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2 * Copyright 2022 Google LLC
3 *
4 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5 * found in the LICENSE file.
6 */
14#include "src/gpu/DataUtils.h"
31using namespace skia_private;
33namespace skgpu::graphite {
35class VulkanDescriptorSet;
37std::unique_ptr<VulkanCommandBuffer> VulkanCommandBuffer::Make(
38 const VulkanSharedContext* sharedContext,
39 VulkanResourceProvider* resourceProvider) {
40 // Create VkCommandPool
42 if (sharedContext->isProtected() == Protected::kYes) {
44 }
46 const VkCommandPoolCreateInfo cmdPoolInfo = {
48 nullptr, // pNext
49 cmdPoolCreateFlags, // CmdPoolCreateFlags
50 sharedContext->queueIndex(), // queueFamilyIndex
51 };
53 VkCommandPool pool;
54 VULKAN_CALL_RESULT(sharedContext,
55 result,
56 CreateCommandPool(sharedContext->device(), &cmdPoolInfo, nullptr, &pool));
57 if (result != VK_SUCCESS) {
58 return nullptr;
59 }
61 const VkCommandBufferAllocateInfo cmdInfo = {
63 nullptr, // pNext
64 pool, // commandPool
66 1 // bufferCount
67 };
69 VkCommandBuffer primaryCmdBuffer;
71 sharedContext,
72 result,
73 AllocateCommandBuffers(sharedContext->device(), &cmdInfo, &primaryCmdBuffer));
74 if (result != VK_SUCCESS) {
75 VULKAN_CALL(sharedContext->interface(),
76 DestroyCommandPool(sharedContext->device(), pool, nullptr));
77 return nullptr;
78 }
80 return std::unique_ptr<VulkanCommandBuffer>(new VulkanCommandBuffer(pool,
81 primaryCmdBuffer,
82 sharedContext,
83 resourceProvider));
86VulkanCommandBuffer::VulkanCommandBuffer(VkCommandPool pool,
87 VkCommandBuffer primaryCommandBuffer,
88 const VulkanSharedContext* sharedContext,
89 VulkanResourceProvider* resourceProvider)
90 : fPool(pool)
91 , fPrimaryCommandBuffer(primaryCommandBuffer)
92 , fSharedContext(sharedContext)
93 , fResourceProvider(resourceProvider) {
94 // When making a new command buffer, we automatically begin the command buffer
95 this->begin();
99 if (fActive) {
100 // Need to end command buffer before deleting it
101 VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(), EndCommandBuffer(fPrimaryCommandBuffer));
102 fActive = false;
103 }
105 if (VK_NULL_HANDLE != fSubmitFence) {
106 VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(),
107 DestroyFence(fSharedContext->device(), fSubmitFence, nullptr));
108 }
109 // This should delete any command buffers as well.
110 VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(),
111 DestroyCommandPool(fSharedContext->device(), fPool, nullptr));
114void VulkanCommandBuffer::onResetCommandBuffer() {
115 SkASSERT(!fActive);
116 VULKAN_CALL_ERRCHECK(fSharedContext, ResetCommandPool(fSharedContext->device(), fPool, 0));
117 fActiveGraphicsPipeline = nullptr;
118 fBindUniformBuffers = true;
119 fBoundIndexBuffer = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
120 fBoundIndexBufferOffset = 0;
121 fBoundIndirectBuffer = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
122 fBoundIndirectBufferOffset = 0;
123 fTextureSamplerDescSetToBind = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
124 fNumTextureSamplers = 0;
125 fUniformBuffersToBind.fill({});
126 for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
127 fCachedBlendConstant[i] = -1.0;
128 }
129 for (auto& boundInputBuffer : fBoundInputBuffers) {
130 boundInputBuffer = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
131 }
132 for (auto& boundInputOffset : fBoundInputBufferOffsets) {
133 boundInputOffset = 0;
134 }
138 this->begin();
139 return true;
143 SkASSERT(!fActive);
144 VkCommandBufferBeginInfo cmdBufferBeginInfo;
145 memset(&cmdBufferBeginInfo, 0, sizeof(VkCommandBufferBeginInfo));
147 cmdBufferBeginInfo.pNext = nullptr;
149 cmdBufferBeginInfo.pInheritanceInfo = nullptr;
151 VULKAN_CALL_ERRCHECK(fSharedContext,
152 BeginCommandBuffer(fPrimaryCommandBuffer, &cmdBufferBeginInfo));
153 fActive = true;
157 SkASSERT(fActive);
158 SkASSERT(!fActiveRenderPass);
160 this->submitPipelineBarriers();
162 VULKAN_CALL_ERRCHECK(fSharedContext, EndCommandBuffer(fPrimaryCommandBuffer));
164 fActive = false;
167void VulkanCommandBuffer::addWaitSemaphores(size_t numWaitSemaphores,
168 const BackendSemaphore* waitSemaphores) {
169 if (!waitSemaphores) {
170 SkASSERT(numWaitSemaphores == 0);
171 return;
172 }
174 for (size_t i = 0; i < numWaitSemaphores; ++i) {
175 auto& semaphore = waitSemaphores[i];
176 if (semaphore.isValid() && semaphore.backend() == BackendApi::kVulkan) {
177 fWaitSemaphores.push_back(semaphore.getVkSemaphore());
178 }
179 }
182void VulkanCommandBuffer::addSignalSemaphores(size_t numSignalSemaphores,
183 const BackendSemaphore* signalSemaphores) {
184 if (!signalSemaphores) {
185 SkASSERT(numSignalSemaphores == 0);
186 return;
187 }
189 for (size_t i = 0; i < numSignalSemaphores; ++i) {
190 auto& semaphore = signalSemaphores[i];
191 if (semaphore.isValid() && semaphore.backend() == BackendApi::kVulkan) {
192 fSignalSemaphores.push_back(semaphore.getVkSemaphore());
193 }
194 }
197void VulkanCommandBuffer::prepareSurfaceForStateUpdate(SkSurface* targetSurface,
198 const MutableTextureState* newState) {
199 TextureProxy* textureProxy = static_cast<Surface*>(targetSurface)->backingTextureProxy();
200 VulkanTexture* texture = static_cast<VulkanTexture*>(textureProxy->texture());
202 // Even though internally we use this helper for getting src access flags and stages they
203 // can also be used for general dst flags since we don't know exactly what the client
204 // plans on using the image for.
206 if (newLayout == VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED) {
207 newLayout = texture->currentLayout();
208 }
212 uint32_t currentQueueFamilyIndex = texture->currentQueueFamilyIndex();
213 uint32_t newQueueFamilyIndex = skgpu::MutableTextureStates::GetVkQueueFamilyIndex(newState);
214 auto isSpecialQueue = [](uint32_t queueFamilyIndex) {
215 return queueFamilyIndex == VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_EXTERNAL ||
216 queueFamilyIndex == VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_FOREIGN_EXT;
217 };
218 if (isSpecialQueue(currentQueueFamilyIndex) && isSpecialQueue(newQueueFamilyIndex)) {
219 // It is illegal to have both the new and old queue be special queue families (i.e. external
220 // or foreign).
221 return;
222 }
224 texture->setImageLayoutAndQueueIndex(this,
225 newLayout,
226 dstAccess,
227 dstStage,
228 false,
229 newQueueFamilyIndex);
232static bool submit_to_queue(const VulkanSharedContext* sharedContext,
233 VkQueue queue,
234 VkFence fence,
235 uint32_t waitCount,
236 const VkSemaphore* waitSemaphores,
237 const VkPipelineStageFlags* waitStages,
238 uint32_t commandBufferCount,
239 const VkCommandBuffer* commandBuffers,
240 uint32_t signalCount,
241 const VkSemaphore* signalSemaphores,
242 Protected protectedContext) {
243 VkProtectedSubmitInfo protectedSubmitInfo;
244 if (protectedContext == Protected::kYes) {
245 memset(&protectedSubmitInfo, 0, sizeof(VkProtectedSubmitInfo));
247 protectedSubmitInfo.pNext = nullptr;
248 protectedSubmitInfo.protectedSubmit = VK_TRUE;
249 }
251 VkSubmitInfo submitInfo;
252 memset(&submitInfo, 0, sizeof(VkSubmitInfo));
254 submitInfo.pNext = protectedContext == Protected::kYes ? &protectedSubmitInfo : nullptr;
255 submitInfo.waitSemaphoreCount = waitCount;
256 submitInfo.pWaitSemaphores = waitSemaphores;
257 submitInfo.pWaitDstStageMask = waitStages;
258 submitInfo.commandBufferCount = commandBufferCount;
259 submitInfo.pCommandBuffers = commandBuffers;
260 submitInfo.signalSemaphoreCount = signalCount;
261 submitInfo.pSignalSemaphores = signalSemaphores;
263 VULKAN_CALL_RESULT(sharedContext, result, QueueSubmit(queue, 1, &submitInfo, fence));
264 return result == VK_SUCCESS;
268 this->end();
270 auto device = fSharedContext->device();
271 VkResult err;
273 if (fSubmitFence == VK_NULL_HANDLE) {
274 VkFenceCreateInfo fenceInfo;
275 memset(&fenceInfo, 0, sizeof(VkFenceCreateInfo));
278 fSharedContext, err, CreateFence(device, &fenceInfo, nullptr, &fSubmitFence));
279 if (err) {
280 fSubmitFence = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
281 return false;
282 }
283 } else {
284 // This cannot return DEVICE_LOST so we assert we succeeded.
