Flutter Engine
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2 * Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
3 *
4 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5 * found in the LICENSE file.
6 */
9#ifndef GrGLCaps_DEFINED
10#define GrGLCaps_DEFINED
19#include "src/gpu/Swizzle.h"
24#include <cstdint>
25#include <memory>
26#include <vector>
28class GrGLContextInfo;
29class GrProgramInfo;
30class GrRenderTarget;
32class GrSurface;
33class GrSurfaceProxy;
34class SkJSONWriter;
36struct GrContextOptions;
37struct GrGLInterface;
38struct GrShaderCaps;
39struct SkIRect;
40struct SkRect;
45 * Stores some capabilities of a GL context. Most are determined by the GL
46 * version and the extensions string. It also tracks formats that have passed
47 * the FBO completeness test.
48 */
49class GrGLCaps : public GrCaps {
51 /**
52 * The type of MSAA for FBOs supported. Different extensions have different
53 * semantics of how / when a resolve is performed.
54 */
55 enum MSFBOType {
56 /**
57 * no support for MSAA FBOs
58 */
60 /**
61 * OpenGL 3.0+, OpenGL ES 3.0+, GL_ARB_framebuffer_object,
62 * GL_CHROMIUM_framebuffer_multisample, GL_ANGLE_framebuffer_multisample,
63 * or GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample
64 */
66 /**
67 * GL_APPLE_framebuffer_multisample ES extension
68 */
70 /**
71 * GL_IMG_multisampled_render_to_texture. This variation does not have MSAA renderbuffers.
72 * Instead the texture is multisampled when bound to the FBO and then resolved automatically
73 * when read. It also defines an alternate value for GL_MAX_SAMPLES (which we call
75 */
77 /**
78 * GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture. Same as the IMG one above but uses the standard
79 * GL_MAX_SAMPLES value.
80 */
82 };
92 };
96 kDiscard_InvalidateFBType, //<! glDiscardFramebuffer()
97 kInvalidate_InvalidateFBType, //<! glInvalidateFramebuffer()
98 };
101 kNone,
102 kNullData, // Call glBufferData with a null data pointer.
103 kInvalidate // glInvalidateBufferData
104 };
108 kMapBuffer_MapBufferType, // glMapBuffer()
109 kMapBufferRange_MapBufferType, // glMapBufferRange()
110 kChromium_MapBufferType, // GL_CHROMIUM_map_sub
111 };
114 kNone,
115 kNV_PBO, // NV_pixel_buffer_object
116 kARB_PBO, // ARB_pixel_buffer_object
117 kChromium, // CHROMIUM_pixel_transfer_buffer_object
118 };
120 enum class FenceType {
121 kNone,
122 kSyncObject,
123 kNVFence
124 };
126 enum class MultiDrawType {
127 kNone,
128 kMultiDrawIndirect, // ARB_multi_draw_indirect, EXT_multi_draw_indirect, or GL 4.3 core.
129 kANGLEOrWebGL // ANGLE_base_vertex_base_instance or
130 // WEBGL_draw_instanced_base_vertex_base_instance
131 };
134 kBaseLevel,
135 kBasePlusMaxLevel,
136 kBasePlusSync
137 };
139 /**
140 * Initializes the GrGLCaps to the set of features supported in the current
141 * OpenGL context accessible via ctxInfo.
142 */
143 GrGLCaps(const GrContextOptions& contextOptions, const GrGLContextInfo& ctxInfo,
144 const GrGLInterface* glInterface);
146 bool isFormatSRGB(const GrBackendFormat&) const override;
148 bool isFormatTexturable(const GrBackendFormat&, GrTextureType) const override;
149 bool isFormatTexturable(GrGLFormat) const;
152 int sampleCount = 1) const override;
153 bool isFormatRenderable(const GrBackendFormat& format, int sampleCount) const override;
154 bool isFormatRenderable(GrGLFormat format, int sampleCount) const {
155 return sampleCount <= this->maxRenderTargetSampleCount(format);
156 }
158 int getRenderTargetSampleCount(int requestedCount,
159 const GrBackendFormat& format) const override {
160 return this->getRenderTargetSampleCount(requestedCount,
162 }
163 int getRenderTargetSampleCount(int requestedCount, GrGLFormat) const;
167 }
170 float maxTextureMaxAnisotropy() const { return fMaxTextureMaxAnisotropy; }
172 bool isFormatCopyable(const GrBackendFormat&) const override;
177 int idx = static_cast<int>(colorType);
178 return fColorTypeToFormatTable[idx];
179 }
181 /**
182 * Gets the internal format to use with glTexImage...() and glTexStorage...(). May be sized or
183 * base depending upon the GL. Not applicable to compressed textures.
184 */
186 return this->getFormatInfo(format).fInternalFormatForTexImageOrStorage;
187 }
189 /**
190 * Gets the external format and type to pass to glTexImage2D with nullptr to create an
191 * uninitialized texture. See getTexImageOrStorageInternalFormat() for the internal format.
192 */
193 void getTexImageExternalFormatAndType(GrGLFormat surfaceFormat, GrGLenum* externalFormat,
194 GrGLenum* externalType) const;
196 /**
197 * Given a src data color type and a color type interpretation for a texture of a given format
198 * this provides the external GL format and type to use with glTexSubImage2d. The color types
199 * should originate from supportedWritePixelsColorType().
