| GrGLCaps (const GrContextOptions &contextOptions, const GrGLContextInfo &ctxInfo, const GrGLInterface *glInterface) |
bool | isFormatSRGB (const GrBackendFormat &) const override |
bool | isFormatTexturable (const GrBackendFormat &, GrTextureType) const override |
bool | isFormatTexturable (GrGLFormat) const |
bool | isFormatAsColorTypeRenderable (GrColorType ct, const GrBackendFormat &format, int sampleCount=1) const override |
bool | isFormatRenderable (const GrBackendFormat &format, int sampleCount) const override |
bool | isFormatRenderable (GrGLFormat format, int sampleCount) const |
int | getRenderTargetSampleCount (int requestedCount, const GrBackendFormat &format) const override |
int | getRenderTargetSampleCount (int requestedCount, GrGLFormat) const |
int | maxRenderTargetSampleCount (const GrBackendFormat &format) const override |
int | maxRenderTargetSampleCount (GrGLFormat) const |
float | maxTextureMaxAnisotropy () const |
bool | isFormatCopyable (const GrBackendFormat &) const override |
bool | canFormatBeFBOColorAttachment (GrGLFormat) const |
GrGLFormat | getFormatFromColorType (GrColorType colorType) const |
GrGLenum | getTexImageOrStorageInternalFormat (GrGLFormat format) const |
void | getTexImageExternalFormatAndType (GrGLFormat surfaceFormat, GrGLenum *externalFormat, GrGLenum *externalType) const |
void | getTexSubImageExternalFormatAndType (GrGLFormat surfaceFormat, GrColorType surfaceColorType, GrColorType memoryColorType, GrGLenum *externalFormat, GrGLenum *externalType) const |
void | getTexSubImageDefaultFormatTypeAndColorType (GrGLFormat format, GrGLenum *externalFormat, GrGLenum *externalType, GrColorType *colorType) const |
void | getReadPixelsFormat (GrGLFormat surfaceFormat, GrColorType surfaceColorType, GrColorType memoryColorType, GrGLenum *externalFormat, GrGLenum *externalType) const |
const skia_private::TArray< GrGLFormat, true > & | stencilFormats () const |
bool | formatSupportsTexStorage (GrGLFormat) const |
bool | shouldQueryImplementationReadSupport (GrGLFormat format) const |
void | didQueryImplementationReadSupport (GrGLFormat format, GrGLenum readFormat, GrGLenum readType) const |
GrGLenum | getRenderbufferInternalFormat (GrGLFormat format) const |
GrGLenum | getFormatDefaultExternalType (GrGLFormat format) const |
bool | hasStencilFormatBeenDeterminedForFormat (GrGLFormat format) const |
int | getStencilFormatIndexForFormat (GrGLFormat format) const |
void | setStencilFormatIndexForFormat (GrGLFormat, int index) |
MSFBOType | msFBOType () const |
bool | usesMSAARenderBuffers () const |
bool | framebufferResolvesMustBeFullSize () const |
bool | canResolveSingleToMSAA () const |
bool | usesImplicitMSAAResolve () const |
InvalidateFBType | invalidateFBType () const |
MapBufferType | mapBufferType () const |
| What type of buffer mapping is supported? More...
TransferBufferType | transferBufferType () const |
| What type of transfer buffer is supported? More...
bool | fenceSyncSupport () const |
FenceType | fenceType () const |
| How is GrGLsync implemented? More...
MultiDrawType | multiDrawType () const |
| How are multi draws implemented (if at all)? More...