285 VULKAN_CALL_RESULT(fSharedContext, err, ResetFences(device, 1, &fSubmitFence));
286 SkASSERT(err == VK_SUCCESS);
287 }
289 SkASSERT(fSubmitFence != VK_NULL_HANDLE);
290 int waitCount = fWaitSemaphores.size();
291 TArray<VkPipelineStageFlags> vkWaitStages(waitCount);
292 for (int i = 0; i < waitCount; ++i) {
295 }
297 bool submitted = submit_to_queue(fSharedContext,
298 queue,
299 fSubmitFence,
300 waitCount,
301 fWaitSemaphores.data(),
302 vkWaitStages.data(),
303 /*commandBufferCount*/ 1,
304 &fPrimaryCommandBuffer,
305 fSignalSemaphores.size(),
306 fSignalSemaphores.data(),
307 fSharedContext->isProtected());
308 fWaitSemaphores.clear();
309 fSignalSemaphores.clear();
310 if (!submitted) {
311 // Destroy the fence or else we will try to wait forever for it to finish.
312 VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(), DestroyFence(device, fSubmitFence, nullptr));
313 fSubmitFence = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
314 return false;
315 }
316 return true;
320 SkASSERT(!fActive);
321 if (VK_NULL_HANDLE == fSubmitFence) {
322 return true;
323 }
325 VkResult err;
326 VULKAN_CALL_RESULT_NOCHECK(fSharedContext->interface(), err,
327 GetFenceStatus(fSharedContext->device(), fSubmitFence));
328 switch (err) {
329 case VK_SUCCESS:
331 return true;
333 case VK_NOT_READY:
334 return false;
336 default:
337 SKGPU_LOG_F("Error calling vkGetFenceStatus. Error: %d", err);
338 SK_ABORT("Got an invalid fence status");
339 return false;
340 }
344 if (fSubmitFence == VK_NULL_HANDLE) {
345 return;
346 }
347 VULKAN_CALL_ERRCHECK(fSharedContext,
348 WaitForFences(fSharedContext->device(),
349 1,
350 &fSubmitFence,
351 /*waitAll=*/true,
352 /*timeout=*/UINT64_MAX));
355void VulkanCommandBuffer::updateRtAdjustUniform(const SkRect& viewport) {
356 SkASSERT(fActive && !fActiveRenderPass);
358 // Vulkan's framebuffer space has (0, 0) at the top left. This agrees with Skia's device coords.
359 // However, in NDC (-1, -1) is the bottom left. So we flip the origin here (assuming all
360 // surfaces we have are TopLeft origin). We then store the adjustment values as a uniform.
361 const float x = viewport.x() - fReplayTranslation.x();
362 const float y = viewport.y() - fReplayTranslation.y();
363 float invTwoW = 2.f / viewport.width();
364 float invTwoH = 2.f / viewport.height();
365 const float rtAdjust[4] = {invTwoW, invTwoH, -1.f - x * invTwoW, -1.f - y * invTwoH};
367 sk_sp<Buffer> intrinsicUniformBuffer = fResourceProvider->refIntrinsicConstantBuffer();
368 const VulkanBuffer* intrinsicVulkanBuffer =
369 static_cast<VulkanBuffer*>(intrinsicUniformBuffer.get());
370 SkASSERT(intrinsicVulkanBuffer);
373 {intrinsicUniformBuffer.get(), /*offset=*/0},
376 this->updateBuffer(intrinsicVulkanBuffer,
377 &rtAdjust,
380 // Ensure the buffer update is completed and made visible before reading
381 intrinsicVulkanBuffer->setBufferAccess(this, VK_ACCESS_UNIFORM_READ_BIT,
383 this->trackResource(std::move(intrinsicUniformBuffer));
386bool VulkanCommandBuffer::onAddRenderPass(const RenderPassDesc& renderPassDesc,
387 const Texture* colorTexture,
388 const Texture* resolveTexture,
389 const Texture* depthStencilTexture,
390 SkRect viewport,
391 const DrawPassList& drawPasses) {
392 for (const auto& drawPass : drawPasses) {
393 // Our current implementation of setting texture image layouts does not allow layout changes
394 // once we have already begun a render pass, so prior to any other commands, set the layout
395 // of all sampled textures from the drawpass so they can be sampled from the shader.
396 const skia_private::TArray<sk_sp<TextureProxy>>& sampledTextureProxies =
397 drawPass->sampledTextures();
398 for (const sk_sp<TextureProxy>& textureProxy : sampledTextureProxies) {
399 VulkanTexture* vulkanTexture = const_cast<VulkanTexture*>(
400 static_cast<const VulkanTexture*>(
401 textureProxy->texture()));
402 vulkanTexture->setImageLayout(this,
406 false);
407 this->submitPipelineBarriers();
408 }
409 }
411 this->updateRtAdjustUniform(viewport);
412 this->setViewport(viewport);
414 if (!this->beginRenderPass(renderPassDesc, colorTexture, resolveTexture, depthStencilTexture)) {
415 return false;
416 }
418 for (const auto& drawPass : drawPasses) {
419 this->addDrawPass(drawPass.get());
420 }
422 this->endRenderPass();
423 return true;
426bool VulkanCommandBuffer::updateLoadMSAAVertexBuffer() {
427 const Buffer* vertexBuffer = fResourceProvider->loadMSAAVertexBuffer();
428 if (!vertexBuffer) {
429 return false;
430 }
431 const VulkanBuffer* vulkanVertexBuffer = static_cast<const VulkanBuffer*>(vertexBuffer);
432 SkASSERT(vulkanVertexBuffer->bufferUsageFlags() & VK_BUFFER_USAGE_VERTEX_BUFFER_BIT);
434 // Determine vertices in NDC. TODO: When only wanting to draw a portion of the resolve
435 // texture, these values will need to be dynamically determined. For now, simply span the
436 // range of NDC since we want to reference the entire resolve texture.
437 static constexpr float kVertices[8] = { 1.f, 1.f,
438 1.f, -1.f,
439 -1.f, 1.f,
440 -1.f, -1.f };
441 this->updateBuffer(vulkanVertexBuffer,
442 &kVertices,
445 // Ensure the buffer update is completed and made visible before reading
446 vulkanVertexBuffer->setBufferAccess(this, VK_ACCESS_VERTEX_ATTRIBUTE_READ_BIT,
449 return true;
452bool VulkanCommandBuffer::updateAndBindLoadMSAAInputAttachment(const VulkanTexture& resolveTexture)
454 // Fetch a descriptor set that contains one input attachment
455 STArray<1, DescriptorData> inputDescriptors =
457 sk_sp<VulkanDescriptorSet> set = fResourceProvider->findOrCreateDescriptorSet(
458 SkSpan<DescriptorData>{&inputDescriptors.front(), inputDescriptors.size()});
459 if (!set) {
460 return false;
461 }
463 VkDescriptorImageInfo textureInfo;
464 memset(&textureInfo, 0, sizeof(VkDescriptorImageInfo));
465 textureInfo.sampler = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
466 textureInfo.imageView =
467 resolveTexture.getImageView(VulkanImageView::Usage::kAttachment)->imageView();
468 textureInfo.imageLayout = resolveTexture.currentLayout();
470 VkWriteDescriptorSet writeInfo;
471 memset(&writeInfo, 0, sizeof(VkWriteDescriptorSet));
473 writeInfo.pNext = nullptr;
474 writeInfo.dstSet = *set->descriptorSet();
476 writeInfo.dstArrayElement = 0;
477 writeInfo.descriptorCount = 1;
479 writeInfo.pImageInfo = &textureInfo;
480 writeInfo.pBufferInfo = nullptr;
481 writeInfo.pTexelBufferView = nullptr;
483 VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(),
484 UpdateDescriptorSets(fSharedContext->device(),
485 /*descriptorWriteCount=*/1,
486 &writeInfo,
487 /*descriptorCopyCount=*/0,
488 /*pDescriptorCopies=*/nullptr));
490 VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(),
491 CmdBindDescriptorSets(fPrimaryCommandBuffer,
493 fActiveGraphicsPipeline->layout(),
495 /*setCount=*/1,
496 set->descriptorSet(),
497 /*dynamicOffsetCount=*/0,
498 /*dynamicOffsets=*/nullptr));
500 this->trackResource(std::move(set));
501 return true;
504bool VulkanCommandBuffer::loadMSAAFromResolve(const RenderPassDesc& renderPassDesc,
505 VulkanTexture& resolveTexture,
506 SkISize dstDimensions) {
507 sk_sp<VulkanGraphicsPipeline> loadPipeline =
508 fResourceProvider->findOrCreateLoadMSAAPipeline(renderPassDesc);
509 if (!loadPipeline) {
510 SKGPU_LOG_E("Unable to create pipeline to load resolve texture into MSAA attachment");
511 return false;
512 }
514 this->bindGraphicsPipeline(loadPipeline.get());
515 // Make sure we do not attempt to bind uniform or texture/sampler descriptors because we do
516 // not use them for loading MSAA from resolve.
517 fBindUniformBuffers = false;
518 fBindTextureSamplers = false;
520 this->setScissor(/*left=*/0, /*top=*/0, dstDimensions.width(), dstDimensions.height());
522 if (!this->updateAndBindLoadMSAAInputAttachment(resolveTexture)) {
523 SKGPU_LOG_E("Unable to update and bind an input attachment descriptor for loading MSAA "
524 "from resolve");
525 return false;
526 }
528 SkASSERT(fResourceProvider->loadMSAAVertexBuffer());
529 this->bindVertexBuffers(fResourceProvider->loadMSAAVertexBuffer(),
530 /*vertexOffset=*/0,
531 /*instanceBuffer=*/nullptr,
532 /*instanceOffset=*/0);
534 this->draw(PrimitiveType::kTriangleStrip, /*baseVertex=*/0, /*vertexCount=*/4);
535 this->nextSubpass();
537 // If we loaded the resolve attachment, then we would have set the image layout to be
538 // VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_SHADER_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL so that it could be used at the start as an
539 // input attachment. However, when we switched to the main subpass it will transition the
540 // layout internally to VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL. Thus we need to update our
541 // tracking of the layout to match the new layout.
542 resolveTexture.updateImageLayout(VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL);
544 // After using a distinct descriptor set layout for loading MSAA from resolve, we will need to
545 // (re-)bind any descriptor sets.