200 */
201 void getTexSubImageExternalFormatAndType(GrGLFormat surfaceFormat, GrColorType surfaceColorType,
202 GrColorType memoryColorType, GrGLenum* externalFormat,
203 GrGLenum* externalType) const;
205 /**
206 * Gets the external format, type, and bytes per pixel to use when uploading solid color data
207 * via glTexSubImage...() to clear the texture at creation.
208 */
210 GrGLenum* externalFormat,
211 GrGLenum* externalType,
212 GrColorType* colorType) const;
214 void getReadPixelsFormat(GrGLFormat surfaceFormat, GrColorType surfaceColorType,
215 GrColorType memoryColorType, GrGLenum* externalFormat,
216 GrGLenum* externalType) const;
218 /**
219 * Gets an array of legal stencil formats. These formats are not guaranteed
220 * to be supported by the driver but are legal GLenum names given the GL
221 * version and extensions supported.
222 */
224 return fStencilFormats;
225 }
229 /**
230 * Would it be useful to check GL_IMPLEMENTATION_READ_FORMAT and _TYPE for this format to
231 * detect more efficient glReadPixels arguments?
232 */
235 /**
236 * Let caps know the result of GL_IMPLEMENTATION_READ_FORMAT and _TYPE query for a format
237 * to update supported glReadPixels arguments.
238 */
240 GrGLenum readFormat,
241 GrGLenum readType) const;
243 /**
244 * Gets the internal format to use with glRenderbufferStorageMultisample...(). May be sized or
245 * base depending upon the GL. Not applicable to compressed textures.
246 */
248 return this->getFormatInfo(format).fInternalFormatForRenderbuffer;
249 }
251 /**
252 * Gets the default external type to use with glTex[Sub]Image... when the data pointer is null.
253 */
255 return this->getFormatInfo(format).fDefaultExternalType;
256 }
258 /**
259 * Has a stencil format index been found for the format (or we've found that no format works).
260 */
262 return this->getFormatInfo(format).fStencilFormatIndex != FormatInfo::kUnknown_StencilIndex;
263 }
265 /**
266 * Gets the stencil format index for the format. This assumes
267 * hasStencilFormatBeenDeterminedForFormat has already been checked. Returns a value < 0 if
268 * no stencil format is supported with the format. Otherwise, returned index refers to the array
269 * returned by stencilFormats().
270 */
273 return this->getFormatInfo(format).fStencilFormatIndex;
274 }
276 /**
277 * If index is >= 0 this records an index into stencilFormats() as the best stencil format for
278 * the format. If < 0 it records that the format has no supported stencil format index.
279 */
282 /**
283 * Reports the type of MSAA FBO support.
284 */
285 MSFBOType msFBOType() const { return fMSFBOType; }
287 /**
288 * Does the preferred MSAA FBO extension have MSAA renderbuffers?
289 */
291 return kNone_MSFBOType != fMSFBOType &&
292 kES_IMG_MsToTexture_MSFBOType != fMSFBOType &&
293 kES_EXT_MsToTexture_MSFBOType != fMSFBOType;
294 }
296 /**
297 * Is it unsupported to only resolve a sub-rectangle of a framebuffer?
298 */
300 SkASSERT(fMSFBOType != kNone_MSFBOType);
301 return fMSFBOType == kES_Apple_MSFBOType ||
302 (fBlitFramebufferFlags & kResolveMustBeFull_BlitFrambufferFlag);
303 }
305 /**
306 * Can we resolve a single-sample framebuffer into an MSAA framebuffer?
307 */
309 SkASSERT(fMSFBOType != kNone_MSFBOType);
310 return fMSFBOType != kES_Apple_MSFBOType &&
311 !(fBlitFramebufferFlags & GrGLCaps::kNoMSAADst_BlitFramebufferFlag);
312 }
314 /**
315 * Is the MSAA FBO extension one where the texture is multisampled when bound to an FBO and
316 * then implicitly resolved when read.
317 */
319 return kES_IMG_MsToTexture_MSFBOType == fMSFBOType ||
320 kES_EXT_MsToTexture_MSFBOType == fMSFBOType;
321 }
323 InvalidateFBType invalidateFBType() const { return fInvalidateFBType; }
325 /// What type of buffer mapping is supported?
326 MapBufferType mapBufferType() const { return fMapBufferType; }
328 /// What type of transfer buffer is supported?
329 TransferBufferType transferBufferType() const { return fTransferBufferType; }
331 /** Supports using GrGLsync. */
332 bool fenceSyncSupport() const { return fFenceSyncSupport; }
334 /// How is GrGLsync implemented?
335 FenceType fenceType() const { return fFenceType; }
337 /// How are multi draws implemented (if at all)?
338 MultiDrawType multiDrawType() const { return fMultiDrawType; }
340 /// How is restricting sampled miplevels in onRegenerateMipmapLevels implemented?
341 RegenerateMipmapType regenerateMipmapType() const { return fRegenerateMipmapType; }
343 /// The maximum number of fragment uniform vectors (GLES has min. 16).
344 int maxFragmentUniformVectors() const { return fMaxFragmentUniformVectors; }
346 /// Is there support for GL_PACK_REVERSE_ROW_ORDER
347 bool packFlipYSupport() const { return fPackFlipYSupport; }
349 /// Is there support for texture parameter GL_TEXTURE_USAGE
350 bool textureUsageSupport() const { return fTextureUsageSupport; }
352 /// Is GL_ARB_IMAGING supported
353 bool imagingSupport() const { return fImagingSupport; }
355 /// Is there support for Vertex Array Objects?
356 bool vertexArrayObjectSupport() const { return fVertexArrayObjectSupport; }
358 /// Is there support for GL_KHR_debug?
359 bool debugSupport() const { return fDebugSupport; }
361 /// Is there support for ES2 compatability?
362 bool ES2CompatibilitySupport() const { return fES2CompatibilitySupport; }
364 /// Is there support for glDrawRangeElements?
365 bool drawRangeElementsSupport() const { return fDrawRangeElementsSupport; }
367 /// Are the glDraw*Base(VertexBase)Instance methods, and baseInstance fields in indirect draw
368 //commands supported?
369 bool baseVertexBaseInstanceSupport() const { return fBaseVertexBaseInstanceSupport; }
373 SupportedWrite supportedWritePixelsColorType(GrColorType surfaceColorType,
374 const GrBackendFormat& surfaceFormat,
375 GrColorType srcColorType) const override;
377 bool isCoreProfile() const { return fIsCoreProfile; }
379 bool bindFragDataLocationSupport() const { return fBindFragDataLocationSupport; }
381 bool bindUniformLocationSupport() const { return fBindUniformLocationSupport; }
383 /// Are textures with GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE type supported.
384 bool rectangleTextureSupport() const { return fRectangleTextureSupport; }
386 /// Can set the BASE and MAX mip map level.
387 bool mipmapLevelControlSupport() const { return fMipmapLevelControlSupport; }
389 /// Can set the MIN/MAX LOD value.
390 bool mipmapLodControlSupport() const { return fMipmapLodControlSupport; }
392 bool doManualMipmapping() const { return fDoManualMipmapping; }
394 void onDumpJSON(SkJSONWriter*) const override;
396 InvalidateBufferType invalidateBufferType() const { return fInvalidateBufferType; }
398 // Certain Intel GPUs on Mac fail to clear if the glClearColor is made up of only 1s and 0s.
399 bool clearToBoundaryValuesIsBroken() const { return fClearToBoundaryValuesIsBroken; }
401 /// glClearTex(Sub)Image support
402 bool clearTextureSupport() const { return fClearTextureSupport; }
404 // Adreno/MSAA drops a draw on the imagefiltersbase GM if the base vertex param to
405 // glDrawArrays is nonzero.
406 // https://bugs.chromium.org/p/skia/issues/detail?id=6650
407 bool drawArraysBaseVertexIsBroken() const { return fDrawArraysBaseVertexIsBroken; }
409 // If true then we must use an intermediate surface to perform partial updates to unorm textures
410 // that have ever been bound to a FBO.
412 return fDisallowTexSubImageForUnormConfigTexturesEverBoundToFBO;
413 }
415 // Use an intermediate surface to write pixels (full or partial overwrite) to into a texture
416 // that is bound to an FBO.
418 return fUseDrawInsteadOfAllRenderTargetWrites;
419 }
421 // At least some Adreno 3xx drivers draw lines incorrectly after drawing non-lines. Toggling
422 // face culling on and off seems to resolve this.
424 return fRequiresCullFaceEnableDisableWhenDrawingLinesAfterNonLines;
425 }
427 // Older Android versions seem to have an issue with setting GL_TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL or
430 return fDontSetBaseOrMaxLevelForExternalTextures;
431 }
433 // PowerVRGX6250 drops every pixel if we modify the sample mask while color writes are disabled.
434 bool neverDisableColorWrites() const { return fNeverDisableColorWrites; }
436 // Texture parameters must be used to enable MIP mapping even when a sampler object is used.
438 return fMustSetAnyTexParameterToEnableMipmapping;
439 }
441 // Whether we must reset the blend function to not reference src2 when disabling blending after
442 // previously referencing src2.
444 return fMustResetBlendFuncBetweenDualSourceAndDisable;
445 }
447 // Before changing the sample count of a texture bound to an FBO with
448 // glFramebufferTexture2DMultisample() temporarily bind texture 0 to avoid corruption int the
449 // texture contents.
451 return fBindTexture0WhenChangingTextureFBOMultisampleCount;
452 }
454 // After using glCheckFramebufferStatus() bind 0 to the color attachment and then rebind the
455 // original color attachment.
457 return fRebindColorAttachmentAfterCheckFramebufferStatus;
458 }
460 // During writePixels, call glFlush() before issuing glTexSubImage2D().
462 return fFlushBeforeWritePixels;
463 }
465 // Returns the observed maximum number of instances the driver can handle in a single draw call
466 // without crashing, or 'pendingInstanceCount' if this workaround is not necessary.
467 // NOTE: the return value may be larger than pendingInstanceCount.