RegenerateMipmapType | regenerateMipmapType () const |
| How is restricting sampled miplevels in onRegenerateMipmapLevels implemented? More...
int | maxFragmentUniformVectors () const |
| The maximum number of fragment uniform vectors (GLES has min. 16). More...
bool | packFlipYSupport () const |
| Is there support for GL_PACK_REVERSE_ROW_ORDER. More...
bool | textureUsageSupport () const |
| Is there support for texture parameter GL_TEXTURE_USAGE. More...
bool | imagingSupport () const |
| Is GL_ARB_IMAGING supported. More...
bool | vertexArrayObjectSupport () const |
| Is there support for Vertex Array Objects? More...
bool | debugSupport () const |
| Is there support for GL_KHR_debug? More...
bool | ES2CompatibilitySupport () const |
| Is there support for ES2 compatability? More...
bool | drawRangeElementsSupport () const |
| Is there support for glDrawRangeElements? More...
bool | baseVertexBaseInstanceSupport () const |
| Are the glDraw*Base(VertexBase)Instance methods, and baseInstance fields in indirect draw. More...
SurfaceReadPixelsSupport | surfaceSupportsReadPixels (const GrSurface *) const override |
SupportedWrite | supportedWritePixelsColorType (GrColorType surfaceColorType, const GrBackendFormat &surfaceFormat, GrColorType srcColorType) const override |
bool | isCoreProfile () const |
bool | bindFragDataLocationSupport () const |
bool | bindUniformLocationSupport () const |
bool | rectangleTextureSupport () const |
| Are textures with GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE type supported. More...
bool | mipmapLevelControlSupport () const |
| Can set the BASE and MAX mip map level. More...
bool | mipmapLodControlSupport () const |
| Can set the MIN/MAX LOD value. More...
bool | doManualMipmapping () const |
void | onDumpJSON (SkJSONWriter *) const override |
InvalidateBufferType | invalidateBufferType () const |
bool | clearToBoundaryValuesIsBroken () const |
bool | clearTextureSupport () const |
| glClearTex(Sub)Image support More...
bool | drawArraysBaseVertexIsBroken () const |
bool | disallowTexSubImageForUnormConfigTexturesEverBoundToFBO () const |
bool | useDrawInsteadOfAllRenderTargetWrites () const |
bool | requiresCullFaceEnableDisableWhenDrawingLinesAfterNonLines () const |
bool | dontSetBaseOrMaxLevelForExternalTextures () const |
bool | neverDisableColorWrites () const |
bool | mustSetAnyTexParameterToEnableMipmapping () const |
bool | mustResetBlendFuncBetweenDualSourceAndDisable () const |
bool | bindTexture0WhenChangingTextureFBOMultisampleCount () const |
bool | rebindColorAttachmentAfterCheckFramebufferStatus () const |
bool | flushBeforeWritePixels () const |
int | maxInstancesPerDrawWithoutCrashing (int pendingInstanceCount) const |
bool | canCopyTexSubImage (GrGLFormat dstFormat, bool dstHasMSAARenderBuffer, const GrTextureType *dstTypeIfTexture, GrGLFormat srcFormat, bool srcHasMSAARenderBuffer, const GrTextureType *srcTypeIfTexture) const |
bool | canCopyAsBlit (GrGLFormat dstFormat, int dstSampleCnt, const GrTextureType *dstTypeIfTexture, GrGLFormat srcFormat, int srcSampleCnt, const GrTextureType *srcTypeIfTexture, const SkRect &srcBounds, bool srcBoundsExact, const SkIRect &srcRect, const SkIRect &dstRect) const |
bool | canCopyAsDraw (GrGLFormat dstFormat, bool srcIsTexturable, bool scalingCopy) const |
DstCopyRestrictions | getDstCopyRestrictions (const GrRenderTargetProxy *src, GrColorType) const override |
bool | programBinarySupport () const |
bool | programParameterSupport () const |
bool | programBinaryFormatIsValid (GrGLenum binaryFormat) const |
bool | samplerObjectSupport () const |
bool | useSamplerObjects () const |