546 fBindUniformBuffers = true;
547 fBindTextureSamplers = true;
548 return true;
551namespace {
552void setup_texture_layouts(VulkanCommandBuffer* cmdBuf,
553 VulkanTexture* colorTexture,
554 VulkanTexture* resolveTexture,
555 VulkanTexture* depthStencilTexture,
556 bool loadMSAAFromResolve) {
557 if (colorTexture) {
558 colorTexture->setImageLayout(cmdBuf,
563 /*byRegion=*/false);
564 if (resolveTexture) {
565 if (loadMSAAFromResolve) {
566 // When loading MSAA from resolve, the texture is used in the first subpass as an
567 // input attachment. Subsequent subpass(es) need the resolve texture to provide read
568 // access to the color attachment (for use cases such as blending), so add access
569 // and pipeline stage flags for both usages.
570 resolveTexture->setImageLayout(cmdBuf,
576 /*byRegion=*/false);
577 } else {
578 resolveTexture->setImageLayout(cmdBuf,
583 /*byRegion=*/false);
584 }
585 }
586 }
587 if (depthStencilTexture) {
588 depthStencilTexture->setImageLayout(cmdBuf,
593 /*byRegion=*/false);
594 }
597void track_attachments(VulkanCommandBuffer* cmdBuf,
598 VulkanTexture* colorTexture,
599 VulkanTexture* resolveTexture,
600 VulkanTexture* depthStencilTexture) {
601 if (colorTexture) {
602 cmdBuf->trackResource(sk_ref_sp(colorTexture));
603 }
604 if (resolveTexture){
605 cmdBuf->trackResource(sk_ref_sp(resolveTexture));
606 }
607 if (depthStencilTexture) {
608 cmdBuf->trackResource(sk_ref_sp(depthStencilTexture));
609 }
612void gather_attachment_views(skia_private::TArray<VkImageView>& attachmentViews,
613 VulkanTexture* colorTexture,
614 VulkanTexture* resolveTexture,
615 VulkanTexture* depthStencilTexture) {
616 if (colorTexture) {
617 VkImageView& colorAttachmentView = attachmentViews.push_back();
618 colorAttachmentView =
619 colorTexture->getImageView(VulkanImageView::Usage::kAttachment)->imageView();
621 if (resolveTexture) {
622 VkImageView& resolveView = attachmentViews.push_back();
623 resolveView =
624 resolveTexture->getImageView(VulkanImageView::Usage::kAttachment)->imageView();
625 }
626 }
628 if (depthStencilTexture) {
629 VkImageView& stencilView = attachmentViews.push_back();
630 stencilView =
631 depthStencilTexture->getImageView(VulkanImageView::Usage::kAttachment)->imageView();
632 }
635void gather_clear_values(
637 const RenderPassDesc& renderPassDesc,
638 VulkanTexture* colorTexture,
639 VulkanTexture* depthStencilTexture,
640 int depthStencilAttachmentIdx) {
642 if (colorTexture) {
643 VkClearValue& colorAttachmentClear =
645 memset(&colorAttachmentClear, 0, sizeof(VkClearValue));
646 colorAttachmentClear.color = {{renderPassDesc.fClearColor[0],
647 renderPassDesc.fClearColor[1],
648 renderPassDesc.fClearColor[2],
649 renderPassDesc.fClearColor[3]}};
650 }
651 // Resolve texture does not have a clear value
652 if (depthStencilTexture) {
653 VkClearValue& depthStencilAttachmentClear = clearValues.at(depthStencilAttachmentIdx);
654 memset(&depthStencilAttachmentClear, 0, sizeof(VkClearValue));
655 depthStencilAttachmentClear.depthStencil = {renderPassDesc.fClearDepth,
656 renderPassDesc.fClearStencil};
657 }
660} // anonymous namespace
662bool VulkanCommandBuffer::beginRenderPass(const RenderPassDesc& renderPassDesc,
663 const Texture* colorTexture,
664 const Texture* resolveTexture,
665 const Texture* depthStencilTexture) {
666 // TODO: Check that Textures match RenderPassDesc
667 VulkanTexture* vulkanColorTexture =
668 const_cast<VulkanTexture*>(static_cast<const VulkanTexture*>(colorTexture));
669 VulkanTexture* vulkanResolveTexture =
670 const_cast<VulkanTexture*>(static_cast<const VulkanTexture*>(resolveTexture));
671 VulkanTexture* vulkanDepthStencilTexture =
672 const_cast<VulkanTexture*>(static_cast<const VulkanTexture*>(depthStencilTexture));
674 SkASSERT(resolveTexture ? renderPassDesc.fColorResolveAttachment.fStoreOp == StoreOp::kStore
675 : true);
677 // Determine if we need to load MSAA from resolve, and if so, make certain that key conditions
678 // are met before proceeding.
679 bool loadMSAAFromResolve = renderPassDesc.fColorResolveAttachment.fTextureInfo.isValid() &&
680 renderPassDesc.fColorResolveAttachment.fLoadOp == LoadOp::kLoad;
681 if (loadMSAAFromResolve && (!vulkanResolveTexture || !vulkanColorTexture ||
682 !vulkanResolveTexture->supportsInputAttachmentUsage())) {
683 SKGPU_LOG_E("Cannot begin render pass. In order to load MSAA from resolve, the color "
684 "attachment must have input attachment usage and both the color and resolve "
685 "attachments must be valid.");
686 return false;
687 }
689 track_attachments(this, vulkanColorTexture, vulkanResolveTexture, vulkanDepthStencilTexture);
691 // Before beginning a renderpass, set all textures to the appropriate image layout.
692 setup_texture_layouts(this,
693 vulkanColorTexture,
694 vulkanResolveTexture,
695 vulkanDepthStencilTexture,
696 loadMSAAFromResolve);
698 static constexpr int kMaxNumAttachments = 3;
699 // Gather attachment views neeeded for frame buffer creation.
700 skia_private::TArray<VkImageView> attachmentViews;
701 gather_attachment_views(
702 attachmentViews, vulkanColorTexture, vulkanResolveTexture, vulkanDepthStencilTexture);
704 // Gather clear values needed for RenderPassBeginInfo. Indexed by attachment number.
706 // The depth/stencil attachment can be at attachment index 1 or 2 depending on whether there is
707 // a resolve texture attachment for this renderpass.
708 int depthStencilAttachmentIndex = resolveTexture ? 2 : 1;
709 gather_clear_values(clearValues,
710 renderPassDesc,
711 vulkanColorTexture,
712 vulkanDepthStencilTexture,
713 depthStencilAttachmentIndex);
715 sk_sp<VulkanRenderPass> vulkanRenderPass =
716 fResourceProvider->findOrCreateRenderPass(renderPassDesc, /*compatibleOnly=*/false);
717 if (!vulkanRenderPass) {
718 SKGPU_LOG_W("Could not create Vulkan RenderPass");
719 return false;
720 }
721 this->submitPipelineBarriers();
722 this->trackResource(vulkanRenderPass);
724 int frameBufferWidth = 0;
725 int frameBufferHeight = 0;
726 // TODO: Get frame buffer render area from RenderPassDesc. Account for granularity if it wasn't
727 // already. For now, simply set the render area to be the entire frame buffer.
728 if (colorTexture) {
729 frameBufferWidth = colorTexture->dimensions().width();
730 frameBufferHeight = colorTexture->dimensions().height();
731 } else if (depthStencilTexture) {
732 frameBufferWidth = depthStencilTexture->dimensions().width();
733 frameBufferHeight = depthStencilTexture->dimensions().height();
734 }
735 sk_sp<VulkanFramebuffer> framebuffer = fResourceProvider->createFramebuffer(fSharedContext,
736 attachmentViews,
737 *vulkanRenderPass,
738 frameBufferWidth,
739 frameBufferHeight);
740 if (!framebuffer) {
741 SKGPU_LOG_W("Could not create Vulkan Framebuffer");
742 return false;
743 }
745 VkRenderPassBeginInfo beginInfo;
746 memset(&beginInfo, 0, sizeof(VkRenderPassBeginInfo));
748 beginInfo.pNext = nullptr;
749 beginInfo.renderPass = vulkanRenderPass->renderPass();
750 beginInfo.framebuffer = framebuffer->framebuffer();
751 beginInfo.renderArea = {{ 0, 0 },
752 { (unsigned int) frameBufferWidth, (unsigned int) frameBufferHeight }};
753 beginInfo.clearValueCount = clearValues.size();
754 beginInfo.pClearValues = clearValues.begin();
756 // If loading MSAA from resolve, we need to update and bind a vertex buffer w/ NDC. This entails
757 // take care of some necessary preparations that must be performed while there is not an active
758 // renderpass.
759 if (loadMSAAFromResolve) {
760 // We manually load the contents of the resolve texture into the MSAA attachment as a draw,
761 // so the MSAA attachment's load op should be LoadOp::kDiscard.
762 SkASSERT(renderPassDesc.fColorAttachment.fLoadOp == LoadOp::kDiscard);
763 SkASSERT(!fActiveRenderPass);
764 SkASSERT(resolveTexture);
766 if (!this->updateLoadMSAAVertexBuffer()) {
767 SKGPU_LOG_E("Failed to update vertex buffer for loading MSAA from resolve");
768 return false;
769 }
770 }
772 // Submit pipeline barriers to ensure any image layout transitions are recorded prior to
773 // beginning the render pass.
774 this->submitPipelineBarriers();
775 // TODO: If we add support for secondary command buffers, dynamically determine subpass contents
776 VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(),
777 CmdBeginRenderPass(fPrimaryCommandBuffer,
778 &beginInfo,
780 fActiveRenderPass = true;
782 if (loadMSAAFromResolve && !this->loadMSAAFromResolve(renderPassDesc,
783 *vulkanResolveTexture,
784 vulkanColorTexture->dimensions())) {
785 SKGPU_LOG_E("Failed to load MSAA from resolve");
786 this->endRenderPass();
787 return false;
788 }
790 // Once we have an active render pass, the command buffer should hold on to a frame buffer ref.
791 this->trackResource(std::move(framebuffer));
792 return true;
795void VulkanCommandBuffer::endRenderPass() {
796 SkASSERT(fActive);
797 VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(), CmdEndRenderPass(fPrimaryCommandBuffer));
798 fActiveRenderPass = false;
801void VulkanCommandBuffer::addDrawPass(const DrawPass* drawPass) {
802 drawPass->addResourceRefs(this);
803 for (auto [type, cmdPtr] : drawPass->commands()) {
804 switch (type) {
805 case DrawPassCommands::Type::kBindGraphicsPipeline: {
806 auto bgp = static_cast<DrawPassCommands::BindGraphicsPipeline*>(cmdPtr);
807 this->bindGraphicsPipeline(drawPass->getPipeline(bgp->fPipelineIndex));
808 break;
809 }
810 case DrawPassCommands::Type::kSetBlendConstants: {
811 auto sbc = static_cast<DrawPassCommands::SetBlendConstants*>(cmdPtr);
812 this->setBlendConstants(sbc->fBlendConstants);
813 break;
814 }
815 case DrawPassCommands::Type::kBindUniformBuffer: {
816 auto bub = static_cast<DrawPassCommands::BindUniformBuffer*>(cmdPtr);
817 this->recordBufferBindingInfo(bub->fInfo, bub->fSlot);
818 break;
819 }
820 case DrawPassCommands::Type::kBindDrawBuffers: {
821 auto bdb = static_cast<DrawPassCommands::BindDrawBuffers*>(cmdPtr);
822 this->bindDrawBuffers(
823 bdb->fVertices, bdb->fInstances, bdb->fIndices, bdb->fIndirect);
824 break;
825 }
826 case DrawPassCommands::Type::kBindTexturesAndSamplers: {
827 auto bts = static_cast<DrawPassCommands::BindTexturesAndSamplers*>(cmdPtr);
828 this->recordTextureAndSamplerDescSet(*drawPass, *bts);
829 break;
830 }
831 case DrawPassCommands::Type::kSetScissor: {
832 auto ss = static_cast<DrawPassCommands::SetScissor*>(cmdPtr);
833 const SkIRect& rect = ss->fScissor;
834 this->setScissor(rect.fLeft, rect.fTop, rect.width(), rect.height());
835 break;
836 }
837 case DrawPassCommands::Type::kDraw: {
838 auto draw = static_cast<DrawPassCommands::Draw*>(cmdPtr);
839 this->draw(draw->fType, draw->fBaseVertex, draw->fVertexCount);
840 break;
841 }
842 case DrawPassCommands::Type::kDrawIndexed: {
843 auto draw = static_cast<DrawPassCommands::DrawIndexed*>(cmdPtr);
844 this->drawIndexed(
845 draw->fType, draw->fBaseIndex, draw->fIndexCount, draw->fBaseVertex);
846 break;
847 }
848 case DrawPassCommands::Type::kDrawInstanced: {
849 auto draw = static_cast<DrawPassCommands::DrawInstanced*>(cmdPtr);
850 this->drawInstanced(draw->fType,
851 draw->fBaseVertex,
852 draw->fVertexCount,
853 draw->fBaseInstance,
854 draw->fInstanceCount);
855 break;
856 }
857 case DrawPassCommands::Type::kDrawIndexedInstanced: {
858 auto draw = static_cast<DrawPassCommands::DrawIndexedInstanced*>(cmdPtr);
859 this->drawIndexedInstanced(draw->fType,
860 draw->fBaseIndex,
861 draw->fIndexCount,
862 draw->fBaseVertex,
863 draw->fBaseInstance,
864 draw->fInstanceCount);
865 break;
866 }
867 case DrawPassCommands::Type::kDrawIndirect: {
868 auto draw = static_cast<DrawPassCommands::DrawIndirect*>(cmdPtr);
869 this->drawIndirect(draw->fType);
870 break;
871 }
872 case DrawPassCommands::Type::kDrawIndexedIndirect: {
873 auto draw = static_cast<DrawPassCommands::DrawIndexedIndirect*>(cmdPtr);
874 this->drawIndexedIndirect(draw->fType);
875 break;
876 }
877 }
878 }
881void VulkanCommandBuffer::bindGraphicsPipeline(const GraphicsPipeline* graphicsPipeline) {
882 fActiveGraphicsPipeline = static_cast<const VulkanGraphicsPipeline*>(graphicsPipeline);
883 SkASSERT(fActiveRenderPass);
884 VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(), CmdBindPipeline(fPrimaryCommandBuffer,
886 fActiveGraphicsPipeline->pipeline()));
887 // TODO(b/293924877): Compare pipeline layouts. If 2 pipelines have the same pipeline layout,
888 // then descriptor sets do not need to be re-bound. For now, simply force a re-binding of
889 // descriptor sets with any new bindGraphicsPipeline DrawPassCommand.
890 fBindUniformBuffers = true;
893void VulkanCommandBuffer::setBlendConstants(float* blendConstants) {
894 SkASSERT(fActive);
895 if (0 != memcmp(blendConstants, fCachedBlendConstant, 4 * sizeof(float))) {
896 VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(),
897 CmdSetBlendConstants(fPrimaryCommandBuffer, blendConstants));
898 memcpy(fCachedBlendConstant, blendConstants, 4 * sizeof(float));
899 }
902void VulkanCommandBuffer::recordBufferBindingInfo(const BindUniformBufferInfo& info,
903 UniformSlot slot) {
904 unsigned int bufferIndex = 0;
905 switch (slot) {
908 break;
911 break;
912 default:
913 SkASSERT(false);
914 }
916 fUniformBuffersToBind[bufferIndex] = info;
917 fBindUniformBuffers = true;
920void VulkanCommandBuffer::syncDescriptorSets() {
921 if (fBindUniformBuffers) {
922 this->bindUniformBuffers();
923 // Changes to descriptor sets in lower slot numbers disrupt later set bindings. Currently,
924 // the descriptor set which houses uniform buffers is at a lower slot than the texture /
925 // sampler set, so rebinding uniform buffers necessitates re-binding any texture/samplers.
926 fBindTextureSamplers = true;
927 }
928 if (fBindTextureSamplers) {
929 this->bindTextureSamplers();
930 }
933void VulkanCommandBuffer::bindUniformBuffers() {
934 fBindUniformBuffers = false;
936 // We always bind at least one uniform buffer descriptor for intrinsic uniforms, but can bind
937 // up to three (one for render step uniforms, one for paint uniforms).
940 if (fActiveGraphicsPipeline->hasStepUniforms() &&
941 fUniformBuffersToBind[VulkanGraphicsPipeline::kRenderStepUniformBufferIndex].fBuffer) {
943 }
944 if (fActiveGraphicsPipeline->hasFragmentUniforms() &&
945 fUniformBuffersToBind[VulkanGraphicsPipeline::kPaintUniformBufferIndex].fBuffer) {
947 }
949 sk_sp<VulkanDescriptorSet> descSet = fResourceProvider->findOrCreateUniformBuffersDescriptorSet(
950 descriptors, fUniformBuffersToBind);
951 if (!descSet) {
952 SKGPU_LOG_E("Unable to find or create uniform descriptor set");
953 return;
954 }
955 skia_private::AutoSTMalloc<3, uint32_t> dynamicOffsets(descriptors.size());
956 for (int i = 0; i < descriptors.size(); i++) {
957 int descriptorBindingIndex = descriptors[i].fBindingIndex;
958 SkASSERT(static_cast<unsigned long>(descriptorBindingIndex) < fUniformBuffersToBind.size());
959 const auto& bindInfo = fUniformBuffersToBind[descriptorBindingIndex];
960 dynamicOffsets[i] = bindInfo.fOffset;
961 }
963 VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(),
964 CmdBindDescriptorSets(fPrimaryCommandBuffer,
966 fActiveGraphicsPipeline->layout(),
968 /*setCount=*/1,
969 descSet->descriptorSet(),
970 descriptors.size(),
971 dynamicOffsets.get()));
972 this->trackResource(std::move(descSet));
975void VulkanCommandBuffer::bindDrawBuffers(const BindBufferInfo& vertices,
976 const BindBufferInfo& instances,
977 const BindBufferInfo& indices,
978 const BindBufferInfo& indirect) {
979 this->bindVertexBuffers(vertices.fBuffer,
980 vertices.fOffset,
981 instances.fBuffer,
982 instances.fOffset);
983 this->bindIndexBuffer(indices.fBuffer, indices.fOffset);
984 this->bindIndirectBuffer(indirect.fBuffer, indirect.fOffset);
987void VulkanCommandBuffer::bindVertexBuffers(const Buffer* vertexBuffer,
988 size_t vertexOffset,
989 const Buffer* instanceBuffer,
990 size_t instanceOffset) {
991 this->bindInputBuffer(vertexBuffer, vertexOffset,
993 this->bindInputBuffer(instanceBuffer, instanceOffset,
997void VulkanCommandBuffer::bindInputBuffer(const Buffer* buffer, VkDeviceSize offset,
998 uint32_t binding) {
999 if (buffer) {
1000 VkBuffer vkBuffer = static_cast<const VulkanBuffer*>(buffer)->vkBuffer();
1001 SkASSERT(vkBuffer != VK_NULL_HANDLE);
1002 if (vkBuffer != fBoundInputBuffers[binding] ||
1003 offset != fBoundInputBufferOffsets[binding]) {
1004 VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(),
1005 CmdBindVertexBuffers(fPrimaryCommandBuffer,
1006 binding,
1007 /*bindingCount=*/1,
1008 &vkBuffer,
1009 &offset));
1010 fBoundInputBuffers[binding] = vkBuffer;
1011 fBoundInputBufferOffsets[binding] = offset;
1012 this->trackResource(sk_ref_sp(buffer));
1013 }
1014 }
1017void VulkanCommandBuffer::bindIndexBuffer(const Buffer* indexBuffer, size_t offset) {
1018 if (indexBuffer) {
1019 VkBuffer vkBuffer = static_cast<const VulkanBuffer*>(indexBuffer)->vkBuffer();
1020 SkASSERT(vkBuffer != VK_NULL_HANDLE);
1021 if (vkBuffer != fBoundIndexBuffer || offset != fBoundIndexBufferOffset) {
1022 VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(), CmdBindIndexBuffer(fPrimaryCommandBuffer,
1023 vkBuffer,
1024 offset,
1026 fBoundIndexBuffer = vkBuffer;
1027 fBoundIndexBufferOffset = offset;
1028 this->trackResource(sk_ref_sp(indexBuffer));
1029 }
1030 } else {
1031 fBoundIndexBuffer = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
1032 fBoundIndexBufferOffset = 0;
1033 }
1036void VulkanCommandBuffer::bindIndirectBuffer(const Buffer* indirectBuffer, size_t offset) {
1037 // Indirect buffers are not bound via the command buffer, but specified in the draw cmd.
1038 if (indirectBuffer) {
1039 fBoundIndirectBuffer = static_cast<const VulkanBuffer*>(indirectBuffer)->vkBuffer();
1040 fBoundIndirectBufferOffset = offset;
1041 this->trackResource(sk_ref_sp(indirectBuffer));
1042 } else {
1043 fBoundIndirectBuffer = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
1044 fBoundIndirectBufferOffset = 0;
1045 }
1048void VulkanCommandBuffer::recordTextureAndSamplerDescSet(
1049 const DrawPass& drawPass, const DrawPassCommands::BindTexturesAndSamplers& command) {
1050 if (command.fNumTexSamplers == 0) {
1051 fNumTextureSamplers = 0;
1052 fTextureSamplerDescSetToBind = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
1053 fBindTextureSamplers = false;
1054 return;
1055 }
1056 // Query resource provider to obtain a descriptor set for the texture/samplers
1057 TArray<DescriptorData> descriptors(command.fNumTexSamplers);
1058 for (int i = 0; i < command.fNumTexSamplers; i++) {
1060 /*count=*/1,
1061 /*bindingIdx=*/i,
1063 }
1064 sk_sp<VulkanDescriptorSet> set = fResourceProvider->findOrCreateDescriptorSet(
1065 SkSpan<DescriptorData>{&descriptors.front(), descriptors.size()});
1067 if (!set) {
1068 SKGPU_LOG_E("Unable to find or create descriptor set");
1069 fNumTextureSamplers = 0;
1070 fTextureSamplerDescSetToBind = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
1071 fBindTextureSamplers = false;
1072 return;
1073 }
1074 // Populate the descriptor set with texture/sampler descriptors
1075 TArray<VkWriteDescriptorSet> writeDescriptorSets(command.fNumTexSamplers);
1076 TArray<VkDescriptorImageInfo> descriptorImageInfos(command.fNumTexSamplers);
1077 for (int i = 0; i < command.fNumTexSamplers; ++i) {
1078 auto texture = const_cast<VulkanTexture*>(static_cast<const VulkanTexture*>(
1079 drawPass.getTexture(command.fTextureIndices[i])));
1080 auto sampler = static_cast<const VulkanSampler*>(
1081 drawPass.getSampler(command.fSamplerIndices[i]));
1082 if (!texture || !sampler) {
1083 // TODO(b/294198324): Investigate the root cause for null texture or samplers on
1084 // Ubuntu QuadP400 GPU
1085 SKGPU_LOG_E("Texture and sampler must not be null");
1086 fNumTextureSamplers = 0;
1087 fTextureSamplerDescSetToBind = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
1088 fBindTextureSamplers = false;
1089 return;
1090 }
1092 VkDescriptorImageInfo& textureInfo = descriptorImageInfos.push_back();
1093 memset(&textureInfo, 0, sizeof(VkDescriptorImageInfo));
1094 textureInfo.sampler = sampler->vkSampler();
1095 textureInfo.imageView =
1096 texture->getImageView(VulkanImageView::Usage::kShaderInput)->imageView();
1099 VkWriteDescriptorSet& writeInfo = writeDescriptorSets.push_back();
1100 memset(&writeInfo, 0, sizeof(VkWriteDescriptorSet));
1102 writeInfo.pNext = nullptr;
1103 writeInfo.dstSet = *set->descriptorSet();
1104 writeInfo.dstBinding = i;
1105 writeInfo.dstArrayElement = 0;
1106 writeInfo.descriptorCount = 1;
1108 writeInfo.pImageInfo = &textureInfo;
1109 writeInfo.pBufferInfo = nullptr;
1110 writeInfo.pTexelBufferView = nullptr;
1111 }
1113 VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(), UpdateDescriptorSets(fSharedContext->device(),
1114 command.fNumTexSamplers,
1115 &writeDescriptorSets[0],
1116 /*descriptorCopyCount=*/0,
1117 /*pDescriptorCopies=*/nullptr));
1119 // Store the updated descriptor set to be actually bound later on. This avoids binding and
1120 // potentially having to re-bind in cases where earlier descriptor sets change while going
1121 // through drawpass commands.
1122 fTextureSamplerDescSetToBind = *set->descriptorSet();
1123 fBindTextureSamplers = true;
1124 fNumTextureSamplers = command.fNumTexSamplers;
1125 this->trackResource(std::move(set));
1128void VulkanCommandBuffer::bindTextureSamplers() {
1129 fBindTextureSamplers = false;
1130 if (fTextureSamplerDescSetToBind != VK_NULL_HANDLE &&
1131 fActiveGraphicsPipeline->numTextureSamplers() == fNumTextureSamplers) {
1132 VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(),
1133 CmdBindDescriptorSets(fPrimaryCommandBuffer,
1135 fActiveGraphicsPipeline->layout(),
1137 /*setCount=*/1,
1138 &fTextureSamplerDescSetToBind,
1139 /*dynamicOffsetCount=*/0,
1140 /*dynamicOffsets=*/nullptr));
1141 }
1144void VulkanCommandBuffer::setScissor(unsigned int left, unsigned int top, unsigned int width,
1145 unsigned int height) {
1146 VkRect2D scissor = {
1147 {(int32_t)left, (int32_t)top},
1148 {width, height}
1149 };
1150 VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(),
1151 CmdSetScissor(fPrimaryCommandBuffer,
1152 /*firstScissor=*/0,
1153 /*scissorCount=*/1,
1154 &scissor));
1157void VulkanCommandBuffer::draw(PrimitiveType,
1158 unsigned int baseVertex,
1159 unsigned int vertexCount) {
1160 SkASSERT(fActiveRenderPass);
1161 this->syncDescriptorSets();
1162 // TODO: set primitive type via dynamic state if available
1163 VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(),
1164 CmdDraw(fPrimaryCommandBuffer,
1165 vertexCount,
1166 /*instanceCount=*/1,
1167 baseVertex,
1168 /*firstInstance=*/0));
1171void VulkanCommandBuffer::drawIndexed(PrimitiveType,
1172 unsigned int baseIndex,
1173 unsigned int indexCount,
1174 unsigned int baseVertex) {
1175 SkASSERT(fActiveRenderPass);
1176 this->syncDescriptorSets();
1177 // TODO: set primitive type via dynamic state if available
1178 VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(),
1179 CmdDrawIndexed(fPrimaryCommandBuffer,
1180 indexCount,
1181 /*instanceCount=*/1,
1182 baseIndex,
1183 baseVertex,
1184 /*firstInstance=*/0));
1187void VulkanCommandBuffer::drawInstanced(PrimitiveType,
1188 unsigned int baseVertex,
1189 unsigned int vertexCount,
1190 unsigned int baseInstance,
1191 unsigned int instanceCount) {
1192 SkASSERT(fActiveRenderPass);
1193 this->syncDescriptorSets();
1194 // TODO: set primitive type via dynamic state if available
1195 VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(),
1196 CmdDraw(fPrimaryCommandBuffer,
1197 vertexCount,
1198 instanceCount,
1199 baseVertex,
1200 baseInstance));
1203void VulkanCommandBuffer::drawIndexedInstanced(PrimitiveType,
1204 unsigned int baseIndex,
1205 unsigned int indexCount,
1206 unsigned int baseVertex,
1207 unsigned int baseInstance,
1208 unsigned int instanceCount) {
1209 SkASSERT(fActiveRenderPass);
1210 this->syncDescriptorSets();
1211 // TODO: set primitive type via dynamic state if available
1212 VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(),
1213 CmdDrawIndexed(fPrimaryCommandBuffer,
1214 indexCount,
1215 instanceCount,
1216 baseIndex,
1217 baseVertex,
1218 baseInstance));
1221void VulkanCommandBuffer::drawIndirect(PrimitiveType) {
1222 SkASSERT(fActiveRenderPass);
1223 this->syncDescriptorSets();
1224 // TODO: set primitive type via dynamic state if available
1225 // Currently we can only support doing one indirect draw operation at a time,
1226 // so stride is irrelevant.
1227 VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(),
1228 CmdDrawIndirect(fPrimaryCommandBuffer,
1229 fBoundIndirectBuffer,
1230 fBoundIndirectBufferOffset,
1231 /*drawCount=*/1,
1232 /*stride=*/0));
1235void VulkanCommandBuffer::drawIndexedIndirect(PrimitiveType) {
1236 SkASSERT(fActiveRenderPass);
1237 this->syncDescriptorSets();
1238 // TODO: set primitive type via dynamic state if available
1239 // Currently we can only support doing one indirect draw operation at a time,
1240 // so stride is irrelevant.
1241 VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(),
1242 CmdDrawIndexedIndirect(fPrimaryCommandBuffer,
1243 fBoundIndirectBuffer,
1244 fBoundIndirectBufferOffset,
1245 /*drawCount=*/1,
1246 /*stride=*/0));
1249bool VulkanCommandBuffer::onAddComputePass(DispatchGroupSpan) { return false; }
1251bool VulkanCommandBuffer::onCopyBufferToBuffer(const Buffer* srcBuffer,
1252 size_t srcOffset,
1253 const Buffer* dstBuffer,
1254 size_t dstOffset,
1255 size_t size) {
1256 auto vkSrcBuffer = static_cast<const VulkanBuffer*>(srcBuffer);
1257 auto vkDstBuffer = static_cast<const VulkanBuffer*>(dstBuffer);
1259 SkASSERT(vkSrcBuffer->bufferUsageFlags() & VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT);
1260 SkASSERT(vkDstBuffer->bufferUsageFlags() & VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT);
1263 memset(&region, 0, sizeof(VkBufferCopy));
1264 region.srcOffset = srcOffset;
1265 region.dstOffset = dstOffset;
1266 region.size = size;
1268 this->submitPipelineBarriers();
1270 VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(),
1271 CmdCopyBuffer(fPrimaryCommandBuffer,
1272 vkSrcBuffer->vkBuffer(),
1273 vkDstBuffer->vkBuffer(),
1274 /*regionCount=*/1,
1275 &region));
1277 return true;
1280bool VulkanCommandBuffer::onCopyTextureToBuffer(const Texture* texture,
1281 SkIRect srcRect,
1282 const Buffer* buffer,
1283 size_t bufferOffset,
1284 size_t bufferRowBytes) {
1285 const VulkanTexture* srcTexture = static_cast<const VulkanTexture*>(texture);
1286 auto dstBuffer = static_cast<const VulkanBuffer*>(buffer);
1287 SkASSERT(dstBuffer->bufferUsageFlags() & VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT);
1289 // Obtain the VkFormat of the source texture so we can determine bytes per block.
1290 VulkanTextureInfo srcTextureInfo;
1291 texture->textureInfo().getVulkanTextureInfo(&srcTextureInfo);
1292 size_t bytesPerBlock = VkFormatBytesPerBlock(srcTextureInfo.fFormat);
1294 // Set up copy region
1296 memset(&region, 0, sizeof(VkBufferImageCopy));
1297 region.bufferOffset = bufferOffset;
1298 // Vulkan expects bufferRowLength in texels, not bytes.
1299 region.bufferRowLength = (uint32_t)(bufferRowBytes/bytesPerBlock);
1300 region.bufferImageHeight = 0; // Tightly packed
1301 region.imageSubresource = { VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT, /*mipLevel=*/0, 0, 1 };
1302 region.imageOffset = { srcRect.left(), srcRect.top(), /*z=*/0 };
1303 region.imageExtent = { (uint32_t)srcRect.width(), (uint32_t)srcRect.height(), /*depth=*/1 };
1305 // Enable editing of the source texture so we can change its layout so it can be copied from.
1306 const_cast<VulkanTexture*>(srcTexture)->setImageLayout(this,
1310 false);
1311 // Set current access mask for buffer
1312 const_cast<VulkanBuffer*>(dstBuffer)->setBufferAccess(this,
1316 this->submitPipelineBarriers();
1318 VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(),
1319 CmdCopyImageToBuffer(fPrimaryCommandBuffer,
1320 srcTexture->vkImage(),
1322 dstBuffer->vkBuffer(),
1323 /*regionCount=*/1,
1324 &region));
1325 return true;
1328bool VulkanCommandBuffer::onCopyBufferToTexture(const Buffer* buffer,
1329 const Texture* texture,
1330 const BufferTextureCopyData* copyData,
1331 int count) {
1332 auto srcBuffer = static_cast<const VulkanBuffer*>(buffer);
1333 SkASSERT(srcBuffer->bufferUsageFlags() & VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT);
1334 const VulkanTexture* dstTexture = static_cast<const VulkanTexture*>(texture);
1336 // Obtain the VkFormat of the destination texture so we can determine bytes per block.
1337 VulkanTextureInfo dstTextureInfo;
1338 dstTexture->textureInfo().getVulkanTextureInfo(&dstTextureInfo);
1339 size_t bytesPerBlock = VkFormatBytesPerBlock(dstTextureInfo.fFormat);
1340 SkISize oneBlockDims = CompressedDimensions(dstTexture->textureInfo().compressionType(),
1341 {1, 1});
1343 // Set up copy regions.
1345 for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
1346 VkBufferImageCopy& region = regions.push_back();
1347 memset(&region, 0, sizeof(VkBufferImageCopy));
1348 region.bufferOffset = copyData[i].fBufferOffset;
1349 // copyData provides row length in bytes, but Vulkan expects bufferRowLength in texels.
1350 // For compressed this is the number of logical pixels not the number of blocks.
1351 region.bufferRowLength =
1352 (uint32_t)((copyData[i].fBufferRowBytes/bytesPerBlock) * oneBlockDims.fWidth);
1353 region.bufferImageHeight = 0; // Tightly packed
1354 region.imageSubresource = { VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT, copyData[i].fMipLevel, 0, 1 };
1355 region.imageOffset = { copyData[i].fRect.left(),
1356 copyData[i].fRect.top(),
1357 /*z=*/0 };
1358 region.imageExtent = { (uint32_t)copyData[i].fRect.width(),
1359 (uint32_t)copyData[i].fRect.height(),
1360 /*depth=*/1 };
1361 }
1363 // Enable editing of the destination texture so we can change its layout so it can be copied to.
1364 const_cast<VulkanTexture*>(dstTexture)->setImageLayout(this,
1368 false);
1370 this->submitPipelineBarriers();
1372 VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(),
1373 CmdCopyBufferToImage(fPrimaryCommandBuffer,
1374 srcBuffer->vkBuffer(),
1375 dstTexture->vkImage(),
1377 regions.size(),
1378 regions.begin()));
1379 return true;
1382bool VulkanCommandBuffer::onCopyTextureToTexture(const Texture* src,
1383 SkIRect srcRect,
1384 const Texture* dst,
1385 SkIPoint dstPoint,
1386 int mipLevel) {
1387 const VulkanTexture* srcTexture = static_cast<const VulkanTexture*>(src);
1388 const VulkanTexture* dstTexture = static_cast<const VulkanTexture*>(dst);
1390 VkImageCopy copyRegion;
1391 memset(&copyRegion, 0, sizeof(VkImageCopy));
1392 copyRegion.srcSubresource = { VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT, 0, 0, 1 };
1393 copyRegion.srcOffset = { srcRect.fLeft, srcRect.fTop, 0 };
1394 copyRegion.dstSubresource = { VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT, (uint32_t)mipLevel, 0, 1 };
1395 copyRegion.dstOffset = { dstPoint.fX, dstPoint.fY, 0 };
1396 copyRegion.extent = { (uint32_t)srcRect.width(), (uint32_t)srcRect.height(), 1 };
1398 // Enable editing of the src texture so we can change its layout so it can be copied from.
1399 const_cast<VulkanTexture*>(srcTexture)->setImageLayout(this,
1403 false);
1404 // Enable editing of the destination texture so we can change its layout so it can be copied to.
1405 const_cast<VulkanTexture*>(dstTexture)->setImageLayout(this,
1409 false);
1411 this->submitPipelineBarriers();
1413 VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(),
1414 CmdCopyImage(fPrimaryCommandBuffer,
1415 srcTexture->vkImage(),
1417 dstTexture->vkImage(),
1419 /*regionCount=*/1,
1420 &copyRegion));
1422 return true;
1425bool VulkanCommandBuffer::onSynchronizeBufferToCpu(const Buffer* buffer, bool* outDidResultInWork) {
1426 static_cast<const VulkanBuffer*>(buffer)->setBufferAccess(this,
1430 *outDidResultInWork = true;
1431 return true;
1434bool VulkanCommandBuffer::onClearBuffer(const Buffer*, size_t offset, size_t size) {
1435 return false;
1439 VkPipelineStageFlags srcStageMask,
1440 VkPipelineStageFlags dstStageMask,
1441 VkBufferMemoryBarrier* barrier) {
1443 this->pipelineBarrier(resource,
1444 srcStageMask,
1445 dstStageMask,
1446 /*byRegion=*/false,
1447 kBufferMemory_BarrierType,
1448 barrier);
1452 VkPipelineStageFlags dstStageMask,
1453 VkBufferMemoryBarrier* barrier) {
1454 // We don't pass in a resource here to the command buffer. The command buffer only is using it
1455 // to hold a ref, but every place where we add a buffer memory barrier we are doing some other
1456 // command with the buffer on the command buffer. Thus those other commands will already cause
1457 // the command buffer to be holding a ref to the buffer.
1458 this->pipelineBarrier(/*resource=*/nullptr,
1459 srcStageMask,
1460 dstStageMask,
1461 /*byRegion=*/false,
1462 kBufferMemory_BarrierType,
1463 barrier);
1467 VkPipelineStageFlags srcStageMask,
1468 VkPipelineStageFlags dstStageMask,
1469 bool byRegion,
1470 VkImageMemoryBarrier* barrier) {
1472 this->pipelineBarrier(resource,
1473 srcStageMask,
1474 dstStageMask,
1475 byRegion,
1476 kImageMemory_BarrierType,
1477 barrier);
1480void VulkanCommandBuffer::pipelineBarrier(const Resource* resource,
1481 VkPipelineStageFlags srcStageMask,
1482 VkPipelineStageFlags dstStageMask,
1483 bool byRegion,
1484 BarrierType barrierType,
1485 void* barrier) {
1486 // TODO: Do we need to handle wrapped command buffers?
1487 // SkASSERT(!this->isWrapped());
1488 SkASSERT(fActive);
1489#ifdef SK_DEBUG
1490 // For images we can have barriers inside of render passes but they require us to add more
1491 // support in subpasses which need self dependencies to have barriers inside them. Also, we can
1492 // never have buffer barriers inside of a render pass. For now we will just assert that we are
1493 // not in a render pass.
1494 bool isValidSubpassBarrier = false;
1495 if (barrierType == kImageMemory_BarrierType) {
1496 VkImageMemoryBarrier* imgBarrier = static_cast<VkImageMemoryBarrier*>(barrier);
1497 isValidSubpassBarrier = (imgBarrier->newLayout == imgBarrier->oldLayout) &&
1500 byRegion;
1501 }
1502 SkASSERT(!fActiveRenderPass || isValidSubpassBarrier);
1505 if (barrierType == kBufferMemory_BarrierType) {
1506 const VkBufferMemoryBarrier* barrierPtr = static_cast<VkBufferMemoryBarrier*>(barrier);
1507 fBufferBarriers.push_back(*barrierPtr);
1508 } else {
1509 SkASSERT(barrierType == kImageMemory_BarrierType);
1510 const VkImageMemoryBarrier* barrierPtr = static_cast<VkImageMemoryBarrier*>(barrier);
1511 // We need to check if we are adding a pipeline barrier that covers part of the same
1512 // subresource range as a barrier that is already in current batch. If it does, then we must
1513 // submit the first batch because the vulkan spec does not define a specific ordering for
1514 // barriers submitted in the same batch.
1515 // TODO: Look if we can gain anything by merging barriers together instead of submitting
1516 // the old ones.
1517 for (int i = 0; i < fImageBarriers.size(); ++i) {
1518 VkImageMemoryBarrier& currentBarrier = fImageBarriers[i];
1519 if (barrierPtr->image == currentBarrier.image) {
1520 const VkImageSubresourceRange newRange = barrierPtr->subresourceRange;
1521 const VkImageSubresourceRange oldRange = currentBarrier.subresourceRange;
1522 SkASSERT(newRange.aspectMask == oldRange.aspectMask);
1523 SkASSERT(newRange.baseArrayLayer == oldRange.baseArrayLayer);
1524 SkASSERT(newRange.layerCount == oldRange.layerCount);
1525 uint32_t newStart = newRange.baseMipLevel;
1526 uint32_t newEnd = newRange.baseMipLevel + newRange.levelCount - 1;
1527 uint32_t oldStart = oldRange.baseMipLevel;
1528 uint32_t oldEnd = oldRange.baseMipLevel + oldRange.levelCount - 1;
1529 if (std::max(newStart, oldStart) <= std::min(newEnd, oldEnd)) {
1530 this->submitPipelineBarriers();
1531 break;
1532 }
1533 }
1534 }
1535 fImageBarriers.push_back(*barrierPtr);
1536 }
1537 fBarriersByRegion |= byRegion;
1538 fSrcStageMask = fSrcStageMask | srcStageMask;
1539 fDstStageMask = fDstStageMask | dstStageMask;
1541 if (resource) {
1542 this->trackResource(sk_ref_sp(resource));
1543 }
1544 if (fActiveRenderPass) {
1545 this->submitPipelineBarriers(true);
1546 }
1549void VulkanCommandBuffer::submitPipelineBarriers(bool forSelfDependency) {
1550 SkASSERT(fActive);
1552 // TODO: Do we need to handle SecondaryCommandBuffers as well?
1554 // Currently we never submit a pipeline barrier without at least one buffer or image barrier.
1555 if (fBufferBarriers.size() || fImageBarriers.size()) {
1556 // For images we can have barriers inside of render passes but they require us to add more
1557 // support in subpasses which need self dependencies to have barriers inside them. Also, we
1558 // can never have buffer barriers inside of a render pass. For now we will just assert that
1559 // we are not in a render pass.
1560 SkASSERT(!fActiveRenderPass || forSelfDependency);
1561 // TODO: Do we need to handle wrapped CommandBuffers?
1562 // SkASSERT(!this->isWrapped());
1563 SkASSERT(fSrcStageMask && fDstStageMask);
1565 VkDependencyFlags dependencyFlags = fBarriersByRegion ? VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT : 0;
1566 VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(),
1567 CmdPipelineBarrier(fPrimaryCommandBuffer, fSrcStageMask, fDstStageMask,
1568 dependencyFlags,
1569 /*memoryBarrierCount=*/0, /*pMemoryBarrier=*/nullptr,
1570 fBufferBarriers.size(), fBufferBarriers.begin(),
1571 fImageBarriers.size(), fImageBarriers.begin()));
1572 fBufferBarriers.clear();
1573 fImageBarriers.clear();
1574 fBarriersByRegion = false;
1575 fSrcStageMask = 0;
1576 fDstStageMask = 0;
1577 }
1578 SkASSERT(!fBufferBarriers.size());
1579 SkASSERT(!fImageBarriers.size());
1580 SkASSERT(!fBarriersByRegion);
1581 SkASSERT(!fSrcStageMask);
1582 SkASSERT(!fDstStageMask);
1585void VulkanCommandBuffer::updateBuffer(const VulkanBuffer* buffer,
1586 const void* data,
1587 size_t dataSize,
1588 size_t dstOffset) {
1589 // vkCmdUpdateBuffer can only be called outside of a render pass.
1590 SkASSERT(fActive && !fActiveRenderPass);
1591 if (!buffer || buffer->vkBuffer() == VK_NULL_HANDLE) {
1592 SKGPU_LOG_W("VulkanCommandBuffer::updateBuffer requires a valid VulkanBuffer pointer backed"
1593 "by a valid VkBuffer handle");
1594 return;
1595 }
1597 // Per the spec, vkCmdUpdateBuffer is treated as a “transfer" operation for the purposes of
1598 // synchronization barriers. Ensure this write operation occurs after any previous read
1599 // operations and without clobbering any other write operations on the same memory in the cache.
1601 this->submitPipelineBarriers();
1603 VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(), CmdUpdateBuffer(fPrimaryCommandBuffer,
1604 buffer->vkBuffer(),
1605 dstOffset,
1606 dataSize,
1607 data));
1610void VulkanCommandBuffer::nextSubpass() {
1611 // TODO: Use VK_SUBPASS_CONTENTS_SECONDARY_COMMAND_BUFFERS if we add secondary cmd buffers
1612 VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(),
1613 CmdNextSubpass(fPrimaryCommandBuffer, VK_SUBPASS_CONTENTS_INLINE));
1616void VulkanCommandBuffer::setViewport(const SkRect& viewport) {
1617 VkViewport vkViewport = {
1618 viewport.fLeft,
1619 viewport.fTop,
1620 viewport.width(),
1621 viewport.height(),
1622 0.0f, // minDepth
1623 1.0f, // maxDepth
1624 };
1625 VULKAN_CALL(fSharedContext->interface(),
1626 CmdSetViewport(fPrimaryCommandBuffer,
1627 /*firstViewport=*/0,
1628 /*viewportCount=*/1,
1629 &vkViewport));
1632} // namespace skgpu::graphite
AutoreleasePool pool
static void info(const char *fmt,...) SK_PRINTF_LIKE(1
Definition: DM.cpp:213
SkRect fRect
Definition: FillRRectOp.cpp:73
int count
Definition: FontMgrTest.cpp:50
#define SKGPU_LOG_E(fmt,...)
Definition: Log.h:38
#define SKGPU_LOG_W(fmt,...)
Definition: Log.h:40
#define SKGPU_LOG_F(fmt,...)
Definition: Log.h:36
#define SK_ABORT(message,...)