468 int maxInstancesPerDrawWithoutCrashing(int pendingInstanceCount) const {
469 return (fMaxInstancesPerDrawWithoutCrashing)
470 ? fMaxInstancesPerDrawWithoutCrashing : pendingInstanceCount;
471 }
473 bool canCopyTexSubImage(GrGLFormat dstFormat, bool dstHasMSAARenderBuffer,
474 const GrTextureType* dstTypeIfTexture,
475 GrGLFormat srcFormat, bool srcHasMSAARenderBuffer,
476 const GrTextureType* srcTypeIfTexture) const;
477 bool canCopyAsBlit(GrGLFormat dstFormat, int dstSampleCnt,
478 const GrTextureType* dstTypeIfTexture,
479 GrGLFormat srcFormat, int srcSampleCnt,
480 const GrTextureType* srcTypeIfTexture,
481 const SkRect& srcBounds, bool srcBoundsExact,
482 const SkIRect& srcRect, const SkIRect& dstRect) const;
483 bool canCopyAsDraw(GrGLFormat dstFormat, bool srcIsTexturable, bool scalingCopy) const;
485 DstCopyRestrictions getDstCopyRestrictions(const GrRenderTargetProxy* src,
486 GrColorType) const override;
488 bool programBinarySupport() const { return fProgramBinarySupport; }
489 bool programParameterSupport() const { return fProgramParameterSupport; }
490 bool programBinaryFormatIsValid(GrGLenum binaryFormat) const;
492 /** Are sampler objects available in this GL? */
493 bool samplerObjectSupport() const { return fSamplerObjectSupport; }
495 /**
496 * Are we using sampler objects in favor of texture parameters? (This will only be true if
497 * samplerObjectSupport()).
498 */
499 bool useSamplerObjects() const { return fUseSamplerObjects; }
501 bool textureSwizzleSupport() const { return fTextureSwizzleSupport; }
503 bool tiledRenderingSupport() const { return fTiledRenderingSupport; }
505 bool fbFetchRequiresEnablePerSample() const { return fFBFetchRequiresEnablePerSample; }
507 /* Is there support for enabling/disabling sRGB writes for sRGB-capable color buffers? */
508 bool srgbWriteControl() const { return fSRGBWriteControl; }
510 /**
511 * Skip checks for GL errors and framebuffer completeness. Note that this does not skip
512 * checking shader compilation and program linking status.
513 */
514 bool skipErrorChecks() const { return fSkipErrorChecks; }
516 bool clientCanDisableMultisample() const { return fClientCanDisableMultisample; }
522 uint64_t computeFormatKey(const GrBackendFormat&) const override;
525 const GrProgramInfo&,
526 ProgramDescOverrideFlags) const override;
528#if defined(GR_TEST_UTILS)
529 GrGLStandard standard() const { return fStandard; }
531 std::vector<GrTest::TestFormatColorTypeCombination> getTestingCombinations() const override;
535 enum ExternalFormatUsage {
536 kTexImage_ExternalFormatUsage,
537 kReadPixels_ExternalFormatUsage,
538 };
539 void getExternalFormat(GrGLFormat surfaceFormat, GrColorType surfaceColorType,
540 GrColorType memoryColorType, ExternalFormatUsage usage,
541 GrGLenum* externalFormat, GrGLenum* externalType) const;
543 void init(const GrContextOptions&, const GrGLContextInfo&, const GrGLInterface*);
544 void initGLSL(const GrGLContextInfo&, const GrGLInterface*);
546 struct FormatWorkarounds {
547 bool fDisableSRGBRenderWithMSAAForMacAMD = false;
548 bool fDisableRGBA16FTexStorageForCrBug1008003 = false;
549 bool fDisableBGRATextureStorageForIntelWindowsES = false;
550 bool fDisableLuminance16F = false;
551 bool fDisableTexStorage = false;
552 bool fDisallowDirectRG8ReadPixels = false;
553 bool fDisallowBGRA8ReadPixels = false;
554 bool fDisallowR8ForPowerVRSGX54x = false;
555 bool fDisallowUnorm16Transfers = false;
556 bool fDisallowTextureUnorm16 = false;
557 bool fDisallowETC2Compression = false;
558 };
560 void applyDriverCorrectnessWorkarounds(const GrGLContextInfo&, const GrContextOptions&,
561 const GrGLInterface*,
562 GrShaderCaps*, FormatWorkarounds*);
564 void onApplyOptionsOverrides(const GrContextOptions& options) override;
566 bool onIsWindowRectanglesSupportedForRT(const GrBackendRenderTarget&) const override;
568 void initFSAASupport(const GrContextOptions& contextOptions, const GrGLContextInfo&,
569 const GrGLInterface*);
570 void initBlendEqationSupport(const GrGLContextInfo&);
571 void initStencilSupport(const GrGLContextInfo&);
572 // This must be called after initFSAASupport().
573 void initFormatTable(const GrGLContextInfo&, const GrGLInterface*, const FormatWorkarounds&);
574 void setupSampleCounts(const GrGLContextInfo&, const GrGLInterface*);
575 bool onSurfaceSupportsWritePixels(const GrSurface*) const override;
576 bool onCanCopySurface(const GrSurfaceProxy* dst, const SkIRect& dstRect,
577 const GrSurfaceProxy* src, const SkIRect& srcRect) const override;
578 GrBackendFormat onGetDefaultBackendFormat(GrColorType) const override;
579 bool onAreColorTypeAndFormatCompatible(GrColorType, const GrBackendFormat&) const override;
581 SupportedRead onSupportedReadPixelsColorType(GrColorType, const GrBackendFormat&,
582 GrColorType) const override;
584 skgpu::Swizzle onGetReadSwizzle(const GrBackendFormat&, GrColorType) const override;
586 GrDstSampleFlags onGetDstSampleFlagsForProxy(const GrRenderTargetProxy*) const override;
588 bool onSupportsDynamicMSAA(const GrRenderTargetProxy*) const override;
593 skia_private::TArray<GrGLenum, true> fProgramBinaryFormats;
595 int fMaxFragmentUniformVectors = 0;
596 float fMaxTextureMaxAnisotropy = 1.f;
598 MSFBOType fMSFBOType = kNone_MSFBOType;
599 InvalidateFBType fInvalidateFBType = kNone_InvalidateFBType;
601 MapBufferType fMapBufferType = kNone_MapBufferType;
602 TransferBufferType fTransferBufferType = TransferBufferType::kNone;
603 FenceType fFenceType = FenceType::kNone;
604 MultiDrawType fMultiDrawType = MultiDrawType::kNone;
607 bool fPackFlipYSupport : 1;
608 bool fTextureUsageSupport : 1;
609 bool fImagingSupport : 1;
610 bool fVertexArrayObjectSupport : 1;
611 bool fDebugSupport : 1;
612 bool fES2CompatibilitySupport : 1;
613 bool fDrawRangeElementsSupport : 1;
614 bool fBaseVertexBaseInstanceSupport : 1;
615 bool fIsCoreProfile : 1;
616 bool fBindFragDataLocationSupport : 1;
617 bool fBindUniformLocationSupport : 1;
618 bool fRectangleTextureSupport : 1;
619 bool fMipmapLevelControlSupport : 1;
620 bool fMipmapLodControlSupport : 1;
621 bool fClearTextureSupport : 1;
622 bool fProgramBinarySupport : 1;
623 bool fProgramParameterSupport : 1;
624 bool fSamplerObjectSupport : 1;
625 bool fUseSamplerObjects : 1;
626 bool fTextureSwizzleSupport : 1;
627 bool fTiledRenderingSupport : 1;
628 bool fFenceSyncSupport : 1;
629 bool fFBFetchRequiresEnablePerSample : 1;
630 bool fSRGBWriteControl : 1;
631 bool fSkipErrorChecks : 1;
632 bool fClientCanDisableMultisample : 1;
634 // Driver workarounds
635 bool fDoManualMipmapping : 1;
636 bool fClearToBoundaryValuesIsBroken : 1;
637 bool fDrawArraysBaseVertexIsBroken : 1;
638 bool fDisallowTexSubImageForUnormConfigTexturesEverBoundToFBO : 1;
639 bool fUseDrawInsteadOfAllRenderTargetWrites : 1;
640 bool fRequiresCullFaceEnableDisableWhenDrawingLinesAfterNonLines : 1;
641 bool fDontSetBaseOrMaxLevelForExternalTextures : 1;
642 bool fNeverDisableColorWrites : 1;
643 bool fMustSetAnyTexParameterToEnableMipmapping : 1;
644 bool fAllowBGRA8CopyTexSubImage : 1;
645 bool fAllowSRGBCopyTexSubImage : 1;
646 bool fDisallowDynamicMSAA : 1;
647 bool fMustResetBlendFuncBetweenDualSourceAndDisable : 1;
648 bool fBindTexture0WhenChangingTextureFBOMultisampleCount : 1;
649 bool fRebindColorAttachmentAfterCheckFramebufferStatus : 1;
650 bool fFlushBeforeWritePixels : 1;
651 bool fDisableScalingCopyAsDraws : 1;
652 bool fPadRG88TransferAlignment : 1;
653 int fMaxInstancesPerDrawWithoutCrashing = 0;
655 uint32_t fBlitFramebufferFlags = kNoSupport_BlitFramebufferFlag;
657 struct ReadPixelsFormat {
658 ReadPixelsFormat() : fFormat(0), fType(0) {}
659 GrGLenum fFormat;
660 GrGLenum fType;
661 };
663 /** Number type of the components (with out considering number of bits.) */
664 enum class FormatType {
665 kUnknown,
666 kNormalizedFixedPoint,
667 kFloat,
668 };
670 // ColorTypeInfo for a specific format
671 struct ColorTypeInfo {
673 enum {
674 kUploadData_Flag = 0x1,
675 // Does Ganesh itself support rendering to this colorType & format pair. Renderability
676 // still additionally depends on if the format can be an FBO color attachment.
677 kRenderable_Flag = 0x2,
678 };
679 uint32_t fFlags = 0;
681 skgpu::Swizzle fReadSwizzle;
682 skgpu::Swizzle fWriteSwizzle;
687 /** The external format and type are to be used when uploading/downloading data using
688 data of fColorType and uploading to a texture of a given GrGLFormat and its
689 intended GrColorType. The fExternalTexImageFormat is the format to use for TexImage
690 calls. The fExternalReadFormat is used when calling ReadPixels. If either is zero
691 that signals that either TexImage or ReadPixels is not supported for the combination
692 of format and color types. */
696 /**
697 * Must check whether GL_IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_FORMAT and _TYPE match
698 * fExternalReadFormat and fExternalType before using with glReadPixels.