bool | textureSwizzleSupport () const |
bool | tiledRenderingSupport () const |
bool | fbFetchRequiresEnablePerSample () const |
bool | srgbWriteControl () const |
bool | skipErrorChecks () const |
bool | clientCanDisableMultisample () const |
GrBackendFormat | getBackendFormatFromCompressionType (SkTextureCompressionType) const override |
skgpu::Swizzle | getWriteSwizzle (const GrBackendFormat &, GrColorType) const override |
uint64_t | computeFormatKey (const GrBackendFormat &) const override |
GrProgramDesc | makeDesc (GrRenderTarget *, const GrProgramInfo &, ProgramDescOverrideFlags) const override |
| GrCaps (const GrContextOptions &) |
void | dumpJSON (SkJSONWriter *) const |
const GrShaderCaps * | shaderCaps () const |
bool | npotTextureTileSupport () const |
bool | mipmapSupport () const |
bool | anisoSupport () const |
bool | gpuTracingSupport () const |
bool | oversizedStencilSupport () const |
bool | textureBarrierSupport () const |
bool | sampleLocationsSupport () const |
bool | drawInstancedSupport () const |
bool | nativeDrawIndirectSupport () const |
bool | useClientSideIndirectBuffers () const |
bool | conservativeRasterSupport () const |
bool | wireframeSupport () const |
bool | msaaResolvesAutomatically () const |
bool | preferDiscardableMSAAAttachment () const |
bool | halfFloatVertexAttributeSupport () const |
bool | usePrimitiveRestart () const |
bool | preferClientSideDynamicBuffers () const |
bool | preferFullscreenClears () const |
bool | discardStencilValuesAfterRenderPass () const |
bool | twoSidedStencilRefsAndMasksMustMatch () const |
bool | preferVRAMUseOverFlushes () const |
bool | avoidStencilBuffers () const |
bool | avoidWritePixelsFastPath () const |
bool | nativeDrawIndexedIndirectIsBroken () const |
BlendEquationSupport | blendEquationSupport () const |
bool | advancedBlendEquationSupport () const |
bool | advancedCoherentBlendEquationSupport () const |
bool | isAdvancedBlendEquationDisabled (skgpu::BlendEquation equation) const |
bool | shouldCollapseSrcOverToSrcWhenAble () const |
bool | mustSyncGpuDuringAbandon () const |
bool | reducedShaderMode () const |
uint32_t | mapBufferFlags () const |
bool | reuseScratchTextures () const |
bool | reuseScratchBuffers () const |
int | maxVertexAttributes () const |
| maximum number of attribute values per vertex More...
int | maxRenderTargetSize () const |
int | maxPreferredRenderTargetSize () const |
int | maxTextureSize () const |
int | maxWindowRectangles () const |
bool | isWindowRectanglesSupportedForRT (const GrBackendRenderTarget &rt) const |
uint32_t | maxPushConstantsSize () const |
size_t | transferBufferRowBytesAlignment () const |
size_t | transferFromBufferToBufferAlignment () const |
size_t | bufferUpdateDataPreserveAlignment () const |
virtual bool | isFormatSRGB (const GrBackendFormat &) const =0 |
bool | isFormatCompressed (const GrBackendFormat &format) const |
virtual bool | isFormatTexturable (const GrBackendFormat &, GrTextureType) const =0 |
virtual bool | isFormatCopyable (const GrBackendFormat &) const =0 |
virtual int | maxRenderTargetSampleCount (const GrBackendFormat &) const =0 |
int | internalMultisampleCount (const GrBackendFormat &format) const |
virtual bool | isFormatAsColorTypeRenderable (GrColorType ct, const GrBackendFormat &format, int sampleCount=1) const =0 |
virtual bool | isFormatRenderable (const GrBackendFormat &format, int sampleCount) const =0 |
virtual int | getRenderTargetSampleCount (int requestedCount, const GrBackendFormat &) const =0 |
bool | surfaceSupportsWritePixels (const GrSurface *) const |
virtual SurfaceReadPixelsSupport | surfaceSupportsReadPixels (const GrSurface *) const =0 |
virtual SupportedWrite | supportedWritePixelsColorType (GrColorType surfaceColorType, const GrBackendFormat &surfaceFormat, GrColorType srcColorType) const =0 |
SupportedRead | supportedReadPixelsColorType (GrColorType srcColorType, const GrBackendFormat &srcFormat, GrColorType dstColorType) const |
bool | writePixelsRowBytesSupport () const |
bool | transferPixelsToRowBytesSupport () const |
bool | readPixelsRowBytesSupport () const |
bool | transferFromSurfaceToBufferSupport () const |
bool | transferFromBufferToTextureSupport () const |
bool | transferFromBufferToBufferSupport () const |
bool | suppressPrints () const |
size_t | bufferMapThreshold () const |
bool | mustClearUploadedBufferData () const |
bool | shouldInitializeTextures () const |
bool | buffersAreInitiallyZero () const |
bool | supportsAHardwareBufferImages () const |
bool | wireframeMode () const |
bool | semaphoreSupport () const |
bool | backendSemaphoreSupport () const |
bool | finishedProcAsyncCallbackSupport () const |
bool | crossContextTextureSupport () const |
bool | canCopySurface (const GrSurfaceProxy *dst, const SkIRect &dstRect, const GrSurfaceProxy *src, const SkIRect &srcRect) const |
bool | dynamicStateArrayGeometryProcessorTextureSupport () const |
bool | supportsProtectedContent () const |
bool | performPartialClearsAsDraws () const |
bool | performColorClearsAsDraws () const |
bool | avoidLargeIndexBufferDraws () const |
bool | performStencilClearsAsDraws () const |
bool | disableTessellationPathRenderer () const |
GrDstSampleFlags | getDstSampleFlagsForProxy (const GrRenderTargetProxy *, bool drawUsesMSAA) const |
virtual DstCopyRestrictions | getDstCopyRestrictions (const GrRenderTargetProxy *src, GrColorType ct) const |
bool | validateSurfaceParams (const SkISize &, const GrBackendFormat &, GrRenderable renderable, int renderTargetSampleCnt, skgpu::Mipmapped, GrTextureType) const |
bool | areColorTypeAndFormatCompatible (GrColorType grCT, const GrBackendFormat &format) const |
GrBackendFormat | getDefaultBackendFormat (GrColorType, GrRenderable) const |
virtual GrBackendFormat | getBackendFormatFromCompressionType (SkTextureCompressionType) const =0 |
bool | clampToBorderSupport () const |
skgpu::Swizzle | getReadSwizzle (const GrBackendFormat &format, GrColorType colorType) const |
virtual skgpu::Swizzle | getWriteSwizzle (const GrBackendFormat &, GrColorType) const =0 |
virtual uint64_t | computeFormatKey (const GrBackendFormat &) const =0 |
const GrDriverBugWorkarounds & | workarounds () const |
virtual void | addExtraSamplerKey (skgpu::KeyBuilder *, GrSamplerState, const GrBackendFormat &) const |
virtual GrProgramDesc | makeDesc (GrRenderTarget *, const GrProgramInfo &, ProgramDescOverrideFlags overrideFlags=ProgramDescOverrideFlags::kNone) const =0 |
virtual GrInternalSurfaceFlags | getExtraSurfaceFlagsForDeferredRT () const |
bool | supportsDynamicMSAA (const GrRenderTargetProxy *) const |
virtual bool | dmsaaResolveCanBeUsedAsTextureInSameRenderPass () const |
bool | avoidReorderingRenderTasks () const |
bool | avoidDithering () const |
bool | disablePerspectiveSDFText () const |
bool | avoidLineDraws () const |
std::tuple< GrColorType, GrBackendFormat > | getFallbackColorTypeAndFormat (GrColorType, int sampleCount) const |
SkSL::Version | skslVersion () const |
| SkRefCntBase () |
virtual | ~SkRefCntBase () |
bool | unique () const |
void | ref () const |
void | unref () const |
Stores some capabilities of a GL context. Most are determined by the GL version and the extensions string. It also tracks formats that have passed the FBO completeness test.
Definition at line 49 of file GrGLCaps.h.