engine
#define ERROR(message)

◆ initWithEngine: [2/2]

- (instancetype) initWithEngine: (fml::WeakNSObject< FlutterEngine >)  NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER

◆ isLiveTextInputAvailable

- (BOOL) isLiveTextInputAvailable

Definition at line 79 of file FlutterPlatformPlugin.mm.

425 {
426 return [[self textField] canPerformAction:@selector(captureTextFromCamera:) withSender:nil];


+ (instancetype) NS_UNAVAILABLE


- (instancetype) NS_UNAVAILABLE

◆ playSystemSound:

- (void) playSystemSound: (NSString*)  soundType

Definition at line 79 of file FlutterPlatformPlugin.mm.

234 :(NSString*)soundType {
235 if ([soundType isEqualToString:@"SystemSoundType.click"]) {
236 // All feedback types are specific to Android and are treated as equal on
237 // iOS.
238 AudioServicesPlaySystemSound(kKeyPressClickSoundId);
239 }

◆ popSystemNavigator:

- (void) popSystemNavigator: (BOOL isAnimated

Definition at line 79 of file FlutterPlatformPlugin.mm.

371 :(BOOL)isAnimated {
372 // Apple's human user guidelines say not to terminate iOS applications. However, if the
373 // root view of the app is a navigation controller, it is instructed to back up a level
374 // in the navigation hierarchy.
375 // It's also possible in an Add2App scenario that the FlutterViewController was presented
376 // outside the context of a UINavigationController, and still wants to be popped.
378 FlutterViewController* engineViewController = [_engine.get() viewController];
379 UINavigationController* navigationController = [engineViewController navigationController];
380 if (navigationController) {
381 [navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:isAnimated];
382 } else {
383 UIViewController* rootViewController = nil;
385 if (@available(iOS 15.0, *)) {
386 rootViewController =
387 [engineViewController flutterWindowSceneIfViewLoaded].keyWindow.rootViewController;
388 } else {
390 << "rootViewController is not available in application extension prior to iOS 15.0.";
391 }
393 rootViewController = [UIApplication sharedApplication].keyWindow.rootViewController;
395 if (engineViewController != rootViewController) {
396 [engineViewController dismissViewControllerAnimated:isAnimated completion:nil];
397 }
398 }
int BOOL

◆ restoreSystemChromeSystemUIOverlays

- (void) restoreSystemChromeSystemUIOverlays

Definition at line 79 of file FlutterPlatformPlugin.mm.

337 {
338 // Nothing to do on iOS.

◆ searchWeb:

- (void) searchWeb: (NSString*)  searchTerm

Definition at line 79 of file FlutterPlatformPlugin.mm.

219 :(NSString*)searchTerm {
221 FML_LOG(WARNING) << "SearchWeb.invoke is not availabe in app extension.";
223 NSString* escapedText = [searchTerm
224 stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters:[NSCharacterSet
225 URLHostAllowedCharacterSet]];
226 NSString* searchURL = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@", searchURLPrefix, escapedText];
228 [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:searchURL]
229 options:@{}
230 completionHandler:nil];

◆ setClipboardData:

- (void) setClipboardData: (NSDictionary*)  data

Definition at line 79 of file FlutterPlatformPlugin.mm.

411 :(NSDictionary*)data {
412 UIPasteboard* pasteboard = [UIPasteboard generalPasteboard];
413 id copyText = data[@"text"];
414 if ([copyText isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
415 pasteboard.string = copyText;
416 } else {
417 pasteboard.string = @"null";
418 }
DEF_SWITCHES_START aot vmservice shared library Name of the *so containing AOT compiled Dart assets for launching the service isolate vm snapshot data
Definition switches.h:41

◆ setSystemChromeApplicationSwitcherDescription:

- (void) setSystemChromeApplicationSwitcherDescription: (NSDictionary*)  object

Definition at line 79 of file FlutterPlatformPlugin.mm.

290 :(NSDictionary*)object {
291 // No counterpart on iOS but is a benign operation. So no asserts.

◆ setSystemChromeEnabledSystemUIMode:

- (void) setSystemChromeEnabledSystemUIMode: (NSString*)  mode

Definition at line 79 of file FlutterPlatformPlugin.mm.

318 :(NSString*)mode {
319 BOOL edgeToEdge = [mode isEqualToString:@"SystemUiMode.edgeToEdge"];
320 if (self.enableViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance) {
321 [_engine.get() viewController].prefersStatusBarHidden = !edgeToEdge;
322 } else {
323 // Checks if the top status bar should be visible, reflected by edge to edge setting. This
324 // platform ignores all other system ui modes.
326 // We opt out of view controller based status bar visibility since we want
327 // to be able to modify this on the fly. The key used is
328 // UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance.
330 }
331 [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
332 postNotificationName:edgeToEdge ? FlutterViewControllerShowHomeIndicator
333 : FlutterViewControllerHideHomeIndicator
334 object:nil];
static void SetStatusBarHiddenForSharedApplication(BOOL hidden)
it will be possible to load the file into Perfetto s trace viewer disable asset Prevents usage of any non test fonts unless they were explicitly Loaded via prefetched default font Indicates whether the embedding started a prefetch of the default font manager before creating the engine run In non interactive mode
Definition switches.h:228

◆ setSystemChromeEnabledSystemUIOverlays:

- (void) setSystemChromeEnabledSystemUIOverlays: (NSArray*)  overlays

Definition at line 79 of file FlutterPlatformPlugin.mm.