699 */
701 };
703 GrGLenum externalFormat(GrColorType externalColorType, ExternalFormatUsage usage,
704 bool haveQueriedImplementationReadFormat) const {
705 for (int i = 0; i < fExternalIOFormatCount; ++i) {
706 if (fExternalIOFormats[i].fColorType == externalColorType) {
707 if (usage == kTexImage_ExternalFormatUsage) {
708 return fExternalIOFormats[i].fExternalTexImageFormat;
709 } else {
710 SkASSERT(usage == kReadPixels_ExternalFormatUsage);
711 if (!haveQueriedImplementationReadFormat &&
712 fExternalIOFormats[i].fRequiresImplementationReadQuery) {
713 return 0;
714 }
715 return fExternalIOFormats[i].fExternalReadFormat;
716 }
717 }
718 }
719 return 0;
720 }
722 GrGLenum externalType(GrColorType externalColorType) const {
723 for (int i = 0; i < fExternalIOFormatCount; ++i) {
724 if (fExternalIOFormats[i].fColorType == externalColorType) {
725 return fExternalIOFormats[i].fExternalType;
726 }
727 }
728 return 0;
729 }
731 std::unique_ptr<ExternalIOFormats[]> fExternalIOFormats;
732 int fExternalIOFormatCount = 0;
733 };
735 struct FormatInfo {
736 uint32_t colorTypeFlags(GrColorType colorType) const {
737 for (int i = 0; i < fColorTypeInfoCount; ++i) {
738 if (fColorTypeInfos[i].fColorType == colorType) {
739 return fColorTypeInfos[i].fFlags;
740 }
741 }
742 return 0;
743 }
745 GrGLenum externalFormat(GrColorType surfaceColorType, GrColorType externalColorType,
746 ExternalFormatUsage usage) const {
747 for (int i = 0; i < fColorTypeInfoCount; ++i) {
748 if (fColorTypeInfos[i].fColorType == surfaceColorType) {
749 return fColorTypeInfos[i].externalFormat(externalColorType, usage,
750 fHaveQueriedImplementationReadSupport);
751 }
752 }
753 return 0;
754 }
756 GrGLenum externalType(GrColorType surfaceColorType, GrColorType externalColorType) const {
757 for (int i = 0; i < fColorTypeInfoCount; ++i) {
758 if (fColorTypeInfos[i].fColorType == surfaceColorType) {
759 return fColorTypeInfos[i].externalType(externalColorType);
760 }
761 }
762 return 0;
763 }
765 enum {
766 kTexturable_Flag = 0x01,
767 /** kFBOColorAttachment means that even if the format cannot be a GrRenderTarget, we can
768 still attach it to a FBO for blitting or reading pixels. */
769 kFBOColorAttachment_Flag = 0x02,
770 kFBOColorAttachmentWithMSAA_Flag = 0x04,
771 kUseTexStorage_Flag = 0x08,
772 /**
773 * Are pixel buffer objects supported in/out of this format? Ignored if PBOs are not
774 * supported at all.
775 */
776 kTransfers_Flag = 0x10,
777 };
778 uint32_t fFlags = 0;
780 FormatType fFormatType = FormatType::kUnknown;
782 // Not defined for uncompressed formats. Passed to glCompressedTexImage...
783 GrGLenum fCompressedInternalFormat = 0;
785 // Value to uses as the "internalformat" argument to glTexImage or glTexStorage. It is
786 // initialized in coordination with the presence/absence of the kUseTexStorage flag. In
787 // other words, it is only guaranteed to be compatible with glTexImage if the flag is not
788 // set and or with glTexStorage if the flag is set.
789 GrGLenum fInternalFormatForTexImageOrStorage = 0;
791 // Value to uses as the "internalformat" argument to glRenderbufferStorageMultisample...
792 GrGLenum fInternalFormatForRenderbuffer = 0;
794 // Default values to use along with fInternalFormatForTexImageOrStorage for function
795 // glTexImage2D when not input providing data (passing nullptr) or when clearing it by
796 // uploading a block of solid color data. Not defined for compressed formats.
797 GrGLenum fDefaultExternalFormat = 0;
798 GrGLenum fDefaultExternalType = 0;
799 // When the above two values are used to initialize a texture by uploading cleared data to
800 // it the data should be of this color type.
801 GrColorType fDefaultColorType = GrColorType::kUnknown;
803 bool fHaveQueriedImplementationReadSupport = false;
805 enum {
806 // This indicates that a stencil format has not yet been determined for the config.
807 kUnknown_StencilIndex = -1,
808 // This indicates that there is no supported stencil format for the config.
809 kUnsupported_StencilFormatIndex = -2
810 };
812 // Index fStencilFormats.
813 int fStencilFormatIndex = kUnknown_StencilIndex;
815 SkTDArray<int> fColorSampleCounts;
817 std::unique_ptr<ColorTypeInfo[]> fColorTypeInfos;
818 int fColorTypeInfoCount = 0;
819 };
821 FormatInfo fFormatTable[kGrGLColorFormatCount];
823 FormatInfo& getFormatInfo(GrGLFormat format) { return fFormatTable[static_cast<int>(format)]; }
824 const FormatInfo& getFormatInfo(GrGLFormat format) const {
825 return fFormatTable[static_cast<int>(format)];
826 }
828 GrGLFormat fColorTypeToFormatTable[kGrColorTypeCnt];
829 void setColorTypeFormat(GrColorType, GrGLFormat);
831 using INHERITED = GrCaps;
const char * options
static constexpr int kGrGLColorFormatCount
Definition: GrGLTypesPriv.h:14
Definition: GrGLTypes.h:59
Definition: GrGLTypes.h:19
@ kNone_GrGLStandard
Definition: GrGLTypes.h:20
unsigned int GrGLenum
Definition: GrGLTypes.h:102
Definition: GrTypesPriv.h:936
static const int kGrColorTypeCnt
Definition: GrTypesPriv.h:587
Definition: GrTypesPriv.h:268
Definition: GrTypesPriv.h:540
SkColorType fColorType
uint16_t fFlags
Definition: ShapeLayer.cpp:106
#define SkASSERT(cond)
Definition: SkAssert.h:116
static SkColorType colorType(AImageDecoder *decoder, const AImageDecoderHeaderInfo *headerInfo)
Definition: GrCaps.h:57
Definition: GrCaps.h:296
GrCaps(const GrContextOptions &)
Definition: GrCaps.cpp:26
Definition: GrCaps.h:511
bool flushBeforeWritePixels() const
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:461
bool skipErrorChecks() const
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:514
bool bindUniformLocationSupport() const
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:381
uint64_t computeFormatKey(const GrBackendFormat &) const override
Definition: GrGLCaps.cpp:5123
DstCopyRestrictions getDstCopyRestrictions(const GrRenderTargetProxy *src, GrColorType) const override
Definition: GrGLCaps.cpp:3748
bool isFormatAsColorTypeRenderable(GrColorType ct, const GrBackendFormat &format, int sampleCount=1) const override
Definition: GrGLCaps.cpp:4909
void getReadPixelsFormat(GrGLFormat surfaceFormat, GrColorType surfaceColorType, GrColorType memoryColorType, GrGLenum *externalFormat, GrGLenum *externalType) const
Definition: GrGLCaps.cpp:1380
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:84
@ kNoScalingOrMirroring_BlitFramebufferFlag
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:86
@ kResolveMustBeFull_BlitFrambufferFlag
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:87
@ kNoSupport_BlitFramebufferFlag
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:85
@ kRectsMustMatchForMSAASrc_BlitFramebufferFlag
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:91
@ kNoFormatConversion_BlitFramebufferFlag
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:89
@ kNoFormatConversionForMSAASrc_BlitFramebufferFlag
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:90
@ kNoMSAADst_BlitFramebufferFlag
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:88
bool drawRangeElementsSupport() const
Is there support for glDrawRangeElements?