Definition: SkAssert.h:70
#define SkASSERT(cond)
Definition: SkAssert.h:116
static SkString resource(SkPDFResourceType type, int index)
sk_sp< T > sk_ref_sp(T *obj)
Definition: SkRefCnt.h:381
static void draw(SkCanvas *canvas, SkRect &target, int x, int y)
Definition: aaclip.cpp:27
GLenum type
T * get() const
Definition: SkRefCnt.h:303
void trackResource(sk_sp< Resource > resource)
void addBufferMemoryBarrier(const Resource *resource, VkPipelineStageFlags srcStageMask, VkPipelineStageFlags dstStageMask, VkBufferMemoryBarrier *barrier)
void addImageMemoryBarrier(const Resource *, VkPipelineStageFlags srcStageMask, VkPipelineStageFlags dstStageMask, bool byRegion, VkImageMemoryBarrier *barrier)
static std::unique_ptr< VulkanCommandBuffer > Make(const VulkanSharedContext *, VulkanResourceProvider *)
static constexpr unsigned int kPaintUniformBufferIndex
static constexpr unsigned int kInputAttachmentBindingIndex
static const DescriptorData kRenderStepUniformDescriptor
static constexpr unsigned int kInstanceBufferIndex
static const DescriptorData kInputAttachmentDescriptor
static const DescriptorData kIntrinsicUniformBufferDescriptor
static constexpr unsigned int kInputAttachmentDescSetIndex
static constexpr unsigned int kVertexBufferIndex
static constexpr unsigned int kIntrinsicUniformBufferIndex
static constexpr unsigned int kRenderStepUniformBufferIndex
static const DescriptorData kPaintUniformDescriptor
static constexpr unsigned int kTextureBindDescSetIndex
static constexpr unsigned int kUniformBufferDescSetIndex
static constexpr int kColorAttachmentIdx
static constexpr int kMaxExpectedAttachmentCount
const skgpu::VulkanInterface * interface() const
static VkAccessFlags LayoutToSrcAccessMask(const VkImageLayout layout)
static VkPipelineStageFlags LayoutToPipelineSrcStageFlags(const VkImageLayout layout)
T * push_back_n(int n)
Definition: SkTArray.h:267
int size() const
Definition: SkTArray.h:421
static void Draw(SkCanvas *canvas, const SkRect &rect)
static const char * begin(const StringSlice &s)
Definition: editor.cpp:252
VkDevice device
Definition: main.cc:53
VkQueue queue
Definition: main.cc:55
glong glong end
GAsyncResult * result
static float max(float r, float g, float b)
Definition: hsl.cpp:49
static float min(float r, float g, float b)
Definition: hsl.cpp:48
FlTexture * texture
double y
double x
ClipOpAndAA opAA SkRegion region
Definition: SkRecords.h:238
sk_sp< SkBlender > blender SkRect rect
Definition: SkRecords.h:350
DEF_SWITCHES_START aot vmservice shared library Name of the *so containing AOT compiled Dart assets for launching the service isolate vm snapshot The VM snapshot data that will be memory mapped as read only SnapshotAssetPath must be present isolate snapshot The isolate snapshot data that will be memory mapped as read only SnapshotAssetPath must be present cache dir Path to the cache directory This is different from the persistent_cache_path in embedder which is used for Skia shader cache icu native lib Path to the library file that exports the ICU data vm service The hostname IP address on which the Dart VM Service should be served If not defaults to or::depending on whether ipv6 is specified vm service A custom Dart VM Service port The default is to pick a randomly available open port disable vm Disable the Dart VM Service The Dart VM Service is never available in release mode disable vm service Disable mDNS Dart VM Service publication Bind to the IPv6 localhost address for the Dart VM Service Ignored if vm service host is set endless trace buffer
Definition: switches.h:126
it will be possible to load the file into Perfetto s trace viewer disable asset Prevents usage of any non test fonts unless they were explicitly Loaded via prefetched default font Indicates whether the embedding started a prefetch of the default font manager before creating the engine run In non interactive keep the shell running after the Dart script has completed enable serial On low power devices with low core running concurrent GC tasks on threads can cause them to contend with the UI thread which could potentially lead to jank This option turns off all concurrent GC activities domain network JSON encoded network policy per domain This overrides the DisallowInsecureConnections switch Embedder can specify whether to allow or disallow insecure connections at a domain level old gen heap size
Definition: switches.h:259
DEF_SWITCHES_START aot vmservice shared library Name of the *so containing AOT compiled Dart assets for launching the service isolate vm snapshot The VM snapshot data that will be memory mapped as read only SnapshotAssetPath must be present isolate snapshot The isolate snapshot data that will be memory mapped as read only SnapshotAssetPath must be present cache dir Path to the cache directory This is different from the persistent_cache_path in embedder which is used for Skia shader cache icu native lib Path to the library file that exports the ICU data vm service The hostname IP address on which the Dart VM Service should be served If not set
Definition: switches.h:76
Definition: cp.py:12
SK_API uint32_t GetVkQueueFamilyIndex(const MutableTextureState &state)
SK_API VkImageLayout GetVkImageLayout(const MutableTextureState &state)
static bool submit_to_queue(const VulkanSharedContext *sharedContext, VkQueue queue, VkFence fence, uint32_t waitCount, const VkSemaphore *waitSemaphores, const VkPipelineStageFlags *waitStages, uint32_t commandBufferCount, const VkCommandBuffer *commandBuffers, uint32_t signalCount, const VkSemaphore *signalSemaphores, Protected protectedContext)
VkDescriptorType DsTypeEnumToVkDs(DescriptorType type)
static constexpr size_t VkFormatBytesPerBlock(VkFormat vkFormat)
SkISize CompressedDimensions(SkTextureCompressionType type, SkISize baseDimensions)
Definition: DataUtils.cpp:195
Definition: GpuTypes.h:61
list command
Definition: valgrind.py:24
int32_t height
int32_t width
SeparatedVector2 offset
constexpr int32_t y() const
Definition: SkPoint_impl.h:52
int32_t fX
x-axis value
Definition: SkPoint_impl.h:29
int32_t fY
y-axis value
Definition: SkPoint_impl.h:30
constexpr int32_t x() const
Definition: SkPoint_impl.h:46
Definition: SkRect.h:32
constexpr int32_t top() const
Definition: SkRect.h:120
constexpr int32_t height() const
Definition: SkRect.h:165
int32_t fTop
smaller y-axis bounds
Definition: SkRect.h:34
constexpr int32_t width() const
Definition: SkRect.h:158
int32_t fLeft
smaller x-axis bounds
Definition: SkRect.h:33
constexpr int32_t left() const
Definition: SkRect.h:113
Definition: SkSize.h:16
int32_t fWidth
Definition: SkSize.h:17
constexpr int32_t width() const
Definition: SkSize.h:36
constexpr int32_t height() const
Definition: SkSize.h:37
SkScalar fLeft
smaller x-axis bounds
Definition: extension.cpp:14
constexpr float x() const
Definition: SkRect.h:720
constexpr float y() const
Definition: SkRect.h:727
constexpr float height() const
Definition: SkRect.h:769
constexpr float width() const
Definition: SkRect.h:762
SkScalar fTop
smaller y-axis bounds
Definition: extension.cpp:15
const VkCommandBufferInheritanceInfo * pInheritanceInfo
Definition: vulkan_core.h:3894
VkStructureType sType
Definition: vulkan_core.h:3891
VkCommandBufferUsageFlags flags
Definition: vulkan_core.h:3893
VkImageLayout imageLayout
Definition: vulkan_core.h:3746
VkStructureType sType
Definition: vulkan_core.h:3386
VkExtent3D extent
Definition: vulkan_core.h:3959
VkOffset3D srcOffset
Definition: vulkan_core.h:3956
VkImageSubresourceLayers srcSubresource
Definition: vulkan_core.h:3955
VkImageSubresourceLayers dstSubresource
Definition: vulkan_core.h:3957
VkOffset3D dstOffset
Definition: vulkan_core.h:3958
uint32_t dstQueueFamilyIndex
Definition: vulkan_core.h:2943
VkImageLayout newLayout
Definition: vulkan_core.h:2941
VkImageSubresourceRange subresourceRange
Definition: vulkan_core.h:2945
VkImageLayout oldLayout
Definition: vulkan_core.h:2940
uint32_t srcQueueFamilyIndex
Definition: vulkan_core.h:2942
VkImageAspectFlags aspectMask
Definition: vulkan_core.h:2928
VkStructureType sType
Definition: vulkan_core.h:5417
const VkClearValue * pClearValues
Definition: vulkan_core.h:3977
VkStructureType sType
Definition: vulkan_core.h:3971
VkRenderPass renderPass
Definition: vulkan_core.h:3973
VkFramebuffer framebuffer
Definition: vulkan_core.h:3974
uint32_t waitSemaphoreCount
Definition: vulkan_core.h:3285
const VkPipelineStageFlags * pWaitDstStageMask
Definition: vulkan_core.h:3287
uint32_t commandBufferCount
Definition: vulkan_core.h:3288
const VkSemaphore * pWaitSemaphores
Definition: vulkan_core.h:3286
uint32_t signalSemaphoreCount
Definition: vulkan_core.h:3290
const VkCommandBuffer * pCommandBuffers
Definition: vulkan_core.h:3289
const void * pNext
Definition: vulkan_core.h:3284
const VkSemaphore * pSignalSemaphores
Definition: vulkan_core.h:3291
VkStructureType sType
Definition: vulkan_core.h:3283
const VkBufferView * pTexelBufferView
Definition: vulkan_core.h:3797
VkStructureType sType
Definition: vulkan_core.h:3788
const VkDescriptorImageInfo * pImageInfo
Definition: vulkan_core.h:3795
const VkDescriptorBufferInfo * pBufferInfo
Definition: vulkan_core.h:3796
VkDescriptorSet dstSet
Definition: vulkan_core.h:3790
const void * pNext
Definition: vulkan_core.h:3789
VkDescriptorType descriptorType
Definition: vulkan_core.h:3794
std::shared_ptr< const fml::Mapping > data
Definition: texture_gles.cc:63
VkClearColorValue color
Definition: vulkan_core.h:3931
VkClearDepthStencilValue depthStencil
Definition: vulkan_core.h:3932
VkFlags VkPipelineStageFlags
Definition: vulkan_core.h:2470
Definition: vulkan_core.h:1330
Definition: vulkan_core.h:1337
Definition: vulkan_core.h:1334
Definition: vulkan_core.h:1336
Definition: vulkan_core.h:1333
Definition: vulkan_core.h:1331
Definition: vulkan_core.h:1338
Definition: vulkan_core.h:2178
Definition: vulkan_core.h:2184
#define VK_TRUE
Definition: vulkan_core.h:131
Definition: vulkan_core.h:2776
VkFlags VkAccessFlags
Definition: vulkan_core.h:2235
VkFlags VkDependencyFlags
Definition: vulkan_core.h:2784
uint64_t VkDeviceSize
Definition: vulkan_core.h:96
VkFlags VkCommandPoolCreateFlags
Definition: vulkan_core.h:2821
Definition: vulkan_core.h:2830
Definition: vulkan_core.h:2166
Definition: vulkan_core.h:2238
Definition: vulkan_core.h:2546
Definition: vulkan_core.h:2552
Definition: vulkan_core.h:2545
Definition: vulkan_core.h:140
Definition: vulkan_core.h:150
Definition: vulkan_core.h:141
Definition: vulkan_core.h:142
Definition: vulkan_core.h:2213
Definition: vulkan_core.h:2210
Definition: vulkan_core.h:2212
Definition: vulkan_core.h:2202
Definition: vulkan_core.h:2204
Definition: vulkan_core.h:2208
Definition: vulkan_core.h:2211
Definition: vulkan_core.h:2209
Definition: vulkan_core.h:2205
Definition: vulkan_core.h:2203
Definition: vulkan_core.h:2207
Definition: vulkan_core.h:2126
Definition: vulkan_core.h:46
Definition: vulkan_core.h:4927
Definition: vulkan_core.h:2193
Definition: vulkan_core.h:2816
Definition: vulkan_core.h:2818
Definition: vulkan_core.h:2437
Definition: vulkan_core.h:2442
Definition: vulkan_core.h:2445
Definition: vulkan_core.h:2438
Definition: vulkan_core.h:2449
Definition: vulkan_core.h:2447
Definition: vulkan_core.h:2443
Definition: vulkan_core.h:127
Definition: vulkan_core.h:242
Definition: vulkan_core.h:237
Definition: vulkan_core.h:244
Definition: vulkan_core.h:288
Definition: vulkan_core.h:210
Definition: vulkan_core.h:245
Definition: vulkan_core.h:206
Definition: vulkan_core.h:241