294 :(NSArray*)overlays {
295 BOOL statusBarShouldBeHidden = ![overlays containsObject:@"SystemUiOverlay.top"];
296 if ([overlays containsObject:@"SystemUiOverlay.bottom"]) {
297 [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
298 postNotificationName:FlutterViewControllerShowHomeIndicator
299 object:nil];
300 } else {
301 [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
302 postNotificationName:FlutterViewControllerHideHomeIndicator
303 object:nil];
304 }
305 if (self.enableViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance) {
306 [_engine.get() viewController].prefersStatusBarHidden = statusBarShouldBeHidden;
307 } else {
308 // Checks if the top status bar should be visible. This platform ignores all
309 // other overlays
311 // We opt out of view controller based status bar visibility since we want
312 // to be able to modify this on the fly. The key used is
313 // UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance.
314 SetStatusBarHiddenForSharedApplication(statusBarShouldBeHidden);
315 }

◆ setSystemChromePreferredOrientations:

- (void) setSystemChromePreferredOrientations: (NSArray*)  orientations

Definition at line 79 of file FlutterPlatformPlugin.mm.

262 :(NSArray*)orientations {
263 UIInterfaceOrientationMask mask = 0;
265 if (orientations.count == 0) {
266 mask |= UIInterfaceOrientationMaskAll;
267 } else {
268 for (NSString* orientation in orientations) {
269 if ([orientation isEqualToString:@"DeviceOrientation.portraitUp"]) {
270 mask |= UIInterfaceOrientationMaskPortrait;
271 } else if ([orientation isEqualToString:@"DeviceOrientation.portraitDown"]) {
272 mask |= UIInterfaceOrientationMaskPortraitUpsideDown;
273 } else if ([orientation isEqualToString:@"DeviceOrientation.landscapeLeft"]) {
274 mask |= UIInterfaceOrientationMaskLandscapeLeft;
275 } else if ([orientation isEqualToString:@"DeviceOrientation.landscapeRight"]) {
276 mask |= UIInterfaceOrientationMaskLandscapeRight;
277 }
278 }
279 }
281 if (!mask) {
282 return;
283 }
284 [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
285 postNotificationName:@(kOrientationUpdateNotificationName)
286 object:nil
287 userInfo:@{@(kOrientationUpdateNotificationKey) : @(mask)}];

◆ setSystemChromeSystemUIOverlayStyle:

- (void) setSystemChromeSystemUIOverlayStyle: (NSDictionary*)  message

Definition at line 79 of file FlutterPlatformPlugin.mm.

341 :(NSDictionary*)message {
342 NSString* brightness = message[@"statusBarBrightness"];
343 if (brightness == (id)[NSNull null]) {
344 return;
345 }
347 UIStatusBarStyle statusBarStyle;
348 if ([brightness isEqualToString:@"Brightness.dark"]) {
349 statusBarStyle = UIStatusBarStyleLightContent;
350 } else if ([brightness isEqualToString:@"Brightness.light"]) {
351 if (@available(iOS 13, *)) {
352 statusBarStyle = UIStatusBarStyleDarkContent;
353 } else {
354 statusBarStyle = UIStatusBarStyleDefault;
355 }
356 } else {
357 return;
358 }
360 if (self.enableViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance) {
361 // This notification is respected by the iOS embedder.
362 [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
363 postNotificationName:@(kOverlayStyleUpdateNotificationName)
364 object:nil
365 userInfo:@{@(kOverlayStyleUpdateNotificationKey) : @(statusBarStyle)}];
366 } else {
368 }
static void SetStatusBarStyleForSharedApplication(UIStatusBarStyle style)
Win32Message message

◆ showLookUpViewController:

- (void) showLookUpViewController: (NSString*)  term

Definition at line 79 of file FlutterPlatformPlugin.mm.

429 :(NSString*)term {
430 UIViewController* engineViewController = [_engine.get() viewController];
431 UIReferenceLibraryViewController* referenceLibraryViewController =
432 [[[UIReferenceLibraryViewController alloc] initWithTerm:term] autorelease];
433 [engineViewController presentViewController:referenceLibraryViewController
434 animated:YES
435 completion:nil];

◆ showShareViewController:

- (void) showShareViewController: (NSString*)  content

Definition at line 79 of file FlutterPlatformPlugin.mm.