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:365
GrGLenum getRenderbufferInternalFormat(GrGLFormat format) const
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:247
GrBackendFormat getBackendFormatFromCompressionType(SkTextureCompressionType) const override
Definition: GrGLCaps.cpp:5051
bool vertexArrayObjectSupport() const
Is there support for Vertex Array Objects?
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:356
bool baseVertexBaseInstanceSupport() const
Are the glDraw*Base(VertexBase)Instance methods, and baseInstance fields in indirect draw.
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:369
bool canCopyAsDraw(GrGLFormat dstFormat, bool srcIsTexturable, bool scalingCopy) const
Definition: GrGLCaps.cpp:3680
bool samplerObjectSupport() const
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:493
@ kES_Apple_MSFBOType
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:69
@ kES_EXT_MsToTexture_MSFBOType
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:81
@ kNone_MSFBOType
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:59
@ kES_IMG_MsToTexture_MSFBOType
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:76
@ kStandard_MSFBOType
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:65
GrGLCaps(const GrContextOptions &contextOptions, const GrGLContextInfo &ctxInfo, const GrGLInterface *glInterface)
Definition: GrGLCaps.cpp:56
bool dontSetBaseOrMaxLevelForExternalTextures() const
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:429
bool ES2CompatibilitySupport() const
Is there support for ES2 compatability?
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:362
int maxRenderTargetSampleCount(const GrBackendFormat &format) const override
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:165
bool useSamplerObjects() const
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:499
bool textureUsageSupport() const
Is there support for texture parameter GL_TEXTURE_USAGE.
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:350
bool mustResetBlendFuncBetweenDualSourceAndDisable() const
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:443
bool imagingSupport() const
Is GL_ARB_IMAGING supported.
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:353
bool isCoreProfile() const
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:377
void didQueryImplementationReadSupport(GrGLFormat format, GrGLenum readFormat, GrGLenum readType) const
Definition: GrGLCaps.cpp:5011
float maxTextureMaxAnisotropy() const
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:170
int maxInstancesPerDrawWithoutCrashing(int pendingInstanceCount) const
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:468
bool mipmapLodControlSupport() const
Can set the MIN/MAX LOD value.
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:390
MSFBOType msFBOType() const
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:285
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:113
void getTexSubImageExternalFormatAndType(GrGLFormat surfaceFormat, GrColorType surfaceColorType, GrColorType memoryColorType, GrGLenum *externalFormat, GrGLenum *externalType) const
Definition: GrGLCaps.cpp:1371
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:106
@ kMapBufferRange_MapBufferType
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:109
@ kMapBuffer_MapBufferType
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:108
@ kNone_MapBufferType
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:107
@ kChromium_MapBufferType
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:110
bool usesMSAARenderBuffers() const
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:290
bool drawArraysBaseVertexIsBroken() const
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:407
bool requiresCullFaceEnableDisableWhenDrawingLinesAfterNonLines() const
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:423
bool usesImplicitMSAAResolve() const
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:318
InvalidateFBType invalidateFBType() const
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:323
bool rectangleTextureSupport() const
Are textures with GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE type supported.
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:384
bool hasStencilFormatBeenDeterminedForFormat(GrGLFormat format) const
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:261
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:126
bool debugSupport() const
Is there support for GL_KHR_debug?
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:359
bool bindTexture0WhenChangingTextureFBOMultisampleCount() const
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:450
bool clearToBoundaryValuesIsBroken() const
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:399
bool doManualMipmapping() const
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:392
bool programBinarySupport() const
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:488
bool formatSupportsTexStorage(GrGLFormat) const
Definition: GrGLCaps.cpp:4985
RegenerateMipmapType regenerateMipmapType() const
How is restricting sampled miplevels in onRegenerateMipmapLevels implemented?
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:341
GrGLenum getFormatDefaultExternalType(GrGLFormat format) const
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:254
GrProgramDesc makeDesc(GrRenderTarget *, const GrProgramInfo &, ProgramDescOverrideFlags) const override
Definition: GrGLCaps.cpp:5128
bool useDrawInsteadOfAllRenderTargetWrites() const
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:417
bool fenceSyncSupport() const
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:332
bool isFormatSRGB(const GrBackendFormat &) const override
Definition: GrGLCaps.cpp:4893
bool neverDisableColorWrites() const
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:434
MultiDrawType multiDrawType() const
How are multi draws implemented (if at all)?
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:338
bool isFormatCopyable(const GrBackendFormat &) const override
Definition: GrGLCaps.cpp:4977
bool rebindColorAttachmentAfterCheckFramebufferStatus() const
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:456
bool programBinaryFormatIsValid(GrGLenum binaryFormat) const
Definition: GrGLCaps.cpp:4881
SupportedWrite supportedWritePixelsColorType(GrColorType surfaceColorType, const GrBackendFormat &surfaceFormat, GrColorType srcColorType) const override
Definition: GrGLCaps.cpp:4847
bool framebufferResolvesMustBeFullSize() const
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:299
bool canResolveSingleToMSAA() const
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:308
bool disallowTexSubImageForUnormConfigTexturesEverBoundToFBO() const
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:411
bool programParameterSupport() const
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:489
FenceType fenceType() const
How is GrGLsync implemented?
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:335
void getTexSubImageDefaultFormatTypeAndColorType(GrGLFormat format, GrGLenum *externalFormat, GrGLenum *externalType, GrColorType *colorType) const
Definition: GrGLCaps.cpp:1361
bool isFormatRenderable(GrGLFormat format, int sampleCount) const
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:154
bool textureSwizzleSupport() const
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:501
GrGLFormat getFormatFromColorType(GrColorType colorType) const
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:176
int getStencilFormatIndexForFormat(GrGLFormat format) const
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:271
SurfaceReadPixelsSupport surfaceSupportsReadPixels(const GrSurface *) const override
Definition: GrGLCaps.cpp:4740
bool packFlipYSupport() const
Is there support for GL_PACK_REVERSE_ROW_ORDER.
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:347
bool isFormatRenderable(const GrBackendFormat &format, int sampleCount) const override
Definition: GrGLCaps.cpp:4926
bool canFormatBeFBOColorAttachment(GrGLFormat) const
Definition: GrGLCaps.cpp:4973
bool canCopyTexSubImage(GrGLFormat dstFormat, bool dstHasMSAARenderBuffer, const GrTextureType *dstTypeIfTexture, GrGLFormat srcFormat, bool srcHasMSAARenderBuffer, const GrTextureType *srcTypeIfTexture) const
Definition: GrGLCaps.cpp:3525
bool fbFetchRequiresEnablePerSample() const
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:505
void setStencilFormatIndexForFormat(GrGLFormat, int index)
Definition: GrGLCaps.cpp:1397
MapBufferType mapBufferType() const
What type of buffer mapping is supported?
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:326
bool clearTextureSupport() const
glClearTex(Sub)Image support
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:402
bool mipmapLevelControlSupport() const
Can set the BASE and MAX mip map level.
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:387
skgpu::Swizzle getWriteSwizzle(const GrBackendFormat &, GrColorType) const override
Definition: GrGLCaps.cpp:5097
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:133
bool mustSetAnyTexParameterToEnableMipmapping() const
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:437
int getRenderTargetSampleCount(int requestedCount, const GrBackendFormat &format) const override
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:158
bool canCopyAsBlit(GrGLFormat dstFormat, int dstSampleCnt, const GrTextureType *dstTypeIfTexture, GrGLFormat srcFormat, int srcSampleCnt, const GrTextureType *srcTypeIfTexture, const SkRect &srcBounds, bool srcBoundsExact, const SkIRect &srcRect, const SkIRect &dstRect) const
Definition: GrGLCaps.cpp:3605
bool tiledRenderingSupport() const
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:503
void getTexImageExternalFormatAndType(GrGLFormat surfaceFormat, GrGLenum *externalFormat, GrGLenum *externalType) const
Definition: GrGLCaps.cpp:1354
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:94
@ kNone_InvalidateFBType
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:95
@ kDiscard_InvalidateFBType
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:96
@ kInvalidate_InvalidateFBType
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:97
int maxFragmentUniformVectors() const
The maximum number of fragment uniform vectors (GLES has min. 16).
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:344
bool clientCanDisableMultisample() const
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:516
bool shouldQueryImplementationReadSupport(GrGLFormat format) const
Definition: GrGLCaps.cpp:4989
bool isFormatTexturable(const GrBackendFormat &, GrTextureType) const override
Definition: GrGLCaps.cpp:4897
bool srgbWriteControl() const
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:508
InvalidateBufferType invalidateBufferType() const
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:396
void onDumpJSON(SkJSONWriter *) const override
Definition: GrGLCaps.cpp:1351
TransferBufferType transferBufferType() const
What type of transfer buffer is supported?
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:329
bool bindFragDataLocationSupport() const
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:379
const skia_private::TArray< GrGLFormat, true > & stencilFormats() const
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:223
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:100
GrGLenum getTexImageOrStorageInternalFormat(GrGLFormat format) const
Definition: GrGLCaps.h:185
uint32_t uint32_t * format
SK_API GrGLFormat AsGLFormat(const GrBackendFormat &)
Definition: cp.py:12
static void usage(char *argv0)
Definition: SkRect.h:32