182 :(NSString*)content {
183 UIViewController* engineViewController = [_engine.get() viewController];
185 NSArray* itemsToShare = @[ content ?: [NSNull null] ];
186 UIActivityViewController* activityViewController =
187 [[[UIActivityViewController alloc] initWithActivityItems:itemsToShare
188 applicationActivities:nil] autorelease];
190 if (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad) {
191 // On iPad, the share screen is presented in a popover view, and requires a
192 // sourceView and sourceRect
193 FlutterTextInputPlugin* _textInputPlugin = [_engine.get() textInputPlugin];
194 UITextRange* range = _textInputPlugin.textInputView.selectedTextRange;
196 // firstRectForRange cannot be used here as it's current implementation does
197 // not always return the full rect of the range.
198 CGRect firstRect = [(FlutterTextInputView*)_textInputPlugin.textInputView
199 caretRectForPosition:(FlutterTextPosition*)range.start];
200 CGRect transformedFirstRect = [(FlutterTextInputView*)_textInputPlugin.textInputView
201 localRectFromFrameworkTransform:firstRect];
202 CGRect lastRect = [(FlutterTextInputView*)_textInputPlugin.textInputView
203 caretRectForPosition:(FlutterTextPosition*)range.end];
204 CGRect transformedLastRect = [(FlutterTextInputView*)_textInputPlugin.textInputView
205 localRectFromFrameworkTransform:lastRect];
207 activityViewController.popoverPresentationController.sourceView = engineViewController.view;
208 // In case of RTL Language, get the minimum x coordinate
209 activityViewController.popoverPresentationController.sourceRect =
210 CGRectMake(fmin(transformedFirstRect.origin.x, transformedLastRect.origin.x),
211 transformedFirstRect.origin.y,
212 abs(transformedLastRect.origin.x - transformedFirstRect.origin.x),
213 transformedFirstRect.size.height);
214 }
216 [engineViewController presentViewController:activityViewController animated:YES completion:nil];
UIView< UITextInput > * textInputView()
fml::scoped_nsobject< FlutterTextInputPlugin > _textInputPlugin
union flutter::testing::@2838::KeyboardChange::@76 content
SIN Vec< N, float > abs(const Vec< N, float > &x)
Definition SkVx.h:707

◆ showSystemContextMenu:

- (void) showSystemContextMenu: (NSDictionary*)  args

Definition at line 79 of file FlutterPlatformPlugin.mm.

163 :(NSDictionary*)args {
164 if (@available(iOS 16.0, *)) {
165 FlutterTextInputPlugin* textInputPlugin = [_engine.get() textInputPlugin];
166 BOOL shownEditMenu = [textInputPlugin showEditMenu:args];
167 if (!shownEditMenu) {
168 FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Only text input supports system context menu for now. Ensure the system "
169 "context menu is shown with an active text input connection. See "
170 "https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/143033.";
171 }
172 }
BOOL showEditMenu:(ios(16.0) API_AVAILABLE)

◆ textField

- (UITextField *) textField

Definition at line 79 of file FlutterPlatformPlugin.mm.

438 {
439 if (_textField == nil) {
440 _textField = [[UITextField alloc] init];
441 }
442 return _textField;
UITextField * _textField

◆ vibrateHapticFeedback:

- (void) vibrateHapticFeedback: (NSString*)  feedbackType

Definition at line 79 of file FlutterPlatformPlugin.mm.

242 :(NSString*)feedbackType {
243 if (!feedbackType) {
244 AudioServicesPlaySystemSound(kSystemSoundID_Vibrate);
245 return;
246 }
248 if ([@"HapticFeedbackType.lightImpact" isEqualToString:feedbackType]) {
249 [[[[UIImpactFeedbackGenerator alloc] initWithStyle:UIImpactFeedbackStyleLight] autorelease]
250 impactOccurred];
251 } else if ([@"HapticFeedbackType.mediumImpact" isEqualToString:feedbackType]) {
252 [[[[UIImpactFeedbackGenerator alloc] initWithStyle:UIImpactFeedbackStyleMedium] autorelease]
253 impactOccurred];
254 } else if ([@"HapticFeedbackType.heavyImpact" isEqualToString:feedbackType]) {
255 [[[[UIImpactFeedbackGenerator alloc] initWithStyle:UIImpactFeedbackStyleHeavy] autorelease]
256 impactOccurred];
257 } else if ([@"HapticFeedbackType.selectionClick" isEqualToString:feedbackType]) {
258 [[[[UISelectionFeedbackGenerator alloc] init] autorelease] selectionChanged];
259 }

Property Documentation

◆ enableViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance

- (BOOL) enableViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance

Whether the status bar appearance is based on the style preferred for this ViewController.

   The default value is YES.
   Explicitly add `UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance` as `false` in
   info.plist makes this value to be false.

Provided by category FlutterPlatformPlugin().

Definition at line 72 of file FlutterPlatformPlugin.mm.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: